tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 11, 2014 4:00am-6:00am EDT
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in langley, virginia, to see some of the collection highlights of. then the life a -- after that, we'll hear about german espionage and the efforts to keep america out of world war i, and later some of the american and soviet spies operating during the cold war. now on american artifacts, a visit to the cia museum in arlington, virginia where krurate for tony highly explains the museum's mission of preserving and preventing the agency's history. >> we're standing here in the lobby of the main headquarters building. this lobby as a number of significant memorials and every visit to the agency comes through this entrance, every knew agent so i officer takes their oath of office here in this lobby in front of 107 of
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our fallen officers commemorated on the wall of honor, they have walked across the agency, sealed out morning to take their place in the lobby and the father of central intelligence is watching over their shoulder as they begin their career for the central intelligence agency in our nation. we're standing close to a sculpture of wild bill donovan, the father of central intelligence, donovan was tapped by president roosevelt in 1942 to head the office of strategic services. established by president roosevelt to coordinate information intelligence with the war growing overseas. the single star behind us commemorates the loss of 116
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ossers who -- the cia seal is something everyone sees as they come into the office, some people don't want to cross it, some want to walk around it. but you have seen movies filmed here in the lobby. it was designed by the crew that designed the tomb of the unknown soldiers. it's our nation's symbol of vij lengs, the eagle. everybody here at the cia works for the president of the united states, we're an executive agency and we all carry on our badges the great seal of the united states, if you look at the great seal, you'll see a different kind of eagle, an eagle with its wings spread, and the eagle in its right taleons old the olive branch of peace.
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during world war 2, our country us played what was called a war eagle. after the war it was president truman who decided we would no longer project a bellicose image and had the eagle flipped. our eagle looks to the right, in the advancing position to the olive branch of peace. there is a defense shield on the seal, intelligence is our country's first line of defense. and right in the center, u you'll see a 16-point compass rose that symbolizes information coming in from all sections of of the globe. our mission statement states that we are the nation's first line of defense, we accomplish what others cannot accomplish and go where others cannot go. we collect intelligence that matters, we provitd strategic intelligence analysis, we
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conduct covert action at the behest of the u.s. president and we provide world class support services to enable all of those functions, our job is to collect intelligence, and to transmit that intelligence via various products like the presidents daily briefing, to the policymakers so that they can make informed decisions about our national security. in 1972, cia celebrates it's 25th and i think that's that. >> beginning of that look back over history. and the executive -- walter had
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been asked by william dulles to -- that collection now numbers over 25,000 volumes on intelligence, maybe a quarter of those are in english, the oldest are a cold war that goes back to 1606. so it's now walter's job to identify items of historical significance to build a tang jibl collection of historical items. not a lot of documentation done in the early days, so other museums will appreciate the fact that one of our largest donors is found in collection, today we have best practices in place and the objects that we take into the collection today are well
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documented. it's our job to preserve and document that heritage which is now over 18,000 onlies. to help give our visitors and by extension, american people through our traveling exhibit, through our loans to other institutions, through our websit website. we're in our legacy gallery, this gallery is dedicated to the 14,000 men and women who conserved with cia's predecessor the office of strategic services.
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we know from our history books t coordination wasn't good enough. so in frustration, president roosevelt dispatches a world war 1 hero, jay donovan over to meet with british intelligence. donovan had been meeting here in the united states with sir william stevenson, canadian assigned to british intelligence. stevenson was actually running the covert operations cam pain. we don't hold that again him, we consider him to be one of the architects of central intelligence. so when stevenston finds out that donovan is going to meet with british intelligence, he
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cables head and asks british intelligence to open their doors to donovan. so donovan travels for roosev t roosevelt, both in 1940 and '41. each time writing detailed intelligence reports and giving him recommendations after he travels. so roosevelt decides he's going to create a new bureaucracy in 1941. he's going to call it the coordinator of information. this organization is established on the 11th of july 1941. then pearl harbor hits that december. coi is reorganized, the overt options are put under war information and the covert operations are put under military command and that entity is named the office of strategic it wases. as he's building his organization, donovan is reaching out to people like you,
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he wants the best and the brightest in our country. he reaches into the military, he reaches into academia and into private industry, and if he has an operation that requires a document followinger or a locksmith, he'll even reach into prison if he needs that kind of talent. >> this picture you're about to see is the first cinematic study of the preparation, arrival and establishment of undercover for secret agents.
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>> 13,000 men and women served. one of the gentlemen, donovan brought on board to help train his ossers, was danger dan, who was a british executive officer major who had been training the militia out in shanghai. now he taught hand to hand combat. and one of the people he taught was richard helms. so richard helms before the war was a war correspondent. he had just returned from three weeks temporary sea duty and he receives a message that says here's an organization, you might be interested in applying. and richard helms sends back a telegram, am intrigued, will -- he signs up, trains, one of the
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things he taught was hand to hand combat and using a knife. but the first thing he's going to tell you to do, is bring a gun to a knife fight. if anybody pulls a gun on you, then run like the dickens. so we will meet richard helms again. at this point in his career, he doesn't know that he's going to become director of the central intelligence from 1976 and serve until 1973. one of the more remarkable women who served with oss was virginia hall. she was a baltimore native who joined the state department and served as a clerk in the 1930s with various postings in warsaw, venice and turkey. while she was in turkey, she had a hunting accident, and while she was scrambling over a -- gangrene eventually set in and the doctor was forced to take her leg below the knees, so she
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had a wooden leg. she had been with the state for five years, but was eager to join the -- could not post officers abroad that were missing major limbs, so in frustration she resigned and decided to travel in europe anyway and got caught in -- she stayed, she drove an answer for a while, and then british special operations executive, the same organization that major fairbarn worked for, recruited her to be -- allied pilots who had been shot down passed through her hands to safety, eventually she was betrayed by one of her own agents and she had to escape. the gestapo put a warrant out for her arrest describing her as one of the most dangerous allied agents at the time. they called her the limping
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lady. she had nicknamed the leg cutbert, so very very cutbert -- chased by none other than klaus barbie, the buescher of leon. she was skap thursdayed -- when she got out, she radioed back to london that she was safe and mentioned in her message that kutbert was giving her problems but never informed london if cutbert is giving you problems, you must have him eliminated. she was eager to get back to france to continue fighting the war. and in march of 1944 the office of strategic services inserted virginia hall back inside france two months in advance of d-day. while there, she would take cheese she would make in the local village as her cover. early in the morning, other
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times late at night, from a different barn each time, as the painting we have of her in our collection shows, she sent 37 intelligence messages back to longed. at the end of the war, president truman himself invites her to the white house to receive the only distinguished service cross presented to a female during the war. this is one of our highest awith regards or valor. she's still in france, she doesn't want the publicity and she so she declines to travel to the white house. general donovan presented the award to her just three days before oss was dissolved, she remained in the field of intelligence and became one of cia's first female case officers, retiring in 1966 and passed away in 1982. if you had been a spy during the civil war, achnd needed a piecef
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espionage equipment maybe you would have gone down to the local cobbler and he would have made a special pair of boots for you so you could carry vmessage. and crafted for the individual, we need thousands of pieces and this necessitates a contract with private industry, the world war ii liberate for pistol is a got example of that. there was a contract with a guideline division of general motors to make an inexpensive weapon that could be air dropped into the resistance. for $1.72 each, a million of them were made in a five-month period. about 3,000 went to china, 15,000 to the philippines. so it's a single shot 45, you used it to liberate a better web from your enemy.
