tv The Civil War CSPAN August 16, 2015 10:45am-12:01pm EDT
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up with us being the number one state to kickoff the caucus night. >> [indiscernible] >> it is where you get an idea what candidates people are gravitating to. i love coming here and talking to the people at the booths because they are very informed. >> [indiscernible] >> we are here for a signing of book.ingrich's new very well is informed, a very good educator. he is very good at putting both sides of the issue together. >> do you think he could be running for president >> i think it -- for president? >> i think he would be an excellent candidate.
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>> where are we today? >> we are at the iowa state fair. >> what is the goal of the booth at the state fair? >> to know how active iowa democrats are. this year is an unbelievable year. it will stop by the booth and cs us. all of our candidates are represented. >> have you had any of the presidential candidates come through? , not yet, but all of them will stop by next week.
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abc will lead us to a big debate. >> i wrote to the white house coverage of the presidential candidates continues live from the iowa state fair on c-span, c-span radio, and as the candidates walk the fairgrounds and speak at the "des moines register" candidate s soapbox. starting monday, it is scott walker followed by carly fiorina and lindsey graham. on tuesday, marco rubio and john kasich. on wednesday, republican rick perry was begun at 11:00. on friday afternoon at 2:30, it
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is senator ted cruz. on saturday, republican governors chris christie at noon and bobby jindal at 1:00. join the twitter conversation a hashtag. history tvcan visited long beach, california to tour the queen mary and learned about the service provided by the massive ocean liner during world war ii. rms queen mary was in service between 1936 and 1967 and has been restored and operated as a hotel for the past 40 years. >> world war ii was declared in europe on september 3, 1939. the queen mary was out at sea. she was two days away from making her 143rd atlantic crossing.
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in the early morning hours of the day, the course of the ship was changed, not only for the rest of the voyage, but for the rest of her see life over the next eight years. in a coded message, the captain was ordered to put the ship on .full war alert he was told to pay particular attention to the threat of submarine attack. immediately, all 2000 windows and portals were blacked out. all of her exterior lights were extinguished, and additional lookups were posted. the homes and was instructed to start steering is the exact course. 2302 passengers on board, and most of them were americans. the two most famous people aboard on that last civilian
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crossing where bob hope, and his wife, dolores. ♪ >> the former luxury liner, queen mary steams into the sydney harbour with troops. the queen mary has a thrilling war record. whenever reinforcements are needed, the queen mary does the job. submarines,enemy the gallant vessel continues to play an important role in the war. make 72ueen mary would wartime voyages, transporting troopsousand between 1940 in 1946. she began in 1940 with trips of 5000 soldiers. by 1942, she had graduated to trips of 15,000 soldiers. her record number of passengers
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and july of 1943. that still stands as the largest number of human beings ever transported on one vessel in the history of the world. >> a panel of civil war scholars fe of johne li mosby. nicknamed the grey ghost, the cavalry commander led rangers in central and northern virginia, alluding others with click quick grades. camer the war, mosby be a republican and supported grants. [applause]
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>> thank you, mark. good evening, everybody. john singleton mosby was born in 1833 near richmond, virginia. he grew to be of medium height and spy of way. his fair complexion and delicate features revealed nothing about him. he was frail as a child, and spent his time reading and studying books, but wrote his horse daily to school. his small stature led him to be picked on by other kids, but he never back down from a fight. at the age of 17, he entered the university of virginia. while studying greek in mathematics, he encountered an incident that would affect him for the rest of his life. in his third year, he encountered a fellow student by the name of george turpin, who had a habit of bowling others, and set his sight on mosby.
