tv [untitled] June 26, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2008 there was $10 million in prizes for folks who could construct and demonstrate a vehicle that gets more than 100 miles per gallon equivalent fuel economy, and three vehicles succeeded and split the prize money, but the interesting thing is the competentors invested $100 million in pursuit of $10 million in prizes. i call this leverage. >> and i thank you for that, and i think we both agree that it's certainly not a substitute for research grants, but another way
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of trying to promote innovation in our country. couple other things i wanted to touch on that were brought up earlier, first very briefly, i wanted to concur with ms. lofgren on the nif and i'm interested in what we're going to do and the continuation of that, and education, as co-chair of the caucus, one thing particularly that i wanted to raise with you is the thorough investment in formal science education which has shrunk in recent years and this year's budget requests for example included 22% reduction in advanced informal stem learning grant program. so i just wanted to ask do you expect informal education programs, including grant programs, to be an important part of future federal stem education portfolio, are we going to continue to see this
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going down? >> i think it will continue to be an important part. we're in the stages of producing a strat strategic plan that draws on the inventory where for the first time we conducted a comprehensive inventory of all the stem ed departments and agencies that do these things. we're already benefitting from some of the insights of that inventory in finding ways to expand programs that are more cost effective and shrink some of those that are less cost effective but i would certainly not expect the informal education programs to go away, i think when the stem education strategic plan comes out fairly shortly, those programs will continue to have a role. >> i certainly encourage you to continue including informal stem ed. i know how important that was for me personally and for a lot of others and i look forward to seeing the federal stem education strategic plan later
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this year. anything more specific when this may come out or anything else you could tell us about that plan? >> i believe the stem education strategic plan will be out by fall. >> thank you. i yield back. >> gentleman yields back. i thank dr. holdren for your testimony and we may have other questions. i have some questions i've submitted in writing and get them to you and hope within a couple of weeks we can leave the record open for that, and to miss lofgren it's my understanding they have an agreement on the content of her request and without objection her request is granted, and with that, doctor, you're excused. this hearing is adjourned. we are adjourned.
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>> this morning, the senate judiciary committee will hold a hearing on deceptive practices and voter intimidation in federal elections. the committee will examine legislation introduced by senate schumer that imposes criminal penalties for deceptive and intimidating voting practices. civil rights advocates and election law scholar also examine recent voter i.d. laws passed in some states, barriers to voting and weather senator schumer's proposed bill is constitutional. join us live at 10:00 a.m. eastern here on c-span3. sunday award winning author and historian david pietrusza is our guest on "in-depth" he has a dozen books including "1920, the year of the six presidents" 1960, lbj versus jfk and nixon"
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and "roth stein" about the fixing of the 1913 world series. join us live with your americailies and tweets with david pietrusza sunday at noon eastern on c-span2. now the debate between the two republican u.s. senate candidates in texas. stormer state solicitor general ted cruz and texas lieutenant governor david dewhurst debated last week in dallas. they talked about the federal health care law, immigration, social security, the u.s. role in syria, and tsa security screening procedures, they're running in a july 31st primary runoff. this is the first primary debate between the two candidates. mr. dewhurst is being supported by texas governor rick perry, while mr. cruz is supported by sarah palin, ron paul and rick santorum. runup election was necessary because none of the republican candidates got 50% of the vote to win the gop nomination in the primary may 29th. this is about an hour.
