tv Politics Public Policy Today CSPAN September 11, 2014 9:00am-11:01am EDT
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frank. >> and my brother, james joseph kelly. kels, you are forever in our hearts, we miss you every day and love you. >> gary eugene bird. >> joshua david birnbaum. >> george john bishop. >> chris romeo bashuanda. >> jeffly donald bittner. >> albert balews blackman jr. >> christopher joseph black well. >> susan leigh blair. >> harry blanding jr. >> janice lee blaney.
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>> craig michael blass. >> rita bflt lau. >> richard middleton blood jr. michaelle andrew boccardi. john paul bocchi. michael l.bocchino. susan m.bochino. bruce douglas boehm. >> mary catherine murphy boffa. nicholas andrew bogdan. darren christopher bohan. lawrence francis boisseau. vincent m.boland jr. colin arthur bonnett.
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>> shawn booker jr. can field d. boone. >> christine bordenabe. >> martin boryczewski. >> richard edward bosco. >> and my brother, best ñrfrie., the nation mourns along with the families for the victims of september 11th. this day should be a day of reflection and remembrance only. god bless all their souls and god bless america. >> and my father, christopher
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>> gennady boyarsky. pamela boyce. pamela boyce. michael boyle. ael friend braca. sandra cofaty brace. kevin hugh backen. david brian brady. alexander braginsky. >> daniel raymond brandhorst. david reed ganboa brandhorst. michelle rene bratton. patrice braut. lydia estelle bravo. ronald michael breitweiser.
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francis henry brennan. michael e. brennan. daniel j.brethel. >> gary lee bright. >> jonathan eric briley. mark a.brisman. >> gary bristoe. marian r. briton. >> and my brother-in-law, brian joseph murphy. as the great sages taught, it is not in our power to explain either the tranquility of the wicked or the suffering of the righteous. brian, murph, we hold you in our hearts, we think of you often. we love you. >> and my father, john patrick gallagher. dad, even though you're not on this earth anymore, i know you're looking down on us and smiling. i love you and i always will.
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>> mark francis broderick. >> herman charles broghammer. >> keith a. broomfield. >> ber jarred c. brown ii. >> janice brown. lloyd stanford brown. patrick john brown. pettina b. browne bradburn. >> mark bruce. richard george bruehert. andrew brunn. vincent edward brunton. ronald bucca. brandon j. bu nannen. greg j. buck. dennis buckley. nancy clare bueche. patrick joseph buhse. john edward are bulaga jr. stephen bruce bunin.
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matthew j. burke. thomas daniel burke. william francis burke jr. charles f. burlingame iii. >> thomas e burnett jr. >> donald j. burns. kathleen ann burns. keith james burns. john patrick burnside. thomas m. butler. patrick dennis birn. timothy g.biyne. jesus cabezas. billian caceres. brian joseph cacia.
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>> and my husband of 30 years, fdny chief. papa jerry to his grandchildren,'s electric sis, luke, thomas, elena and kate. my heart breaks that you are not here to enjoy them. love each of them from above and keep them safe. may god bless all those who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks on september 11th, 2001, and those who continue to suffer from the aftermath. may god bless all those serving in our fire departments, police departments and emergency services, as well as the military here and abroad. may god bless america and may we never, never forget. >> and my uncle, michael todonio. we all love and miss you every day and we know you are watching over us. >> richard michael caggiano.
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see seal marella caguicla. john brett cahill. michael john cahill. scott walter cahill. thomas joseph cahill. george c.cain salvadore calabro. joseph m.calandrillo. philip calcagno. edward calderon. kenneth marcus caldwell. dominic enrico calia. felix calixte. francis joseph callahan. liam callahan. susan ma m.calli. roko camaj. michael f. cammarata.
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david campbell. geoffrey tols campbell. robert arthur campbell. sandra patricia campbell. sean thomas canavan. john a. candela. vincent cangelosi. stephen j. cangialosi. lisa bella cannava. brian cannizzaro. michael canty. louis anthony caporicci. jonathan neff cappello. james christopher cappers. richard michael caproni. jose manuel cardona. dennis m.carey. edward carlino.
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michael scott carlo. and my only child, my beloved daughter, dominique lisa pandolfo. >> donny, we love and miss you and until we meet again, may god hold you in the palm of his hand. god bless america. >> david g. carlone. mark stephen carney. joyce ann carpen eto. jeremy m carrington. michael carroll. peter carroll. james joseph carson jr. christopher mikael carstanjen. james mar sel cartier. sharon ann carver.
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vivian casalduc. john francis casazza. paul reagan cascio. william joseph cashman. thomas anthony casoria. william otto caspar. alejandro castano. jose ramon castro. william e.caswell. christopher sean caton. robert john caufield. mary teresa caulfield. judson cavalier. michael joseph cawley. jason david cayne. juan armando ceballos. jason michael cefalu. thomas joseph celic.
