tv [untitled] July 2, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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and say sorry, you know, but i'll watch you guys on tv and terry o'neill was there and walked with us. but after we got on the walk, it just got easier. it didn't even feel -- there was no pain. we just kept walking, and walking and talking and organizing and feeling this sense of love and unity. we slept together on cots in a church, and because there was no hotel back in the day when dr. king did it. there was no hotel, so we real -- like reverend sharpton, we're really going to do it just like they did it? there's no shuttle service and hotel, and he's like no, we're really going to sleep on a cot in a church and it was great because i got to connect with people from ohio and wisconsin and other places that i would never have met, and we would never have had our guards down enough to talk to one another and be real. so on this walk we kept pushing one another along saying i know you're tired, but we can continue to do that, and i think
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that that is my closing message for all of you today. we've got to not only be activists, but we've got to the love each other more. we've got to put our petty differences aside, look one another in the eye and say i love you regardless of the fact that i don't like you. i don't like your hair. i don't like how you dress. i don't like your size. i don't like all those things, but i love you because you're another human being, and obviously god had a purpose for you. if we can do that, if we can unite around love and activism, we can change the whole world. so once we get past that, once we get past our issues, what will happen is you will begin to see that our children and our
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people will respect us because they are looking at the greatness within us but we're not always displaying it, so my call to action today is while you're being an activist, be a lover, be a sister, be a brother to your sister and be all those different things because with that, with love and activism, we truly can make a difference. we've done it before. we can do it again, and we can continue to make the necessary change in this country that will ensure that generations to come will have what they need to survive. let's not just talk about it though. let's be about it when we walk away from this conference today. thank you all so very much. >> so in closing, what i'd love
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to do is talking about younger women organizing. i want to acknowledge all of the younger women in this room. it's not just the people on the stage. first and foremost, i think i see latifa lyles towards the back of the room. is that you? yes. let's give a round of applause for latifa lyles. [ applause ] and i'd like any define young however you want. you know what? if you feel -- if you feel, it stand, and i'm not going to put any boundaries around that. if you feel youthful and you're now a chapter leader, please stand up. >> if you feel youthful and you are a current or former intern for the national organization of women, please stand up.
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>> if you feel youthful and this is your first national n.o.w. conference, please stand up. if you don't care what the hell your age is and you're fired up and ready to go, please stand up. you know, in 2006 i was actually in the n.o.w. national center when betty fredan died. it was a young feminist task force meeting at the time that we were having it, and i remember holding a moment of silence, and that round of applause just felt like a wonderful moment of breaking the silence, so thank you so very much.
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watergate on the 40th anniversary of the break-in. starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern tour the nixon presidential library's watergate exhibit with former director timothy nestle. at 9:00, max holland's book "leak" examining why fbi official mark felt became deep throat, and at 10:00 the white house officials, investigators and "washington post" reporters who first broke the story. american history tv in primetime all week on c-span 3. coming up on american history in primetime tomorrow night, oral history interviews with key congressional staff charged with investigating president nixon. starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern, francis o'brien, chief of staff to the house judiciary committee chairman in 1974. and at 10:00 bernard nussbaum, a senior member of the committee during the investigation. american history tv in primetime all week on c-span 3.
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coming up tonight on c-span, defense secretary leon panetta discusses a new national security strategy that emphasizes working together with other nations. >> we continue to see the destabilizing behavior of nations like iran and north korea, the rise of new powers across asia and the dramatic changes that we've seen unfold across the middle east and north africa. these challenges, coupled with a new fiscal reality, led us to reshape our priorities with a new defense strategy for the 21st century. it is a strategy that places a greater emphasis on building the
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capabilities of others to help meet the security challenges of the future and to sustain a peaceful and cooperative international order. >> you can see the secretary's full remarks from the u.s. institute of peace at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. sopa and pipa are dead. i think that that that's pretty clear that the effort that was undertaken there ran into a lot of controversy, a lot of miscommunications and so i think those bills are not coming back again this year or any year for that matter. >> co-chair of the congressional internet caucus and virginia republican bob good latte on the prospects of anti-piracy legislation tonight at 8:00 eastern on "the communicators" on c-span 2. next, tea party activist and
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former naacp texas chapter president c.l. bryant discusses why he left the democratic party to become a conservative. he was at this event, part of the annual leadership program of the rockies to show his movie entitled "runaway slave." this is about 50 minutes. matt kibbe is the president and ceo of freedom works and has been with citizens for a sound economy for over 15 years, an economist by training, matt kiby is a well-respected national public policy expert, best selling author and political commentator. "newsweek" called kibbe one of the master minds of the tea party politics. his exer per tease has led to frequent appearances on national news shows, including fox news, nbc, abc, cnn, msnbc, fox business, pbs and c-span, dubbed the scribe by "new york daily news," kibbe is co-author with dick armey of the "new york times" best-seller "give us liberty, a apartment manifesto."
