tv [untitled] June 15, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT
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sense and later the crisis that he wrote, we would not have had the declaration of independence and the crisis is what got them into the boat to go across the delaware. he then says, george washington, you don't know what you're talking about. i'm going over there. george washington says go at your own risk and your own peril. i will not save you. thomas payne ends up in the bastille because as they are guillotined children, thomas payne is saying this isn't ending the way it did in america. why? because george washington knew divine providence. spiritual morally decent god fearing people were missing. and so, thomas payne goes into the bastille. he's scheduled to be executed through divine providence i believe he was saved. believe it or not they thought they would take him to the infirmary because he was sick. he was so sick they decided to
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take him to the doctor. if it's a head cold it will be over tomorrow. so they leave his door open. they leave the door open to his cell and that was a sign that the person had died. so they didn't put the execution notice on his door. that's divine providence. but then, thomas payne writes this, this is a copy of his letter that he published afterwards that says to george washington, i never thought you would be the one that would betray me. and he turns it around on washington. washington never responds. i never thought you would sell us out, but you did. you let me rot in jail. yes. what you're seeing in egypt is a repeat of history. what happened? we had ngos in jail.
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we had ngos americans on the ground there who had been playing in politics and stir things up. and the president and hirl had to go over and save them. why? anyone who knows history could know how that's going to end. now how are we going to go? how are we going to go? we don't have a good history ourself when we first came to the continent, what is blamed on religious people and honestly it was religious people, but it was misguided religious people that were not reading their scriptures. this is a an original warrant for the arrest of a lady named ana trasko. he was a witch. this is from salem. and they executed her. not only was she a witch, but she was pregnant and didn't have a husband. so she was taken and burned at the stake. now, what stopped that
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nightmare? religious people. the ministers, the ministers came and said, you are misreading the scriptures. this is an amazing "despotism in america." this basically describes the situation that we're in today. says there's a war coming. there's a war coming because there's a real problem. their problem there was vaifry. this book details american slavery in its worse. tell me these bad things can't happen in america. it's happened. it's happened twice. it just depends. these were witches.
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these were african-americans. but it doesn't end there. this is a book from 1864. this is at the end of the civil war. this book looks awfully darn familiar. i don't know if you can -- you can zoom in here. look at this picture. does this look familiar? this is the picture of a man who the malnourished who's in prison. does it look like anything we might have seen in the 20th century? it looks exactly like that. this was a concentration in the south for northern soldiers. don't tell me that man can't be inhumane. don't tell me that it can't happen again. it does. it has here in america. this is a book from 1881. this is extraordinarily rare book. this is called a century of dishonor. it's rare because nobody wanted to read it.
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it's what we did to the native american. and what we did to the native american was manifest destiny. god is on our side. god's not on man's side. we must be on his side. [ applause ] let me though you two more things. actually four. this is in 1771. this is not the originical cover. this is the book "the inefficacy of preaching." this was actually first printed in paris, 1771. they're starting to ramp up towards the revolution. and what is the message? it's the preachers. it's the churches. because the churches had gone
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wrong. because the churches had become about the government. they were an arm of the government. and so they could make the case. it's the churches. but this is an awful, awful evil book. let me just read the last, the last couple of pages here. let i be so, ebb joy the moimts which heaven's forbearance grants you. drink deep the cup of inequity. intoxicate yourself with the poison of destructive flatterers until all the people discovering nothing respectable in the rich and grant, insult and molest and to spoil them and their possessions til all therd os of the state running headlong into each other under the weight of every vice break asunder the bands of law and concord. that's the last line in it. it's riddled with this. rise up. rise up. be who you really are.