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>> believe the republican party is based on fiscal responsibility, smaller government and less intrusion in your private life. >> i want to see somebody with some backbone, somebody with some spine. >> liberty is under assault in this country and texans are rising up to say no. >> i am the most fiscally conservative lieutenant governor in the history of the state of texas. >> why do you think i should vote for you? >> welcome to the texas debates, race for the u.s. senate. we are broadcasting live from the kera studios in dallas and online at
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i'm kate, and i'll be the moderator during the next hour as we bring you the first one on one debate between republicans ted cruz and david dewhurst. 41-year-old ted cruz say harvard law school graduate who served as the director of policy planning for the federal trade comission is enat state of texas' solicitor general. he's currently a private attorney in houston. 66-year-old david dewhurst graduated from the university of arizona and started a successful energy company, falcon seaboard, based in houston. he was first elected as texas land commissioner and has served as text lieutenant lieutenant governor since 2003. the candidates will be answering questions posed by republican voters who have been following their campaigns and by journalists, political reporter crystal ayala from univision, texas, peggy fekak, the legislative bureau chief for the "san antonio expressious" and "the houston chronicle" and ross
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rams ramsey, executive editor of "the texas tribune." thank you for being here. we've agreed on rules for the debate, based on a coin toss the first question from peggy goes to ted cruz. >> mr. cruz, more than 11 million undocumented people are in this country. do you support or oppose deporting them and do you support a guest worker program for which a number of them could qualify as laid out in the state republican party platform? >> well, thank you for being here and thank you for everyone in the studio audience for joining us. the question you raise touches on a crisis that our nation is facing. we have a crisis in illegal immigration and the unhappy truth is neither party is serious about solving the problem. in my view we need to do three things, number one, everything human possible to secure the border. the reason there are 11 million people here illegally is because the federal government has fallen down on its vital job of securing our borders. number two i am categorically
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opposed to amnesty. amnesty is wrong, contrary to rule of law and unfair to the millions of legal immigrants who waited in line and came here legally. we need to remain a nation that doesn't just welcome and supp t supportisupport legal immigrants that followed here and are supporting the american dream. president obama passed a back door policy that in my opinion is unconstitutional and wrong. the constitution explicitly -- >> would you like to answer the question? the question was about a guest worker program. >> i do not support a guest worker program. and i do not support any expansions in immigration unless and until we secure our borders, and for too long we've been listening to politicians talk about it and haven't gotten the job done. >> thank you, mr. dew murs? >> illegal immigration is a
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serious problem, that combined with dangerous drugs which are coming in to texas, trance national gangs, and the federal government has done a terrible, terrible job in trying to secure our border. i don't support a guest worker program, never have, until and unless congress addresses this but after and only after we've secured our border. for the last three years i've been recommending that we need to triple the size of our border patrol. it is woefully understaffed. i've recommended that by tripling it, we'd be adding 40,000 more border patrol, that's an opportunity for 40,000 more veterans coming back from afghanistan and iraq to help secure our border, and that will, because we've been running surge operations here in the state of texas over the last six years, and that will stop illegal immigration. >> thank you. >> how would you deal with the people who are already here, more than 11 million people? >> first to mr. cruz and then mr. dewhurst, about 30 seconds
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each. >> we need to do i acouple of things. number one eliminate sanctuary cities. there are a lot of cities in the state of texas where immigration laws are not enforced. we need to enforce the law and i'll point out this is an area where my opponent and i disagree. he was responsible for killing the bill that would have prohibited sanctuary cities. number two, what we need to do is end the benefits for those who are here illegally. i oppose in-state tuition for illegal aliens. this is an area of disagreement wean me and my opponent. >> mr. dewhurst? >> neither statement is true. i passed out of the senate an anti-sanctuary city bill and i've always opposed benefits in state tuition for illegals. what we've got to do is address -- the federal government is incapable of doing two things at once. we're going to have to secure our border by tripling the size of our border patrol and then, and only then can, should congress address these issues.
