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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2012 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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sixth grade. i didn't figure out the point until about 30 years later. but this is the genius of the free market. so simply by thinking about the we realized that it's win-win. in that case, all we're talking about is the system of trade. and the rules. nothing new's been added to the system. the great news is, though, that very often stuff is added to the system. right? we create wealth. now, here's this kind of other intellectual problem. people think of the economy as a pie, right, a cherry pie. if you do, you're thinking of a zero sum game and thinking that the pie -- some people gets a quarter of the pie, it's going to leave fewer pieces of the pie for everyone else. and in fact, yeah. i have a slide here. a lot of people think that the economy this way. sort of finite, fixed sum. it might sound silly but in the 20th century, half the human race languished under a system
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believing this is what the economy is like. karl marx argued that capitalism would destroy itself and he said that because under a capitalist system you start with a group of people in the population, say the workers have most of the wealth in the red here. right? but over time, what happens is that the wealth gets transferred more and more in to the hands of fewer of these capitalists individuals or the bourgeous until you get to the point that the vast majority of the wealth is in the hands of a few capitalists and the vast majority of the population has little or nothing to show for it. so let's go just one more here. when you get to this stage, marx says that you get a violent revolution. that purple, that's the vast majority of the wealth in the hands of a few guys and then the
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slice is the wealth in the hands of the population. the state will confiscate and own it on behalf of the people temporarily and that's socialism. it's great, of course, right? here in the socialist state and the state owns everything. that's what the marxist thoughts and what marx thought. no society unfortunately ever got past this stage. what's interesting is that the very moment marx was writing the communist manifest to in 1848, just a few miles away, in factories in britain, the salaries of the workers were going up rather than down. now, under the marxist assumpti assumptions, that is impossible, impossible. and so, it was already refuted before he'd even written the book. but how is that possible? it's possible, of course, because certain kinds of economies we don't just trade beneficially but create things not there before, wealth not there before.
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we know this but to think of it as a pie, the market reality is quite different. it is like a pie that grows. i don't know of any pie like that. i think that the view of this is inaccurate but to think of the wealth as a pie, think of it this way. this is the market reality. the pie grows. you're all stunned by the prowess of this powerpoint animation. it's the best i could do. i never took a course. a lot of people are visual learns. so it helps just to sort of think about this. the pie is growing. right? now, this is a very mysterious thing. how is this possible? how's this possible? pies don't grow. how do economies grow? isn't altatend money and gold a things like that? first thing to notice is that this is possible, what it means is somebody could get fabulously wealthy not from taking money or wealth from somebody else but creating wealth for themselves and others. the late steve jobs did not get
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rich stealing ipads from homeless guys, right? that's not how it works. we know it so obviously that we tend to miss it. all economists know that generally free economies are going to create wealth over time. now, what i find fascinating about this, that's true economically but the question is how's this possible? i think that is point in which the jude owe christian theology on verge. right? and the biblical understanding of the human person we are made from the dust of the earth and yet we have in us the very breath of god. we are created in the image of the free creator. we don't create like god does. right? we don't call things in to existence from nothing. we take what god gives and we transform it in to things that were not there before. so god creates sand and he grants to us the dignity to
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transform it in to fiber optic cables and integrated circuits, the nervous system and brains of the telecommunications revolution. we can transmit a thousand times more information in fiber optic cables made from 60 pounds of sand than we could transmit from a standard copper wire made from a thousand pounds of copper. that is the image of god at work. what this means is there's certain types of economic systems that both allow us to trade beneficially and also channel our god-given creativity to create wealth. and i wouldn't say that the christian world entails the free market but if you know what man is, if owe know we're creatures made in the image of god you will want and defend an economic system that channels that creativity in to greater things for ourselves and for others. there's a very inspiring vision. i hope you find it inspiring
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because there's not a conflict between our moral and religious beliefs and the economic system that we see that's under attack. people that are interested fiscal issues and people interested in social issues can work together around the same set of principles. that's one of -- those two groups need to work together and the truth is a lot of people of faith don't know how to work together. so with that i want to introduce james robison who has a -- i know impassioned and inspiring message to give you. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> thank you, jay. glenn beck texted me last night after he left and said i didn't connect with the people in colorado last night. did glenn beck connect with the
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people in colorado last night? [ i applause ] i think it's important to know with the bright lights last night, it was impossible to see the audience but i was able to watch the people around me and i told glenn by return he hit a grand slam. hit it out of the park. he was a statesman and i appreciate it. [ applause ] i want you to know that you're witnessing something that's more significant than may come to your mind on first glance. i am a southern baptist, very conservative evangelist. jerry farwell said you make all the rest of us conservatives look like a bunch of liberals. last night, an evangelical introduced a mormon. [ applause ] and i called him a friend because he's family. you just heard a catholic
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philosopher now followed by an evangelical protestant. you may not know it but what you are witnessing is what's essential for the survival of freedom as we have known it. [ applause ] we have to stop the damaging bickering. the continual division and dissension that everything within the capacity and character of creator god literally rebukes. god is calling for a unity, a harmony with the creator and as jay pointed out, we are born in the image of god. co-creators. we didn't move out of the stone age because we ran out of rocks. the very thought that you could take sand and create the greatest wealth in america with fiber optics and microchips.