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get em. it's this book. this is the coming insurrection. this is a new book. this was printed first in 2006. i've been talking about this one for a while. this is "occupy wall street." which is what's happening in greece. if you don't understand this book as i was called crazy for in 2007, i think. if you don't see this, if you haven't read this, if you don't know what this is, if you don't know what the seeds are that have been planted long before the french revolution 1771 remember, long before this french revolution 2006, long before what was happening in about to happen in france is happening in greece. is happening in egypt, it's get em. what is it we're hearing now
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from so many people. get em. it's the rich. it's those guys. whoever, whoever those guys are. doesn't matter. i've just shown you. it doesn't matter. we can make those guys into anybody. that's not the answer. this is from 1836. this is after andrew jackson. six years in the manifest destiny and there's a big market crash. and the whole country is starting to starve. and it talks about it was not possible although six months ago the despondency among the mines was nearly hopeless that a business should die entirely unless the nation had died also. a nation as large as our own
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consuming continually. it goes on to -- we've become consumers. this is 1836. all we're doing now is consuming. have we forgotten everything? have we forgotten about god? god is going to correct this. he needs us to be corrected because we are a special place no matter what anybody says. 1836, we are a special place. we have problems. and god needs to correct us. and that's all that's happening. in this book it goes on to say there are people, two parties right now. one is just blaming it on the banks. and the other is just saying the government can fix it. wow should we listen to history. this is the answer here. the treasury bill relief for
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hard times will just be to get back in -- [ applause ] our pulpits are asleep. our people have been asleep. they're not as asleep as some of the pulpits are. but our churches are asleep. i will leave a church that tells me who to vote for. but a church that tells me these are our values, and we stand for these values, we stand for decency. we substantiate for compassion. the best way to lift people up is not to take it from someone else, but to help them. and encourage them and teach a man to fish not to give them fish. when i hear that --
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[ applause ] there is no -- there is no -- there's no argument there. 30% of our -- of our population conservative population is unregistered. 30%. we have to get registered. hang on, i'm getting a message that my mic is not on. hang on. now can you hear me? that didn't work either. can you hear me? 30% of our nation is not registered in conservative
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groups. massive, active groups. that's crazy. in one state, 41,000 people gave checks to the gop. you write them to the gop. 41,000. 19,000 of those people weren't registered. you care enough to give your hard earned money, but not to vote? your vote is much more valuable currency than your ever rapidly decan diminished currency. we have to register to vote. we have to be politically involved. we have to connect with one another. we have to reach out beyond our comfort zone. we have to look for like minded people and say, bill, i'm not going to agree with you on about
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30% of what you say, because 30% of what you say i think is nuts. but you're a decent guy. and we agree on core issues. your fight is my fight. my fight is your fight. when they started going after the catholics. first they came after the catholics. declare yourself a catholic today. i just did an interview with cnn they asked me, glenn, tell me about what you think the mormon died is? how do you think that's going to play a role? that doesn't play a role. it doesn't play a role. in common sense thinking people you look at the content of the character. you don't look at the party. it's -- [ applause ] how many of us have voted for somebody in a and we thought they agree because they're a republican? that label means nothing. how does a man live his life. how does a man live his life?
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that's what plays a role. our character. and we need to look at our character first. take the beam out of our own eye. look to our character first. we can't be -- nobody wants to follow somebody who's always pointing the finger. why do you think barack obama's polls are going down. he's always saying it's his fault. when he went and made a tough decision to go shoot osama bin laden in the head, boy, that was a tough one. that would have taken me all of about, okay, let's do it. [ applause ] when he -- when he was looking to do that, he had to have a letter to say i'm going to blame it on somebody else in case it goes wrong. nobody wants to follow that person. nobody wants to follow somebody who's always looking to place blame. nobody wants to be with a group
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that is always against something. we have a -- we have a god given opportunity. miracles. let me tell you something. i have seen the finger of god. i've seen it. i've seen miracles happen over and over and over again i've seen it. whether you want to recognize it, you want to call it a coincidence, god bless you. we'll have a good laugh and we're all up in heaven together. i really thought that was a coincidence. you can call it whatever you want, but i've seen the finger of god. he is not neutral in the affairs of man. he is not neutral in the freedom of mankind. and i'm telling you, if we just do what we're supposed to do, oh my gosh, miracles are are coming.
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he's -- at the same time he's going to withdraw his protection, the farther we get from him. he has to. he will withdraw his protection. and it will feel, some will say he's smashing us. preachers might tell you we're paying for -- no. the lord's arm is extended. he is our father. he's saying come to me. please. just come to me. let's come to him. let's be better than we were yesterday. let's, i am telling you we are doing another event in not in washington this time. i really don't like this city. and i've learned in the last 24 hours it doesn't really like me. but -- thank you, you're not from around these parts, are you? in dallas, the scariest thing i ever did was write a check, sign my name to the bottom of a lease
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for dallas cowboys stadium. and i did not knowing if anyone would -- not knowing if anyone would come. this july we're doing three nights in dallas. we're doing first night with freedom works and that's all -- [ applause ] you're from freedom works. you guys are the best. freedom works helped me organize something when i went over and met with the vatican about three months ago. i met with world freedom leaders people who are fighting in georgia, strail, all around the world. they're begging for america to help us. we don't know how to do it. we don't have a tea party. our people don't understand small government. help us. we've invited them 1,000 are coming to dallas on july 26th. and freedom works took out and they signed their name on the bottom of a lease for american airlines center. please come.
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tell all of your friends. please. the second night, the second night james robinson has not announced any of this yet, but he has worked tirelessly to put some of the biggest faith leaders together and the night is a deal like we had in washington here before restoring honor of preachers and the public is invited to come. but the day is preachers and pastors and rabbis and priests kicking each other's butts and trying to help one another. how do we unite. how the we find our ways back to our basic principals? and then on saturday is a celebration at dallas cowboys stadium to take our culture back. and to stand guard. it's not enough to win at the polls. we've given enough. we've given enough. we're going to lose. a year ago i was watching the show "glooe" with my wife and we watched it like this.
