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tv   The Presidency  CSPAN  April 23, 2016 2:05pm-3:31pm EDT

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>> up next on american history aboutstorian marc newman the curse of tippecanoe, the legend that u.s. president elected in years ending in zero would die while in office. explains how the battle developed after the battle of civic and new and expressed his doubts -- after the battle of tippecanoe and expresses doubts after president john f. kennedy. mr. newman: the presidential curse. this became well-known in the 1930's after the death of warren harding in 1923. "ripley'sd in book believe it or not." and give details about this ifse, with an attitude about
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the curse continues in 1940, will that person also die in office, according to the curse? the first person who became a victim of the curse was william henry harrison, who had been a military hero. well-liked. he was elected in 1840. before he was elected, and seven in92, lieutenant harrison -- 1792, lieutenant harrison served at the battle of fallen timbers. he was fighting against the miami native americans. it was about control over ohio. the treaty they have signed was being violated. by --oup together a small a small coalition to do battle, they have been defeated. one of the shawnee leaders involved in the battle of fallen timbers was ironically, tecumseh
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, and would become the leader of a large band of shawnee. we have to individuals here whose path will cross in an ironic way. ,his is william henry harrison the battle of fallen timbers, which i've just discussed, and chief tecumseh. tecumseh was a chief of the shawnee. after a band of warriors the revolutionary war, years later, against white settlers in the ohio. he was under the main chief, blackfish, who had been at war with sellers in kentucky, including their leader, daniel boone. afterwards, tecumseh tried to recruit warriors, he created what is known as tecumseh's confederation. this is tecumseh. or in the war of 1812, he would be killed in the battle of the thames, during that war in 1813. but he had a brother, and it is the brother that is important.
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a one -- since caps off -- it was his production that others that follow him in the zero year, every 20 years, they will die as president of the united states. he was called a prophet. he had actually predicted a solar eclipse. he believed that the return of native american lands would be given to the shawnee and other tribes in the old northwest. he campaigned against giving any liquor and any type of artifacts, including clothing, to the shawnee that they were to retain their own ancestral ways, and give up trying to become white in regard to their culture. the shawnee, under the prophet, moved into areas further west, created its own settlement
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called profits town. tippecanoe,e of which shares and was nicknamed and ran on tippecanoe and tyler to come at the battle of harrison had established his success enforcing the shawnee people to actually withdraw. the leader of the shawnee was not tecumseh, he was actually waging war against the americans and fighting for the british. the man that was responsible for the fighting against them was actually the profit, tense got a while -- tenskwatawa. followers recruited by a promising they would not be killed by the american army. he claimed he could give them special prayer that would make the bullet impervious to them it. this idea was maybe new at the time, but the boxers in china would also be anointed with
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special oils in 1900, during the boxer rebellion. and they too would be blessed by a priest in the shell and monasteries that they cannot be killed by foreign bullets, they would be impervious, which was not the case. and certainly wasn't the case with a prophet and his warriors. when tecumseh formed the federation, he had around 500 to 700 warriors, while the united states army had more than 1000 men. they were stationed at the area west of profits town at tippecanoe. heavy casualties led the shawnee to retreat to their home base at profits town. they had retreated. there were heavy casualties on both sides. what profits town would've looked like with log homes. what they called log houses for meetings. the curse. the shawnee fled from profits town. as the american army under
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harrison had invaded. in, hegeneral came burned the village, he confiscated all of their winter food and destroyed it all. and desecrated the remains of native americans in a local cemetery. dug up bodies and literally desecrated those bodies. and this became an issue at the time. for the profit. the profit created a curse in retaliation for the destruction of profit town, for the destruction of the food, which would force the shawnee to starve to death, and especially because of what they did to that cemetery. and to the remains of shawnee warriors and their families that had been buried there. he had a near-death experience, the profit. he was smoking a pipe, he passed out, they could not revive him. they made burial arrangements for him. arrangements, they were ready to actual bury him in the ground, and he came out of
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the coma. he had a vision. that theysion was would again thrive, and there would be a curse against these people and their leader. that had destroyed profits town. the profit curse to general harrison and future president of the united states during the years with the same end number, zero, such as harrison. of tecumseh and 1813, his brother was still alive. his brother would not die until 1836. in 1813, the prophet sent a warning to general harrison, learning about the death of tecumseh. he said harrison may win next year. if he does, he shall not finish his term at. and aftere in office, him, every great chief chosen every 20 years thereafter will in 1836.profit
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t in 1836.phe some believe it was the alignment of the planets. they called of the conjunction of saturn and jupiter. is believed -- it to occur when there was a junction of planets. it occurred when lincoln was president, always to the other president to were assassinated, including john f. kennedy. "ripley's believe it or not," was published in the 1930's and mentioned what they called a death cycle based on the curse. the question was who will be president in 1940, and with the death cycle continue as it was referred to? in a column by ed koterba, he referred to the death cycle and the curse of it in 1960, when -- residential race was running between john f. kennedy and richard nixon.