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>> you want to ask -- would you like to respond any further to peggy's question about deportation? >> america is a country of laws, and we need to enforce all of our laws. >> okay, thank you very much. our second question comes from ross ramsey to lieutenant governor dewhurst. >> should the federal government have bailed out general motors? >> absolutely not. absolutely not. the federal government should be staying out of picking winners and losers. when they do get involved, we end up with something like solyndra, $532 million loss. the federal government should be focused on its problems. washington is broken. texas is a good example of what a good government should look like, and i'm proud as a lifelong businessman to have come to austin, to help create the texas miracle, and i want to take that miracle, the strongest
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economy in the entire country, i want to take it to washington and get our country back to work. >> mr. cruz? >> of course we shouldn't have. we've got a problem in washington. we've got career politicians in both parties that spend the taxpayer money. it's how we've gotten a $16 trillion debt that is bankrupting our country. i don't support bailouts, period. i don't support the bailout of the auto companies. i don't support the bailout of the banks. government shouldn't be in the business of spending taxpayer money to help private corporations. the role of government is to protect our rights, to protect our national security, to ensure rule of law and to stay out of the way and let entrepreneurs create jobs, and that's the problem with washington, is career politicians spending money and digging us into a hole that is threatening the economic future of our nation. >> what would you have done with the 2,500 or more jobs that would have been lost in arlington, had we not, had the
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federal government not bailed out general motors? >> at the end of the day we don't know what jobs would or wouldn't have been lost because the natural process of the market you have a bankruptcy proceeding and there may be people who come in, acquire assets and deploy it else where and that sort of question always assumes that the money from the government comes from nowhere, so i would ask the same question, all of those billions of dollars, the 900 billion in porkulus plan that obama passed, every dollar there was not in the private sector creating jobs and -- >> thank you. >> -- it cost many, many more jobs than were saved by the bailouts. >> one of the things i'm proud of is the texas miracle that i didn't do it alone, but i played a large role in taking my business skills to austin and creating not only the strongest state economy in the entire country, but the fastest growing job base, and so in a situation where there might be, as my opponent mentioned, might be some layoffs we need to continue
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to do everything we can to grow our state, to continue to encourage more investment. this model right here in texas works and it will work in washington. >> okay, gentlemen, thank you very much. when we ask our voters in our audience about issues that are important to them, they had some strong opinions about improving the economy. here's what they told us. >> our next senator we really want him to be concerned with how our future is going to play out especially when we're done with school, so if this candidate is saying that they are going to look out for us and keep the economy great in texas so that we can find a job that's probably one that we're going to support. >> most important to me as a small businessperson is that the government does everything it can to reduce regulation, overburdening regulation. we do need some regulation obviously, but it's at a point now where it's crushing business. >> we desperately need a balanced budget and we need to get our economy on a track that
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we can grow instead of going deeper into debt. >> crystal ayala from univision, texas, is with one of the voters you saw in the video. you have a question. >> thank you, shelley, i'm with amanda, from the university of texas graduate student majoring in journalism. good evening, amanda. what is your question for mr. ted cruz? >> one in three young people are unemployed and over a third are living back home with their parents. we have over $1 trillion of student loan debt. if you were in washington, what would you do to ensure that we had jobs and we could pay our bills? >> thank you for that question, amanda. it is a crisis. it's a crisis affecting young people. it's a crisis affecting americans across this country. there are 25 million people out of work, and a huge part of the reason is for the last three years president obama has waged a war on jobs. we need the next senator from texas to be a strong
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conservative and a fighter to stop the obama war on jobs, to repeal obama care, and i intend to lead the fight to repeal every word of obama care, to revoke the offshore drilling moratorium to stop the assault, it is a boot crushing small businesses which is taking away jobs from young people, if we take the boot off of the back of small businesses, that's how we turn our economy around? >> mr. dewhurst? >> look at the contrast between washington and texas. here in texas over the last nine years we've dcut, i've been involved in cutting spending virtually each year by billions of dollars. washington is increasing spendispend. i've helped cut taxes for over $1.6 billion in texas businesses and taxpayers. washington wants to increase taxes. i've balanced five straight budgets without raising taxes. harry reid hasn't balanced a budget in over three years.
