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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the same goal i do but they came to a different conclusion about what needs to be done or where resources should be spent or what we should be fixing or changing and my first job in that meeting is to understand why that smart person over there thinks the way they do. and then see if that influences or can help us come to a solution which also incorporates what i have come to believe is what i feel we need to do in that situation. so perhaps that will inspire you to maybe look at that book and think about how you can be more personally effective as you go about your day-to-day work. what i would like to do now is show a video that i brought which i'll narrate for you. it is, as i mentioned, my fourth space shuttle flight. part of the assembly of the international space station program and then it also at the end has current video of the
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international space station today. if we can go ahead and show that. so this was april 2002. our commander is sort of front right there. a graduate of the air force academy, mike bloomfield, colonel in the air force. seven of us going up on the space shuttle "atlantis." there were already three astronauts and cosmonauts onboard the space station so by the time we got there we were actually a crew of ten. i'm the flight engineer so i'm sort of in the middle in the back row supporting the commander and pilot during the dynamic phases of flight during launch, raendezvous and of coure taking off with 300 pounds of thrust is pretty exciting on a florida afternoon there. as you know the solid rocket
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boosters only operate for the first two minutes of launch and then essentially all of the solid rocket fuel is used up and they separate away from the rest of the shuttle and then we go the rest of the way on the shuttle main engines. once we get into orbit, we start preparing for the rendezvous with the international space station. we do a number of burns over the first two days. you can see you need to be hanging on when you do those burns because they do in part a force on the shuttle and then there was a team of three of us, commander and pilot and me that are really working through the rendezvous procedures as we go through these important burns, as we bring in navigation information and data and try to understand where we are. this is a picture of us taken from the crew on the international space station. that big piece in the middle was the structure we were bringing up. this is the view we had of the station as we came up to dock.
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that big silver ball in the center is where we're headed for. that's where we're going to go dock. this is the view on the flight deck of the shuttle. that's the station coming into view. it looks like it's meeting us but we're really flying up to meet it. the bottom part there is on the shuttle. the top part is the station. that's the actual initial contact between the two. our air force pilot was very happy with his flying. and then about two hours later after we do leak checks, we open hatches. the two command eers and then t rest of the crew are welcomed onto the space station. it had been just the three of them for four months so they were kind of happy to see other people. and then we started transferring supplies. that's something you do on all of the missions. you can carry things between your knees in addition to your hands. makes it more efficient to carry things across the two hatches. and then the next day we started
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into our major task which was to lift this piece of structure called s-0 out of the bay using the station robot arm reaching down into the shuttle bay and then move it into position to attach it to the side of the international space station. i was working along with dan, one of the station crew members on the robot arm. you can see we don't have windows. when we work on the space station arm at this time. so we're using camera views which aren't always the best. this is a great one showing sort of the middle east view of the earth out beyond the trust. you're looking at the trust being moved into position and you can see that claw there. that is going to form the initial mechanical attachment. and then during the space walks over the next few days we're going to form a better
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structural attachment. dan and i -- dan was at the controls for the actual birthing on top of the space station. and then over the next week we did four space walks. there were four crew members on board who are space walking crew so they would alternate in pairs of two going out and each day one of them was on the arm and the other one was essentially free floating with a tether and my job essentially was to move around the person on the end of the station arm as they were doing the work they needed to do to hook up this truss. it's not just an empty truss. it has electrical equipment, power equipment, so we had to bolt down the structural attachment and make many connections to hook up power and data using power tools onboard to make a lot of those
