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tv   Politics Public Policy Today  CSPAN  September 9, 2014 9:00am-10:31am EDT

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what's going on, we are talking about suppression. we talk about the standard processes that are utilized to make sure that the truth does not get out. we've seen all those playing out in ferguson, missouri. when you walk into american icons like the mcdonald hamburger store and you arrest the reporter from "the washington post" and "the huffington post," while they're charging their computers to report on the story, when that's going on, you know suppression is under way. so, when we see what's happening with police officers that are actually defending other police officers, you know there's a problem. that's like saying to me, well, my taxes aren't being done right. i would say to the federal government, i appreciate you
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raising that issue. i will investigate myself. indeed, when you have the ferguson police on the ground in ferguson, protecting one of their own as and suppressing the information coming out of that community with the strategies we've seen played out, indeed, what we have is a strategy of suppression. so, here's what we're doing. we're going to go far beyond this case but we're on this case, too. it's step by step. justice has to be done for the brown family and michael brown himself. secondly, the right signals have to be sent out that when these things happen to unarmed african-american teenagers in the streets, we will not stand idly by and say, oops. another part of collateral damage being played out in this very militaristic manner in which we're addressing what's going on in ferguson, missouri. it is not the first time. we were in cleveland, ohio less
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than ten years ago because a 14-year-old kid was shock in the back by a police officer as he ran in the other direction. the question is what happened then. there were no changes. we want to pass a number of pieces of legislation. one, every community should have a police accountability review board that has real power of subpoena, has the power of independence, has independence resources so that police when these situations happen are not investigating themselves. review boards with real power. secondly, we need to pass legislation to hold police departments accountable and cut off their funds when they misbehave themselves. not one dollar to misbehaving police departments. thirdly, pass the law enforcement trust and integrity act. let me ask you a question. i have to give the microphone to
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somebody else. here's the question. if you're going to determine that some police officer is actually misusing force, there is the abuse of force, don't you first have to define what the acceptable use of force is? should not the question be, if you have an unarmed teenager shot to death in the street, what happened? what happened to the non-deadly uses of force? what happened to the baton? what happened to tasers? what happened to billy clubs? what happened to other forms of tools that actually say that if somebody is misbehaving, we will capture them, we will actually address them, and we will make sure that they get a fair trial before we actually act as executioner in this these particular cases. we've got a full agenda to move forward. what i have here that i want to pass out to everyone is all the pieces of legislation that we believe need to be passed by the u.s. congress to begin fixing this problem and again eliminating the insanity factor
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by making sure we don't continue to do the same thing over and over again in the same way and expecting a different result. i look forward to more questions. >> thank you. sister, barbara arnwine, you are also an active person on capitol hill. your organization is respected and weg rec well recognized in the legislative chambers. what's your take on what brothe legislative chambers. what's your take on what brother shelton just said? >> yes, my take is that the reforms -- we know what this congress is about. first of all, everyone, you should have circled almost engraved on your forehead november 4th, 2014. that is election day. every single member of congress
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will be up for election. every single one. in 2010 during the last midterm election, 25 million people who voted in 2008 did not turn out. the average congress person was elected by how many votes do you think? less than 2,000 votes. if we turn out, if we do our job, we will have a better congress because every piece of legislation that's talked about here is meaningless without the right congress. but here is what we can do. while we're waiting to get the best congress, i got to tell everyone that the department of justice has a guidance that has not been reissued since 2003 on racial profiling. 2003, during the ashcroft administration. we need to update the guidance because it's the one that sets
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the framework for what is racial profiling by police. it's the guidance that says who gets money from the department of justice, from the department of defense, the department of homeland security. all of that comes under that guidance. yet we have not demanded of this administration six years that they update that guidance. that has to happen. secondly, the department of justice has been called upon by the legal defense fund, and we join them, in saying that they need to publish and collect data on every police department that's out here shooting and killing kids and killing young people, and they need to publish
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invaded my own home and held my family at gunpoint for three hours threatening to kill us. never produced a warrant, threatened to batter down my front door, lied to the press about what they had done afterwards, still lying, and they came in my house. they had -- they made ferguson look like chumps. they have every color riot gear on.