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that turpin was looking to eat him up, he picked for histol defense. when he came looking for him, .us mosby shot him he was convicted of the shooting, but he asked a prosecutor for his law books, which he lent to mosby, who spent his time in jail studying them. mostly received a pardon after a few months, but had developed a love of the law, and later passed the bar, becoming a lawyer. he again learned to never back down from a fight. in 1855, at the age of 22, he opened a law practice in the town of bristol, near the tennessee border. he met his girlfriend, whom he married in 1857. begunferings of four had warading -- the rumor of
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had begun pervading. he was in favor of state rights, but not secession. he noticed that people were ,eginning to organize militias but he was not interested. focused on building his new law practice, to support his young a nearbyosby ran to the town town to deal with court cases. it was there that a friend from his college days asked if he .ould join the cavalry unit he revived, you can put my name on the mustard will, though he thought nothing more of it. he did borrow horse and attend the first drill, coinciding with a court date. his friends told him that he was not impressed, telling mostly louchye made a spr
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writer and an indifferent soldier. he said he was correct and did not feel anything about the imminence of war. the election of lincoln in 1860 served to conflate wrong between and distrust the north and south. was he couldn't help but notice the ever-growing racial divided of those around him. while his father was a slaveholder, movie was never in favor of the institution. erind have a servant named , who would sit with him through the war, but after the war, he took care of him for the rest of his life. following the surrender of fort sumter and the call to arms by president lincoln, mosby made up his mind on state rights, especially his own state's writes. when virginia went out of the union, mosby decided he was
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going with her. he will let her off to the war saying, i'm not ashamed of having fun on the side of slavery. a soldier fights for his country, right or wrong. he is not responsible for the political merits of the course the south is -- my country. after mosby joined the confederate army, he eventually became under the command of jeb stuart. after the confederate victory at in 1861,e of manassas he spent the fall and winter patrolling northern virginia under the front lines of stuart, reading all he could about military tactics and strategy. as the confederate army was pulling out in the spring of 1862, stewart rode up to mosby and asked him to verify if the union army was following can. leapt at the opportunity, finding scouting
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.etter than the camp as then june, confederate armies fought on the outskirts enrichment, and later known as the seven day campaign, stewart called on them once again to scout of the location of the union army. order.elished at the andart decided to write out discover the exact position of the army so robert yulia could find an advantage in attacking find-- robert e lee could an advantage in attacking them. providedmation they lee in the battle. mosby had found his calling, and it wouldn't be long until he
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became famous as well. late december 1862, the confederate army was camped south of fredericksburg. iding had been reduced to scouring the countryside for food. on christmas morning, however, stewart announced orders for 1800 men to saddle up and ride toward the city of washington to disrupt the armies communications and lines. asking forted guerrilla operations, but was unsuccessful in gaining stewarts approval. to northernk them virginia, where stewart commandeered and sent a telegram to washington, complaining about the poor quality of goals that he captured -- mules that he
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captured. interferes seriously with the capture of wagons. he child as far north as fairfax, before ending his campaign, and then traveling west. there, he stopped at the house of the ratcliff family, where laura ratcliff was one of the daughters. known tonel stuart was stay in the houses of those who have the prettiest daughters as he traveled. laura fit the bill. after stewart, mosby, and a few of stewarts officers had a meal, and we're getting ready to leave, laura spoke up and said, it is a shame for you to live general, it is hard for us to live in concord territory.
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stewart thought for a moment and replied -- i will not desert stuart thought for a while and replied, you are such good southern people throughout this section, i think you deserve some protection. i shall leave cap in mosby with a few men to take care of you until we can return with victory. i want you to do all you can for him. he is a great favorite of mine and a brave soldier, and we shall soon hear something surprising from him. >> mosby realized for the first time that he is about to begin the opportunity to do something he really wanted, to lead an independent command and conquer territoryin conquered territory in enemy rule. stuart left mosby behind with nine men. much of the area in northern virginia, to the west of
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washington in alexandria, would become known as mosby's confederacy. close to 2000 men would become known as mosby's rangers, and mosby himself would become known as the gray ghost. now to talk about some of mosby's men, i would like to introduce mr. eric buckland. [applause] eric: thank you, chuck. there is no doubt that mosby was an exceptional leader. intelligence, fearless, imaginative, innovative in all that he did, but i am firmly convinced that there would not be the mosby that we know today had it not been for the men that rode with him, so i would like to talk briefly about two of those men this evening. the first is william benjamin "ben" palmer. ben was 19 years old when he left the military institute in 1863 to join mosby.
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john alexander in his book "mosby's men" said that ben palmer was so polite that he apologized for his rudeness when he was shooting one of the enemies. he showed something to mosby because within a year, mosby handpicked him to become one of his subordinate officers. he became a lieutenant under mosby. palmer is the kind of officer i respect your he would not ask is meant to do something that he himself would not do. in the september 1864 fight at gold farm in the valley, palmer had a small detachment of rangers. the rangers as a group are engaged with the calvary, and palmer took a small detachment to get around the flank of the union calvary, to try to attack them from the side. they came to the gate as they were making the movement, or a