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i 1980, the story of the curse was well-known to candidates running for office. jimmy carter was actually asked about the curse. according to some reports, he said whatever the fates allow, i'm not afraid of this curse. whether this was said or not, it may be legend. as for ronald reagan, they were aware of this legend concerning the curse. and the conjunction of the planets. this was one of the reasons that the reagans especially were interested in astrology. when william henry harrison was inaugurated, there was a large turnout. he had been a national hero. so he was inaugurated very successfully in his president torres. he was inaugurated on march 4, which was the old date. march 4, 1841. date,d 30 days to the
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april 4, 1841. he was in office for 30 days. and he died. harrison, who was , is of that curse interesting. there are conflicting reports. natural causes, one was that president harrison was well in his years of age 68, was considered very, very old at the time. he was the oldest president in our history, before ronald reagan. attended his inauguration, it was freezing cold weather, he did not wear a coat. he did not wear a hat, he did not wear a scarf, he did not wear gloves. and the reason for this was, he character assassin and in some of the newspaper as being too old to be president of the united states. they referred to him as granny harrison. some historians believe that he had taken off his coat and the
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rest of the paraphernalia of his clothing, and he did this to show that he was bureau and strong and capable of being president and completing his four-year term at. that was the reasoning behind it. but it was freezing rain, and he wound up catching a cold. he spent two hours giving his inaugural address. his inaugural address was the longest inaugural address in the history of our country. i president of the united states. he marched along the streets in his carriage after his address for two hours. greeting people, waving to them, without the coat, without the blanket or anything else to cover himself, as his close were just heavily soaked. eventually, he had symptoms of a severe cold. he was given various remedies by dr. miller, who treated him when he returned to the white house. medicationse of the may have been toxic, since some of the medications at an opium base, according to some reports.
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enemas, andy used they even used some herbs that were mentioned as cures by native americans, ironically. harrison was not improving at all. this is a cdv of harrison on his deathbed at the time in 1841. cause is what's interesting regarding the idea that maybe there was something else. the sewage system near the white house was primitive, it flowed into public ground, and you're the white house with its water supply. formed with stagnated water. the white house water supply was more than half a dozen streets away in an area used as a soil,g ground for night which was called there every day.
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the field has and was a breeding bacteria, deadly causing fever. the death of zachary taylor and the illness of james k. polk may have been attributed to the marshland. zachary taylor was elected president in 1848 and took office in 49, he died in 1850. james k. polk was elected in 1844. in 1845.ffice he left office and three months later, he died. reasons to believe that the contamination of the ground, as well as the water supply, was the cause for the death. monuments were elected -- erected william harrison. a book was written that i mentioned last week wanted to
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the lincoln conspiracy. read, book, as you can plots and crimes of the great conspiracy. this is the actual book that i showed last week. his book was published in 1866. what's interesting about the book -- the author claims that harrison was poisoned to death. fact, on one specific page, he actually has a picture of harrison, and what he mentions actually haveon been poisoned. he captions it -- the poisoning of president harrison. the guidebook and been published in 1866, right after lincoln's death. book, he claims there were plots against andrew jackson in 1835, harrison,
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zachary taylor, he also claims was a victim of assassination. lincoln, conspiracy to kill lincoln and heads of state. this is the completed book, 370 pages. 1864, two years before lincoln's death, he wrote this book called the adders den, and in the adders den, which is the first 180 pages -- 128 pages of on theok, he actually front page says about the death by poisoning of two of the presidents. to presidency says eagerly were assassinated by poison, unsuccessful attempts to murder three others. den, he says there were attempts to kill andrew jackson, they attempted to poison james buchanan.
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and to kill andrew jackson. the idea of conspiracy developed of this is the caption, william henry harrison, assassinated by poison march 27, died april 4, on page 35. he claims, was in favor of the annexation of texas as a slave state under certain conditions. and he mentions that there would have to be conditions met before he would sign anything that would support the annexation of texas. the reason that texas was important, was that it came in at the time, southern slave states would have the majority of united states senate. political control. harrison knew that. harrison was not in favor of the extension of slavery. when he was commander in the 1790's in the northwest territories, he actually was
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against the extension of slavery in the northwest, which 1789, the, in northwest ordinance actually stopped the extension of slavery in the territory. however, the vice president was john tyler. tyler was in favor of the extension to taxes to join and be admitted into the union. however, this was blocked. and that wouldn't happen until 1845. so the question is, was there a motive, and was he really poisoned to death? senator thomas hart benton, who is served for 30 years in congress, there was no failure of health or strength, referring to harrison, his attack was sudden and evidently fatal from the commencement. on volumek 30 years two, page 210. he says arsenic would produce a set in effect, it will be fatal from the commencement. if it was arsenic poison, he would give symptoms of gastritis, enteritis, or.
