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tv   Clinton Campaign Appearance  CSPAN  November 21, 2015 2:00pm-2:46pm EST

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house rewind" we look back at the 1992 presidential campaign with bill clinton. he announced his presidency on -- cano franklin high school in new hampshire where he ate lunch, played basketball, and took questions from students. come with me. hi, what's your name? i'm governor quinn. -- clinton. hello. good to see you. can you shake hands? that's good. thank you. this looks good. my like it. like it. you were in there, you didn't get to ask your question? was this? -- what is this? ok, shoot. how are you?
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do you have any skim? thank you, and bill clinton. but deceive. -- glad to see you. good to see. how long have you worked here? nice to see you. thanks. hello. good to see you, i'm governor clinton. >> i worked here a long time. you come with me. we will do it. i got to ask her a question. >> what kind of political changes -- do you think it's important for presidential candidate have a background in foreign affairs and the military? bill clinton: i think it's important for presidential a cleare to demonstrate
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vision for what our national security and foreign policy ought to be. to keep america safe and strong. had to think you should add a lot of foreign-policy experience before, president reagan had no foreign-policy experience when he became president. president gorbachev in russia, who's been a real success had no experience when he became president of russia. on the longest-serving governor in america. i have a lot of experience in international economic relations, which will be at the center of our foreign policy in the 1990's. how we compete in the international economy. i should be required to demonstrate an understanding of where a country is in what it takes to keep us safe and strong, to define what foreign-policy our national security is, in the post world war era. i don't think we should only say that people with foreign-policy experience can run for
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president, this plenty of evidence that we had many good presents that didn't come out of the foreign policy area. grexit world is getting to be -- bill clinton: that's not the most difficult part of the job. the most difficult part of the job is what to do at home. i think it's pretty clear what we should do when dealing with the soviets, i do think in the debates which come up, everyone will be given an opportunity to say what do you think the national interest of the country to what is it appropriate use force, had we keep america safe and strong, how can we relate to the soviet union? we had many good presidents who came out of domestic politics, but who understood our country. reagan, whoident had more success in foreign-policy arguably than the mystic policy, no experience. and president gorbachev came out
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of a lifetime of domestic politics and has had far more success abroad and at home. your -- e relying on bill clinton: not just that. why graduated from the school of foreign service with a degree in international affairs, i would be the only president ever elected to actually studied foreign affairs in college. the foreign relations committee of the united states senate, and i spent 11 years working on global economic affairs. i'm very involved in a portion of that. i think the more important thing what to do, know and you have good judgment, and what is your policy judgment. >> thank you. bill clinton: an excellent question. i'm sorry you didn't get a chance to get out there. >> i like to wish you good luck in the future. bill clinton: what's your name? >> shane sergeant. bill clinton: good to meet you. hello. what's your name?
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-- do you teach here? i have a daughter belongs to be a scientist. she has a mother who was a real lawyer and a father who was a lawyer politician, and she's very interested in it, but she doesn't want a lifetime in it. she was to be a scientist. seventh-gradeed in the little rock public schools. in matha magnet program and science. she entered the math science track. i'm real proud of her. >> [inaudible] bill clinton: i'm hoping for. >> jennifer hartshorn, librarian. bill clinton: to the kids make good use of the library? >> yes. on the middle of moving every thing around. bill clinton: thanks for letting me use the room. the bookkeeper? you balance the books?
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this gentleman was in the meeting. what is your name? >> john gray. bill clinton: what do you teach? >> anatomy. bill clinton: good to meet you. good to see you. i want to ask you some questions. >> i thought it was supposed to be the other way around. bill clinton: you can ask me questions too. >> i'm an english journalism teacher. bill clinton: they are doing a terrific job. is this is where i'm supposed to sit? ok. where my supposed to be? all right, come on. let's sit down. where you going to sit? [laughter] bill clinton: oh, i see. me to sit facing the coke machine. i just do what i'm told.
