tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 16, 2014 5:00am-7:01am EST
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not to adopt the hard work of this group have to decision, they will say they did not constrain things. sgy lzhósoá[)]1h)w what i would suggest to you is be a little careful about drilling downñ un too deeply into how these delegations are determined."búñ do focusfmir on ayzz manageable number particularly aniîiu number, because you have to manage with that in mind. but ath)÷ the same so%y q who had been outside and willjt, outside, q- convention, we will have to a judgment about what we've done here. >> thank you representative.8 >>? wo
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we're a think tank. in for the think tank work we have to have ideas and participation. in indianapolis we had just over 30.x we are leaving a lothuvez of states on the table. they are noth@ and to the senator's point, w80÷c÷ going to be judgedda#y later by how9 and how much work we did.'[fwç so to the point of the three five or seven=;&r is going to encourage #qparticipation, in that if i'm m%z%ty leader andt4@< i decide not to send my cf two delegates but my minority leader to the state of indiana i'm not likely to miss the opportunity to send the majority's voice with him.f38 l5z majority rule, minority writes. ideas, it doesn't matter. but ultimately we need all 50
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states here to have those' because we're not'p at the"8e we needgd ez 50 states. we need legislators here to carry theáatu; ideas back to all states. so if we came up with anhzáx idea for legislation, so just forb!be# instance, if we decided wm ijfç wanted to write model < legislation, uniform, to request an article 5
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a minority member ilñ in the house and m jort member of the house minority member of the senate and majority member of the senate, then ipú reflectsdiyky3xq>5á body which mostlyú÷ reflects thec]2ñ con stit u ency and swhatever the house is, would be able to select thatrf! fifth2dañ0 or two leadersnl@ ( agree on one. but if it was a flip of the coin so to say if they couldn't agree that house1s lead wore have that prerogative. so i think thatm$rñ that is >a !%9 o with regard to ara membership. one other÷u item that i did -- is in the lekd@ latory provisions of article 1 just in section 1 in terms of transparency and those persons all around the countryfhpr(t&háhp &hc% that want to learn more about what's going onhú1vy i think that in section 1, itìáhp &hc% state this nonprofit is f.g0ganized
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under.x theac8'ñ assembly state legislaturebíz rmbá incorporated organized under thatseño4 included in there. and inoj everyu4"íñ year to have annualk registrations of corporations, even nop ÷ añprofits, and being able to go to the secretary website and find out who founders are information on bylaws and the operatingkcli=ui assist that effort rather thaná narrow. >> represenv0 5uz -- >> just to let you know, i!2÷ left that outì organizedx2=ñ under the laws of the state of ohio wer problem getting them c so that's whyu@uc rj left out. but i;abrl can include that if all other 49 states think okay, in ourcs bylaws. >> so i will recognize the gentleman with the red tie.#9srç
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>> thank you, mr.ñhbnñ chairman. mike hill representative from florida. talking about have been so especially when we talk about transparency anlw it inclusive and have everyone involved.t some statement in there"n that all open to ñ public.l florida is aw part of the sunshine law which saysñ with he have to/a:ñgu operate with complete transparency, with not only what wevwy decide here, but also open to the public. i think that might bx4pav h8@jrqp important to make surez g that we're letting people ow that this entire process is about3e(+#ñ public and not just a few making decisions qafq) all.( >> okay. >> thank ñ you. representative hill, you can come back over here. yes. get to the
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article 2 section 4.d.n5-w >> thank you. mr. chairman. á@ senator from idaho. i think one of the things that we haveeo-0q&s2zzq talked about as well is legitimacy of what we are trying to accomplish.)me since we have participation from both parties. ,y6béñx=jy >> if you look at:xn÷ryiñc mz articletñ!bç 3 sectionx@vny 5, and remember, everw you could have 50 people here.óéi=b you're only going to geá ú oneabfmu vote. but it is important that 50 bipartisan. and we could easily say we have three delegates as outlinedñ2s in
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sectionflftqs r 4, section 5,72kt but at the end of the day, if a state wants helpñ the threea[f delegates determine the right way to go?&$ @r(t&háhp &hc% there's no limitation. there's nothing in here that says their's limited in the number of people that they can send. i think it's important to recall that all ofgñwáfl anda,gí!
