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tv   American Artifacts  CSPAN  May 27, 2015 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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to write down his particular terms of surrender, which grant did. and he gave it to lee to read. and gran signed the terms of surrender that he was offering. lee read it he made a couple corrections to it and gave it back to general grant. he wrote his letter of acceptance of those particular terms. and lee signed his own letter. but they never signed the same piece of paper. there is no formal peace treaty that originated from there. there was no document ever signed between president lincoln and president davis ending any of this. this was just lee surrendering his army to general grant at this particular time. in this particular case, there are a lot of uniforms and swords and flags that pertain specifically here to appotomax. these were on the men that were here with them and these flags are ones that were camtured or surrendered here in appotomax. the museums that started a flag
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conservation program. these two flags are perfect examples of that where we have been able to have these flags conserved so they will not deteriorate any further than that. it is an expensive process to have done. it can cost 20 to $30,000. we have been fortunate to have supporters step forward to help us with these. some of them might have ancestors that fought for those particular units. so it's something personal to them. but we still have a lot of the flags that have not been conserved like this that we cannot display this way. we have some that we can display in some of the drawers over here that i will show you. we have 59 of the flags that were surrendered or captured here at appotomax. and not all of them are in the conditions of the ones we looked at earlier that have been conserved. a lot of them look like this. this is obviously one that has probably souvenir damage done to it that was taken as they were
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if you recalling their flags on the day of april the 12th turning them in for the last time. a lot of the men tore off pieces or cut off pieces to take home with them as souvenirs. this particular flag not quite as much damage, but you can see that some of the stars are missing from it. some of the men took those to take home with them as souvenirs. the flag we have, though in this last case on the bottom here is one that doesn't have any damage other than the wear and tear of 150 years worth. this one was kpaerd by sergeant david lowry. and he refused to surrender his flag at the surrender ceremony. he folded it up. he wrapped it around his body put his uniform on top of it and walked home with it. he kept it on an easel in his parlor, and it remained there until he passed away. this flag was given to us by his daughter. and that was the story that she told us. in the fall of the first year
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that we opened in 2012, his great granddaughter came to visit this particular flag and told us that same story that's handed down in her family that he had brought it home with him this way, he kept it on an easel in the parlor, so he kept it with him at all times. the battle flag has the men followed into battle were very significant for them. the color berrer who carried the flag was a target for the enemy. they felt if they shot down the color berrer, the flag would fall and it would morally defeat that particular unit. so this color berrers were usually very, very courageous in their fights. some of the thing that they carried these flags on some of them you can see here on our flagstaffs. these were all surrendered here in appotomax. some of them are very nicely turned pieces of wood. yet, some of them are also just tree branches. you can see they are making due with whatever it is that they have there. when lee surrendered his army to
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general grant, he surrendered only his army of northern virginia. he did not surrender any other armys. although grant had asked him to. there was over 100,000 soldiers still in the field. so appotomax was just the first surrender that happened, but certainly not the last surrender that ended the war. but effectively, it did. one of the larger armys that was still in the field was general joe johnston's army in north carolina. that had been lee's goal to meet with general johnston there after he supplied his troops combine the armys and continue on in their efforts. general johnston surrendered his troops three weeks after general lee surrendered his. the portrait you see there, the spurs the gaunt lets, the sash and this chest all belonged to general joseph johnston. the last surrender that occurred on land was by brigadier general
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stan watty. we only have a portrait of him. he is knowable because he was a cherokee. he surrendered his men in the oklahoma territory in june of 1865. that was the last surrender of confederate troops on land. the last surrender of any confederate flag occurred in november of 1865 from the css citizen an doha. it was surrendered in november of 1865 inliverpool, england. the ships with a raiding ship, a successful one and it was operating off the coast of the elution islands off of alaska when it got word that the war had ended. now the captain did not want to put into any u.s. port because he and his men would have been hanged as pirates because that's what they were. so they sailed all the way around south america, back up to great britain to liverpool,
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england, which is where their ship had been made. and they surrendered their flag there and disbursed and quietly went back home. this map shows other places where people went after the war. about 10,000 former confederate soldiers were given land grants by the emperor of brazil to come down and establish a colony. these men were known as confederateerados. about 3,000 of them remained. 7,000 of them came back. it's very difficult to establish new lands. but there are still descendants that live in brazil now. peru bellies mexico were also places where other soldiers had gone. african-americans, some of them went back to liberia, which was a country that had been created for them with the idea of them going back to their native lands and to re-establishing colonies there. it was not very successful.
