tv Oral Histories CSPAN August 7, 2014 10:36pm-11:42pm EDT
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weekend that john mitchell decided to improve the plan. you had a sense that john mitchell had been on the phone with martha. >> no. he had been up all night with her. my understanding of it was, i wasn't there, but my understanding is that from john mitchell talking to him that john was up all night with martha. martha had a severe drinking problem. he had been up all night with her. then he had this meeting with her the next day. there's an interesting story here. the first time i ever heard the term president-elect was when john mitchell said, mr. president-elect, i can't go with you. that response was up in the waldorf towers when nixon put his arm around john's shoulder and said, john, we're going to florida to start planning the government.
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and mitchell said, mr. president-elect, i can't go with you. and a tear comes down his face. and he says, i've got to go to connecticut and figure out what to do about martha. she was in an institution up in connecticut at that point. so her problem really was severe then. and she gets out. she's in this washington environment with all this stuff going on. and it was just a tragic story. and she was not a well person. >> you mentioned you were a point of contact? >> she liked to call the president. she liked to call "my president." so she would call. and the system had been arranged by which i would get martha's calls, and i would talk to her
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and act accordingly. whatever the plan was. i would also call over and let john know that she had called. but she would call and say, i want to talk to my president. i would say he was in a conference or on the phone. can i take a message? i want to talk to him. you have him call me, and so forth. then i would call her back 20 minute s later and say, mrs. mitchell, it's not going to be possible today. i always tried to complete the loop. it was an awkward thing. it was awkward for john to know that he had this woman that he was madly in love with. i mean, he really love this lady. but yet, she was causing this commotion. >> were the calls more frequent after the break-in? >> less frequent, i think. i'm talking the calls were more frequent when he was attorney
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general, not after he left that position. and i really don't recall any kind of an increase. my immediate response was a tapering off. >> did the president ever speak to her? >> at social events, but not on the phone. well, i don't know. never is pretty inclusive. i don't think so. >> not that you recall? >> no. >> i keep going back to the fact that this was a very well orgized or seemed to be. if you look at all of these various things, the various operations.
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what i find interesting is why haldeman tolerated these uncontrollable operations? >> which ones? i mean, i only know of the segretti one. [ inaudible ] >> but bob's attitude on that would be that's ehrlichman's problem. if ehrlichman took something and went with it, that's ehrlichman's. and bob had enough on his plate that he's not worrying about what john's worrying about. he more likely would be worried about something that kissinger was doing, only because that's where nixon's primary focus would be. and the ramifications on that. and also, he was not a foreign policy expert. so he would be trying to make
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sure that he wasn't screwing something up or messing around. bob had a great philosophy. his approach on this was to, if he was in the president's office and there was a meeting going on and it got into a subject area that he was not knowledgeable about, he would attempt, not successfully all the time, but would attempt to get the key person in. i think i mentioned this earlier. schultz or whoever it might be. he considered that a key part of his job. because he didn't want to be in a bind either where all of a sudden, he's nodding and nixon is taking it. he wanted to get the expert there. >> did you ever hear [ inaudible ]? >> no. let me go back to bob a minute. jim baker, al hague, and don
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rumsfeld all are people that i know. all of whom have said the system that haldeman put in place there was absolutely spectacular. and that the modern white house today runs on the system that bob put in. he made a major contribution to the office of the presidency by what he got in place there. >> people want to understand that system. what should they look at? >> the staff secretariat system. how it works. how paperwork moves through. the whole option paper concept with the memorandums and the tabs and the staffing it out and making sure that clean, concise decisions could be made after proper considerations. just the flow. i mean gerry ford came in with
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this crazy hub spoke thing. no manager in their right mind would have because, i mean -- but after coming after nixon, it's understandable why he did it. it was a pr maneuver to say i'm here and anybody can walk in the door. that's just not the proper way to run something. all these guys are bright enough to know that. >> but one of the consequences of that approach is that the center doesn't always get all the information. >> if it's run properly, the center gets all the information possibliy necessary to make the right decision because that's what the staffing system is all about was to say, let's pick an example. we have a memorandum from john volpe at hud. he wants to have in the next budget this and this and this and it impacts treasury, it