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if you believe that, i've got some land in arizona. thank you. were too proud of your students? ren't younto -- wew= proud of your students? >> [inaudible] bill clinton: are you the only counselor here? and what's the size of the school? do have standards on that? >> we do have state standards. bill clinton: what are they? >> [inaudible] bill clinton: good. the elements are standards? >> [inaudible]
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when the counselor in the middle school. in 1983, we: rebuilt our school, was the first time we ever required element tree counselors. we gotten some pretty stiff standards. we wound up hiring 1400 statewide. it was a good investment. >> missouri has been doing that. i was amazed how far the south and midwest is in the guidance program. bill clinton: we got all these kids that have come into great schools with really troubled families, and even where parents are doing their best to a good job, they may be very poor and have no formal education. and then you got a lot of kids coming out from single-parent households. morereally good we can get
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counselors in the earlier grades. the kind ofriches interactions these kids can have. >> how are the schools finance and arkansas? bill clinton: almost the reverse of new hampshire. there's a 50 state continuum. hampshire, andew on the other industrywide. 90% of there, over public school costs are paid at the local level. in hawaii, 100% of the public school costs except for whatever they get in federal money is paid in the state level. why has one school district and the property taxes estate tax. it's interesting, about two thirds of the kids in hawaii go to public schools. there's a huge network of church schools in hawaii, mostly set up by mormon missionaries in times past. you got new hampshire, which is almost completely local, hawaii, which is completely state. all others are in between.
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my state is appear close to hawaii, probably 62% state finance now. maybe slightly more than that. federal and the rest local. topwe are probably in the -- before the last funding increase, we were 13th from the top in state funding. now we are probably ninth, eight, something like that. most of the southern states are fairly high, for two reasons. one is that there's a historical aversion to property taxes in the south. and the south has a much higher percentage of kids living below the poverty line. if you don't have a high proportion of state funding, you don't get anything like school equalization, you don't even get close. even though we have the majority state funding and we are
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continuing to change our school funding formula, we try to equalize it again last time. it's a never-ending struggle. because the movement of student populations and white disparities of wealth. as you get closer if you have a high percentage of it coming from the state. >> what are your taxes and arkansas? women income taxing the sales tax, the sales tax, the sales taxes 4.5% state with local option. the income tax maxes out at 7%. is 49th inperty tax the country. not only in dollars, but as a percentage of income. >> what percentage of your budget goes to education? bill clinton: over 70%. if you can't hire it. -- if you count higher ed.
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public schools in arkansas alone take about half the state budget. what we call the public school fund is what we send back to school either direct aid of transportation aid or vocational aid. it's a little under half. when you add the cost of department of education costs of the school in the public network, you were over half budget. andpend between vocational community college and for your college education, probably another 22%. i have to run the numbers since waslatest funding, but it 70 before, so it's probably about 73 now. >> [indiscernible] bill clinton: it's interesting, in the 1980's, we were still come in spite of the fact that we had to school tax increases we were, increases, according to the last study, still one of the bottom 10 stage
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and overall state spending increases. the last numbers i saw, which were 89 or 90 numbers, we still were in the bottom five states in the percentage of income going state and local taxes. just have the reverse, you have high local taxes and low state taxes, we have relatively high state taxes below local taxes. you do look and see how a state really stacks up. have a state setting standards for local people expecting to pay. in cities with a small property base pay a higher tax rate and don't get equalize schools. pay alinton: even if you higher tax rate, you may not have is not money for kids. you are people paying higher taxes more money. >> can you maintain approval of schools and accreditation?
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an equalization of foundation aid is 7%. that leaves us at the whim of the batters. our community in the top five cities and towns tax wise in the state, and we are down at the bottom in teachers for student. bill clinton: you think you could build public support in an answer for greater state aid to schools, given the historic aversion to the minnesota state tax? >> [indiscernible] i really don't know. i think the fear is, it is justified fear, that if you add another layer of taxation, it doesn't give you some immediate , then you perhaps just increase the taxes. bill clinton: good to see you, thanks.
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are we going to play? what? what? are we playing a game? what? who's on what side? senior citizens against the kids? no, i missed, come on. let them go. >> this guys on the varsity. bill clinton: i'll cover him.
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bill clinton: taken up -- take him up. ". be careful.