2:23 pm i guess. presidentassassinated was abraham lincoln. the first president that was attempted to assassinate was andrew jackson. there was an attempt on his life in 1835. jackson actually was saved for one reason or another, and just to let you know, richard lawrence attached jackson at the capitol steps, pulled out of doing distal, fired at point-blank range. the cap fired but did not discharge. he in the second pistol, fired. the cap exploded, no firing. ,e was immediately brought down subdued, rested. the police had taken both pistols. they put on a fresh cap on each,
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and each pistol fired their full load of gunpowder and shot. that's a fact. it really happened. but abraham went and was the first president to die as a , we gotf assassination into a lot of details less week. the first attempt, as many of you know, to kill president lincoln was in 1861. before he was sworn into office. baltimore, itn in involved about 20 session lists that were loyal to the confederate states of america decided to kill him before he was sworn into office. uncovered by finger to detectives, lake and was successfully disguised and brought into washington to be sworn in as president of the united states. there was a kidnapping attempt in 1854 and 1865, several attempts to kidnap lincoln. wasreason to kidnap lincoln
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this -- the confederacy wanted lincoln to be captured so the lincoln could be used as a swap for confederate prisoners in union camps, to have them released in exchange for a republican. that was the reason behind it. to continue the war for the confederacy, and to seek terms to end the conflict between both sides. during the first attempt, the wrong person showed up at the old soldiers home, and so that was called off. it looked like lincoln, but the plan was aborted. during the second attempt, supposedly a shot was fired and lincoln's a stovepipe hat was excellent shot. -- was actually shot. lincoln knew there would be an attempt, he felt he actually had a dream about this. where he and actions his own death. -- he had actually seen his own death.
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byodyguard was asked for mary lincoln. she contacted the secretary of war, and he agreed that he would be interested in sending somebody over. he would make arrangements with the metropolitan police, who lincoln specifically asked for one of the officers that he knew as a bodyguard. his friend, who was the marshall of washington, d.c., was out of town, who had warned him not to go to ford's theatre. he could not release this man because he had important duties. john parker was assigned. tohad problems in regards drinking bouts and response ability. he was a member of the metropolitan police department. he was assigned with three other men to act as bodyguards, but he was stationed to the doorway at the presidential box in ford's theatre.
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guard -- his job was to guard the entrance of the presidential box, but he was given leave by presently lincoln. during the intermission, he left and went to a local tavern. drinkingayed there during the second half of our american cousin, which was the performance that took place. he took that she went to a nearby bar with lincoln's people, as well as the person was at that tavern by the name of john wilkes booth. he was actually at that tavern. and then left to go to the president for box. scene of theamous assassination of abraham lincoln. taken to the petersen house across the street. 6'4",e of his length, at
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he was diagonally placed in the bed. there were targets for assassination. orike every conspiracy assassination that took place in this country, whether it be garfield, mckinley, or anyone else, this is the only assassination in which it involved getting rid of the heads of state. this assassination was a coup d'état. in regard to the leaders of the union government. that only was lincoln targeted, but so was vice president andrew johnson, secretary of state william stewart, and general of the army u.s. grant. lewis powell was assigned to kill william stewart. and michael o'laughlen was assigned to track down and kill general grant. of ais the famous scene
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sketch that was done of john wilkes booth. it was actually taken from the original newspaper. this is the original newspaper of the harvest weekly. 29, lincolnd april died on the 15th. it gets into details about john wilkes booth. the country was devastated by this attack. and then finding out about seward and the others. issue. harpers shows lincoln with his son, thad. his other son, willy, had died. not quite year before. these are all original.
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lincoln was respected, thought of as a loving family man. this is the scene that you saw where he jumps over the railing, he catches his spur on the american flag, drop to the ground, and hobbles out. onn he had hobbled out stage, there's only one actor onstage was finishing his lines. hand, a knife in his henry rathbone, who was a guest of the lincolns, along with his fiancée, clara harris. scene of theamous these areion, illustrated. this is the famous scene of the actual assassination. john wilkes booth more than
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likely had to pistols with him. not necessarily one pistol. when you bought derringer's, short barreled pistols, single shot, usually you them in pairs. if he had bought a pair of derringer's, which i believe he did, he would have cost $22 to $25 at the time. duplicates of the derringer's. with some old flasks and the agreement. it was a single shot, 44, but booze and put in a 41 caliber bullet. in a 41 caliber bullet. watering to make sure would spin off the barrel
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and be treated with shot. , hedes the derringer's carried a knife. independence described on the blade. this is a duplicate of the actual knife that he carried. with,abbed major rathbone to with him on stage. the derringer was thrown down after he shot lincoln. that is the derringer. this is the scene showing booth shooting lincoln, and then with a knife, he would get ready to stand major henry rathbone. this is the actual knife.
