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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  September 4, 2015 7:49pm-8:01pm EDT

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it going in this direction. but who you are, i guess, is a lot about what you bring to the table. so it's not just about who i am, it's who the callers are. to get more directly to your question, i do a show on called heal planet about one of my other interests which has nothing to do with left/right politics. it's about human consciousness. it's about cosmology. that's not makeup, by the way. that's actually how the planet got started. so we talk to people in self-improvement. we talk about people in the human potential movement. we talk about meditation. it's not left/right. it's not politics at all. and this, to me -- this is really one of my passions because when i'm not doing radio i'm not reading political books. i'm reading wayne dyer or deepak chopra or tony robbins. that's the stuff that really interests me. so that's what i really have -- i have a venue now to bring that to the radio, and sometimes combine it with what i'm doing on fox news news radio where deepak chopra will be a regular guest. i think that the big question
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you asked is who are we and what part of that can we bring to our audience, and i think that is -- it's an important we should each ask ourselves because what part of ourselves do we want to reveal during the few hours of the day we're on the air?audien. what part of yourself do we want to reveal. >> or what part of ourselves do we want to reveal to a different audience since there are so many tracks and channels. >> right. you are not obligated to be what you are just on the big one. you can have bod passes and things. craig, i haven't forgotten you're here. >> i haven't forgotten i'm here either. >> what is it like being the program director of wabc, having this immense heritage behind you. part of the answer, how is it interesting in new york than in providence or a smaller market. >> thanks for having me, first of all. i think it's a great group here. every year i learn a lot. thanks for having me.
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gosh, you know, wabc verses wpro in providence, which is a great station as well. i don't think the challenges are that much different. yes, the audience is bigger. yes, the talent is different. there was a different level of talent in the sense of they have to perform on a larger stage. but the talent in providence are very talented. the talent in new york are very talented. that doesn't change. i think a radio station is a radio station in many ways. you still have concerns over marketing. you still want to assign the talent to the right agreement. you still want the talent to be in productive day part and have them do the best show they possibly can. those fights, those battles are
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des moines to new york or providence to new york. you still have a transmitter that goes down. you still have sales concerns. and you still have sales managers to work with and be productive with and try to find your spot and find the things that are going to matter. those conversations are the same in the hall ways of providence as they are in new york. the difference for me, there is a different pulse in new york. there is a different expectation in new york. but both of those stations wpro and wabc are heritage brands. you want to be the custodian of them. i take the heritage of the station in providence and the heritage of the station here in new york very, very seriously. it's what a lot of us listen to. we listened to 77 growing up and yankees games, cousin brucy. or whatever it might have been. we listened to these big a.m.
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radio stations. i grew up in kansas in the midwest. those big sticks meant a lot to me. this big stick means a lot to me at 77. i take it extremely seriously. i take our talent seriously. i take our approach to promotions and marketing seriously. i take everything seriously. that's the way it has to be for all of us. and it's an exciting time. you know, it's something i hold very dear. and it's something that i'm very thankful to be a part of. >> we're going to wrap this up in a minute and a half, two minutes. i've programmed in the biggest markets and i've also programmed in some small ones. and i have found the biggest mistake a major market radio person can do is think because they are in a big station for big market somehow they were more or they're better than the people running small stations.
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or somehow small markets have small people and small money. they have big people, big egos, lots of power and lots of cliques. there are amazing obstacles with your big city ways and think you have all the answers. chris, we'll let you wrap up the big picture. it's interesting, as i followed you over the years, 2015, you have been around the track a lot. you are not the same young fellow that i knew 15, 20 years ago. what's your assessment of the big picture? what do we need to be concerned with as radio broadcasters going forward? >> i think what we need to be about moving forward is not making the excuses that we have sort of made a habit of in the past. it is very interesting, sexy, new, shiny. but the point i've always made about things like that is there
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have been radio stations in ppm that have been number one long before voltare. so sometimes we try to pick on one thing and make it all about that thing and we lose sight of the big picture. and that's not good for any industry. but the thing that i'm most passionate about, i think nielsen will get it right. the rating point for broadcast radio will actually increase in the next few years, which would be great for business. >> thank you. let's have lunch! this labor day weekend, three days of politics, books, and american history. on a full day of special programs on c-span, here are a few of the features for labor
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day monday beginning at 10:00 a.m. eastern. a town hall event in seattle discusses the pros and cons of big data and civil liberties. later that evening at 6:30, a debate how to reduce poverty between president owe bam a ma and the president of the american enterprise institute arthur brooks. and then at 8:00, mark cuban and former presidents bill clinton and george w. bush on leadership skills. beginning saturday at 10:00 on c-span2's book tv, live all day in the nation's capital for the 15th annual national book festival with programs futuring koki roberts as well as your opportunity to talk with david mcauliffe, buzz aldrin and others. sunday at news. a live three-hour conversation on in depth with former second lady and american enterprise institute senior fellow lynn cheney. later at 9:00 on after words,
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catherine edin talks about how families from chicago, appalachia and the mississippi delta are surviving on no income. labor day monday, beginning at 11:45 a.m., eric loomis, ann coulter and others share their thoughts on social and political issues. and on c-span3 saturday evening at 8:00 on lectures in history, boise state university professor lisa brady explains how defoleyation created long-term damage to both people and the environment. sunday afternoon at 4:00 on real america, crowded out. the 1958 national education association film addressing overcrowded schools following the post world war ii baby boom. labor day monday, our interview with billionaire philanthropist david rubenstein.
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c-span's cities tour, working with cable affiliates and visiting cities across the company. we're learning about grand junction, co co. the mining of the certain mineral had a long-term importance in this part of colorado. >> all over the colorado plateau, especially here in mesa county outside of grand junction we are surrounded by morrison rock. we find a lot of dinosaur bones, fossils. that has intrigued fossils for a long time. the other thing is a mineral, rock called carnetite. it was used to help solve and fight cancer. it also contains venadium, used to strengthen steel. during the buildup to world war ii and during world war ii itself, it was of extreme value.
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carnetite contains uranium. uranium, as we know on, is one of the best sources for atomic power and atomic weapons. >> colorado congressman was responsible is for the agriculture development through his legislation. >> he fought the battle to reserve water for western colorado by making sure that we got our fair share. how did he do that? beginning in his state career, going into his federal career, he climbed up the level of seniority and was able to exercise more power than you might normally have. certain in the united states congress where he was able to make sure colorado and western colorado would be treated fairly in any divisions of water. his first major success was the
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passage of the colorado river storage project in 1956. >> see all our programs saturday at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span2 book tv. and sunday afternoon at 2:00 on american history tv on c-span3. next to mark the allied issuation of some of the nazi camps. serving as interpreter for the u.s. after that, mayer adler talks about his time in auschwitz. 70 years ago, allied forces liberated the nazi concentration camps. tonight on american history tv we will hear holocaust of those


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