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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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nurtured her, which has roots in the fields and the houses of a time when americans owned slaves. so as we recommit ourselves to end modern slavery, we should take a moment to reflect on how far we have come here in aerocountaerour country and around the world, but how much further we still have to go to find a way to free those 27 million victims. and to ensure that there are no longer any victims in the future. thank you all very much. [ applause ]
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we are joined today by ten amazing individuals. representing many more individuals that work so hard to do their part in this fight. and i have asked those on this side of the stage to come over with us. starting with marcello columbo. in recognition of his profound influence on efforts to investigate and prosecute human trafficking cases and take a bold stance against corruption and official complicity. [ applause ] in recognition of her extraordinary commitment to uncovering human trafficking
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cases, her innovative strategy to raise public awareness in spite of resources and her proactive approach to providing protective services to victims in aruba, janet richardso janet richardson barbs. [ applause ] in recognition of her efforts to bring awareness and her identify the kour elements of an oo anti-trafficking model, from australia, ann gallagher. in recognition of his amazing courage to escape slavery and his remarkable activism to end
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human trafficking, raising awareness of labor exploitation in the fishing industry of southeast asia. [ applause ] >> in recognition of his unwaivering efforts in the face of threats and act of violences to him and his family, to provide aid to trafficking victims in the republic of the congo. [ applause ] in recognition of his dedication to victim protection and support and his tireless work to enlist new partners in anti-trafficking efforts in greece, phil
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hildegard. [ applause ] for her compassion and courage in bringing attention to the suffering of the human trafficking victims and her ground breaking work to identify the abuses. [ applause ] for her ongoing and exemplary leadership to increase engagement, strengthen commitments to fight trafficking, judge maria graco genado. [ applause ]
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in recognition of her courageous advocacy on the behalf of vulnerable people and her pioneering work to outlaw slavery once and for all, in the country in which she was the first woman lawyer. [ applause ] the founder of human justice administration, for his work to preserve rule of law around the globe, gary hrk haugen.
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>> if i could ask vincent to please come to the podium and speak on behalf of the tip heros, please. [ applause ] >> bonjour. --. >> translator: madame secretary, honorable undersecretaries, honorable ambassadors, heads of diplomatic missions, distinguished guests. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> translator: on behalf of my organization and of all the heros here that i have the honor to represent, i would like to thanking the united states government for honoring us with this award at this unforgettable moment. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> translator: the phenomenon of human trafficking has reached alarming proportions around the world. my country, the republic of congo, and many others represented at this meeting are not scared from this crime. therefore, the international community cannot remain silent against this evil and must continue to be respond diligently. i must thank them for their advocacy and dialogue in the fight against this phenomenon. [ speaking foreign language ]
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in my career as a medical doctor the numerous dramatic injuries i have seen inflicted and cured on child victims of trafficking led me to stand as a pillar of support for hundreds of children. these child victims of trafficking have been identified, rescued, protected and sometimes supported by our organization in the republic of the congo has led to several kidnapping and assassination attempts against me. but it's also filled me with joy and happiness, when, for instance, heard a teenager who i
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rescued tell me, you are my father. [ speaking foreign language ] [ speaking foreign language ] >> translator: i have the honor to represent -- who will continue the fight against traffickers with passionately. as for its commitments to the fight against trafficking and forced labor, i will be able to continue to work jointly with the government, unicef and other international and national organizations.
