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tv   American Artifacts  CSPAN  June 13, 2015 9:04pm-9:16pm EDT

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i don't know for sure. that is just my hunch. all right. thank you for your attention. we will call it a day. we will call it done for the day. and be back on monday. take care. [applause] wow. thank you. that is unusual. >> join us each saturday evening at 8:00 p.m. and midnight eastern for classroom lectures from across the country on different topics and eras of american history. lectures in history are also available on that the a podcast -- via podcast or download them from itunes. >> 150 years ago, on may 23 and 24th of 1865, two military processions in washington, d.c.
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called the grand review of the armies drew thousands of spectators to pennsylvania avenue. up next, a reenactment of the prey that celebrated the end of the civil war. -- of the parade that celebrated the end of the civil war. [indiscernible] [companies being called] >> my name is kevin and i am from charleston, west virginia. >> what brings you here? >> the 150th anniversary of the
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grand review. >> have you been doing a lot of events in the last four years and how could you summarize that experience? >> i have done about all of the major 150 anniversaries starting with the first bull run appomattox it anti-him gettysburg, second winchester spotsylvania chancellorsville. they have been kind of special. knowing this was 150 years ago that this happens. this is my hobby and i love it. it is one way of showing a little bit of respect to these armies that went before us. not even close to doing what they did. at least, trying to give a little impression of it.
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>> can you tell me your name? >> my name is michael and i am from new york city. i have been traveling since 2011 . i have been attending reenactments as a 20th century photographer photographing those reenactments as if the photographer was in the battle with the soldiers and trying to be -- and trying to bring a little bit of imagination to the subject. i use an old camera. it creates blurry, soft focus images that i believe lend some imagining to this. s period.
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if you look at the pictures, you cannot tell what century we are in. that was one of the things i wanted to play with. you can visit these battlefields. they have been protected for over 100 years. many of the reenactors today are descendents of the men that fought in this war and so they have a close connection to this period. these 21st-century americans are taking a turn in these battlefields to commemorate their great-grandfathers. in my first reenactment, and needed -- i realized i needed to become a reenactor to get the pictures that i wanted. i had my own impressions of what reenacting was. i didn't understand it really. after doing it for four years now, i have become quite
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impressed with these men and women who do this. i have gone and done a lot of research for my project. but i am quite a newbie compared to some of these men out here. any of them could teach a college-level course on the civil war. a lot of americans do not realize that many of them take it quite seriously. they have it coursing through their veins, this conflict. so they feel this is a cathartic experience for them in many ways. this is a personal project. it began in 2011 at the beginning of the centennial. i had worked for 1.5 years on the project and then launched a blog. i wrote my experiences from along the journey and took photographs.
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within a couple of days of it launching, i was contacted by a member of congress. it is been accepted in the archives. >> can you tell us about this camera and how it works? >> it is a rudimentary camera. you put the film in the back. the only working part on the camera is this, what we will call the shutter. it simply blocks the light from coming in or allows the light to come in. that is the photograph. this technology actually dates back to the renaissance. they called it camera obscura. so this is the same except that has film in the back.
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i have been traveling throughout the country photographing this subject exclusively with this camera. >> if people are interested in your blog, how do they find it? >> pinhole
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[drumming] [fife and drum music playing]
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♪ [applause] [drumming] >> you are watching american history tv.
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all weekend every weekend on c-span3. to join the conversation, like us on facebook at c-span history. the new congressional directory is a handy guide to the 114th congress with color photos of every senator and house member plus bio and contact information and twitter handles. also, district maps, a foldout map of capitol hill and a look at commit -- congressional committees. order your copy today. it is $13.95 plus shipping and handling through the c-span online store at president richard nixon had the opportunity to fill four seats on the u.s. supreme court. up next, on american history tv author kevin mcmahon discusses the strategy between -- nine nixon's court appointments and the impact he had on the court
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and american politics. mr. mcmahon's book is it since court -- his challenge to do just will -- judicial liberalism. justice scalia makes remarks. >> good evening, my name is don air. i am a lawyer here in washington and i am also the chairman of the supreme court historical association. i was lucky enough to serve as a member this year of the selection committee of the griswold prize. i am pleased to welcome you to the prize lecture. before we proceed, given the surroundings we are in, i have to make sure that everyone turns up their cell phones tablets. if we do not do that, the system may not function right among other things. erwin griswold was surely one of the most remarkable lawyers of the last century.


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