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tv   American Artifacts  CSPAN  May 17, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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>> monday night, members of congress on n.s.a. collection of phone records, privacy, and net neutrality. >> section 215 authorizes the bulk collection or ostensibly authorizes because last week we found out the second district federal court agrees with us that the patriot act never authorized these programs, that these programs are illegal. but the n.s.a. would tell you these programs were authorized by section 215. the fisa court proceeded to write a warrant that covered every american citizen. i think our founding fathers would be appalled. >> i think our policy is far from up-to-date. we have policy woefully out of date. we have copyright policy from 1976. a lot has changed since 1976.
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the privacy act was done in 1986. i started working on e-mail in 1989. now we have e-mail is a standard form of communication, one of the most popular forms of communication. yet we still have a situation where a piece of paper in your desk drawer is held to a warrant standard. law-enforcement would need a warrant to access that information. but e-mail is stored in the cloud and not subject to a warrant standard. >> the issue is we are not making a comment. we are saying the internet needs to be open and free. anytime the government gets involved, there is this open ended pandora's box. we have had hearings in which they cannot answer basic questions about what their own rule will do. we are saying let that be an issue for congress.
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it is on the radar. but not be put in place by bureaucrats who have no consequence from the populace. >> monday night at 8:00 on c-span2. >> to mark the 150th anniversary of the surrender of lead to grant in 1865, the national park service invited historians to camp. american history visited to learn about a reconstructed traveling blacksmith forge. when we stopped by, the blacksmith was just starting a fire. >> no, no. that's good.
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>> my name is john baronich. i live in springville new york. , this is a replica of the traveling forges that the artillery and the cavalry would have with them. our basic purpose is to repair items that would break, such as handles and chains. also the farriers would use the forge to re-shoe the horses. i like to tell people our job back here is very similar to a
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a nascar pit crew. we were the nascar pit crew of the 1860's. working with us would be carpenters that would repair the wagons. the wheelwright's would take care of the --cannon wheels wagon wheels. the coopers, the ones who would work on barrels, fixing and repairing barrels. we also have the leather workers and harness makers. and of course, the blacksmith, whose primary job, as i said is to repair items. the biggest job is the farriers. for example in an artillery battery, we have approximately 140 horses, so there are more horses than men. so, they have a really big job.
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multiply 140 times four hooves. so, i have heated up this metal, so i'm going to forge it to a point on the anvil using a three-pound hammer. i look for a nice orange color. we come underneath, and i kind of get in the shade, you can see the orange color. i just want to bring this to a point. so, i hammer a few times on one side, then a few times on the other. as you might be to see it is , beginning to taper to a point.
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once i lose my orange color, i have to put it in the forge and heat it up so the material becomes soft again. i am going to put a smaller piece in so we can work faster. a good blacksmith always has a real good pair of tongs. i heat this backup. now this lever is operating a pair of bellows in the back of the forge, and you can see the gray leather bag going up and down. that is filling up with a air and the air comes out of the top of the forge into the fire pits. in the forge is also -- you will notice it says "forge l." this would be attached to an artillery battery, battery l. down here are three drawers for
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storage. drawer number three has all of our metal. different sizes, different shapes. drawer number one has all of our tools in it, and our gloves, our files, our chisels. and then drawer number two would really have our tongs in it. i do have some modern day things here. first aid kit, etc. but that would be where we would store our tongs, some of the tools to put an back of the -- in the back of the anvil to shape the metal. on the back of the forge is this box, and this would ride up here. in here, we have about 250 pounds of coal. we are very self-sufficient.
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overall, this weighs about 2000 pounds and it would be pulled by 6 mules. i will go back in here and finish forging. thank you. was it hot? >> it was really hot. john baronich: blacksmiths would do a lot of their work at night. basically so we could see the color of the metal. the sun is starting to come up so i half to be careful. i could burn up my piece of metal. there we go. a nice orange color. behind you. now, rounding my corners on here
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and bringing this metal to a point, and then in a minute, i will show you how to bend the point over, and what i'm working on is what i call the pigtail. you can see you would round this off so if you were to hang your hat or coat, it would not rip. it also is kind of decorative. kind of looks pretty with that pigtail in the back, and gives you a place to put your things when you are eating, too. these are some of the items we would make. now i have this to a point. i will heat it back up and roll it. it's always good to have a good apprentice. keep pumping. >> tell us about your wagon. how did you determine the size?