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they had sniper rifles. they had every kind of shield, everything you can imagine, and they threatened to kill every one of my family members, including me and my 80-year-old mother. so let me be very clear, this is prince georges county i'm talking about. maryland accounts for more s.w.a.t. team action than any other state in the union, and we need to be very clear that when i started telling people about this, they thought i was lying. they thought i was exaggerating. they said this doesn't happen in america. now we see it. so it's very, very important that we're very clear that this could be stopped. they can stop giving them military equipment. they can stop having these police forces have all these s.w.a.t. teams that are running around thinking they're in iraq or afghanistan and prince
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georges county. we can change this. but we have to unite and make the change. thank you. >> thank you, sister. [ applause ] >> sister nkechi, you are a senior analyst at the open society foundation which has been doing for a number of years excellent work in trying to stop the war on drugs. you have been involved in this campaign yourself. i'd like you to draw the parallels between the war on drugs and the militarization of the police forces across the country. it has been said that the reason that the department of justice, the reason that the homeland security and the department of defense have been sending military equipment to the police forces is to so-called fight the war on drugs as well as counterterrorism throughout the united states. can you comment on that
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relationship, please? >> yes. thank you very much. many folk do not realize this, but since 1995 the pentagon has distributed $5.1 billion in surplus military equipment to u.s. police departments. and i just want to give a little background as a context of the time in which this happened. this happened in the wake of the crime bill of 1994. we're talking about the same crime bill that saw the largest expansion of the death penalty in modern times. the same crime bill that had proliferations of scores of mandatory minimum sentences, trying 13-year-olds as adults. the federal three strikes bill. incentives to states for more money to build more prisons to lock more people up for longer periods of time and all of this was part and parcel of the war on drugs. this was the backdrop for the militarization of the domestic u.s. police force. we're talking about the things
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that barbara arnwine was speaking of when they came and knocked down her door. we're talking about armored tanks. we're talking about mine resistant vehicles. we have a situation we have officers in ferguson running around in camouflage. i mean, why do they need camouflage in the inner city? they have these huge toys that have been collecting dust in the warehouses so they are looking for any excuse to bring these weapons of mass destruction out. so they have taken the war on drugs, used the war on terrorism as an excuse and are using these things, you know, against our people. there are measures in congress right now. they're speaking about measures to limit the use of military-style equipment in domestic police forces. we need to look at this. this isn't just coming from progressives.
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we have conservatives such as senator rand paul who has been speaking out against things like this as well. this is very, very important, and my time is up, but there is a definite connection. they're all related, and we need to make sure that we connect the dots. [ applause ] >> thank you, sister. brother jasiri, a passionate young hip-hop activist. tell me how the young artistic hip-hop community has responded to ferguson and what are they doing to keep the memory of ferguson alive within the artistic community. >> first, the word was spread through social media, and really the word was spread by the young people in ferguson that witnessed what happened to mike brown and took pictures of it, that put it out.
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know what i'm sayin' in they began to organize on social media.they began to organize onl media. naturally when it began to be spread on social media, kind of hip-hop artists stepped in. you know what i'm saying? one, young jeezy actually had a show in ferguson -- i mean in st. louis the next day. he said he actually wanted to cancel the show or either wanted everybody to donate the money to the show to the family. wasn't able to get -- to convince everybody to do that. but he came. he put a mike brown shirt on. he went to the kwik trip after that. a hip-hop artist j. cole made a song about it. went down to ferguson. didn't do any press. just went to speak to the community. they were so happy. you know, when i went with david banner, the people were so happy to see him because not only is he, you know, an actor and hip-hop artist, but he was defending the community. defending them on cnn. on twitter. and one of the things that somebody said to him was, they said, you know, we didn't want al sharpton or jessie jackson to come down.
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we wanted you to come down because of how he was representing that community. so it's been a lot of people, myself included, that have used our hip-hop to raise awareness of this issue, t.i., john legend was on twitter just ethering folks. know what i'm sayin'? that were trying to take him for a joke. there has been quiet from some quiet or silence from some of the biggest hip-hop artists right now. there's been silence from a lot of these white artists who co-op black culture to make millions of dollars, and then they don't say, you know, but when something happens in the black community, they don't say anything. and i say this to say as consumers, we need to be mindful of that. and we need to hold those artists accountable. if you're not going to speak to us when we need your voice, when your album comes out and you want to start tweeting and facebooking and having questions, then we're not going to support you if you're not going to support us. [ applause ] >> all right.
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thank you, brother jaziri. sisters and brothers, bear with us. we're trying to get brother danny glover on the line here. hello, danny, can you hear us? sisters and brothers, we will have to keep it down so we can hear danny. this is the only way we're going to get him to participate. >> hello, hello. danny, hold on. go ahead. can you hear him? no. i tell you what, let's see -- right. how can we do this? this is up to the max. all right. try it again, danny.