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ana mercedes centeno. joni cesta. john j. chchlt lada. jeffrey marc chairnoff. >> and my sister, jean c. depalm that. jean, our hearts are forever breaking over your loss. >> and my son, kenneth merino, firefighter rescue 1. relove you, we miss you every day. you are in our hearts and we cherish the memories. >> william a.chalcoff. eli chaloueh. charles lawrence chan. mandy chang. >> rosa maria chalpa.
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gregorio manuel chavez. >> pedro francisco checo. douglas mcmillan cherry. stephen patrick cherry. vernon paul cherry. nestor chevalier jr. >> swede joseph chevalier. >> alexander h.chiang. >> dorothy j.chiarchiaro. >> robert chin. >> eddie wing wai ching. >> nicholas paul chiofalo. >> john g. chipura. >> catherine ellen chirls. >> kyung hee cho.
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mark joseph colaio. stephen j.colaio. kevin nathaniel colbert. michelle e. colbert. >> keith e. coleman. scott thomas coleman. tarel coleman. liam joseph colhoun. robert d.colin. robert j.coll. jean marie collin. john michael collins. michael l. collins. thomas joseph collins. joseph kent collison. jeffrey dwayne collman. patricia malia colodner. linda m. colon. sole. colon.
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and my father, thomas j. fisher. i love you and you will forever be in our hearts. >> and my father, douglas brian gerian. i love you so much and you miss you every day. >> ronald edward comer. susan p. collin. margaret mary connor. cynthia marie lise connelly. john e. connelly jr. james lee conner. jonathan m. connors. kevin patrick connors. kevin f. conroy. brenda e. conway. denise michael cook. helen d. cook. jeffrey w. wooms. john a. cooper. julian t. cooper. joseph john coppo jr. gerard j. coppola.
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joseph albert corbett. john j. corcoran iii. alejandro cordero. robert joseph cordice. ruben d.correa. carlos cortez rodriguez. kevin michael cosgrove. del lors delores marie costa. digna alexandra kos stanza michael s. costello. charles gregory costello jr. conrod k. cottoy. >> in loving memory, my father christopher robert clark.
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thank you, buddha, for being our brother and our laughter. >> andre collin cox. frederick john cox. james raymond coyle. michelle coyle-eulau. christopher seton cramer. denise elizabeth crant. robert james crawford. tara kathleen creamer. joanne mari cregan. john a.crisci. daniel hal crisman. dennis cross. kevin raymond crotty. thomas g.crotty. john ceo. welles recommendy crowther.
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robert l.cruikshank. john robert cruz. grace yu cua. kenneth john cubas. francisco cruz cubero. thelma cuccinello. michael j. cudina. neil james cudmore. thomas patrick cullen iii. joyce cummings. brian thomas cummins. michael joseph cunningham. robert curatolo. lawrence damian curai. my uncle peter, you're an amazing man with an amazing story. you know we miss you and love you every day. >> and my beautiful aunt, lucille teresa king. and brother and hero, chuck
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mary dantonio. dwight donald darcy. annette andrea dataram. edward datri. michael d.dauria. lawrence davidson. michael allen davidson. scott matthew davidson. titus davidson. niurka davila. clinton davis. clinton davis sr. wayne terrial davis. anthony richard dawson. calvin dawson. edward james day. william thomas dean. robert j. deangeles jr. thomas patrick deangeles.
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dorothy alma dearaujo. anna gloria debarbara. tara e. debeck. anna m. debin. james v. deblase jr. and my son, paul andrew aqua viva. paul, you were a wonderful son and your father and i and family will remember you to the end of our days. we love you. >> and my cousin, thomas. i love you. we miss you. we think of you every day. you were a man with a skip in your step and a smile on your
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face. be with us always and pray for those jets. amen. >> paul decola. >> gerald f. deconto. jason christopher defasio. jennifer dejesus. monique dejesus. donald arthur de la peen that. a zuchlt cena maria did he la tory. andrea de la bella. joseph a. be la pietra. joseph deluca. manuel del beba jr.
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francis demming. kevin dennis. thomas francis dennis sr. jean c. depalma. robert john derany. david paul derubbio. christian lewis desimone. edward desimone iii. andrew j.pesperito. >> and my niece, kathy, logadise, your family and i miss you very much and love you forever. until we meet again. >> and my wife, deborah h.kaflin. debbie, we love you and miss
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stephen patrick dimino. william john dimmling. christopher moore dincuff. jeffrey mark dingell. anthony dionisoi. george dipasquale. joseph dipilato. douglas frank distefano. donald ditullio. john joseph dougherty. melissa doi. brendan dolan. robert e. dolan jr. and my stepson, nole marries. we miss you and love you so much. you will walk in our heart forever. >> my brother, michael francis lynch. we know you were rescuing peel, second tower, first to go down. you always carried this in your wallet in high school by ralph
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waldo emerson and you lived this way. success. to laugh often and much. to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children. to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends. to appreciate beauty. to find the best in others. to leave the world a better place, whether by a healthy child, a garden catch or a redeemed social condition. to know even one life has breathed easily because you have lived. this is to have succeeded. ralph waldo emerson. we love you and we miss you, michael. alberto dominguez. ger roam mark patrick dominguez. katherine donnelly.