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fence. that fence had a gate, and palmer pointed to one of the other rangers and said get the gate. he got off his horse, was immediately shot and killed. palmer turn to another ranger and said get the gate. he dismounted, began to move to the gate, he was shot and killed. palmer then himself dismounted, moved to the gate, opened it, the rangers were able to go through, hit the union in the flank, and win the day. norman vincent randolph was 15 years old when he joined the 24th battalion of partisan rangers commanded by major john scott, the gentleman who wrote the partisan ranger act for the confederate government. that was in 1862 when randolph joined that unit. he would eventually join mosby. he would be badly wounded and return to mosby's command and be with him until the end of the war. now on 21, april, 1865, mosby disbanded rather than surrender in salem, today's
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marshall, virginia. the majority of the rangers at that expanding with the next day to winchester seeking their paroles but a small , group of rangers remained with mosby. mosby's intent was to travel to north carolina and link up with joseph johnston, who at that time was still fighting. in that small group of rangers, seeking to continue, were both ben palmer and norman vincent randolph. the picture you see at the bottom of the page with the group of men, you see ben palmer
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on your left, norman vincent randolph on your right, that photo was taken probably august of 1865 in richmond after the men had truly ended the war. i spent the majority of my military career in the army in special forces, and as most of you know, the united states army and especially special forces takes great pride in their deep knowledge and understanding of victorian etiquette, and i would like -- likethat is a joke. [laughter] there were too many bemused looks on your faces. i would like to use that outstanding expertise that i gained to explain the slide. in 1867, many of the rangers returned to warmington, virginia. it was a place they knew well during the war. they returned to conduct a dance. this dance card belongs to a young woman from warrington named janet weaver. etiquette at the time called for a young lady to have her dance card. a young gentleman what, and request a dance, and the young
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lady would write their names down. now, etiquette had it that the special man, the boyfriend, the fiancé, at least the man who brought you to that dance, would have the first dance, and then the young woman was expected to circulate with the other gentleman at the dance. you will see on this dance card, the first name is w.b. palmer, william benjamin palmer. weaver family tradition has it that ben palmer and janet weaver were engaged to be married, but they did not marry. in 1880, janet weaver married norman vincent randolph, who was a widower at the time, but the
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two of them made a remarkable match. they were dedicated to helping confederate veterans who had fallen on hard times and their widows or their wives. they played a great role in the robert e lee camp for old confederate soldiers. janet weaver became very involved in the united daughters of the confederacy. she became a president in richmond and was known throughout the south for her efforts with the udc and the robert e lee camp. you can seethe robert e lee -- you can see with the streamer, a mrs. norman vincent randolph relief fund, obviously given in her name. you see the horse in that slide, and that is little sorrel, stonewall jackson's horse, and
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it was norman vincent randolph who was responsible for reaching out to a taxidermist in new york city to have little sorrel preserved. and he stands in all his grandeur to this day at the virginia military institute, so the two of them together have a wonderful legacy. even after norman vincent randolph's death, janet weaver randolph continued her work. she became known as mother richmond and ran what you could consider today a united way type of organization. she helped retired veterans and their wives. as lives would progress for both ben palmer and norman vincent randolph, they were both very successful. ben palmer ran a shipping company in richmond and was extremely successful and quite wealthy.
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norman vincent randolph took over his father's paper box company and again was very successful. they both would eventually join the robert e lee camp of the united confederate veterans r e , lee camp number one. mind you, as i did my initial research on palmer, i did find that palmer and randolph belongs -- belonged to the same camp, but i could not find any evidence whatsoever that been palmer had ever married. i wondered how awkward might some of those meetings have been between old broken hearted been palmer and janet and norman vincent randolph? [laughter] happily, i discovered that been palmer did in fact mary in 1878
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to a woman named ellen knoll, known as nelly, almost 10 years his junior. way to go, ben. she was from a very well-known southern family, a well-to-do family as well, and they, too, made a very good match. nelly was very socially minded, and she worried about the care of animals in richmond and pushed ben to get involved in seeking protection of animals in richmond, and it was through her pushing at that time that ben got very involved in a society of the protection of cruelty to animals. after he died and she inherited a good amount of money, she was responsible for donating a large fund to the richmond spca. to this day, they consider the palmers part of their legacy.
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she also donated a great deal of money to the museum of the confederacy, which at that time of her donation was on its last legs. it was in deep, deep trouble, and the financial boon that they gained from the money donated by nelly palmer in her husband's name enabled that museum to continue on. you see the photo of those three paintings as well. those are three paintings of the train raid.agon it is done by three different artists and belongs to the palmer family. those were also donated to the museum of the confederacy and last i was told still hang there
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on display. wonderful legacy for two young men, both as mosby rangers, and for what they did after the war. i will be followed by don hakenson. [applause] don: the first thing i want to say to everybody as i am extremely honored to be here. i also want everybody to know that today is my wedding anniversary. [laughter] i am here. my wife is home and i want you , to pray for me when i go home tonight. [laughter] and i mean that very sincerely. [laughter] i am going to talk about the most famous raid that john singleton mosby conducted during his two and a half years as a partisan. it made him a legend, and that was the fairfax courthouse raid that occurred at 2:00 in the morning on 9 march, 1863.
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but before i talk about that raid, i need to introduce you to some people. this is colonel sir percy windham. he is in charge of the calvary at fairfax house. he was born in the english channel in 1833. he is only a few months older than john singleton mosby. he is 15 years old, he joined the british navy. then he goes to australia, and he gets a commission, and he becomes an officer of the australian cavalry. then he goes to italy, and he served with garibaldi. and when the united states went to war, he came to the united states, and he pledged to fight for the union army. and he is the commander of the union calvary at fairfax courthouse in february and march of 1863.