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and only about 4,000 african-americans went there. a much larger number of them were known as exo dusters and they went to kansas after reconstruction. about 15,000 of them, to establish life on the farms there in kansas. some of the soldiers also became mercenaries or worked for other armys. notably in egypt, a lot of them went to join the fighting that was there. some of the coats that we have in our collection show some of the all the rags has the soldiers made to them after the war. this one has some buttons covered and shows no insignia. the u.s. army regulations required them to remove any insignia and their military buttons from their coats if they were going to continue to wear them. other modification that we see to things that were done to the soldiers' coats, there were shortages that were still happening in the south so clothing was very valuable. this is one example where a woman has taken her husband's
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coat from the war and cut it down to make an overcoat for our small son to wear during the winter months. this is our wall of faces, which shows nearly 100 men women, african-american and white and tells their stories here on these screens, what happened to them during the war and what happened after the war. one of the people that's in here is elizabeth van lou. she lived in richmond. and she was a union spy. she was very wealthy. and -- but she wanted to help the union soldiers and was down at libby prison a lot helping them to pass messages back and forth. after the war, she was appointed post mistress of richmond by president grant. after she passed away, though, her home was torn down by the people of richmond. they did not have the same opinion of ms. lou that
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president grant did. this is an image of judea benjamin. he was the first jewish cabinetster in the i had. >>. he served both the secretary of war and secretary of states for the confederate states of america. another image here is related to some of the people that live in appotomax today. this is nancy martin. she was born a slave. she was 2 or 3 years old when lee u.n. surrendered here in appotomax. she became free and grew up to be a mid wife. she was a very good mid wife. if you were expecting a exiled and going into labor you called nancy martin regardless whether you were african-american or you were white. according to reverend jones who gave us this image of his great great grandmother, nancy martin had her own wall of faces. she always had a portrait made of herself with the child that she had brought into the world. we also have here in this loom the death mask of robert e. lee.
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after lee left appotomax in april of 1865. he returned to virginia with his life. he was president of washington college for the next five years of his life. he passed away in 187 # to just five years after his surrender. this was one of the death masks that was made of him. the image that is back there behind him is an image of appotomax court house, the village. you can see the ruins of the burned out courthouse. this was taken in 1892 when that burned. it had been the county seat up until that point. but as we showed you on the map before, this village was built on the stage coach line. the railroad line did not come through this village. it was few miles away. that's where lee was trying to get to to get to his supplies. so after this courthouse burned they built a new courthouses and moved the county seat down to where it exists today near that
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railroad station in the town of appotomax. this gallery focuses on the confederate veterans. many of them were wounded during the war action and lost limbs. some of them had prosthetic limbs like this made although when this was given to us, the gentleman said he wasn't real comfortable with it and he didn't wear it often. his grandkids probably played with it more than he ever wore it. another examples of a veteran's effects that we have is this hat that was worn by sergeant ducat. you can see that there is a hole in it. and he put this patch on it himself. and there is a photograph of him wearing that with where the bullet grazed him during a battle. it came that close to ending his life. but it took out a big chunk of his hat. when the men came back from the war, they were significantly changed. a lot of times those boys had not been outside of their own county.
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now they've travelled to different states and they have seen the horrific effects of the war. a lot of them came back with physical wounds such as you see here with an eye missing an arm missing, or a leg missing. when they came back they tried to reclaim their lives. like i said a lot of them were farmers. some of them did go into politics afterwards. they were seen as war heros and were admired so it was easy to run on platforms and become elected officials back in their home commune. some of these men were radically different than what they had been when they left. a lot of these conditions they didn't understand yet. this is a time period when we don't understand bacteria and germs let alone the psychological issues that these men were finding. in writings in journals, they referred to this condition as soldier's heart because it often came along with a heart condition that the men were suffering at the same time. today, we call this post-traumatic stress disorder.