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hello, hello, danny. danny, try it again. [ inaudible ]. >> not going to work. that's what i think we'll have to do. danny, hold on one second. we're doing to try to solve this technical problem. sisters and brothers, bear with us. brother danny glover is on a film set in utah as we speak and is taking a quick time-out from filming to call into the town hall meeting. we're going to try to hook him up through the system. in the meantime, why don't we do another housekeeping -- couple housekeeping matters. the yellow cards, sisters and brothers, that have been circulating, please instead of giving them to -- there's just too many people here. on your way out, there are baskets at the door. please just put the yellow -- filled out yellow cards into the baskets.
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we also encouraging everyone here to tweet the event live. the hash tag is #ibwhandsup. all right. we're still -- in the meantime, i would like to take this pause to recognize is number of specially invited guests, community leaders, religious leaders in the d.c. area, and i'm going to call on them to each stand as i call your name and to be recognized. dr. -- reverend dr. joseph evans from the mt. carmel baptist church is here with us. attorney jocelyn mccurry from the aclu. brother salim dafur from the national black united front.
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reverend -- >> can you hear me? >> do we have it now? okay. >> hello? >> yeah. can we get danny on now? >> hello? >> yeah. >> terrific. >> hello. >> yes. >> hi, danny. >> you on. you on live. >> i'm on live. thank you, thank you, everyone. first of all, if you can hear me, i just wanted to, first of all, like so many there, i have not had an opportunity to listen to the program. first of all, our condolences to
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the family and the community in ferguson. and i know how important it is. unfortunately, i cannot be with you today, but i'm certainly there with you in spirit. as you talk about ferguson and beyond, and as the information that is available to us, information that we uncovered over this period of time since august 9th. hopefully that brings us into focus, a clear picture of the work that we must do. but we cannot do the work unless we understand the historical significance of this moment and understand clearly, clearly the culture and the history around
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racial violence in this country. without that here now, we're ground into stone. we tend to compartmentalize things within our own reaction to what is happening. we don't often contextualize these incidents with regard to the historical and spatial patterns. the police are a primary force, a primary working class force who act as agents for the state. their responsibility is maintaining some sort of social control. and having that authority they use force with impunity. also to understand that they also understand that they
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have -- [ inaudible ] in that sense. to maintain control. and it's expressed in a book. the aspects of control and it outlines the history of control. and here we are right now at this particular moment. we have to understand the context of this control when you have an economy that's stagnated and that has dispossessed all those young people. the form of control that we see exercised are because of the potential of that -- of those people. we saw it months before.
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we know the party of 0d and it was organized and was organized around education and health care. we understood that. we witnessed in '69 a young man, greg hampton, murdered by chicago police after being drug. we see the form and attempts to attack young people and young black men. we see it through the civil rights movement. understanding where we are at this particular moment is a liberal paradigm which chooses to not only put the resources to educated our young men, but put resources into more of those issues with increased reforces. so understand that role and how they sustain that threat.
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that's why we're here today. this is why we're here. use this moment, use this in an expression of outrage and horror, condemnation and outrage as what's happening. at the attorney general of who said it happens in many places around this country. there's a distinct pattern and we need to understand the historical connection for that pattern and how they find themselves resonating in the 21st century where we live under the conditions we live in with this endemic poverty. we have the school system that has not been able to flourish and allow our children to grow. we have the lack of opportunities available to us. we have to understand that we live -- not to be rhetorical, we're living under a place where we see just constant threat and
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fear perpetrated on our community. that's what we have to deal with. understand that and as we move across country we have this unique opportunity to use this moment to essentially mobilize ourselves and begin to attack the police force. what should that police force look like in that sense? we have to be the architect. we have to be the architects and define the narrative and the presentation of that narrative in a sense. because the narrative is right in front of us. case after case and understanding it's important for us to move forward. i'm sorry i couldn't be with you. i know that there will be many opportunities to be a part of such discussions.
