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tv   American History TV  CSPAN  November 2, 2014 11:47am-12:01pm EST

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"ben-hur." so we may all get to see this whole story played out again and people will say, who wrote that book, who was lew wallace, what else did you do, and you will be able to tell them what he was. i see no other hands. so i guess i will thank you all. wait, do we have time? ok, one more question. >> the humanity films forum broadcast the andersonville trial. the two commenters were cannot -- kenneth stamp and your teacher, david donald. stamp said he should not have been hung, david thought he should have. thought you might be interested. >> that is fantastic. no, i wish i knew the argument as to why he should not have been hung. you can actually youtube and see -- it's very poor quality, but the 1970 tv production of the
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andersonville trial. there are some stars that you will recognize. not just william shatner, but others. richard basehart plays wirz. or you can just simply find out. the rundown. thank you all very much. [applause] >> the berlin fault fell 25 years ago. we will visit that really a start date next sunday, beginning at 8:00 p.m. eastern, featuring president george bush from the oval office. reaction from senate leaders. in a speech from president 197 1963. all weekend american history tv is in colorado springs, colorado. gold was discovered in the
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mountains surrounding the city in the 1890's. it resulted in one of the richest gold strikes in history. it is hosted by our comcast cable partners. our staff recently visited many sites. to learn more about colorado springs, all weekend, here in american history tv. for as long as people have settled and lived in this area, pike's peak has been a marketing tool. we have used it to help identify this location. pike's peak protrudes out onto the eastern plains. first 14,000 foot mountain that you reach when you are coming west across the plains towards denver. it is a beacon in many ways for people who are traveling towards the mountains. upemember many times growing in the midwest, coming to
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colorado, and knowing you're almost there when you start to see pike's peak in the distance. you can see it from 100 or more miles east of here. it is this thing that seems to pull you in as you're coming west. right now we are at crystal reservoir. we are at 9500 feet. perhaps one of the best views in the world. jeffersonhen thomas and others were declaring independence on the east coast, this area was claimed by the spanish. in 1779, spanish colonial forces came within a few miles of where we are now. regionre exploiting the and searching for hostile
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american indian people. montgomery play equus sent into the west to the explore the region. pike was sent to the southwest part of the territory. from his perspective, when he came out here, you walked off the map. his mission was to be the first american official to carry word of american ownership of this region to the american indian people. to create a map of the region. to identify resources that were here in the american west. boundaries.mine when jefferson bought the louisiana territory, the doctors were disputed. the spanish would not have agreed with what thomas jefferson thought he acquired.
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even if that dispute had not happened, it still was not quite clear where one country ended and another country began. riveras defined by drainages. no one ever knew where all the rivers were. planeas coming across the . he entered present-day colorado in november of 1806. entering what we now think is colorado, he could begin to see the mountain. he called a grand peak. he identified the mountain as a location where he could get high enough and begin to understand how the rivers flowed. he looked down onto the plane's and the surrounding area to help map the region. when pike first sees the grand
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peak, he thinks he will reach the top and a few days. it takes weeks to approach. that was probably because in the you where pike throughout, don't have this is like you have in the american west, where the air is drier and clear. you can see for many miles. by how farnfused distances are here. reach theor weeks to top of the mountain. they reach what we believe is a called mountn rosa. anotherre there was three or four days march to get to the top of the mountain. from that point, he decided that it was dangerous to the mission to continue moving through deep snow without proper clothing and equipment. with limited food as well.
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they turned around. at that point, pike wrote in his journals that given the conditions, given the equipment they had at the time, no one could have summit did the peak. on, he turnsnt around and continues his quest to reach the headwaters of the arkansas. asay, we think of pike saying that no one would ever get to the top in any condition. we are standing on a road where you can now drive to the top of the mountain. pike was living in different conditions and circumstances. under those conditions, he did the best he could. pike never reached the summit. the risk outweighs the reward, given the conditions placed. called the mountain pike's peak. he referred to it as the grand peak.
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because his journals were initially published in 1910, he was the first person to describe this area in detail. his name permanently became attached to the mountain and ultimately to the region. there have been people in the region for millennia. reachunknown who first the top of pike's peak. we do know the first recorded summit of the peak was done in 1820 by edwin james. botanist foras a expedition that followed in the path of pike. because he summit did in the day, the nice summer mountain was briefly name for him.
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for a while it was called james's peak. pike's efforts and journals were better known and the mountain could never shake that name. anotherake was moved to lower mountain in colorado. it remains pike's peak today. he is a little-known figure today. we are trying to change that. those historians who have studied him. the benefit of lewis and clark, a lot of scholarship. notexpeditions were directly altered by thomas jefferson the way lewis and clark was. we think he was an important figure in the area of western expedition. really createt to a visual image of the american
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southwest. of visual image through the words he wrote, the journals he compiled, and the fact that he published those journals into print before lewis and clark did. they were translated into many languages. people were eager to understand what the west offered. he helped us to understand geography. he did not get the map are vaguely correct. -- perfectly correct. his coverage was somewhat limited. he helped us to understand the connection between the settled parts of the united states and what is now mexico. journals encouraged what would become the santa fe trail. a trade route that links the united states of mexico. his journals created an image of the west as an arid place.
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it further the idea that the west was what he and others called the great american desert. image is something that we still see in reality today, in terms of how try and arid this part of the country can be, and the issues that come with trying to farm in this part of the country. today, there are many ways to get the top of pike's peak. highway,ike's peak which we are standing near now. it is easy for people to get i n a car and drive to the top. there is also the railroad, which is a a train that takes people to the top.
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then there is a trail that a lot of people used to hike to the top. in fact, pike's peak is america's mountain. that is the way we think about it. that bikes may know peak inspired the poem that became america the beautiful by katharine lee bates. she came here to teach a course at colorado college in 1893. during her stay, she took a wagon ride to the top of the mountain. the view down to the plains from the top of the mountain inspired imagestry, inspired the that are captured in the poetry of the united states. we think of pike's peak is not only symbolizing this one location, but in many ways the
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beauty of it and majesty symbolizes the entire country. >> throughout the weekend, american history tv is featuring colorado springs colorado. learn more about colorado springs and other stops on the tour on the website. american history tv, all weekend, every weekend, on .-span3 >> next, the societal shift that occurred during the early 20th century as modernization impacted businesses and households. igo focuses on the literary works of the christine frederick and frederick winslow taylor, who sought to improve industrial efficiency. this class is about an hour and 20 minutes. >> all right. great. hello, everybody. as you know, we will take up the topic -- engineerior


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