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structural connections so really four full space walks worth of data. there is a person on the end of the arm holding a v-shape piece of equipment. he got to spend hours looking at the earth from space as i moved him on the arm from one side to the other. he said it was the most fun of the space walk. this is what they look like coming in from a space walk once we repressurize. we invited the crew members over for some good barbecued beef and they invited us over for a nice international meal. this is rex who is part of our crew. another air force officer. steve smith showing how surface tension is really important force in space in the absence of gravity. and then after about a week on
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orbit, our work was done and we made sure we had the right belly buttons on each side of the hatch and closed the hatch between the two vehicles and prepared to undock. again, this is a part of the flight that's pretty dynamic. our pilot, steve frick, was the navy pilot. it's the tool you used to make sure you back away in a straight line for 400 feet. once we actually separate and back away, we wait for sunrise and then we do a full fly around of the station taking pictures the whole way around to help document the outside of the station, which is then used to understand fully the configuration of the station for future engineering and training exercises. and again here's what we look like as we're leaving. you can see our pay load bay is empty now. and this is when we're halfway
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around. you can see at the time there was only one solar ray that was as far as we had gotten into the assembly. you can see the station arm hanging off there and sort of that rectangle in the center. that's the truss structure that we added to the space station. after we do a full day of checking out all of the systems on the space shuttle to make sure that they are ready for entry, we close the pay load bay doors and you can see the shuttle tail sort of sticking up there at the end and then we prepare for entry ourselves. we have to get into launch and entry suits which help provide us some measure of survivability in certain types of emergency situations. and then finally this is the part the commander waits for where he actually gets to fly the shuttle at the end. here you can see the heads-up display shows about 24,000 feet, 290 knots. now we're about 13,000 feet.
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you can see the runway there at kennedy space center. actually, it looks like we are dive-bombing the runway. it's not until we get to 2,000 feet that we do a massive pull-up to actually make the runway. that's of course because we're dropping like a rock. we're not really flying that much. and then finally at 300 feet is when the pilot drops the gear. very important part of the mission. as you do the final preps for landing. we're still going about 200 knots when we land. and so that's one of the reasons we deploy a drag chute that was added partway through the shuttle program to make the landing safer and prevent wear and tear on the tires and brakes and make the rollout safe. we have a three-mile long runway down at kennedy space center for that rollout. that was sts-110. now i would like to transition a little bit into the space
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station today. it's a partnership of five space agencies, 15 countries. it's been continuously inhabited for over 11 years. close to a million pounds of hardware in space. dimensions are larger than a football field. a pressurized volume equivalent to five bedroom home and about 200 people have either lived there or visited there on assembly missions. that's nicole, one of our astronauts who is up there giving us a bit of a tour. this is the u.s. laboratory. frank is an astronaut here in this photo. this is a module that ties u.s. and russian sides together and as you go into the russian side this is their main service module where they do a lot of their activities and then into some of the experiments. this is one, a biological
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experiment. these butterflies and then followed by spiders are part of an educational program, experiments that can be replicated in kindergarten through 12th great classrooms and they can understand how butterflies or spiders operate differently in space than on earth. same with plant growth. trying to understand how plants sense gravity and not only to understand plant development for future space missions but also here on earth. these are nano racks that can hold experiments designed by high school students. this is one studying the rate of growth of seeds and then a lot of what we do is focused on biomedical experiments to characterize how the human body is affected by space flight. astronauts need special exercise and particularly resistive exercise like this to prevent bone loss. we also have to do things like our immune systems change in space and we're trying to understand more about that.