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john singleton mosby just started conducting his operations in january, february, march, of 1863, and he is becoming a thorn in their side. and someone would come and ask sir percy wyndham what did he think of mosby, and he said that mosby is nothing but a horse thief. john singleton mosby heard about that comment and said the only horses i ever captured were mounted by union cavalry, and they were armed with pistols. and john singleton mosby wanted to capture this man. make no mistake about it. but in order to get any fairfax good things had to
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happen. this man's names is james f. ames. he was a sergeant in the fifth new york cavalry, and he would desert, and he would join mosby's command in february of 1863. mosby immediately would trust this man. the rangers would call him "big yankee." this man knew the call signs, nd he knew where the ticke picket posts were if mosby wanted to go into the fairfax courthouse. this man was very significant. another man staying at fairfax courthouse was brigadier general edwin h. stout. mosby knew he wasedwin stoughton.
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mosby knew he was there. this man is the honest general -- the youngest general and the union army. he is in charge of a brigade that is actually camped at fairfax station. stoughton is staying at fairfax courthouse. he should have been with his men, and he would regret that mistake. mosby would have dinner with a man by the name of norman chancellor, the mayor of middleburg. mosby would write when he left the house, left the place of norman chancellor, he knows he is going to go to fairfax courthouse that night, and he writes in his memoirs, "i shall mount the stars tonight or sink lower than plummet ever sounded." mosby was an educated man. i do not know if he really said
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it, but i love that quote. [laughter] they made their way to fairfax courthouse. it was cold. there was snow on the ground. there was rain. mosby hoped to get into fairfax courthouse by midnight. it was really dark, and a part of mosby's command got disconnected, and it took them several hours to get back together. and they finally arrived at fairfax courthouse at 2:00 in the morning on 9 march, 1863. this is a diagram of the courthouse. mosby and his men would come in from fairfax station, from the south. he would capture a couple pickets right here. mosby goes up to the courthouse, and he would actually capture
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a telegrapher and several union soldiers right here at the courthouse. where he wants to go is the thomas murray house. he believes that is the headquarters for sir percy wyndham. that is where he wants to go. he goes there and he finds out that sir percy wyndham has changed his headquarters to judge thomas' house, a building they had already passed when they entered into the town. but he captures a private, and he tells him that over here to
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-- brigadier general edwin stoughton is staying there. from that moment on, mosby forgets all about sir percy wyndham. he wants brigadier general stoughton. mosby would send big yankee ames and others back to judge thomas' house to capture the good kernel. luckily for sir percy wyndham, he has been called into the city, and he is not there. mosby would then take five men, and he would go to the dr. william gunnel house. the five men he would take was william lyle hunter. hunter would become one of his officers when he formed company a. joe nelson, who i am related joe nelson, who i am related to -- and i love to tell the story -- he was riding through the valley in august of 1864, and he sees a union soldier butchering a sheep, and he would kill that union soldier, and he would cut off the hoof of that sheep, and he would stuff it down his throat, and he would put a note on his body that said something to the affect, "how does this
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taste?" that is joseph nelson. george white carver would also become one of the first officers under mosby's command. the day after the company was formed he was killed in 1863 in , seneca mill. he would be an officer in mosby's command for one day. from fairfaxiams count, he knows the area. mosby needs him. the other ranger he would take elth him is thatcher. i have been unable to find a picture or an image of that gallant and brave man. mosby would take those five men, and he would go over to the house, and he would knock on the
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door, and he would say dispatches, where the dispatches for the general? and a window would open up, and it would be a lieutenant, and he says, who goes there, what is going on? and he says fifth new york, i need to see the general. and he would make a mistake, and he would open the door, and mosby would press a revolver to his chest and say take me to the general. and he would take him up those stairs, and they were entered into the room, and the general had been entertaining that night, and he had done a lot of drinking, and supposedly there were bottles of champagne, wine, and fruit all throughout the room, and mosby now tries to waken the general, but he won't awaken. [laughter] so finally mosby takes things into his own hands, and he pulled up his bed shirts, and he gives him a whack. and the general gets up and says what is going on, and mosby bent
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down and he says have you heard of mosby? and he says yes, have you captured him? and mosby says yes, mosby has captured you. a true story, an epic story. what is wrong with this picture? this was made two years after the war. it has got them wearing sabres. they never would have worn sabres. they make too much noise. but this is stoughton in bed. and mosby would write in his memoirs that he said we have got , to go, you have got to get dressed. and he would talk about stoughton taking his time, and finally is that we have got to go, and mosby would write in his memoirs and he would call him a fop. [laughter] fop.
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you would think he is napoleon. but let's be fair, there are large numbers of confederate officers and union officers that also thought they were napoleon, but this man was 24 years old. he should not have been there. what did mosby accomplish in that raid? he captured a brigadier general, two captives, 30 prisoners with their arms and equipment, 58 horses, good, fine, union horses without a single shot being fired. surrounded by anywhere from 8,000 to 20000 and some people even said 30,000 union soldiers, one of the greatest achievements
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of the war. and i would be remiss if i did not bring up abraham lincoln. when lincoln found out about the rate at fairfax courthouse, he said i can replace a general with the stroke of a pen, but each one of those horses cost me $126 a piece! i love his quotes. [laughter] mosby's men would accomplish quite a few things during two and a half years, and i would argue with anyone that they were the most successful guerrilla unit during the war. they did amazing things. and at the end of the war, they were the best dressed. the best armed. the best mounted confederate partisan unit all courtesy of the u.s. government.