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thank you very much. >> thanks, man. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> we want to say a special thanks to brother danny glover for taking time out of his work schedule in utah on the set. danny, thank you so much, brother. all the best. all right. so we were in the middle of recognizing some of the community leaders who were -- have joined us this evening. i'd like to recognize minister abdul mohammed of the nation of islam. is he around? [ applause ] brother courtney stewart from brother courtney stewart from the reentry network for returning citizens. [ applause ] brother tyrone parker of the alliance of concerned men. [ applause ] dr. pat newton of the black
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psychiatrists of america. [ applause ] brother malik burnett of the [ applause ] brother leighton watson from the howard university student association. [ applause ] marsha coleman of the no fair coalition. we also have carol schwartz, candidate for mayor of d.c. is here with us this evening. and we have several members of the color of change organization in the house, and they've asked me to make this very important announcement, that tomorrow at 5:00 p.m., color of change and their allies will deliver nearly 900,000 petition signatures demanding justice for michael
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brown and they are calling on president obama to define his legacy by putting policies in place aimed at ending racial profiling and racially motivated police violence. and they're inviting all of us to meet us in front of the white house. of course, 1600 pennsylvania avenue adjacent to lafayette square tomorrow at what time? 5:00. excellent. all right. we also have a special guest in the house, reverend dr. tyrone pitts. and reverend john relles. reverend john mendez. they are from the progressive black baptist convention.
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sisters and brothers, we are going to be getting back to the panel. we want to wrap up things here with wrap-up statements from each of the panelists and then we are going to invite some members who are our special guests to be respondents to what the panelists have said with very, very brief comments of their own. i'm going to start from the opposite direction this time. nkechi, if you are ready to give your concluding remarks. i'll ask the panelists to please sort of focus on recommendations, action items, what is to be done in the days and weeks ahead. first sister nkechi. >> thank you very much. i just want to say for a system to be just, the public must be confident that at every stage of the process, from the initial investigation of a crime by the police officer on the beat to the prosecution and punishment of that crime by prosecutors and
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the judges, that individuals in like circumstances are treated alike. today our criminal justice system strays for from a that ideal. we need to look at the recommendations that the unified civil rights organizations have called for and i want to particularly point out the use of cameras, body cam cameras, on them, so we don't have to rely on individual people out there on the street with their iphones documenting. this should be part and parcel of the police department's system. i want to thank the sponsoring organizations. bus boys and poets for providing this vehicle to really excuse to the world what we think needs to happen. thank you very much. >> thank you, sister. brother ron hampton. >> yes, thank you. i'd like to thank the institute of the black world also. in every movement i think there
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should be a strategy that community begin to organize themselves. i worked with a brother who resides in durham, north carolina. his name is daryl atkinson, and daryl is involved in a project where they're organizing, they've done their homework, done the statistical work, they've looked at what the police do and don't do in durham, and they're organizing this community of durham to back the police out of their community. in other words, to take control of the public safety issues and concerns that affect their community. we can do that. we did that -- i'm old. we did that a long time ago and we can do that again. and what that does is it gives us the control of the kind of things -- [ inaudible ]. >> our community -- [ inaudible ].
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>> -- reasons why we call the police more than the white community. but darryl in doing this project backed the police out of their community, eliminating the duty kind of tings that arm the community with the power to do things. some form of restorative justice.with the power to do th. some form of restorative justiccommunity with the power things. some form of restorative justice. some form of -- [ inaudible ]. let me give you this quick thing about -- you know, we have a -- juvenile justice system in washington, d.c. in the history of the juvenile justice system in washington, d.c., regardless of what the numbers is, white versus black, they have never, ever, never, of, never, ever been a white juvenile in the juvenile justice
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system in the district of columbia. so what that says is, what that says is that white dude, white kid don't -- [ inaudible ] the essence is it can happen in a different way. when the police pick up a white juvenile, they call their home and take them to their home. when they pick up a black juvenile, they take them to the police precinct. we have to stop that. i want to suggest to you that darryl's idea of walking in our community, backing the police out of our community, taking control of issues that impact our community, we making our own criminal justice system, juvenile justice system in our community so that when we call the police they can concentrate on doing the job that they do and not devastating our community with the kind of backless criminal justice policies that we have experienced in the past.
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i want to put that on the table for serious consideration because that's an important strategy. if we want to do this, we have to have something that will work for our community and our people. thank you. >> thank you. >> i just want to let the audience know we do have someone who is very capable of taking cogent notes of what the panelists have said and particularly of their recommendations and their action items. and we will publish those in the next day or two on the website. brother jasiri x. your concluding remarks. >> when i went to ferguson i specifically wanted to say this to ron daniels. this is a conversation he had live, mr. daniels, about the intergenerational divide which may be the worst i have ever seen.
