tv Neville Public Museum CSPAN October 19, 2014 11:45am-12:01pm EDT
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to use the marriage indicator, there is no conceivable way you could achieve any kind of consensus. far more states, north and south, had these laws against interracial marriage. it is clearly something we are fixing now. you asked a question that is interesting, but complicated by adding the other one. why is it the republicans ran on platforms through the end of the century and into the 20th -- the 3/5 is still there. these folks are not letting these folks vote. we have to do something about that. yet congress was never able to get that done. you had rotten boroughs with a lot of folks not voting and other folks voting their representation. how you get national reconciliation -- it goes back to the notion that the narratives coming out of the war -- we find a way. they are not that different. they are. time for me to go, i am told. [applause]
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watch is in hd. like us on facebook. follow us on twitter. all weekend long, american history tv is joined by time warner cable partners to showcase the history of green bay, wisconsin. to learn more about the cities on our 2014 to her, visit c-span .org. we continue now with our look at the history of green bay. this is american history tv on c-span3. we are at the public museum in brown county in green bay, wisconsin. collection your own of phenomenal artifacts and objects and stories from the northeastern wisconsin region. we are standing in the core exhibition. 7000 square-foot exhibition on northeastern wisconsin history. area, in this crossroads where we are looking at the intersections of the founding of
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green bay and the different groups that were here and thrived during a particular time. . he was a missionary in the area of wisconsin. this piece was given to him by nicholas, a french commander who presented it to the missionary in the 16 80's. for those of you who may not have heard of that, it is a religious relic piece that would've been brought together where it was a communication or ceremonial piece. the pieces made out of silver. it is one of the oldest things that was brought to the area and used in the area. about a year after it arrived, there was a fire at the log church where was at.
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then the object got buried. for 115 years, it was underground. washe early 1800s it unearthed and taken into the care of a couple of families in the area. in the mid-1820's, a goes to detroit. it comes back to green bay. one of the most interesting stories that we have here, because here's this these that is traveling, it was pretty much hit in for a good chunk of that storyline. the object next to it fascinates me very much so because of its size and dimensions. it is a pocket compass. it is missing its compass part. up coming to the area, found in 1902, and part of a collection.
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it was owned by a gentleman who had taken care of objects and researching northeastern wisconsin history -- a private collector. when the neville became the neville public museum, he came to us, and this is one of the centerpieces. ,ongitude and latitude geographic face. it is for french traders and people coming to the area -- areas and locations. like a modern-day gps. one of the locations is geographically where we are at presently. that was a typical and how the sundials were manufactured. it was probably because the person who it was given to and using it was unfamiliar with the territory there are going to.
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this particular item that we are looking at is one part of a wedding ensemble. woman marries -- he is the granddaughter of a chief. she marries lewis. divorces or separates from lewis and marries john. we are only one of a handful of institutions in the midwest that has a complete ensemble that dates to the turn of the 1800s. what this tells us is that there is a mixture of worlds happening in in the northeastern wisconsin area, where it is made in a traditional way, but with different types of fabrics that would have been created. it is not made out of animal skin. it is fabric that would have been part of a trade network, coming in with patterned fabric.
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that mixture and blending of different worlds and cultures here in northeastern wisconsin. is a permanent storage collection area on the third floor of the museum. a place most people don't get a chance to see. rest of the ensemble from the costume, circa 1802. appliqué,ate silk fabric that is covering this -- in this case a shawl. differentt least 10 types of silk fabric in here. again, traded likely from europe. this is one the british controlled the region, new france at fallen by then, of course, but the style and technique is very much indicative of menominee cressman ship. craftmenship.pms -
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they were indicative of the trade items, these beads. they were some of the primary commodities that came, as well as bolts of fabric. an americantyles of indian tradition, a blending of french-american tradition. ofare looking at a shadow one of the most famous people in wisconsin history. this is a coat that is from the circah indian agency, 1770, that was worn by the wisconsin.odern west
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tradether is in the fur business. he establishes as one of the first residential families and what is now modern wisconsin. it is very rare, one of the few, if not only, examples of a british era indian agency code. we have a duplicate on exhibit in the permanent gallery. that was installed in 1990. , these of its fragility museum began in 1915, it is one of the earliest pieces. it was given to the museum for public display and we are fortunate to have it. what i noticed when i was looking through this, you can tell he was right-handed. the reason for that are the two false pockets here on either side of the outside. really where you want to be storing your goods is on the inside.
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you notice that most of the where has taken place -- it isn't torn here on the left side of the pocket. if you're opening up your jacket and reaching in with your right the, that is probably reason why does much more damage than the other side. the right side of the code is much more intact. the seams are still there. when he received this coat, he louis thenized by leave the 15th. somebody you would have wanted to recognize with authority, ultimately -- what they were doing was the indian agency individuals, they were trying to in some way assimilate the american indian population.
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you walk a fine line. i think he probably commanded a lot of respect among the local population. again, these are migrating populations -- indigenous populations from the east coast. the pottawatomie's. the ottawa. they're coming through here and being resettled. you have someone like him who could speak on when, french, and english fluently. he was a man of extreme complexity. he goes on to become the patriarch of two of the most influential families in green bay history. finally, without a sample comes a sort. this is also one, if not the only, type of sort. silver see here that civil pommel. this was a hunting sword. this green color is actually
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died ivory. this is 18th-century ellis circa 1770. this would've been one of those swords that had even a more recreational component than its original intent in france. these showed your social and military status by using it, perhaps fighting with it, we don't know. it would have been a market status. again, one of the only, if not the only, examples of late 18th-century 34 inch long hunting sword from paris, france. we are fortunate here at the neville public and museum. we have pieces of american across that resound generations. what you are seeing is elements -- we are focusing on a specific time. , when europeans and native american populations are co-mingling getting to know each
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other. artifacts, thee paintings, the documents all illustrate this point of our crossroads on the highway that has brought people to this landscape for millennia. it happens to be a very interesting snapshot in time when cultures collide, ultimately integrate, and celebrate their identities for future generations. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] the weekend, american history tv is featuring green bay, wisconsin. we recently traveled there to learn about its rich history. learn about green bay and other cities, go to content. historyatching american tv, all weekend, every weekend, on c-span3. monday night on the communicators, technology and the 2014 campaign. >> historically, the digital tools are thought of as the e-mail tools, contributions, the
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websites, but i think it has evolved -- our company, for example, also offers tools that enable the other side of the campaign. the canvassing, the phone calls, direct mail. i think you're seeing many more marketing channels come online where there are personally addressed to tv ads, online ads, you can do person addressable interactions through social networks. there is a pretty wide swath of things. >> we have moved from the broadcast -- we started at the tail end of what we had known thatthe early 60's broadcast television has dominated. as we evolve into -- it is moving into a relationship here. we know that in the commercial sector that if you're going -- when you build brand advocates, actually have somebody who is advocating for and influencing their sears friends, how is that
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we moved to not knowing just what the messages -- we've gotten good at knowing the politics and the right messages, even better to know who the right messenger is to deliver that message. >> monday night at 9:00 eastern on the communicators on c-span2. >> next, iowa university timothy wolters talks about king george's war which took place in the 1740's in north america between colonial powers. while the war was inconclusive, it did establish regional identities for the colonies. and again american colonies valuable experience for their own revolution in the coming years. this class is about 50 minutes. >> good friday. today, we are going to be discussing two separate conflicts that took place in the war of austrian succeson
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