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it's call eded a liberator or a wool wooth gun because of the its inexpensive price. in the mid '60s, cia looked back to what it's world war ii predecessor had done and we created what we called a denied area weapon. alts called a dear pistol. the standard agency ammunition of the day was a large anna bell lunchtime. this program comes along in the mid '60s that would specifically make a 9 millimeter -- you can see the styrofoam case, cartoon instruction, no english required, the two bullets i have turned upside down actually -- no expense from the deployment of this following the pike and church committee hearings in
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1975, the agency was investigated in congress for alleged assassinations and rogue activities and these stocks were ordered destroyed. it's very rare to even see one. i know of maybe four agency wide, this is the only one we have that's complete. the final gallery in our oss exhibit is dedicated to donovan's office. in the photo above the desk, donovan is actually seated at this desk. oss headquarters was down at 2330 e street, in a series of buildings, donovan himself was in the east building of that complex. donovan was the most highly decorated american officer of world war i. and the only american to receive our nation's highest four medals, which are the medal of hn for.
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distinguished service cross, distinguished service medal. donovan was in france since 1918. he's there with the fiblgting 69 hth. instead donovan stands in front of his men, his lieutenant colonel at the time, he says men look at me, if they can't hit me, they can't hit you. they're attacked on three sides, but he refuses to be evacuated from the battlefield until his men in the position are secure 89 in about five days of action, his battalion about 6 hung strong -- when he became director of the oss, he insisted that his telephone extension be 600. on his desk you'll see a sort of sears and robucks style catalog. a piece that stanley loval's group generated in 1942 that
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went out to different ovrks ss bases achkd stations around the world. so depending on your operational pace, you could pick so many beano grenades or so many liberate for pistols,or so many 22 caliber handguns, so many high stand dards, what are you needed for your operational pace, you could find it in this catalog. as the war was drawing to an end in 1945, general donovan was very passionate about there being some sort of a post war centralized intelligence agency, and he wrote memo after memo to both president roosevelt and truman. but he lost the battle when it seems at least one of those memos was leaked to the press. so on the 20th of september, 1945, donovan receives a letter from the white house that said, basically, dear bill, we loved
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what you did for us during the war, but we don't need you any longer, love and kisses, harry. and donovan was given just five days to dismantle the organization. it's not until 1947 with the national security act that we have the position of secretary of defense, the national security council, the u.s. air force and cia. donovan served on t duremberg duremberg --duremberg on the 9th of february 1959, he's laid to rest with some of the major military leaders in our country's history.
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you would go there expecting to see a monumental headstone to general donovan, the great, the father of central intelligence, the military hero, the most highly decorated american officer of world war i, but instead, you'll see the ordinary soldiers' headstone, but it will say medal of honor on it. do you remember young lieutenant commander richard helms we met earlier in the gallery? at the end of the war, it seems he may have been one of the first intelligence officers to what veria where he could very well have picked up this piece of hitler's letter head. the historical record doesn't indicate where he may have picked it up. but on victory in europe day, he write this is note to his 3-year-old son. dear dennis, the man who might have written on this card once
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controlled europe three short years ago when you were born, today he's dead, his memo -- he was a force for evil in the world, his passing, his defeat a boon for mankind, but thousands died that might be so, the price of ridding society of bad is always high. helms was a newspaper man before the war, he knew how to write. but i marvelled that this young father had the consistency -- 6 later, dennis, now 69 direct this is piece to our collection, we received it the very day that we, as well as you heard that bin laden was dead. the price for ridding society of bad is always high. so when the agency was created in 1947, it occupied the
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headquarters of its world war ii predecessor. those offices were down at 2430 e street, there on navy hill, today just between the kennedy center and the state department. this is the original headquarters sign. and it has kind of an interesting story behind it. it seems that president eisenhower and his brother milton were on their way home from church one fine sunday, and ike turns to his brother achkd says, this week i need you to go and see al lachb dulles over at cia headquarters. and our understanding was the white house driver that day couldn't find the come pound, so i imagine that the phone call from the white house to the director's office the next day went something like this, look, you're cia down there in those buildings, the white house drivers can't find you, put a sign up. this would be the sign.
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my job as cia museum director as you can imagine is the best job in the world. and you're asking me to define the best job in the world, well, it's a job that puts me next to the men and women of this agency, who on a day-to-day basis make history through what they do, through the operations that they run in remote parts of the world, the intelligence they gather from agents they have recruited who share our belief in freedom, and risk their own lives to help keep our country safe. to our analysts, some of the most brilliant people in our country work for this agency, people who could make a lot more money working in private industry, who are here because they believe in service to
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nation, in excellence, they recognize the kurcourage of manf their completions and the sacrifices they make to collect that intelligence. all of us are stewards of that history, whether it's classified or unclassified, its up to us to protect us. every day we touch on agency equities and sources and methods in the museum, it's part of our job to protect those as well. and not do anything by telling a story that might give away too much of the secrecy behind that operation, so this is a very delegate balance that we play in the museum, is how to tell a complete story, a good story, how to make it inspirational and educational and still keep it
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unclassified. see this is definitely one of our challenges. our officers, every day i have asked them what keeps them coming to work every day, and i think any one of them would tell you that it's knowing every day that what you do makes a difference. that by doing what you do in your job, you can move the ball forward, you can help keep our country safe, it's an incredible mission and it's truly an honor to be a part of it. >> in part two of our -- pa pakistan compound where osama bin laden was killed. for more information about the cia museum,, you can watch american history tv's artifacts projects online. this is american history tv, all
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weekend, every weekend. on cspan 3. sunday we'll bring you a debate from michigan's governor's race, incumbent republican rick snyder faces democrat mark shauer, that's live at 6:00 p.m. eastern on cspan. cspan's 2015 student cam competition is under way. this competition for middle and high school students will win prizes totaling $100,000. create a five minute documentary on the three branching ashld you, show varying points of view
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and must be submitted by january 20, 2015. go to student and gab are camera and get started today. next author corrie recco discusses the life and death of timothy webster, a police officer who became a union spy during the civil war. he was the union's top spy until he was betrayed in 1862. he became the first spy executed during the war. the museum of the confederacy hosted this event. it's about 45 minutes. we would like to welcome everybody this afternoon to our book talk and i am kelley hancock, i'm the manager of education programs here at the museum of the confederacy. we do through the year, host a number of book talks, we also
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have a brown bag lunch series that takes place on the third friday of the month, so deep those options in mind. but i'm here to introduce you to corrie recco, murder on the white sands, the disappearance of albert and henry fountain and was published in 2007, when the wild west history association's award for the best book on wild west history for 2007. and while working on that book, corrie began to research pi pinkerton's national history -- discovery of largely forgotten agent timothy webster, and webster is the subject of his new book, a spy for the union, the life and execution of timothy webster. so without further adieu, i'll welcome mr. recco to tell you all about this.
