tv [untitled] July 8, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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offered a counter measure. and that counter measure was in 1921 they transformed lincoln institute from institute to university. they changed the name and said to african-americans, now you have a university. the lincoln university of the 21st century really in many ways traces its origins back 50 or 10 years to integration in the mid-1950s. there was serious talk about closing lincoln university down after the famous brown versus board of education decision in may of 1954. the argument was that black students could go to white institutions because of racial integration. instead, however, the state and the city closed down a white junior college in jefferson city, the jefferson city junior college, and almost overnight all of those white students came to lincoln university. so the complexity and the complexion of lincoln university changed almost overnight. when integration came it was a
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school of 600 students. today it's a school that's closer to 3,000 students. it's one of the most racially integrated institutions in the country. all weekend long, american history tv is featuring the history of jefferson city, missouri, the state capital, located on the missouri river, hosted by our partners, local content vehicles recently traveled there. learn more all weekend on american history tv. i'd like to welcome all of you today, and thank you for coming to the missouri governor's mansion. on behalf of goff mor jeremiah nixon, the first lady, their two sons and their dog, daniel boone, we welcome you to the home. this this building that we're standing in front of was built in 1871, completed in january of 1872, making it 140 years old.
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this mansion also has the distinction of being one of the oldest official governor's residences to be in continuous use dating back to 1872. well, central missouri was not very well settled. there were a lot of people in st. louis, missouri. we had just completed the civil war. and there was stale little bit of tensions left from the war at that time. appropriations weren to build this building. however, they waited a couple years after that to make sure we were on steady ground financially. this is actually the third building on this site for the governor's mansion. the first building was building for the legislators with rooms set aside for the governor and his family. after the family outgrew the space of two small rooms in that building and the capitol was built, another smaller building was built for the governor and his family. however, the materials used for that were not sufficient enough to withstand the weathering and the years of use on a home like that and became very dilapida dilapidated. there was a party in which many people were invited to, and they refused to come because there
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was concerns if too many people got on the second floor it would not hold all of them, therefore causing an accident. the embarrassment caused by all that forced the legislature to appropriate more money to build this current building. the first family, b. grats brown and his family that moved into this current mansion, moved in in january of 1872. b. grass brown had a quarry down in iron county, missouri, and he had these beautiful pink granite columns made and delivered to the home providing and starting a tradition of each first family giving a gif soft some sort and leaving it to our mansion. however, when the columns were delivered, they discovered that they were nine inches too short, and if you look carefully, we have double bases at the bottom to accommodate the error in their measurement. we always try to tell the school kids, measure twice and cut once and think of b. grants brown when you do this. the architect who designed this home was very insistent on everything being symmetrical.
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he wanted all the windows lined up perfectly. he had, however -- would have to put windows have where this beautiful staircase is below the windows that are there. it bothered him so much they ended up incorporating dummy windows on the outside with the shutters closed, and when you look from the outside it appears as if they are real windows. however, we know from this vantage point they do not penetrate or come through on this side. the staircase is so beautiful, and i think one of the most remarkable things about it is the fact that it is hand carved, freestanding, walnut staircase we have in front of us. people forget that in those days they did not have the electricity and the tools that they have available today, so to stop and look at all the beautiful woodwork and the carvings that are on that staircase makes you appreciate the skill and workmanship of the workers in those days.
