tv American Artifacts CSPAN October 10, 2015 3:21pm-4:01pm EDT
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it is good in a world where there's quite enough to divide people that we should cherish the language and emotion that unite us all. >> jacqueline kennedy's 1000 days his first lady were defined as images of political spouse, young mother, fashion icon, and advocate for the arts. it was ultimately the tragic images of president kennedy's assassination and funeral that cemented her in the public mind. jacqueline kennedy, this sunday night at a clock p.m. eastern on c-span's original series, first ladies of influence and image, examining the public and private lives of the women who fill the position of first lady and their influence on the presidency, from what washington to michelle obama, said it had :00 p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span3. this year, c-span is touring
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cities across the country, exploring american history. a look at our visit to santa rosa, california. you're watching american history tv, all we can, every weekend on c-span3. >> we looked in the north. such a huge black cloud. it looked like smoke out of a train or something. we ran into the storm house because we thought it might be storming. we had to tie wet rags over our mouths just to keep from smothering. the old-timers said they had never seen nothing like that. our house was sealed, but that dust came through somehow.
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even the stucco houses. you had to mop real good when it was over. you just couldn't get it out no other way. lynn: today we will be looking at our dust bowl migration archives, which we have had since 1994 -- materials gathered beginning in 1974, primarily by gerald haslam. he received dozens of letters offering to provide him with material. he also gathered material directly from people who worked in the camps. charles todd and robert sunken are probably the most infamous of the people that worked in the camps on a daily basis between 1940 and 1941.
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there goal was to gather stories and songs, either remembered by migrants from their previous times, or their relatives, or stories about their migration and experiences in the camps. so, a lot of those recordings are housed in the library's congress in a dust bowl oral history project. i think music has always served a purpose in people's lives, especially in troubled times. i think one of the values for the migrants og bringing their songs with them was it was probably, besides their belongings, the one thing that could bring with them -- stories and songs. i think as they were exposed to the difficulties of life in new environment in california, and exposed to the difficulties of earning money, and the difficulties of working for
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landlords who are not always kind and did not always give them living wages, they develop songs that reflected their new lives in the camp, and they included songs about wages and the difficulties of being a wage-earner and not making enough to live on. and the possibility of striking -- there were a lot of labor and strike songs that were gathered. i think all of those songs together represent people holding on to what will keep him home and keep them able to survive this difficult experience. i am going to share with you some announced the notes that were written by charles todd and robert sonkin when they arrive in each of the camps. they began recording their experiences in type-written form. this is an example from 1940. "we arrived at the farmworkers
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community at 3:00 p.m. the clerk on duty in the office directed us to the camp store to mr. dewy rogers, assistant camp manager. the store is a new, very neat building. according to the wife of the store manager, the blueprints from the office were upside down. they indicated a sloped to the roof, which was obviously slanting in the wrong direction. they go on to the people they meet -- "dewey rogers, heavy set rapid speech, eager to help. he took us to the library where we set up our machine. cotton davis, extroverted, full of gags and witty sayings."