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steven scott dorf. thomas dowd. kevin christopher dowdell. mary yolanda doulg. raymond mathew downey sr. frank joseph doyle. joseph michael doyle. randall l. drake. patrick joseph driscoll. stephen patrick driscoll. charles a.drose iii. myrna duarte. christopher michael duffty. gerard j. duffy. michael joseph duffy. thomas w. duffy. antoinette duger. christopher joseph dunne. christopher joseph dunn.
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e. richard anthony dunstan. patrick thomas dwyer. joseph anthony eacobacci. john bruce eagleson. robert douglas eaton. dean philip eberling. >> and my brother-in-law, jay dechavez. we will never forget. your niece and nephew miss and love you so much. >> and my uncle. good-byes are not forever. good-byes are not the end. but if our tears could build a stairway, we would walk right up to heaven and bring you back home again. we love you, we miss you, you're forever in our hearts. >> paul robert aetna.
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>> barbara g. edwards. dennis michael edwards. michael hardy edwards. christine egan. lisa ear are inegan. margaret j. egan jr. michael egan. samantha martin egan. kale eggert. lisa caren ehrlich. michael j. elferis. mark joseph ellis. valley silver ellis. albert william elmarry. edgar hendricks emery jr. doris suk-yuen eng. christopher epps. er win erker. jose espinal.
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fanny es pinosespinosa. ruben esquilin jr. sadie ette. barbara g.etzold. eric brian evans. robert edward evans. >> to my brother, i miss you you. >> and my uncle, terrance s. hatton, the captain of fdny rescue company 1 was nicknamed captain manhattan. your wife beth has done an outstanding job raising terry without you. there are no word to express our family's profound sense of loss. we love, honor and miss you
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terribly. >> patricia mary fagan. keith george fairben. sandra farjardo-smith. charles s.falkenberg. >> zoe falkenberg. william f. fallon. williams lawrence fallon jr. anthony j. fallone jr. del lors fanelli. robert john fangman. john joseph fanning. kathleen anne faragher. thomas james farino. nancy c. farley. paige marie farley-hackel. elizabeth ann farmer. douglas jon farnum. john gerard farrell. john w. farrell. terrance patrick farrell.
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joseph d. farrelly. thomas patrick farrelly. syed abdul fatha. christopher edward are faughnan. wendy faulkner. shannon fava. bernard d.favuzza. ronald carl fazio sr. william feehan. francis jude feely. garth erequire feeney. sean b.fegan. lee s.fehling. peter adam feidelberg. >> and to my beautiful middle sister, vivian, you always danced to the beast your own drum, and for you, i pay tribute to you by wearing your god-awful ugly green converses today with
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>> edward p. felt. edward thomas fergus jr. george j. ferguson iii. j. joseph ferguson. henry fernandez. judy hazel fernandez. julio fernandez. elisa gist sell ferraina. anne marie sallerin ferreira. robert john ferris. david francis ferrugio. louis v.fersini jr. michael david ferugio. bradley james fetchet.
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jennifer louise fialko. kristen nicole fiedel. samuel fields. alexander milan filipov. michael bradley finnegan. timothy j. finnerty. michael c.fiore. stephen fiorelli jr. paul m.fiori. john b.fiorito. andrew fisher. bennett lawson fisher. john roger fisher. thomas j. fisher. lucy a. fishman. ryan d. fitzgerald. thomas james fitzpatrick. richard p. fitzsimmons.
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darlene e. flagg. elaine fletcher. and my uncle, leon bernard hayward, also known as emcee snan sundance. even though i didn't really know you, you will always be family in my heart and i will always love you. and in your honor, i have decided to seven our country with the united states marine corps. >> and my grandfather, walter arthur mcneil. the love that you and mama share was like no other. i raised my uncle to be a great man. now he is the head of the house. you will always forever be in ow hearts. thank you and god bless. >> andre 2k3w679 fletcher. >> carl m. fleckenger. john joseph florio. joseph flounders.
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carol ann flyzik. david fodor. michael n.fodor. steven mark foglele. thomas j. foley. david j. fontana. chih min foo. del rose d. forbes. donald a foreman. christopher hugh forsythe. claudia alicia foster. noel john foster. ana fosteris. robert yossef foti. jeffrey fox. virginia elizabeth fox. pauline francis. virgin lucy francis. gary jay frank.
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morton h. frank. peter christopher frank. colleen l. frazier. richard k. fraser. kevin j.frawley. clyde frazier jr. lillian inez frederick. andrew fredericks. tamitha freemen. brett owen freiman. peter l.freund. >> and my brother-in-law, tom swift. tom, your loss has left a void in the family and no parents could be more proud of their son than your mom and dad. >> loving son, husband, father, uncle, friend, and extraordinary man, my brother, bruce edward simmons. we love you and we miss you.
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andrew keith friedman. paul j. friedman. greg j.froehner. lisa anne frost. peter chris fry. clement afumando. steven elliott furman. paul james furmato. karleton douglas b.fyfe. >> richard peter gabriel. >> richard s. gabrielle. >> pamela lee gaff. irvin vincent galliard. >> grace katherine gallante. >> anthony edward gallagher. >> daniel james gallagher. >> john patrick gallagher. >> lordes j.gallete.
