tv American Artifacts CSPAN February 20, 2015 9:25pm-9:56pm EST
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inister and presented the medal to mare masuda the sister of sergeant kazua, masudo. he couldn't give it to the mother because she was an alien. and even with everything that happened, or yennals were not allowed to become citizens until 1952. and this is what joe stillwell said on the steps of westminister hall. the knee say brought an awful big hunk of america with their blood. i say we soldiered ought to perform a pick ax club to the japanese americans who fought the war with us. any time we see a bar fly commando cooking on these kids or diskrim name e nating against them or their families we ought to bang them over the head with a pick ax. i'm willing to be a charter member. we can't allow a single
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injustice to be done to the knee say without defeeting the purposes for which we fought. so that's the story of -- part of the story of japanese americans in world war ii and the press in world war ii. and, as i said, i, for one at least, don't doubt that it could happen again. and if it does, it will be the press now more diverse press, but more far-reaching that does it. so that's it for today. thank you. >> this is american history tv, prime time. blank blaeng
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eves and this was this treasure. of dolly madison's things. we've had this story available to the public some displaying different items from time-to-time. but trying to include her life story from her birth to her death in 1849. some of the items that we currently have on display, a carved ivory calling card case that has a card enclosed with dolly's signature as well as that of her niece, anna. and a pair of silk slippers that tie across the arch of her foot.
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the sugar plantation people came to japan to recruit workers. they said, gee if you work three years in the sugar plantations of hawaii, it's equivalent to working 10 years in the factories of japan. so close to a thousand people, way back in 1885, went on a three-year labor contract to sugar plantations of hawaii. but when they got there, they found out differently. they had foremans or lunas that had quips. they used the leter whips on the workers. so a slave-like condition. so many of them got out of their three-year labor contract, escaped to the coffee plantations or the pineapple plantations. some went back to the cities, others were enticed to go to the mainland. many of you heard of benjamin franklin. however, he wanted to keep america white. way back in 1751 franklin says
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he didn't want the blacks or the asians here in america. and in the 1850s, america wanted to build a transcontinental railway from new york to california. but they couldn't get enough workers. so what did america do? they went to china to recruit the chinese to come and build a railroad. after railroads were built, they didn't want the chinese here. so they had antichinese movement as early as 1879. every dog has its day. red gentleman to yellow gentleman. this was 1879 three years later, chinese were excluded in 1882. this is an actual remnant of world war ii.
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this is one-third of an original barracks in wyoming. that was a camp i was incarcerated in. so we'll go on the inside and see the structure. the smallest camp was about 67,000. the largest camp around 19,000. i was incarcerated in wyoming about 60 miles from the east gate of yellow stone national park. i was 11. came out at 14 queers old. so basically, three years and three months. i'll show you some illustration. this is by estelle peck. she was married to a japanese person. so she came into the camp. she wrote the book "loan heart
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palpin". and this is an ill trags. here is a pot belly stove. we fed coal into it. by the way, we used all military terminology. so we lived in barracks. and then we ate at the mess hall. so we were fed three meals a day. this is what really broke up our family unity: as a family, we sometime ate breakfast togt. but by lunchtime and dinner time, we were regulated by the dinner gong. any time we heard the gong, we we believe the to the mess hall and then went out to play and then out to school. we didn't have a chance to discuss family matters at the dinner table because we didn't eat together. and then, the la treens.
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a woman in heart mountain complained, so they put partitions, but, still, no doors. so in camp, they said gee, they have to use strategy just to use the bathroom. they have to go to the end stall, it's the least amount of strafic. no, it e it backfired. everyone went to peek to see if someone was in the end stall. but on the men's side, we didn't have any partition. we had to sit next to strangers and do our personal business. this was probably the worst thing of camp life. and then we had the shower room. the shower room was about 8 feet by 10 feet. on one wall, we had four shower heads. on another wall, about four shower heads. no privacy. you see seven people taking a shower there. and the woman didn't have showers athearted moub tan. they had bathtubs. so, still, you could see the seven woman taking a bath.