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one of the issues that the young people have with the elders is when nighttime came, when they had to face off against tanks and teargas and snipers, the elders left. the elders weren't there. what was there was basically 20-year-olds and younger, most of them teenagers. they felt abandoned by the elder leadership there in federal government son. and so they need to hear. and they may turn on the tv and they constantly hear themselves being diminished to the role of rioters and looters like my sister spoke to. so they need to hear what you spoke on today, brother daniels. they need to hear these panelists that upheld them as the courageous leaders that they a are. then they need to hear you challenge these other elders that are constantly devaluing the resistance struggle that they showed us. secondly, let's support these young leaders. there are young leaders on the
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ground. like i said, they're united. you can go to hands up united .org. there's other national youth-driven organizations on the ground like the dream defenders, like black youth projects. let's support -- they need lawyers. they need medic. they need resources. they need money. some of the young leaders, they quit their jobs. they quit their jobs. one dude had just got out of jail after being arrested for three days and went right back to work. they're strategizing. they have an orientation for young people coming if or people that want to help. let's support them. let's not try to overtake them and i say that to say i was sent to ferguson. i was sent to ferguson by harry belafonte and an organization. harry belafonte met with 40 to 50 hip-hop artists last year to give us guidance and direction, to help us to begin to use our arts to talk about issues like mass incarcerationing with violence in our community, violence against women. he's not trying to grab the mike and get on the mike.
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he's using his wisdom and guidance to try and guide and direct us. i was at a meeting with minister louis farrakhan where he's fighting and directing us to use our art to raise the consciousness of the community. so i say to the elders, support the young leaders on the ground. guide us and direct us and back us and we will win this thing. the last thing i want to say. one more thing. black people, we have the god-given right to defend ourselves. all right? i say it like this, when you put my hands up, i put my hands up like this. best believe it, y'all. peace. one hood. >> jaziri x. thank you, my brother. >> mrs. barbara arnwine. your final comments. >> yes, a couple things my brothers and sisters. a couple things. first of all, again, vote. you should be on the phone calling every single person you
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know in every state you know making sure they vote on november 4th. ferguson, 67% black. 1 black city council. mayor white talking about how his city has no racial problem. the school system, everything is an example of the need for us to fight back. fight back with what we got. we got the vote. fight back with our economic power. fight back, so it's very important. the second thing is i saw that special that many people saw last night. "fix my life." and i tweeted the following, you
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cannot think that by preaching a gospel of personal responsibility that you can solve systemic structural racism problems. you can't. you can't. as we take on the police, there are problems with the school system in ferguson. as we take on the police, there are problems with unemployment in ferguson. as we take on all these issues, they're all related, my sisters and brothers. systemic structural racism has to be dismantled before justice will ever prevail. we got to understand that. that nobody is safe. it doesn't matter what your title, doesn't matter what your accomplishments. so going forward every single one of us, let's make the following pledges.
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that we are in this to win. we are not in this for the moment. we will make sure that we are doing something. don't think you can just change it from sleeping and wishing. it's got to be moving and unity. so join the movement and make sure that you work for these recommendations. get the unity statement. go to, my organization, and get the unity statement. follow me and all of these great leaders on twitter because we're dropping knowledge constantly about everything. and lastly, i want you to say this is my pledge, my pledge, to leslie mcfadden. my pledge to michael brown
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sr. my pledge, the same pledge i made to sabrina fulton. the same pledge i made to judy mcbeth. when the cameras are gone, when people aren't seeking interviews anymore. i will be there. i will have the back of the black people who have been shot in ferguson who are in jail. i will have the back of the people who are calling my line and burning it up for legal representation. i will have their back because this is not about them. it's about us. my heart can't sleep as long as these injustices are taking place. so next month the trial starts of dante serven.
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do people know who he is? he's the police officer who shot and killed rakiva boyd. in chicago. the sister who was innocent sitting in her car and he shot and killed her. these are the people who we got to be there for. let's not forget every community where there's a need that we lift up the struggle, that we are their voices, and we're making the change. i know i will. thank you so much. >> thank you, sister barbara arnwine. finally, brother hilary shelton of the naacp. >> thank you all for bringing us together to have the conversation we need to have in the family. let me say it is clearly time for a new paradigm. a time for a new paradigm. it's a new reality and new expectations of what we have under the circumstances we're living. the challenge is we've been able to go through a process and describe all these victims of gun violence at the hands of police officers.