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[laughter] and let me add that they were the best motivated, the best lead cavalry unit in the confederacy, and without a doubt, they were the most dangerous. thank you very much for having me. at this time, i would like to introduce my friend and colleague david goetz. [applause] david: hello, everyone. i will echo the others' sentiments. thank you very much for having us. it is an honor to be here tonight. i am going to talk about what happened to mosby after the war. but first, i want to talk about something that happened to him later in his life, somewhere
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around 1914, 1915. and i apologize to those of you who have heard this story before, but mosby was living in washington, d.c. he was visited by a minister who wanted to talk with him about his spiritual future. if you know anything about mosby, you know that he was not a religious person, did not go to church, probably did not believe in the hereafter. none the less, here was this man wanting to talk about his soul. another little piece about mosby is that by this time in his life, and certainly out of master before, if he was bored with you, he would just get up and walk out of the room. [laughter] but he sat there and let this man go on and on about his spiritual future. at some point, the minister became concerned. mosby was not responding to him. but he said to mosby, but
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colonel, don't you even believe in hell? and mosby said yes, hell is being a republican in virginia. [laughter] well, that is a perfect lead-in to what i have to say about you because most of mosby's life did become a living hell after the war, certainly in the years from 1872 forward because those are the years that he came after president grant. there was a time in 1872 -- i will go back to probably march of 1872, mosby was on the train with a man who was a senator representing the valley of virginia, and said some nice things about president grant, about his being an honorable man, how he was a true gentleman lee in thel surrender, how he did not punish confederate officers and soldiers after the surrender. passed those words
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onto president grants. grants that i want to see this guy, want to talk with him, see what he has to say, so in late 1872, john mosby, the senator, and mosby's 12-year-old son ride the cars into washington. they go to the white house, and inside the president's office are several men besides the president. these are cabinet officers, captains of industry, people trying to curry favor with the president, trying to get him to give them something. in walks john singleton mosby and his 12-year-old son, who is about the same size. grant picks up some tension in the room, take a drag off the stogie and blows the blue smoke in the air, and he says colonel, did you know back in 1864, you were within five minutes of capturing me? mosley said, mr. president, no, sir. do tell the story. he said i have just come from seeing president lincoln, who had made me general in chief of
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the army, i was riding on the orange and alexandria line. mind you, it was just one or two cars, i just had my security staff and staff officers with me, a small group. one of my officers saw a cloud of dust over the rail door tracks, and i said i want to stop the train and find out what that was. so they pulled up the train down near calverton today. the officer comes back in a few minutes and said it turns out that colonel mosby was chasing some of our boys across the tracks not five minutes ago. grant turns to mosby and he says well, now, mosby, what do you think of that? mr. mosby without batting an eye says mr. president, if i were five minutes later, maybe i'd be sitting in your chair. [laughter]
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they did exactly what you all did. they had a good laugh and settled down. the business had to do with the amnesty act. mr. president, i am sure you know the amnesty act of 1872 allows former confederates who were not involved in the immediate parole, 14 classes of parolees, to vote and hold office. and mr. president, if you do -- could just get that built your desk and find it, i guarantee you there be men in the south who would come to your aid and vote for you. grant looked at him and he says, i will see what i can do. to make a long story short, the bill was gotten out of committee, got to the floor the senate, passed under something called a suppression of rule because it matched the house version. -- raced into the
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president was for the office at the white house, he signs the bill, and the man who kept the bill from getting any further, sumner, was aghast, almost had a heart attack over that. but come the election of 1872, grant won by a landslide of over 20,000 votes. phenomenal. after that, mosby was one of grant's best friends. he was allowed to see the president anytime he came to the white house, except once, and that was when president grant was in the hands of a dentist. they went back and forth, and mosby helped him in many ways, until 1877 when someone took a shot at mosby in warrington. he lived in warrington at that time. he tried to kill him. mosby was getting off the train in warrington. he had lived there for sometime, but because he had become a republican, the society had
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turned against him. his law practice fell off. his children were beaten at school. the people had turned against him. people across the street kept from having to speak to him. mosby, his life was in mortal danger, and he contacted president grant, who by now was on a world tour. grant and julia took a world tour starting in 1877 that lasted for two years. and he was somewhere in europe. mosby got a hold of president grant through a telegram, my life is in danger, can you help me? it was grant who wired president rutherford b. hayes. it was hayes who appoints mosby to hong kong. he arrives in 1878. after a couple of months, there are two sets of books in the consulate, one for the state department and one for everybody else.