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the missouri state penitentiary is located just couple blocks east of the governor's mansion. a lot of labor that was used in building this home was prison labor. it took about eight months to build this home and at the cost of about $75,000, which you could understand now why the cost might have been quite as low as it was with the use of prison labor. george barnett, the man who designed this home, loved large spaces, and you can tell that from the double parlor. there's a lot of large rooms throughout to accompany and be able to handle all the large amounts of people that come to the mansion not only for tours but all of the special events they host here at the mansion. i'd like to point out to you the shape of this table that you have in front of you as well as it's carried over into some of the floor coverings that we have. it is the natural footprint of the design of this home. it ee's rectangular sides and t half circles on either end. if you are above the mansion looking straight down from the helicopter, that would be the shape that you would see and the
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design of this house. i would like to share with you this portrait that we have of mrs. hadley here at the mansion. mrs. hadley was one of the youngest first ladies that lived here at the mansion. however, she chose to wait and have her portrait painted years later when she was in her 60s. the story is that her son, john hadley, did come in and see the mansion years later and remarked that he wished his mother had not waited until he was so much older to have her portrait painted, and he also wish she had chosen a dress that did not look like a nightgown. mrs. hadley lived here at the mansion when in february 1911 lightning struck the old capitol building and it burned, and she and her children were upstairs swaddled in blankets watching in horror as the fire burned down the capitol building. this is a portrait of mrs. carolyn bond. carolyn bond was really important to the mansion in what she did and provided for all of us. in 1973, she opened this mansion to public tours, trying to make the mansion available to all the
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people and the children of missouri. we have around 70,000 visitors annually, and the docents have so far given 8,000 volunteer hours to the tours. they wear costumes to show visitors what it might be like if they had visited the home in the 1870s. this is one of my favorite items here. this is a silver punch bowl that's from the "uss missouri." on the front, you can see the picture that has been engraved of the original "u.s. missouri." on the backside, we have the missouri state seal and of course all the little things that are on here as well are the oak leaf and things that are indigenous to us here in missouri. this punch bowl was on board the "u.s. s missouri" when the treaty was signed ending the war with japan and ending world war ii. it was located in the pacific ocean when this occurred. we're presently standing in the formal dining room of the governor's mansion. it was originally two rooms and
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eventually the door curtain dividing the two rooms was taken down providing extra space and making it a very large room to be used for larger functions. we're also in front of the sideboard here that was built in the 1820s and given to the governor's mansion by governor ed war edwards when he left office. the only other known sideboard that is like this to exist is the one in hermitage home in nashville, tennessee, andrew jackson's home. one of the fun stories we always like to share with the children that they seem to enjoy, there was a governor's steward, a bachelor governor that the story says he rode his horse up the front steps of the mansion, into the dining room, and proceeded to feed his horse oats out of this plate warmer as part of the sideboard. now, the comment was that he probably should not be feeding his horse in the governor's mansion, and his comment to them was, i have had to feed more people in this home with probably less manners than my horse has.
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the lovely portrait up here is of mrs. crittenden. she and her husband, governor crittenden, lived here in the mansion during the times of jesse james and frank james, the lawlessness that -- we were worried about the safety of people with train robberies and bank robberies. they did receive a lot of notes and concerns about their daughters' safety, their safety, and despite all of their concerns, their daughter, karrie, died of diphtheria at age 9 here in the mansion. she has been the only child that has died while living here at the mansion. she now represents all the health of all the missouri children on our missouri children's fountain outside. governor nixon and first lady nixon are currently the 34th governor and his family to live in the governor's mansion where we are today. the first governor was b. grass brown, and here we have a photograph of b. grass brown, his wife, and his child, grats. what is interesting about b. grass brown is the fact that his
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granddaughter, margaret wise brown, wrote the book "good night moon," which of course is a favorite of many of the school children, not only here in missouri but all over the united states. the fact that we get to enjoy and be a part of this mansion makes it very special to all of us here in mid-missouri. i had a comment from somebody not long ago that told me that the docents bring to life the mansion. without us here to tell the stories, to share the history, it would simply be a home that had pictures, furniture, and carpet. but we bring to life those stories that tell about those photographs, those portraits, and tell us about the families who once lived here prior to us. all weekend, american history tv is featuring jefferson city, missouri. our local content vehicles recently travelled there to learn about its rich history. learn more about jefferson city and c-span's local convent vehicles at next month we'll feature
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louisville, kentucky. you're watching american history tv, all weekend, every weekend, on c-span3. one of my favorite drugs to talk about is in maybe half of the pigs, half of the cows and a lot of the turkeys. and this is a drug -- you know, most of the drugs are give on the make the animal grow faster and they make more money. but this particular drug is not withdrawn when they walk onto the killing floor. and that means that when that animal is killed and the meat is sold to safeway or whatever, the drug's in there. >> this weekend on "after words," martha rosenburg looks behind the scenes of the food and drug industries and finds regulatory lapses and government complicity in undermining the public health. born with a junk food deficiency, tonight at 9:00, part of book tf this weekend on c-span2. this is american history tv. all weekend, every weekend on
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c-span3. up next, we go inside a classroom at the u.s. naval academy to hear history professor wei-siang hsieh as he lectures on the generalship of robert e. lee. it's about 50 minutes. >> as you know, the topic of the class is robert e. lee. not just to talk about his life and career but to assess his generalship, assess his command. all right. so the first thing obviously when you need to do something like this -- and we will do this with grant on friday. and, remember, the reason i have the class structured this way is because as we will probably talk about later in this class, if you criticize or defend lee, a lot of times it ends up being in comparison to grant. all right. you probably noticed that, for example, in the weigley reading.