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impacts oeo, it impacts three other things. that memorandum, that document is sent out to treasury, oeo, and the other departments that might be affected. memos are called back as to the impact on that. it's all put together, and it's sent in. it's a much better way to make sure all the bases are covered. and everybody is exposed to it than letting some cabinet officer come in and have a private meeting with the president. and god only knows what's been said. the cabinet officer hears one thing. nixon thinks he says something else. lo and behold, you've got a mess. >> is watergate a breakdown of that system? >> yes. watergate is a breakdown in the sense that when nixon and haldeman -- this is a personal view. when nixon and haldeman started
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managing this the way they did, and they excluded the people with the political sinensitivits that would have realized how this was going to build and what was going to happen on the hill and got nixon to act in a political way, not necessarily in a managerial or legal way. i mean, you can make the case that until somebody is indicted, they are innocent until proven guilty. but in politics, that's not always the best way to go. right? i mean, my opinion. >> they apparently didn't bring all the people into a room to ask questions? >> absolutely. john mitchell was never asked. people were never asked. people were never asked what happened. what the hell was going on here?
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what if you would have called the creep people over, put them in a room, and said what the hell is going on here? we're not leaving until i fully understand. you're my campaign staff. i need to know what's going on here. not nixon's style. he's not going to do that. he's a man that doesn't believe in confrontation. if he's going to have a confrontation, somebody else is going to do it for him. well, probably because it bothered to even raise that with the president. bob said maybe we don't want to know what's going on. i can't answer that, tim. i really don't know. >> do you think this is the sort of situation where it had been a harlow or bob finch or eisenhower? >> yes. that's what i'm talking about. exactly. political guys. the political guys were the ones that would bitch the most about the haldeman system. and the haldeman system was
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terrific for running business. but not necessarily for making political judgments and the nuances that have to go into political calculation. the thing that's mind boggling is the best politician of all is nixon. and he suffers, as he always does, when he's under attack. and when it's personal, he cannot, in my reading of this, he does not make good decisions when it's personalized and he's under attack politically. if it's abstract, china and russia and the world today, he's brilliant. brilliant strategist. but when you get in tight and close and everything else and you're fighting him and fighting his people and coming at him and it's them, we, he starts falling apart. it's very tricky. >> had now noticed a change in him by the time he left the white house from the way he had
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been when he came to the white house? >> i saw him come into the white house and be fairly uptight first few. that would be my reading. and then relax and just really got into it and knew the job and felt comfortable and so forth. the war thing was just this arbatross around him that was this constant thing of trying to get past. and then watergate, i was gone. i can't really talk about watergate. i was gone. >> so you didn't see as he got tense again? you saw him loosening up? >> i saw him enjoying his job. we had our moments, but -- >> well, do you have anything you'd like to ask? >> i'm free. thank you.
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on the next "washington journal," we'll talk to democratic consultant and pollster doug schoen about gridlock and the possibility of bipartisanship in washington. then historian douglas brnkley will discuss the 40th anniversary of president nixon's resignation. recently mr. brinkley co-edited the book "the nixon tapes." we'll also take your phone calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. "washington journal" live each morning at 7:00 eastern on c-span. friday night on american history tv, president richard nixon's resignation in 1974. at 8:00 eastern, that night's "cbs news special report." at 8:30, president nixon's address to the nation announcing his resignation. and at 8:50, a panel of journalists, including "the washington post's" bob woodward and carl bernstein discuss
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watergate and president nixon's resignation. watch it friday night beginning at 8:00 eastern here an c-span3. judge robert bourque was solicitor general in the nixon administration. in this oral history interview for the nixon presidential library, he talks about the saturday night massacre when president nixon ordered him to fire watergate special prosecutor cox after the attorney general and deputy attorney general resigned in protest. this is an hour and a half. >> i was sitting in my office with the solicitor general when he called and said what time did i go home, and i told him. he said since i went right by the white house, would i drop in and see him when i left. i had no idea what was going on.
