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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2016 7:00pm-8:02pm EDT

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men of ncta, i want to wish you an exciting and informative show. thank you very much. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, to host our first conversation today, please welcome the executive editor at recode, kara swisher. >> hi, everyone. so we wanted to have someone really interesting in especially in this crazy election year to talk about a wide variety of things from elections to video to uber to not getting enough sleep. and so there's only one person who fits all those criteria and
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that is someone i've known for a very long time and someone everybody does know. arianna huffington. ♪ >> okay. we brought our chairs for you. our special red chairs. so a couple things. we're going to start talking a little bit about your book which you're signing books and you're going to sign afterwards. >> yes. >> it's called "the sleep revolution." ari and i for years have debated this issue. i don't sleep at all. she thinks sleep is very important. i want you to make the case of what you're making in this book. >> first of all, it's not what i think. it's really a universal scientific consensus. >> okay. >> that the vast majority of us, kara swisher exempted, because she has a genetic -- you know, there's 1% of the population that has a genetic mutation and they can go great on four or five hours but the rest of us need seven to nine
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hours to perform out of bed. andre iguodala from the warriors, kobe bryant, lebron james, they all talk about using sleep as a performance enhan enhancement tool. that's the big shift that's happening right now. remember there was a time when we thought smoking was glamorous, and there was a time when we thought being sleep deprived was glamorous and a sign of being so busy and important and especially men would wear it like a badge of honor. we realize it makes us less productive, less healthy and much less happy. >> let's talk about in the context of tech. one of the things you talk about, the more and more we're with screen, watching tv, watching video all the time, our phones, using them for a variety of things, streaming everything. what do you -- one of the things
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you talk about is it's affected people's sleep patterns. talk about that a little bit. >> absolutely. we are all addicted to our phones. in fact, i would say that everybody here probably takes better care of their smartphones than they take care of themselves. like, everybody here knows approximately how much battery remains on their phone and in my case, if it gets below 13%, i get anxious and look around for a recharging shrine, lest anything would happen to my phone. but -- >> let me just say, the phone is my best relationship i've ever had in my life. but let's just -- >> i know. and that's perfect. all i'm suggesting is you pick a time before you turn off the lights and you turn off your phone, your ipad, your laptop and gently escort them out of your bedroom, kara. you can't sleep with your phone. that's all i'm saying. i love my phone. but it's like kryptonite if it's on your nightstand. once you remove it out of your
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bedroom, you create the transition to sleep, missing from people's lives. i was doing a book signing earlier, people were complaining, they wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep because they haven't had that transition. i mean, you have children. you know, wha baby, you don't dp them in bed, you have a ritual. we need to create our own ritual that puts a big demarcation line between our day with all our projects, our incompletions, our worries and our night when we can recharge and face the day. you know, really ready to deal with -- >> you've been part of the internet revolution, though, a big part of it that's gotten more people more addicted, they use more screens, you've been doing video stuff, you've been doing all kinds -- everything. all social media. how do you get, you know, is it hard to say, create that and then tell people to turn it off? >> even if it did not exist, people would have plenty of
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other things to be addicted to. the problem is that the world is going to be more and more inundated with technology. it's all about greater levels of automation. so it's up to us to set the boundaries and we want to that with our children. i mean, you don't want your children to be so completely addicted to their devices they can't have human relationships and develop empathy and intuition. >> actually, my son had his first girlfriend, he met her on snapch sn snapchat so i'm finished on that issue. that is the trend going forward. let's talk a little bit about those trends. we'll get back to sleep. one of the parts you talk about is decision-making when you're not sleeping. >> yes. in fact, i was at the microsoft ceo summit last week talking to jeff bazos who's one of the ceos who says i need eight hours' sleep to be the best ceo i can be and he said that if i actually get eight hours' sleep, even if i end up making fewer
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decisions, if these decision are even 5% better than they would have been if i was depleted and sleep deprived. so that's what executives need to understand. they're not paid for their stamina. they're paid for their judgment. >> right. >> and all around us we are surrounded by data and starved for wisdom. you know, just look around us. business leaders, media leaders, political leaders. they have high i.q.s, but look at the decisions they're making. and, you know, another thing is that we've convinced people of the importance of exercise and nutrition, but the third pillar is sleep. and you have all these exhausted executives often collapsing on their treadmill like the ceo of united who ended up with a massive heart attack or the ceo of bmw. so we need to look at -- >> yes.