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i've run tv ads against obama care, because i think it's a bad piece of legislation and my first day in the senate, i will move to repeal obama care. >> we have another question regarding jobs. unemployed people in texas can collect 60 weeks of benefits down from 99 at the beginning of the year. do you support giving those out of work more weeks of unemployment compensation that they have right now? mr. cruz? >> i do not. i don't think the answer is to create people being dependent on government. the answer is to get the government policies out of the way to allow jobs to be created by entrepreneurs. you know, the problem we all have as voters is we see politicians and they talk a good game. my opponent talks about cutting spending and cutting taxes, just like the politicians in washington do, but what he doesn't mention is that in his years in elected office he's
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repeatedly cut deals with democrats, when he was elected the state budget was $116 billion. last year, it was $188 billion. that's a $72 billion increase, larger than population and larger than inflation. taxes have gone up 49% since he's been lieutenant governor and all of us are tired of politicians that talk a good game but keep spending more and more money, and that's what's describi destroying jobs. >> lieutenant governor dewhurst. >> oh, i love the math. i love the math. thank you for saying that. quite frankly, one of your big supporters, the club for growth just a couple months ago put out a statement on texas, and said that the state of texas, its tax structure leads the country, it's exemplary, and also pointed out that over the years between 2002 and 2010 that the inflation and population growth exceeded
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the increase in our budget, so that in essence our state spending has gone down. it's a fact. facts are stubborn, my friend, and as far as -- i'm proud of the fact that by cutting taxes, you see, this is a fundamental part of economics. when you cut taxes, you grow your revenue. so you have more revenue coming in. that's exactly what happened in the 1980s, under president reagan when he cut the marginal federal income taxes, our revenues dramatically increased. >> thank you very much. as we said we've been talking to the voters here, listening to them and more than anything else, they tell us that what they want from the next senator is integrity. let's listen. >> i want to see someone who has integrity, who has a good record of things they've done to protect our liberty and our freedoms. >> i want to see a man that upholds our wonderful
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constitution, and does not compromise what our country was founded on. >> i'd like to see texas character. we're known as people of our word, where a handshake is as good as a signed contract. >> i'm not looking for somebody that wants to get along. i want somebody that's going to go to washington to do what the people of texas have sent them there to do. >> so this question goes to lieutenant governor dewhurst first. is there anything your opponent has done that shows he lacks the integrity and character that these voters say they want? >> you know, shelley i think what the voters had said is so important. we need in all of our elected officials, we need men and women of integrity that are consistent, that will do what they say, and i'm going to leave that up to the voters of texas. i'm not here to criticize my opponent. i'm just proud of the fact that i have a record of doing exactly
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what i say that i'm going to do. i have never compromised my conservative principles once. yes, i've negotiated. i've negotiated to try and get the requisite number of votes so we could pass bills but i've never compromised my conservative principles. >> mr. cruz? >> i'll leave the judgment of character to the voters, but from the beginning, what our campaign has been focused on is a straightforward comparison of my record of having spent a lifetime fighting to defend the constitution and winning on a national level, and lieutenant governor's record of serving in elected office for over a decade repeatedly compromising with democrats, increasing spending, increasing taxes and i think the frustration every one of us voters shares with career politicians is they talk a great game, and yet they keep spending more and more and more money. you know it was interesting a minute ago we were talking about taxes and the lieutenant
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governor said he has cut taxes 51 times. that may well be true, but he had one big tax increase which is the business margins tax that was introduced under his leadership, jacked up the taxes of the state of texas, was sold to the voters as a way to lower property taxes and one year later the property tax were higher and as a result textians pay 49% more. >> is this an integrity issue with you mr. cruz? >> i think what the voters care about is what the record is of each candidate and that's why i did find it amusing, lieutenant governor said he's not here to attack me, given he's spent over $10 million of his own money running false nasty attack ads but there from my end we'll stay on the record and comparing his record and mine. >> let's give him an opportunity to respond now if he'd like. >> i'm not going to respond to the fact that you have your washington insider, you have all these washington special interests that spent millions and millions of dollars saying untrue things about me.