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good for them. and they can afford to send many people as they want. but in idaho,÷o 1q send one or two. and i think túáf1 o section 4 kind of presses the buttons of the leadership people÷;x that are hesitant to appointúwñ anyone to come to this and legitimize what we're doing because the(9fn minority can easily send someone from a minority state that the? 'q majority didn't send anybody from. and i don't think a majority leadership is going to allow that to happen.é@7 now, getting away from the3 w l= ry thinking about the political.unñ8dñ ramifications, in our subcommittee weq/hoñ had a constitutional scholar talk us to today aboutt"9) rticle 5. one of the things that he mentioned was the fact that there are some parties are amux
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see>$ty us not be successful.0vnñ(- and what would bez½>1 allowingh) each party to participate is going to allow the other&vc k to7syjñ participate.s to make sure?.f we havex t÷ both party voices here. >> i think that's healthy and i think that's smart. >> thank you. thank you, senator.rweá so we've got a few more thingn.dç on the ageneral doo we want to give -- we want robust debate on these by laws:w&
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we have on these today. so i'm goingivúñ to take a few more comments on'[y'÷ article 2 section 4. is thererj)%i somebody that has some perspective that we've not heardc of on this issue?raará let's go ahead andxf with the striped tie. >>qxz mr. chairman, is this meeting5&: open or closed or juste -xá nyh,ñxa.÷ to the public today?ñ are there people outside? can they sgqíç upé?;çc,)de aeb listen or what is.ñé÷ our procedureal >> the meeting is closed g n3czáo people sitting here but$g#ñ it is 25átáu ver c-span. okay.u uuzjd ñ
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>> soarqjb a new comment. this gentleman right here, yes. >>!hh?g2hñ gapzkevinlandburg, colorado senate. two comments ixqy:uá have, one, i must admitq section 4. but i'llílv be frank with you. if it truly is a closed meeting, then i have to leave. because that's colorado law.= mtp÷h÷ but now with thet m1 i'm presuming something opposite of that.$dxs3,1 ,%h+q that issue does need to be4j ealt with and figured out fully down the road at the minimum.+31,ple8f4ó-[nyñ broadcast,78i'll accept that, but beware, some states are that way. funding. this is what i rise to really speak to. this is the assembly of state ÷-
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legislatorsejs legislatures,na7+ not legislators. there needsf number but needhwñt number becausex if you have aésx split delegation and they divide their vote then so be it. that is the reflection of that state.sq]ñ @r(t&háhp &hc% if they have bs one person who is capable of=? coming then so be it state as well&á vf7t but i[7n want to row mind us that we meet as delegationes from our state, not legislators with individual votes. thank yo%4nm >> thank you senator. andñp:2 just clarification, those here are credentialed. this is akz credentialed meetingçm/f&eypu statement as far"g0h as whatí@ñáw
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meeting is. versus closed. but it isnip open and just"/l venue here is more difficult than1 z@q we had in indiana where people could come into the"[ñ hopefully we'll have those venues in the future.re5ñ and i think they would at least observe what's going on. yes.jnie÷ó charles van zant, floridaéiwhouse.l÷!nñ couple. one, i'm an arc democratic by profession.ñ oroxkí
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once the word is are reanlyu out and it,$7 is;u;cñ x63w not reallyza but once this gets rolling&dç there's going to be a lot of interest from people allt across the:s country as we want. and so i would0b8ñ suggest that thekásnv states be able t send. i2qéd3/ favor theqú.÷ sixth delegate. i think that would be good. but i thinkwq legislation, or limit the state from sending all of the +qz&j juáháhat they want7 because they've got to get together and decide how they're in florida we"bñ decided before we ever came to indianapolis that we would ask for one vote one state and that we, evenllz though there are 12 others and only 11 we would getf and isé(wx think that's makes#(j itg fair for the nation but i don't think
