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tv   American History TV  CSPAN  October 19, 2014 6:21pm-6:31pm EDT

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plants they would use if they had batted toothaches. the united states botanic garden, while most people assume that to a are part of the smithsonian we are actually part of the capitol complex. we are administered by the architect of the capitol. you come out to to this garden and you will see not only plants that change through the season so you have springy femoral's. if you come back -- spring epe m hermals. in the fall, the fall colors in the late blooming with fantastic fall foliage. it's my favorite season in this garden.
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>> you can watch this and other american artifacts programs any time by visiting our website at are joininglong we our time warner cable partners to showcase the history of green bay, wisconsin. to learn more about the cities, visit we continue now with our look at the history of green bay. we are currently standing in the national railroad museum. the national railroad museum has 33 acres total in the main part of our property is about 22 acres where we have exhibits on the exterior and on the interior of three different buildings. where we are standing right now is the highlight of our exhibit.
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we have the eisenhower locomotor, newly brought back from england. we have our big boy, union pacific, one of the largest locomotives ever built and one of the most powerful. we also have the electric locomotives. standing in front of the eisenhower locomotive and it was built in 1937 and it is kind of special. it is extremely aerodynamic. car,s modeled after a race which was a huge deal. england.ry popular in it also had 80 inch diameter wheels. a verythree cylinders, different design from your two and four-cylinder trades that you would normally find. this particular train was built in england.
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time.were 35 built at the there are only six remaining and we have only -- we have the only one in the united states. it was originally built as a high-speed passenger train. it was able to reach the world speed record of 126 miles per hours. this is the fastest steam look -- this was the fastest steam locomotive in the world. it was originally called the sparrowhawk and it was used for high-speed transportation between leeds and london prior to world war ii. ♪ during the war, they took the entire suite, repainted them a horrible black brown, and used it primarily to move troops from one place to another. general eisenhower, the supreme
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allied commander during world trade, used this type of as his air force ones, so to s peak. he had several passenger cars, bay in and bayonets to, that he used as a mobile command force. madeparticular locomotive a number of trips between england and scotland during the was backafter the war to passenger service until the early 1960's. the engine that we have -- it was honored to dwight eisenhower. impact onremendous how the war ended in the european theater, is they wanted to honor him in some way. this was the type of engine that we have used.
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it wasn't necessarily the same engine during the war. they switched out trades all the time. the few passenger cars behind it -- one was armored. these were used by eisenhower and his staff. if you go into the armored car, a horrible grey car, it doesn't look like much, but this was used quite extensively, especially between england and scotland. need to times he would make the trip between the two and this is the car he would use. it's bayonet 2. you have the experience of what it was actually like -- dark in there because of the armored plating. and you walk into a room where they had converted a sleeping room into kind of an office area. he used this for meetings and working with his staff. the first room you go into is his bedroom and he has a second room that was used as a dressing room and also considered a
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private office. the other rooms are all basic, small bedrooms. ashad a private attendant well as several other passenger cars with staff. the locomotive got here first. inwas a really long process arriving to the museum. in 1959, shortly after the museum was dedicated, we had only been open to three years. this woman comes in and she had grown up in england in the leeds area, and started talking to the gardener. and she was telling him all about how there is this one train called the dwight d eisenhower. turns out the gardener she was speaking to with our board chairman. we didn't have a big staff here at the time and she was talking, and said we should get this
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train for the national railroad museum. hairmanrdener-slash-c got into his head that we were going to get it and he started this whole series of letters to the british railway board basically saying we want the strain -- this train. he said he was promptly rebuffed. they were not going to send it over. startedit alone and it -- and started bargaining for another train. in the process of speaking to that individual, the president ific foundon pacf that they had some people they knew in common and were able to whotually get an audience, was the final person who gave approval to give us the locomotive. in 1963, approval was given. 1964, it found its way to the
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united states. in september it was dedicated here on the premise s. -- the premises. to really understand something -- you really need to see things in person. you need to touch them, to taste them, to smell them, to really feel what it is like to learn something, and that is a big part of what we do in our museum. have the actual objects so you can learn. addpeople that you are with to that experience so when you had your whole family walking down, or walking up to the big boy, it is a discussion between the generation that becomes the so important, intrinsic to how you learn. weekend,hout the american history tv is featuring green bay, wisconsin. we recently traveled there to learn about its history.
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to learn more about green bay and other spots on the tour, go to are watching american history tv, all weekend, every weekend on c-span3. historian dennis conrad of the naval history and heritage command discusses how strategies contributed to the success of the american revolution. mr. conrad also describes how ships from the colonies fought to not just in the atlantic but also saw action as far away as the mediterranean sea and indian ocean. this hour-long event was sponsored by the society of cincinnati and took place at the anderson house and washington, d.c. >> good evening. my name is kendall casey and i am the museum education manager for the american revolution institute and i am pleased to welcome you to anderson house. the american revolution


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