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lincoln in his coffin, the actual scene that he had seen in his dream regarding his death. before i get to philip henson -- the book you are looking at is called the assassination of abraham lincoln. late president of united states. this is about 1000 pages. eulogies that were sent by variouscountries, institutions, were sent, they were all published, including hundreds of news articles concerning his death. synagogues closed, regarded the death of lincoln. professor rutgers -- a professor
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at rutgers claims that she believes that lincoln had judaic roots. there was a synagogue that lincoln.spoke about and, just quickly reading it, and a vestry meeting held this day in boston, april 16, the worshiping and warned street was appointed to drop resolutions in regards to this national calamity. he goes on to basically states that all therabbi, synagogues will be closed for lengthy time in mourning for the death of abraham lincoln. there was fear on the part of grants that the conspiracy was much larger than what appeared.
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grant believed since there was an attempt on his life as well as stewart, as well as johnson, that they had to do something. he hired a spy, philip henson, and henson collected data from the time of lincoln's death under general grants until the time of grants death in 1885 over 20 years. the information leading as to who was really involved and who planned this assassination, and what their motives were. but it was never made public. and grant suspected there were other people involved. i like to read you something that was written by a soldier from my book the potomac diary, soldiers account. was corporal rick meyer hubble. he was a company clerk, and he
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worked in his company, and would appear almost every weekend or other weekend in washington, d.c. on business or leave. for one year, from 1864 to may of 1855, he had witnessed many events that occurred during that time. lincolng meetings to not once, but several times. in the describes lincoln new year's eve ball what mary todd lincoln wore. lincoln's demeanor, and that he visited lincoln in regard to lincoln lying in state. ,e made a comment of the time and his observations ran for several pages. undoubtedly there was a plot laid to murder the president and his cabinet. a great nation mourns and a great man has fallen. earth's best son is laid low in death by a traders hand, by
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demon in human form. abraham lincoln is no more. he has fallen a martyr for his country, after serving it faithfully. his body lies cold in death, but his spirit we trust is at rest with the god who gave it. years later, reflecting about abraham lincoln, and wearing an armband, a black armband he wore for his entire life, becoming a doctor in two counties in new york, he had this to say at a speech in 1915. someone has said that no other country man-hours could produce such a man. and no other country would know him when they saw him. is one of the present -- pleasant recognitions of my life that i have the honor of seeing and shaking the hand of the great emancipator.
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lincoln did not have a bodyguard. he had a policeman that would watch and keep the presidential booth free of anyone coming in to bother the president. this is actually a bookmark in silk. it has his second inaugural it was the bookmark it was created and made after lincoln was assassinated during it dates back to 1865. lincoln was actually taken city to city, shown in regard to the carriage, to the american people , who could pay their respects. parades in new york and albany, and then brought back to springfield to the link involved.
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there was a genuine fear that my body -- that his body would ask would be stolen. , it was takensult in regard to procedures to make sure that wasn't the case. eventually, when a plot was actually found out that lincoln's body would be taken for the release of a counterfeiter, who was in jail, sent a group of people, thieves, by political boss at the time, to steal the body and negotiate. for the release of this plantsfeiter, who made -- plates to counterfeit and duplicate money. they didn't there is a body right away. when the body was buried, it was buried in the coffin in concrete
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with bar middle to make sure it could not be dug up. supervised years later by his son, robert todd lincoln. when james garfield was assassinated, this was just reminiscent of abraham lincoln. the country was in turmoil. most popular't the president at the time. the republican party had been split. you had those who were known as half breeds, led by james blaine, who became garfield's secretary of state. then you have those that want to grant to run for a third term. he was elected twice. as a result, they wanted him to
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run for election in 1880. grant refused. he wasn't in the best of health, but didn't know yet about the cancer that would take his life. down theant turned party's nomination to be president for a third term. wantedrter of grant jamesdy else, other than lane to nominate james garfield, his friend. he wanted chest and alan -- chester alan arthur. he won out and was able to make arrangements to have james garfield be the presidential barony -- presidential nominee. he was named secretary of state. conklin accepted it. in a year in office left, he was
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assassinated. arthur became his president, to replace them, to replace james garfield. there was nothing in the constitution that talked about the duties of a vice president concerning the president. all it said was that the vice president will take over if the president is incapacitated. it didn't define what it meant by incapacitation. in article two, section six in the constitution, it states about the vice president taking over for the duties of the president. we know that vice president andrew johnson became president and took over. , butse of the death of him garfield didn't die right away. he lived for 80 days, so the question was -- is this
