tv Politics Public Policy Today CSPAN September 11, 2014 3:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> felix bobby calista. >> francis joseph callahan. >> liam callahan. >> suzanne m callie. >> geno lu edgy. >> rocco comage. >> michael fcamarada. >> david campbell. >> jeffrey thomas campbell. >> robert arthur campbell. >> sandra patricia campbell. >> shawn thomas can van. >> john a. candlea. >> vincent. >> steven j. >> lisa bella canava. >> brian cannizzaro. >> michael r canty. >> lewis anthony caparici. >> john than neve capello.
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>> james christopher cappers. >> richard michael caprone. >> jose manual cardona. >> dennis m carey sr. >> edward carlino. >> michael scott carlo. >> and my only child, my beloved daughter, dominique lisa pandolfo. >> and my brother, donald w. robertson junior. we love and miss you and until we meet again may god hold you in the palm of his hand. god bless america. >> michael t carroll.
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>> for seanicate on. >> mary teresa awe field. >> juddson savvy and leer. >> michael joseph cawly. >> jason david cain. >> juan armando ceballos. >> jason michael cefalu. >> thomas joseph celic. >> anna mercedes centeno. >> jeffrey marc chair nof. >> swarna chalssani. and my sister, my heart is forever breaking over your loss. >> my son, kenneth marino, firefighter rescue 1, we love you and miss you every day. you are in our hearts and we cherish the memories.
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>> william achalcoff. >> eli chaluuh. >> charles lawrence chan. chang. >> mark lawrence charette. >> agree goreio manuel chavez. >> pedro francisco checo. >> douglas mac millan cherry. >> stephen patrick cherry. >> vernon paul cherry. >> nester julio che valler jr. swede che vallier. >> alexander h chang.1ci1cbzpkok >> dorothy j. >> luis alfonso chim bow. >> robert chin. >> eddie wing wai ching.
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benjamin keefe clark. >> u mean if clark. >> and my uncle, firefighter salvatore benj men calabro. >> and my cousin, 13 years and still feels like yesterday. we miss and love you and we will never forget. god bless us. >> gregory alan clark. >> manny leroy aaaaaaijclark. >> sarah m clark. >> thomas r clark. christopher robert clark. donna marie clarke. >> michael j clarke. surria rachel emma clarke. >> kevin francis cleary. >> james dkleere. >> geoffrey w cloud. >> susan marie kline.
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>> steven coakley. >> jeffrey allen cole. >> patricia a cody. >> daniel michael coffey. >> jason matthew coffey. >> florence g cohen. >> kevin s cohen. arrar anthony josest coladonato. >> steven jco lai o. >> christopher michael colasanti. >> michelle p colbert. >> keith e coleman. >> scott thomas coleman. >> tarel coleman. >> liam joseph col hun. >> robert d colin. >> robert jcoll. >> jean marie colin. >> john michael collins. >> michael l collins.
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>> thomas joseph collins. >> joseph kent collison. >> jeffrey duane coleman. >> patricia malia colodner. >> linda colon. >> sol colon. >> my father thomas j fisher. i of lou and you are forever if in our hearts. >> and my father. i love you and miss you every day. >> ronald edward karma. >> heidi conception. margaret mary conor. >> cynthia marie lease conley. >> john econly jr. >> jonathan m conors. >> kevin patrick conors. >> kevin f conray.
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>> brandy econ way. >> denise michael cook. >> helen d cook. >> jeffrey w coombs. >> john a cooper. >> julianne t cooper. >> joseph john junior. >> gerard j topula. >> joseph albert corbett. >> john j corcoran iii. >> robert joseph. >> danny acorrea gutierrez. >> james corrigan. >> james j core began retired. >> carlos kor tes rodriguez. >> kevin cosgrove. >> dolores marie costa. >> dig that alexandra cos tanza. >> charles gregory costello. >> michael s costello.
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>> conrod kcottoy senior. >> martin john cough land. >> john g cough land. >> james e cove. >> and my sister debra, rest in peace with mom. we love you. >> and in loving memory of my brother christopher robert clark. thank you for being our brother and our laughter. >> andre colin cox. >> frederick john cox. >> james raymond coyle. >> michelle coyle eu lau. >> crist 23er cramer. >> eric cranford. >> denise elizabeth krant. robert james crawford. >> tara kathleen creamer. >> lucy crifasi.
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>> daniel hal chrisman. >> dennis cross. >> kevin rcrotty. >> john r crowe. war war wells remy krou ther. >> john robert cruz. >> grace cua. >> kenneth john cubas. >> francisco cruz cubero. >> thelm thomas patrick colin iii. >> joan cull nan. >> joyce rose cummings. >> brian thomas cummings. >> michael joseph cunningham. >> robert cure tollo. >> paul curioli. >> patrick joseph. >> beverly slrks kurt in.
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michael shawn kurt in. >> patricia cushing. >> my uncle peter, you are an amazing man with an amazing story. we miss and love you every day. >> my beautiful aunt. local brother and hero chuck costello. god bless you both and god bless everybody and god bless america. >> gavin cushne. >> kale ep aaron. carlos costa. >> jason mdow. >> brian paul dale. >> john lalara. >> vincent gerard d' a.m. deo.
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will remember you to the end of our days. we love you. >> i love you and we miss you and think of you every day. you are a man with a skip in your step and a smile on your face. be with us always and pray for the jets. amen. >> paul decola. >> simon. >> jason christopher deas ifio. donald arthur de la pena. vito joseph deleo danielle anne delie
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robert p. devitt jr. >> and my niece kathy, your family and me miss you very much and love you. >> and my wife, debra h kaplan. we love you and miss you. h.kaflin. debbie, we love you and miss dennis lawrence devlin gerard dewan sulemanali kassamali dhanani michael louis diagostino matthew diaz nancy diaz michael diaz-piedra iii judith belguese diaz-sierra lawrence patrick dickinson jerry d dickerson. joseph dickey jr. >> lawrence patrick dickinson.