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they didn't understand it at the time. their high rates of alcoholism after the war. high rates of suicide also as the men tried to deal with what they had seen during the time period without the benefits of the counselling or understanding what was going on. very similar to what we see with our veterans today. like i said previously the men were not permitted to wear their uniforms after the war was over. but yet these men wanted to get together and have reunions so they designed this confederate veteran uniform that was available for $7.50 that you will see in a lot of their reunion photographs that we have here. most of the reunions that we see in these images were just of either the confederate veterans or of the union veterans with their own particular units. there were a few reunions that were held with troops from both the north and the south. there weren't as many of them
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but they were given a wide publicity about them. these were two punch bowls that were made to signify one of those reunions in the 1880s that happened between the north and the south. throughout the south, many veterans' homes became organized as places where the veterans could go to live if they had no one at home to care for them. some of the examples we have here were from the veteran's home that was in richmond virginia, with this veteran who was celebrating his 103rd birthday in this facility. one of the things they did in this home as a fund-raiser was to carve doll house furniture out of cigar boxes. one day i was taking some of our former board members on a tour through here, two women, and they were admiring this and they commented how they used to have doll house furniture just like this that they used to play with as a child but then their mother took it away from them because she was saying they were
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going to break it they were being too rough with them. as they are looking and admiring the furniture and reading the label, and see who it was donated by, it was their parent. this was their doll house furniture that had been taken away from them as a child that is now appearing in a museum. the museum has undergonna number of changes since it was first opened in 1896 as the confederate museum. this museum was the next phase of being built out here in appotomax chosen to be here because of the people that come to this particular area. appotomax is one of the top draws for civil war historians or people who are just interested in civil war history. so we wanted to give them another experience out here where we could bring more of our collection out and bring that collection that specifically relates here to appotomax. i've been with the museum 15 years. four years here as the director
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of the museum. i have loved the job totally. it's been absolutely fantastic. and i'm excited about the future that's going to happen with the museum as it continues to grow and expands and improve our collection. we hope you will stop by and see us. please do. >> you can watch this or other american artifacts programs at any time by visiting our website, cspan's road to the white house coverage continues with hillary clinton's first campaign stop in south carolina. she'll give the keynote address at an event held by the state's house democratic women's caucus and democratic women's council. see her remarks live at 1:45 p.m. eastern. and later the gop field grows by one, when former pennsylvania senator and 2012 prognosis candidate rick santorum joins the race. he will announce his accountsy in butler pennsylvania. see that live at 5:00 eastern,
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also on cspan. presidential candidates often release books to introduce themselves to voters. here is a look at some books written by declared and potential candidates for president. former secretary of state hillary clinton looks back on her time serving in the obama administration, in hard choices. in american dreams florida senator marco rubio outlines his plan to restore economic tune. former arkansas governor mike huckabee gives his take on politics and culture in god, guns, grits andgraphy. and in blue collar conservatives, potential presidential candidate rick santorum argues the republican party must focus on the working class in order to retake the white house. in a fighting chance massachusetts senator elizabeth warren recounts the events in her life that shaped her court reporter add as an educator and
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politician. wisconsin govern scott walker argues republicans must offer bold solutions to fix the country and have the courage to implement them in unintimidated. and kentucky senator rand paul, who has also declared his candidacy, calls for smaller government and more bipartisanship in his latest book taking a stand. more potential presidential ktsds with recent books include former governor jeb bush. in immigration wars he along with clint bow lick argue for new immigration policies. in stand for something, ohio govern john casic calls for a return to traditional american values. former virginia senate james web looks back on his time serving in the military and in the senate i heard my country calling. indianapolis vermont senator bernie sanders roonl announced his intention to seek the democrat nomination for president. his book, the speech is a printing of his eight-hour long
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filibuster against tax cuts. in promises to keep vice president joe biden looks back on his career in politics and explains his guiding principles. neurosurgeon ben carson calls for greater individual responsibility to preserve america's future in "one nation". in fed up, gormer texas govern rick perry explains government has become too intrusive and must get out of the way. another politician who has expressed interest in running for president is former rhode island governor lincoln chaffee. in against the tide he recounts higgs time serving as a republican in the senate. carly fiorina former ceo of hewlett packard has recently declared her candidacy. in rising to the challenge she shares lessons she has learned from her difficulties and triumphs. former new york governor george pataki is considering running for president n. 1998 he released pataki, where he looks back on his path to the
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governorship. louisiana governor bobby jendel criticizes the obama administration and explains why conservative solutions are needed in washington, in leadership and crisis. and finally, in a time for truth, another declared presidential candidate, texas senator ted cruz recounts his journey from a cuban immigrant son to the u.s. senate. next, the commemorative ceremony marking the exact time 150 years ago that grant and lee met at the mclean house to discuss term of surrender. university of richmond president ed ayers gives the keynote address. and other speaks include descendants of key grant and lee aides who took part in the historic meeting. also part of the program, reenactments of grant's arrival at the mclean house as well as lee's departure following the surrender. this is an hour and that minutes.
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-- an hour and 45 minutes. >> my name is robin snyder, i'm currently the act sprender at appotomax courthouse national park. it is my distinct honor on behalf of the national park service and the united states postal service to welcome each of you here today on this historic day in our nation's history. this courthouse village stands not just as the symbol of war's end but as a point of departure for a transformed nation. the significance of what took place in mr. mclean's parlor settled the issue of who would be the victors of the american civil war. but many questions remained unanswered. soldiers echoed their thoughts in letters and diary entries. while letters of union soldiers reflected jubilation their words also reflected concerns.
