tv Reel America CSPAN March 5, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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based on bribes and double-dealing. and what this shows is that this is nothing new. what is happening is that the romanian population has grown up and become far more sophisticated. and it is demanding clean government. it is his number one demand. announcer: sunday night on c-span q&a. >> each week, american history tv railamerica brings you archive footage. this is korea. in 1951 film documenting the hardships faced by u.s. forces on the peninsula. funded by the u.s. navy and directed by academy award winner john ford, the 50 minute film was produced six months after the war began. ofthe first major conflict the cold war, north korea was backed by china and the soviet union. while the u.s. led the united
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for living, until the ruthless, red hand of communism reached out to snatch it. kids.ople, kids, and more >> sometimes, i think that is the last thing the navy will ever forget. crying,ds, laughing, homeless, hungry. until we took them. korea, where it gets cold in the winter time, where young men and women marry. ♪
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where the kids used to play. ♪ and here comes your kids, and yours, and yours. dirty and tired, slogging back from the reservoir fight, not retreating as they say, but advancing in a different direction. .he first marine division while the headman of the village walks past and wonders, the andagers still all wonder,
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and these are the replacements, the new men to take their honored places, to fill the gaps. look at their faces. young faces, american faces. texas,k, georgia, idaho, maine, california. your sons, the pride of the corp, and the will to do. rations this time, no in a foxhole. that,rst hot meal, et the first hot meal in two months. navy flew inthe
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it started the summer before at eighthding, part of the army under general walker. the marines move out. they look young. and tired. but do not kid yourself. they know what is ahead, a hard job. a tough job. very challenging. bite, and grabbed a get on. here come the babies. up to spearhead the action to come.
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south korean recruits, raw. and under a few weeks training, not so raw. [marching] now, look at this. and look at it. and look at it. the korean republic is fighting for -- miles and miles and miles of homeless refugees, set adrift by the red scourge. starving,y fear-ridden, without hope, beyond the united nations.
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shots for smallpox and typhus. and they do not understand. but they will. it was a big problem for what to do with the orphan kids they picked up? they had to leave them somewhere, before they reached the fronts. so they asked them to take them. little babe ruth dimaggio was confused, until he found friends and smiled, in trust. now.ll be alright,
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we smashed their weapons. them.shed this young kid says they killed his mother and father and gave him a gun. that is all he knows about the war. wise mugs were they clammed up. they would not seeing. sing: -- they would not sing. >> hey, three on a match. narrator: and then it happened. remember valley forge? well, look at it again.
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vice admiral turner joy, commander naval forces, far east. >> the situation is so critical that we in the navy must give the army practical support. carrier 15, the fleet marine air wing and the commander of the united stations locking and escort force be directed to provide the maximum gunfire support. narrator: meanwhile, the air force is alerted. this otter -- this order caught in the middle of a
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narrator: well, what is that all about? you tell us. these guys what they are fighting for and they cannot put it into words. cousins,is just your the pride of the marine corps. a job to do with a duty. ♪ wounds do not count and dead men tell no tales. ♪ narrator: thy kingdom come, thy will be done. but for little babe ruth , it is his will future
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in the of his life and ahead and that goes double for our own sons lives and yours. because this is everybody's fight. the doctrine of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall not perish from this earth. [whispering] remember us. us, and good luck. announcer: all week, american history tv is covering anaheim, california. visited staff recently many sites showcasing the city's history. this all about anaheim
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weekend here on c-span3. >> when people need a little sunshine in their lives and to a fuel for the optimism that fuels this beautiful country, i can usher them at a will find it in orange county. reagange county, ronald once said, was where all good republicans go to die. and for the most part, that is still true. >> orange county is probably known for its republican population. it is probably the most in the whole united states. itself on being a conservative for urban area in a state where virtually all of the other urban areas are very liberal. >> it has changed a lot today. people used to say, your penetrating the orange curtain.