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[ speaking foreign language ] this is a problem that must be resolved through a joint effort. human trafficking is a human rights violation. [ speaking foreign language ] an approach in human rights in the prevent of and fight against trafficking has several requirements in both law and practice. moat of all, victims' rights
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must be fully respected and clearly identified. finally, these victims are entitled to justice, reparations, and should be treated with close attention, as they are vulnerable. [ speaking foreign language ] >> translator: perseverance and collaboration will lead us to success in the eradication of this phenomenon. [ speaking morni ining foreign ] >> translator: madame secretary, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, i would like to conclude by stating that i hope we can work together to build a better future for all children of the world. thank you. [ applause ]
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your words are inspiring and your leadership and the struggle is also inspiring. you are once again reminding us that the individual actions of each human being has tremendous impact and that we are all responsible for playing a role in eradicating this crime that continues to exist in our
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societies. i want to thank you all for joining this event today. the commitment, the passion, is responsibility that all of you take on and that is represented in this room once again reminds us that we are not only moving in the right direction, but that we are going to make this goal be within our reach. is thank you very much for being here with us today. thank you, madame. [ applause ]
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the ticket line outside the supreme court, a line that formed three days before oral arguments commenced. some that described the controversy as unprecedented. they may be right if they mean the number of protests going on outside while -- was going on under way inside. and though the deliberations are
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private, that has not dissuaded the media from publishing a steady stream of rumors. my favorite widely observed at the supreme court, those who know, don't talk, and those who talk don't know. >> watch the rest of her comments from the american constitution society online at the c-span video library. next month award winning author and historian david pietrusza is our guest. his passion for american presidents and the great american past time, baseball, has resulted in a dozen books. including 1920, the year of the six presidents. and rothstein, about the fixing of the 1916 world series. join us live with your calls, e-mails and tweets for david
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petruza sunday on book tv's in depth on c-span2. >> this is c-span 3. every week 48 hours of people and events telling the american story on american history tv. get our schedules and see past programs on our websites. and you can join in the conversation on social media sites. house oversight committee republicans continued their criticism of the energy department's loan guarantee program, releasing e-mails between an energy department contractor, and executives from one of the companies that received government funds. the co-ceo of the company testified before the government sub committee. he and three other executives said the government backing was instrumental in moving forward on a number of large scale renewable projects. the program was administered by the energy department, and is the same department that gave
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loans no solyndra. this is about two hours and ten minutes. >> you had to listen to us talk for a few minutes first. kind of a little procedure. it's got an echo today, doesn't it? we got to have have someone check that out. today's hearing continues the examination of president obama's green air agenda that had an effort to create a government engineered green utopia. after the bankruptcy of solyndra and beacon power, taxpayers have a right to know how and why their money was spent in such poor ways. the committee as uncovered a troubling pattern of projects, receiving billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies. the obama a mrgs frequently claims the 1705 loan guarantee program and other stimulus funded green programs create
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green jobs in america and will develop a strong american green energy sector. in contract to the optimistic predictions for the administration, at the last hearing before this sub committee, we heard from four loan guarantee recipient companies that were struggling financially. halting production, despite receiving billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies. today's hearing will exam other beneficiaries. large, successful companies that had plenty of access to capital to fund green energy projects, but saw obama administration programs as an easier and more ro profitable way to make money with little or no risk from themselves. today we'll hear team from companies. these companies, took over $5 million in taxpayer loan guarantees and all had ties to either the obama administration or powerful politicians. "the new york times" described the loan guarantee programs and
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other programs as a, quote, banquet of government subsidies and a windfall for the industry. this wasn't ignored by the i have never seen anything i have had to do in 20 years that involved less risk than these projects and we intend to do as much business as we can get our hands on. the business model of these companies is clear. sign long-term contracts with the utilities required to purchase newable energy and seek federal government backing to build green energy facilities and use political connections to grease the wheels as mr. crane implied. the companies are clear winners. they get all the profit. the losers are consumers all over the country who pay higher prices and the american taxpayers bear the risks if the projects fail. this is the obama administration's economics in a nut shell.
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i want to thank or witnesses. it gets to the core of government pretending it can be a venture capitalist. they use their lobbying savvy andy and political connections to get billions from the american taxpayer. with that i yield from my friend to from ohio. mr. kucinich. >> thank you very much for calling this hearing. i look forward to the witnesses and to learn more about the department of energy's loan guarantee program and what it achieved for the american people. before the witnesses take their oath to provide true and accurate testimony, i top the make sure our record is accurate to the best of our ability. on march 20th, 2012, our chairman issued a majority report alleging that "eoe violated the statutory requirement that projects commence construction by september 30th, 2011.