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[applause] [applause]
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[no audio] [indiscernible] bill clinton: they won. >> these guys are going to the state tournament. tour of frankhis when high school in new hampshire this week, governor clinton met with students for question-and-answer session. franco high school is located in a community of about 8500 residents. -- franklin high school is
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located in a committee of about 8500 students. >> is a great pleasure that frank on high school is able to host a president for canada. i like to think our principal for arranging this visit, in our class time. governor clinton was born in arkansas, and was educated at university, he received his law degree from yale university. he is married and has one daughter, and we are very privileged to have the governor here today. governor speaks, however, i would like to introduce the president of franklin's student council, jaime hernandez. [applause] >> on behalf of the franklin high school student body, i would like to welcome governor
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clinton to her school today. i believe this is a great opportunity for the students of franklin to meet and hear the views of a presidential candidate. i would like to thank governor clinton for taking the time to come speak to us today, and i wish him the best of luck. bill clinton: thank you. [applause] bill clinton: thank you. i'd like to thank your principal and my friend the mayor for company may here. i want to say a word, jaime is semi-nervous, coming up here. he's a better politician than i am, i think. he reminded me that this is homecoming week. i reminded him that if he makes a few more touchdowns, you might get another term, after he leaves the high school. give him a hand, i think you did a great job. [applause] bill clinton: thank you. all, itell you first of want to talk for a few minutes
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and then allow as much time as we have for questions. on them home in arkansas, i spend a lot of time in schools like this. i come from a family like most of your families, and average middle-class family. the publichrough schools, if it weren't for the public schools and wouldn't be standing here today is a candidate for president. i decided to run in large measure because i worked for 11 years in my state to try and improve the economy and to try and improve educational opportunities for people like you. i believe there are limits to how much any governor can do without national leadership, national vision, and a national partnership to open up economic opportunities for you. i grew up in a very different time than you did, i want you to think about this. when i was your age, we were in the middle of the cold war. the war between the soviet union and the united states for the hearts and minds of people in the world.
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the contest between democracy and communism, which was symbolized by huge arsenals of nuclear weapons. a young boy, we used to go school assemblies and watch movies about what it would be like if an atomic fell on us. come around all the time saying you got to make sure you have a bomb shelter near you, so there -- if there is a nuclear war, you can run to a bomb shelters or you will be under a lot of concrete if the bombs drop. you don't think about that much, do you? i hope you never have to think about it. president gorbachev and president bush have announced they are going to produce -- reduce more nuclear weapons. we are in a disarmament race. you will probably be able to raise your children in a world which you never have to think about that. on the other hand, the world i grew up in had one thing that everybody took for granted, america's economic supremacy.
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when i graduated from high school in 1964, with virtually no unemployment in america. we had a very high rate of economic growth, everybody who want to work at a job, and every year, you could look forward to making a little more money at your job than you did the year before. we had only 6% of the world's people, we controlled about 40% of the world's wealth. less, we have a little than 5% of the world's people, we still have over 20% of the world's wealth, but it's melting fast. the german economy growing more rapidly than ours, the japanese economy growing faster than ours. path, you cant see it in new hampshire with all your economic problems, is to restore the economic leadership of the united states. so you are not the first generation of young americans to grow up into a world in which you don't do as well as your parents did. that's the number one job of the next president. but even if we create new
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economic opportunities, they can only bc used by young people who are educated to do it. the main thing i want to say to you today is to ask you to believe a few basic things. they were growing up into a world in which what you can earn depends on what you can learn. which just graduated from high school will not be enough. we need 100% of the people who get a high school diploma, and go to college and get two years of education and training if you want to be competitive in the world we're living in. willverage 18-year-old change work seven or eight times in a lifetime. even if you never change employers. so that it's not only important what you learn in high school, it's important that you take out of here the ability to continue to learn in your lifetime. job, those of us in politics
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and government, is to create a structure of opportunity for you. to give you good schools and good teachers, and to give you some way of keeping score, so you know you're learning we need to know. and when you leave high school, i think we need a national apprenticeship system, so those of you don't want to go college can get continuing training programs. all the countries we compete with do that. if you want to get a college education, i think our country owes you. everyone of you, no matter what your family background, the right to borrow money and go to college. if you intern will pay it back, either as a small percentage of your income over several years after you get out of college, or with a couple of years of service to your country here at home in areas where we need your teachers, morere policemen, mourners is. other things that need to be done. that's what we know you. you will something to yourselves and your families and your futures. one of the biggest problems we have in american education today is that there are too many
