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tv   Great Salt Lake  CSPAN  June 15, 2014 1:47pm-2:01pm EDT

1:47 pm
you're watching american history tv. >> more than simply giving salt lake city its name, it remains integral to the history of the city and the state of utah and to its culture and its economy. the great salt lake is one of the mate -- one of the things that makes utah in salt lake city very special place. we are looking at the great salt lake across the city of on and. remains itself living of a prehistoric lake. it reached its maximum level about 16,000 years ago and then it began to receive after an ice
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dam at the north end of the lake collapsed. this is essentially a very shallow pan. what i mean is that the depth of the lake is never very great. if you want to look over this way, look out of the west, actually. dome is carrington island. the deepest part is between us and that point. levels, medium-low lake probably around 30 feet or less, the lake itself averages only 15 or 16 feet in depth and looking a little bit down into the left over here, you can see the effect of that. that is a very minimal change in lake levels. surface area and therefore the shoreline of great salt lake can change very radically and very quickly.
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the first inhabitants were native people. native peoples lived here as long ago at least 10,000 years. anyone resource for living around great salt lake where the wetlands along the eastern shore of the lake. this is the same time as ancestral pueblo and culture. that is when the population peaked.
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the first explorers to arrive and actually see salt lake is some dispute. 1776ow that a father in when they were trying to find a route from santa fe to monterey. utah but as far as they never saw salt lake itself. exhibition, there is a competing claim on who was first, what americans first solve the great salt lake. jim bridger claims to be the first to see the salt lake writing down from the bear river valley. there is also a pretty good evidence that an operator at of taos was in salt lake valley earlier than that and might have been the first euro american to
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see the lake. out there is fremont island, it is kind of mask by the larger peninsula, the mountain range behind it. in the foreground, it is fremont island, the pinnacle summit on the right side. was forcedand explored in 1843 by the famous government explore on the second exhibition. came down from fort hall in the north and they wanted to get a look at the great salt lake. they had a term -- a hard time getting a decent look at the lake. you can get close to it in many places. so, they finally attained prominence, that was the river. they were able to see the entire lake. they ought with them a rubber boat which they inflated and they went down into the lake in early september, 1843 and paddled out towards the island.
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they spent a night on the lake, that, where carson and one of the others went across. he named the island, disappointment island. it was not fremont island until in 1849, 1850.y we moved down to the south end of the lake and are standing between the modern salt air and the great salt lake. going to talk little bit about recreation. great salt lake has always been a triassic and attraction to forests and it was no different in the 19th century. the original mormon pioneers shortly after arriving in the valley, bathed in the lake. it was famous as america's dead sea.
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not beginfeldman did until the 1870's. the most famous of all was the salt air. what you see behind us is the modern generation of the salt air for this building wasn't built until the early 1980's. the original air would have been out here. was built on pilings, 2500 pilings that extended 4000 feet into the lake. there were bathing facilities. people would descend the stairs to a platform and got into the water that way. it has been built in this moorish revival style, that they called it, that evoked exotic oriental that was very popular. when visitors arrived, they would find rides, there was a game midway. it was really the lake that was the attraction. the novelty of floating in the
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great salt lake, being able to float like a cork in this dense brine. that remains a really big draw. just like everything else out here, the lake levels matter a lot. over the years, even the salt the shorefeet out to would be stranded high and dry by the 1930's. by the time of the great depression and world war ii, not as many people came out here and it finally closed in 1958 and was burned completely in an arson fire in 1970. the building behind us was developed as a successor to that and it was opened in 1981. it had about a two-year lifespan before it was swallowed. beginning this september, 1983. the great salt lake went through one of the best of the best
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cycles and its history. peaked in rising and 1986, 1987 after about 4200 and 12 feet, a little bit below that. is five feet of water. this was destroyed almost immediately. the waters did eventually come down and were bought by other investors who in the early 1990's we turned it into a concert venue. this is the center of the great deal of industry and very important economically to the state of utah. you can see pretty good evidence of that. you can look at that smelter. that is where it was dug out of the canyon mines and processed. the shoreline here on the south side is also the home of two major mineral extractions.
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the salt extraction started very early in utah's history. borrowed lake water to get salt for their needs. to the west, into the operation. it in industrial applications like water softener. many other minerals are taken from the brine of the great salt lake. potassium,ulfates, which is use of fertilizer, and magnesium extraction. magnesium metal, flora approaches used to deice roadways and instructions i. according. and various other chemicals are shy from the lake. just as the rising and falling levels of the lake pose severe problems to resorts, the same thing is true of the mineral
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industry. ricin-laced, to dropping lakes, it means the beach is hard -- high and dry. the rise of the lake in the mid-1980's really endangered the mineral extraction. it flooded the evaporation from faces like u.s. magnesium and use solar radiation to evaporate water and therefore extract minerals. dealing with the natural rise and fall of the lake is something that is a constant part of the history of this place. there are real concerns today that human impacts to make a difference. history, the evidence shows that the lake has risen and fallen. studiedther hand, a lot the link and overly expensive and they are very concerned about water issues, the fact
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that there are no water rights that are inherent in the guarantee of a water supply to on an annualsh it basis. this is something that certainly people in the community are concerned with. lake is enshrined history and history well in utah. now in the early 21st century thomas is overshadowed by the mountains and by the grand national parks of utah but in the 19th century, it was a focus of tourism, a fascination, a focus of industry. extractions -- of mineral extractions. for all those reasons, the lake was and remains an integral part of utah's history. >> find out where c-span's local content vehicles are going next,
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