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incapacitation? and if so, does the vice president takeover or does he wait until the death of president garfield, if garfield dies? killed at ad was train station, his two sons were with him. escorting him to the train station. , his son, and harry garfield, his other son. was james them blaine, secretary of state. war, robertetary of todd lincoln, lincoln son. shot, theyld was were devastated and of course, for robert todd lincoln, this was a reminder of the death of his own father. john hoeven secretary to abraham lincoln. he had been the second secretary
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that lincoln paid money to actually pay for him. ofwas a very close friend james garfield. he also became secretary of state for william mckinley, who have been assassinated. he would be devastated for his president ashes friendship with three presidents and serving with two. the building was dismantled where the assassinated took place, after the assassination. this is the lithograph seen, where the assassin fires a shot, two shots of james garfield. and james blaine tries to grab the assassin. shot was fired at
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point-blank range and hit garfield in the army. it's the second shot that was the kill shot. was fired immediately after, and he was hit in the stomach. and brought down. was charles to, a man who is own family wanted to have input into an asylum, because he was judged to be insane. didn't see it that way. he believed he should be given a political position, a political position he had earned because he had actually claimed that he campaigned for james garfield. he wrote a pamphlet, garfield versus hancock, who was the generalic candidate and during the civil war. in the pamphlet, which was a small pamphlet, he gave reasons why people should vote for him. , andstributed pamphlets
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send a copy to the president. he believes the garfield to get elected, and if garfield was elected, he expected to begin in a conduit in vienna. if not, at least paris. and he would constantly visit the state department of the white house, trying to me with a president, sending letters to secretary of state, demanding what he believed was his right. he was banned from the state department and from the white house. we will take a 15 minute break and find out what he does to get even. thank you. for coming back. the walking stick that i have, i brought in and it dates back later than william henry harrison. i thought you would enjoy taking a look at it. it is silver on the head and the bottom, on the tip. what's interesting is the time
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period of this walking stick was typical of the walking sticks of garfield and mckinley. this was made by tiffany. he decided, because he was not given a consulate indiana were paris,s -- in vienna or he would either kill james blaine, who banned him, or he would kill james garfield. and so he went to a pond shop, naving very little -- a paw shop and bought a revolver. he bought the revolver, not with wooden grips, but with ivory grips. because when he did this deed, in his mind, he believed that the gun would be on display in a
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museum, with information about him. that's how far he wanted to go to make a statement, and to become very important. when garfield was shot, and he was given medical treatment, he was then removed to the white house. a metal probe was used to find probe byt, but the ,hat dr. was stuck in his rib and he had to move it around all to the corkscrew fashion and then pull it out. he was an immediate pain, garfield. but the doctor said this is what has to be done. he took out the globe -- the probe, took his finger, inserted it into the bullet went. -- into the bullet wound. keep in mind, there was no hygiene. instruments were not sterilized,
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and they didn't wash and sterilize their fingers when they were operating regarding the medical practitioners. finger into the , to find anden it remove the bullet, which was supposedly in the abdomen. fled to the white house, hearing the news of the assassination. each one, claiming they were the ones who could find the bullet and help the president. blessed maintained his control. he came to the white house and they probed, some of them continued with medical instruments in garfield back. engineers decided what they would do to make the president comfortable was to create a makeshift air-conditioner. in his room, the engineers
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created large boxes of ice, dry ice. they brought in huge fans. the fans were situated where it blow on the ice to blow on the president to give him some comfort. mosquitoes infested the air. the president did get some relief, but he was still in a great deal of pain. and the weather was poor for his condition. on train to his home along the seashore in new jersey. in the hopes that the fresh, cool air would actually relieve him. where they could give him some sort of aid. they continue to search for the bullet. what started as a three inch incision to find the bullet fromted in a 20 inch gash
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his groin to his ribs. infection throughout. bell had comeam up with an invention that he believes could find the bullet. could track it. invention to bring an to the residence, to help the president. this is garfield's spine on display. basically, where the bullet had rested. and this is the probe that was used by dr. bliss to find the bullet. the idea of alexander graham
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machine was a good machine. the idea of it, to find the bullet, located, and then take it out was better than continuing to probe. thatarfield was in the bed was metal. so the machine could not get an accurate reading on the location of the bullet. the discontinued using it, thinking the machine was defective. when in truth, he should have been taken and put into a wooden -- a bed that had a wooden headboard and footboard. 2, jamesot on july garfield died on september 19. lingering in pain. the metal probe of machine failed, they thought maybe another machine might be used, but they didn't bring it in. solution, the prognosis was death would be imminent.