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>> i start a book, how i collapsed, that's how i became -- because i collapsed from sleep depravation and burnout and from the collective delusion that burnout is the way to succeed. >> so let's talk about where things are going in technology then i do want to get to the election because you're a political person. where do you -- you guys have been trying a lot of things in tv, in video and everything else. how do you look at publishing right now and people who make video and other internet products? >> well, increasingly what's becoming clearer and clearer is we need differentiated content. content that really touches people. and we've divided everything we're doing into three big pillars. obviously politics and youth but with our own clear attitude. then what's working? solutions. you know, journalism has focused far too much just on the crisis. you know, they're saying -- and
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we need to change that and recognize there are solutions to most problems, but they often have not scaled yet. so how can we put the spotlight on them so that, you know, we talk about copycat crimes. we can also have copycat solutions. so that's our second pillar. and our third pillar is all about adding value to people's lives by helping them lead their lives with less stress and more fulfillment. and that is having a huge resonance both for our viewers and our readers but also advertisers because a lot of people who are -- a lot of brands that want to be around the wellness theme have become some of our best customers in advertising. >> so when you look at where things are going, you started with print and blogs really. you moved into video. back and forth.
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you've had different changes. then now what? what happened with video with you? >> so video, you know, 3 1/2 years ago, we launched huffpost live which is really one of the first big live efforts. and now as more and more of our audience moved on social, live has become our facebook live, our periscope, different ways to do live. while at the same time keeping the big huffpost live experience for newsmaker events, for live streaming, cultural, political debates, et cetera. >> do you not control video anymore? does facebook control video? >> no, not at all. not at all. let me tell you two of our biggest theories. one of them is called talk to me. we'd love to invite everybody to participate. it's children interviewing their parents. it's been a huge success.
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it's sponsored by unilever and exemplifieied -- it starts be b celebrity interviews like barbara bush interviewing laura and mike bloomberg's daughter sbr interviewing him. et cetera, et cetera. then we open it up to thousands of our viewers and users to interview their own parents. and on father's day, we're having a physical one, for example, in new york city and we're also doing it in partnership with facebook live. >> so talk about where video is going, though. i mean, this is a whole room of cable people, but people are not watching the way they used to. how do you look at -- you guys are moving into v.r. you bought a v.r. company. talk a little bit about that, for example. >> i mean, actually, the v.r. company is a very good way to explain what i think video is
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going. we didn't just buy it because of the technological know how around v.r. gift of story telling. and storytelling in a way that has emotional resonance. so for me, again, whether you do it on cable, the key is going to be are you connecting with your audiences? are you adding value to people's lives? i think bst fthere's been far t much emphasis on the means -- >> you're a cable company, consumers aren't using it, millennials particularly, no-cable generation. whether that's true or not, it's questionable. >> but we have great content. you can offer it to your users in multiple ways. >> right. >> it's just a matter of the product. but ultimately, if what you're producing is not differentiated, it's not really adding value to people's lives even if the value is simple, great entertainment.
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then whether you're doing it online or on cable, it's not going to work. >> you think v.r. is going to be as big as people think it's going to be? i don't. oddly enough, i just had lunch with mark zuckerberg and he thought it was a little overhyped right now. even though he bought the company, paid all that money for oculus. i think they feel like it's maybe going to take a while. how do you look at this? you just bought a v.r. company. >> i think there's a great investment because as well as the v.r. technology, they are very aligned with us about empowering our users to connect to the stories. like the story we did about what's happening with refugees, susan sarandon taking us to greece. it was great that we had v.r. but all the other elements came together. >> right. do you imagine people living in a v.r. universe or not? >> i think increasingly people really want to live in a v.r. universe and that's why it's going to become more and more important to disconnect from the v.r. universe. >> yeah, i know.