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>> thomas gambino jr. >> ronald l.gamboa. >> peter james gancy jr. >> charles william garborini. >> andrew sunny garcia. >> caesar r. garcia. >> david garcia. >> jorge louise garcia. >> juan garcia. >> marlon del carmen garcia. >> christopher samuel gardner. >> douglas benjamin gardner. >> harvey joseph gardner iii. >> and our beloved william david lake. you are sorely missed and loved by all of your family, friends, and brothers in the fire service. you have given me the greatest
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gift in our son who makes me proud every day and is a reflection of you. never forgotten by our friends in bay ridge, the brooklyn hogs and your best friend in ireland. rest peacefully, baby. may the four wind flow you safely home. >> and my father, victor wald. daddy, alex, mom and i miss you very much. your void is very prominent and powerful. i know you would have loved to be with me in two weeks to see jeter's last game but i'll there be for the both of us. we love you always. >> jeffrey brian ñigardner. >> thomas a. gardner. >> william arthur gardner. >> frank garfy. >> rocco gargano. >> james m.gartenberg.
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>> matthew david garvey. >> bruce gary. >> boyd allen gaton. >> peter allen gay. >> terrance d. gisani. >> paul hammle ton geyer. >> stephen paul geller. >> howard g. gelling jr. >> peter victor genko jr. >> elaine gentle. >> linda m. george. >> edward f. garatti. >> ralph gerhart. >> robert gurlich.
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>> dennis 369 germane. >> susjames g.guyer. >> cortez gee. >> joseph m. giacone. >> deborah lynn given. >> james andrew giberson. >> brenda c. gibson. >> craig neil gibson. >> ronnie e.geist. >> andrew clive gilbert. >> and my cousin, firefighter, engine 4, new york city's fire department. >> and my mother, adrian victoria schiveto. gabby and i will never forget you and you will never be
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salvadore gitto. >> diane gladstone. >> keith alexander glasgow. >> thomas irvin glasser. >> edmond glazer. >> harry glen. >> barry h.glick. >> jeremy logan glick. >> stephen glick. >> william robert godshoke. >> michael goldberg. >> jeffrey g. goldflam. >> michelle goldstein. >> monica goldstein. >> stephen ian goldstein. >> ronald f. golinsky. >> dennis james gomes. >> enrique antonio gomez.
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>> manuel gomez jr. >> and my beloved cousin, angel, you will always be in our hearts and we'll never forget you. we miss you very much. >> we miss you very much. >> my brother police officer christopher amrosso. you are our hero and not forgotten. until we meet again. >> wilder alfredo gomez. >> jenine gonzalez. >> rosa gonzalez. >> lynne katherine goodchild. >> peter goodrich. >> harry goody. >> katherine c.goraeb. >> lisa gor danstein. >> kerene gorman.
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>> douglas allen gowell. >> yuji goya. >> jon richard grabowski. >> edwin graph iii. >> lauren grantto. >> james michael gray. >> tara mccloud gray. >> john m.grazioso. >> timmy george grazioso. >> derrick ar they are green. >> wade b. green. >> wanda green. >> elaine mira greenberg. >> donald freeman green. >> gail r. green.
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>> james arthur greenleaf jr. >> my uncle and my aunt angela rigario. we love you and hope to see you soon. >> we love you and miss you so much. >> ilene marcia greenstein. >> elizabeth martin gregg. >> denise gregory. >> donald gregory. >> florence gregory. >> pedro grehan. >> john michael griffin. >> tewanna griffin. >> joan donna griffith. >> warren grifka. >> ramon grijalvo. >> joseph grillo. >> david joseph grimner.
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>> phillip hanetzler. >> karen his i beth hagerty. >> mary lou hague. >> danny, your goodness lives on in your children. we miss and love you every day of our lives. >> my brother-in-law michael whittenstein. if you didn't know him, you missed out. he could teach you about family and about love. our family misses him everyday. he has two nephews both named michael after him. god bless you michael. god bless the troops. god bless the fort mcclellan soldiers. stand tall america. god does bless america.
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[ applause ] >> barbara mary habib. >> miley hail. >> richard b. hall. >> stanley r. hall. >> george hall. >> robert j haligan. >> vin sent halloran. >> james douglas halvorson. >> felicia hamilton. >> robert w. hamilton. >> carl max hammond jr. >> fredrick k.han. >> christopher james happenly. >> shaun hanly. >> valley joan hannah. >> thomas hannafin.
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>> kevin james han that ford. >> dana hannon. >> peter burton hanson. >> sue hanson. >> vassilios haramis. >> james haran. >> jeffrey pike hardy. >> tj hargrave. >> daniel harlin. >> melissa harrington hues. >> alicia harris. >> stewart d. harris. >> john patrick hart. >> eric hartono. >> john clintton hartz. >> my sister colleen anne.