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we ought to limit the number people a state can p gsend. whether it is because our executivek0o÷ committee couldíc.:>jgé[ñ simplyóaabny establish a fee for the delegates and the state could end other members at their own expense. not at the members expense ifxc the state$=uw wanted to fund thatl#!z&r thçdiiqe wanted to fund that. s?y but i think the executive committee could say each delegate cost so much money. even nows 'ñ we're all sendingsnzñ in ígsly $100 to help fray the expenses. but maybe it cost more than that." %m3ttr2orto come and for you all to 9 on tine a venue that's large enoughl
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the nation of interest to modify this constitution so that we get our goa(e ieved sooner. mx÷ secondly i have a>dvd)xz in article 2 that saysé"z?]kinñ essentially d.eá a co-presidents lack jointly seating duly members;dh of thehn6b state legislature, even though they did not ele"w3ex toca5 send anybody if anyone juyreñ showed up and co-presidents will[?u them.pi á executivex acting for a state without the state's permission. and it is anm&gn dangerous thingqc9ñy,yky6 for us to get permission if our i could presidents. those are my comments. thank you. >> thankña you. those are g and i think we're headed toward a pretty good solutionñ& total jr@)÷number. but
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there's a practical circumstance here and i won'tóqo?hpái for a show of handdkcñ=/ r"ñ here butcgjf probably half of the members@ indianapolis were not duly appointed members.÷&ú c>÷)/tzk: and that is going to continue to happen even in situations where there wfz the majority lea$ü @r(t&háhp &hc% they just don't care.u"ç4@ and we're nott acting"l39mq their will. if you want go into it that fine. i'm not@ appointing you because i don't have to pay you or whatever it is. and we will have people show upí.1
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individual state thatviolate estate sover]kacjz our mind. and i do think we shouldd encourage as many people as possible and if:)$ we coí 7 if we charge a fee for attendance like we would any other convention, that's fine, part of the cost of doing business. we are=&l5 free enterprise and things cost money. but ixñh] think we ought to encourage as many people as possible to come and once, the other states%¡t see thatj growing, they're not going to give up their placeqj( table.t+dp they will sen$k p r(t&háhp &hc% and they've all got th send a small delegation. thank qbp-,q)y much, mr. chair.=m here, i see it have been around having'55e( official delegates. and bringing other unofficial just bymzññ a show of hands,ñ
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many could liveepz?#qvvñ with that change in the bylaws.%á/ak okay.8yi÷z all right. all right. that's unofficial. we're just trying to get a straw i'm going to recognize representative from ohio ande12aç then ask if otherppd+s)jot1ñ havedñqx ñ hdt> other parts on the q9/juápáylaws. >> thank you with be ñ[ representative. you have taken th&fázq1 u @r(t&háhp &hc% out of my comments.ra6÷ >> i=o wish we had more time but we are limited on time, unfortunately.y =m but at the same time with six folks, ank&sh a number ofgaá
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has to be defined who makes the final decision. because you are lobbyingtm going on. i4d%" it is democracy. the way it should be. i'm not opposed to that. but at the end of the day, and those six people are=@89 going to have to make that call. the other thing i'myxfrm concerned about is that if we get too political and bipartisan, if you will, and talking aboutosf(m>g(h parties, then there's going on in washington right now about parties.-:÷÷>h fs and i would hateé[g to find as we have it in ourd c government. somd we can, a scenario that's to bring about final solutions in getting this moving, is a deep concern off i would not like to continue and continue and continue. ñ1vch+/ thank you. >> thank you, mr.