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>> thank you, everyone. an i wouldlike to thank kelly hancock and everybody here at the mew museum of the confederacy. i am the author of a spy on the union, the life of timothy webster. i would like to give you a nice overview of webster's life. as a new york city police map in 1853. timothy west was assigned to work the crystal palace exhibition i which became known as the first world's fair. a scottish imgrant who recently -- neither man could have known the importance of the meeting at the time. in the 1850s, pinkerton's national detective agency would lay the foundation for what would become the most famous
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detective agency. pinkertop's agency focused on criminal matters and was often employed by government agencies. in putting together what would be a talented team of detectives, timothy webster who was recommend to pinkerton by a member of the new york city police force was one of these men. though he did not join the pinkerton detective agency, he may have decided to accept the offer after continuing harassment -- webster moved his family to illinois and went on to become one of the agency's best detectives. though quiets and reserved personally, when on a case, webster used an outgoing personally to get information he needed. the skilled detective worked on such interesting cases as tracking the forger -- uncovering a plot to destroy the
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rock island bridge and investigating grave robberies in chicago. he also did the more mundane work as railroad detective. then abraham lincoln was elected president of the united states. there were even threats to assassinate the president elect before he took office. timothy webster, allan pinkerton foiled the assassination notes. webster's service to his country did not stop there. the southern states soon suceded and the united states fell into the civil war. men from both sides joined the military and prepared for battle. tim webster did not hesitate when the time came to serve his country. but he would not -- not as a soldier, but as a spy. allan pinkerton was put in charge of espionage and tim webster who gathered much important information became
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pinker on the's top spy. webster's work behind the lines included multiple trips to the capitol of rich monday. once took official correspondent from a confederate general to a colonel. on top of that, he received passes from behinden my lines from the confederate secretary of war. the succession -- webster's family immigrated to the united states when tim was young. webster was raised primarily in new jersey and married a local woman. the couple had four children, family was important to webster, he always looked to his siblings. professionally timothy webster, who -- braved -- worked as a new york state policeman, a private detective and served mias -- ma have saved abraham lincoln's
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life in 1861. timothy webster began his career as a new york city policeman, and went on to serve as a detective and a spy. he did a dramatic life and there's no telling what he would have accomplished if his life had not been cut short. he was born march 22, 1822 in new heavy on, sussex county, evening land. he was the fourth child and they would have seven children in all, but two died in infancy and one at the age of two. the family immigrated to the united states when webster was just a boy and settled in prince on t princeton, new jersey where he would grow into a man. we don't know why, but soon he
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grew bored or some other reasons left life in princeton and decided to move to new york city and decided to take a job for a newly formed new york police department. the trouble in new york was the police department was. large or effective enough to patrol the agreeing city. timothy webster was a member of the force during its formative years. in 1853, he was assigned to work the crystal palace exhibition, which became known as the first world war, he was introduced to allan pinkerton who probably offered him a job in his newly formed detective agency at this time. if a job was offered, webster turned it down. the english born webster served at a time a when xeno phobia ran
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high in america. there was general feelings against foreigners at this time. because of this an investigation was begun into a number of foreigners. chief matsell also of england send a report to tell how many foreign born officers were in the department. of the 1,000 roughly 400 officers, they reported that, i believe there were 477 foreign born officers in the departments. oliver briggs charged perjury, claiming there were at least 600 foreigners in the department. while this may not seem like a big difference, it was to brigs who because of this initiated a year-long investigation into charges of perjury into lieutenant matsel trying to get him removed as chief of police. this was new york city hall where most of the hearings took place.
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of the few officers called to testify, one was timothy webster who was repeatedly called and each time shows disdain and refused to cooperate. i would like to read some of the testimony. mr. timothy webster, lieutenant of police made his appearance at the conclusion of the foregoing testimony and was formed by oliver brigs. brigs preparing to administer the oath asked webster, you do some let mely swear that you will answer all the questions? responded webster, i solemnly swear that the evidence i shall give, will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god. put your hands on the good book? you solemnly swear that the evidence you give will be under oath? webster said now i decline answering any of the
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questions -- brigs began by asking, what is your name? webster sat silent, the clerk spoke up and said you can give us your name, can't you? timothy didn't answer. that is the name on the -- brigs asked, have you answered any questions in the station house with regard to -- i refuse to answer. what country are you native of? i positively decline to answer any question this committee puts to me, webster stated, i wish that to be distinctly understood. the year-long investigation led nowhere, chief matsel retachbed his position, but what it may have done is soured webster on being a police officer of new york. because less than an hour after
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the hearing, he -- newly formed detective agency in chicago. what effect the investigation by alderman has on timothy's decision to leave is unknown. to be close to pingingerton's agency, webster moved his family to illinois. the northwest police agency founded by allan pinkerton in the 1850s, went on to become the most famous private detective agency ever. but at the time, webster joined, it was still a growing regional agency. unfortunately, many of the agencies' records, most of them from webster's time were destroyed in the great chicago of 1871 so little is known of what webster did as an operative. he he took on a variety of interest case, such as tracking a forger, evening jumping off a moving train in michigan to keep one the man.
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investigating grave robberies in a chicago cemetery and working to find those behind the attempt to burn down the rock island railroad bridge. i would like to speak to you about the latter of these two cases. the history of grave robbing dates back to the 19th century. as medicine was advancing and schools needed cadavers for research and study, antiquated laws left them unable to obtain the number of bodies they needed. because of this, medical schools often turned to rest recollectionists, who were grave -- one example of this happened in october 1857, when it was discovered that four bodies in the field section of the chicago cemetery had been removed. when the undertaker discovered -- the grave digger discovered this, he went to the undertaker, who in turn went to
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a lotter man. in this role he had some legal powers which gave him the power to arrest people violencing cemetery regulations. this may have gave -- which might explain why instead of going to the police, that the city alderman went to allan pinkerton's detective agency, because immediately they suspectsuspect ed quinlan was somehow involved in the disappearance of the bodies. for six nights, webster led five operatives to their cemetery, they staked it out and found nothing. and then on november 5, he only had four available. they arrived at 10:00 on what is described as an unusually dark night. it's probable that the graverobbers were already there. a buggy was seen driving away from the cemetery. two of the operatives, one of
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them were most likely webster, so what i'll do is ex -- two operatives, the other was most likely webster, followed the buggy at a distance so they wouldn't be seen. they followed through chicago a streets similar to one and crawled at times even to remain unseen. as the buggy turned the corner, started to increase its speed. one of the operatives ran out achkd grabbed the what are necessaries in the back. this disarranged the what are necessaries and the buggy was forced to stop. the operatives wen to the side of the road as well as exited the buggy to fix the harness. they could smell the krpss inside the buggy, so they moved in, arrested and turned out martin quinlan. as one operative held him, the other drew his gun on the two men inside the buggy. unfortunately, at this time the horse backed up and the operative got his wheel caught in the buggy, as he went to
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remove his leg, they jumped out of the buggy and took off running, the operative chased the other two, fire a few shots but was unable to catch them. quinlan was held at the police department until to the morning. the horse took him to courier's lirry stable where they were able to find out the identity of the man who represented the buggy, turned out to be a medical student at york medical college. york was also arrested. in the end, all charges against york were dropped, quinn lyn was found guilty of two charges and fined $500 and that closed the book on the case. around that particular case, but resurrectations continued to happen as laws failed to keep up with the needs of medical schools. at this time, the country was being -- obviously there was a
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slave issue that was dividing north and south. but another north and south issue was -- as the rock island bridge was being built between davenport, iowa and rock island illinois which would be a benefit for a lot of reasons, it would allow trains, as they had to at the time, stop in rock island, unload all their passengers and goods, and then cross them all by ferry and reload them in davenport. much of this opposition came from the city of st. louis which had become the shipping center of the united states in the 1850s and remained so during this time, but threatened to lose that if this bridge were built. despite the opposition, the bridge was completed. shortly after completion in may of 1856, the steamboat crashed in one of the piers on the
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bridge, as the ship was sinking to the ground and cattle were swimming to the shore and drowning and the screams filled the air, a section of the bridge collapsed and -- which shows how some people felt about this bridge. the cone over of the fef, sued the rock island bridge company, claiming the bridge was the destruction of the river. norman b. judge -- and both those men would later be connected to other operations in webster's life. the trial ended with a hung jury, 9-1 in fair of the kbrijs company. some saw a quicker method to get rid of the bridge. it was written that there was an a attempt to burn down the braj in 1858, whether there actually was an attempt or just threats of an attempt, they were undoubtedly there by 1869.
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pinkerton's northwest bridges agency was hired to guard the bridge. timothy webster was named superintendent of the bridge. under him was a group of uniformed guards, the records of the investigation haven't survived, we don't know if webster took a vfrzry role or a more active role in trying to find the culprits. while sculpt of the bridge, tim webster moved at least part-time to davenport, iowa. actually hoe lived on the poor of the bridge. it was known that he had a family back in illinois, so it's likely that he took many train trips back to visit his family. even so, he did make a big impact on the davenport community, even being asked to run for local office while he was there. the investigation eventually focused on two men.