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cotton davis ended up giving sonkin and todd a lot of material for songs. anyone that comes now to research the time, and they do a wonderful job of introducing who these individual people were, so it is not just a mass of 350,000 okies. it is individual stories that have been a superb job of recording. that is why the library of congress has collected these materials. we have a number of photographs in our dust bowl migration archives. most of the photographs were taken by a photographer in ventura. almost all of the photographs are officially farm security administration photographs of life in the migrant camps of
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california. a few examples that are quite telling include this sign from the u.s. department of agriculture farm security administration identifying the farmworkers community that exists that these children are posing in front of. charles todd and robert sonkin collected songs and stories, and this photograph showing them in will front of a microphone, getting ready to sing their songs for the phonograph placed in front of them is, again, both an iconic photograph, and also one that is very, very specific to these two people and their experience in the camp. again, mrs. pipkin holding a baby, sitting outside in the bright sun. a wonderful picture, speaking to
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the times. her face looks much older than i am sure she was. the photograph details the daily life in the camps and identifies many of these people, really helping to highlight family life -- what individual experiences were like. one of the collections, the sub-collection is a collection of camp newsletters. these are copies of original materials that were handed out to everyone in the speech of the each of the camps, where they were written. the unique thing about them, they were written by the migrant laborers themselves about life in the camp. i will review a few desserts
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>> the title is, the covered wagon. >> i am glad to have this opportunity to work with these folks. this is your home and mine. when little boys and girls grow up, however they feel for the homes we made for them. my sense from reading the newsletters is that you have people in a situation in a community that was a forced community because of them stand and you had government workers mixed with migrants and they all worked very hard to develop and retain a feeling of community, of a self governed place, they assigned duties. -- art,eloped are,
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literature, trying to build a sense of community. they developed workers rights groups and it didn't just talk among themselves, but organized and went to larger conferences. it was an incredible example of what people in difficult circumstances are able to do to be in community and not feel alone and always eager to have something to look forward to rshare and have hope for their children. each newsletter reflects that. there are so many individual stories from the decibel migration, from any migration, especially those that are forced . people do not to leave their
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land, but they had no choice. i think some of the history of passionreflected in the in which people want their stories to be told. >> find out where c-span cities tour will be at next, online >> recently american history tv was ephesus heidi for foreign relations -- tv was at the society of foreign relations. we talked to graduate students about their research. amanda is a doctoral student.
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on theseocusing americans and let me begin with this, the benchmark of 1975, the fall of saigon. and your research picks up after that. amanda demmer: most histories -- after thech picks up fall of saigon, but my research begins with that moment and looks at the period often considered an epilogue, from the fall of saigon until bill clinton announced relationships normalizing. a 20 year period and the role of refugee issues in u.s. policy towards vietnam. steven scully: an interesting part is the normalized relations we now have with vietnam. amanda demmer: yes. this is something that i think most americans are not familiar with. they know that relations with
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cuba were not normalized until very recently but after the war, policymakers extended the embargo that had formally been on the north to the entire country and also refused to extend formal diplomatic recognition to the new, united vietnam, the socialist republic of vietnam. and so for really 20 years, in a formal sense, there are no diplomatic ties. steven scully: there are different ways, one of the biggest after the fall of saigon but also in the years that followed, coming to america. talk about that. amanda demmer: as the communist forces are making advances in the anon, -- vietnam, u.s. officials see the fall of saigon coming. and so the infrastructure is laid to try to secure the evacuation of close american allies that would really face significant reprisals if they have stayed.
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about 125,000 evacuated alongside u.s. personnel in 1975. the really significant disparity between the few that leave and the many that were involved in anti-communist efforts, civil and military officials of south vietnam, they face dire straits, the losing side in what was in vietnam a civil war. this precipitates what scholars call the "refugee question." not only are there these statements about people that shows a powerless journey, there are the offspring of american soldiers and vietnamese women that stood out in a homogenous society. and then there are the political prisoners. right now my research focuses on the political prisoners, those
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that the vietnamese government put into what they call the reeducation camps. steven scully: a big of a story about these children. can you explain that -- how big of a story were the children? can you explain that question? amanda demmer: it is a shock, soldiers having relationships with vietnamese women, and often times their offspring are widely discriminated against so they are often abandoned, or they and their mothers face a widespread discrimination in terms of job, housing, things of that nature. there is this significant moral question, especially after 1975, does the united states have an obligation to those who are so obviously a legacy of american involvement in vietnam?