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so i did, i dropped in, and first he sat me down and said the president wanted me to resign as solicitor general and become his chief defense attorney. that shocked me because i had no idea anything like that was coming or that they would ask it. later on, i remember after a different episode at the white house, richardson said to me, why would he call you, you were a professor. i said before i was a professor, i was a practitioner and i put together big cases, anti-trust cases, which were quite complex. richardson didn't know that but i guess nixon must have been in touch with my partners who were at the bussing bill session. he was very persuasive and he made the case and it sounded like only i could save the
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republic. he discussed the fact that their legal operation was in shambles. for example, they did not know in advance that butterfield was going to disclose the existence of a taping system in the white house. i've heard that dispute, but anyway, in addition to that, there was no strategy. people were charging in different directions. he said you'll be in charge. i said, how do we know -- how will people know i'm in charge? will you give me a title? he said no, no, you'll be in charge because you'll be the only one with access to the president. i said, yeah, until i give him the wrong advice and then i sit by a phone that doesn't ring. he said, that's very per exce
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receptive of you. i wasn't about to get myself in a position where i sat and stared at a wall for months on end. i had just enough brains to ask for 24 hours to think it over. i went home and called a friend of mine, alexander bickle who was in town, and he and i spent the night discussing it and drinking a little, i must say. by morning it was quite clear i didn't want to job. so i went over to see elliott richardson before going down to see hague. and he made some suggestions. i went to see hague and i said a couple things. one is i have to hear the tapes.
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hague said, you may not hear the tapes. this president feels so strongly about the institution of the presidency, that if he's ordered to give up those tapes, he will burn them first and then resign. i started to say, out of curiosity, then why doesn't he burn them now. but i decided it was the wrong thing to say because somebody might burn them and say we're burning the tapes on the advice of the solicitor general. so i shut up. then i said, furthermore, i'm not a private attorney, who is going to pay me? richard nixon? they said, no, the government. i said if the government pays me i'm a government attorney. i'm not free as a private attorney would be. if he comes across bad evidence, i'd have to turn it over to an
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impeachment committee or somebody. i sensed that interest in my services was waning at this point. i made a couple of other points. and then hague said finally, well, i see your point, i guess. it wouldn't work out. about two weeks later nixon called me on the phone, no particular reason, just chatting. as my wife said, it was his way of saying it's all right, he doesn't hold it against you. they got other attorneys, and nobody seemed to raise a question about whether they could hear the tapes, whether they knew what the story they were telling was true or not. >> when you were -- well, when you were chatting with your
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mentor and friend, professor bickle, had you decided that this would be a condition, listening to the tapes would be a condition to you taking the job? you already decided you didn't want the job. >> i didn't want it but if they satisfied all my conditions, i don't know how to turn it down. >> i know it's a long time ago, but did you really think they would let you listen to the tapes? >> i didn't know. i didn't think about it way that. yeah, i thought they might. i didn't realize at the time what we now know, that those tapes were almost inaudible. i mean, i'd still be there trying to make out what's on those tapes. that was the genius of the stenous compromise. he would have never figured out what the hell he was listening
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to. seemed to me i had to hear the tapes. i couldn't begin telling a factual story if i had no idea whether or not there was anything to it. in fact, it might be contradicted by the tapes for all i knew. but i heard some other attorneys took the job and did just that, they made up stories and told a story. >> at some point, j. fred bezard was allowed to listen to the tapes, i believe, but perhaps not that early. >> i don't know. you mentioned richardson's name. tell us about the state of the justice department when you arrive in june of '73. >> when i arrived, i think a lot of people at the department of justice were dissatisfied with the way things were going.
