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tv   American History TV  CSPAN  January 17, 2016 5:42pm-6:01pm EST

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and everybody said they needed to get his support. , i willuther king said supportyou, but let's expanding the march. john lewis recalls -- recalls the civil rights march in his book. ,n american history television and international history 's cold warn iran partnership with united states. >> they had to look to a third partner -- power against the imperialist him of -- the u.k andism of the
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russsia. u.s. had no history of imperialism in the region. later, an interview with martin became junior on his approach to civil rights. and, gandhi. the white house insider 97,ed away at the age of largely considered to be one of the last living links to mr. roosevelt's presidency. director ofwith the the richard nixon presidential library. the interview focused on the
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of the presidency. this is a 15 minute portion of the interview. boss was2, my transferred to the white house and took me with him to a place room," vucevic ma converted to get a complete reading on the status of the war. the room received information from the navy on a 24 hour asus and information was constantly flowing in.
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churchill, stalin, and china, we would receive messages and take them to him to make sure they got answered in due course. we were communicating. roosevelt would travel a of uswo f nd one would be there to encode and decode. it was a fascinating job from one day to the next with who we would meet and the information. when winston churchill came to visit in washington several times during the war, he was fascinated by anything relating to military strategies and he
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room and we got well acquainted. statuss a difference in with the minister of great britain and they could speak freely and frankly to them and it was fascinating. >> to you recall an episode or churchill?th winston isthe sharpest memory i have discussing strategy. , a sharpwas here
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churchillme and wanted to know when the allies would move on the second front. just as stalin was under intense pressure on the eastern front and needed some action on the west to relieve the tensions and, now that the war in africa had beaten the germans and intended to move to the mainland next. and we ought to attack the mainland directly. effect, he commanded an
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answer on the western front and this was rough. evening, i had the night watch that night and the with our chiefs of staff in the british chiefs of staff. anyone could tell by the laughter and behavior that they would come in and settle down. what would we say to uncle joe, as they commonly referred to him? they could not agree on answer. insistent on the earliest possible attack on normandy.
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normandy had not been decided on and the british were adamant that we do not yet have control of the air and we are going to on the twocupied channel and the british wanted to further solidify the situation. well, this went on for a couple fdr sits and in the and is amused tangle between the british chiefs of staff and the american chiefs of staff. they reached for a pencil and
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pad and he passed it across the chairman of our did some staff and editing. it was explaining difficulties andlanning the next step they could not agree. left, they sent it union.code to the soviet the military and civilians were
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not able to make the decision on what the next step would may -- be. the step was made a few months later and, at that point, the americans succeeded in the spring of 1944. 1943, i was one of the few youngsters who knew where it would happen. >> there was another secret that you knew about, the manhattan project. >> i knew very little. they were arguing back and forth and it had been agreed by those involved that this would become a joint project, because the british had engaged in research
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earlier than the americans. that significant final work should be in the country. in 1942-1943, it is curious and it was to be agreed in a venture.y cooperative infuriated churchill and we got a number of pointed usegrams to roosevelt to promisetested this cooperation because of the quarrel of these men. give theou would
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documents, would roosevelt ever write on it? messages, ifhe they were safe, they would come back to us for filing in the library. not always. get some, we would wishes in their own words passed saw aand i rarely longhand note from fdr. occasionally, we would have some. >> tells about the role that you played in changing the seal.dential fiel
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congress created a wwii.tar rank for the army and navy came up with flags. roosevelt saw them and was not happy. admirals and generals with five stars? my flag only has four. the presidential flag would appear to be outranked. this is the sort of thing that would get him very upset. rery tiny things would get fd upset, if they affected the navy. many chosen for
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the navy. he insisted on the name of every new vessel in world war ii, a phenomenal waste of time for the commander-in-chief. you have been the assistant secretary of the navy in world war i. he referred to, "my navy." once said, "the army is also yours, don't forget that." these stories come our way all the time. fdr told his naval aide to do something about the flag and seal. down to me.d on outs delighted and i sought
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quickly, we came to an agreement that there and,d be a circle of stars the coat of arms could be in so, i had sketches and of the new design with toos president on a simple matter of a .residential flag approved the
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in 1945, it was dedicated in the name of friendly delano roosevelt. i have always had some feeling of pleasure about the hundreds of men and women who have come and gone and worked their hearts out. presidential assistance don't leave anything behind to show what they did. this is the one thing i left behind that survived. changed flag today is only by the addition of stars for why he and alaska. waii and alaska. every time you see the president, you see my seal.
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>> you also changed the eagle. >> yes. my colleague was an expert on heraldry and noted that the presidential flag has been a 1880's, whene the somebody had the idea to change the presidential seal from the seals the united states, we should turn the eagle head to the left. they wanted to make the presidential seal different. that was in the 1880's. an expert said it was a mistake and disgrace ever since. heraldry, when the head is turned to the left, it is a legitimacy or dishonor. we changed the direction on the new presidential seal. about what isblic
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and is not correct in heraldry would not mean anything will stop i said that -- anything. i said that, because the war had head, we are turning the to the right. honor the fact that we are now at peace in our going to keep the peace. e going to keep the peace. the completetch oral history interview at >> it was said to him, we have .iscovered in alabama
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it is the elementary schools that are suffering. >> a documentary filmmaker talks about her latest film. >> why don't we use the kit houses? the best thing booker t. washington ever did was say no, i want the communities to build it. into 5000 it morphed schools, all over the south, including maryland. >> tonight at 8:00 eastern on q&a.


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