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and that in terms of the legal side, citizenship policy. are the american citizens? -- they american citizens? how do they come to the united states if they cannot prove who their father was? it creates a lot of thorny legal, political, and moral questions that the country has to grapple with. steven scully: we have been talking with a lot of historians, but in your area of expertise, unique because it is relatively recent and you have firsthand accounts. who are you able to talk to and what are you asking? amanda demmer: i have just begun the interview process and i view the project as what historians call top-down and bottom-up. in the top-down approach i am talking to american officials. i have a chance to interview pete peterson, a prisoner of war during the conflict, he was a
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congressman thereafter. and then he was the first u.s. ambassador to vietnam. other state department officials and so on. i have just begun the process of speaking to vietnamese americans, hopefully something i will be returning attention to in the near future. there is a very surprising quality of archival records left from vietnamese-american groups. and that is what i have focused on so far. steven scully: you talked about normalized relations with cuba. we have normalized relations with vietnam. it has been 20 years since we resumed relations, led by bill clinton. what lessons can we learn? what can we apply from the anon to cuba orvietnam other countries/ ? amanda demmer: this is a very important question, hopefully
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something i will be looking at in the future, these comparisons between what we look at as normalization. it is important to remember that each of these case studies has been different. one obvious example is that when president clinton announced the normalization with vietnam, congress had already lifted the embargo. whereas with cuba, president obama announced relations normalized but the embargo remains. than the public is aware a malleable concept , where we do not have a set definition as the announcement of normalization. steven scully: i want to go back to 1975. the war had just ended, one of the most divisive wars in u.s. history. thousands of young men have died. the draft was in place. and yet, as the war came to an end, these vietnamese americans came to the u.s. many were fleeing because of the communist threat. take us back to what these
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families, these vietnamese were thinking, and why they wanted to come here. amanda demmer: this is a part of the most interesting part of my research, looking at compelling human stories. in the case of 1975, you have a moment where a country, south vietnam, the republic of vietnam, no longer exists on the map. this group of people who are to some extent stateless in a way. and so the group that i look at, the families of vietnamese political prisoners association, i will call them the association, the association is founded in 1977 by vietnamese americans, mostly women who have husbands, brothers, sons, incarcerated in political prisons in vietnam. and so they are able to enjoy the benefits of living in american society while their loved ones are in what has been
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compared to concentration camps, hard labor camps in vietnam, because of their support for the cause of south vietnam. it is this really poignant story of family separation, something that has i think significant or -- significant parallels with the missing in action lobby that focuses on missing american serviceman and family separations of american serviceman, many who fought in the army of the republic of vietnam. they are having a similar story. steven scully: this year marking the 40th anniversary. how have these vietnamese assimilated in the united states? amanda demmer: this is an interesting question. i must confess i am primarily a diplomatic scholar so i do not
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quite study assimilation in the same way. i will say that the group, to go to be specific example, the association, they have adopted the american political process. they became citizens, they ofbied politicians to sort have a legal political solution , to their problems in the same way that americans born and raised here will choose their elected representatives, lobby elected representatives for change, on a variety of issues. so certainly embracing the political process is something ed almost immediately in this specific case. steven scully: your two years away from completing your doctoral dissertation. good luck to you. amanda demmer: thank you. steven scully: still a lot of research to go. what are you looking at and why is this of interest to you? amanda demmer: for many reasons. i think this is a moment, a
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narrative story that has been told by very thoughtful, very well-known historians, but this piece about vietnamese americans missing, i think, has the narrative incomplete thus far. i am very happy to be speaking to an issue that is sort of real re-including this group that deserves our historical attention but also focusing on an issue, refugees, complex situations that have immediate bearing on things like syria in our own time. and so i plan to continue the interviews, to get back to your question, and to explore human rights organizations and the way that they fight to influence government policy. since vietnamese americans are a crucial part of what i consider a multifaceted dialogue.