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businessal had been fired by the chamber of commerce to take evidence on the -- in chicago, just over two years after webster arrived in davenport, pinnerton arrested paul in chicago. chadwick -- timothy webster, still posing as the bridges superintendent, invited chadwick to the railroad depot and told him he had some papers he wished that he would see. the when chadwick arrived, webster told him he mistakenly forgot the papers on the train. they went on the train to've them and the papers he wait a minuted to show him was a warrant for his arrest the train was already on its way to chicago where the warrant was issued. the location of the bridge was improperly described in the indictment. more charges were brought, but
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by that time, following bissel ekes what -- the bridge was allowed to stand and it allowed railroads to reshape the nation. this is one of two of webster's detective books, this is from his work as a labor spy, in this case a railroad detective. the work was very simple. he would ride the rails and pay with marked bills and marked others paid for as they watched for thieving conductors, over the years this brought much crisis to the pinkerton's agency. had webster continued on the past he was on, he most likely would have headed up one of the branches of the pinkerton agency that would open in the nec several years. allan pinkerton received a request to investigate suscession's threats to destroy the railroad bridges between
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washington, d.c. and new york city. pinkerton took a small group of operatives to investigate the threat. john h. huntington took an office next to james h. lock ket in baltimore. he led a small group that claimed to have a plan to assassinate lincoln as he passedthrough baltimore on his way to d.c. for his inauguration, at the time the way it was set up, lincoln would arrive on one train in baltimore and have to cross the city openly in a carriage to get to the other train to take him to d.c., which of course now seems like a horrible idea lets the president of the united states even in a nonhostile place cross open like that, but in baltimore, it was very split on the issue of suscession, this was a really bad idea. another operative, also in on the plans to assassinatefá lincn independent of pinker torn.
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webster went to maryland where hattie lewis posing as his wife. webster joined a local militia and learned that they had similar plans to assassinate lincoln as he passed through baltimore. because of this, lincoln's it tin rare changed and he was sneaked through baltimore night train. he received much criticism for this, but as we saw four years later, how easy it could be for one determined man to assassinate the president, it seems these precautions were very, very necessary. . it was of two detectives who had also joined the militia, posing as spies to try to find out what was going on. years after the incident, the new york chief of police at the time, when he wrote his memoirs, asked one of these men to replay his experience as a spy.
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requested certain questions about davis. his wife had sent him a letter. though it was addressed to his alias,of it arose suspicion. sampson recalled he was asked many questions in regards to the letter. where it came from and what it was about.r he, plained as well as he could but knew hisnú time with the national volunteers. he explained the danger theyfá faced. the company was in the majorityi all carried revolvers. e0átre was even a detail whose duty it was to do away with suspected perso çó the men left for washington fá o quickly, leaving everything behind and taking on new wardrobes fori] e1disguise. sampson wrote one detail about his change in clothes.
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i remembert( i wore a heavy clo band with fur around it. gave it away. registered underq the alias as thompson and davis. then they went to the hotel room andt( discussed it. in the lobby were several of the nationalñr volunteers. they were examining theçó hotel. sampson recalled i cursed myçóñ to change my alias.wk sampson watched as one of the men turned and whispered to hisú associates. then they all walked out. the new york detectives didn't know what toñr do. sampson looked toward the room and becamew3 separated. sampson tried to think a way out. it was at that moment when a man in a longlpe1 overcoat got us b towards sampson. suddenly n a very low tone soq sampson can just make out the words,i] the man spoke.
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for god sakes, tom, come out of this, he said. sampson kept his composure and did not move.okñi both men stood okstill. sampson replied,t( i do not recognizeñiçó you. he was trying to help him or just getçó him alone so he coul murder him, when the stranger walked out of the hotel, sampson followed. he remembered, i followed him very closely. my steps almost locking his. i carried a self-cocking pistol and i knew how to use it. i made /(ñ my mindçóxd that at first suspicious movement i would shoot. out on pennsylvania avenue, still in a quiet voice, the unidentified man said,my god, where is washington walling? what, washington walling sampsoó asked? why okxdtom.fá
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as to save you from death that i followed you. your life is now with decent. i swear there are 20 men after you this instant. even though i suspect we're being watched, i may not be suspected if i'm with them. they will not kill my friend if i shall help it. webster helped the two men out of the city. later he made a verbal report to pinkerton who reported at 10:30 a.m., he returned from washington, d.c. and made a verbal report in relation to detective sampson.
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they were both very much frightened to receive the news by tw and left their hotel without paying their bill or getting their baggage. thanking tw for his information. tw also called on mj john at his room in wards hotel. he was very pleased to see him and laughed at the new york detectives being discovered. shortly after this -- this is tom sampson, the detective in his later years when he relaid that story. this is ward's hotel where much of it took place. shortly after this incident, abraham lincoln was inaugurated. the country fell into civil war. allen pinkerton was placed in charge of the secret service for general george mcclelen who at that time was in the department of ohio. his main tasks were at the time mcclelen thought was to defend cincinnati an attack coming south from cincinnati.
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so webster going to kentucky and tennessee. what they wanted was to find out the troop numbers and the intentions of the enemy, supply information, and the general feeling of the south in the war. webster's first trip was to memphis and next trip was to memphis. webster returned with detailed reports. soon mcclelen became major general of the entire army and that shifted the goals. now he was starting to plan a defense of richmond. so timothy webster made his next residence in baltimore, a city dm -- in a state that stayed with the union. he soon volunteered to act as a courier for them, to reply the messages to friends and family who lived in the south and replies back north. this provided a perfect cover for webster to move behind enemy
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lines without being suspected of anything nefarious. hi did such a good job at it actually that he was actually being watched by the baltimore marshall. this led to a raid on miller's hotel by the marshall's office where the hotel webster was staying in and he was arrested and his, equity, wife was arrested at the time and all the letters that he was gathering for his next trip south were confiscated. once it became clear who webster actually was, they planned -- they set up a fake escape so it wouldn't be known that he was just let go. the newspaper, the baltimore american commercial advertiser reported escape of a state prisoner. it was rumored yesterday that the man webster who was arrested at the hotel upon the charge of being concerned in the regular transportation arrived between baltimore had succeeded in making his escape.
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he was removed from the western police station and placed in a carriage under heavy charge of the special detective officer driven towards ft. mchenry. he had been previously ordered to that post. when the vehicle had arrived within a short distance of the main gate, me gave a sudden bound for his feet. he was beyond the officer's grasp. it is not known which direction he took but he will scarcely be able to escape the city. he was a citizen of kentucky. he is residing in baltimore. this report no doubt raised the opinion of webster among his contacts. webster made multiple trips to the capital of richmond picking up an impressive amount of information. he made contacts that included generals and kernels. carried official documents for confederate grudner and received passes across enemy lines.
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during his first trip to the confederate capital, webster met with officers and picked up an impressive amount of information. while returning north, something unexpected happened. he was asked to carry important documents. webster undertook this mission, crossed the dangerous water at nights and further endeared himself to the enemy. as far as they were concerned, he was one of them. this is one of webster's reports. this is from one of his earlier trips from kentucky and tennessee. with the detail of the reports webster submitted it's fair to ask, how accurate were these reports. over the years, general mcclelen has received much criticism. much of this criticism has been focussed on allen pinkerton for supplying overinflated troop number. the fault did not lie at webster
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that the numbers eventually reached mcclelen were exaggerated. webster's reports were by far the most accurate of any the reports pinkerton was receiving. although, through all reports, it seemed pretty clear the operatives themselves were not the reason that mcclelen got inflated troop numbers. it appears from reports that mcclelen new -- not only knew that the numbers were inflated but in fact requested it. the logic is twofold. it was thought, number one, that the numbers coming from operatives and refuges coming north would never be complete so the numbers were for the uncounted troops. the problem that pinkerton's numbers were already too high. increasing them only made this problem worse. the ore problem for the increase was that mcclelen never wanted to get caught off guard by more.