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i agree. i think it's quite immersive, although augmented reality to me is a bigger deal. what else are you working on in video? then we're going to talk about the election really quickly. >> so in terms of big series, we launched another series that i'm really excited about called "talk nerdy to me." >> okay. >> we find that people are more and more interested in science but how do we make science approachable? >> right. >> so the first video we produced in this new series was really about the search for more inhabitable planets which is intensifying at the prospect of donald trump getting to the white house. and the -- >> that's the first of the donald trump jokes, so just get ready. >> the next one is about the new findings around gravitational -- you'd be amazed about the interest in terms of science. provided we can do it with humor and in an accessible way and that's what "talk nerdy to
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me" -- >> that's a web-only show, correct? you don't see yourself going and making a network television show or a cable show? >> we are working on two shows with netflix. >> right. why them over anybody else? >> well, it just -- i was talking to ted about a couple of the shows and he loved the idea of us doing a sleep documentary and working on a show, you know, the first gay ambassador to spain and his partner with a major designer and had this amazing experience in spain. so doing this with netflix, but we're opting to work with anybody else here, just let me know. arianna@hu arianna@huffingt >> she does return e-mails. let's talk about the election. we only have a few minutes left. what is -- i know. what is the -- what do you think is happening right now? i think most people are just per
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flexe perplexed, confused and upset. >> i think what is happening is very dangerous and i feel it's very important that those of us in the media do not treat this like a normal election. where two candidates would disagree on issues. because donald trump is both a buffoon and dangerous at the same time. >> okay. >> that's what is confusing. you know, he's a little bit like kim jong-un. >> who? >> the north korean -- >> the north korean dictator. >> you know, frank lly -- >> that guy. >> yes, that guy. i really think the way the "huffington post" has covered him exemplifies that. cover him under entertainment. >> was that a mistake -- >> he's a reality show, he's a buffoon. then the day he proposed that we should ban 1.6 billion muslims from this country, which is completely un-american, we started covering him as a clear
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and present danger with an editor o editor's note at the end of the story reminding people he's a birther, a sexist, a racist and regularly incites violence at his rallies. kara, he also exemplifies all the symptoms of chronic sleep depravation. you know, including, you know -- >> i like it. you're selling books and insulting political candidates. >> that is the truth. you know, the inability to profession simple information, mood swings, anger outbursts, false memories. remember the muslims, the thousands of muslims who supposedly cheered the collapse of the twin towers? except nobody has ever seen a video of that? all these are examples of somebody who's unstable and, therefore, it is our responsibility in the media to do everything we can to stop him from getting to the white house. and when "the new york times" uses language to describe his
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races, we can, like approach -- call racist racist. when there was a big story about his treatment of women, and the conclusion is that it's a complicated story. it's not complicated. so that's really where the media need to do their job. >> it's interesting because we talked about that. because most media tries to be -- has treated this like an entertainment until now giving enormous amounts of attention to the candidate because he gets -- because he's interesting and he's great for ratings. and so you imagine that they should actually do something about it. >> i think that they should cover it in ways which are straightforward without mincing words and constantly reminding the public of who he is. constantly reminding the public of the fact that he wants to ban an entire religion from this
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country, that he incites violence at his rallies. at his rallies. and that he still believes that the president of the united states was not born in this country which is like believing that the earth is flat. it makes him an illegitimate candidate and it is our job to say that day in and day out. >> so do you think journalism should change? >> no, i don't think journalism should change. i think journalists should stop treating him like somebody who's just good for ratings because that's what's happening now. you know, we have cameras just covering an empty party waiting for donald trump as though this is the biggest event of that moment. >> last question then we have to go. i'm assuming you're voting for hillary at this point. but when you look the at this, how things have changed, how has tech and social media helped that? because to me, he's the first twitter president -- the real true twitter presidential candidate. no one uses the medium like he does. he takes great advantage of them
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and uses them well. i mean, whatever you think of him, he uses them beautifully. how do you -- what -- how do you -- >> i don't agree with that at all. i don't know why re-tweeting mussolini is a beautiful use of social media. >> all right. in fact, he -- >> or making comments, like when he said that women with abortions should be punished. we need to stop thinking that he's doing anything well just because he's winning. you know, the fact that he's winning simply means that the republican party has really fielded a group of candidates who could not stand up to him. that doesn't mean that what he's doing is really the way to run a campaign. >> all right. so he needs more sleep. did you get him your book? >> he definitely needs more sleep. if he doesn't get more sleep so he makes more and more mistakes between now and the election. >> all right. >> i'm going to make one exception to my get enough sleep rule. >> all right. and last question, what -- if
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you had to invent -- i ask this to everyone -- if you had to invent anything in tech, in tech or in tv or any -- video, anything else, what would it be? >> so i would love to invent something super simple which is a way to instantly turn our smartphone into a dumbphone that completely disconnects us from all notifications, from everything and reconnects us with ourselves. i think that's the biggest need right now and then whenever we are ready, we can turn it book into a smartphone again like that. >> oh. >> like waving a magic wand. >> i think that's a great thing. i want a time machine, but otherwise, very good. thank you, arianna huffington. [ applause ] ♪
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>> and mnow for our next conversation. please welcome the host, the president and co-chief executive officer at c-span, susan swayne. and now her guest, chief national correspondent and anchor of "inside politics" for cnn, john king. and anchor an host of univision news and fusion jorge ramos. >> good morning, everyone. nice to see you all here. i don't know if this is going to be a depressing bit of news, but there are 176 days left until the election. feel good about that? seems like it's been going on forever.