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students and parents who don't believe that all children can learn. there are too many students and parents who believe that how much you learn in school is basically determined by what iq you were born with, and what your family income is. the people we are competing with for the future believe that what you learn in school depends on how hard you work. work hasean that hard to be boring, their lots of exciting things going on education today that should make learning fun. but what i hope you believe is that you have a responsibility to yourselves and your future to learn more, no matter how much opportunity we put out here, the effort to make will determine as much as anything else what you learn. let me just close with this example. , aew years ago, in 1987 representative group of korean-american high school seniors took a math test. and the koreans did much better than the americans. that should not surprise you, because they go to school about
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you when a 20 days year, we go to school hundred 80 days. by the time their high school seniors, the been to school two years longer, they should win the math test. unless you believe we are inherently superior to them, which is not true. they have been there longer. the real interest in thing was before the kids took the test, the koreans were asked are you good at math, and 26% said yes. the american kids were asked are you good at math, and 70% said yes. but the koreans won the test. just because they work longer and harder. so my job is to create opportunity. your job is to seize it. your teacher and principal are trying to create opportunities. but you have to believe the learn what you need to know, and that's largely related to the efforts that you make, not the iq or the income you were born with. so i ask you to think about that. i want you to know that i want to be part of the first generation -- i don't want to be
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part of the first generation of americans to leave their children were soft. i want this to be the most exciting time in american history, and it should be. you should grow up in a world in which you have more opportunities, more choices, in more exciting life than any group of americans before you. but it will depend in large measure on your commitment to your own education. i hope you will make that commitment, and in this campaign, i will make a commitment to try and make it as good as it needs to be. thank you. [applause] question.on: you, and then you, then we will go along. i will repeat the question in case you can't hear it. >> what steps do you intend to take to reform education in the first year of her presidency? bill clinton: she asked what steps i intend to take to reform education at the local level. it's a good question for you to ask me. i was one of the principal
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authors of the national education bill that the governors and the president achieved in late september of 1989. larry run through those goals real quick, and what i think they should be. first, every child should be ready to start school. by the year 2000, mentally, and physically. that means they need to be a partnership with the national government to guarantee the very best medical care for pregnant women and their children of the ridge five years old. we should have universal coverage for preventive and primary care. secondly, every child in need that should have access to a preschool program with strong parental involvement. school, byds come to the time they show for kindergarten, they don't know colors and shapes, the numbers. they don't even know how to properly pronounce or spell their names. it's very difficult for the teachers to take account of all those differences if they haven't had access to a good preschool program. the second thing, we should raise the high school graduation rate to the international
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standard, 90%. should define what every child needs to know in math, science, history, language , and social studies at a minimum. and then devise national standards to measure that for fourth, eight, and 12 great. we should rise to the leadership of the world in math and science education. take all those together, i think the federal government, the president, the congress has a responsibility to offer incentives to all math and science teachers in the country , and tode their skills improve their ability to teach according to the latest available teaching skills and technologies and methodologies. i think we need a program to help with the best equipment in our schools. i think we need national standards not federal government standards but national standards for what you should know, and a national examination system that really measures that, instead of
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all the bureaucratic gobbledygook of the national testing service we got today. which are teachers can probably explain to you better than i. not to punish you, but to give your roadmap to say whether you are getting what you are supposed to get. we need incentives which should come largely from state and local levels for young people to stay in school. and for alternative learning environments for those who are difficult time learning and regular school. the federal response validity there primarily is to establish this national apprenticeship network i talked about, so when we identify kids who would stay in school but don't want to go to college if they thought it was in their interests, we can do that. logistics plan how that works. in other countries, but suppose you were a junior high school and don't want to go to college. or you think you might not want to go to college. but you know you're going to have to work and you would like a good job. let's take germany. in germany, you can go into an apprenticeship program where you continue to go to school, but you work for a few hours a week.