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all these victims of death, but yet we keep coming back and having the same conversation over and over again. i remember having a conversation about an african standing in the vestibule of his apartment building in new york city. over 40 police shots, hit over 20 times. the only thing he had in his hands was his car keys. it's time for a new paradigm. as we talk about what happened with michael brown, new paradigm, must be a new set of expectations and new rules of engagement. what that means, we must change the law from the bottom up. at the local community. we have to talk about how we screen or in these cases do not screen those who would be police officers on our streets. we have too many cowboys with police guns and police cruisers. we need to make sure we have the video cameras at every step. yes, there is a video camera for a gun called a gun cam. from the time you take the gun
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out of the holster within seven seconds, it begins recording everything in front of your gun. we need body police gun cams. we need body cams. we want to make sure we see what you're doing. if you're an official representative of the united states or your local community, you have rights that other people don't have, including the right to kill. we have to make sure those rights are being observed and very well we have to monitor what you're doing. we need body cams. we need dash cams. the cams on police cruisers that when the car pulls up, you see what's happening in front. we have to continue to monitor police from that side as well. every local community needs a police accountability review board with the kind of power and independence that should pay for the investigation. we have to make sure when the police brutality accountability review board finds that there is a problem, they don't go to the police captain to ask permission to move forward but can actually convene a grand jury in which
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criminal charges can be brought. we need police accountability review boards with real power in d.c., in ferguson, and every place else across the country. we have to pass, we have to pass the end racial profiling act to make sure it is very clear what racial profiling is, that it is illegal, and if you utilize the strategy you will be punished and kicked off your police department. we need to make sure we pass the end racial profiling act. we have to make sure we're clear on what the acceptable use of force is and the apprehension of a criminal. we have a bill now pending called the law enforcement trust and integrity act. what it does is set the standards and says not only what is legal but what is illegal for police to do in these cases and we have to have everyone and hold everyone accountable. finally, the issue was raised about the number of people that have been killed at the hands of law enforcement officials and how there is no central manner in which we collect that data. that has to end. we know the strategy is and the
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reality is in order to manage a problem, you must first measure it. in order to manage a problem, you must first measure it. that means every time a police officer kills someone or anyone working in an official law enforcement capacity, that data must be collected. the death in custody act passed the u.s. house of representatives at the leadership of congressman bobby scott and is pending before the u.s. senate. we must pass that bill before the u.s. senate. we must not allow the congress to go home until we have the most basic of tools to collect the data. and finally, there are two websites i want you to take a look at in addition to the wonderful sites being shared. one is the naacp's website. it's hard to remember but the website address want to make sure all of that data is there. and finally here locally there's a great process going on now
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being led by patrice salton. we're trying to collect the data here and close to home at begin collecting that data, make your decisions. you can make sure as these issues move forward not only do you show up at programs like this one, but you're engaged every step of the process. politics, process, procedure, determining who gets what, when, where and how, but it is always to be driven by us. it is not a spectator sport. thank you very much. >> thank you, brother hilary shelton, director of the naacp's washington bureau. sisters and brothers, let's give a warm applause to thank our panelists for our wonderful presentations this evening. [ applause ]
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when we at the institute of the black world decided to put this forum together we wanted to make it a town hall meeting and give an opportunity for not only these panelists but for other voices to be heard. we are asking several of our special guests to come forward and make very crisp, succinct reports because time is moving on. one minute. in response to what they heard this evening from the panelists. i'm going to call first on young man, brother leighton watson who is representing the howard university association. if you can come up to this standing mike right here and make your comment, very crisp. >> good evening. my name is leighton watson. i'm the student body president
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at howard university and i want to make one thing very clear. if you couldn't tell by the hands up picture, if you couldn't tell by the vigil that we hosted, and if you can't tell by this friday when howard is going down to ferguson with 50 howard university students to do voter registration, howard university stands by michael brown and howard university stands by the city of ferguson. that's very clear. the second thing i want to say is i'm very impressed but i'm not surprised at the number of great ideas that came to this panel. i want everybody to clap that up because that's incredible. but my thing is the discussion is one portion but i think we have to have a second part to this discussion which is where we talk about how to merge our individual efforts into one collective effort. >> yes. >> that's the second half of this conversation. i know as students what we're doing is we're hosting the hvcu
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conference. september 17th through the 21st. we're going to have students do sessions and then go to capitol hill to lobby on voter registration, voting rights, and this gun violence. the one thing i think about every time that we go through this is that the enemy, they're counting on the fact that we can't take the next step. >> that's right. >> they're counting on the fact that we can't sustain this effort. they're counting on the fact that honestly, that we can't get over our individual logos and get over our individual egos and actually come together and make something happen. we are -- we have to be very, very real with ourselves. we're 13% of the population as african-americans. 13% of the population. we don't have room for division.