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>> michael d dooel. vincent francis deas ifio. >> carl anthony difranco >> debra ann dimart tino. steven patrick dimino. # marisa dinardo schorpp christopher m. dincuff jeffrey mark dingle anthony dionisio george dipasquale joseph dipilato douglas frank distefano donald americo ditullio ramzi a. doany john joseph doherty robert e dolan junior.
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>> and my stepson, we miss you and love you so much. you will walk with us forever. >> my brother firefighter michael francis lynch. we know you were rescuing people in the sngd tower first to go down. you always carried this in your wallet in high school by ralph waldo emerson and you lived this way. success, to laugh often and much and win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children. to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends. to appreciate beauty and find the best in others. to leave the world a better place whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or reseemed social condition. to know even one life has breathed easily because you have lived. this is to have succeeded. ralph waldo emerson. we love you and miss you, michael. neil matthew dollard
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james joseph domanico benilda pascua domingo alberto dominguez carlos dominguez jerome mark patrick dominguez kevin w. donnelly jacqueline donovan will yack h donovan. stephen scott dorf thomas dowd kevin christopher dowdell mary yolanda dowling raymond mathew downey frank joseph doyle joseph michael doyle randall l. drake stephen patrick driscoll charles a droez iii. mirna a. duarte luke a. dudek christopher michael duffy gerard duffy michael joseph duffy
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thomas w. duffy antoinette duger jackie duggan. sareve dukat christopher joseph dunne felecia gail dunn-jones crist fun josest dun. richard anthony dunstan patrick thomas dwyer joseph anthony eacobacci edward t ear hart. >> robert douglas eaton dean philip eberling margaret ruth echtermann >> and my brother-in-law, we will never forget. your niece and nephew we miss and love you so much. >> my uncle, goodbyes are not
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forever. goodbyes are not the end. but if our tears could build a stair way, we would walk right up to heaven and bring you back home again. we love you, we miss you, you are forever in our hearts. paul robert eckna constantine economos barbara g edwards. >> dennis makele edwards. >> christine eeg an. lisa egan martin j. egan jr. carole eggert lisa caren ehrlich john ernst eichler eric adam eisenberg daphne ferlinda elder michael j. elferis mark joseph ellis valerie silver ellis albert alfy william elmarry
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robert r el sev. >> doris suk-yuen eng christopher epps ulf ramm ericson erwin l. erker william john erwin sarah ali escarcega jose espinal fanny espinoza billy esposito. bridget ann esposito francis esposito michael esposito ruben esquilin jr. sadie ette barbara g. etzold eric brian evans robert edward evans meredith emily june ewart catherine k. fagan >> to my brother, i miss you every day. your family loves you. >> my uncle terrence s hat on, the captain of fdny rescue company 1 was nicknamed captain
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manhattan. your daughter was born months after 9/11. she is beautiful and has your infectious laugh and is tall like you. your wife has done an outstanding job raising her without you. there no words to express our family's profound sense of loss. we love, honor, and miss you terribly. terribly. >> patricia mary fagan keith george fairben sandra farjardo-smith >> charles s falcon berg. dana falcon berg. >> zoey falcon berg. william f. fallon william lawrence fallon jr. anthony j. fallone jr. dolores brigitte fanelli robert john fangman john joseph fanning kathleen anne faragher
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thomas james farino nancy carole farley paige marie farley-hackel elizabeth ann farmer douglas jon farnum john gerard farrell john w. farrell terrence patrick farrell joseph d. farrelly thomas patrick farrelly syed abdul fatha christopher edward faughnan wendy r. faulkner shannon m. fava bernard d. favuzza ronald carl fazio robert fazio jr. william feehan francis jude feely garth erin feeney sean b. fegan lee s. fehling peter adam feidelberg alan d. feinberg
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rosa maria feliciano >> and to my beautiful middle sister, vivian, you danced to the beat of your own drum if for you i pay tribute by wearing your god-awful ugly green converse with the tacky yellow shoe laces. i know somewhere you are having a good laugh and you are enjoying yourself. >> to my uncle william j mcgovern from the fire department, we love and miss you every day, uncle billy. tolling
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anne marie sallerin ferreira robert john ferris david francis ferrugio louis v. fersini michael david ferugio bradley james fetchet jennifer louise fialko kristen nicole fiedel amelia fields. samuel fields alexander milan filipov michael bradley finnegan timothy j. finnerty michael curtis fiore stephen fiorelli sr. paul m. fiori john b. fiorito john r. fischer andrew fisher bennett lawson fisher
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gerald p fisher. john roger fisher thomas j. fisher lucy a. fishman ryan d. fitzgerald thomas james fitzpatrick richard p. fitzsimons salvatore fiumefreddo darlene e. wilson f flag. christina donovan flannery eileen flecha >> and my uncle leon bernard hayward also known as m csun dance. even though i really didn't know you, you will always be family in my heart and will always love you and in your honor i decided to serve the country with the united states marine corps. >> my and my grandfather, walter arthur mcneill, the love you and mama shared was like no other. you raised him to be a great man
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and now he is head the house. you will always be in our hearts. thank you and god bless. k3w679 andre g. fletcher carl m. flickinger matthew flacko. john joseph florio joseph walken flounders carol ann flyzik david fodor michael n. fodor steven mark fogel thomas foley james cfolger. david j. fontana chih min foo dell rose e forbes cheatham. godwin forde donald a. foreman christopher hugh forsythe claudia alicia foster noel john foster
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sandra n foster. ana fosteris robert joseph foti jeffrey fox virginia elizabeth fox. pauline francis virgin francis gary jay frank morton h. frank peter christopher frank colleen l frazier. richard k. fraser kevin j. frawley clyde frazier jr. lillian inez frederick andrew fredericks tamitha freemen brett owen freiman peter l. freund arlene eva fried alan wayne friedlander >> and my brother-in-law tom swift. your loss left a void in the
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family and no parents can be more proud of their son than your mom and dad. >> loving son, husband, father, uncle, friend, and extraordinary man, my brother bruce edward simmons. we love you and miss you. andrew keith friedman paul j. friedman gregg j. froehner lisa anne frost clement a. fumando steven elliot furman paul james furmato karleton d.b. fyfe richard samuel frederick gabrielle james andrew gadiel pamela lee gaff ervin vincent gailliard
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deanna lynn galante grace catherine galante anthony edward gallagher daniel james gallagher john patrick gallagher lourdes galletti cono e. gallo vincenzo gallucci thomas e. galvin giovanna galletta gambale thomas gambino jr. giann franco gamboa ronald gamboa peter ganci claude michael gann charles william garbarini andrew sunny garcia. cesar r. garcia david garcia juan garcia marlyn del carmen garcia christopher s. gardner
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douglas benjamin gardner harvey j. gardner iii >> and our beloved william david lake, you are sorely miss and loved by all of your family, friends and brothers in the fire service. you have given me the greatest gift in our son who makes me proud every day. he is a reflection of you. never forgotten by our friends in bay ridge, the brooklyn hogs and your best friend in ireland. rest peacefully, baby. may the four winds blow you safely home. >> and my father, victor wald. daddy, alex, mom and i miss you very much. your void is prominent and powerful. i know you would have loved to be with me to see jeter's last game, but i will be there for the both of us. we love you always.