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we don't really have an energy crisis. we have got a crisis in relationship with father god and we do not have a relationship with the family of the father. and we've got to get that healed. [ applause ] there is a prevailing destructive spirit of divorce that is tearing marriages apart, families apart and a nation apart. and we've got to put a stop to it. being created equal does not mean we're created the same. no two snowflake's the same. no two fingerprints the same. no two people the same. the new testament refers to the family of faith as the body of christ. the world teaches that what you need to succeed are connections. god say what is you need to succeed is connectedness. every part in the body connected to every other part. i've recently pointing out to my friends, connect this part of the body properly to this part of the body, submit it to the
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head and the hand works properly. the hand of god, the love of god, the compassionate watch care of god must be demonstrated by people who have submitted their lives to the father and creator, submitting to his lordship and connect to one another properly, each one with distinct roles to fulfill but when connected together we can put the arms of a loving father around a broken, devastated world and let me say to every conservative republican. you better pull your head out of the sand and you better understand if you don't want your epitaph to be thou fool then understand you take some of the creative energy and some of the great capacity god has given you for prosperity and wealth and focus on the need of the downtrodden and the overlooked. you had best learn to speak the language of the poor or they're going to destroy prosperity and wealth as we have enjoyed it and we have been the most prosperous, benevolent nation in
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history. we're either going to witness in our lifetime the rebirth of freedom and the restoration of the foundation upon which this nation was established to become the most benevolent nation in history or we're going to witness the death of it. as ronald reagan said, if we don't remember we are a nation under god we will be a nation down under. god is calling us to a heart harmony with one another that enables us to overcome all the power of evil, right now we are witnessing what appears to be a prevailing world view that is so upside down, so inverted with god on the bottom if acknowledged at all, the philosophies and ideals of men, of marx, of socialism, of progressive liberallyism, prevailing in those people so
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deceived as a pilot inverted not knowing so when they think pull up, they continue to take us down. it's as though the chicago mafia has ended up in washington, d.c. [ applause ] i want to make it absolutely clear. don't blame democrats or republicans. the major responsibility rests on the shoulders of people who profess faith in a living, mighty god. [ applause ] while you stayed home and took care of business, somebody's giving you the business. and i can promise you that the enemy of faith and freedom, the enemy of everything that made our nation great, are walking in lock step, the strangest, oddest bedfellows you have ever seen. but they march in step. just like the consuming locusts
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in job chapter 2. they never broke rank. they walked together. they found the places of vulnerability. through the windows. as thieves. consuming the wealth, the productivity of the society. the consuming locusts in america are the liberal, progressive socialists that are destroying the potential in our nation. [ applause ] there's only one way to stop it. rend your heart, not your garments. stop going through the motions of religion. and get in a relationship with god. and if you say you love god, you don't love your brother, you're a liar. the very fact that i'm standing
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here shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, with a catholic philosopher, i don't even have a college degree. glenn beck and i are kind of cut out of the same mold. i told you last night when i introduced glenn i'm the product of a forced sex relationship imposed on a practical nurse, a home nurse. she conceived me. and desperation with no husband, meager income, she said i have to get rid of the child. a doctor said, no. possibilities. i lived in poverty without a father. i'm so typical in so many ways of the inverted prevailing world view. that's destroying our world. fatherlessness. fatherless because people don't know god the father. they don't understand commitment. and this room with filled with successful people. and success in wealth is not our
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problem. the farmer jesus said, thou fool. it is not your soul that's required of thee. he didn't say because it was an abundant harvest and a fertile farm. not bigger barns. he said it because he was so consumed with himself. that he could not see realistically the challenges which are, in fact, opportunities. for thinkers to deal with. the wealth creators ought to own the poverty problem. don't turn it over to the federal government. they can't manage one dollar well! [ applause ] don't put safl on your conscious giving them 30% of your income to mismanage. stop doing it. do what tom cousins did in atlanta. rebuild the inner city. turn the whole place inside out.