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we don't have the luxury to have individual separate efforts. we have to come together. i thank you guys for this conversation but there definitely is a part two and know that howard university is ready to be a part of that part two. howard university is ready to be part of that part 2. >> thank you very much. i'm going to call on dr. pat newton. can you make it up there if. >> we want to say that the black psychiatrists stands on the vanguard of the immediate and the long-term healing. there are damages that are going to be well into centuries after this ferguson experience, and let us not forget, as one of the council people said, we have to be in this for the long haul.
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the black psychiatrists believe that police should be screened before they're ever hired. they have to have screening that also includes cultural sensitivity and cultural diversity, not just a little jive psychological test, but we have to also make sure that we put the kind of men and women behind that badge who will serve us well and serve us in terms of etiquette, in terms of compassion, and in terms of caring for our people. we want to recommend that our relation is not over, because we have posttraumatic and acute traumatic stress as a result of what has happened. these children are going to be damaged for centuries and the next generations. we already just got the data about how trauma affects people into future generations. so we're looking at talking about civil issues related to
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not just the criminal side, but what you're going to do to defend and bring community effort and money and economic resources from both the federal d:éñuz make sure that they get treated. so we want to partner with the black police association to make sure we develop the kind the tools that are needed to stop this from recurring. >> thank you, doctor. very quickly the black psychiatrists of america is one of 23 national organizations that comprise the black family summit has put together. for more information on the summit, please visit our website i want to call on dr. salim.
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>> first, black power, and this issue right here on the ground is an issue of reparations. this is another reason why people of black descent are owed reparations. justice will take place in the streets and the combination of the voting booth. with that being said we're going into h street this saturday to shut down 8th street. they won't have no economic peace. if we could get no injures, they won't have no economic peace. last week we shut down chinatown, this week, saturday, august 30th, we're going to meet at union station, 7:00, we're going into h street and shut h street down. if we can't get no justice, there won't be no economic peace. thank you. >> of the national black united front.
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>> thanks so much for having me. i'm a medical doctor and a policy manager here in the office of national affairs of the drug policy alliance. i wanted to offer something -- my good friend offered the idea though think outside the box. this is definitely outside the box. so this november 4th, we have the opportunity to legalize marijuana in the district of columbia. marijuana is the major input to the system of mass incarceration across the united states. here in d.c., 91% of afric african-americans -- 91% of drug arrests of of african-americans, 50 percent of all drug arrests are marijuana. so first you have to register to vote. it's critical that everybody registered to vote in the district of columbia.
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secondly you have to vote yes on initiative 71. thank you so much. next reverend december plymouth congressional church here in washington, d.c. >> thank you. i want to thank the panel. you all did a tremendous job in terms of breaking down the issue. i think that one of the things i want to lift up, is as we talk about the militarization of police forces, we need to talk about the training that goes into the police forces that you have foreign governments training police departments on how to occupy communities. now, let be clear about that. that's what's going on. when the idf, and your brother was with me in palestine in january. he knows that there are this training that goes on with every
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is thisle police department in america a how to occupy, how to make your presence known, which is to brutalize a community in order to keep a community contained. so when we talk about demille tearization, we need to also talk about home growing those that can grow on the police force. in d.c. and other jurisdictions, in d.c. you've got to have two years of education to be able to qualify to go on a police department. you can't come out of high school and apply for the police department. you can go to the military with just a high school diploma. by coming out of the military, you can go on the metropolitan police department. does that make sense? when we've got 47% unemployment in housing projects, we need to open those opportunities to men and women can serve their cities in the community in which they grew up in, and therefore there won't be this fear that permeates the police department when they come into a community
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and occupy it and is scared of their residents. >> thank you, reverend. i'm going to move on to our final two respondents. let me see here. dr. joseph evans of the mt. carmel baptist church. >> first of all, give it up for ibw. the most significant on the edge organization that has brought us together is ibw. if you're still outside, please join it. i want to simply say this. there is a combination between race, economics and -- and it
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continues even today. we are talking about ferguson and the physical act of murder, but i want you to know something, they are still lynching black men today. and one of the most significant places you can go is the nation's capital, because the current mayor has not been indicted for anything, no charges have been put against him, but it was a banana republic election, because gentrification is real in washington. if you can get that brother out of the way, let me tell you, all the dominos will fall. so make sure you understand i'm not talking about politics now. i'm talking about a black man who has been lynched simply because he's a black man in charge, and they'll get rid of every one of the them so that this city will no longer be a majority of black people. wake up, d.c., it's going on right in front of you every single day. i'm out.