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jeffrey brian gardner thomas a. gardner william arthur gardner francesco garfi rocco nino gargano james m. gartenberg matthew david garvey bruce gary boyd alan gatton donald richard gavagan jr. peter alan gay terence d. gazzani gary paul geidel paul hamilton geier julie m. geis peter g. gelinas steven paul geller howard g. gelling peter victor genco jr.
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steven gregory genovese alayne gentul linda george edward f. geraghty suzanne geraty ralph gerhardt robert gerlich denis p. germain marina romanovna gertsberg susan m. getzendanner tor cortez gee joseph m. giaccone vincent francis giammona debra lynn gibbon james andrew giberson brenda c gibson. craig neil gibson ronnie e. gies andrew clive gilbert
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>> and my cousin, firefighter anaya engine 4, new york city fire department. >> and my mother, adrian. gabby and i never will forget you. you will never be forgotten. >> timothy paul gilbert paul stuart gilbey paul john gill mark y. gilles evan gillette ronald lawrence gilligan rodney c. gillis laura gilly john f. ginley donna marie giordano jeffrey john giordano
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john giordano steven a. giorgetti martin giovinazzo kum-kum girolamo salvatore gitto cynthia giugliano mon gjonbalaj dianne gladstone keith alexander glascoe thomas irwin glasser edmund glazer harry glenn barry h. glick jeremy logan glick. steven glick john t. gnazzo william robert godshalk michael gogliormella brian fredric goldberg jeffrey grant goldflam michelle goldstein monica goldstein
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steven goldstein ronald golinski. andrew h. golkin dennis james gomes enrique antonio gomez jose bienvenido gomez manuel gomez jr. >> and my beloved couch. you will always be in our hearts and we will never forget you. we miss you very much. >> my brother port authority police officer christopher amaroso. you are our hero and you are not forgotten. until we meet again. wilder alfredo gomez jenine nicole gonzalez mauricio gonzalez rosa gonzalez lynn catherine goodchild calvin j. gooding peter m. goodrich
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harry goody catherine c. gorayeb lisa reinhart gordenstein kerene gordon sebastian gorki kieran joseph gorman thomas edward gorman michael edward gould douglas alan gowell yuji goya jon richard grabowski christopher michael grady edwin j. graf iii david martin graifman gilbert franco granados lauren grancolas. # elvira granitto winston arthur grant christopher s. gray james michael gray tara mccloud gray linda catherine grayling
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john m. grazioso timothy george grazioso derrick arther green wade b. green wanda anita green. elaine myra greenberg gayle r. greene james arthur greenleaf jr. >> and and my uncle and aunt, we love and miss you guys. hope to see you soon. >> my mother, joan donna griffith. we are comforted because we know you are watching. we love and you miss you so much. eileen marsha greenstein elizabeth martin gregg denise gregory donald h. gregory florence moran gregory pedro grehan john michael griffin
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tawanna griffin joan donna griffith warren grifka ramon grijalvo joseph f. grillo david joseph grimner francis edward grogan kenneth george grouzalis joseph grzelak matthew james grzymalski robert joseph gschaar liming gu richard j. jose a. guadalupe cindy yan zhu guan geoffrey e. guja joseph peter gullickson babita girjamatie guman douglas brian gurian janet ruth gustafson
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philip t. guza barbara guzzardo peter m. gyulavary gary robert haag andrea lyn haberman philip haentzler nezam a. hafiz karen elizabeth hagerty david halderman mary lou hague >> and my brother-in-law, daniel francis ginley. your goodness lives on in the goodness of your children, terrence, maddy, peter and in pat. we miss and love you every day of our lives. >> my brother-in-law michael wittenstein. i can tell you if you didn't know him, you really missed out. he was someone that could really teach you about family and about love. our family misses him every day.
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he has two nephews bothed named michael after him and god bless you, michael. god bless the troops. god bless the ft. mclellan soldiers. stand tall, america. god does bless america. >> and barbara mary habib. maile rachel hale richard b. hall stanley r hall. vaswald george hall robert j. halligan vincent gerard halloran james douglas halvorson mohammed salman hamdani felicia hamilton robert w. hamilton carl max hammond jr.