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representative. so what other sections do we want to address that we have potential discussion on?b=vç raise your hand and state the article number and>é( the section.ysjç yes. i just want to find out what other sections we want to discuss. did you have one of those? yes?/eh8 >> n okay. >> 3-4 h. okay.h. okay.. okay.4tstj(t&háhp &hc% 3-2. and -- >> 1-2. >> 1-2.k- 2-5.z/$8/d 1-2. 1-3. okay.!
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wait just a second, it'll come on.ejf#ñjr >>o/c >> i think i would summarize the con veri invite legislative leaders to react in this way. i like what we intend do. we can recommend they follow a process but i don't think we can compel them to live by a certain set of rules.r8ds%]xhfrñynfcd i think we might want to consider an amendment that says this is the preferred process and we will be talking to both minority andxchp jju)uv people and here is how you but at the end of the day it is who they want to send. okay.=wfcb >> gentleman is back. >> okay. fmr= wñ+q consistent with what some of my house members are saying how
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about having añl(cñ limitation on/f3z voting members but not on membership itself?b,naf you can have as% í many members say a flol]ñ can have as many members as we like but we just place a limit on the voting members. >> mr. >> yeah. i thinkbñ that -- >>yy÷ that iszzbnx consist ept with again what wev! have ( is determine who legitimately is loading for thatwäc'd you know, the reason why we have the same rulesh">> for everybody is so that folks don't come and say, well, they've got 40e and we've only got one and are they all going tog committees and so we can determine those rules and i would think that most of the state? legislative leaders would know, and it appears that conversation ise#yexxt"( ñ headed towards the p1c÷qés2.1, 2.1 model.
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and it takes3 8p$$%qe appointments it takes care of majority and itzc is a manageable number too,x t (uá that doesn't mean that we can't have 40 people from florida in the middle of the summertime and we come from ohio.f3d :v >> we have our voting members representative. >> i don't know how this functionally changes any of that. >> you can still bringemñ 2 up, you can still caucusp;tór(t for floridae33÷÷÷ this may be totally applicable. you can bring wlofr you want.qkzy the problem becomes when three all all show upesbz and say we are here to vote for wyoming. no we are. appointed. so if%k)(!q)z the end it's all
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informal however it is and florida wants(îwhen they get to stand up and say i'm the guy or gal i and all of the other florida heads- because we got a letter from the speaker and we did it according to our rules. so functionally,g@w& it isn't any different for you. and just to emphasize, this is this is theah&pg assembly of statez!ú> and kelly f6 arizona. to that point,5 this document, i believe the irs will require is whether it's"x!p÷ a membership organization or not a 1 membershipú£v[qn organization as far as the tax-exempt that type of thing if
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i'm understandingãkrktly as far asqocñ applying for nonprofit status for aú so the bylaws- organizations that i've created only want -- they only want know whether the organization or $: the details about the membership can be itemized in the operations h manual. so i would propose that we just lz decided a membership organizationx%b7=95 m!%a organization in the bylaws and table this there is going to,q1]k take a committee to hash this ouh1on cf1 o we don't have the time to go through this and finally get it right in the time here do it correctly. so i would propose a bylaws w:ti$(t&háhp &hc% committee or excuse me, operation manual commit=bzguját getvebq all these details just in thet amount of;a time on it that it deserves in the future but as i see that there is a sense of5 urgency to get bylaws complete so that you can go through the irs process and that would be my recommendation and bylaws alone that you just leave it vagueb=o and!''n far as membership and