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my everyday person. my days are not the same without you. i know you're shining down with pride at the amazing job jay has done with amanda and michael. they've grown into amazing young adults. we love you and miss you always. >> my uncle christopher whitten tech. chris, you're always more of an older brother to me and your other nieces. never a day goes by that you are not in our thoughts. you will always be missed. you'll always be in our hearts and minds. and i know chris is always with you. he sees the the brilliant job you've done raising your children. they're such amazing young adults. sarah, haley, molly, will and zack. i'm sure your father watches over you and is very proud of all you've accomplished. so far in your young lives.
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brian brady. david, thank you for the joy and laughter. there's not a day that goes by that we don't miss and love you. god speed. gary herold. jeffrey hersch. >> thomas hetzel. >> leon hayward. >> brian hickey. >> car row cedeno. >> timmy higgins. >> todd russell hill. >> clara hinds. >> neal hinds. >> mark hin i did. >> heather ho. >> thomas anderson hobbs.
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>> james j.hobin. >> robert wane hobson iii. >> da juan hodges. >> patrick a.hoey. >> john a.hofer. >> marcia hoffman. >> stephen hoffman. >> fredrick joseph hoffman. >> michael l. hoffman. >> judith hofmiller. >> thomas warren hohlweck jr. >> jonathan hohmann. >> cora holland. >> john holland. >> joseph f. holland. >> jimmy i. holly. >> elizabeth holmes.
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james. hopper. >> my father jeffrey george. we love you and miss you. take care of mom for me. >> my uncle, my hero harry ramos. your wife and sons eugene and alex miss you everyday and share your spirit of service. there's not a day that goes by that your family doesn't miz you. >> montgomery hord. >> michael joseph horn. >> matthew douglas horning. >> robert l.horohoe jr. >> michael robert horrocks. >> aaron horwitz. >> charles houston.
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>> uhuru houston. >> angela hoots. >> george howard. >> brady k howell. >> michael c howell. >> stephen leon howell. >> jennifer l. howley. >> milagros hromada. >> marian hrycac. >> robert hughes. >> robert. the hughes jr. >> thomas f. hughes jr. >> timmy robert hughes. >> susan huey. >> john nicholas hum better jr. >> kathleen anne hunt casey. >> joseph gerard hunter. >> pegly m. hurt. >> robert rhussa.
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>> jake dennis jagoda. >> maria jakubiak. >> robert jalbert. >> earnest james. >> gricelda james. >> mark stephen jardim. >> amy jarret. >> john charles jenkins. >> my father who i never met. what can i say, apple doesn't fall far from the tree. you gave me the gift of life. i'm enjoying every bit of it. i wish you could be here. >> and my father. we love and miss you daddy. >> joseph jenkins jr. >> allen keith jennson.
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>> lewis hem nez jr. >> nicholas john. >> charles gregory john. >> laswana johnson. >> scott michael johnson. >> william r. johnston. >> allison jones. >> arthur joseph jones iii. >> bryan jones. >> charles edward jones. >> christopher d. jones. >> donald t jones ii. >> donald w jones. >> linda jones. >> mary s. jones.
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>>. >> mary jones. >> arthur joseph jones. >> andrew jordan. >> stephen joseph. >> jane josiah. >> michael f. judge. >> paul william jurgens. >> gavkharoy kamardinova. >> my father. 13 years ago yesterday you put me to bed not knowing it would be your last time. i miss you so much. daddy you're my hero. i love you. >> my father james nicholas papa george. not a day goes by i don't think about you. you're one special soul that touched my soul that inspired me to do many great things in my
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life to respect his name and just have a good life. >> howard lee kane. >> jennifer lee kane. >> vincent kane. >> joon kang. >> shell don robert kanter. >> robin lynne kaplan. >> charles karczewski. william karnes. >> charles l.kasper. >> andrew k.kates. >> john katsimatides. >> robert michael kaulfers. >>,ideya kawauchi. >> edward keane.
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>> lisa kearney griffin. >> barbara keating. >> paul keating. >> leo russell is keene iii. >> joseph john keller. >> peter kellerman. >> joseph. kel let. >> fredrick. kelly iii. >> james joseph kelly. >> joseph a. kelly. >> maurice. kelly. >> richard john kelly jr. >> thomas michael kelly. >> thomas richard kelly. >> thomas w. kelly. >> timmy colin kelly. >> richard john kelly. >> william hill kelly jr. >> robert clinton kennedy. >> my cousin mary barbara and her husband james anthony
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trintini. we will never forget you. >> and the nypd we miss your laughing irish eyes, great sense of humor, compassionate and loving heart. you touched so many. love you glenn. god bless america. let us never forget. >> thomas j. kennedy. >> john richard keohane. >> ralph francis kershaw. >> ronald kerwn. >> howard kestenbaum. >> ruth ellen ketler. sarah khan.
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michael kiefer. mary jo kimmellman. >> karen anne con cade. >> amy r. king. >> andrew m. king. >> lieu sill teresa king. >> robert king jr. >> lisa king-johnson. >> brian k. kenny. >> chris michael kirby. >> robert kirkpatrick. >> glen davis kirwin. >> helen kettle. >> richard joseph klares is. >> alan david kliinberg. >> stephen a.nnap. >> my great uncle joel miller. i know you're up there watching over me and guiding me everyday.