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but before we get to grant, why don't we start with lee. a lot of this comes down to, if we're going to assess the general, how we assess mr. a commander's abilities -- mr. wayne, come in -- the question then becomes what's the criteria one uses for that. now, does anyone in your readings think that lee has no merits as a general whatsoever? does anyone say lee is terrible to everything? it's a rhetorical question. no. so what is the consensus even -- and in your readings who is the critic? which guy? historian. the one -- i had you read it for monday, remember? is gallagher a critic of lee? >> no. >> yeah. okay. he gives you all the critics then what does he say about them? he says they're wrong, right? he goes through them. he says they're all wrong. russell weigley criticizes lee. but what good things does he say about lee?
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[ inaudible ] what do you mean by that? >> very aggressive. typical west point-ish general. >> okay. all right. so everyone agrees that lee's sort of positive traits, aggressiveness. so what are some examples of that being a good thing? >> crossing the river instead of, like, sitting back to face it, he moved forward and attacked or moved on and culled his bluff, forcing -- >> all right. and what happens? who wins? is he successful? all right, because aggressiveness obviously can be a negative aspect, right? so lee is successfully aggressive, all right, so that would be the seven days, the example you give there.
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what is usually we think of his best, most important battle? second bull run, all right. what else? tessville. these are two great victories so everyone -- this idea -- remember, we talked about strategy, operations, tactics, all right? so everyone at the operational level usually acknowledges -- very rarely will any historian say lee is not a good campaign general. all right. and there you just look at his record and the victories he wins. at second manassas he essentially routs pope. at chancellorsville he does the same thing to hooker. at the seven days, the federals are -- how close are they to richmond? close enough to hear the church bells. they are literally on the
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outskirts of richmond. and if richmond had fallen at that point in the summer of 1862, what, potentially probably would have happened to the confederacy, yes, remember, that comes after ft. henry and donaldson. that comes after the fall of new orleans, which isn't actually talked about in any of your readings but is also important. you probably remember that from hh1 before. lee turns the tide. and he wins those very large and important victories, all right. now, why is lee also criticized for his aggressiveness though? mr. rau? >> he lost very early. >> yes. mr. mcdaniels. >> wasn't really the type of war that the confederacy could afford to fight. >> exactly. mr. connors, you want to get in there? >> no, sir. >> all right. explain. >> a lot of the historians -- was it shelby foote was saying he theorizes that the
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confederacy should have fought a guerrilla war campaign similar to what they did in the american revolution. >> not necessarily foote, but there are a lot of arguments that lee should have engaged in something like partisan operations. it's not just guerrilla operations. everyone acknowledges that a confederacy really needed a conventional army. but what relative of robert e. lee is a lot of times compared to lee as something that should have been done from the revolution? or who -- which very famous important relative of lee admittedly at some level removed -- >> washington. >> yes, washington. does washington act like lee during the revolution? >> all: no. >> what is washington's one crucial priority? >> to maintain the army. >> yes, to maintain the army, okay. to keep the army intact. and that means -- how does that -- so that's washington's strategy is the army must
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survive so how does that then affect his operational stance? i mean what does washington do then as a consequence of that? >> washington follows a fabian strategy and preserves his army whereas lee should have preserved his army. he knew he could win whatever battles he fought so he just kept on fighting. >> exactly. so you see the different -- i know i had you read the weigley on monday. who does do a fabian strategy? >> johnson. >> during what campaign? >> atlanta. >> atlanta. okay. all right. >> he's criticized. >> who criticizes him? >> the confederates. the people. >> yes, and do you remember who makes that argument? it's sort of in rebuttal to this idea. let me step back. johnston -- sherman is marching on johnston in 1864. sherman is trying to take atlanta, and what johnston does is essentially delays action. but even weigley acknowledges