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frederic k. han christopher j. hanley sean s. hanley valerie joan hanna thomas hannafin kevin james hannaford michael lawrence hannan dana r. hannon christine lee hanson peter burton hanson sue kim hanson vassilios g. haramis james a. haran gerald francis hardacre jeffrey pike hardy timothy john hargrave daniel edward harlin frances haros harvey l. harrell stephen g. harrell melissa marie harrington aisha anne harris
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stewart dennis harris john patrick hart eric hartono john clinton hartz emeric harvey >> and my sister colleen an delockery. the dayings are not the same without you, but i know you are shining down with pride at the amazing job jay has done with amanda and michael. they are amazing young adults. we love and miss you always. >> my uncle, christopher william wooden check. you are more of an older brother. to me and your other nieces. never a day goes by that you are not this your thoughts. you will always be missed. you will always be in our hearts and minds. ann, i know chris is always with you. he sees the brilliant job you have done raising your children.
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they are such amazing young adults. sarah, haley, molly, will, and zack. i'm sure your father watches over you and is very proud of all that you have accomplished. so far in your young lives. peter paul hashem thomas theodore haskell jr. timothy haskell joseph john hasson iii leonard w. hatton terence s. hatton michael helmut haub timothy aaron haviland donald g. havlish jr. anthony maurice hawkins nobuhiro hayatsu james edward hayden robert jay hayes
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lindsay c. herkness iii harvey robert hermer nuberto hernandez raul hernandez >> my and my uncle, captain dan jay breathel, we love and miss you. >> and my beloved brother, brian brady. there's not a day that goes by that we don't miss and love you. god speed. >> gary herold jeffrey a. hersch thomas hetzel capt. brian hickey ysidro hidalgo-tejada timothy bryant higgins robert d. higley ii úz
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neal o. hinds mark hindy heather malia ho tara yvette hobbs thomas anderson hobbs james j. hobin robert wayne hobson iii dajuan hodges ronald george hoernerzlzy1ñzvd patrick a.hoey john a. hoffer marcia hoffman. steven gerard hoffman michele l. hoffman judith florence hofmiller wallace cole hogan jr. thomas warren hohlweck jr. jonathan r. hohmannzq
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montgomery mccullough hord michael joseph hornç matthew douglas horning. robert l. horohoe jr. michael robert horks charles j. houston uhuru g. houston angela m. hoots george gerard howard brady cay howell michael c. howell steven leon howell jennifer l. howley milagros hromada marian hrycak stephen huczko jr. kris robert hughes paul rexford hughes robert t. hughes jr. thomas fflt hughes jr. timothy robert hughes susan huie
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lamar demetrius holsing prove john nicholas jr. william c. hunt kathleen ann hunt-jacy robert hussa steven n. highland jr. robert jay high mel walter g. hynes joseph anthony ianelli zuhtu ibis jonathan lee ielpi michael patrick iken daniel ilkanayev fricke j. ill jr. >> and my uncle and hero, firefighter, lenny regalia. >> and my son, the footprints you have left in the sand are amazing and will never be
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forgotten. your legacy will live on forever. love ya. abraham nethanel ilowitz anthony p. infante jr. louis s. inghilterra christopher n. ingrassia paul innella stephanie v. irby douglas irgang kristin a. irvine-ryan todd a. isaac erik hans isbrandtsen taizo ishikawa aram iskenderian jr. john iskyan kazushige ito aleksandr valeryerich ivantsov lacy bernard ivory virginia jablonski
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brian c. jack brooke alexandra jackman aaron jeremy jacobs ariel louis jacobs jason kyle jacobs michael g. jacobs steven a. jacobson steven d. jacobi ricknauth jaggernauth jake denis jagoda yudh v.s. jain maria jakubiak robert adrian jalber ernest james gricelda e. james mark jardim amy nicole jarrett mohammed jawara francois jean-pierre maxima jean-pierre paul edward jeffers >> and my father, whom i never met, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. i just wish you could be here
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with me >> and my father, thomas stout. we love you and miss you, daddy. >> joseph jenkins jr. alan k. jensen prem n. jerath farah jeudy hweidar jian fernando jimenez molina eliezer jimenez jr. luis jimenez jr. >> charles m. johnson nicholas john charles gregory john lashawana johnson scott michael johnson >> william r. johnston allison horstmann jones arthur joseph jones iii brian l. jones charles edward jones christopher d. jones
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donald t. jones ii donald w. jones judith jones linda jones mary s. jones andrew brian jordan sr. robert thomas jordan albert joseph ingeborg joseph karl henri joseph stephen joseph jane eileen josiah lt. anthony jovic angel luis juarbe jr. karen susan juday michael f. judge paul w. jurgens thomas edward jurgens shashi kiran lakshmikantha kadaba gavkharoy mukhometovna kamardinova shari kandell >> and my father, paul elmfiori.