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i love you. >> my nephew francis joseph nezarro. night before the attack i spoke to you on the phone. you were holding your infant daughter. she is now a beautiful young lady because of her mother's work and family around her. you're sadly missed. you've made imprint on our hearts that will be there forever. >> andrew james knox. >> thomas patrick knox. >> rebecca lee koborie. >> deborah a.kobus. >> gary edward koecheler. >> frank koestner. >> ryan kohart. >> a rin that kolpakova. >> abdoulaye kone. >> dorota kopiczko.
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>> james patrick ladley. >> joseph a.lafalce. . >> jeanette lafond. >> my brother gerard f. rowsy. 13 yoears later my heart aches each and every day. we love and miss you. my amazing brother, best friend, wonderful and supportive uncle, dedicated son and caring friend. we love you so much. keep watching over us jerry. our guardian an zel.
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>> michael laf orte. >> alan charles lafranco. >> jan mendes lafuente. >> neil lai. >> vincent laieta. >> william david lake. >> franco lalama. >> chow lam. >> stephen lamantia. >> amy hope lamonsoff. >> robert. the lane. brendan mark lang. >> jose lang. >> vanessa langer. >> mary lou langley. >> peter j. langone. >> thomas michael langone. >> michelle bern debt lanza.
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>> stephen lawn. daddy, we love you and miss you. your five grandchildren karina, savannah, jamie, jay den miss you. three out of five may not have met you here on earth, they remember their grand pa da and love you immensely. mom misses you immensely as well. we all love you. your family loves you. your friends love you. we hope you're watching down and proud of us. again, we love you and may god bless everybody who had perished on 9/11. >> nathaniel lawson and my grandmother. 13 years ago i was born on my grandmother's birthday. she made my mom promise to share every birthday together. we never had that chance to do that. the gift of me being born on her birthday is eternal.
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>> luis leon sr. >> matthew gerard leonard. >> michael lepore. >> charles alesperance. jeff laveen. >> john denn levi. >> my cousin mark hindi. you're the the brother i never had. you had a naturally positive outlook on life i admired and try to imlate to this day. you enjoyed life so much that it makes your loss so much harder. it's still so devastating that it had to be you. 13 years ago i was about to turn 21. you were 28. we were entering the phase of our lives where we were becoming adults and friends. now that i'm about to start a family, i wish i could have seen
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you do the same. no matter how many years pass, i'll continue to honor your memory. i love you and miss you. >> my husband bernard. not a day goes by that you're not on our minds and in our hearts. we love you always. >> neil david levin. >> robert levine. >> robert levine. >> daniel lewin. >> adam jay lewis. >> margaret lewis. >> kenneth e. lewis. >> ye wei liang. >> daniel f.libretti. >> ralph licciardi. >> stephen barry lillianthal. >> carlos lillo. >> craig lilore. >> carya lin.
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>> robert thomas linehan. >> diane theresa lipari umptd. >> paul lisin. >> nancy lirz. >> harold lizcano. >> george a.llanes. >> katherine loguidice. >> michael lomax. >> to my grandmother, we miss you and love you everyday. >> to my father. not a day that goes by that i don't think about you daddy. we miss you so much and will always keep on loving you. god bless america. >> stephen v. long.
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>> edward hobbs luckett ii. >> mark gavin ludvigsen. >> lee charles ludwig. >> sean thomas lugano. >> marie lukas. >> william lum jr. >> michael p. lunden. >> anthony luparello. >> linda anne luzzicone. >> gary fredrick lud nick. >> cici liles. >> james francis lynch. >> james t. lynch jr. >> louise a. lynch. >> michael cameron lynch.
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>> michael frances lynch. >> michael frances lynch. >> richard d. lynch jr. >> my cousin best friend. you may be a sleep in god's arms but you're a wake in our hearts. we love you and miss you. >> our beloved shaun gordon core bet o neil, husband, son, brother, father, uncle and friend. we adore you. we treasure you. you're unforgettable. our daughter shaun is a beautiful reminder of your face everyday. god bless you.
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>> joseph maffeo. >> jay robert magazine. >> brian magee. >> charles w. magee. >> joseph maggitti. >> ronald magnuson. >> daniel maher. >> thomas a.mahon. >> william j.mahoney. >> joseph daniel maio. >> linda c.mare gray ling. >> takashi makimoto. >> abdu ali malahi. >> deborah maldonado. >> myrna maldonado-agosto. >> alfred maler. >> gregory james malone.
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>> edward francis maloney iii. >> joseph maloney. edward francis maloney. >> francisco miguel mancini. >> my brother, firefighter bobby king jr. we love and miss you more each day. you're truly our hero. until we meet again. >> my cousin phillip hensler. loving son. you will always be missed. >> joseph mangano. >> sarah elizabeth. >> marion victoria manning. >> terrence john manning.