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turn it down now. in the front lines of appotomax chaplain j.l. mulligan of the 140th pennsylvania wrote a few days later, though the army of northern virginia is ours, still grave questions remain to be settled for which god alone can give the true wisdom and guidance. a confederate ar tillerist private berkeley recorded a diary entry on april 11th after confirming in his previous day's entry that lee had surrendered his whole army. surely the last 24 hours has been a day of the most intense mental anxiety i have ever experienced. thousands of thoughts have passed through my mine as to what fate awaits my country, my family my neighbors, my friends, and myself.
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and several months earlier, morgan w. carter with the 28th united states colored troops expressed his concerns in a letter home. you know yourself that we have been trampleled under the white man's heel for years now. and we have a choice to elevate ourselves, and our race, and what little i can do toward it i will do so most willingly. if i should die before i receive the benefit of it, i will have the consolation of knowing that the generations to come will receive the blessing of it. and i think it is the duty of all men of our race to do what they can. the diaries and letters of these soldiers reflect uncertainty, but also hope. hope is our essential path as a
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nation. and it is central to the story of appotomax. when lee -- when grant offer the confederate soldiers could carry home their horses, their baggage, and their side arms he fueled hope. when lee declared that his army would not scatter to the countryside to fight a guerrilla war he abided the hope of lincoln, grant and tens of thousands of union soldiers that the conflict would enquickly, and with ceremony rather than slowly and with destruction. for slaves appotomax represented the realization of dreams of freedom and fueled new hopes that the path forward would bring them justice and equality. as we gather here on this momentous day, as we reflect on this immense event that played
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out in this simple virginia village, let us take hope from the events we recall and strength from the people who lived upon and walked upon this ground 150 years ago. but let us remember, too that the hope of a moment often requires the efforts of generations to realize. in that way, we remain active participants in our nation's efforts to realize the hopes and aspirations born of appotomax 150 years ago today. at this time i would like to introduce to you patrick a. mendonca, senior director, office of the postmaster general and chief executive officer of the united states postal service, a career postal employee, we are very happy to have patrick join us today for the commemoration events.
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[ applause ] >> good afternoon. thank you ladies and gentlemen. launch robin for that kind introduction i'd like to first thank the national park service and the u.s. postal service events staff for this very fine preparation for this event today and recognize a couple of my colleagues that are here today from the district, the district manager, and district office wendy english. william acres from our area office, darryl seed. postmaster row make and our postmaster from appotomax, rhonda. thank you for being here. i'm honored to represent isn't the u.s. postal service as we dedicate our final two stamp of the civil war series. it is a humbling to be at the very site where 150 years ago
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today general robert e. lee surrendered the army to general ulysses s. grant effectively ending the civil war. we have come full circle with our civil war stamp series. four years ago we began the series with our fort sumter and our first battlible run. the battle engulfed the farm of will measure mclean whose home was commandeered by general beauregard as his headquarters. artillery left the property in ruin. after the second battle mr. mclean moved his family 150 miles away to a quiet country town called appotomax court house. here his family lived peacefully
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until april 8th 1865 when mr. lee was asked to show him a place that was suitle for lee and another general to meet. when his first suggestion was rejected mr. mclean offered his home for the meeting and the rest is history. that most likely would not have happened if not for a battle that took place about 80 miles to the east in did witty county virginia. the battle of five forks. this battle was a decisive clash that forced confederates to abandon their capital and ultimately led to the surrender of the army of northern virginia. today the united states postal service is pleased and proud to concludes its series by issuing two new stamps one that depicts the battle of five forks and one that depicts robert e. lee's surrender to you listese s. grant on april 9, 1865.
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the art director created the stance we dedicate today. the battle of five forks' stamp features a reproduction of a paining by a french artist who is perhaps best known for creating this 360 degrees battle of gettysberg cycle ramma that first went on display in 1883 and can be seen today at the gis gettysberg park. the appotomax court house stamp is a reproduction of an 1885 painting by thomas nast the corps to annist who popularized the donkey as the symbol of the democratic party and the elephant as a symbol of the republican party n. these images we see the history of america. remarkably all of this done on the size of a postage stamp. from this day forward these images will be waerd on letters and packages to millions of
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households and businesses throughout the united states. on a personal note, i experienced and i finally remembered the centennial of the civil war. in fact i believe it was my first t-shirt that had something on it. it demonstrated to me how exciting the history of our nation is and how much there is to learn it from. in terms of leno learning my daughter went to gettysberg college. and so the civil war has always been close to my family and myself. in closing let me state that in issuing the new stamps the united states postal service has been proud to participate in a valuable effort to commemorate and reflect anew on a critical area of our nation's history. now, on behalf of the united states postal service i'd like to ask robben and dennis to come up on the stage and help us unveil the stamps. [ applause ]


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