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a lot of american students do that now. the difference is, your employer would promise to hire you when you got out of high school. and would promise to continue your education for another two years minimum. on the job. the government's job would be to put these partnerships together and to pay part of the cost of your education and training, even after you out of high school. so then your employer would acquire a real interest in seeing you take hard courses, not easy courses, and that you do well in high school. you would have an interest in because even if you didn't want to go to college, you knew that was the way to get a good job, and to continue education away with the be interesting to you because it relates to what you do already. establishgoal is to safe discipline and drug-free think thate in i almost exclusively has to be done at the local level, but there are some national things that ought to be done there. one is to provide drug treatment on demand, we still have too much delay for drug treatment
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that young people are trying to get. to provideond is more police so we can have innovated community-oriented solutions. the third is to encourage alternative kinds of punishments people who are first-time offenders. we don't need to send a lot of youthful, nonviolent offenders to prison where they can learn to be real criminals. they should be kept in communities for committed to service work or in military boot camp like programs where they continue education to get drug treatment. those of the things i think should be done. the last is beyond you now, but it's to create a system of lifetime learning. to haveneed to do is institutions like the committee college i visited last night in new hampshire, where young people and not so young people can go back over and over and over again. keep in mind, you will probably change what you do seven or eight times in a lifetime. next question back here. >> what are you use on the situation in the middle east? the situation in the middle east?
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with iraq and saddam hussein, we have to keep the pressure on him to honor the united nations resolution he signed off on, to basically remove his capacity to wage biological, chemical, or nuclear war. putmber, president bush those airplanes on alert a few days ago, we had reason to believe that the international inspection team was not being given full cooperation over there. we know the guy is a liar, a thug, and a bully. you don't have to be a genius to know that. we cannot leave him with biological, chemical, or nuclear capacity in violation of international law, and i support what the president did in putting the planes on alert. with regard to the situation in israel, i look forward to the peace process unfolding. i hope we can have this peace conference, i hope the lesser mating procedural issues can be resolved, and i hope we can work
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out the situation in the middle east where we finally bring peace to that region by giving , inel genuine security return for resolving as many of the differences as we can between the israelis, the native palestinians, and the other arab states. i do not believe we will ever get there, now that the borders have been proved to be insecure because of missiles until we have a plan to demilitarize the middle east. the arms race in the middle east is still going on, unabated, and that's deeply troubling to me. other questions? [indiscernible] bill clinton: to help families get ahead? we need to help families in the following ways. let's look at the condition of families today. the average middle-class family has a parent or parents who are spending more hours on the job,
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less time with their children, bringing home a smaller paycheck to pay more for education, health care, and housing than they were 10 years ago. so the first and most urgent job is to get incomes up. the only way to get incomes up is to increase the growth rate in america. that means we have to invest more money in this country, and to give our american people incentives to invest in this country in products and services that produce good jobs. we can talk about that for an hour. the second thing we have to do to help american families is to help them deal with the costs that are eating them alive. primarily health care and education. you already heard what i think should be done, give all of you the chance to finance a college education. we also need a plan for universe -- universal, quality affordable health care coverage. a lot of you in this room have heard your parents talk about how worried they are about
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paying for health care. if they've got health insurance, i bet you anything you have heard of them talk about how premiums are going up, co-pays are going up, the deductibles going up, the coverage goes down. you may have heard them talk about if your grandparents get sick, they don't know how they will take care of them. these are serious problems in america. to bext thing that needs done is we need a taxes and that is fair to middle income people. especially those who are raising children. mechanisms in the tax code now which will give tax relief to middle income people, especially those with children. in the 1980's, middle-class families incomes were stagnant or went down, but their tax burden went up. the wealthiest people in our country's income went up, but their tax burden went down. we need more tax fairness. >> governor clinton became the sixth leading democrat to enter the 1992 presidential race. announcing on thursday, october 3 in little rock, his state's capital. the governor's campaign manager is bruce lindsey, this is the first time mr. lindsey has