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in approving a loan guarantee for the project and to place solar panels in 28 states. accusing a federal agency of breaking the law is a serious accusation. it's not made lightly or shouldn't be without substantial evidence. the committee has in their position a report of a september 2nd 2011 site visit by engineers from doe and bank of america's independent contractor which appears to refute the accuracy of the majority's assertion. bank of america was the lender applicant on this project. at that time both bank of america engineers and doe engineers confirmed that the commencement of construction
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requirement had been met. now, months prior to the issuance of the majority's report, doe produced to the committee a document drafted by bank of america's consultant dated september 20th, 2011. soifg that the project had met the statutory requirement for the commencement of construction. in addition, a september 21st 2011 document issued by the doe also indicates in writing that both parties confirmed the commencement of construction. the only evidence that my friends in the majority cited for concluding that the requirement was not met is an e-mail. sent by a lawyer for bank of america months after the events. we don't know what the e-mail said. we do not know if bank of america said what the majority
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attributed to it or if the majority misunderstood what the bank of america's attorney wrote. because the majority has not released the e-mail to the public. despite bank of america's significant role as the source of both the consultant's report and the e-mail reportedly contradicting it, our chairman has not sent a formal document request to the company. nor did the chairman invite bank of america here today to explain the bank's role in the 1705 program or the discrepancy between the majority report and the independent consultants certification. if our chairman still believes that the dow violated the law,
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it is incumbent to testify and resolve the apparent contradiction. some of my colleagues expressed concern that crowyism was at play. the majority's witness today, the scholar from the center points to loans and like the that goldman sachs subsidiary received as the worst kind. this committee has not requested documents from goldman sachs. or why they believe it was a good investment for the sheet or american taxpayers. both bank of america and goldman sachs could help them understand the projects and the process that our chairman condemned.
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both our substantial contributors with very deep pockets. who else could shed better light on whether federal loan guarantees were necessary or if politics was appropriately at play. curiously the committee has not inquired with them. that's too bad. a review of finance records would reveal that there donors to political causes who are just waiting for an opportunity to be heard from. bank of america for instance made over 555,000 in contributions to my friends and individuals including several members of the committee. i'm not saying this because i know the members of this committee and they are honest
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people. we have to understand the cast over the proceedings when you have bank of america and you have goldman sachs being excluded from this kind of discussion. so i haven't seen the evidence of the favoritism that the majority alleged in the federal program supporting energy of the technologies, but i noticed the absence of several key players in the investigation and we need to address that. just a month ago, the chairman said he would invite his friend to testify to future hearings. i hope he will do so and extend similar invitations to governor brewer of arizona and former givens of nevada who i had the pleasure of serving with. today continues the value of the doe's loan guarantee to america's future economic and energy security. i hope we can invite the others
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in this program to hear their opinions. i yield back and thank the gentlemen. >> i thank the gentlemen and the unanimous consent from south carolina that they be able to sit in and participate by asking questions. i point out that we have with us the whole he owned subsidiary. they have a presence in front of this committee and we will be hearing from him in a few minutes. >> for my friend would yield briefly, i think with all due respect to the witness who is part of a wholly owned subsidiary, it would be more to have the ceo here to explain the role of goldman sachs in these programs. i thank the gentlemen for pointing that out. >> we're want to introduce the panel.
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get right to the witnesses. mr. walter, i got that right. that's the ceo and mr. robert man sini is the ceo and we have with us the ceo of technologies and the senior research fellow at the center at george mason university. we want to welcome you here. it's the practice to swir you in. if you can stand up and raise your right hand. >> do you swear or affirm the testimony you give will you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. everyone answered in the affirmative. you get five minutes more or less. keep it close if you can. you video the light system in front of you. we will go dowe


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