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and design? john baronich: i was a metal and wood shop teacher for number of years, and being a reenactor, we needed a forge for our artillery group. i wrote to the national archives in washington, d.c., and about two months later i received a plan book of about 135 pages of all of the details on how to make the forge. i did make this forge, everything here except the wheels and the vice. it took me two years to build it. i cut down my own oak tree and ash tree and cut to those -- cut those two dimensions. all of the rivets are things that i forged and fabricated. ok, i aim going to bend the pigtail. so, i hold this over the anvil.
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just very carefully hit it. and there is the pigtail at this point. now i'm making a little hook. it looks like this, called the teardrop hook. my next step is to make the actual hook itself. once again, i have to heat it back up. in making the forge, i have come to find out there's only five or six of these in the entire country and they do have an original one, which i did go and see down in chickamauga, chattanooga battlefield.
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i took over 100 pictures so i could get the finer details of the chains on the hooks, so this forge is a very, very accurate. now, i do not want to ruin my pigtail, so i have to cool it off in water to harden it. ok? you can see this as black and this is still orange. this will be very easy now to bend. i put it over the more -- horn of the anvil. straighten it out. and there is my curve. now cut this off here and i will make the top bend, called the
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teardrop. ok. >> ready to heat it up again boss? john baronich: yep, heat it back up. i use a tool called a cut off hardy, which is a chisel with a square shank on it. just put that on the back of the anvil. i will take the metal and i will be hitting this and then i will break it off. a little more. now the hooks that i am making called the tear drop hook was a hook that soldiers would have blacksmiths make.
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i don't want to cut that all the way through, because i will ruin the sharp edge. so, i cut it about halfway. then all i do is twist it right off. now put this in. and i will shape the back end into the shape of a teardrop. ok. >> [indiscernible] john baronich: yep. the soldiers would be marching along, and they might find a piece of chain -- not too much -- they might find a piece of chain or a square nail and they would take that to the blacksmith and ask the blacksmith to make them this hook, the teardrop hook.
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i will make the teardrop end right now. and i just hold the metal in one spot, just pounded to make it -- pound it to make it wide. you can see how that is beginning to look like the bottom of the tear. now i will bring this to a point. and i will put it over the horn and just curl it a little bit.
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as you can see, it looks like a teardrop. when the soldiers had the blacksmith make the teardrop hook, they would go back to their tents and they would write a love letter home to their wife or girlfriend, maybe both, and they would put the date on the top of the letter and they would mail this home. when the wife got the teardrop hook, it told her two things. one, the husband missed her, he wanted to be home. it was a symbol of love. so, she would take the to drop -- teardrop hook and hang it on the wall and she could hang her aprons or maybe her hat or handbag over this. the letter also, because it was dated, told the wife her husband was still alive, let's say on
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, april 12. unfortunately there is a sad side to this story. the soldier, the husband the next day was killed in battle. so, the sergeant or the lieutenant would go out and claim his body, maybe take of a wedding ring and send it back to his wife. when she then got that letter with his personal effects, she would take her items off there hang his items on here and then take her wedding ring off and hang it over here. that was now a memorial to her fallen husband. that is the story of the forge and the teardrop hook. >> this is a lot of trouble for you to do all this. what is the value of it? john baronich: the value is to watch spectators really get into what we are doing and teach people about the history of our country. being a former shop teacher, i became a principal, and teaching
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kids about history is very important for me. most of the items you see in the blacksmith shop, the boxes, the table, the stove, the desk -- are all items i have made from old barn wood. so, it keeps me busy because i like to do this kind of hobby. i like to work with my hands. if i could sum up the last five years with this 150th anniversary series we have been going to i would say it has been , very emotional. we have been on the battlefield with our cannons, because we are an artillery unit. and i can honestly say, once you get into what is going on around you, you really believe you were there at that particular moment in time. gettysburg was very, very emotional for so many all.
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-- so many people. we were just at cedar creek in the fall. again, very emotional for us and we are a federal artillery group. we came down here at appomattox, with the forge and became a confederate group because general robert e. lee surrendered a battery forge and they asked if we could be part of that demonstration. it is emotional for all of us. i know the group we belong to or i belong to is about 80 people and we really like the living history piece. most of us are educators are or former educators and like to interact with people. that's why i do what i do. i never served in the military so this is my way of paying back to those people that have gone before us and served our country. >> are there any stories you can remember from the past four years?