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and i can't give any detail because i don't know exactly what their concerns were. there was a feeling that it was kind of motionless. when i was sworn in in the attorney general's conference room, i was sworn in by warren berger. after the swearing in of course we gather around for a reception and i heard somebody say now the department is going to start moving again. but they didn't mean just me. he meant elliott and so forth. it was like a whole new set of people who looked a little more vigorous than what they had before. klein was an interesting fellow because i wouldn't have suspected but on his wall he had
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a fi beta kappa plaque. that's not what you would negotiate with his name. i think he was brighter than we thought. i think what it was, he was rash. he would rush to -- when i first got there i had a case that somebody in the department signed the wrong slips and it looked like we were going to have to let about 400 criminals loose. it looked like it had political overtones, somebody screwed up. i went down to see him and said this is what we face. i have three options. i said, one, i gave him the first one and he said do that. i said wait a minute. you didn't even hear the other two. he was like that.
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he would draw and shoot very rapidly. >> the special prosecutor -- the watergate special prosecution force had just been assembled when you arrived. please explain to us what, if any, connection there was between the office of the solicitor general and the wspf. >> what there was what? >> what relationship, if any. >> almost none. i'm trying to think. at one point the white house began to scream about investigations into matters that were not related to watergate, and elliott called me in and
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said he clearly had intended, the special prosecution force, to look into matters related to watergate, not anything else in the man's background or life. he said cox agreed with that. elliott asked me to sit down with the jurisdiction and rewrite the jurisdictional statement. so it was clear it was aimed at watergate and not at the world. but before i finish with that, the roof fell in and we were -- there was no point in worrying about the exact terms at that point for reasons i'll go into if you wish. the only other -- i was in a meeting with elliott in which
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the white house had been complaining that he was -- cox was getting into national security matters. there was a discussion of how to deal with that. that was a problem -- a suggestion about getting retired counsel from the cia or somebody to act as sort of a master and decide what things were national security and what weren't. that, too, was cut short by events. the only other relationship i had -- the solicitor general's office had with them was the saturday night massacre. >> let me ask you about the national security issue that came up. that had to do with plumbers, didn't it? >> i don't know.
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>> one of the things jawarski will do is he will proceed with investigative plumbers as part of his -- as part of his mandate. >> probably so. the truth is that i didn't have much to do with cox and i had nothing to do with jawarski. the last thing i needed was allegations i was interfering with him. i told him when he came in that he was on his own and i was not going to interfere with him. he said in public that i had kept that promise. >> then before we go to the saturday night massacre, let's talk about agnew. when you meet with hague, one of the things possibly of discussing the president's lawyer, doesn't he raise the agnew? >> yes. >> how does that come up?
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>> the indication of the fact that things were coming apart and that they were facing battles on many fronts, one of which was agnew and they needed a central direction, a central strate strategy, some lawyer could give them. >> and that's the first you hear about it? >> yes. agnew had approached me at the inauguration as a matter of fact and later said he wanted to meet with him. it was kind of obvious that he was considering a run for the presidency and he was looking around for somewhat he regarded as talent to help him out. when the day came and i went to see him, i didn't know that he was in trouble. but he knew it. so we had this utterly colorless
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conversation. >> you once told the new haven register that you and elliott richardson were prepared to resign if president nixon did not support indicting agnew and you actually met with the president. >> yes. >> could you please tell us about that? >> oh, yeah, that was quite a moment. i should provide a little background. the u.s. attorney in baltimore was investigating corruption among contractors and their relationships to governmental units. they were not looking at agnew. they had no reason to. but agnew's name kept coming up when they investigated these guys. finally, it got to the point where they were convinced they
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had a case against agnew. the u.s. attorney called elliott richardson and told him that the vice-president looked like he had been taking bribes and was still taking bribes, not for anything he did in the white house but still receiving increments of what he earned before by his corruption. so elliott told the white house, and we then -- the department of justice, we got into a thing, there was some feeling perhaps that we shouldn't indict agnew. agnew went to the speaker of the house of representatives and said that we were considering indicting him and that would usurp the power of the house to impeach. and he couldn't be indicted before he was impeached and