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there's enough brain power in this room alone to correct our nation's perilous course. there are enough professing christians here. pull your head out of the sand. stand up on the rock of god's truth. refuse to give the devil another inch. [ applause ] don't give the world philosophies prevailing your future, your children's. we are robbing and stealing from children yet to be born! god forgive us all. i will not sit back and watch this nation die. i will use every ounce of energy and strength and ability god has given me to awaken the church, to awaken the people of faith, to quit arguing and be an answer to jesus' prayer. that we be one with the father and perfected in supernatural
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unity with one another. that's what you see with me and jay. that's what you see with me and glenn beck when i went to him and he said you came to me a mormon and you an evangelical protestant. you were coming a leper. a leper. but you loved me. you loved me. that's changing my life. love never, never fails! [ applause ] hope does not ride in to town on air force one. it doesn't ride on the backs of donkeys or elephants. i know the bible says some day the lion will lie down with the lamb. i wish i could have enough influence to get a donkey to lie down with an elephant. have a civil discussion so we could have better civil government. my mother took me as a boy in to
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poverty. i didn't have an address. we got our mail at someone else's house. when i filled out the little survey card at school, to tell about my dad, i didn't have one. i lived on the alleys. behind someone's house. on a dump, a dirty river. i bathed in the colorado. i was 5% to 10% white where i lived. wonderful thing happened. no one taught me to hate opportunity and success. no one told me that success was an enemy.
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and i looked out from the mire and the muck and the misery of my impoverished situation and my dysfunctional family and i saw possibilities, i saw opportunity. i went to work at age 12 every day for 40 cents an hour. no one told me that was too little. no one told me i was too young. three months after i went to work, the manager of the store said you're the greatest worker i've ever seen. he put me over produce. he put me over dairy. he put me over the stock department. he had university of texas students working and he said, son, i've never seen anything like you. he said i'd let you run the meat department but they have a law. you've got to be 18. he said i'll tell you what, boy. i bet when you grow up you could manage a store just like this. my little 12-year-old mind that hadn't been flipped in to an
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inverted world view, my little 12-year-old mind said, when i grow up i can own this store. [ applause ] that's what must happen and do you know how we we get the trutf possibilities out and potential? we become exactly what jesus commissioned us to be. we become salt and light. light illuminates the way. everything that's out of place, how to put it in place, and the proper way to go. and jesus said don't you hide that light under any covering of conformity or compromise. do not cover it with religion, when a vital relationship is critical. let me tell you how many of my friends, many people right here, have allowed that light to be hidden. you have taken care of business in the light of your own
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situation and you have never gotten that light up on a lamp stand to stand by other lights and become the city set on a hill that cannot, will not and must not be hidden. and unless we do that, what jesus said about salt, we will witness. jesus said if salt loses its effect, what does salt do? it protects the precious, the priceless and adds flavor to all aspects of life. jesus said if the salt loses its effect, it's good for nothing but to be trampled under the feet of man. what are you watching happen right now, because what we've hidden the light at church, at home, and we've enjoyed the blessings and benefits, we have not become the light that cannot be hidden, the city that cannot be hidden and we are watching the sacred and the precious trampled under the feet of god denying individuals, and the only hope is for us to come together first fall on our face
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before god and then stand on our feet for god. he is the father. we are family and he is our hope for restoring freedom. god bless you. [ applause ] >> wow. wow. james robison, indivisible. richards and robison, catholic, evangelical, mormon, jews, americans of good will who understand we are a nation under god, we are indivisible and as such, we will prevail. thank you, james. thank you, jay.