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what the irs requires.kd >> okay. thank you. >> okay.2aw conrad over here, gentleman, yes, right -- yes.eúbñç< >>z b é-eu(ur+e from north carolina. i will be briefrng thoughts. let me just say, that when you ;d7 when you have floor dell gits an my thought is that if you have we will say five or six if you wantav/hto allow floor delegates@[ from each state. and let's say if you had five.-2fu are one ofb(4"jjut that all five you want to say that. -h2mw$er words if they can't get come. then you just send g údx or you can send ever how many you want to but you can have a÷oh maximum of five. forwardh& delegates and if one state want to send 25 people and have them[
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area or aoz something like that, that's fine. but"@q if, we somehow got 50 states to show up with five people each, which would be the idealbñ of 250 people, there are plenty of places in this country that can accommodate you looked. i think that would be reasonable and prescribe, i think the last prescriptives with can be, know, we're spending a lot of time trying to make decisions in it room that wepli8xh3@m÷ don't have to make in this room that the states can make. i don't think we have nece[ç 1eprescribe that equal number has to come from the house and senate.. x and then decide@5 let senate #$leader and house leaderyi]% you may have
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from day one mount vernon it wasn't equally= can't make it be equally partisan.i xhe;>y6#d we can be bipartisan and it will be. somebody mayzs= have any $÷ legislat/ with thetvq@r?jcf÷ abilitye7> to be ah1n member and that's a greatta6 not even have some modest dues. andf .wáot3éxñv/ why not let,qvo+p member pay $2 a or $50 to be a]é& member and letf them come even if they can't be a floor delegate or an alternate and participate in some way.z$.ñ and if you look at this entire document in a way that is not a#0 prescriptive than we have to be,w these i"3 and not have so many requirements, maybe recommendations at best. recognize the lady here with the glasses. top of your head. z#
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>> in the state of alaska, my only concern isubt that the states don't choose anybody -- you can't choose who comes here, you i think you'll get! into aú áç lothbh- of trouble, naming anybody whol shows up without -- yeah on section 8. i understand what you're trying to do i think it is great what you're try doing but at the end ;ú with what was just said.aâ#sk5@ox and if you fill in thefm6t details, and the federal government, we# basically tell each other what to do and we are sent here to stop doing that. and so,
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but they have to bring the states along with them. =béñ but that's okay. it is mygx(5d responsibility ift8t7ñ i came here to make sure that iz take care of my majority and make sure that they sent me. i should be able to participate, like they saidd0d:÷ i think it's great. i've got like five or six members on my committee. i don't want just a couple of them coming. if i come from the state raalaska and they didn'tuár(t(oint anyone!!ç i can still participate and take that back home. of all of the great things wegomv passed up by not being at the table to vote. and hopefully that will change if you don't bring them into partiescipate participate, they won't participate in any part of it. i think thak?ñ dangerous.sfmìáhp &hc% >> this gentleman has been waiting, from wyoming. >> okay.
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>> thank ce=1yyou, mr. chairman.[9oxo cf1 o i'm froma;r;ñ 1&ñwyoming. i will switch articles and is that appropriate yit at this time? >> i think we want to stick on this. make sure we fully debate this. this section. and then we will move on to the nk f3uj )jjy >> thank you. >> mr. t/fjchairman, thanks. >> go ahead. >> i'm not sure ifmu9oq we have to go&e i think we have run over on this. >> i think what we will donu is until the break on this(qeìáhp &hc% then because of item!é&io -- the limitation act which is om&>reduced, we will have time for committee reports after0 fs. >> let me say this. i thought of this when representative jones;tu -- fay or senator jones? bgl+n5uju(ur+e jones speaking. this conversation is whyxu#y it's been 200 plus years that we haven't add convention of the states.
