tv Elbert Guillory Remarks CSPAN October 21, 2014 11:43pm-12:07am EDT
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a new senate majority leader who will have a chat with the president. and we mind the president that in these united states the rule of law is king, not mr. obama. pe must be able to dangle the sword of impeachment over this lawless president's head. not that we would actually want to put our nation through such an ordeal but we must have a sufficient majority in the united states senate it make the threat credible. but that threat is the tool that framers gave us in our constitution to defend our freedom. we must also vote out of office this fall. the spendaholics who have gained
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control. taken the government into their grip. the spendaholics. because under the obama administration, they push federal spending up as high as 25% of gdp. then you add in state and local government spending and you're up to 42% of gdp. 42% of everything all of us produced going to work everyday. 42% of the fruits of our likor are sucked up by government program. do you get 42% of your happiness from government? no, no. in the midst of world war when we were fighting for our survival as a nation, nothing
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today, justifies government appropriating 42% of the fruits of our labor. it's wrong. that's right, it's wrong. we must put a stop to it. the fact is, that our government has been hijacked by people who don't share our values or value our freedom. the spendaholics are pushing government spending up to levels commonly found in european countries. we americans don't want to be europeanized. no. no. in europe people toil to support the state. in america we work to support ourselves.
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at least that's the way it's always been. but now, the federal bureaucracy is run by the bureaucrats for the bureaucrats. they have taken the service out of civil service. it's gone. let's face it, no system ever pays more than they would get in the private sector. no more than we get in the private sector. it is virtually impossible to fire them. no accountability. right? irs employees, taking home big bonuses at the end of the year even when they have been found guilty of not filing their own taxes. imagine. and you saw this one. general services employee on the front page of papers all across the united states sitting shirtless in a hot tub with a
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glat glass of wine on the taxpayers' money. he returns with full benefits. how about this story? a v.a. surge yojon suspended for 14 days for abandoning his patient unconscious on the operating table before the procedure was complete. he still gets an $11 thousand bonus at the end of the year. these federal bureaucrats are living on easy treat and they are putting us on the road to surf dom. that's right.dom. that's right. and think about it. think about what is happening as result. we are hijacked by people who don't val you're our freedom. they put the state over the head of our individual.
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but you and i, you and i have a rendezvous with destiny because we are going to elect a president of the united states who will fully repeal the obama health law. a president whole raip in the power and size of this beheme oj federal government. we should eliminate the department of energy. environmental protection. education. and most importantly, let's get rid of that department of the interior because the land belongs us to. it shouldn't be long to the federal government. that's right. and we will elect a president.
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who takes seriously, his or her oath, to defend the constitution of the united states, the finest document ever created by mankind. this is the fight of our lifetime. this is a fight we must win. because you and i know one thing for sure, freedom isn't free. it's up to you and me. thank you. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. we can do this! thank you! thank you. thank you. thank you very much. >> douglas once famously stated, i'm a republican, a black
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republican. and i intend to belong to no other party than the party of freedom in progress. those words describe the mind-set of a true public servant,on the party title and the name. the louisiana state senator guillory is a man of these words. recently changing to the republican party from the democratic side. when asked why he made that decision, he said, it is the right decision. bu because /* senator guillory is an example of leadership for all public servants across america. he has dedicated his life through the vietnam war serving in the united states navy. after of which he obtained his law degree from rutgers university and has been practicing law for over 30
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years. he uses these experiences in the committee meeting and decision making. he is also one in the community. he has invested in the community and community of louisiana through a nonprofit organization and being one with his constituents everyone issing them the judiciary committee, health and welfare and other committees. we is not responsible for all leadership is supposed to be all across america. it was said by martin luther king, jr. that human progress is neither automatic nor inevita e inevitable. every step towards the goal of justice requires sacrifice, struggling and suffer. tireless exertion and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. ladies and gentlemen, i'm privileged to present you too man dedicated to this cause, for justice, for opportunity and for froe dom. a man in a fight for what is right and a man who will die with his boots on, senator
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elbert guillory. ♪ ♪ >> good afternoon. joseph, thank you very much. that was extremely well done. young men like that -- [ applause ] and i see some other young people in this room. i'm very heartened to see them. i'm actually heartened to see so many types of americans here under one banner. speaking one language. the language of freedom and liberty but many, many colors of americans. happy to see you here. 14 months ago i was a democrat.
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yes. once i was lost but now i'm found. for years, it's been a difficult fit. i was having difficulty in the meetings that we held p i was having difficulty in the vote that we were taking as the louisiana democrat party moved further and further left. a and just kind of left me standing there. then one day the head of the louisiana democratic party, also a senator, said that anyone who does not like obama care would only not like this wonderful idea because of the president african father. anyone who does that is a
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racist. i pick up the phone, my 104-year-old mother, yes, mom? did you hear what that person said? it was all over the television and newspapers. yes, ma'am, i heard. did you agree with that? >> no i didn't. were you any part of that? no ma'am i was not. you better not because i don't want you to dishonor our family. i hung up the phone, called the registrar of our county and within a couple of minutes, i was a republican. so now i'm here what are we
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going to do. 240 years ago there were meetings like this held in america. so people met and talked with each other and tried to decide what we with do. how would we create -- what are we going to create for the future? what kind of nation will there be? and that is what we are doing today. men ut men and founding fathers and founding mothers, created a vision of a nation where people could live in freedom. live without government breathing down their necks. without government bots on their backs. without some government finger picking their pockets. without a government czar telling them thousand educate their children. without some government dictator selecting their doctors for them. no government, no government, no government.
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central to their vision was the concept of very small government. and the democrat led administration there. vision has become a nightmare and every minute aspects of our lives. a r and there are the days of the revolution, the minutemen, warriors. it was their sacrifice. their energy that threw off the yolk of oppression of king george. today my brothers and sisters, you are, you in this room, are the minute men. it is out of these days of oppression that we in this room must create a new liberty and freedom, a new america of freedom.
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we've had almost a decade of hope and change. seems like so much more. so much longer. hoping for a job and trying to live off the change in our pocket. the unemployment figures in the black community are so high, i haven't seen black unemployment this high since the great depression. what is happening in washington, d.c. is bad for all of us. my brothers and sisters, we need to chart a new course for america. we need to set forth our vision of the new america. so i have today to present to you ten points that i think the new america should adhere to. first and foremost, america must continue its tradition -- excuse me -- america must continue its
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tradition as a godly nation, a prayerful nation. godline godliness-s a birthright of america. -s a birthright of america.i-s a birthright of america. s a birthright of america.s a birthright of america. our prayers in school have been set aside too long. prayer, only prayer, has the power to lift individuals, families and nations up from desolate moments. but we have let a small minority to come into our house and stop us from praying. this is our house. this is god's house, we must take it back. [ applause ] powerful net marked by effective
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and smart spending, on this day, we have troops stations in 16 7 nations.7 nations. i didn't know that planet earth had 167 nations. no one convinced me that we have a burning interest in 167 nations across this world. we need a new law. any politician who advocates sending americans into some forlorned escapade, his children or grand children should be sent to the front line. if we implement that law over night our military will become much more effective because there will be fewer, far fewer, fat old men jumping up and down
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