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tv   Wyoming State Capitol  CSPAN  September 7, 2014 2:19pm-2:29pm EDT

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and a feeble come to see it, they will know why. >> all weekend american history tv is featuring cheyenne, wyoming. it was named for the indian tribe that dominated the area and was selected as the capital of the wyoming territory. learn more about cheyenne wyoming. >> welcome to the state capital. the capital was originally built in 18 86. it was selected to be the capital -- at the time there weren't any other cities that were that large. there was a rivalry between casper and cheyenne.
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casper did not become an actual city until 1869. at that point they had started building the capital. the citizens of wyoming to vote on where they wanted the capital to be. what they wanted was 60% plus one. it was never totally settled until 1982 and it passed the law . there are 782 pieces of granite and some of it has come from all over the world. you will also see two statues.
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that was in 1869. be able to hold public office, to hold property, and have them recognize legal documents. he was chief of the tribe for 60 years. he died at 1900 at the age of 102. the outside of the capital is corinthian style with the column. badly ist tarnishes so when they started doing the gold leafing. gold.y takes one ounce of they had to redo it five times since 1900 and the last time was in 2010. it is double-sided stained-glass that was popular at the time and the design was a different
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design. when people first come into the capital they are struck by how beautiful the stained-glass is. you can hear them who and on about how beautiful it is. another thing they like is the checkerboard floors. the black tiles come from the state of vermont. as they walked to the front doors into the capital you will see we don't have any metal detectors. we want people to feel this is a warm and welcoming place to come. they are free to wander through the building. on the first floor you will see the governor's office, the secretary of state, the state auditor, the state treasurer.
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of you will find a legislative branches. feel just want them to free and come in and experience the building. you will see a bust of lincoln at the end of the hall between cheyenne and laramie. this was the original plaster mold for that. that was his dream to build the transcontinental railroad. you also see the end of the hall frances, the territorial governor when the building first started and the selected governor. this is the only governor to serve three terms in wyoming. she was our first and only female governor.
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he called for a sexual that for a special election -- he called for a special election. termid run for a second but she was later appointed by franklin roosevelt to be director of the u.s. mint and served there for 20 years and died at the age of 101. we have governor john osborne. he was a doctor and worked at the state penetrate -- the state penitentiary. there was an outlaw that they arrested and hung. if you really want to see the shoes they are over at the carbon county museum. we are entering the lobbying area for the house chambers. this is the only way in and out for our representatives to come and do their work here.
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it is the same on the senate side. this is where all the lobbyists gathered. chambers onhe house the second floor. the legislative session was on the odd years. they are here for 20 days on even years. originally that started because a lot of them were ranters and farmers and that was an off time of year for them to come. a lot of them are still ranters and farmers. we still had a few representatives and senators at the national level. one of our most famous is alan simpson. in the 70'spopular and throughout the 80's. he is still alive and lives up in casper. is one of the few states that is doing very well financially. governor hathaway did a lot of great things.
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a lot of the money from the natural resources automatically goes into that and it is not allowed to be touched. it helps us to remain very healthy. throughout the building you will see different artwork. done in see for murals 1917. the trappers were the first ones to come out here. jim bridger and john coulter were the first ones to find yellowstone. haveyou'll see the setters started coming in the early 1800s. the cattle industry began to boom after the railroad came here. stagecoach,see the which is their way of transportation back then. we are currently in the lobby area.
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we are coming into the senate chambers here. you will see more of the she -- more of the stained-glass here. heard -- 30enters senators. usually in national elections it always goes republican. when we are voting for state officials and county officials people look at the person and not necessarily the party. our previous governor served two terms and was a democrat. we have both throughout the on the state level it is a good combination. we have a lot of artwork that shows our western path. another thing is the openness. it is nice to have the open
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field because that is how the state is. is nice we can represent that right here in a small way in the capital. there is a lot of fun doing tours with the kids and helping them to understand the history of the state and how excited they are to come and see the elected officials. >> american history tv is visiting cheyenne wyoming, established in 1867 as a supply depot for the union pacific railroad. hosted by our charter cable partners, c-span's city tour staff recently visited many sites so casing -- sites showcasing the history.


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