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ands4e÷ i don't mean that sarcastic? sarcastically s3úzáur(p&ly. we have 50 diverse cultures. and different ways of doing business. and we think differently and you know, we don't do things the same wq vermont.n3x÷ and that's a great model for the marketplace. when we come togetherg collectively and did @
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and yeah. if i'm the speaker of the house and they say have do, i might say, i'mx xt not going that. you don'tebl# have to. but collectively do this to work, n everyone has to do a little bit out of their comfort zone here.íalcñ i think that this the two in one model for eac> sense for most folks.ãu and we haveõlp )yj the comments azés
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governance. and deciding how it is we're going to make decisions.l3ú?zv&ñst= and if we can getwzqú a, you know carrier pigeon can drop it÷jxu in from every state vote on each vote,ñotñ÷ that would be great. but we'/ some structure here that may not be the same way that 1%$1 @r(t&háhp &hc% would draw up.2f,ñ and this document which you can see my scrawlings on it there, represent the changing of what happens sincec'i indianapolis and what phonemçh calls i've made to each of you. it may be a good idea to put this off until we have too on something. but at some point we have to, i think, make the decision. maybe just people will show 0497 but thew d couple folksw
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buy-in. if we don't have ledgeaq ieáhp &hc% legislators coming have tallahassee or carson city and say, look what we did, when you appoint dmoed this, this is whu and then it gets adopted and then we have a product that exists.uú >> >> if we make abpñ decision today and you're uneasy with that decision and we good ayear and it turned out that wasn't a fan tastic decisionz change pit. so i don't want to get" down and have our tires spine()xqbñ let's move on and then if it doesn't work --óñxñd eñemhvlín>! u
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>> we have -- >> these bylaws may be affirm bade majority of the members. >> it is just an amendment claws in the bylaws.4hbh aññ >> and here is something[y else and this representative ktef just a mentioned thisp6#88! old leadership switcher ps oo we@1ç all get adcdvq the end and i'm only the speaker pro tem. i can't really do that. but that'sdr the other thing is coming to consensus withb6)ñ a group like this we don't have the÷ñh@- normal ince thatb$b9zn/fç word or pressures or state legislatures.oñ
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>> means 25% of it stinks. but you end up voting for it and because we are the member after particular caucus or who knows what the reasons are.s[y we don't have those pressures here.c@(qrt$xç#2ñ:oh!;r >> that's part of those things that if we don't sort of drop it is more difficult buzz we don't have all of those relationships and i think that:sy that's why chris talked aboutbdsjr(t&háhp &hc% the impor e- of us kind of getting to know each other as much as we can.x and you know, so that'srp4z a very simple amendment process and=zq the bylaws can be amend bid a majority of the members.thplú >> p7ñevl$opt oh, i have miep.2ppv
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>>rn.2ñá@)li7á÷o >> and we recognize representative ivory. >> thank you, senator.% representativekkvx of utah. >> i just want to/ make sure we xn &háhp &hc% don't have to pass this to make sure what's in the rest of it.6z!u >>/flv since you pointed that0 thank ñlc÷you. i'm reminded aa lord can't steer a parked car.k#c the fact that there is a provision i would suggest we get the car in gear and start it and would suggest that what we're
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and procedures. we're going to put a.>s flag in the ground. that's all wn!çfî%9 ]ffj and it is very important. it is criticallyólf] important and also chrisically importantsic critically important that we get the car&8>) in gear and get it xabmoving. >> we are here to have a set of procedures tol[kga$áñd propose a$az÷ potential convention down the roadx> that would choose to adopt or not adopt. and while i've got the mic i would s÷ suggest in article 1 section 2 that we also include that it is states for proposing amend pt to the united states constitution that becomes critical language and at least![5l for uslcáwñ inp would clarify what thefi+kv)pose is and then there is grammatical things off line i'mdñ-blx reminded t yu dif reps between let's eat grandma and letsññ"do eat grandma
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is very critical. grammar can save lives so i make suggestions off line.zt;ña"y >> thank you.d g3 >> i would ask that we consider one other thing. i have been involved in this for more than 3 will years.5g &háhp &hc% as we passed 5ñ for the 29f÷[th state. an amendment of south dakota rbiy legislature. and since i came back, this is what i've worked on to get us back it a point where we can do something.ádis i have worked hard it mick sure this people are hz" i had 17 that actually showed up at mount vernon and 14 got seated.1zlx 9] and at the same timenmsñtah