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john baronich: you know, there's a couple things that happen at every single event. i think the favorite, my favorite is, not necessarily one particular event but at every , event we seem to connect with the local people. like yesterday, for example, we had some chicken stew and a couple ladies came by and we offered them, hey, you want some chicken stew? and they ate stew with us, two days ago, and yesterday they came back and -- well, let me show you. they came back with lemon pound cake and cookies for us yesterday for dessert. we just had a lot of fun with them. at gettysburg, we were on cemetery ridge doing blacksmithing, and people were
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coming by and we offered food. the next morning, a gentleman came back with a bushel basket of vegetables from his garden. and that is what we do. that is so much fun for us. those are the things that i like. not one particular situation but at every event, there is just that connection with the local people. these are the tools the blacksmith would have in the forge wagon. this tool is called a flatter, after you forge your metal there are bumps in it from the edge of the hammers. you would put this on the and and fill -- andvil and hit it here and it would make a real
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flat surface on your piece of metal. it's almost like an iron, but you would have to hit it with a hammer. oh, this is pretty cool. this is -- we do not know if this is confederate. one of the guys was telling me this is really an old piece. but the handle is made from an old wagon spoke, wagon wheel spoke. this is one of the punches. again, you heat the metal up and when the metal is hot, it will punch a hole in here, versus drilling it. this is a folding tool. this looks like a hammer, but the back part is rounded, so if i wanted to make a 90-degree bend in my metal, i would just hit this along it line and then i could hit it up straight. i would get a nice 90-degree bend. there are different hammers.
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these are the basics. the ballpeen hammer. the crosspeen hammer because this is straight across. then we have several different kinds of punches. my favorite thing is to ask kids especially hey, you become a , really good blacksmith when you can drill a square hole. of course, you can't drill a square hole, but you can punch a square hole. again, heating the metal up, punching it through, you would get a nice square hole. you can see them scratch their heads. a square hole? their parents catch onto it. we also would show how the soldiers would make the bullets. this is a bullet mold where we would heat the lead, then pour the lead into the two holes.
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it would cool off, you open it up, and then you have the bullets. that would be in there like that. like that. i'm sorry. there we go. there would be two of them here. >> you are from buffalo, but you are playing a confederate. does that bother you? john baronich: does not bother me at all. we have a lot of fun being confederates. the guys seem to like us. we like them. it is all about meeting people all over the country and getting to know them better. being an educator, i think for the younger generation coming up, the most important thing for them is to get involved with their community, get involved with some type of hobby that you can learn. i've been doing this for over 10 years and every day i learned
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-- learn something new about the civil war. our young people cannot forget our history. in high school they have trouble with history and then after high school when they are college age or whatever, they start to get into it because they can come to places like appomattox and learn about what happened. they become involved with it. sitting back is one thing and kind of watching, but actually doing it and experiencing it and immersing yourself in it, i think that is what is really important for our young generation to not forget. >> near the camp of the traveling blacksmith forge civil war reenactors pretrade -- portrayed the gun stacking ceremony that took place when lee surrendered to grant in 1865. [drumroll]
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>> shoulder. shoulder. arms! to the rear! two paces! march!
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>> [indiscernible] accouterments. >> brigade! forward! march! >> my name is chris roberts and i'm from weaverville, north carolina. my portrayal will be the commanding officer of the 26 north carolina infantry. the commander was in the hospital south around north carolina. at the moment, i'm commanding the first battalion. this is my 30th year of reenacting. i have been through the 125th anniversary ceremony and
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continued until now. who knows if i will be around for the 175th, but it is on that course, i suppose. >> how has reenacting changed the last 30 years? chris roberts: with the internet, it's easier to find information, detailed information, a lot more information about quartermaster records and images of soldiers. in the days prior to that, it was difficult to find that information. you would have to travel to archives. now it's much easier to communicate with folks. the authenticity has increased immensely, down to minute details of buttons being reproduced and blankets. there are many pieces now that would be difficult to tell from the original. the good thing about living
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history is that when you read the books and you sort of try to picture the moment, there are so many blanks. it is a stale moment, a steel portrayal. but when you wear the uniforms you have the sights and sounds the smells the same as they were , then, all of these nuances and you begin to realize all of the small details you missed before. a good example -- when i first began to reenact -- i was carrying it on the wrong side of my body. a soldier pointed out, that would get in the way of your cartridge box. that is something that would never have occurred to me looking at a book. but when i have to do it with all of the same actions, that becomes clear. it is all those details filled in that enriches the experience.
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[drumroll] [flute playing lively tune] >> the new congressional directory is a handy guide to the 114th congress with color photos of every senator and house number less contact information and twitter handles. also, district maps and a look at


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