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it's horrifying some of the things that they're teaching high schoolers. but it's brilliantly done. it's bril lantly done. it's produced brilliantly. all of it. i said at the end of it, we lose. there's no way to beat that. yes, there is. we've spent a year now trying to put together a push back with artists with music, but not the stereotypical conservative lee greenwood music. music i call it by oedipus project, the left will be making out with me and they'll never see it coming. somebody will say don't u.n. who produced that music? no. i really like it. it's great. oh, yes, it is. we have to take a stand we're in texas for a reason. draw a line in the sand. we're not just going to say we're not going any farther than this. we're saying this the end of the
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line. we're moving this way now. that happens on july 28th. we're also doing the day before we're doing a service project. we already have 30,000 people signed up to stand together and go into community after community and serve and help clean and help paint, help raise food. we already, in the first week, in the first week since i've announced this, already just the audience of gbtv has raised a million meals for the homeless. that's in a week. what can we do together? what can we do if we all stand together? it's not enough to be against big government programs, we must be for charity and actively involved and engaged and let people see it.
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>> i want to leave you with this. my life has taken such a turn in the last ten years. i was a guy in 1999, nobody would even cross the street to shake my hand and i didn't deserve it. i had spent my life on the wrong side and i changed my life, and i sobered up, and i found faith and the i found the redeeming power of the savior, and i changed my life, and i promised that if he would just erase the things that i had done at least in my own head, if he would just take that burden from me that i would do what he asked me to do, and i have been so blessed, and with some of the wealth that we have found we have tried to begin to collect the documents that tell the story of america both good and bad because we
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need both bad and the good, we have to be able to make that case. for christmas, my wife gave me the favorite thing that i own now, and i own some amazing things that we're going to be sharing with david barton in the coming months and years, but i, for christmas i opened this gift up. there was a man in hungary who was sent as a consulate to the swedish embassy, and he was allowed to give people their dignity back. he would write official letters declaring people swedes and giving them letters of
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protection and letters that said this individual doesn't have to wear the yellow star. they are now under our p protection. this is one of the last letters he wrote. this is for a woman who went on to do amazing things in literature and in art and later came here to america, one of the last letters saying she doesn't have to wear your yellow star. she's with us. when it was issued the people around him said you'll have to leave. the russians are coming, and they'll kill you, too. he said that he wouldn't because there were still people to save.
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he remained. we don't even know where he's buried. he was taken by the russians shortly after this letter. he saved thousands of people. it only takes one person. it only takes one person to do the right thing to change the world. the world is going to go either incredibly dark or incredibly light. it cannot remain in this gray period much longer. we will chart its course. we as individuals, will decide. give your children the
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is. >> thank you, gren. thank you very much. you guys want to keep going? this is part of making it more effective. it's called caloric and sleep deprivation. we just keep going. here's the deal. i only need you for 30 seconds and then we're going to adjourn. number one, make sure you go to these breakouts, if you need a sandwich or a piece of fruit, grab it so you can keep functioning, but you want to go to these breakouts. we've got catholic citizen action and we've got wing the youth vote back. we desperately need to do that. i'm doing a seminar in congressional room a right now on the keys to victory in 2012. you need to hear that. that's number one. go to those breakouts. number two, if you haven't
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bought a ticket to the gala banquet tomorrow night it's about to sell out. you need to buy that. i can't go into further detail, but we have reason to believe we're going have a special guest. so you want to buy that ticket. we'll have lieutenant governor rebecca clayfish, other speakers. you don't want to miss it, and then as soon as we get done with the web video back here, glenn beck will be out here to sign your books and i'll see you in my seminar in a few minutes. god bless you. have a great afternoon. ♪ ♪ ♪ today mitt romney kicked off a bus tour visiting six
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battleground states. at 2:30 this afternoon he has an ice cream social in millford, new hampshire. you can see that on our companion network, c-span. mitt romney's bus tour continues through the weekend and early next week. tomorrow he visits three towns in pennsylvania. sunday it's on to ohio and then wisconsin and iowa on monday and governor romney will wrap up his bus tour tuesday in michigan where he was born and raised. today the american constitution society is holding a forum on growing income and equality in the united states and the role of government in addressing the issue. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg will be speaking at 6:00 p.m. eastern and you can see it live on our companion network c-span. kenya, indonesia, hawaii, kansas, chicago and washington, this weekend on book tv follow
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david maraniss on his journey walking in a president's footsteps for "barack obama, the story," a video record of his travels and sunday david takes your calls and questions. also this week oebdz afterwards, conservative commentator jonah goldberg blames liberals for an ongoing war of ideas using the tyranny of cliches. >> american politics have been distorted by the last century or so by the idea that you move further away from the bad things and one is fascist and another one is homophobic and another one is sexist and the fascist and american political life is simply a conservative who is winning an argument. that is sunday night at 9:00 on book tv on c-span2. >> senate finance committee chair max baucus is leading the nation's tax code. he't
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