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so no privacy. here is a pile of coal. that was one of my jobs. make sure we have enough coal to keep us warm. as you noesed any time we had any wind, we always had dis. so any time we had any wind, we always had a dust storm. there was seven of us about the size of a two-car garage, 20 feet by 24 feet. and we only had one light bulb.
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we had one pot belly stove to keep us warm. but no water. what did we need water for? well, to bathe, to cleanse ourgss, to cook, to drink. but we had no water here. so we had to go to the public laundry room or the public la treens or go to the mess hall to get a drink of water or go to the la treens to do our business. so initially, there was another unit beyond here for family of four or five. and then it duplicated. so a total of six units in about six families, about 25 people lived in one barracks which was 20 feet wide and 120 foot long. initially, we didn't have any insulation. so very cold. we had happened to get one of the coldest winter in wyoming history, minus 28 degrees. so we suffered the first winter but by the second winter, we had insulation called celetex.
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the celetex is a small piece up to the left up there, about a half-inch thick insulation that we had throughout. and most camps did not have a ceiling. but we did have a ceiling. so it cut down on heat as well as sound. so some people said gee as kids, we're fortunate that our parents wouldn't dare raise their voice because it would be heard throughout the 120 foot of the barracks. one week's notice right there. on the exclusion order there was 108. right here we have a world war
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i veter ran. he's protest inging. he was labeled as an enemy alien. he protested and had to go to the camps ef though he fought for america during world war i. little known fact is that we had about 2200 japanese latinos japanese latinos from these wliet-named countries, central america and south america. president roosevelt requested of all the countries to ascend people of japanese ancestry. brazil had the largest japanese population. but they refused to cooperate with president roosevelt. at e and who kidnapped around 1800 japanese peruvians went through the panama canal regarding to texas. and the central american countries also had about 40006 them. incarcerated here in chisto city, texas.
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president rose velt wanted prisoners of war. so during the war, sweden in a new tral country sent a ship here to long island, new york. there, they got 5,000 japanese. some japanese latinos and some that wanted to go back to japan from the camp. or so called troublemakers. so they got 5,000 of them bordered the ships and went around africa to india. there, they met a red skrosz ship with 5,000 americans and were stranded in japan and exchanged prisoners of war there. >> aboard are 663 americans.
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>> in 2 camps, they try to make it as normal as possible. they try to give them a respectable funeral service. but sometimes, they could not get fresh flowers. so sometimes these flowers were made of paper. so they had origami flowers. they tried to make an add normal situation as normal as possible. for example, right here, they chose the high school prom queen. she didn't have a beautiful crown, but at least they went through the procedure of electing a prom queen. during world war 2, "life requests magazine presented this. i sort of snicker at it. it could be either or japanese or chinese or corenal, vietnamese. it could be any of those. but i sort of snicker at it because this is how you can tell the dwimpbs between a japanese and a chinese. hearted mountain camp was infamous for the protesters.
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right here is the court trial in chayenne wyoming: 63 members of the heart mountain camp were -- got draft noess. they resisted. they said unless you free our family, then thelds not serve uncle sam in the yietsds army. the courts said no, regardless of the family situation, they have to report to the service. they refused so they got federal penitentiary service, 2-3 years. so a total of 85 protested from heart mountain, wyoming. a total of about 300 protested from the ten camps. when we were incarcerated in the camps, everyone got one of these. they told us to go to the hay stack and fill it with hay.
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as i mentioned, i was a youk kid of 11 years old. so fortunate, we had a boy scout woman. heart mountain camp had the largest boy scout movement of all of the camps. we had seven troops, vary cub scout troop girl scout troop, brownies. we had thousands of kids in organized sports to keep us active in the camps. this drum happened to go into the camps during world war ii. and, initially, when it went into camp, it had an american flag and a japanese flag. but it wasn't popular to be japanese. so they changed the japanese flag to american flag there. oempb 17 or orlder had to fill out a loyalty questionnaire. where were you born, where were you educated. but the controversial question was question 2e7 and 28.