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please help me welcome matt kibbe to lpr to introduce c.l. bryant. [ applause ] >> how you guys doing? does anyone here believe in freedom? does anyone here think that the government spending too much money it doesn't have? okay. here's the test. does anyone think sometimes as frustrating as it is that maybe you have to beat the republicans before you can beat the democrats? okay. i just wanted to make sure we were in the right place. later on today after lunch, we are showing the colorado premiere of a movie that i am really proud of called "runaway slave." that will be showing right after lunch. i got to tell you, money back guarantee, it's worth your time. it's powerful. up might get a little choked up, but you're definitely going to be fired up after you see this movie.
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so, please, if you can, stay for that movie. i first met c.l. on september 12th, 2009. we had both walked from freedom plaza 1.3 miles up to the capitol for what turned out to be the largest fiscally conservative protest i believe in the history of the united states. and we didn't really know each other at the time, but we were there with about a million of our best friends and he got to the stage long before i got there and i had never met him but i heard this voice coming from the stage. has anyone ever heard c.l. speak? you're in for a treat. he may melt your face off so be prepared. [ laughter ] but i was wading up to the stage through this huge crowd, and c.l., i think, as much as anybody captured what i call the tea party ethos.
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there's something about the men and women who have risen up to take their country back. they have a set of values. and more importantly they're willing to put their personal lives, their families, their careers on the line for the things that they believe in. and c.l. represents all of those things. i couldn't be more proud that he's my friend. i couldn't be more proud for the work that he's done, the work that we've done together in the trenches in the last two years fighting to take this country back. can you guys give a round of applause for c.l. bryant. [ applause ] >> thank you. hello, patriots. it's good to be here with you today, and it's still a great day in the usa. and i want to have you join me before we go any further in
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thanking the finest men and women on the face of the earth and that's the american soldier. let's give them a round of applause. [ applause ] i want to thank not only matt for that wonderful introduction, of course, his friendship and freedom works and all that they have meant to me and we've meant to each other the last couple of years. but i want to thank chairman schaefer here as well as sherry and christina. i want to thank four friends that i have met here in the last 48 hours. karen and lee and sharon and don. i want to thank you for your hospitality. and i am very happy to be here with patriots like yourself and people like you who want to see
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a legacy continue in this country. i understand that it was 20 years ago that terry constantine planted an idea that in fact has grown to what we are experiencing here today. 20 years ago, of course, we were coming to the end of the reagan/bush era. and our nation somehow in the time that has passed between there and 2009 had fallen asleep. unfortunately, an enemy crept in among us, and it planted seeds of discord among the american people. in the last 2 1/2 years we as americans must have learned
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something. and i have a feeling that the two things that we have learned is, one, if you take for granted liberty and freedom, they can and they will leave you. and two, is that we as americans must understand that we have enemies all across this world, and they hate us because we're free. they hate us because we have the right to pursue liberty and freedom. there are those who actually covet what we have here in this country.
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they covet our success. they covet our lifestyles. they covet our wealth. somehow when they see us and they look around at places like this, the broadmoor, which is a fine, fine place, somehow they think that this just happened. they hear our message. they hear our message that america is a place where if you're bold enough, brave enough, you can still secure what we all have known as the blessings of liberty. not only for us, but for our children. and i have come here tonight or this afternoon, and i want to make very certain that you understand that the islamic
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threat is real and the security to our country is real, and it's time that we wake up. it's time that we understand that we must defend our country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we must make that stand right here and right now today. there are those who visit our land and they see what we have accomplished, and they go about their way to manipulate the system to remain here. and i want you to understand that our nation is, in fact, a very unique country. a thought occurred to me a few
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days ago, that if we were to become russian citizens, we still would not be able to become russians. if we were to go to denmark and become citizens of denmark, we'd still never be danes. argentina. if we were to go there, we'd never become argentineans. but the most important thing and the most beautiful thing about america is that it does not matter where you came from. we all have come here, and we all are now regardless of whether we're irish, if we're english, if we're african descent, we all now unite in this country as america, and that must not go away! we must hold onto who we are.