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to justify his request to lincoln for more troops. he likely believed them and convinced himself that troops that weren't there actually existed. in the midst of a mission that webster's health became an issue. the 39-year-old webster had to sleep on the ground after crossing chesapeake bay one cold, winter night. this led to himkz contracting rheumatism. a generic term for any ailment -- stiffening of the joints. webster suffered from in his life and for days kept him bedridden for days at a time. so his next mission south because of rheumatism he went with lewis still poising as his wife. this is supposed to be a short mission because after not being gone very long, pinkerton panicked not knowing where they were and sent to operatives south to find them.
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now, the problem that pinkerton had in selecting these two operatives is he had been using them in other capacities in washington, d.c. there was, for example, a senator jack morton whose wife messages to the confederates. when pinkerton went to search his house, he brought lewis and scully to search the mortonson home. these two men went south to find webster and found him in the monumental hotel on capitol square. the fence there is around the washington monument. that hotel itself no longer exists. they found him in the monumental hotel. visiting webster was a drktive of general john h. winder. with the detective was chase morton, the son of the senator jackson morton whose home they had searched in washington, d.c. chase morton immediately recognized lewis and scully.v men were soon after arrested, quickly tried and sentenced to
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death. john scully, catholic, requested to see a priest for confession before his execution. father mcmullen urged scully to confess to the general and tell him everything he knew. scully eventually gave into this and confessed. not only confessed to being a spy but told that timothy webster and lewis were also spies. the result of this is that timothy webster, bedridden was arrested and so was lewis. price lewis also confessed. while he contended throughout his life that he only confessed to being a spy and never said that timothy webster or lewis were spies, the evidence seems to indicate otherwise. not only was his sentence commuted from death to a few years in prison which seems unlikely that they would do if he only confessed to being what they already con convicted of him of being, he was called as a
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witness to timothy webster's trial. trial. webster was arrested because of, this confession and sentenced to death. police went out to general winder who was in charge of him and jefferson davis not to execute him. at the time, the north or south hadn't executed any spies. in fact, in the north when spies had been arrested for the most part they were held for a very short time and then released. unfrntsly many cases then they returned to spying. but winder and jefferson davis ignored these qçpleas. the fact is -- i mean, this was a testament to webster's skills as a spy. the men were fooled. they were embarrassed and quite frankly they wanted revenge and timothy webster was going to pay for deceiving them. august 29, 1862, still suffering
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from rheumatism, tim webster was helped up to the scaffold. the first attempt did not succeed. the nuse was put around his neck and fell off. the second time the rope was tied so tight it was choking him the trap was sprung and he became the first spy executed in the american civil war. after the war, in 1871, pinkerton went to richmond to retrieve his body. he found it after three days and webster's return to illinois where he was laid to rest next to his son who had died from wounds in the battle as a union soldier. the other side of that stone is webster's father who died infg 1860. in a moment i'll take questions. if anyone wants to purchase any books, i have them for $35. i will be at the table in the back afterwards. i also have a few copies of my first book, murder on the white
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sands, the disappearance of albert fountain who ch is about a new mexico lawyer who along with his 8-year-old son disappeared in 1896. their bodies were never found. and if anyone has -- wants to contact me for anything else or wants more information, you can vilt my web at ww is there any questions? >> what's the practical effect of -- we know the effect of his work with the lincoln inauguration train. it's pretty well established. with his spy work duringq richmond with the war, did it have a practical effect on operations? >> unfortunately no. because of the inflated numbers that we talked about. and not only webster, but there
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was a lot of spies on both sides bringing in important information, but because military espionage was so new, they didn't -- commanders on both sides didn't really know how to use this information and mcclelen's case, because they inflated numbers so much, all it did was help scare him away from his target of richmond. but that's not -- that's not the fall of webster what they did with the information. the end result is it really wasn't very helpful because of how they used the data. >> was timothy involved with -- >> he was. that was a big part of what he did. he would do that by either what he viewed or he made contacts all on the way. surprisingly with no one suspecting just ask, how many troops are coming in from here. you have all kinds of information from different officials. they were so happy to see him he brought letters from loved ones to different camps that they
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wanted to know. anymore questions? yes? >> i've always questioned the competency of the pinqviq=9ñ group. i think it had a lot to do with the overinflation of the troop numbers. but if i heard you correctly, you were saying that was more of -- >> at the very least, mcclelen knew of the overmassed estimate. i didn't have the personal conversation to know exactly how that decision was made, but it appears that pinkerton was doing it because he was requested to do so by mcclelen and that pinkerton defended those numbers many years, too, because he really admired george mcclelen and because of his admiration for mcclelen he seemed to -- whatever mcclelen said was true he bought into which was obviously a mistake.
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and there were also -- there's also mathematical errors in some of the reports, though. it's not -- that was not to absolve away from allen pinkerton. he did a superb job running his detective agency. his work as a spy master, that probably left a little something to be desired. anymore questions? yes. >> do you know what part of richmond the execution took place? >> the execution took place at the time it was camp lee, which is -- at the time before there was camp lee there were fairgrounds and today there's -- i've been there and it's been enough years ago i can't think of the name of it, but there's definitely an open field -- it's by the science museum. i have been to the area but it's
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been quite a few years. i have been researching this book since 2000. >> it was a public execution? >> it was a public execution. anymore questions? thank you very much, everyone. [ applause ]. with live coverage of the u.s. house on c-span and the senate on c-span2, here on c-span3, we show you the most relevant congressional hearings and public affairs event n. then on weekends, c-span3 is the home to american history tv withd8 programs that tell our nation's story including six unique stories. visiting battlefields and key events. american artifacts. history book shelf with the best-known american history writers. the presidency, looking at the policies and leg sis of our
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counterterrorism strategy. the event was hosted by the new york military affairs symposium. minutes. good evening and welcome. i am pleased to welcome howard blum, an investigative journalist and author of the new york city times best seller "dark invasion" as well as many other great books. he is currently a contributing editor at "vanity fair." while at "the new york times" he was twice nominated for a pulitzer prize for investigative reporting. several of his books were non-fiction best sellers including, among others "i pledge allegiance, the true story of the walkers, an american spy family" that was turned into a great mini series on cbs, perhaps some of you watched it in the past.
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"gang land" how the fbi broke the mob in 1993. "the eve of destruction." the untold story of the yam kiper war in 2003. "american lightning" terror of mystery and the birth of hollywood and the crime of the centuryó' 2008. "a floor of heaven, a true tale of the last frontier and the uconn gold rush in 2011." i should also mention that warner brothers is preparing ax film of "dark invasion" starring bradley cooper as tom, the hero of the book. please welcome, howard blum. [ applause ]. pick up a newspaper and just glance at the headline. check out the internet and read
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almost any post. there's news about terrorism anywhere and it's all very frightening. it will keep you up at night. one day they're saying new york city is a target. the next day is chicago. then las vegas, even the air force academy. the president tells us that we don't have to worry. isis is not going to attack the homeland yet. then a republican presidential candidate comes out and says, well, maybe we do have to worry. our borders are very pourus, but there's no doubt about it, my children are growing up in a world of terrorism. terrorism has become part of the dna of the times in which we live. so consider this very harrowing scenario. a terrorist cell well;p finance covertly enters america. they set up their headkwauters and they become bombing munition factories and depots.