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basically, it says i will give up loyalty to the emperor of japan. people did not know how to answer that. 17 years old, probably never been to japan. but they didn't know how to answer that. how could they give up their loyalty to the emperor of ja opinion if they never had it. they could you describe only answer yes or no. and then the real other one is that are you willing to fight for the military? where ever called for. and, again 17 years old, does that mean yes you're willing to fight for america and go today or will they wait until you finish your high school, get your high school diploma and go fight for america at a later date. so those are the two controversial questions. number 27 and 28.
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this is about the cyto family. the father protests and says why should you fight for america. we were inkars rated behind bobbed wire fence. no due process of law. these flee boys insisted they're going to fiekt for america. the brother wrote to the father feel proud that your son gave the supreme sacrifice for his country. so he was really sad about that. but tlen two months later, he got killed. now the father is really concerned. so, he asked the department of army to return the third son from combat area. he was refused on the ground that he had one more son at home. but, fortunately, he did goat home.
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initially, the 104 combat team were issued that circular patch there. the arm and the sword with dripping blood. they said that's not us. so they had given permission to draw up their own patch. so they drew the red, white and blue background with a liberty torch. so that represents a precedent for 442nd regimental come water team. this is one of the models of one of ten camps. this was located 2 hub miles north of loss angererless. 101 of them were incarcerated here in the camp. the camp had a population of
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about 10,000 people here. way up in the back, you see this statue or obelisk. that was in the cemetery. so they go to a pilgrimage. now we go up to the kavrp annually. about april or may of the year and remember what happened to them during world war ii. i feel america is the greatest country in the world because president reagan gave us an official apology from the white house. everyone that was incarcerated in camp during world war ii had an official apology from the white house. this is not president reagan's signature.
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this is president bush. we got this o efficient apology and we got a rope ration of $20,000. that sounds like a lot of pun but are you willing to it was a great feeling. about $20,000 for the government. i feel my parents should have got it. he had to suffer all those years after he was 50 years old. for me it was gravy. i put my $20,000 plus to tell our story that this never happens to anyone again.
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anywhere anywhere. we were incarcerated even though we were young american citizens. after world war ii, i just had to finish up my education. i graduated from the local high school. then went on to los angeles city college. eventually graduated from the university of southern california as a teacher. so i put in about 25 years in teaching and hope that we learn from our mistakes and what happened to us during world war ii. but still, i feel america didn't learn its lesson because after 9/11, what happened to the american arabs, american muslim, american people looked down upon them because they looked like the terrorists. so that's what happened to us in world war ii. we looked like the enemy during world war ii, and then after
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terrorists attack the twin towers and the pentagon, they looked down upon the american arabs, american muslim just because they look like the terrorists. so they would have to learn from our world war ii lessons that it should not happen again. this is the national center for world war ii monuments. and we have about 850 names here. people of japanese ancestry that fought for america during world war ii. and you'll see the letters moh behind some of the names. that signified the medal of honor. there's only one person that fought during world war ii that got the medal of honor. but in 1999, they asked president clinton to review the records of world war ii, and
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after reviewing it, president clinton upgraded 20 more people of japanese ancestry to receive the national congressional medal of honor. so now we have 21 person of japanese ancestry that received the medal of honor during world war ii. and shall we say the biggest name that got it was daniel inouye. he lost his arm fighting for america, and he is now the senator from hawaii. senator dan inouye. so also we have a catch-all memorial over here from the spanish american war to vietnam, iraq, everything right here. catch all. we have about 100 names here that gave their life during the vietnam war. and then we have about 250 names here that gave their life in the korean conflict. this is the go for broke monument.
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the regimental combat team during world war ii. the 442nd regimental combat team was the most decorated unit in military history for its size and length of service. they got over 9,000 purple hearts, seven distinguished presidential citations, and there's over 16,000 names here. they are randomly placed by computer so you cannot find someone's name, but we have an index over there by the computer to locate anyone that fought during world war ii. so there's the units they fought with and the various ones throughout world war ii. here's the list of medal of honor winners during world war ii. 21 names and the various decorations that they received. >> you can learn more about little tokyo and the history of
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