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removed from office by conviction on impeachment in the senate, which posed a political problem as well as a legal problem. i take some credit for having solved both. i'm jumping ahead. it got sticky with the house of representatives. we sent back a letter saying -- elliott signed it, saying that we had to indict agnew because if we tried these other people, if we tried anybody, agnew's name was going to be all over the papers as a conspirator. you're not going to hide
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anything. furthermore, if we delayed indicting the other people in order to arrange matters with agnew, the statute of limitations would begin to run and we couldn't let that happen. so we sent a letter like that to the speaker and we put that in our brief as a matter of fact, i think. i'm not sure it's in the brief or not. >> the arguments are in the brief. >> then we got a call from the white house saying that they wanted to -- i don't know who they wanted to see, elliott maybe. he took me along or they asked me. i don't know which. i went over to the white house and sat down with al hague, glen
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garman, fred bezard and maybe one or two others and they really insisted that we not indict. they made the argument, the legal argument which i didn't believe but they made the legal argument. it was clear there was a political motive because agnew's base was the same as nixon's base, and they were afraid that if we attacked agnew, it would hurt nixon with his base and nixon was in trouble on impeachment grounds so he didn't want to squander the base. now, some people have written about how it was a plot by nixon to get rid of agnew. it was not a plot. they were dying not to have us attack agnew. but we wouldn't give way.
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hague said, let's go see the president, which is supposed to be -- when they drop that on you, you're supposed to quiver. on the way down the hall, elliott said, we have to go to the men's room. so we go in the men's room and turned on all the faucets to defeat any listening devices. you have no idea of the atmosphere in the white house in those days. you have no idea whether something was turned on and listening to you or not. so we turned on all the faucets and whispered to each other. elliott said, i think it's a resignation issue, don't you, bob? i said it certainly is. so we turned off the faucets and went to see the president. now, the resignation issue is a hard one to deal with. you can't walk in and say to a president, you do this or i'll
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resign. if he's any kind of a president he'll say he'll do it and make you resign. he can't be blackmailed that way. on the other hand, you can't get him go so far to commit himself, it's too embarrassing for him to back out once you bring up the resignation issue. it requires delicate handling. you have to sort of by the seriousness with which you take it, sort of indicate to him that there's something here that may be resignation issue and don't press this too far. >> i was asking you why the solicitor at the -- the office of the solicitor general was not involved in basically defending the issue of executive privilege on the tapes. >> there was a problem about that issue.
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elliott would be in charge for the negotiating for the department with cox's outfit to try to arrive at a position that would not unduly cut into executive privilege. you couldn't tell him not to plead it. we tried to -- on our end i met a couple of times. there was no principle way to say that executive privilege did not apply in this case but did in other cases. so he said he would make as narrow an argument for an exception to executive privilege as he could, and he did. >> this is during, again, before the -- >> before the argument of the
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supreme court. >> oh, in '74? >> yeah. well, i was negotiating with them before that, in '73. it was before elliott left office. the collision between executive privilege and the special prosecutors needs was inevitable. it was approaching. you could see it. that's when elliott asked me to try to work out a compromise. >> judge shricka didn't really provide you any guidelines on any executive privilege, i think. he didn't even rule on that that summer. >> no. in a sense, there is no executive privilege. every branch of government claims the same privilege. calling it an executive privilege sounds as if the
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president is elevating himself above the rest of the government. he's not. you try subpoenaing the conference records of a court or try subpoenaing the records of a closed session of a congressional committee. you're going to get a claim of privilege. it's not executive. it's a governmental privilege. >> tell us about any interactions you had with archibald cox when you were both professors. >> none. i didn't know the man. i knew who he was, but i didn't know him. i read one article by him. >> that summer as you were watching -- you did interact a little bit with his team. you mentioned about talking to
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him. how well did you think he was doing his job? >> cox, he was doing okay. he was very slow. he didn't do anything wrong, but he was not a prosecutor. he agonized over decisions, which was just as well because if you don't know quite what you're doing it's just as well. jawarski was a prosecutor and he moved much more rapidly because he was used to that kind of stuff. he knew the doctrines, which cox didn't. it's not cox's fault, he just wasn't that kind of a lawyer. i think he did a good job as far as he was allowed to go.