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this and i think like the i this will push me out becauseg iz+pññ will be out of the legislature in seven weeks.mdn >> and i ? a congressman ornñ senator and there is somebodyi) -- and to go along with this, our democrats, i actually worked p our minority to5 try and get them, the minority leader fromn,ñ the house and senate because of term limits or he will be going to the senate next month. he voted on this and every issue that came up on it:4but hg not appoint someone to go to any of thep because frankly, none of us areebno cf1 o paid for this. well, there are now, some approved for pay.ev&
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i could not go to indianapolis. and that was family.éqmfz@]b t and then when they appoint someone and when i work with there minority leader to do something and÷ap hebhqwb wouldn't do itcl.[ andkyf1ñ couple of retired democrats would have come here and they would have done it in heart beat and on their "vxown. but when they wouldn't and we are look north one, then i push for representative to be,bxu÷á÷9z#xñs37÷ the other =4a that if you don'tc allow]m us were go tock gone and term limit wi7 iq" ájjtq @r(t&háhp &hcfluá$páhu ai a.3 but some of the potential supporters that could be very useful at home in this states to get things done.qmw
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i would ask that you consider 96a!q that. thank you. >> thank you, representative. >,# hññ thank youzbáv mr. president. i'm alan hayes from florida. and down there we operate but an unofficial rule that says, if you x51h÷óy4bñmove, you snooze. if a leader chooses not to send a delegate to this./d[x meeting with9axv$(t&háhp &hc% with with then so be it. we would like to have everyone participate but we 9 them participate. in keeping with what representative ivory todayznm%ç say wei+5ñ pretty well beat ñ this horse;d2ñ to andp put it in perspective. what we are doing here is
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vitally important or we wouldn't4m z be here. ho7>pxac5ñ important as itb%4x is to each of us without 34 states petitioning the u.s. congress for the united states, all our work here is for not.s>h: i think it 9lbis's time for us to quit beingg6hki so picky picky picky, and recognize that what we're doingr official bear wlag so ever.% añ 7wh if we areqv)[x=ñu yd/0c able to come to a completed work product which i certainly hope we do that will only be a recommendation to those delegates o
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on women rhetoric.lich on what she perceibr3kúju$e war on women rhetoric.uvtçsfúz kennedy? >> well,!d>+ like i saidc k: idea where the book came from, in the convention where they showed his video where he pass aid way and portraying him as women rights champion when he left a young woman to drown in his car.e aid way and ;dz)tjápvr'g him as women rights champion when he left a young woman to drown in his car.d aid way rights champion when he left a young woman to drown in his car. aid way and portraying him as women rights champion when he q young woman to drown in his car.a aid way and portraying him as women rights champion when he left a young woman to drown in his car.aid way and portraying him as women rights champion when he left a young e"x$ to drown in his way and portraying him as women rights champion when he left a young woman to drown in his car.d way and portraying him as women rights champion when he left a young portraying him as women rights champion when he left a young if we had not gone back after nine hours instead of trying to saveñzu*q$ind, she would still be alive. you can't be preaching and fighting about the war on women and glorify someone like that while not including that part of his life in a video about his women's rights record.w jc$/nv >> sunday nightatz at will okay eastern and pacific on c-span'sstb q & a and to mark
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the constitution, our founding charter, which those of us0 hxptr(t&háhp &hc% congress wear to uphold' defendf african-americans as propertynñ and women as second class citiça ip r(t&háhp &hc% the history of our country has been ac!3wuz slowke'ñ- march. brave men and women have fought ançl sacrificed. sometimes even giving their lives in the struggle to create afa national charter pronq. many of us think about the qìáhp &hc% greatest generation. men and women who served nation so valiantly insiçr world warí7b> ii. i recently red a story that'sm7rmy an illustration of whato5 like in world war ii. italians and germans captured in combatjsi fighting our soldiers/;mñ wereei=u)q nited states as prisoners of war. 8ñáj