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>> thank you, thank you, reverend. >> we also want to recognize brother talib karim from stand for us, and the tech law group. >> i'm right here. thank you, first of all, brother don rojas. you've been one of ourmentors for the past 20 years, so i want to say first of all, how grateful i am, and give it up for the distinguished panelists, and also brother andy shalou. one of the things with respected, and we had brother keenan keller on that call, until we deal with the issue of reparations, we will continue to have these things happens time and time again. one of the things we particularly pointed out is because black men in particular i stereo typed by the media
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every day, it's stated that a child is seen particularly in a black community, an average of 20,000 murders before he reaches first grade, right? most of the murders are committed by people who look like himself. what we did, brother don, is we challenged comcast and yahoo and google, because they are now owning and distributing content, we challenged them to put together a fund. we believe there needs to be at least a $3 trillion fund put together to not only provide once and for all reparations, but also to give us a better selection of content. no more should we only see black people as villains, but we should see beautiful brown and black and red and yellow people being scientists and technologists and physicians, and mathematicians. so that's what we are chaling
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all of our colleagues on capitol hill to rally with us on the 24th of september. we're having a stem showcase and forum at the pep ko gallery. for more information go and visit stem 4 again i salute you for all the great work you continue to do. >> thank you so much. abdul kadid muhammad of the nation of islam. and after that, i will call on dr. marshall coleman. >> first of all, i want to thank ryan daniels for allowing us to come and gather today as busboys & poets. i want to thank this panel who
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brought us a great discussion. what you think? all praises due to allah now. basically the young people today have spoken. we need more brothers -- we need more in the streets. the one thing i think we left out and that is to stop the black on black crime among the young brothers in the streets. if we can take the leadership up into some of these projects and get them to stop shooting each other every single night, then i do know the plan. the plan is they're going to try to come in with the national guard. once we start killing each other, it's automatically wipe out the black community. so let's unite together, work together as one common cause, make sure our people are free and doing the right thing to help us in this great nation. thank you so much. god bless. >> by the way, this is the sister who organized the
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protests at the department of justice today. give it up for her. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> this was an incredibly enlightning panel. i also want to thank everyone who participated in the demonstration today. we took it to the street today. we took it to the street today, and we're going to take it back to the street today, tomorrow and the next day and the next day. also, by the way, we have made it very difficult for the attorney general to say that he doesn't understand our demands, because we forced the department of justice to bring down one of their officials from the aj's office to receive our petition today.
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i'd like to give you three of our demands -- one, the immediate arrest and prosecution of police officer darren wilson. we want it now. we're not going to negotiate this point. we also want the end of mass incarceration of boys and men of color, and to release those -- let me tell you, this is very important. it's not just stopping mass incarceration, we want our sons and brothers and husbands to come home who are in jail right now. that is not negotiable. and we also want all military personnel and equipment withdrawn from our communities. we ask all of you to please come out, support us in front of our department of justice. if it doesn't support us, we're knot going to support the government. we need to bring this thing down. thank you. >> thank you, dr. marshall.
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>> before we bring on dr. daniel adip -- oh, look at this. >> hello, everyone. we're about ready to wrap up the program. since we opened the program with eyiana gregory, it's only fitting that we close the program with her father. come on up. >> thank you, thank you. >> thank you all for being here. i wonder how long you'll have to
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look at what you're looking at before you see reality. ferguson, those of you who all know me, know i'm from st. louis. i've been saying for 50 years, when you go to st. louis, set your watch back three hours. i cannot believe that you looked at what you looked at and really didn't see it. hmm? the cop that said i'll shoot you in front of the cameras, don't be so stupid because you know a cop is going to say that on the ka many ra unless he's under mind control. and that's what you were watching. four block away, the whole world watching, and two white cops kill a black man with a knife, and you think you're looking at something? all of that is planned, okay?
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that's what it's about. all that is planned. if you look at the most important think, even more so than the killing, they left him there 4 1/2 hours. now, listen to me, stop being emotional. if we are now cops and something m%[ over there, and they pull out and we kill them, we have to go in, turn our gun in, takes a drg test and alcohol test. that's why he disappeared for three days. okay? that's why. so you all get caught up in some emotion, and they put it right in front of your face.n%n%n%n%
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