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>> james ross margebanks jr. >> hill da marson. >> peter mardikian. >> charles joseph mardovich. >> lewis neil mariani. >> kenneth joseph marino. >> lest erma reno. >> vita marino. >> kevin d. marlow. >> ho say marrero. >> john daniel marshal. >> james mar tell low. >> michael a. marti. >> karen anne martin. >> peter c. martin. >> teresa m. martin. >> william j. martin jr.
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>> brian e. martineau. >> betsy martinez. >> edward j. martinez. >> jose angel martinez jr. lizie d. martinez calderon. >> joseph a.mascali. >> my brother alfred maler. even though our family and friends are sad, we will always have your beautiful memories al. we love you. >> and my big brother andrew a ra rosen bloom. andy, you were a loving father, son, husband, brother, uncle,
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>> michael mccabe. >> thomas joseph mccann. >> justin mccarthy. >> kevin mccarthy. >> michael mccarthy. >> my mother. your crazy spirit lives on in each of us ma.ç thank you for watching over our entire family and community as we continue to rebuild from sandy. we are finally back inbó our house. you are always in our thoughts, hearts,$ prayers. god speed mom. god bless america. >> my sister-in-law. we love you and miss you.
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not a day goes by that we don't think of you. your legacy is carried on by your wonderful daughters, dana, allison and emily. and your beautiful grandchildren, asher and hannah. you are kenny, elliott, my mother's and my heart always. we love you. >> robert g. mccarthy. >> stanley mccaskill. >> katie marie mccloskey. >> ruth magdaline mccourt. >> charles austin mccrann. >> joseph. mcdonald. >> brian grady mco'donnell. >> michael.
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mcdonnell. >> john f. mcdowell jr. >> john thomas mcclirin jr. >> william e. mcbegin. >> thomas henry mcginnis. >> michael gregory mcginty. >> walsh mcgovern. >> scott mcgovern. >> william j. mcgovern. >> stacey mcgowan. >> thomas if f. mcginnis jr. >> patrick j. mcgwire. >> thomas m. mccale. >> keith mcheffey.
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>> dennis mchugh iii. >> dennis p. mchugh. >> michael edward mchugh jr. >> robert g. mcilvaine. >> donald mcintire. >> stephanie marie mckenna. >> barry mckeon. >> darrel mckinney. >> george patrick mclaughlin jr. >> my husband brian david sweeney. thank you brian for allowing me the privilege of loving you. you taught me everything about life and living. you are a son, brother, friend, hero to us all. we will see you when we get there. until then, we honor your life by living ours to the fullest. >> and to my brother-in-law brian mcgee.
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you are always in our hearts. god bless you and god bless america. >> robert c. mclaughlin jr. >> gavin mcman. >> robert d. mcman. >> daniel walker mcneal. >> walter arthur mcneil. >> sheila mcnulty. >> sean peter mcnulty. >> martin mcwilliams. >> rocco medaglia. >> damian meehan. >> william meehan jr. >> eskedar melaku. >> mary p. melendes is.
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>> dora marie. >> peter menzo. >> steve john percado. >> will fred mercado. >> wesley mercer. >> allen harvey merdinger. >> george merino. >> yamel merino. >> my uncle, firefighter. >> my uncle kevin james murphy. we miss you, love you. we know that conner, katelyn and aunt bess make you proud everyday. keep smiling down on us. >> deborah meric. >> jill n.meltzer.
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>> william edward. martin paul michael stein. >> patricia e.meekley. >> peter. the milan know. >> gregory milanovich. >> sharon milla n. >> corey peter miller. >> craig j. miller. >> douglas c. miller. >> henry alfred miller jr. >> joel miller. >> michael miller. >> nicole carol miller. >> phillip d. miller. >> robert alan miller. >> robert cromwell miller jr.
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>> lewis joseph modafferi. >> my husband keith o conner. everyday we remember, we miss, we mourn. we celebrate through laughter. >> and my cousin f.dny deputy chief john palillo. we miss him everyday. may all our loved ones rest in blessed peace and know sacrifices have given us coverage, strength, determination. >> dennis mojica. >> manuel mojica. >> kleber molina. >> manuel molina. >> firefighter carl molinaro.
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moran. >> lindsay stapleton motherhouse. >> firefighter vincent s.mor s.morello. >> nancy morgan. >> nancy morgenstern. >> dennis gerard maroney. >> my brother william thomas dean. we miss you everyday. you are wonderful. think about you love you all the time. to my fellow rescuers who continue to suffer, god bless. to the military, god bless you for all you do. >> and for my nephew, firefighter joseph patrick henry. ladder 21. we miss you. we love you. you'll forever be in our hearts.
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i would also like to say something about richard morgan. he was the vice president for con ed. the only person killed from on ed on 9/11. he was a good friend, coworker and gentleman. he's a giant among men. may he rest the in peace. amen. may god bless the united states of america. [ applause ] >> lynne irene morris. >> odessa v. morris. >> seth allen morris. >> steve morris. >> christopher mar tell morrison. >> ferninand v.morrone. >> william david moskal. >> brian a. moss. >> marco motroni. >> cynthia motus-wilson.