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yes. yes. there was corruption. these people were overcharging lots of other people who wanted to come to america. they were charging $10,000 for a load of opium when the official fee was $2.50. this was the kind of thing they were doing. mosby tried to break up the corruption by sending a dossier to the state department, and you cannot imagine, but it was lost. [laughter] well, that would not deter the gray ghost. he not only found there was corruption and the hong kong consulate, but there was corruption in the entire u.s. consulate system in the far east, and there were some in called a consular ring where a diplomat from hong kong would go to bangkok, and they would just keep rotating, the same group of people, and they were raking in money like crazy. he put together a dossier to the
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state department and said to the state department, you clean this up, or i will. and by the time that things arrived, he had already alerted his good friend, who was the publisher of the china mail, and his good friend who was the publisher of "washington star," wait for my command, just like the old days, and he told the state department, "fix it or else." and you know, there were all kinds of diplomats who were starting to retire because they wanted to spend more time with the family. [laughter] they just had enough of the far east and wanted to get back to the good old usa and feel that terra firma under their feet. it happened very quietly. mosby returned back to the united states. before he left, he was advised in april of 1885 that he would be returning to the united states and prepare to leave by july. he sent a letter to president grant asking him to help mosby find a job.
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he didn't have a job. he did not have any contact back in the united states. he had been away for seven years. he did not realize that president grant was dying of throat cancer. he did not hear from grant. the day that the ship had finally arrived in san francisco, mosby was walking down the gangplank there was a , young man on the docks saying council mosby, counsel mosby i am mosby. he was given a note, and inside the note was a request from a man in san francisco to come and see him, and he was the owner of the southern pacific railroad. mosby went to see him, and the guy said i will give you a job if you would like. i would like you to read this letter first. it was a telegram from grant, the day before grant dies, the
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day before grant dies, he sends a telegram, the man's name is leland stafford. -- the man's name is leland stanford. stanford offered mosby a job, and he stayed with the southern pacific railroad for 16 years from 1805 to 1901. after that, mosby was let go after several people who were there to protect him either died or retired. we came back to -- he was still in the west, he came back east, served with the interior department for a few years, then with the justice department, he was out trying to take cattle people who had , been raising cattle on federal lands. he won the first battle, but the second battle, the court was corrupt and the judge was probably paid off, and a number of other people were paid off, and it was an absolute failure. mosby was so embarrassed, as was the interior department, that he
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was sent to alabama to chase squatters off of federal lands. he retired for good in 1910, long about 1915 he was doing well. up until late 1915, he started feeling poorly. he told one of his daughters he did not feel well, if he could just breathe that sea air, he would feel great again. she arranged for him to stay in a sanatorium around norfolk. he went there, felt great for about five or six weeks, came back, and within a couple of months was feeling poorly again. he went to the doctor, he said mosby, i do not like what i am seeing. i will send you to my friend to georgetown. he went there and found out he had cancer. it has got to come out, so they set out a time for mosby to have a surgery.
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may 30, 1916, at garfield hospital in washington he was , lying on a gurney the day of the surgery. three well-dressed men walk up the stairs. one says to a nurse i am looking for colonel mosby. she says that is him right over there. he leans over, says a few words to the old man on the gurney, goes back and says it is family here, and she says that is them over there. the man walks over to the family, one of the daughters steps forward. he pulls the card out from his to the and says doctor if you or your father or anyone in your family needs anything, i want you to contact me. she said thank you very much. he thousand, joins the other two men, and he disappears down the
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steps. she looks at the card and it is , that of ulysses s. grant iii. so what you get from this is the completion of the circle, these two men who would have been frank when nobody if it was not for that war. grant would never have solved his problems of a civilian, and mosby would have been nothing more than a little country lawyer in a little town in the middle of nowhere. but that suit made them heroes, and they are now the heroes that we admire, and with that, i will conclude. thank you very much. [applause] >> ok, we are going to open up for questions. [applause] why don't i let you pick the first one, chuck, and we will go down the line, but make sure you have the microphone. >> questions, anybody?
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yes, sir. >> what became of stoughton after he was captured? >> stoughton would be sent to castle thunder in richmond, he would be released, sent back, he would be relieved of command, he would never be in charge of troops again. he would die on christmas day, 1868, 30 years old. i think it devastated his entire life. >> yes, ma'am? >> are any of the houses that were shown on the map in fairfax still standing? >> absolutely. the thomas murray house is still there. the judge house is still there, , and of course the courthouse. >> thank you.
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>> what was the relationship of mosby and george patton? >> i would like to take that one. leland stanford owned a second home in a want to say pasadena, but that is not correct. san marino? all right. and one of the families living next door near him was the path patton family from virginia. these people knew about mosby, new his reputation, of course you knew the pattons were a military family, had men in uniforms for generations, and a new about mosby, mosby's reputation, and they had no problem allowing their son, little georgie, to go out and hang out with the old guerrilla fighter. georgie was probably about 10
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years old at this point, and interestingly, it was patton who was asking all the questions. it was not mosby saying this is what you want to do. patton was saying what you do when you are almost out of ammunition, how do you set of a surprise, and mosby -- they are just like two little kids having a great time together. if you can being a 10-year-old asking mosby questions, or if you are mosby asking -- this little 10-year-old george patton asking you questions, what a wonderful thing that must have been. so when patton grows up and wears a pair of pistols on his hip, just like the old guerrilla fighter, that is a clue. and patton treated his tanks like they were cavalry. it is just a profound relationship. >> yes?