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he had brought a 40 foot caliber handgun, with recoil. even practice on it. recoil, to absorb the he wrote a rut -- a letter to president garfield before the assassination, demanding the secretary of state james wade should be fired. he was not. he visited the jail in washington, d.c. to look at the jail and the jail room, to see where he would be incarcerated for shooting the president. facilities, see the and if you would be comfortable there. he would become people there. june, he followed the president to different places in washington, d.c., stalking him. garfield athead of the baltimore and potomac railroad station, when it was announced the garfield would be
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leaving. and so we went there, head of time come in the shadows as garfield came in with james blaine, came in with his sons and robert todd lincoln, who were bidding him farewell on this trip. garfield in his bed, nothing could be done. funeral, vice president theodore roosevelt had been told. roseville was contacted while he was on vacation in the adirondacks, and made his trip to buffalo. he was hung, he appealed the case. when he fired the shot, both , he put the gun back into his pocket and started to leave
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the station to get into a cab. a policeman, realizing he had fired the shot, tackled him, brought him down. he is yelling i'm a stalwart, meaning he is a member and supports a faction of the republican party, and he was happy what he did so the chester alan arthur, vice president, would become president. when they took him to jail, and took his coat, they realized in the coat pocket was the murder weapon. claimed he was not guilty of murder at his trial. shot,imed he fired the but he did not kill james garfield. garfield was killed by the doctors who created septic poisoning in his body.
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he had an argument, however, the public was not going to allow this man to go free, or to stay in jail. that was the attitude. at his trial, he wouldn't listen to his lawyers. he refused to listen to them. he would read poetry that he had written. when he was hung, he would actually dance up the gallows. when they placed the noose around his neck, he would read a poem about how he is going to see the lordy. they wanted to plead the case of insanity, and he was insane. he refused to allow them to do. he claimed when he was insane when he pulled the shot, he was not medically insane.
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and therefore can't should not be charged with the fact that he was out of his mind, that he was in his mind, concerning what he did. later, in 1900, william mckinley is elected president for a second term. in 1901, he is assassinated. hero, liked been a garfield. garfield was a general during the civil war. mckinley had been a captain. mckinley decided to visit the pan-american exposition, in celebration of columbus is voyage. -- columbus's voyage. he decided to go to the temple of music, where he would greet the people at the exhibit, they could come forward to shake his hand. he was a self-proclaimed
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anarchist, a supporter of the rights of the poor, he hated the rich and he assumed and believe that mckinley was a tool of the rich, like his friend, who used them to become rich, mark hanna, and industrialist. ofwanted to follow the path the man who actually killed the king of italy, and after the first. the first. he read how in 1900, he was hailed by anarchists for killing the king. this became his role model. for him to kill resident william mckinley. he believed the death of mckinley would unite the lower class and end poverty. mckinley,es to meet he knows there's going to be a line. mckinley did have a bodyguard of his own.
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and there were buffalo police. but two of the people at the by each side on the right and left of mckinley. that pushed away the bodyguard. who could have stopped the firing of the shot. people were using handkerchiefs to wipe their face, and he decides he will take a gun and rapper handkerchief around the gun -- rap a handkerchief around the gun. when he goes to great mckinley, he will think his hand has been damaged or hurt. you will out his left hand. when mckinley puts out his right , youto grab the left-hand will slap the hand away and shoot point blanket mckinley.
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and that's what you see in this sketch. he purchased a 32 caliber the annexhe attended american exhibition. he stood in line and waited. nobody moved fast enough until he fired his shot, and then brought him down. this is the assassin. and this is the weapon. when they were trying to extract the bullet, thomas edison had , andted an x-ray machine he offered to have the x-ray machine used. and it was brought in.
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however there was supposedly a part or aspect of the machine that was missing, because the machine did not function properly. there was another x-ray machine workflow or scope machine. that is edison actually giving a demonstration on the use of the mckinley died did warn -- died. he was very popular and the first president that women had voted for.
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considered a good-looking man for his time, very robust, very athletic. .ove golf mckinley had been involved with numerous scandals. he died in 1923. secretary from the naval department to the mammoth oil company and the pan-american petroleum and transport company. they were supposed to be .ompetitive bid secretly he gave the rights to the lands in elk hills. in exchange he received $100,000 in cash and received well over
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to refurbish his ranch, which was in disrepair because of loss of cattle in horses and disease. is theyse men did stocked his ranch out west with all of the livestock. problems with some of the other men who were friends of his who were personal friends before the election in 1920. they were known as the ohio gang. basically getting kickbacks. charge ofler was in the alien property custodian. duringin office created
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our involvement in world war i. all property that would be compensated by those people considered to be enemies of the state would be confiscated and held. if they were found guilty, the property was either sold or auctioned off. war was over. we signed a treaty in 1915 because we did not approve of the treaty of versailles. by 1919 we would have negotiated a step with germany in a war that already ended. miller was actually selling the war that was confiscated and taking the money. jesse smith, a close friend, worked with hairy. he also was getting money in bribes. same with charles forbes and the u.s. veterans bureau, who was receiving a great amount of cash from congress for veterans who
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had been wounded and needed medical service. stolen by forbes and pocketed. his wife was very protective of her husband. much, but shevery knew he was not a faithful man. her nickname was duchess. she would actually serve drinks and food to the gang. the scandalswhen broke, they would take a trip to alaska. deal ofad eaten a great lobster and crab. he got sick on the way back. they stopped in seattle washington.