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thank you, my good friend, paul eldrid eldridge, for taking the gavel for a little while. we've got depth, we've got bench on this team at centennial institute at colorado christian university and the western conservative summit. for the introduction of our next main speaker, please welcome our dear friend, the honorable ambassador, marilyn ware. >> john, thank you. i do want to comment postscript. it took me 42 years to get there to the embassy so remain resilient and determined in what you believe. john, good to be with you and bill, summit friends, all of us, it's my pleasure and will be yours, i'm certain, to introduce k.t. mcfarland, who is a friend of freedom, foreign affairs expert and national security
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expert. just by way of background, you should know that k.t. worked in security positions for three presidents, for nixon, ford, and ronald reagan. she and i had a breakfast meeting this morning and we both commented, ronald reagan's foresight and vision and the encouragement that she got in those early posts were what put her on the track that has made her a great american. those are my words, not hers. in addition, in today's world, in a world of media and variations of media, k.t. has become the fox news national security analysis or analyst. she appears regularly, as you know, on fox news and fox business news, and she is blogging, she is communicating with every tool that you could
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have. as a very significant radio presence, and i'm sure you will recognize her either having seen her there or heard her voice on one of these many radio programs. so now it's time to travel the world in foreign affairs and defense matters and welcome k.t. mcfarland. [ applause ] >> thank you. i just want to tell you, you guys have no idea who this lady is. she should be the one speaking to you. marilyn ware is a legend in republican circles, conservative circles, diplomatic circles. she doesn't sing her own praises ever. she stays in the background. but ran a major corporation, then went on to be the ambassador to finland, where they were really not expecting a woman ambassador, and has then continued to do great things for
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conservative causes and republican causes around the world. so anyway, i'm honored to share the stage with you. >> it's all yours. >> thank you. i also -- can you hear me if i walk over here? yes? okay. i also want to thank john andrews because you know, he gets it. he understands that it's not just about winning enough electoral votes to be president, not about just winning enough votes to hold office. it's about changing the way people think. i learned that from ronald reagan, where he knew it wasn't enough just to be president. he knew you had to get the support of the american people to govern and we've had political leaders i think for the last decade or so who didn't get that, and that's why it's so important the work that you're doing here to educate yourself on the issues and to be active and alive and to be part of it. before i start formal remarks, i do think it's important since i'm going to talk about national
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security issues to ask if anyone who has worn the uniform either in law enforcement or in the military or whose family member has done so, i'm a navy mom so i like to get up, too, and thank my countrymen but if anybody has, please stand up. i want to give you all a round of applause. okay. this is awesome. look at this. great. thank you all because as ronald reagan used to say, freedom is just one generation away from being lost, and the fact that people do serve the country and do so under difficult times i think we all owe you a debt of gratitude and i hope that the young people here take the example from what you have done with your own lives. i thought what i would do, i will do it really quickly because i know i'm the only thing standing between you and lunch, is to tell you who i really am. how many of you watch fox news?
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i'm the brunette at fox news. and in that regard, i have to earn my keep every day as the brunette at fox news. so i want to talk to you about the national security issues we face today. the ones we are likely to face four years from now if we don't have change of course, and then really, the future beyond that. where are we today. what are the main national security threats and issues we face. well, the arab spring. a year ago, somebody stood up here and said this is really great, the entire middle east is going up in flames and they are throwing over their dictators and they're going to have new democratic governments. guess what, it hasn't happened that way. the countries in the middle east who have overthrown their dictators have in the last several days, in fact, in egypt just last week, have voted to replace those dictators with islamic governments, with islamic leaders, and
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particularly in the case of egypt, it's the muslim brotherhood. now, do we worry about the muslim brotherhood? well, this is a group that was founded in the 1920s dedicated to the extermination of jews. there was no israeli state at that point but they still in modern days have talked about the extermination of the state of israel, and they talk about establishing an islamic state. you don't know what that means. an islamic state could be like iran where they are state sponsors of terrorism, they are very anti-american and they're expansionist or it could be like turkey. you just don't know the direction egypt is going. but as egypt goes, so will the rest of the region. egypt is the largest country in that part of the world. it's the one with the greatest history, the one that the other muslim countries look to. so the elections that just happened last week are not a good indicator of where things are going. so look at what happens with the arab spring and where it develops. it's not where we thought it was going to be and i think that this administration has done a very poor job of pull t


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