tv American History TV CSPAN November 8, 2014 8:20am-8:31am EST
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this weekend, on the c-span networks. tonight at 8:00. a debate on the future of the internet. tavis and television host smiley on his new book. on the idea ofng racial progress in america. pulitzerr of two prizes on what makes us human. the social prejudice immigrants face during the 1800s. sunday night at 8:00, the 25th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall. find your television schedule on -- us at
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joined the c-span conversation. like us on facebook. follow us on twitter. touring long, c-span is cities across the country, exploring american history. visit toa recent colorado springs, colorado. you're watching american history tv. >> colorado springs is known as a terrific city because of our fantastic climate, a terrific arid climate, and also because of a great opportunity for outdoor recreation. tremendous park system. you can spend every day and something equivalent to the national park right outside your back door. shortly after settlement of colorado springs in 1871, we became known as destination for people with tuberculosis.
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it was the leading killer in the 19th century in the united states. it affected just about everybody in the country. during the early years, the only treatment that was offered to people with newly diagnosed tuberculosis was to go out west and to seek a cure. people would come to colorado springs on the recommendation of a doctor, who would tell them to go chase the cure, get out of your urban environment and leave your job in a factory and to go seek health care. what made colorado springs particularly attractive for "lungers" was the fresh air and the sunshine. we promoted it as a destination for people with tuberculosis.
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it was one of our first and only industries, health care. it was founded in a place without a major industry and health care became the major industry. from the 1880's through the 1940's. in the early years, they would and take the waters in man manitou and spend time in the great outdoors and using those methods was a form of treatment. after the founding in 1871, a new method for treating it was developed and that was called the sanatorium movement. they were less active when treating the disease. it was managed health care in
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which you were under the close supervision of doctors and nurses who provided a daily regimen of rest, fresher, an -- rest, fresh air, an excellent diet, monitoring by health care professionals. those things combined help to lead to a cure 60% of the time. because of how closely colored a springs is connected with this movement, we have a rich collection related to tuberculosis treatment and the health care industry and one of them is this cola bottle. manitou, on the western side of colorado springs, contains the bulk of our mineral springs in the area and you can still go there today and drink from the mineral springs. we packaged a lot of water and
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the water initially was one of the key reasons why people came here, what they called promenading from spring to spring. getting the exercise but also taking the waters. the water is mineral heavy, so each spring has a little bit different taste to it. i mentioned that some of our key commercial activities was a result of tb patients who came and stayed. one example of that is a man named van briggle. he was a potter who came here to recover from tuberculosis. he was supposed to stop working and clay, but could not get away from it. this is a photo of him working on a piece of his cup. "the chalice cup."
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it was one of his most recognizable pieces. one international claim we have, we have one of the cups from his pottery in our collection. this is from 1920. has been anottery active part of our community since he came to colorado springs. it is highly prized and collectible all across the world. people come from all over the world to visit the museum today to do research. and to appreciate our collection of van briggle pottery. colorado springs market itself for health care. this is one of the pamphlets put together by the chamber of commerce from the early 20th century. health." we promoted ourselves all over the country and the world as a destination for people with
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health care issues, especially tuberculosis. to come and see the cure. the cure. we marketed ourselves as location that was free from all germ life. i do not know if that claim would hold water today. the museum owns and interprets -- there would have been similar huts in all of the sanatoriums around the community. they are patterned off of american indian teepees. dr. fox gardner, who came up with the concept, designed these for natural airflow. air flows from the bottom up to the top to maximize the amount of fresh air. one patient assigned to each of
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these huts. there may be colonies of hundreds of these at each of the sanatoriums. they are designed to isolate patients, to help them understand the communicable nature of the disease and to teach them about sanitary conditions and health care practices so that when they go back to their homes, to their jobs and families, they can help to spread that information instead of the disease. the sanatorium era lasted from the late 1880's until after world war ii. during world war ii, streptomycin was discovered to tuberculosis and treated chemically as opposed to fresh air and food. by the end of world war ii, this part of our history was coming to an end.
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what had been a major industry in the community was going away. what we did to recover from that was attracted the military and today, colorado springs is affiliated with military, five major installations here in colorado springs. including the u.s. air force academy. that part of our history, this idea of colorado springs as a military town is simply an evolution for colorado springs as a health resort. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] find out where c-span is going next online.
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you are watching american history tv. all weekend, every weekend on c-span 3. >> each week, "reel america" brings you archival films that help tell the story of the 20th century. 50 years ago, on august 27, 1964, president lyndon b. johnson accepted the presidential nomination at the democratic national convention in atlantic city, new jersey. less than a year earlier, lbj was sworn in following president kennedy's assassination. he would go on to win the general election against barry goldwater. next, president johnson's speech, in which he outlines the goals of what he calls a great society. this is about 30 minutes. >> he appreciates this tremendous reception, but he has a message to give to you and the american people. [applause]
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