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that -- what in the end, even if if you accept his account of johnston's skill and that's also in dispute -- if we assume that, yes, johnston did fight a masterful fabian campaign, what happens to atlanta at the end of the day? >> it falls. >> it falls. and why does weigley say it falls? it's not because of his lack of skill. >> refusal of troops to -- >> that's the larger strategic problem, right, and for that reason, by the time the effective strategy is chosen, johnston doesn't have -- if you're trading space, if you're trading space for time, johnston doesn't have enough space to trade at that point. it's too late in the war to do that effectively. so what should have happened then? and this is called a counterfactual, right.
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all right. the more -- it's the what if. all right. and it's tightly related to the issue of lee because if you say lee's strategy is wrong, you must then give an alternative. and the alternative should give you a higher likelihood of success, all right, and you need to give a plausible alternative. have you heard of the novel "guns of the south"? yes, what happens in "guns of the south"? >> i've heard of it but -- >> okay. what crazy thing happens in it? >> they go back in time and -- >> yes, the south africans invent a time machine, and they see the civil war as a big headache for them because this is when apartheid still existed and what better way than solving the problem than by giving the army of virginia ak-47s. and guess who wins the war? the confederacy wins the war and it's kind of a silly book.
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i think it's you are the l doves -- i read pieces of it just for grins. i hope he isn't watching this. he might be insulted. it's kind of nifty -- if you look at the front of the book, it's got sort of a rifle musket and an ak-47. so that kind of counterfactual space aliens invade, those are off the table. more plausible counterfactuals are something like taking actual things used during the war. in this case, the plausible counterfactual is johnston during the atlanta campaign and saying this is what robert e. lee should have done or the confederacy as a whole should have done or washington during the revolution because you see here at least similar circumstances. all right. what are the similar circumstances between the american revolution and the
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confederacy's bid for independence? >> it's a smaller army, however, like, if the confederates looked to the american revolution, they would be able to realize that the smaller forces could still gain independency -- would still be able to gain independency. with the smaller force, it's possible. >> but you have to husband your forces in the correct manner. you have to -- you can't -- i mean, does watching go around willy-nilly attacking. mr. conners. >> the goal is not to defeat your enemies, just to exhaust them, to ruin public opinion and for that, you don't necessarily need to completely trust your armed forces. you just need to frustrate them, which is what washington did. washington never really, with the exception of yorktown, focused on one strong point. he took out, you know, detachments. >> yeah. >> he won moral victories, which
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is probably what lee should have done is, you know, hit small points as opposed to focusing on the large army where you risk your army in exchange. >> okay. that's what i was trying to get at. break down the enemy's will. >> okay. now, here's a question. in defense of lee, does lee actually disagree except for the mean, does he disagree with the ends of breaking northern will? >> all: no. >> no. but what's lee's sort of argument? >> he thinks the decisive battle is going to get them the victory that they want and break northern will. he doesn't -- it's against southern culture to do what all the historians say he should have done. they would have never done that. they want the classic conventional battles -- >> who makes that argument? that's exactly -- gallagher, right. >> also, in defense of the conventional battle, the south was also vying for recognition
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by great britain and france, and that probably wouldn't have happened quickly if at all if they adopted a guerrilla strategy, which some people have advocated. >> but washington's, you know, a southerner, and he managed to pull this off. you don't -- it's not just constant avoidance of battle. it's constant avoidance of battle with small victories that you can hold up and make big victories. suppress war. >> yeah, okay. and that's a fair point, and that's probably -- that's the weigley criticism, and that's probably the most powerful criticism. i think gallagher quite ably goes through the problems with guerrilla war for the confederacy and i would say first. there's recently -- a big book about guerrilla war recently came out by a guy named dan sutherland, and he finds -- he thinks guerrillas are more important than other wars. he acknowledges it's probably more important because it's so self-defeating, that guerrillas probably cause so many problems, it makes southern civilians