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13 years ago yesterday, you put me to bed not knowing it would be your last time. i misyou so much. daddy, you're my hero. i love you. >> and my father, james nicholas pappageorge. there's not a day that goes by that i don't think about you. you're one special soul that's touched my soul, which has inspired me to do many great things in my life, to respect his name and just have a good life. >> howard lee kane jennifer lynn kane vincent d. kane joon koo kang sheldon r. kanter deborah h. kaplan >> robin lynn kaplan alvin peter kappelmann jr. charles karczewski william a. karnes douglas g. karpiloff charles l. kasper andrew kates
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john katsimatides sgt. robert kaulfers don jerome kauth jr. hideya kawauchi edward t. keane richard m. keane lisa kearney-griffin karol ann keasler brashra a. keating paul hanlon keating leo russell keene iii brenda kegler chandler raymond keller joseph john keller peter r. kellerman joseph p. kellett frederick h. kelley james joseph kelly joseph a. kelly maurice patrick kelly richard john kelly jr. thomas michael kelly thomas richard kelly
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thomas w. kelly timothy c. kelly william hill kelly jr. robert quenkin ten kennedy >> my cousin, we will never forget you. >> and karen petit, nypd, we miss your laughing irish eyes, your great sense of humor, your compassionate heart and loving heart that has touched so many. love you, glen, god bless america, and let us never forget. thomas j. kennedy yvonne e. kennedy john keohane ralph frances kershaw lt. ronald t. kerwin howard l. kestenbaum douglas d. ketcham
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ruth e. ketler boris khalif norma cruz khan sarah khan taimour firaz khan rajesh khandelwal seilai khoo michael vernon keiffer satoshi kikuchihara andrew jay-hoon kim lawrence don kim mary jo kimelman henrick kimick karen ann kincaid andrew r. king lucille t. king robert king jr. lisa m. king-johnson brian k. kinney takashi kinoshita chris michael kirby robert kirkpatrick howard kirschbaum glenn davis kirwin helen crossing kittle richard j. klares
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peter a. klein alan d. kleinberg karen j. klitzman ronald philip kloepfer steven a. knapp yevgeny knyazev >> and my great uncle, joel miller. i know you're up there watching over me and guiding me every day. i love you. >> and my nephew, frances joseph nazario. the night before the attack, i spoke to you on the phone, you were holding your infant daughter. lina is now a beautiful young lady, because of her mother's work and family around her. you're sadly missed, you've made an imprint on our hearts and it will be there forever. >> andrew james knox. >> thomas patrick knox rebecca lee koborie deborah kobus gary edward koecheler frank j. koestner
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ryan kohart vanessa lynn kolpak irina kolpakova suzanne kondratenko abdoulaye kone bon-seok koo dorota kopiczko scott kopytko bojan kostic danielle kousoulis david p.kavelchin john j. kren william krukowski lyudmila ksido toshiyo kuga shekhar kumar kenneth kumpel frederick kuo jr. patricia kuras nauka kushitani thomas joseph kuveikis
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victor kwarkye raymond kui fai kwok angela r. kyte amarnauth lachhman guyanese andrew lacorte ganesh ladkat james p. ladley jeanette lafond-menichino david laforge and my cousin, gregory melanowitz. your mom, dad, and brother hold you in their hearts forever. >> and my brother, gerard f. rowsy, 13 years later, my heart aches each and every day. how much i miss 'íswyou, we mi you. you will always be in my mind,
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heart, and soul. my amazing brother, my best friend, wonderful and supportive uncle, dedicated son, and caring friend. we love you so much. keep watching over us, jerry, our guardian angel. michael patrick laforte alan lafranco juan lafuente neil k. lai vincent a. laieta william david lake franco lalama chow kwan lam michael s. lalana stephen lamantia amy hope lamonsoff robert t. lane
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brendan marc lang rosanne p. lang vanessa langer mary lou langley peter j. langone thomas michael langone michelle bernadette lanza ruth sheila lapin judith camile la. >> christopher randall larrabee. >> hamidou s. larry. >> scott larsen. >> john adam larson. >> gary edward lasko. >> richard greg lassman.
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>> paul laszczynski. >> jeffrey latouche. >> denis frances lavelle jeannine m. laverde anna a. laverty . a.laverty. >> stephen lawn. daddy, we love you and miss you. your five we love you and miss you, jamie and jaydin all miss you. and your family loves you, your friends love you, and we hope that you're watching down and you're proud of us. again, we love you and may god bless everybody who had perished on 9/11. >> nathaniel law singh and my
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grandmother 13 years ago, i was born on my grandmother's birthday. we never had that chance to do that, but the gift of me being born on our birthday is eternal. >> david w. laycheck. >> james patrick leahy lt. joseph gerard leavey neil j. leavy leon lebor kenneth charles ledee alan j. lederman elena ledesma alexis leduc daniel john lee david s. lee
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david prudencio lemagne joseph anthony lenihan john j. lennon jr. john robinson lenoir jorge luis leon matthew g. leonard michael lepore charles a.lesperance jeff leveen john d. levi alisha caren levin >> and my cousin, mark hindy. mark, you're the brother that i never had. you had a naturally positive outlook on life that i admired and that i try to emulate to this day. you enjoyed life so much that it makes your loss so much more
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harder. it's still so devastating that it had to be you. 13 years ago, i was about to turn 21 and you were 28. we were entering the phase of our lives where we were becoming adults and friends. now that i am engaged and soon to start a family, i only wish i could have seen you do the same. no matter how many years pass, i will continue to honor your memory. i love you and miss you. >> and my husband, bernard pertraniko. bernard, not a day goes by that you're not on our minds and in our hearts. we love you, always. neil david levin robert m. levine robert levine shai levinhar adam j. lewis jennifer lewis kennett e. lewis margaret susan lewis ye wei liang orasri liangthanasarn daniel f. libretti
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ralph m. licciardi edward lichtschein samantha h. lightbourne-alan steven b. lillianthal carlos r. lillo craig damian lilore arnold a. lim darya lin wei rong lin nickie l. lindo thomas v. linehan jr. robert thomas linnane alan linton jr. diane theresa lipari kenneth p. lira francisco alberto liriano lorraine lisi paul lisson vincent litto ming-hao liu nancy liz harold lizcano martin lizzul george a. llanes elizabeth claire logler catherine lisa loguidice jerome robert lohez michael w. lomax >> and my grandmother, we all meech you each and every day.