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the uproar was because cox could be fired for cause, and there was no cause to fire him, not in the legal sense. that's what caused the uproar. when i say there's no cause to fire him, within the meaning of the charter there was no cause. the reason for firing him was facing down the president on national television. you can't have a subordinate officer facing the president down on national television, particularly he kent pointing out at a time when the president's prestige was being challenged in the middle east where there were all kinds of things going on and nixon had to
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exert a great deal of moral authority as well as physical authority. so i think cox had to be fired but not because he was behaving improperly within the meaning of the charter. >> what did you hear of the stenous compromise in the week before this blew up? >> i heard that he was going to listen to the tapes. i thought it was hilarious because stenous was -- i had met stenous and he was by no means vigorous enough or his hearing sw wasn't good enough to make out those tapes. it was a way of putting the whole thing off. i think at one point cox agreed to it but then backed away.
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i'm not sure about that. but the compromise, i thought, was a nonstarter. in fact, i don't think there's anything that could have saved nixon. we haven't even gone into the -- the u.s. attorney's office made the case about nixon before cox was even appointed. i had a 72-page memoranda given by early sillbert who was an assistant in the u.s. attorney's office to cox about the case. i think doyle's book quotes somebody in saying that the case was 90% made at that point. beside nixon's name in the memoranda, somebody had written -- i can't find out who. somebody had written constitutional question, question mark.
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let me explain this. it's the kind of thing i love and nobody else does. there was no jurisdiction in the case. the supreme court didn't have jurisdiction, but they weren't going to let that stop them. there comes a time when the pressure is on sufficiently and things like that just drop out of sight. when there's a controversy between two persons, one of whom can end the controversy by issuing an order, there's no case or controversy. now, the same thing would have been true if the u.s. attorney's office continued which would
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mean, in effect, unless a state undertook to impeach the president, which you can forget about, which would mean, in effect, that there's no root in a case like that except impeachment. now, when the case was argued, st. claire argued for the president, didn't fully understand this argument about jurisdiction. he said to the court, you can't have two people in the same branch of government suing each other to get a court determination of the difference between them. potter stewart said, well, that's certainly true in the ordinary case, but here he has a charter. the charter i issued.
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so i listened to him. now, the answer to that is, if that were true, the president could turn every policy dispute within the government into a judicial question by issuing charters everywhere. that's not going to work. st. claire didn't make that argument. he just accepted the charter argument and went on. it's the only point they had, the only chance they had to win was that one, and i don't think it was a real chance because you don't remember the incredible tension in washington and in the country. they wanted a resolution. they didn't really care much how they got it. so i don't think the jurisdictional argument i think
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is logically but i don't think it was going to stand up. >> is there another problem, too, which is how you get information to make the judgment about impeachment if the person who is being -- who is under suspicions is also the one controlling access to information? >> not if a court orders them to fork over the information. >> yes, but that was the whole problem with the tapes. >> what? >> well, how do you get one branch of the government to order -- >> no. the problem with the tapes was that one branch of government was suing itself. >> well, yes, but once the supreme court got involved ultimately i'm saying. >> when any court got involved. once a special prosecutor who was a member of the executive branch began to sue another member in the executive branch,
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you're into this the dilemma. >> would the root have been for the house judiciary committee to have sued the president for the tapes and then you would have one branch suing another and then the supreme court would rule? is that how it should have worked? >> yeah. >> in which case the jurisdictional argument was only good for the instance of the special prosecutor, but it wouldn't have protected the president from that. >> not from impeachment, no. >> i thought that was the essential problem here the access to information where the judgment could be made. early sillbert, we've interviewed him and he did make that a very strong case, but even he will admit that without the tapes the case against president nixon was not an open and shut case. >> no, it wasn't.
