tv American History TV CSPAN October 5, 2014 2:06pm-2:18pm EDT
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person of the daylight williams generate -- william jennings bryant. also a variety of what you might consider highbrow and lowbrow entertainment. , and, classical music probably what would be considered the vaudeville of the day. hasn'torado chautauqua changed much over the years. the biggest change is that our climate -- our buildings, they allow us to operate year-round. this was originally a tent community, with the first few buildings being the dining hall and the auditorium with evil staying in tents. but the buildings are substantially intact and still theire most argues for original uses. the dining hall is still the place to dine. the auditorium is still where we have the majority of our programs. lodges and cottages are winterized, a big change, they
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are available year-round, but the use is the same. we just welcome the folks 12 months per year now. the colorado chautauqua is more than just history. physically it is very much the same as it was in its earliest days, but it has evolved to remain relevant. it is not just about the past. a lot of people don't even know the stories of the past. it still feels relevant to them today. it feels meaningful to them today. it feels special. >> all weekend long we are featuring boulder, colorado on " american history tv." the city is home to the university of boulder colorado. it was established with 44 students and three instructors. today it has a student body of over 25,000. our comcast cable partners worked with city store staff
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when we recently traveled here to explore the city's rich history. learn more about boulder, colorado, all weekend. >> when visitors come, they will learn in the early history of the area. the focus is really on telling a story of boulder from the early years up through today. the first floor is the exhibit of the arapahoe, the native americans that lived here prior to white settlement. our chief legacy exhibit really tells that story. on the second floor of the museum is called story makers and it is about the stories of the early settlers to the area, why they came here and how they made a living and what life was like in the early years. so, i would say that the chief was probably one of our most of nor -- most notable historic
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figures in the history of boulder, colorado. chief here inahoe the mid-1850's, at the time when gold was discovered and there was a lot of movement of the west. a lot of whites came out in search of gold and change the lives of the indians who have been living here. , heas an interesting man spoke english, which he learned from his sister's husband. that wound up being important to the arapahoe during this time. at that time, a group of white gold seekers came out and camped at the base of the mountain. asked them to leave.
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it really was indian land. he said theyhem, could stay for the winter, but staying and they never left after discovering gold. many of them came down and settled the area and created the city of boulder. the arapahoe really lost their land at the time. we have some clothing here that really represent what the arapahoe would have worn and used in the late 1800s. there is address here made out of high that the women would have worn. there is a saddle blanket that they would have put over a horse. headdressl feathered that achieve would have used during ceremonies.
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also some leggings that would have been worn by an arapahoe man. with these you can see the beautiful details on it. some of these probably would have been used more during ceremonies and rituals than they would have for everyday life for the arapahoe. tirelessly tried to keep the peace between the tens of thousands of white men searching for gold and the arapahoe at that time -- there were really only several thousand. ultimately, the arapahoe and the cheyenne in the area wound up in oftheastern colorado, many them were brutally massacred in 1864. most of the rest of them wound up on reservations in wyoming and oklahoma. the population of
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indians in this area was incredibly diminished. in the story makers exhibit, an exhibit that tells the early stories of boulder. in particular here, this section is about the early minors that came to boulder. miners that came to boulder. soon after they arrived, the word got out and tens of thousands of people came west in search of gold, searching for their fortunes. they came to boulder. there was not actually gold in the city, it was in the mountains, but the city was founded as a supply account for the gold miners in the mountains. what you can see here is some of the equipment that the miners would have carried. a lot of them had a borough that they would then pack on with their shovel and their pick, it was pretty hard work.
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a lot of people came out thinking that they would get rich searching for gold, but it didn't work out, so they came back down and started businesses in order to supply the miners in the mountains. a sectioning here at of the exhibit that really focuses on boulder as a healthy place to be. asay boulder is on many list the fittest city, the most healthy city, things like that. we can really trace that back to our early roots. one of the really interesting things that we found is a breakfast menu from 1898. on the menu was granola. in 1898, making that something that many people think came out of the health food movement of the 1970's. but we can trace the health food
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movement back to the early years of our history. if you move over here, this exhibit ties into that with outdoor activities, which again are a huge part of boulder today. people come in order to be outside, to run, to hike, to bike. as you see from the equipment here, the early years were equally as important to people. have some great wooden skis that were used in the 1800s. snowshoes. women did these outdoor activities as much as men. sometimes there were groups of women that would go on hiking excursions to the high seats in the mountains. the remarkable thing is they would hike in these tall boots and long skirts. we have pictures of women kind -- climbing long peak, a 13,000
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foot mountain to the west of boulder, and long dresses and boots. so, the items in this display focus on education and the community, which has always been a hallmark of boulder. as much as the flat irons in the mountains, boulder is really defined by the university of colorado. it opened here in 1877. ripon, they hired mary the third faculty member at the university and the first woman to be hired at any state university in the country. really quite remarkable at the time. a very interesting story, though, she had a secret life as well. not only did she teach at the university, but she fell in love with one of her students and ended up marrying him. at the time, a woman could not be married and continue to teach . she married him secretly and, in
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addition, they had a child -- a daughter. she took a sabbatical in europe for one year and had her daughter there. then she left her daughter with her husband and her husband raise of the daughter. mary came back to colorado and live the rest of her life in boulder. she did send money to support her daughter. she would go in visit her. but no one in boulder ever knew that she had been married or that she had a child. so, she kept this a secret to friends and relatives in the state. it was not until 100 years later that anyone knew that mary ripon had been married and had a daughter when her grandson came forward and broke the news that she actually had this secret life that nobody knew about. the history of boulder is so fascinating, so many people that come here and live here have no
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idea why boulder is here. they have no idea who lived here prior to the founding of the town. we are hoping that when they come and visit the museum and explore the exhibits that they really get a sense of why the city is here in the first race, why it was founded, and who lived here before it was a city. we have a lot of people who are new residents who don't know that early history. a lot of visitors that come in really want to know -- why is this here? we are hoping that through our exhibits they will get a good note of the community -- only when it was founded, but also who lived here prior to the founding. >> all weekend long, american history tv is featuring "boulder colorado." the city was home to one of the earliest female community
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