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>> and my father, jason david kaine. not a day goes by that i don't about you, daddy. mom and i miss you so much and we will always keep on loving you and god bless america. >> steven v. long laura maria longing salvetor p. lopes daniel lopez george lopez luis lopez manuel l. lopez joseph lostrangio chet louie stuart seid louis joseph lovero sara elizabeth lowe
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gary frederic lud nick c.c. liles farrell peter lynch james francis lynch james t. lynch jr. louise a. lynch michael cameron lynch michael francis lynch michael frances lynch richard dennis lynch jr. >> and my cousin, kindred spirit and best friend, susan mary bokino. you may be asleep in god's arms, but you're awake in our hearts. we love you and we miss you. >> and our beloved, sean gordon corbitt o'neill, husband, son, father, brother, uncle, and friend. we adore you, we treasure you.
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debora maldonado myrna t. maldonado-agosto alfred r. maler gregory james malone wed edward francis maloney iii joseph e. maloney gene e. maloy christian maltby francisco miguel mancini >> and my brother, firefighter, bobby king jr. we love and miss you, more each day. you are truly our hero. until we meet again. >> and my cousin, phillip hinsler. loving husband and friend, loyal friend, dedicated employee kiter
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peabody and kaine weber, you will always be missed. joseph mangano sara elizabeth manley debra m. mannetta marion victoria manning terence j. manning james maounis >> alfred giles padre joseph martian joseph ross marchbanks jr. laura a. markhese peter edward mardikian edward joseph mardovich lt. charles joseph margiotta louis neil mar yaniani kenneth joseph marino lester vincent marino vita marino kevin d. marlo jose j. marrero
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shelly a. marshall john marshall james martello michael a. marti karen ann martin peter c. martin teresa a. martin william j. martin jr. brian e. martineau betsy martinez edward j. martinez jose angel martinez jr. robert gabriel martinez lizie martinez-calderon lt. paul richard martini n. marie martino-cramer joseph a. mascali bernard!8r2ú stephen frank masi ada l. mason-acker >> and my brother, alfred
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russell mahler. even though our family and friends are sad, we will always have your beautiful memories out. we love you. >> and my big brother, andrew ira rosenbloom. andy, you were a loving father, son, husband, brother, uncle, cousin, and friend. we all love you and miss you, and we think of you every day. nicholas g. massa patricia a. massari michael massaroli philip w. mastrandrea jr. rudy mastrocinque joseph mathai charles william mathers william a. mathesen
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marcello matricciano margaret elaine mattic dean e. madesen robert d. mattson walter a. matuza jr. timothy j. maude charles a. mauro jr. charles j. mauro dorothy mauro nancy t. mauro robert j. maxwell renee a. may tyrone may keithroy marcellus maynard robert j. mayo kathy n. mazza edward mazzella jr.
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jennifer mazzotta kaaria mbaya james joseph mcalary jr. brian gerard mcaleasee patricia a. mcaneney colin richard mcarthur john mcavoy kenneth m. mcbrayer michael j. mccabe thomas joseph mccann justin mccarthy kevin m. mccarthy michael desmond mccarthy >> and my mother, ann walsh mcgovern. your crazy spirit lives on in each of us, ma. thank you for watching over our entire breezy point family and community as we continue to rebuild from sandy. we are finally back in our house. you are always in our thoughts,
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hearts, and prayers. god speed, mom. god bless breezy point and god bless america. >> arlene, my sister-in-law, arlene eva freed. we love you and miss you. not a day goes by that we don't think of you. your legacy is carried on by your wonderful daughters, dana, allison, and emily, and your beautiful grandchild, asscher and hanna. you are in kenny's, eliot's, my mother's and my hearts always. we love you. robert g. mccarthy stanley mccaskill katie marie mccloskey julianna valentine mccourt
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ruth magdelane mccourt tara mccloud-gray charles austin mccrann tonyell mcday matthew t. mcdermott joseph p. mcdonald brian gravy mcdonnell michael p. mcdonnell john f. mcdowell jr. eamonn j. mceneaney john thomas mcerlean jr. daniel francis mcginley mark ryan mcginly william e. mcginn thomas h. mcginnis michael gregory mcginty ann walsh mcgovern scott martin mcgovern william j. mcgovern stacey s. mcgowan francis noel mcguinn
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thomas f. mcginnis jr. patrick j. mcguire thomas m. mchale keith mcheffey ann m. mchugh denis j. mchugh iii dennis p. mchugh michael edward mchugh jr. robert g. mcilvaine donald james mcintyre stephanie mckenna molly j. mckenzie barry j. mckeon evelyn c. mckinnedy darryl leron mckinney george patrick mclaughlin jr. >> and my husband, brian david sweeney. thank you, brian, for allowing me the privilege of loving you.
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you taught me everything about life and living. you are a son, a brother, a friend, and a hero to us all. et end, and a hero to us all. there. and until then, we honor your life by living ours to the fullest. >> and to my brother-in-law, brian mcgee. you are always in our hearts. god bless you and god bless america. robert c. mclaughlin jr. gavin mcmahon robert dismas mcmahon edmund m. mcnally daniel mcneal walter arthur mcneilñk christine sheila mcnulty sean peter mcnulty terence a. mcshane timothy patrick mcsweeney rocco a. medaglia abigail medina anna iris medina
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damian meehan william j. meehan jr. alok mehta raymond meisenheimer manuel emilio mejia eskedar melaku antonio melendez mary melendez christopher d. melo yelena melnichenko stuart todd meltzer diarelia jovannah mena charles mendez lizette mendoza shevonne mentis wolfgang peter menzel steve john mercado wilfried mercado wesley mercer ralph joseph mercurio alan h. merdinger george c. merino yamel merino george merkouris >> and my uncle, firefighter brian gerard mclvis.