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a bomb rocks the u.s. capitol building. the nation's richest man is targeted in a bold assassination attempt. from a covert bio warfare lab just six miles from the white house, a bio warfare attack is launched on three american cities. the president is told by his chief adviser this is a time of fear. we have to worry that bridges and subways and buildings all around the country are going to be attacked. and the government in response puts -- forms a task force to look for these terrorists. it's headed by a new york city policemen and he goes off. with just 12 men, he tries to bring these terrorists to justice. now, this scenario that i've outlined sounds like it's a movie and it would makeb a prety good movie or it would be a
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game, play at the pentagon as they try to figure out what's the next terrorist attack going to be made against the homeland. but in reality, all this happened. this happened in 1915. and it's a story i tell in "dark invasion" and a story i want to share a little about tonight. the story begins really it's a time when the u.s. is still neutral while europe is at war. in germany, they've decided to target the united states. they decide that the only way to keep the united states out of the war is to bring terror to our shores. they decide that they need to stop the united states from sending arms and material to the allies who are fighting against germany. so they begin to target the united states. it's a time when the united states realizes that this is a nation full of targets. the cia has looked back on this
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period and they point to -- this homeland and the man who is made in charge of this defense of the homeland, captain tom tony and i'll speak about him, really is the first head of homeland security. he and his little 12-man squad are really the precursers of a homeland security network which now has 240,0p÷ people and an annual budget of $98.8 billion. it's also a time where we learn to live with fear. now, to understand where this story begins, i think we have to go back to two months before the war, before the war has broken out in europe. and we have to go to germany, berlin where walter nick lie, a major in the german army is head of the german secret service. walter served on the russian
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front. he sent agents deep into russia. he sent up the german spies academies and they've sent agents into france, into england and as i said, into russia. but suddenly occurs to him, as war is about to begin, he knows in a couple of months, the germans have taken their battle plans out of the safe and dusted them off, he suddenly realized we've forgotten about the united states. in the united states, as 1914, the summer of 1914 approaches, germany only has one agent in the entire country, a 70-year-old man who works in a munitions factory in new jersey and he'sab supposed to monitor e entire munitions industry of the united states. so walter realizes that something has to be done. if germany is going to win this war, which is about to break out, we have to keep the u.s. out of the war. we have to keep the u.s. military machine if it's ever built up from working against the germans, and we have to
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prevent the united states from sending the -- supplying the ally. so, hezppj decides that the only we can do this, only way thatcf germany can do this, is to set up a clan desen network. he summens germany's ambassadors to the united states, count yohan bernstof. he gets this mysterious summens to report back immediately to berlin for meetings. he is upset about this because he has his whole summer planned. he has a rich american wife with an estate on the north shore and has a girlfriend with her house in new port, rhode island. he figures he'll spend part of the summer with his wife because she has all the money and high tail it off to new port to spend the rest of the summer with his girlfriend and going to parties up there. now he's been summoned back to berlin and it's a bit of an inconvenience. he hopes to get it over rather quickly. he goes off to berlin and he's
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brought down to walter's head quarters really. it's a basement room underneath berlin and he's a little off. he's a count and ambassador and being lectured to by a major. he listens and he's tof" that he is going to head the german spy network in america. he's upset about this because he's a gentleman and a spy is little beneath him, but he realizes he's told what's at stake and then given a briefcase. in the briefcase are $150 million in treasury notes. and he's told to bring this money into the united states. he's to travel back under an assumed name. if the ship is boarded by inspectors don't let them get this money. better to throw it into the sea than to let the british get their hands on it. and so, he comes back to the united states. he brings the money with him. and he begins to set up his
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organization. during the day, he lives as cover, as they say in this spy business, very well. he's still going out to parties all around washington. he is still on the social circuit. po he is also has sent his agent, his military and naval partners to run this spy network. and they're based in lower manhattan around wall street and they've also been able to recruit many assets to work with them. not only is there a large german population in new york, for example, in yorkville who were sympathetic to the fatherland, but also ships had been interred in new york harbor and hoboken and these are filled with german sailors that can't get back to germany because of the war and they have nothing to do and they're looking to help the father fla fatherland in any way. this is an army that is really based in new york that's at
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germany's beck and call. they have $150 million to spend. so they start beginning sabotage. they set up a safe house in new york, not too far from here on west 15th street. it's funded by funds from the german government run by martha held, a former opera singer. they meet there late at night and it's a great cover to planetary ris activities because anyone who is watching it is nob surprised to see men coming and going at all hours of the night. so they begin to do this and suddenly ships are blowing up at sea, munitions factories are going up in smoke and the american authorities really don't know what's going on. is this an industrial plague of industrial accidents? is there a labor protest? they really don't suspect that germany could be behind this. then the british share some information with us.
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the british since the start of the war have been intercepting germany's cable. and they have broken the code. they do it in the old building. they get a whole bunch of oxford dons and cambridge dons and they are able, very ingeniously, brilliantly, in fact, to break the german code and they're reading germany's messages and they read them and they say, oh my gosh, they've declared war, even though there isn't a real declaration of war against the united states. so they pass this on to the sfral government. the man in charge of intelligence activities at that time is james poke. he has to do something about this. president wilson says, well, look into it. he really doesn't take it too seriously. polk has to figure out what to
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do. the fbi is at this point a very feeble organization. the men aren't even allowed to carry guns. military intelligence, naval intelligence of all due respect to any members who might be here wasn't functioning very well in 1914. so he decides,2y5h because we w to groten prep school up in new england and the new york city police chief went to groten and his chief deputy went to groten, they're all groten and harvard men, to go to the old-boy network. and he goes to them and he says, maybe you can help me with this. he trusts them when he doesn't trust people in the federal government. so arthur woods, the new york city police chief who taught at groten for a while after his graduation from harvard, he and his deputy guy skull decide that they've got just the man. he's an irish street god, tom.
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at this point he's heading the bomb squad. the bomb squad in those days is really not concerned with with the people who make them. and they tell him he has just run a very successful cover operation, one of the first undercover operation ever in the history of the new york city police department. a anarchist group is going to put a bomb in st. patrick's cathedral. he had one of his men infiltrate his group. they were able to grab the bomb that was left out in front and stop it from being -- stop it from exploding. from exploding. and this has given him a great5 deal of credibility with the department, so he's called to a secret meeting at the new york city police head quarters on center street, the big dome building is now luxury condominiums that go for several million dollars a piece.
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and in the commissioner's private office, there's a backway in the back of the building, you go up a prooit elevator into a wood panel room with the fire going and there is the commissioner and his deputy guy skull and they're telling him we have this mission for you. we want you to, in effect, be head of homeland security. they say we're going to give you a special office right across the way above a bar. you answer only to us. take the men you need. set up this group and figure out what is going+b on. so tuny is -- looks at the problem and he really doesn't quite know where to begin. the first thing he's learned he doesn't want married men in the unit. he's afraid that this will be too dangerous. and he's learning as he goes along. he's never done this before. he's never been a spy catcher.