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i don't see that that's a problem. if an impeachment proceeding is going forward, you have to be able to get evidence to base the decision whether to impeach or not. i think there was an attempt by the irvin committee to get tapes by subpoena and it failed. but the irvin committee was not an impeachment committee. i think it was just sort of a freelance rummaging about -- i'd have to go back and read the
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thing again. >> we got into this as a preface to talking about what happens when the stenous compromise fails and you find yourself pulled into this crises. >> it was funny because i was watching it and the radio reported that it had been resolved by compromise. i called elliott and said congratulations. he said mr. cox is not going along. they met at the white house. there's a dispute about who -- i wish elliott had taken me to that meeting as he did to the agnew meeting because they screwed it up at the white house, both elliott and the
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white house. the question came up about issuing an order to cox and somebody said what will cox do. and elliott apparently said he'll resign. well, i wish i had been there to say suppose he doesn't resign. what next? well, what next is the saturday night massacre. >> elliott later said he regretted maybe he hadn't made it clear enough to the president that he could not fire cox.
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that was when the disaster set in. it's true that he couldn't for a variety of reasons, one of which was he had given cox a charter which he himself drafted that said he wouldn't fire cox. well, that hemmed him in considerably. they went ahead on the theory that elliott was going to fire him. when it turned out elliott wouldn't, they were stuck, so they turned to me. i remember sitting in elliott's office. cox had just given this nationwide color tv speech about why he was going to -- it was a
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theatrical speech. elliott's secretary appeared in the doorway and said the attorney general wants to see you. i went in and a couple of young aides were there running around. we discussed that nobody could see any way out. elliott finally said, i can't fire him, bill, can you? he said no. he turned to me and said can you fire him, bob? i said give me a minute to think. there may be people whose minds are so clear that they can peer through the fog of all these messes right away. i'm not one of them. seems to me there was a big, buzzing confusion going on and i wanted to get it straightened out in my mind. so i paced around the room while
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they continued to discuss things. i finally said i'll fire him, but then i'll resign. they said, why would you resign? they said i shouldn't because the department needed continuity. i said because i don't want to be viewed as an apparachuk. the truth is i was the third in line. there was nobody behind me. the department of regulations and the deputy solicitor general. that was it. if i had resigned or i refused the order and been fired or whatever and the acting attorney general would have been appointed, it would have had to be somebody from the outside because after elliott and bill and i quit, nobody was going to take that job inside the department of justice.
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i think probably it would have been fred bezard. those guys wanted to wipe out the entire special prosecution force. after a fired cox, some people wanted to know why i stopped there. i said because i'm not going to get involved in an obstruction of justice. that's why i stopped there. so there was nobody behind me. i finally thought that the man had to be fired for the reasons we've discussed, and the only reason i wouldn't do it was personal fear of what would happen to me. i don't mean i was going to get put in jail, but my reputation would be shot for good. i called my wife who had no inkling of this and said i think i may have to fire cox. if you got something to say, say
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it now. she said call alex bickle. so i called bickle and he was out playing tennis and that was that. i went back and told -- kay called me and i said send a car over. he did and i went downstairs and it was getting dark and there was a driver. glen garmen was in the rear passenger seat and bezard in the back seat. they were afraid i was going to back out and grab me i think. it looked funny. it looked like we were going for a ride. i went over and i talked to hague and i said i'll do it but then i'll resign. he didn't look like he was too interested in whether i resigned
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or not. bryce harlow was there and charles wright, the whole crew was there. charles wright said i'll write the letter. i said make it terse, and he did. it was a one-line letter. after that nixon wanted to see me. i went in and chatted with him. he was very gloomy. it was not an outcome he wanted. but i think if it hadn't happened then, it would have happened sooner or later. there was no way he could -- the u.s. attorney's office or the special prosecutors office, one of the two was going to get him. >> let's step back a minute. had you been attorney general