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>> and my uncle, kevin james murphy. we miss you and love you, but we know that connor, caitlin and us make you proud every day. keep smiling down on us. deborah merrick raymond j. metz iii jill a. metzler david robert meyer nurul huq miah william edward micciulli martin paul michelstein patricia e. micly ronald d. mylan peter t. milano gregory milanowycz lukasz t. milewski sharon christina milan corey peter miller craig james miller douglas c. miller
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henry miller jr. joel miller michael matthew miller nicole carol miller phillip d. miller robert alan miller robert c. miller jr. benjamin millman charles m. mills jr. ronald keith milstein robert minara william g. minardi louis joseph minervino thomas mingione wilbert miraille domenick mircovich rajesh a. mirpuri joseph mistrulli susan miszkowicz
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paul thomas mitchell richard miuccio frank v. moccia sr. louis josef modafferi boyie mohammed lt. dennis mojica we mourn, but we celebrate through laughter. >> and my cousin, fdny deputy chief john palilo. we love and miss every day. may all our loved ones rest in blessed peace and know that their sacrifices have given us courage, strength, and determination.
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boyie mohammed lt. dennis mojica manuel mojica kleber rolando molina manuel dejesus molina carl molinaro justin j. molisani jr. brian patrick monaghan franklin monahan john gerard monahan kristen montanaro craig d. montano michael montesi carlos alberto montoya cheryl ann monyak capt. thomas moody sharon moore krishna moorthy laura lee morebid abner morales carlos morales paula morales
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sonia mercedes morales john christopher moran battalion chief john michael moran, fdny kathleen moran lindsay s. morehouse george morell steven p. morello firefighter vincent s.morello arturo alva moreno yvette nicole moreno dorothy morgan richard morgan nancy morgenstern sanae mori blanca morocho leonel morocho dennis g. moroney and my brother, william thomas dean. though we miss you every day, claire and math yaw are wonderful and we think about you
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and love you all the time. and to my fellow rescuers who continue to suffer, god bless. and to the military, god bless you for all you do. >> and for my nephew, firefighter joseph patrick henry, ladder 21, we miss you, we love you, you'll forever be in our hearts. i would also like to say something about richard morgan, who is the vice president for coned, who's the only person from coned that was killed in 9/11. he was a good friend, a coworker, and a gentleman. he's a giant among men. may he rest in peace, amen. and may god bless the united states of america. lynne irene morris odessa v. morris
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seth alan morris steve morris christopher m. morrison ferdinand v. morrone william david moskal brian a. moss marco motroni sr. cynthia modis-wilson iouri a. mouchinski jude j. moussa peter c. moutos damion mowatt tedding-on h.mouy christopher mozzillo stephen v. mulderry richard muldowney jr. michael d. mullan peter james mulligan michael joseph mullin james donald munhall nancy muniz
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francisco paladio munoz carlos mario munoz teresa munson robert m. murach cesar augusto murillo marc a. murolo brian joseph murphy charles murphy christopher w. murphy edward c. murphy james f. murphy iv james thomas murphy kevin james murphy patrick jude murphy patrick sean murphy lt. raymond e. murphy >> and my cousin, robert e. parks jr. your family loves you, bobby, and misses you every day.
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god bless you, bobby, and god bless our wonderful nation, the united states of america. >> and my father, steven louis roach. your love for life, family, and friends was endless. we miss you more and more, each day. robert eddie murphy jr. john joseph murray valerie victoria murray susan d. murray louis j. knacky ii richard todd myhre middlerd rose neiman takuya nakamura
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firefighter john phillip napolitano frank joseph naples iii catherine a. nardella sean m. nasini manika narula karen s. navarro francis j. nazario joseph m. navas raymond marcus neblett glenroy neblett laurence nedell jerome o. nedd pete negron luke g. nee ann nicole nelson lori ann nara ginger riscoe nelson david william nelson
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michele ann nelson james nelson oscar nesbitt peter allen nelson renee newell gerard terence nevins christopher newton carter christopher c. newton >> and my uncle, lieutenant john fallon sr., thank you for always watching over each of us every single day. i know that you're proud, we miss you, and we love you. >> nancy and my mother, amelda h. perry, i love you, your family continues to miss you. i am forever indebted for your wisdom and your guidance and the loving home you provided. may god bless your soul, may god continue to bless the united states of america. nancy yuen ngo
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jody tepedino nichilo kathleen ann nicosio martin niederer alfonse j. niedermeyer iii frank john niestadt jr. gloria nieves juan nieves jr. troy edward nilsen paul r. nimbley john ballantine niven katherine no nowak curtis terrence noel daniel r. nolan robert walter noonan jacqueline june norton robert grant norton daniela r. notaro brian novotny soichi numata brian felix nunez jose r. nunez jeffrey nussbaum james a. oakley dennis oberg james p. o'brien jr. michael o'brien
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scott j. o'brien timothy michael o'brien lt. daniel o'callaghan jefferson ocampo diana j. o'connor keith k. o'connor richard j. o'connor amy o'doherty marni pont o'doherty douglas oelschlager takashi ogawa albert ogletree >> and my brother, glen davis kerwin, we miss you. >> and our beloved mother, frances arrows, who perished in the south tower. she was 76, possibly the oldest. take comfort. i believe my mom and all of the victims were the first holy martyrs in a holy war and are in heaven. may they all rest in peace eternally and take comfort in
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god, the father, god the son, god the holy spirit, and our mother mary in heaven. we miss you, mom. philip paul ognibene james andrew o'grady joseph j. ogren lt. thomas o'hagan samuel oitice patrick o'keefe capt. william o'keefe gerald michael olcott gerald o'leary christine anne olender linda mary oliva edward k. oliver leah e. oliver eric t. olsen jeffrey james olsen barbara k. olsen maureen l. olson steven john olson