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he then recruits people who speak german, but then he decides, well, i won't have any people who weren't born in this country. i don't want any german immigrants on my team because i can't trust them. he looks for a shooting range, which is in the basement of this building. it's now an $8 million co-op. the police shooting range runs for $8 million and he recruits a guy who had very good scores there, another guy he describes as being as big as the biggest building at the time. he gets guys who were good at surveillance. men who were good at tapping phones an he makes this 12-man team and they're given this ou going on. bring these terrorists, bring these germans to justice. at the same time in germany, major dnicoli is not really hay
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with the progress. he is a professional spy and he needed a professional agent to really run this group. so he recruits members from naval intelligence. a man by the name of -- van ritalin before the war worked in the united states and london. in london he learned how to dress. he discovered a tailer who made up outfits for him. when he worked in new york he added the von to his name. he is given this mission to go to the united states and wage wars, as he puts it, against america, against the 48 states. he describes himself as a dark invader and he comes to the united states under a pseudo
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name, baring a swiss passport. he has codes so he can communicate back with germany. he establishes himself in the new york yacht club onáf 44th street. he gets a suite of rooms there and at night he's out on the town in white ties going to parties, very successful banker, but during the day, from an office down on wall street, he's running a sabotage campaign against the united states and a terror campaign. he is a spider spinning his web and the web he's spinning is a very ingenious one and ultimately tuny and van ritalin are involved in a cat and mouse game as was mentioned when i was introduced warner brothers is doing a movie about "dark invasion" and the crux of the
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movie, as has been written and sort of taken my story which is true, taken some dramatic liberties, the script does work really well is really a cat and mouse game between von ritalin and tom tuny, between these two very complex personalities. each one is ruthless and determined in their own way and it's a real battle. the plotsyw that von ritalin sps in the united states -- let me give you an idea of some of them. one is an ingenious invention is to sabotage ships at sea as they leave the new york harbor after they've been loaded with ammunitions that will go to france or england or russia. one of his men invents what's called a cigar bomb. it's a piece of metal tubing about the size of a cigar. in the middle of it is a bit of
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copperplating and the other side is acidthat will eat through the plating in the middle in a number of days. they throw this into the bowels. many of the stevedores are irish and they're willing -- because any enemy of england is their friend. they're willing to work with these german terrorists and they put them in the ships going off to sea and then two days out at blow up and the evidence doesn't exist anymore because it's all been come busted in the explosion and tuny has to figure out how this is done. another plot he haslw to deal wh is germ warfare. in 1907 in a former stables that
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was turned into a veterinary clinic outside of berlin, the german government had begun experimenting with an tracks and glander. when mustard gas begins being used in the battlefields of europe, why not bring it here to the united states? why not use that in america? the real target is war horses. the corrals of horses that have been gathered up and being shipped to the war that are so necessary for fighting in world war i. they decide, we'll poison these animals. but there are ancillary incidents and people die from germ warfare in the united states. the main agent who is doing this is a doctor. this doctor is this sort of enemy agent that we still worry about today. he was born in the united states then he goes off to germany to
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study medicine. he's living in germany when the germans. but he has an american passport. his father, in fact, won the congressional medal of honor in the civil war and now he's also of german decent and he's -- they're willing now to help germany. so he comes to the united states. he's given money by nicoli and he sets up a germ warfare factory, in effect. he sets it up six miles from the white house in a house he's r%%kur' the basement and he's -- his sister lives upstairs and in the basement he and his brother who used to run a brewery are brewing up vats or test tubes really of an tracksn and glanders. he brought the cultures over t>'s producing they recruit interns to spread
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them in the port of new york, in baltimore, and in new orleans. and there's a germ warfare attack on three american cities. people die as these germs are spread. there have been several deaths that only after the war did the u.s. authorities are being caused by germ warfare. and tom tuny has to try to stop this. an attack on america that he does not quite understand. then there's another (lot, rather interesting. the assassination plot on jp morgan jr. jp morgan jr. is now heading a consortium of banks that are lending over $900 million to the allies, to russia, france, and largely england. and walter nicoli and van ritalin are going to stop this. and the way to stop these loans,
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which are funding the allied war is to get rid of jp morgan jr. but that brings them to find the perfect person to do this, which turns out to be a man by the name of eric munter. in 1906 eric munter is a professor at harvard. he is teaching german there and is also expecting his second child. but his wife is having a difficult pregnancy. he leaves his harvard office everyday, he goes home to see her and he spoon feeds her every night this special broth that he's made to help her through this difficult pregnancy and÷+ he's a very solicitous husband. the neighbors talk about how much he cares about his wife. the nurses report him. oh, professor munter, he cares so much about her. and despite her illness, she is able to give birth and
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everything seems okay but then four days afterwards she dies. and munter is filled with grief and he decides that he will bring the baby -- the newborn baby and his other infant baby with him to his in-law's house in chicago. they'll bury his wife leona there. and he goes up to chicago with the nurses and the two babies. after the funeral, he tells his father-in-law, i just need to think about things. let me spend two days and then i'll be back. he never comes back. and while he's away, the cambridge, massachusetts police come looking for him. it seems the autopsy on the organs that were taken out of his wife's body shows that she was poisoned. the broth that he was#] feeding her is arsenic. the harvard professor is now on
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the lam. he goes by frank holt. he goes down to mexico, hangs out two years there. he works as a bookkeeper for a mining company then slowly begins to come back to the united states. he enrolls ingtsvu a really cat college in -- outside dallas. meets his new wife there. her name is also leona. he finds another leona and her father is a methodist minister in dallas, comes from a very respectable family and he does very well. he graduates and becomes an ie tinry teacher, working his way back to cornell university, back to the ivy league, a professor there again under this assumed name. no one has noticed him. he has a new wife and he thinks everything is fine. when war breaks out in europe, he's overwhelmed by this.
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he decides what the united states is doing, sending arms to the allies is not right. he has to do something about it. when the term ends, he sends his wife and their baby daughter down to dallas to see his father-in-law, the reverend and he's going to go to new york to do something about this. pretty much like lee harvey oswald did when he went to the cuban embassy in mexico. he volunteers his services to the german cause and he becomes really an agent for von ritalin. the details only come out after the fact. later tom tuny is able to put things together. holt, who originally was munter comes down from cornell to new york city with only $5 in his
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possession. he's able to buy a car, stay in a hotel, rent a cottage out in long island as he does reconnaissance of jp morgan's mansion out there. he's able to buy 178 pounds of dynamite and he also has a great cover identity. he goes around as a member of the summer new york social register, so he is able to get into all the great houses of long island because they all want to be listed in the social register and he's able to do reconnaissance of jp morgan's mansion on the north shore. and then he decides to launch his plot. first step in this plot is he plans -- goes up to washington on july 2nd, 1915 and plants a bomb in the u.s. capitol building. this bomb goes off 10:00 p.m. at night. it does great damage to the u.s.
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capitol building and hav ng accomplished this, he then goes the next morning, takes the train back to new york and makes his way to jp morgan's mansion. he introduced himself as the reporter to the social directory, but jp morgan's butler, physic says, this doesn't seem right. the guy looks weird and wild. munter takes out a revolver, forces his way in and chases the butler down the great hall of the mansion. finally he sees jp morgan's children, grabs them and starts walking up the staircase. jp morgan's wife sees this man with a gun on her two children, she screams, that alerts morgan and he very courageously throws himself right in front of holt. holt shoots him once, then another time, twice. then the gun jams. there are serious wounds and
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then he falls on top -- he falls on top of%u the assassin while e butler and the rest of the crew come up and beat him unconscious. so tom tuny is brought in to do the questioning of this assassin. and the interrogation -- and i pulled a lot of it because the transcripts are available in my book are really reminiscent of lee harvey oswald. he is an assassin who isn't saying anything other than he's innocent. gives great many smirking replies to the interrogation and he goes off to see what will happen and he tells the guards b careful. put him under solitary confinement. make sure -- keep a guard on him at all times, but take him to the jail. while he's in the jail, the first report is there's a shot and he's been killed by a lone
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gunman, an assassin stuck a rifle into the jail cell. the next day this is contradicted. it says he got on top of his jail cell and jumped down an smashed his head open but there's náautopsy. police chief woods is saying there's more people involved. the bottom that he ignited the capitolí÷ is a very sophisticat bomb. he knew nothing about making or fabricating bombs and then mysteriously the story disappears. it just stops. and tuny becomes convinced that the u.s. president, president wilson is just not prepared to go to war.