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the components that hold food and medicine change in space due to radiation exposure. this is a freezer that we have that keeps experiment samples at ultracold temperatures and preserves them to be looked at on earth. one of the things we're looking at is in-space soldering. how you can build and repair equipment in space. you don't have convection to take bubbles away like you do on earth so you have to understand how to do that. here's an experiment that's on the outside of the station. we put it up last year. it's a fundamental experiment that is trying to detect antimatter and dark matter and also measure cosmic rays. this is our first humanoid robot in space. this handshake happened a few weeks ago. looking at that to assist
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astronauts in the future. here's our window on the world. one of the last modules up there. this is a spectacular view of the aurora and then these are some nighttime views. i think this is over san diego and then mexico. you can see some of the thunderstorm activity. you can see florida here. this is the east coast of the united states at night. spectacular views. and then finally one over the middle of the country and you'll see some dark areas which are actually the great lakes. you can see chicago is that big bright spot there. it's really been spectacular to get that up both to help with things like robotic activities but also to view the earth. and as this movie finishes up, i wanted to mention that you can go online at any time and find out when you can actually view where you live. because it's so big, it's a very
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bright star in the sky as long as you have a clear night. i looked for one of the best sightings coming up for colorado springs and there's one next thursday, march 1st, if you are outside at 6:43 p.m., it's going to come up in the west-northwest direction starting at about 20 degrees above the horizon and get all of the way up to 75 degrees above the horizon so it should be about a five-minute pass. if that happens to be a clear night, i hope you will look out and think about the human space flight program and maybe for some of you that will be in your future as well. thank you very much. i would be happy to take any questions now. [ applause ] >> thank you so much for your message. the wisdom you shared with us today will be invaluable to everyone who had a pleasure to
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be in your audience. on behalf of the faculty and staff of the united states air force academy, we would like to present you with a small token of our appreciation. [ applause ] if you would like to speak to dr. ochoa she will be available at stage right. we extend our thanks to the association of graduates, the endowment, the class of 1973 and all others who through their generosity make this possible. additionally, there are buses running every 20 minutes from the front of arnold hall back to fairchild hall and back to arnold hall. thank you. >> here's a look at what's coming up today on c-span3.
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next, a panel discussion with recent female recipients of the nobel peace prize. that's followed by a look at the history and use of executive power. then journalists from "the new yorker" and "the new york times" at an award ceremony for investigative journalism and later mickey edwards on the u.s. political system. and with congress on break this week, we're featuring some of american history tv's weekend programs in prime time on c-span3. tonight joins as we look at women's history starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern. former congresswoman pat schroeder from colorado and then remember pat nixon who traveled to over 75 countries during her time in the white house as ambassador of good will and at 10:30 p.m., a professor explores harvard's relationship with women since the university's
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founding 375 years ago. american history tv in prime time all week on c-span3. and on c-span2, watch some of book tv's weekend programs in prime time. tonight, a look at american journalism starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern. "cover america" captures journalism and major news events. and 9:55, the war gets hitler through the eyes of five reporters and at 11:10, drawing on pest memos and correspondents and personal photographs and private interviews to track ben bradley's 45-year career. book tv in prime time all week on c-span2. >> the life of a sailor include scrubbing the deck in the morning, working on the sails, climbing the loft, gun drill
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practice. by the end of the day you're ready for rest. you don't get a full eight hour sleep. it's four hours on and four hours off. >> this weekend on american history tv, the life of an enlisted man aboard the "uss constitution" during the war of 1812. >> the sailor lived in fear of the possibility of being whipped. it was always carried by a petty officer in a bag and the thing a sailor never wanted to see was petty officer getting ready for a flogging. it's a phrase we still use today. don't let the cat out of the bag. you don't want to see that coming out of the bag for a flogging. >> that's sunday at 7:00 p.m. eastern and pacific. also this weekend, more from the contenders. our series on key political figures who ran for president and lost but changed political history. sunday 1928 democratic presidential candidate former new york governor al smith. >> next, remarks from three women who were awarded the nobel peace prize last year.
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the women including the liberian president were recognized for working for women's rights and participating in peace building. they'll discuss those efforts at an event hosted earlier this year by harvard institute of politics in cambridge, massachusetts. this is an hour and a half. [ applause ] >> this is a pleasure to be here. this is the 14th time we've been able to bring extraordinary women from all around the world who are working in conflict zones. we wouldn't be here without this crowd and you are a result of the institute of politics and the carr center for human rights, the women in public policy program, the center for public leadership, i want to say a particular thank you to each of those groups for being
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co-sponsors here. you enjoyed, i hope the title. i had the enormous privilege of being in the entourage of president johnson-sirleaf who was one of the winners and graduate of the kennedy school. she was there with a representative of arab spring. i think it was because of this statement they were making about change beginning at the top and the bottom and how you have to have it coming from both directions.