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jude joseph moussa. >> peter moutos. >> damian mowatt. >> christopher michael mozzillo. stephen vincent mullderry. >> richard. the muldowney jr. >> michael mullan. >> dennis michael mulligan. >> peter james mulligan. >> michael joseph mulligan. >> james donald. >> nancy muniz. >> francisco munoz. >> carlos munos is. >> theresa munson.
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>> mark a.murolo. >> brian joseph murphy. >> charles anthony murphy. >> christopher w. james f. murphy iv james thomas murphy kevin james murphy patrick jude murphy. >> patrick shawn murphy. raymond e. murphy >> and my cousin robert e. parks jr. your family loves you, bobby, and misses you every day. god bless you, bobby, and god bless our wonderful nation, the united states of america. >> and my father, steven lewis roche. your love for life, family, and friends was endless. we miss you more and more each day.
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narender nath francis joseph nazario[bçk28rñir joseph micheal navas rayman marcus neblett glenroy i. neblettç laurence f. nedellg1eñ jerome o. nedd pete negron luke g. nee ann n. nelson laurie ann neira3n ginger risco nelson opinion david william nelson james nelson oscar francis nesbitt peter allen nelson gerard terence nevins
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>> christopher knewton carter. my uncle, thank you for watching over each of us every single day. i know you are proud, we miss you, and we love you. nancy yuen ngo on&my mother imelda h. perry. i love you. your family continues to miss you. i am forever indebted for your wisdom and your guidance and the loving home you provided. may god bless your soul. may god continue to bless the united states of america. kathleen ann nicosia martha stewart neederer. alfonse joseph niedermeyer frank john niestadt jr. gloria nieves juan nieves jr. troy edward nilsen paul nimbley
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john ballantine niven katherine marie noack curtis terrence noel michael a. noel. daniel r. nolan robert walter noonan jacqueline june norton robert grant norton daniela rosalia notaro brian christopher novotny soichi numata brian felix nunez jose nunez jeffrey roger nussbaum james a. oakley dennis patrick o'berg james p. o'brien jr. michael p. o'brien scott j. o'brien timothy michael o'brien daniel o'callaghan dennis james o'connor jr. diana o'connor keith kevin o'connor richard j. o'connor amy o'doherty marni pont o'doherty
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douglas e. oelschlager takashi ogawa albert ogletree >> and my brother glen davis kerwin. we miss you. >> an our beloved mother, frances, who perished in the south tower. she was 76, possibly the oldest. take comfort. i believe my mom and all the victims were the first holy martyrs in a holy war and are in heaven. may they all rest in peace eternally and take comfort in god, the father, god, the son, god, the holy spirit, and our mother mary in heaven. we miss you, mom. philip paul ognibene john a. ogonowski james andrew o'grady joseph j. ogren
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thomas g. o'hagan samuel oitice patrick j. o'keefe william o'keefe gerald michael olcott gerald thomas o'leary christine anne olender linday mary oliva edward kraft oliver leah elizabeth oliver eric t. olsen jeffrey james olsen barbara k. oleson maureen lyons olson steven john olson matthew timothy o'mahoney toshihiro onda seamus l. o'neal james p. o'neill. peter j. o'neill jr. sean gordon o'neill betty ann ong
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michael c. opperman christopher t. orgielewicz margaret quinn orloske virginia ann ormiston ruben s. barnedo. kevin m. o'rourke ronald orsini peter keith ortale juan ortega-campos jane marie orth alexander ortiz david ortiz emilio p. ortiz. pablo ortiz and my uncle hector, not the way that you died that matters, it's the way that you live. thank you so much for watching over us and we love you and miss you every single day. >> and my brother james barbell la. jimmy, we love you, we his you, we pray for your always. god bless you, everyone who was lost that day, and god bless america.
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paul ortiz jr. sonja ortiz. masaru ose patrick j. o'shea robert william o'shea elsy carolina osorio oliva james r. ostrowski timothy f. o'sullivan jason douglas oswald michael john otten isidro d. ottenwalder michael chung ou todd joseph ouida jesus ovalles peter j. owens jr. adianes oyola angel m. pabon israel pabon jr.
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roland pacheco michael benjamin packer tieian p. padro. deepa pakkala jeffrey matthew palazzo thomas palazzo richard a. palazzolo orio joseph palmer frank anthony palombo alan n. palumbo christopher matthew panatier dominique lisa pandolfo jonas martin panik. paul j. pansini john m. paolillo edward joseph papa salvatore t. papasso james nicholas pappageorge marie pappalardo vinod kumar parakat
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vijayashanker paramsothy nitin ramesh parandkar >> and my sister, jane ellen basler. in our thoughts every day. >> and giovanni torres. we all love and miss you dearly. i wish people could see the look in their eyes when they talk about you. they give me the feeling you are still here. i hope we make you proud up there. i love you and miss you. hardai parbhu james wendell parham debra marie paris george paris gye hyong park philip lacey parker michael alaine parkes robert e. parks jr. hasmukhrai c. parmar robert parro
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