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they don't want america, if this comes out, america will have no choice to go to war. at this point, in 1915, america is just not ready for it. but, within two years, wilson's patience breaks away and america goes to war. tuny and his men are drafted into the military intelligence. he becomes major tuny. his squadron now army officers and they are now policing the homeland. it would be wrong to say that one event made president wilson change his mind, convince the man who is soex complex as wils to go to war. there was black tom. the zimmerman telegram that you'll read about in the guns of august suspension before. but, to give some insight into what pushed the united states
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into war is a flag day speech made in june, 1917, just months after the declaration. and it's a very candid speech by president wilson. he seems deeply grieved. he has taken what the german ambassador has done, what the german spy network has done as being very personal. he's still shocked that gentlemen would behave this way. he said they would come into our homes as our friends and then betray this country. what self respecting nation should not go to war. and so because of terrorism largely, america goes to war in 1917. now, it's nearly a century later and, you know, terrorism, as i said, has become part of our lives. we still have to deal with it. and yet what i find so troubling, soi) disturbing that one of the chief problems that
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tuny and police chief woods had 1916 is still a problem here in the united states today. let me explain. after the war, chief -- police chief arthur woods said, america can never be caught napping again. our intelligence agencies must be federalized and banned together. but he also said, what the last war taught us is that america couldn't -- and that new york city, rather, could not count on the federal government to protect us. that's why i had to take a new york city policeman. that's why i had to take tom tuny and appoint him to protect this &ñcity. after 9/11, ray kelly, former new york city cop, former marine, he takes the job and he has the same reaction. he says, it's all doom and gloom
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and we can't count on the feds to protect us. he makes his own intelligence network. he takes a former director of operations from the cia, brings him to new york city and then has him set up agencies representing new york in various capitols, all different capitols around the world so that new york will get the information it needs right away without having to rely on the federal gover'2q9 marathon ke again raises the issue. the fbi knew about these two brothers. why didn't they pass it on to the police? so, here we have this same concern, the same concern that was bothering police chief woods, captain tuny is now bothering the people in charge of new york city and other cities today. intelligence is only valuable if it's shared. we have all the eyes and ears in the world listening to us, who
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knows who is listening to me speak rftonight. but if this information is not shared with the people who are protecting our various cities, it's really not helping the cause too much. and what makes this particularly frightening is that while we have not cured this problem, our enemies have gotten much more powerful. you think of german doctor sitting in his little lab and chevy chase making anthrax with his test tubes. mobile labs in where in the middle east and brought to the united states. we livew!sq in an open society e we have super bowls and stadium baseball stadiums, shopping malls, office complexes where
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anyone can enter. we think of our assassin eric munter -- he carried a suitcase with a bomb into the capitol building. now you'll have a suitcase or a backpack filled with a tactical nuclear weapon. when you think about anthrax, they worried about anthrax in the subways in 1915. that was brought to president wilson's attention. in 1915, 375,000 people rode the new york city subways. today it's 4.3 million everyday. this is scary stuff. and unless the people who are in charge of our security address the problems that tom tuny and police chief woods had to address in 1915, unless they address them today, things are going to get scarier because one thing history has taught us with a grimúç inevitability, america the homeland, will be a target again, and let's hope
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we'll be prepared for when it happens. and one way to prepare for it is to learn the lessons that tunney learned in 1915. thank you. and i'll answer all the questions you have, or try to. >> thank you for the lecture. i've read an expose recently about the whole intelligence foul ups before, during, and after 9/11. and it seems even though kelly set up his intelligence unit, one of the top people in it was from one of the national intelligence units and they didn't want to cooperate with him. some people didn't like him, or they had problems with him. and they didn't want to deal with it. even though there was a problem festering, they just didn't want
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to, you know, cooperate. it's a whole mental thing with them. >> the lack of cooperation between intelligence agencies is the fatal flaw in any system. it happened here in 9/11. it happened in the middle east. in the october war. in israel, where israel was taken by surprise. if the information is not shared with the correct agencies, all the electronic intelligence gathering facilities you have are really not going to accomplish what they're meant for. >> thank you. two questions. the cigar bomb seemed so small. how could they do so much damage when, you know, to the munitions? tell us about the munitions that were affected, and also, who was target ed by the germ warfare? >> the first question, how can a
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cigar bomb be so effective? if you place -- start a fire in a ship filled with munitions being shipped overseas, they're highly combustible. also, as tunney found out, which i didn't know until i read -- sugar is very inflammatory. it blows up. bales of raw sugar. they would put it in there, too. so these were really fires that would break out and then spread. the black tarm arsenal, which is over in new jersey, which wound up causing millions of dollars worth of damage and was felt, it blew up in new jersey and the windows of the 42nd street library were blown out, that's how powerful the explosion was. and it killed three people. that was also masterminded.
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he set the original plan for that, and that was a more standard bomb, but the ingenious part of the cigar bombs is they would disappear. you wouldn't see it. so for the first year it was happening, they weren't sure if this was caused by a labor dispute or an angry seaman or whatever. one other thing about the cigar bombs, von ritlinmanaged to convince the russians under his assumed identity that he would buy supplies for them. so he would take their money, millions of dollars to buy supplies and then he would say it was being loaded onto a ship. he would then have the ship blown up at sea, so a, the russians wouldn't get the supplies, and b, was able to keep the money because he didn't even have to buy it. he was very ingenious and very ruthless. he wound up in the atlanta penitentiary for 15 years.
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the other part of the question, i'm not quite sure? >> germ warfare? >> here in the united states, what they did, the chemical factory, first, the dupont factory, the factories in new jersey, various firework factories and every ship leaving for sea, they went to the park and did the horse corrals there, the horses going off to europe, they did that, also by the new york ports. they really wanted to stop war material from going over to the allies, and that's how they then moved on to jp morgan, because he was supplying the money to buy it. >> one of the interesting things i note in your book is how this really didn't become a hysterical attempt to crack down on, you know, all german americans or kind of like a witch hunt. as later happened with the red
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scare around 1920, so i wonder why isn't that? they learned from tunney, you know, we can do this small. we can target just the right people and get them, and there's no need to, like, round up thousands of people. >> i think -- well, i would disagree a bit because they didn't realize what was happening at the time. later, when they figured out that these were german americans were working with the german government, that led to the internment of japanese. this was brought up in congress as a rationale for the way they acted in world war i. it's just that they didn't quite understand -- they were learning. tom tunney had become head of homeland security, had to understand everything, and he was a street cop who had a lot of guts and was inventive and tenacious, but he had to learn on the job. and also the press -- and part
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of his edict was to keep this out of the press. and the press really wasn't brought into it until afterwards. >> on the security and freedom debate, what do the naysayers tell you at conferences and things? >> the naysayers who are against security? well, back then or now? now. against security. well, i mean, it's a very delicate balance. as i said before, we live in an open society. we have to balance our freedom and our privacy against our protection. the classic example is, do you want to be patted down before you go on an airline or take your chances? and at the same time, my kids, i did a piece for the wall street journal several months ago called generation lockdown. i have three kids in college and
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they're all experienced one way or another being locked down, having to worry about different threats. they have grown up living through 9/11, and the boston bombing. you know, this is part of their dna. and so you have to worry about the freedoms that will allow these children, my children, your children, to grow up and be who they want to be. at the same time, we have to protect them. so it's, again, it's a delicate balance. >> i am interested in your vocabulary that goes through this fascinating story. you constantly use the words terrorist and terrorism. i'm interested in that. we usually use it to refer to events like 9/11, the london subway bombing, the madrid bombing, the ballet bombing. so all of which were primarily
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targeting civilians in order to spread terror among the civilian targets. these attacks were primarily, i know there were some exceptions, there's the morgan assassination attempt, but they're basically against war shipping, war munitions, war horses. primary, the civilians tend to be more collateral damage. would you also use terrorism to describe the sabotage programs of the british soe or the american sos in world war ii? though we ordinarily reserve terrorism for programs that primarily spread terror among civilians? >> you raise an interesting point. i'm using the vocabulary that's used by the cia. the cia in their inhouse journal has referred to this as the first terrorist attack on america. i think it's too narrow to say
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that american citizens were not targeted. something like 54 people were just workers in the various munitions factory blew up. black tom, there were three deaths. thee were all civilians. the people killed in the ancillary amtrak attacks on the horses were civilians. this was basically an attack on our homeland. jp morgan, a civilian. i think when people come to our shores and we're not in a state of war and try to do damage to american lives, that's terrorism. and that's how i would define it. and i think semantics are really not that important. it's a threat that america has to face and how we deal with it. >> i wondered if you could
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discuss pk, because i would imagine he was the man they contacted when they wanted to find a murderer for what was his name in long island? >> i'm not quite sure. who -- >> the guy who worked for the german shipping company, the german -- mr. conag. >> he worked for the hamburg-american lines, and he was a real brute of a man. he was the enforcer. the german-american line sort of ran the port of new york on the west side, the west side ports. and he took his whole crew of tough guys with him to work for germany. he received a great deal of the money that german ambassador had to spread,
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