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they were]vzbt in places like military forts, like inli fort benning georgia. in fort benning prisoners of washington had access to make purchases in the base exchange.ek=ú american soldiers did not have that opportunity.> < ä4 i$at access. if rs 2.3 millionõrhñ americans are incarcerated that's triple the amount of o 30 years ago. 25% no drug offenses. chiets engage in drug offenses at a higher rate than americans. but african-americans are incarcerated at a rate ten times greater than african-americans for these offenses.y9vp6l america's change pedd.ccv
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the election of our first black president shows we've come a long way as a nation.j)hv but it is important to recognize and say very[m thateafnt there in america and we still have more work tok)mkñdo. this subcommittee tried to look intently not just our past but to our present and to our pip÷ ,=&v future. to examine what more needs to be done to pro secretary civil and human rights in america.3- subcommittee the human impact ofóc< most directly those affected. we have given a plot form to voices nteheard in the halls of congress. i would like too0@2@xthow a brief video to remind us all what is at stake.:!&ú÷( k$2ñu
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>> in o:fhy!sgq2001,v sentenced to almost 22 years in prison for selling a small amount of cocaine. her brotheri difference of pot and crack cocaine. >> i'm here to tell you things my sister eugena would say if they was here today.h ÷7+h-zh z the severity of the mandatory[/&íñ minimums and thosee#k and pot or cocaine have affect mid family. in 2010 after 18 years ind prisonz solitary koun solitaryñ!h(j koun! graves became the 12 death row inmate to be exonerated. he testified before the subcommittee that thei first ever congressional committee on solitary confinement.wh.hrz&/s9he
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>> no one out here can relate to what i've gone through.5ddooq0zñz i've triedmb1 therapy a but it didn't work. in august 2012, the '%)ñgunman killed six people, and aváeñ temple including one month after his mother died, and ever to testify in congress and appearing at a' subcommittee hear awning a hate crime. >> mwik]=i1ñ i cameqai
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>>qkf in 2013 is a breen why fulton testify at a subcommittee of hearing on the impact of so-26 vá ground laws. her 17-year-old son trayvon was shot and killed while:m"j walking through a neighborhood in florida. >> it is unfortunate with what happened with trayvon and that's why i feel it is so important forócçtx#gf8z/ñs( me to be here. so that you all can(:(qñ at least put a face at what has happened with this tragedy.m'kwñ >> lucy m$íccbeth also testified a the subcommittee hear stand your ground laws. listening to music with his friends in a car outside a florida. >> you can never really know my =q because an angry!9'ñ man who owned a gun kept it close at hand and chose toco demonstrate unbridled
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hatred one bummy evening for reasons i will never understand. >> david thi years in solitary confinement atpenitentiary before he:é#dñ was exonerated in 2012. in 2013 he testified about his experience at thesh7 subcommittee's4t secondy çñ hearing on! á solitary confinement. > ñ i don condone with those who have killed and a series of offenses others have done p b5 á them when we put them in solitary for years on end andf treat them as sub human. we are better than that as a civilized society we should be crhad down ñ syndromehóh=t was when he was forcefully removed from a movie theater when we is removed by threew&wñ sheriff deputies.f patty was called195÷ on law enforcement response to disabledy9çñ
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americans. >> they put him on thekq ground and putw8jqz♪t4"iy handcuffs on him and1@ suffocated from being cut on the floor. he was killed over that $10 ajácfz @ ticket. eej >> i worked with tu] subcommittee member yñehere, tomoioñtk would he burn of oklahoma. who is retiring this year.ql together we passed four that gave the government more power to,iañ prosecute human rights abusers. in 2012, the obama add mip strags and this6÷ authority under warlord for using child 1 soldiers. after we learned of the powerful testimony+ñs:ñrick parker a
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to pass the fair sentencing act which significantly reduced sentencinga crack or pot or cocaine and repealed mandatory minimum. after the subcommittee, held the first ever congressional hearings on solitary confinement when we heard from nooem parker graves and damond thibodeau, the federal prisons agreed to my request to submit the first independent assess many of its policies and practices.
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