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his condition worsened. and in san francisco he was given medical treatment and died. when he was president, prohibition was still in effect. it was still illegal to buy liquor. had poker games at the white house twice a week, usually twice a week with members of the .hio gang there was heavy betting, large consumption of liquor, beers, but especially highballs. he loved roast beef. huge tax -- huge sandwiches of roast beef. was hisieve it consumption of the liquor and the consumption of the food that led to his issue and his death. he also had a very active life
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with women. rumor circulated the president had several female friends, five .istresses another woman was now an briton, who had a daughter that was referred to as president harding's little girl. and supposedly she was the illegitimate child of president harding. a woman who had been a friend of andwife -- nan britton evelyn mclean. fernando to and he had a -- for mand britain -- britton he had an apartment.
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elizabeth, her daughter. carefully, her face is interesting. elizabeth later in life. the cause of death was conflicting. of the scandals that he had possibly committed suicide by taking poison. a heart attack from excessive eating and drinking, coronary artery disease. when they did an autopsy the second time they claimed that was the cause of death. when the first autopsy was done, doctors claimed there were large traces of arsenic. improper medical treatment by dr. sawyer, a homeopathic doctor
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who did not treat the medical issues but preferred herbs and other remedies. a possible cause was the jealousy of mrs. harding, because of numerous affairs. autopsies in conflict. washington was packed with mourners. there was an attempt on the life of franklin roosevelt before he was elected in 1940. an attack on him when he was president of lack, like that of abraham lincoln. he was elected first in 1932. miami henvention in had completed a speech.
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immigrant.n, an he was 25 feet away. he was only five feet. fdr was not shot. for other people received minor wounds. that is why the shot was basically off the mark. he would die from the wound. there were rumors that roosevelt was the target to be killed by ara. era -- by zang
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zangara was possibly paid by the mob to kill anton cer mak. been -- hehad elected franklin roosevelt to a fourth term. this is the last photograph of the president. as you can see he was in very bad health. is the election of 1940, .oosevelt was elected
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he died on april 12, 1945. the official cause was cerebral hemorrhage. his death was devastating to the nation, he had been president for 12 years. they lined up by the millions because of their love for this man. to this day, the death of john f. kennedy is still controversial, and the conspiracy rumors still float on the internet. supposedly the alleged assassin from the top floor in the book
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depository -- however jean dixon, and astrologist, she warned kennedy that she had a vision of the assassination. the grassy knoll, where they claim one ortega two shots were actually fired. street where the gentleman is standing is where the car passed. the book depository is in the back. the warren commission was andened very quickly advisor to lyndon johnson actually told johnson to form this committee as quickly as
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possible, because there was a lot of speculation at the time that there was a conspiracy. the warren commission was -- established in -- investigatewas to all evidence surrounding the death of john f. kennedy. jack ruby, the assassin of lee harvey oswald also acted alone. there were seven members of the warren commission. chief justice of the supreme 's supreme warning court earl warren -- supreme court earl warren was chancellor. another was alan douglas, former director of the cia. the grassy null, where the shots would be fired, there is some
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speculation there might have been a shooter in the sewage ate, which had been cleaned out supposedly. on television there was a dell -- there was a debate between -- about the commission. later lookingk into this debate. in 1966, his purpose was to show there was too much evidence that was questionable concerning the death of john f. kennedy, especially the findings of the warren commission. he believes there was -- a conspiracye was a to assassinate john f. kennedy.
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fired? hehots were interviewed a lot of people. and he claimed that these people who were near the class -- who were near the grassy knoll claimed they heard several shots fired along that presidential route. oswald.ey the sniper rifle alleged to be used in the killing of president .ennedy and the service at the time. this is jack ruby shooting and killing lee harvey oswald. it was announced lee harvey also ought would be taken from the headquarters in dallas and he would be transferred. how didinteresting is
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ruby get into the police area. jack ruby was not a reporter. he had ties with organized crime. he shoots him at cold point-blank range. with teedo policeman on either side just staring. a committee was convened because of the fact that there was just too much that didn't make sense. the u.s. house select committee on assassinations was convened to reinvestigate the death of president kennedy. coupled with the assassination of martin luther king led to the investigation. as fbi and cia were judged
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being deficient in their investigation of the kennedy assassination. no concretehere was reliable proof concerning the gunman in the kennedy assassination, and the u.s. house select committee remains what the warren commission gave as a report was sound and mostly accurate. the jfk act and review board was created. as a result of the movie by .liver stone's jfk the purpose was to collect documents not to be released to the public, but to be examined for any additional evidence. more than 60,000 documents were collected concerning the assassination of john f. kennedy. which translates to 4 million pages.