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i'm not going to go there. trkts i think it's important that when we talk about facts, let's put them on the table. we cut taxes 51 taxes, cutting property taxes by a third, $,000 a year, eliminating the new business tax but for the 40,000 smallest businesses. i want to -- >> thank you. >> -- reduce taxes, get the state government out of your way, i want to go to washington and do the same thing by getting the federal government ought of your way. >> thank you very much. we're now going to turn to the candidates, each of you and ask to you pose a question to each other and based again on a coin taste, mr. cruz, you can ask the first question of the lieutenant governor. >> lieutenant governor dew hers, you have been widely criticized for having proposed a statewide payroll tax that would have been
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2.5% of the wages of every employee. your response is to call your critics liars. did you support a payroll tax, yes or no and is that a good idea? >> no, and no. >> did you not support a payroll tax? >> i've never supported a wage tax and never supported a payroll tax. >> well, that's very interesting, i'll point ought at the end of this we have over two dozen newspaper articles quoting the lieutenant governor supporting a payroll tax so we can now compare the facts to what he just told a television audience. >> okay, lieutenant governor, your question for mr. cruz? >> mr. cruz, we all make decisions in life, and i respect yours and i trust that you respect mine. when you got out of college you made a decision you wanted to go to harvard law school. later you clerked for several judges and then you went into the federal government as a staff attorney. when i got out of college, i
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joined the united states air force, and then during the cold war, i raised my hand and i joined the cia and i served abroad during some tough times. and then i came back and i formed a business from scratch and built it up. what about your background is, do you think, makes you more qualified to be the next u.s. senator? >> well, let me say initially, i salute your service as a veteran, both in the armed services and with the cia. what i believe makes me qualified to be a u.s. senator is that i have spent a lifetime fighting for the constitution and winning on a national level. i served five and a half years as the solicitor general of texas, the chief lawyer for the state in front of the u.s. supreme court, serving under greg abbott, and over and over again, we led the nation defending the constitution, defending the conservative principles, whether it was the ten commandments or the pledge of allegiance or the second amendment or u.s. sovereignty, standing up to the world court and the united nations and
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defending u.s. sovereignty. we need a fighter right now and that's what i've spent a lifetime doing is fighting for the constitution. >> okay. gentlemen, thank you very much. we now have a question from peggy fikac and it goes to lieutenant governor dewhurst. >> lieutenant governor, social security is out of balance. governor perry called it a ponzi scheme. you have to increase the money come in or reduce the money going out. how would you fix it? >> all of our entitlements are broken, it is a crisis. that's one of moo i problems with washington politicians, they won't tell the truth. they kick the can down the road and they're not telling us that, in fact, our unfunded mandates are some $70 trillion, $80 trillion, and today's money, some $35 trillion to $40 trillion. on social security, it's broken. we need to start funding social security. we're going to have to honor, in my judgment, honor the contract, honor our obligations with people that have retired, but
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we're going to have to raise the retirement age on a staggered basis. we're going to have to look at the cost of, the cost index, which is higher than the cpi, and adjust that downward, and eventually we're going to have to consider a means testing. >> did you want to follow on that at all? >> when you say consider means testing, what specifically are you looking at? >> there are -- i think congress is going to have to take a look at whether or not people earning over a certain amount of money, even though they've made contributions into social security, they would continue to, they would receive those payments, or on a voluntary basis, because actuaryily, social security is bankrupt and we've got to figure out how to make it solvent. >> would you accept social
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security? >> under the conditions of today, no. >> mr. cruz? >> look, we have a crisis in spending and entitlements in take la particular. the democrats are being grossly irresponsible by not stepping forward to save social security. i'm running on fundamental entitlement reform. social security reform should have four elements, those on social security or near retirement, no changes whatsoever, honor the commitments made to seniors but for younger workers, people in my generation, i'm 41, many of us don't think social security will be here for us in the first place. three changes can save social security going forward. number one, gradually increase the retirement age. number two, set the rate of increase in benefits so it matches inflation rather than exceeding inflation and number three, for younger workers, allow us to keep a portion of our social security taxes in a private personal account that we own, that we control
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