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a fabulous grassroots organizer type. so, anyway, sitting there, it was so exciting hearing -- being in this gorgeous room in the city, city -- what did you say? in oslo, yes, city hall. thank you. and 61 years old. if you think that's bad, wait until you ask me the name of someone, like my children. anyway, so here are the words that we heard coming from the nobel committee. they talked about that they were giving these women this prize for their particular work, but also for their nonviolent struggle, and then they said, to ensure women's rights to full participation in peace-building work. now, that is a very important policy statement, because what you're doing then, you're
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talking about changing the whole security paradigm. right now security in most people's minds means bombs and bullets. and the question becomes if in fact you have a large participation of women throughout the whole peace process. the peace process doesn't mean simply negotiations, it also means street protests. it means all kinds of social media now to try to prevent a war or bring down a dictator. it means after a war having the transitional justice, the tribunal or the truth and reconciliation commission or having simply an honest government instead of a corrupt government, which can often lead right back into war again. so how do you get women to be fully involved in all of that? well, clearly you have to have the policy makers who are willing to take a stand. and president obama has done
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just that on december 19th. he signed an executive order which launched a u.s. national action plan on women, peace and security. and he calls this a comprehensive road map for accelerating and institutionalizing efforts across the united states government to advance women's participation in making and keeping peace. now, there are a whole lot of countries around the world who are doing this, so we are -- it's not like, i'm afraid, that we're leading the charge here, but at least we're coming through and doing our part. then secretary clinton, on the day that this was launched, i'm going to read -- forgive me for reading to y'all, but it's too important not to. she says from northern ireland
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to liberia to nepal and many places in between, we have seen that when women participate in peace processes, they focus discussion on issues like human rights, justice, national reconciliation and economic renewal that are critical to making peace but are often overlooked in formal negotiations. they build coalitions around ethnic and sectarian lines and they speak up for other marginalized groups. that's really important that the women are there and -- this isn't hillary, but the women are there not just representing their own points of view, but also the other marginalized groups. they act as mediators and help foster compromise. when women organize in large numbers, they galvanize opinion and help change the course of history. you're going to hear from six extraordinary women tonight, and the first one, will you open this up and give us an opening statement.
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go on and stand up and let us hear from you from your perspective. >> thanks. i'm from palestine. thanks for the security staff to give me this chance to be this evening in front of you. 22 years ago i was -- it was a month after my marriage and the second time in my life i had been arrested for a peaceful action. for three years, i sat in a cell waiting to see what would happen to me. when my back began to hurt, soldiers took me in handcuffs to
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a hospital. the doctor did not hesitate and told the soldiers to remove the cuffs in the hospital. i was no more or less than a patient he needed to heal. when the doctor examined me, he found that i was pregnant. thanks to him, he asked them to release me immediately. and it was then the next day. the doctor is the kind of person i have met often in the conflict. israelis and palestinians connecting -- sorry. the kind of person i have met
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often in the conflict, israelis and palestinians, connecting with one another as human beings. living next to one another in peace, two peoples, two states. of course, in conflict, not every counter is easy. but i remember the day i finally newspaper without no doubts that the only way forward was through this with one anecdote, as individuals and up through the political process. it was in may, 2003, and i had been invited to the memorial services of the man behind the plo's participation in the
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madrid peace conference of 1991. again, i was pregnant for five months. by the time i returned home that night after walking six kilometers in the heat, i start bleeding. i was taken to a hospital in jerusalem. the baby was born early. i was allowed to leave the hospital after four days, but my teeny daughter had to stay. living in an incubator to survive. can you imagine how i felt?
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i went home through the checkpoints to ramallah, but of course i wanted to return to the hospital at once. at the checkpoint the next morning, the soldiers refused to let me through. so for the next three or four days i walked through the three hours every day through the mountains to get to the hospital and feed my baby. i carried with me milk that i had pumped during the night and frozen to carry it to my daughter. meeting the soldiers wasn't like meeting the kind doctor or the many other israelis i worked with for peace. still, i said to them, in spite of what you have done to me, i have hope that i can work with you.


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