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steven scully: those unanswered questions are what? moving ahead to the things that you are most interested in. amanda demmer: one key question that has significant implications for the past and present is what is normalization? what is the role of refugee politics? issues of migration, in that process. we often consider those things separate. that is diplomatic and economic relations. there are human rights issues. i am arguing with the project is that we have to be open to the idea that these things are inextricably linked to one another and that by ignoring human rights, ignoring the refugee politics, we are depriving ourselves of the key ways in which states normalize relations with one another. steven scully: good luck with your research. amanda demmer, we appreciate your time. amanda demmer: thank you for having me. naacp's julian-
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bond died in august. this is one of several oral histories of a community leader that we will feature in the coming weeks. this is conducted by the exploration in a black leadership project, that is on sunday, october 25, at 10:00 a.m. touringr, c-span is cities across the country. next, a look at our recent visit to santa rosa, california. you are watching american history tv, all weekend, every 3.kend on c-span
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charles: jack london was one of the most famous authors at the time come up one of the most -- at the time, one of the most highest paid. he was an author read throughout the world, including the soviet translatedn, he was into language after language and people found his writing compelling. he was concerned about the human condition and much of what he wrote about, it may have seemed like stories about dogs or the yukon, were often about the state of humanity and his concern for humankind. we are on jack london's ranch, this is where he lived until his death in 1916. the entrance to the cottage provides people with an overview
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of his life, pictures on the wall, a video available to see, so they can get a sense of him 1905-1916 time. ,e was sailing with his wife they will see the original study he worked in. this room is the much larger study that he created after his dream house burned to the ground. it burned just a few weeks before he was going to move in, when workers were finishing the wood with oil, they took their act and through it in the fireplace and unfortunately it was a hot night, spontaneous combustion caused a fire and burned it. once that happened, jack london, while he talked about rebuilding, he understood that he probably wasn't going to live
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that much longer. he was aware he was not healthy and he decided to work on his farm and on the cottage we are in today, to the added this room that became a larger study for him to be able to work with his wife and his servant, so he could get more accomplished in the short time he had left. "theost famous book is call of the wild" and he also --both about fang" his experiences searching for gold. but he wrote stories on a number of different subjects. he wrote a book called, "the road." he wrote a book about the poor in london, he wrote a book about the area we are in today. if you want to talk about his socialistic time, the "iron
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heel," was written in the future. many are still quite readable. until recently, "the call of the wild" was read by schoolchildren. so it provides a wide variety of different types of writing, different styles. he even wrote science fiction. jack london was writing long and when people came upon him. the typing was done by his wife or by his manservant. he was surrounded by books, he loved books. you would also see some technological innovations, something like a good phone, that was recently invented, but used by jack london because it allowed him to dictate letters without spending time to write longhand. his wife and servant could all work in here at the same time. while he was working on books,
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they were working on correspondence, or even on farm matters. he was very productive. 2/3 of his writing was published. was published in 1906. the valley of the moon was published when he was living here. workedondon claimed he -- jack london claimed he worked two hours a day, but a lot of spent -- on his ranch said it could be a model. and it took a lot of time. one element that he ought to wasect -- soft to perfect to make a more productive ranch, a farm, that people could be fed , have jobs. so that people could be more successful. was doing washe experimental, he was trying
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things that he expected to be successful or written about and people can learn from what he did. for example, historically americans believe in manifest destiny, they believe that america has a god-given right to own the country from coast to coast, if you are a virginia planter, you could move west. in west virginia, you could start another plantation, or go south and start one. the problem was, when you got to california, if you go west, you drown. you have to figure out ways to reuse and make the land sustainable. jack london believes he could do that. he read everything he could find written about agriculture in this area. he worked with the university of california to understand the most modern techniques. he worked with pioneers, people like luther burbank to develop crops that would work here and
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that would be innovative and unique and provide real benefits. built, what jack london the scribes from san francisco made fun of the fact that he piggery.000 to build a they called it the palace of pigs, designed for over 200 pages -- pigs. one man could oversee the operation. this is one thing that he did that was an example of his entrepreneurship. after his death, the family going,o keep the farm they found it more and more difficult over time and eventually they converted it into a guest ranch. before and during world war ii, this is a place for people from
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san francisco to come and enjoy the weekend of horseback riding or enjoying scenery. park today is operated by jack london park partners, this is a not-for-profit organization that helped the state. we volunteered to take over this part because we believed we could make this a sustainable and we have. we have twice as many visitors as used to come to the park. about 100,000 people come to visit every year. this is a great model for facilities. we have historic buildings, we had a museum, we have back country, we can support horse men, bicycles, hikers, history buffs. i think the combination of that with local community involvement can make for an extraordinary success.