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that week before this happened, what might you you have done differently? you don't think that this could have been avoided? >> well, it could be delayed but if i had been attorney general i would have had to say i can't fire cox because i've given him a charter, i can't now say the charter is meaningless that i wrote, i'm firing you, so i can't fire cox. at that point it was up to the president what he was going to do, fire me or go along. it would only be a holding action. sooner or later that conflict was going to rise to the top. >> since you -- >> i can see why -- people
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forget why nixon -- nixon had his insecurities as we know. one of them was the kennedy family whom he regarded as tough and unskrup lus people. when cox was sworn in as solicitor general, irvin grizzwald and this is another reason i don't think griswald is a great lawyer, had the swearing in taken place at the office of the solicitor general. the solicitor general doesn't preside over the swearing in of a guy who is supposed to get the president and kennedy and his family were there. because cox was a kennedy family lawyer. he always was who they turned to at harvard for testimony or
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whatever they needed. he was known as a kennedy family appendage. so nixon was paranoid about the whole thing, and he was determined to get rid of cox sooner or later. i think he thought it would have changed the outcome. i remember talking to hague -- well, after getting rid of cox i was at the attorney general for two and a half months and finally we decided we had to have another special prosecutor because this thing was not flying politically. it was interesting because my staff and i went down the names of all the former presidents of the aba. at first i was just looking for a good prosecutor. but then i realized that wasn't going to be enough. it had to be somebody well known
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to whom the press could turn and others and say what about this guy. and he would get a good writeup from his colleagues. so we began to look through well known lawyers. not hollywood types but solid. we went down the list and it's amazing how many members of the aba would not do. either overage or not very bright. and the one we came up with was jawarski and at the same time the white house came up with jawarski. people think with one or the other told the other what to do but it's not true. we all came up with him.
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i called around and the lawyers i all knew said he would be fine. and he was. but hague said at last we're going to get a pearo in here. that's good. i refrained from saying i don't know why you should want a pro. that's the last thing you should want. because by that time i think it was going down. jawarski came over, he went to see hague and then came to see me and henry peterson. it requires background. when i came down from yale, a professor with a beard, i was suspect. i remember when i first got over there, i was standing at a reception with norm carlson, head of the federal bureau of prisons and henry peterson, head
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of the criminal division. they began talking about their days at good old camp lejeune. i said i was at camp lejeune and they said you were in the corps? right away their attitude changed. as long as i had been in the corps. jawarski came in and handed the chief of a resume, every position i can imagine, president of the aba, the travelers association and on and on. peterson and i read it and peterson looked up and said, bob, he wasn't in the corps. jawarski looked mightily puzzled. he thought we were talking about him. but he was the ideal choice from our point of view, not from the white house's point of view. >> why was he an ideal choice from the department's point of
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view? >> he had a lot of prosecuting experience. he prosecuted war crimes trials. so he was unimpeachable reputation, and he was competent, very competent. so he would move the thing along. that's what we needed. i think for a while the white house thought he was going to be great because he was a pro, but maybe that staff didn't believe nixon had anything in his background. maybe they thought it was all a putup. i don't know what they thought. >> why were you sure that it was almost all over by that point? >> i remember henry peterson saying to me, bob, we indict
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people on less evidence than this. it's true. there were just too many things that looked -- and you could feel the tide shifting in the country and in washington against nixon. i was sure when i went to the supreme court it was going to go against nixon. >> you mean the next summer? >> yeah. i was sure. it wasn't too long after i fired cox that i began to think that nixon was going to lose. >> because you knew the situation the white house was in, did that not make you doubt a little bit staying around? after you did fire him and you
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did not resign. >> if i resigned it would look like i was admitting something was wrong, that i had done something wrong. i didn't think so. >> but you found yourself in a position where you had to defend the administration. >> i didn't. when did i defend the administration? >> that you would have to, not that you did. you put yourself in a position where you might have to defend it. >> no, not at all. i got a call. they got james sinclair as their chief defense attorney. i got a call one day to come over to hague's office. i went over and there was st. claire and hague and
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