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there were also feel documents and -- that remained unclassified. there will be an additional number of documents to be released, approximately 5000 pages, regarding the assassination of john f. kennedy. when kennedy was first laid to rest at arlington, i know they werewas there, placed next to one another. it was cemented to make sure nothing could be dug up or removed. there are theories all over the .nternet and to this day one theory is accusations directed against organized crime.
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some claim they are actually sharpshooters. were actuallye sharpshooters that were brought in to fire the lethal shot. then there were accusations against cia. and then questions whether or not kennedy was going to dismantle the cia because of what happened in the bay of pigs investigation. againstons directed fidel castro, because there were attempts to kill fidel castro. accusations against the soviet union, against the kgb, who had agents in the united states. accusations against the fbi and its director for covering up evidence and information.
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accusations against the new president, lyndon johnson. the accusations just continue and just continue. rumors continue to persist, which are interested -- which was interesting. supposedly a body in a coffin with an american flag draped over it was dumped into the ocean off of a ship. abound from the probable to the hypothetical to the ridiculous, and then how ridiculous. president reagan and three other people were shot by john hinckley junior.
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impress actress jodie foster. brady, a window ,cross the street, tim mccarthy and the president was hit in the arm, his left underarm, hitting a rib into his long about one inch from his heart. it was a devastating bullet, which explodes on impact. this is the actual gun. hinckley was denied ale -- denied parole. president reagan on the 13th day of the assassination, he left the hospital. before nancy reagan passed away recently, she had an interview the seriousness of his
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wound. she says it was a severe wound and doctors did not know for sure if he would survive. she was prepared for the worst. out thathe word came he was wounded and they pushed it aside as if he would be ok, it wasn't exactly like that. on the 25th day after the assassination, he had a brief .abinet meeting with his people a 49 days after the assassination he left washington. 79 days later he held a press conference. doubts about his recovery, but he did recover. he had been warned about that.
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march 30 was warned as a dangerous state for him according to her chart. reagan, especially his wife, were very involved with astrology, and were told by an that actually he would be elected governor of california, which happened. a law which separated a law which separated astrologist from fortunetellers in california, allowing them to operate as fortunetellers. is this conspiracy so true with regard to the curse of the prophet? the first president was zachary office
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taylor. he has a chapter on that and he claims that he was poisoned to death. a professor at a university reading the book actually made arrangements supposedly with the family to have his remains dug up. supposedly they found low levels, with a? . -- with a question mark. we don't know for sure. andrew jackson was the first president of the attempted assassination. taylor died having cold milk and , with the question
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1912e poisoned to death? i teddy roosevelt was running on a progressive party. the republican party had decided he would take lliam howard aft and nominate him for second term, running against woodrow wilson. reserve -- they reversed some of teddy's policies. decided they would take over the progressive party, which was under a reformer. one of the big heroes in the history of wisconsin. a man by the name of shaq shot him as he was making his speech. roosevelt had taken a speech that was 50 pages, he rolled it up, put it into his pocket.
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the bullet went into the case, near his heart. shot, and had been they decided they will take him to the hospital. he said you can't kill a moose, i'm finishing my speech. he finishes his speech. they took him to the hospital and he refused to have the bullet taken out because he remembered what happened to william mckinley and james garfield. so it remained there. there was an attempt to kill herbert hoover when he was on a train through latin america. there was an attempt to kill harry truman. two nationalists from where to rico actually tried to kill him.
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one was put in jail is eventually. are attempts on richard nixon, several on gerald ford. an attempt on george herbert walker bush. three that we know of on bill clinton. four on george w. bush. more, somet one or claim as many as two or three, on the current president of the , who had been elected. was000 george w. bush president of the united states. they believe the curse of the prophet had been broken by ronald reagan living and surviving the assassination.
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but it should be interesting to see what happens in the year 2020. we may have some questions because we have a few minutes. do we have some of you large microphone. if you have questions, please be cap. >> there is a picture of resident harrison -- >> you are referring to the statue in which his left front who was raised. was done specifically because harrison had been wounded in battle. tot was the reason for it, show he had been wounded in battle. the position of the horses with regard to both with all four
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down has symbolic meeting. please feel free. i want to thank all of you. this was a little bit of a change because of the fact that c-span is here. want to thank you for all of your cooperation. i will see you probably next week. >> you are watching american history tv, all weekend every weekend on c-span3. to join the conversation, like us on facebook. historyxt, john hopkins professor talks about five aristocrats who fled the french revolution in the early 1790's and settled in philadelphia.


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