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>> yeah, ames was a very interesting character, and i believe he was killed later in another raid. why does he defect and go from the union to the confederacy? and what was the attraction with mosby? >> the question was about big yankee ames, who don talked about in the fairfax courthouse raid. why did he defect and go over to mosby? don: the explanation that has been given when he was asking -- actually questioned is that he had a disagreement with the emancipation proclamation, that he had joined the army to protect the union, to save the union, but when he thought emphasis went over to the emancipation proclamation, he deserted from the cavalry. >> why did he choose mosby's command?
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eric: well, the fifth new york, he had already tangled with them a few times, came out on the very, very, very short end of the stick in those fights. [laughter] i mean, it is a great story that as far as i understand when i read it, when ames shows up to join mosby, somewhere out in the middleburg area, he was not mounted. so he hoofed it from the fairfax city area, germantown area, out to join up. the reason i believe that is true is because that night, he and another ranger named walter franklin turned right around and walked back into the same area from whence ames had come to steal horses as they could literally ride with mosby after that because franklin had also joined without a horse. that is the explanation given
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when he was finally pushed about it why he wanted to join. >> i will just add one thing. i i started on my talk by saying there is nothing unusual about john singleton mosby. but what i left out was the fact that he apparently had piercing blue eyes, and he could size a man of very quickly. >> go ahead, we will go with the lady here, and then we will go with the lady there. >> mosby was a very brave man. can you discuss his wounds? discuss mosby possible wounds. mosby's ? >> mosby was wounded three times by bullets, three times in fairfax county, once on the 24th of august of 1863 in gooding's tavern, which is right across the street from the northern virginia community college. he was wounded right at the intersection of route 29 and clifton road on the 14th of september, 1864, and then he was shot in loudoun county, fakih or
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house on the 21st of december, 1864. they actually thought the last one was the most severe and he was going to die, but he survived. he also earlier as a private living down the road at night, his horse went over a cow apparently in the middle of the road. he was thrown and a couple of days later he woke up. they thought he was going to die from that. later on, as the commander had another horse roll on him, it is one of the train raids where he is actually hobbling around with a crutch. he was probably hit with sabers once or twice. as an older gentleman that dave can probably articulate more, went ahead and got kicked in the face by a horse. >> this was after the war, 1897. eric: yes. the man was as hard as
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woodpecker lips. [laughter] >> all right. here, please. >> was mosby involved in any >> ok, what would happen between mosby and sheridan? >> eric, do you want to cover this? eric: definitely, and i will hit it a little bit. one of the things that probably shook sheridan up just a tad was mosby's raid, the berryville wagon train raid. he had about 300 and 50 rangers plus two pieces of artillery. rangers plusut 350 two pieces of artillery. they captured release a couple hundred union soldiers. countless, at least in the hundreds of horses and mules, cattle. and sheridan in fact lied to
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grant about how devastating that raid actually was. very definitely became a burre and painful under sheridan's saddle. >> one of the things that is very important to talk about when you talk about the wagon train raid, sheridan went back to harpers ferry, and he stayed there for a month, knows all because of the wagon train rate at berryville. so there is no doubt that mosby affected sheridan. >> yes, sir. >> can you elaborate on mosby and stuart's collaboration during the gettysburg campaign? >> well, mosby is the one that gave him the bad information that started things going awry
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on his trip to gettysburg. mosby told him it was clear at haymarket, and as soon as stuart got to haymarket, he ran into hookers army, and from there he went from the tavern to to brentsville and he was , trying to catch up with the confederate army. so things started going wrong for stuart's cavalry based on the first intelligence that he received from mosby. >> we have a question here, and then i will go to you. go ahead. >> a question for the viewers why was mosby called the gray ghost? >> why was mosby called the gray ghost? >> i don't think anybody knows where that came from. i could be wrong, you correctly here, but i do not know if and when he knows where that came from. i heard it was president lincoln.
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>> if you have ever been on my bus tour's, you heard me say this over and over, there is one word that you hear me say over and over, he is ubiquitous, he is here, he is there, he is everywhere. the gray ghost. [laughter] >> a question right here. >> yes, a comment on the origins of mr. mosby, the least favorable light is the execution of the union soldiers from custard's command. >> i want to say something, and eric told me to bring this up earlier, i believe. my great, great, great uncle was thomas anderson, who was shot in the war, so when we talk about the executions, it was very personal to me. mosby's men were executed, six of his men were executed, two were hanged, and four were shot, and one of them was thomas anderson, my relative. another ranger was captured as a part of general powell's command, and he was hanged.