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it is still like that to a degree, but not like it was 10, 20, 30 years ago. tracks we have a little over 3 million people and the center part of the county is the most ethnically diverse. the southern part of the county is the most white and affluent. the northern part is a mixture withckets of wealth, mostly older neighborhoods and pockets of more blue-collar. >> orange county has been conservative since the getting. it started in the 1920's and their 80's. it was founded in 1898. and 30's, it was a pretty conservative movement. 33 cities in orange county and most conservative and that was the reputation with good reason. strong conservative,
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evangelical, religious base in orange county. the traditional values coalition, a national group, now has its main headquarters in washington, d.c. it has been very outspoken against gay marriage and also, rights established for lgbt people, this got started in anaheim. there is a tradition of religious and political activism in orange county. >> i think the people in orange algae, the reason they're conservative, is there is a general idea of less government is better which means more freedom. essentially, the smaller the government the larger the person. concerned about their freedoms in orange county and i think that is, as far as property rights, as far as doing what people want, that is important.
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so, i think it tax towards the conservative side. years, itthe reagan was a demarcation point where it theat a fever pitch and orange curtain concept was at its highest. there were guys like outdoor and then, who were not that conservative. others, off the chart. the word, with great accent, but -- chutzpah comes to mind. bob was strong on military. b-one bob. het is how he got the name, led the drive to save the b-1 bomber. and was veryic strong on social issues, mostly in terms of being pro-life and in terms of attitudes on lgbt
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issues. 2000 wild partying homosexuals, hundreds of them, almost naked, down here in our biggest, most beautiful, taxpayer auditorium. the andrew mellon auditorium directly across the street from the actual star-spangled banner. flew0 by 40 foot flag that over fort mchenry at baltimore's on the north wall of the national museum of national history and directly across the street is this homosexual cherry jubilee. unbelievable. >> i represent the largest vietnamese population outside of vietnam from the vietnam exodus. politicalecoming leaders. >> how does his loss to loretta sanchez, does that near what is going on in orange county?
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>> that was a big landmark. 1996. m a graphics were changing to become increasingly latino. you had a very charismatic andno candidate will stop to immigration was shifting right there. proposition 180 seven was approved by voters in 1994. this came from orange county and was very important. take all social benefits away from people in the country without proper documentation. that included excluding them from going to school in that was challenged in the court. rolled unconstitutional and eventually was a key ingredient in latino's turning against republicans in greater numbers. >> i think things began loosening up in the 1990's.
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i think the presidency at something to do with this. orange county began getting more culturally diverse that made a big difference. the santa ana hispanic community, burgeoning and steer things out of one orange county used to be. culturally diverse helped it become more politically diverse. always tell my republican pals and enemies, you can get more republicans if you stop talking about illegal aliens and destroying. something about mexican that our children, they are naturally more libertarian. they hate the government. they do not like taxes. they want to be left alone. they would naturally go republican but the minute they hear republican candidates going on and on about mexicans destroying the country, these
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people say, screw the republican party i am going to vote democrat just to spite you. they will vote democrat out of spite. >> it is also interesting to watch the democrats. everything is going their way in terms of voter registration but they have not then able to capitalize in terms of elected office. at some point, something has got to change. either republican policies will be more friendly to these communities or democrats will get more people elected. but yould go on and on, look at the board of supervisors, they are all republicans. congress people, only one democrat. progress.t they are token democrats for that manner. >> republicans have lost about 10 points and voter registration but they hold as many partisan seats now as they did then. this is a testament to the large
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betterat they have a network. a better phone system for bringing up candidates. experienced in getting people elected and that continues to prevail for the time being at least. ask orange county will always be conservative. there is just too much money. those pockets will just grow. you will not have a republican revolution -- or rather a democrat revolution in newport beach where all the rich are. if you have a bubbling democratic party, you're definitely not going to have that. if the democratic party is going to grow they will have to have the leadership. that won't be for a couple years, not with the leadership they have right now. >> i think orange county will become more and more diverse and it will ultimately become way more balanced than a were before.
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like many countries. the influx of immigrants, more diversity. i think that will happen with orange county. our staff recently traveled to anaheim, california, to learn more about its rich history.\cities tour. persian gulf next, veteran stephen d. wiehe discusses his book. from the 101st airborne division, he describes the soldiers day today activities. presidentialsh library hosted this event.
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