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worked in a national campaign. stan greenberg of the washington, d.c. polling firm of greenberg wake is a consultant to the campaign. serving as aer is media advisor. >> it's called the crossroads of new york state, and this weekend, our c-span cities to explores the history and literary life of syracuse, new york. on book tv, we visit the special collections library at syracuse university. and we learn about the antislavery movement in the area through the papers of abolitionist garrett smith, local author discusses her book prelude to prison, which explores the link between school suspensions and incarcerations in the u.s.. then we talk with jeff hensley about his book, going viral, which looks at why events go viral online. viral, something goes
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it's a process of social sharing . we tend to think of viral like a viral video as a video the gun one million views. but actually it's more the process by which that happens. so it's what happens when people share content, usually into their own networks, and often times someone who has a lot of following, a lot of followers or people who are paying attention to them, like an important blog, also spreads the content. and then it reaches a wide audience. >> on american history tv, we visit the eureka now museum to learn how the canal influenced the growth of syracuse. central new york state, and the nation. then it's off to harriet tubman's home, or the actedavery abolitionists as a conductor and caretaker to numerous people as part of the underground railroad. our trip to syracuse also takes us to the matilda joslyn gage home, one of the nation's first
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women's right champions. her speech at a women's right convention in 1852 lost her into national prominence on the subject of women's suffrage. she's 26 at the time and has had four children are ready. she learns at the convention it's going to occur, and she writes a speech and travel to syracuse, bringing her oldest daughter with her. gage hadn't contacted any of the organizers, she wasn't on the andram, she hadn't asked said matt be involved in this. she just shows up. and she waits in the crowd, and when there's a quiet moments, and the,es up on stage trembling, takes the podium and begins to speak. and she gives this incredibly let syracuse, sustain her name for radicalism. from that moment, she goes on to become a leader in the women's
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movement. >> this weekend, watch c-span , and sunday afternoon at 2:00 in american history tv on c-span3. visitingn cities tour, cities across the country. >> during the kennedy at administration the white house naval photographic center proved a variety of short films recording activities of the president. american history tv's real , arica, the last few days film about president kennedy's fateful trip to texas in november, 1963. president and texas governor john connally applauds president kennedy's entrance as he returns to his hotel for breakfast with the fourth chamber of commerce.
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the breakfast party awaits the arrival of mrs. kennedy. >> if you years ago, introduced myself by saying i was the man who accompanied mrs. kennedy to paris. i'm getting that same sensation as i travel around in texas. [applause] kennedy: no one wonders what lyndon and eyewear. -- and i wear. [laughter] [applause] >> on a more serious note, the president's last words --
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reflections of his hope for the future. president kennedy: this is a very dangerous and uncertain world. history will not permit it. in balance of power is still the side of freedom, we are still the keystone of freedom, i think we will continue to do as we have done our past, our duty. i'm confident as i look to the future that our chances for security, our chances for peace are better than the have been in the past. and the reason is because we are stronger. and with that strength is a determination to not only maintain the peace, but also the interests of the united states. >> friday morning, 11:00. the presidential jet leaves ft. worth for the short flight to dallas, where the president has a scheduled luncheon address.
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>> c-span measure coverage of the road to the white house 2016, where you find the candidates, the speeches, debates, and most importantly, your questions. this year, we are taking the road to the white house coverage in the classrooms across the country with the student cam contest, giving students the opportunity to discuss what important issues they want to hear the most from candidates. follow the contest and road to the white house coverage 316 on tv, on the radio, and online at >> next on american history tv, historians william burr and jeffrey kimball discuss their book.
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the details how the nixon administration contemplated tactical nuclear strikes against north vietnam in october of 1969. as part of a secret operation known as duck cooked. the woodrow wilson centers cold war history project hosted this event, a little under an hour and a half. thank you for your nice comments and thanks to all of you for being here this afternoon. summarizing the subject matter and themes of our book, and then jeff willaddress -- address what we think is new and noteworthy about it. mr. burr: our collaboration on this project began some years ago, and we had both read the price of power and were struck by the account of an unusual strategic air command alert. we wanted to learn more about it. connection to the vietnam war and the role that the next administration and the events.


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