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matthew timothy o'mahoney toshihiro onda seamus l. o'neal james p. o'neil peter j. o'neill jr. sean gordon corbett o'neill betty ann ong michael c. opperman christopher orgielewicz margaret orloske virginia a. ormiston-kenworthy ruben s.ornado kevin o'rourke ronald orsini peter k. ortale juan ortega campos alexander ortiz david ortiz emilio p. ortiz pablo ortiz >> and my uncle, hector roggin
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tamailo. it's not the way that you died that matters, it's the way that you lived. thank you so much for watching over us and we love you and miss you ever single day. >> and my brother, james barb l barbella. jimmy, we love you, miss you, pray for you always. god bless you and everyone who was lost that day. paul ortiz jr. sonia ortiz masaru ose patrick j. o'shea robert w. o'shea elsie care lie oliva james robert ostrowski timothy o'sullivan jason douglas oswald michael otten isidro ottenwalder
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michael ou todd joseph ouida jesus ovalles peter j. owens jr. adianes oyola angel m. pabon israel pabon roland pacheco michael benjamin packer diane b. padro deepa k. pakkala jeffrey matthew palazzo thomas anthony palazzo richard a.palazzolo orio joseph palmer frank a. palombo alan n. palumbo christopher m. panatier dominique pandolfo jones martin panic
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paul j. pansini john m. paolillo edward joseph papa salvatore papasso james n. pappageorge marie papaloto vinod k. parakat vijayashanker paramsothy nitin parandkar >> and my sister, jane ellen baseler. in our thoughts every day. >> and giovanna pors, we all love you and wish you dearly. i wish people could see the look in their eyes when they talk about you. it gives me the feeling that you're still here. i hope that we're making you proud up there. i love you and miss you. heartdai parbhu james wendell parham debra marie paris
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cira marie patti robert e. pattison james robert paul patrice paz victor hugo paz stacey lynn peak richard allen pearlman durrell v. pearsall jr. thomas nicholas pecorelli thomas pedicini todd douglas pelino michel adrian pelletier anthony g. peluso angel ramon pena robert penninger. richard al penny >> an to my father, horace robert, i love and miss you, dad, and godspeed to our u.s.
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military. >> and to my big brother, bob, robert michael murak. love you dearly, we miss you immensely, and i know you would have been solving today's world problems. god bless you, god bless us, and god bless america. salvatore f. pepe carl peralta robert david peraza jon a. perconti jr. alejo perez angelle perez jr. angela susan perez anthony perez
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ivan perez nancy e. perez >> barry berinthia perkins. joseph john perroncino edward j. perrotta emelda h. perry glenn c. perry sr. john william perry franklin allan pershep >> davin n. peterson. michael john pescherine mark petrocelli william russell peterson glen kerrin pettit philip scott petti kaleen elizabeth pezzuti dominick a. óy pezzulo tu-anh pham kevin j.
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pfeifer sneha ann philip kenneth john phelan ludwig john picarro joseph oswald pick matthew m. picerno dennis j. pierce christopher j. pickford nicholas p. pietrunti bernard pietronico danny pesci. >> and my husband police officer ramon suarez. this is what my hero and our family's hero looks like. he gave his ultimate -- he gave ultimate sacrifice to save so many lives on that day. and this should never be forgotten. and we should always remember the ones that we love that are here today and those still suffering from the aftermath of 9/11.
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he would be so proud of our little girl, my daughter jillian suarez, that's here today. your dad would be so proud of you. and he's looking down on you because he knows you will follow his footsteps. may god bless all the families out here today that are still suffering and may god bless our troops and my god bless america. and thank you, nypd. [ applause ] >> and my uncle t.j. hargrave, we love you and we miss you. god bless america. theodoros pigis susan elizabeth pinto joseph piskadlo christopher todd pitman josh michael piver robert r. plaguer iii. zandra f. plaguer. john pocher william howard
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pohlmann laurence michael polatsch thomas h. polhemus steve pollicino susan m. pollio daren h. pontell. joshua iousa poptean giovanna porras anthony portillo james edward potorti daphne pouletsos richard n. poulos stephen emanual poulos brandon jerome powell scott alan powell. shawn edward powell antonio dorsey pratt gregory m. preziose wanda ivelisse prince vincent a. princiotta kevin m. prior
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everett martin proctor iii carrie beth progen david lee pruim richard a. prunty john foster puckett robert david pugliese edward f. pullis patricia ann puma jack d. punches hemanth kumar puttur >> and my uncle firefighter gerrard terence nevins. we love you and we miss you every day. >> and my brother john fiorito.
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john, your spirit and love grow stronger within us with each passing year. and now we made it to college. edward r. pykon christopher quackenbush lars peter qualben lincoln quappe beth ann quigley patrick j. quigley iv michael t. quilty james francis quinn ricardo j. quinn carol millicent rabalais christopher peter anthony racaniello leonard j.
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ragaglia eugene j. raggio laura marie ragonese-snik michael paul ragusa peter frank raimondi harry a. raines lisa j. raines. ehtesham raja valsa raju edward j. rall lukas rambousek maria ramirez harry ramos vishnoo ramsaroop debra a. ramsour lorenzo e. ramzey alfred todd rancke adam david rand jonathan c. randall srinivasa s. ranganath anne t. ransom faina rapoport rhonda sue rasmussen robert a. rasmussen amenia rasool r. mark rasweiler marsha d. rampford david alan james rathkey >> my cousin sean logato, not forgotten. >> and my grandfather, phillip t. hayes, grandpa, i walk past
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the freedom tower every morning thinking of you, and i know that you're looking down at me, all of your other grandchildren, especially phillip, amanda, and your great grandson james, your children and especially grandma, and i know that you're smiling. i look forward to the days when i tell my own children and grandchildren about the wonderful person that you were and always will be and how you have truly inspired me. you will forever be my hero and you will never be forgotten. william ralph raub gerard f. rauzi alexey razuvaev gregory reda sarah anne redheffer michele marie reed judith ann reese donald j. regan robert m.
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