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[ applause ] to achieve the american dream, but while we slept an enemy crept in. friends, i need you to understand something. there is an evil among us, an evil among americans and our way of life, and that evil is called multi-culturalism. that is something that will destroy the fiber of our country if we don't pay attention. you see, there are those who do, in fact, covet what we have, they want to come here to our country, and i need to tell you, they don't want americanism. they want our stuff.
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they want what we have, but they do not want to assimilate as all immigrants have done. they do not want to become american. you and i in this room tonight, we understand -- or this afternoon -- we understand the american dream, and we understand what that means, the american dream. our movie "runaway slave" goes deeply into and examines the root of the american dream. we examine the freedom that we have, and we examine the idea that america is not a land of guarantees. america is a land of opportunity.
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and you here in this room today, graduates of lpr, know what is possible in this country. and you know what is necessary to preserve our nation and our freedom. but i bring you a warning. i bring a warning to all conservatives. and that is this. it is time that we take on a different type of posture. it is time that we take on a posture of offense. for too long we have been in a defensive posture, and the enemies of conservatism, the
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enemies of the republic, have been assaulting us. they have been abusing us. and they have been insulting us. matt and i over the last couple of years have been called all types of names from all quarters of our country. that's okay. but we must understand one thing. it is time fors to man up as americans and go on the offensive as conservatives and defend who we are and who we stand for. [ applause ] you apologize far too much. we have the truth. the progressive liberals will always try and put you on the defensive, but i tell you this. stop being on the defensive. be who you are.
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stand on the principles that did, in fact, cause this country to be the greatest country the world has ever known. there was a time in our nation when we were certain that we could defeat any enemy, any foe. and we could always identify our enemies. and we were certain that whatever enemy that attacked us from without we would be able to repel that enemy. but i come to bring a startling revelation to us now, and that is that our enemies as was said before i came to the podium, are
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very unidentifiable. and as a former president of the naacp in garland, texas, in a time when we were suing the school district in federal court, i have seen both sides of this argument. the reason i broke with them is because i came to the realization that the agenda for them was not to just control my agenda, but the agenda for them was to control me. and then to use me as a tool to control a bloc of people. that is the liberal progressive method.
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and their methodology has, in fact, controlled a bloc of people for over 50 years. and if you continue to sleep, if you continue not to pay attention to what's going on, then the very method that they have used to enslave that group of people, believe me, they have the same designs on the entire country. and my friends, torrent, this afternoon, if, in fact, we are unsuccessful in our efforts to take back the white house and the senate here in 2012, then
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our country will be fundamentally changed, and we cannot afford for her to go away. that's why we need a leader who can gain respect again of both our friends and our foes. that's why it is important that we choose the right candidate in this presidential election. americans are tired of apologizing for who we are. and i tell you right now, we are -- we do not need to bow down or apologize to anyone. we are the greatest nation on the face of this earth.
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[ applause ] we need a leader that our friends and foes will respect. we need a leader that will put swagger back into the american stride, and we need a leader who is proud to be an american every day of his life, not just when it's convenient. we need a patriot. we need someone who will not bow down to anyone. now, that leads me to our children. if i may for a moment, tell you that i'm very concerned about our children. i was talking to lee and karen and sherry and don the other
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night at dinner, and we had a very interesting conversation about our children. and as i said earlier, there are people who come here to this country and they want our stuff. well, i want to tell you something. while we slept those who are in our classrooms who we have entrusted to teach our children, have poisoned their minds. while we slept our children have been taught by those who have been schooled in socialist doctrine that america is not an
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exceptional country. our children have been poisoned not just by hollywood but by the use of your tax dollars in public schools. and even in the literature that you buy for them, that america is the problem in this world, and just as we try to expose in "runaway slave" that america is still a great land of opportunity, your children, many of them, your grandchildren for sure, are under the impression that somehow you sitting in this room are wild-eyed hysterical peopleo
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