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>> find out where c-span cities tour is going next online at you are watching american history tv, all weekend, every weekend on a stand -- on c-span 3. i think every first lady -- everything in the white house should be the best. these should be the same the world over, these are our feelings for children. -- in the world where there is enough to divide people, we should cherish the language and emotion that unites us all. >> jacqueline kennedy's 1000 archivedirst lady were
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in imaging. it was ultimately the tragic images of president kennedy's funeral and assassination that put her into the public's mind. , jacqueline kennedy, on first ladies, influence and images. from martha washington to michelle obama, sunday, 8:00 p.m. each week, american history tv to railamerica -- reel america bring you films on public affairs issues. , it is notuse blows because there is no energy available, it is because we have called for more energy to be
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delivered to a place within the line can take and the whole system blows. at the principal of the fuse or circuit breaker, keeping the client and command in balance, can be added to all forms of energy. all have circuit breakers and when demand grows greater than immediate supply, the circuit breaks. >> attention all passengers, flight 307 is canceled. >> and when several circuit break at the same time, we had an energy crisis. ♪ >> we are in an energy crisis now and will be for some time to come. >> we have a shortage of natural gas, we cannot produce as much as we can use, as we are equipped to use. the situation is destined to continue indefinitely, by indefinitely i do not mean the
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next the years, but as far ahead as we can see. >> until 1950, the united states could supply the energy needed, but in less than 25 years we found ourselves in trouble. more,ear we used 5% doubling our demand every 12 to 14 years. coal production stayed at their previous levels. crude oil production drop. in 1968 natural gas consumption exceeding new discoveries. oil companies during this time were encouraged to get oil and gas from other countries. by 1970 we imported one third of our oil and gas, relying on others to meet new needs. in 1973 the big middle east producers cut off oil shipments to major countries. when the embargo was lifted the price of foreign oil had jumped to $12 ae dollars
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barrel, four times higher than before. $20 billion left the united dates. no one was spared the impact. one out of every seven gallons of oil we have been using to our homes and cars just wasn't there anymore. at the height of the embargo, half a million people were thrown out of work. products we manufactured and sold, dropped from $10 billion to $20 billion in value. we were caught by surprise unless the entire country recognize the dangers of the quite real energy shortage. out of the embargo was project independence, the launching pad that would evolve this country's first national energy policy. we must the able to cope with future energy emergencies. we must immediately use our traditional energy sources. we must develop new sources. we must manage better the present demands based on energy.
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we must conserve. the first three goals were largely the job of government and industry. the fourth, observation, is up to all of us. it was designed to make the united states energy self-sufficient by 1985. that is, we would import some oil but not be so dependent on other countries. to meet this challenge we must change our energy habits. we must end our love affair with the big car and use buses and commuter trains. we must walk or use bikes, rather than drive. >> i think it will end with everybody changing their habits and going back to the things that maybe our parents were using, that we had never seen before. >> we will be out of time.
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we will be out of oil in a few years. >> we have to think of our kids, our kids kids and putting up with all of that stuff, because we are not careful. ♪ >> history bookshelf history book shelf airs every weekend at this time. next author mark wortman recalls the history of the yale flying club and the role of its members in the navy and air service during world war i. barnes & noble book sellers in washington, d.c. hosted this hour long event in 2006. >> good evening. good evening, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to barnes & noble bethesda. we are delighted to have marc wortman with
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