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mosby was away from the unit when it occurred. mosby came back, he found out about it. he sent a communication to his chain of command, robert e lee, and he said i want to retaliate in kind, i want to execute seven men because i had seven men executed. that went to robert e lee, and went to the confederate secretary of war, and that went to jefferson davis, and he followed the chain of command, and it was approved for him to retaliate in kind. there were three union soldiers hanged in retaliation for seven of his men. four union soldiers shot and possibly all of them survived. when mosby was told that three or four of them survived, mosby said, that is ok. they will tell everybody what happened.
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he sent a communication to sheridan and said something to the effect, i wanted this barbarity to end. and it did. >> ignores the fact from what i read what was done at front royal was done at retaliation for what mosby's men habitually did. men cutting off a sheep and being killed. my understanding is what led to the executions in front royal was that mosby's men had a history of executing. >> they didn't have a history. here is what as they did have. they found union soldiers burning homes near berryville. and there were three homes that were being burned. and they found the union
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soldiers who burned those houses and killed those men. that is a fact. they did give them no quarter. i think you will find in the press the northern press at that time, i believe they had a hard time explaining why the rangers on a constant basis made them look foolish. and we are not talking about cap tap dancing. these are people killing each other. that was the goal here. killed the other guy. the rangers worked up close and personal with the pistols and were three or four feet away, 16-year-old, 17-year-old, 18-year-old kids prior to that who were in school and were now out fighting. they have been yoked with executing prisoners and hanging prisoners and doing those things.
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i have not found any evidence other than what was written in newspapers. not official records or anything the rangers wrote. >> and the rangers across-the-board were pretty honest when they talked about things that other rangers did. >> i think it is called black flag warfare. it came, it started with -- it is hard to say where it started. it was more tit-for-tat. this thing with joe nelson and killing the union. and from -- no. >> i do not know. >> i thought he was part of custer's staff and custer knew the guy. that was when he ordered five houses would be burned. and one of mosby's officers saw pillars of smoke. they ran to it and there were houses on fire and women were
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in the yard screaming. what are we to do? they went from one house to the next and finally caught these yankees burning the houses. they went out and slaughtered them. men who were -- pulled bodies, dead bodies over them to keep from being killed themselves. union soldiers crawling away shot in the back. only a couple of them escaped. there were almost 30, i will say 28 or 29 men murdered and that experience. those guys went back to sheridan and sheridan went nuts. they told sheridan what are they experienced and that is when you have this whole thing get worse and worse and worse until colonel mosby got permission from his superior officers. retaliation in kind was legal under international law and those days. he got permission and he has the
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law on his side. he went after those guys. when of them were killed and 4 three were not. that was enough. there is no record of mosby ever torturing anyone. for the a staff drive united states army jag and they addressed it on a legal basis. they found the trees at fort -- troops at fort royal had conducted illegal activities by murdering mosby's men. at that time, retaliation was legal and mosby had followed the rules of war. i thought i would pass it along. that was very important for me to be a part of that. >> my understanding, i do not
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want to -- in the battles around royal, there was a lieutenant by the name of mcmaster who there is still some doubt whether or not he was still fighting or whether or not he had surrendered. >> it depends on who you believe. >> the union obviously took of the position he had surrendered and he was executed by mosby's men after he had surrendered. mosby and his men took the position he was still fighting and therefore legitimate target. that to my understanding was precipitating cause of the execution. >> that's really got the ire of the union troops up. mcmaster's was trying to cut off the retreating rangers. if he jumped off his horse -- because the rangers were already being chased by union calvary. he is trying to cut them off. there's union calvary chasing the rangers and this guy is going to jump off his horse and throw his hands up in the air
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with these men running as fast as they possibly can, let's think about that for a minute. i am not saying the rangers were justified, but that is a tough deal when you are racing and being chased. and then a guy cutting you off and said "i surrender." his comments before he died was "i surrendered and they shot me down." that got the blood flowing for those troops, and they executed six of the rangers. >> go ahead. >> >> i have read that the mosby was such a threat to washington that they took off the planks on a bridge every night from keeping him from getting into the city. can you talk about that? his activities in maryland and possibly pennsylvania? inmosby's operations maryland and pennsylvania? >> the stories on the planks
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being taken up were true. he pushed in several times. in fact, we did a dvd about mosby's combat operations in fairfax county. everybody know mosby's confederacy, but when you add up operations to actions in fairfax more than anywhere else. they had a real knack to get through lines and wreak havoc. there was a threat to washington city. they did get into maryland a little bit. there was not one aborted raid that was to go into annapolis to snatch the governor there. that did not work out too well. the commander was killed. they got into pennsylvania and -- in any sort of death during the gettysburg campaign but they
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, cannot find stuart so they turned around. i think it was just the perceived threat with them continually popping up in in fairfaxo 1864 county. it had the people in washington pretty concerned. >> i did a to the -- operations ins maryland, i want to tell you, it was raining all day. everybody got soaked. when we got to the aqueduct, i said, i will understand if you don't get off the bus. everybody did. [laughter] >> this joan and right here had his hand up -- this gentleman right here had his hand
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