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angry with their own government because guerrillas become prone to a lack of their own control. you probably have heard of missouri and the craziness that occurs in missouri. and from the perspective of southern white civilians, guerrilla war is not a great option. also, what crucial and very important institution, confederate social institution, is very vulnerable to guerrilla -- >> slavery. >> slavery. slavery requires stability of the laws. and i know some of you -- have you taken professor camoy's class on slavery? i know she offers one. right. >> slavery requires legal sanction. one of the things that makes slavery different from other forms of property is slaves are also human beings and they have wills and they have the ability to run and the ability to leave. and unless you have a legal apparatus to catch them, force them, confine them, they're -- the institution was going to
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have a very hard time to survive. so i think -- and gallagher in this reading i think that you have i think spends pages basically demolishing the guerrilla option. and also arguably what's another reason people will get obsessed about the guerrilla option after the 1960s? >> vietnam. >> vietnam. these attempts to compare that, you know, confederates should have been doing what mao did. this is a problematic comparison for obvious reasons. the more -- the more credible alternative is what mr. conners considered, which is what weigley argued, which is that you have -- what part of the revolution is very partisan orientated? the southern part. right? but even there -- remember, it was green. is green commanding partisans really? no. he's commanding regulars. he's aided, and he knows how to work with them and then you've
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got washington with a continental army. and you gave example of yorktown. even yorktown is a point of opportunity. he happens to have a british army bottled up there, and he choices to exploit that opportunity at that time. that's the more effective criticism of lee, that what he should have done is fought this fabian strategy and kept his army in one piece and used the confederacy's vast size to his advantage, its master strategic depth. so this is -- and we have other military historical examples. what helps with napoleon? what big country does he invade? >> russia. >> russia, and it's the same issue. it's too big. your lines of supply become further and further extended. you get more and more worn down and logistics become harder and harder, and that's a problem that can be used against the federals. you know, who repeats -- professor love will talk about this a lot. who repeats the french error in russia? >> the nazis. >> the nazis. don't invade -- right. >> sir, do you think it was the disadvantage to the confederates
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that they picked washington as their capital -- not washington, richmond as their capital and not something farther south? >> that is problematic, but i'll point out -- and your readings don't have -- richmond is chosen probably because virginia is so important. virginia is the home state of so many american presidents including washington. virginia is very large in terms of population. richmond has the ironworks, which is one of the few centers of confederate industries, so richmond is of extraordinary political importance, and that's one of the reasons why -- it sort of seals the deal. they moved the capital to richmond. in retrospect, was it really such a good idea? no. but everyone early on thought the war would be short and weren't thinking these things through. mr. manly? >> going back to the whole size issue, i mean, i'm sure that the russians were very aware that their country was huge.
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is there any evidence that southerners were aware, like, hey, we have a pretty large piece of real estate here if we can just survive? >> yes, and i think that some of the newer scholars show that there's more talk of a guerrilla partisan strategy by some people, by some confederates early in the war, and there's more criticism than we used to think of people like lee for being too -- well, what school does he come from? your favorite institution on the hudson, right? the place you love to hate, right? well, that's too strong a term, right. we're joined. we're purple. so -- and -- but -- what the confederate high command all comes from that same institution. west point. and that's one of the reasons that's going to be off the table for them. that's not the way west pointers fight. i think gallagher has a quote. it's the same quote i use at the beginning of my book. and i'll repeat the story to you. alexander after the confederate
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