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>> counting? >> yes, i'm counting. let me start with both of you because we're among friends this morning. when you're talking to friends off duty, what are the adjectives that you use to describe the year that we've been through? >> i like that one. disruption. everything in our lives and in the business of the people who are here, think of the last 10, 15 years of your life. uncertainty, the change. where are we going to be tomorrow, what's going to work, what's not going to work? what has resisted that? the american political system. every major industry has changed. every minor industry has changed. all new industries are coming out and some of them succeeding and some of them are falling and american politics has resisted it and pushed it away. kind of like the "american id auto industry. when you resist change for so long, when it finally happens, it's volcanic. >> reince priebus, the head of the gop probably likes the second half of this motto which is, out of chaos, growth. >> maybe. >> hoping, right? jorge, what are your words? what do you use to describe it?
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>> well, i'm seeing two different things. on one hand, i think technology is changing absolutely everything. on one hand. then also changing the way we think about this country and the future. then honestly, as with everybody else, when people talk to you, they say, what do you think about donald trump? that's the truth. the fact is that donald trump, like it or not, has been the element that has changed the selection. everybody's talking about him. and we have to take a very strong, i think, position when he's talking about women, when he's talking about latinos. i think those are the two most important things for me. technology, donald trump right now. >> while we're thinking about you and donald trump, people in this room will remember famously august of last year, you were escorted out of a donald trump press conference because of pressing him on questions about immigration. so megyn kelly of fox also had a
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run-in with donald trump. they seem to have found some accord. she's getting a big interview. what's your status with the campaign? >> i don't know. if he's listening, i'm ready to have an interview with donald trump. i know megyn kelly is going to have an interview with him tomorrow. >> right. >> what happens with donald trump is that i know, and we know that all the things that he's been saying about latinos, that they're drug traffickers and criminals and rapists, that he's absolutely wrong. all the footage that i've seen, absolutely all the footage i've seen suggests immigrants are less likely to be criminals. those are the facts. donald trump many times does not believe in facts. so what i did, when he announced on june 16th, i sent him a handwritten note, when is the last time you did something like that? >> yeah, a handwritten note to a candidate, it's been a while. >> anyway, i did it. >> good. >> i put my cell phone number on it and he published it on the
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internet. so i had to change my cell phone number. then i went to dubuque, iowa, then i found a press conference where i thought not a lot of people were going to attend and then i confront him with the fact. i think that as a journalist, i think many times you have to take a stand. we might disafr agreagree on th, when it comes to racism, discrimination, public life, dictatorship, human rights, as a ge journalist, you have to take a stance. >> jorge has a new book out with that exact name, "take a stance." we should welcome you back to your hometown, do dorchester. >> i work in a different slice of the business. our business is big and complicated and it's diverse. just had arianna huffington talking art htalk ing about her perspective. the 1st amendment belongs to all of us. we have different slices of the
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pie. cnn tries to be more of a traditional middle of the road objective journalism. there's nothing wrong with the middle of the road. you have an advocacy position. you're transparent about it. i think that's the key. be transparent. you don't have to say donald trump is wrong. if he's wrong on the statistics, show the statistics. so we can report in different ways about statistical, fair, facts, information. the challenge is for all positions, not just trump's positions, aeeverybody's positions. we have to have respect for everybody's different piece of the pie. >> if both of you had a chance to sit town widown with him tom what's the first question you want to angsk him? >> are you a racist? >> are you a racist? the first question. >> the morning they released the president's long-form birth certificate and he threw it back at me and said, i don't need to see your copy, i think it's a fraud.
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given what's happened in the last couple weeks where he's modified his positions or changed his positions on so thingmany things, who are you, what makes you tick, what's the central core and philosophy if there is one of donald trump? >> also, let me just say, he said so many things against women. he said so many things against muslims and latinos and now are we just going to let him say that and then don't confront him with that? i don't think so. i think that's our position. i've been -- many journalists have the opportunity to talk to donald trump and i think they haven't been tough enough on him, and i think journalism, the most important social growth for journalists is to confront who are in power and prevent the abuse of those who are power. our swrjob is to be watchdogs o society. >> let's talk about hillary clinton. we still have -- this is one of the big surprises this election
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year that the democrats are still at their primary process which makes a challenge for her which she has to continue to defend against bernie sanders. why is she having such a difficult time closing the deal? >> the democrats have their own brand of this disruption. disruption is not unique to the republican party. the republican party has been searching for its identity, who are we? you can't pick who leads you until you decide, who are we, what are we? the republican party has been going through that since the george w. bush administration, c katrina, the iraq war. the democratic party has had a president in the white house, that usually keeps the genie in the bottle. here they come out in the election campaign. burn bernie is pulling her to the left, whether it's health care, whether it's trade. look at the common dem monomind economic anxiety, questions about where are we going, what are the jobs of the future? all her strength, secretary
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clinton has many strengths, she's not a visceral feel your pain like her husband was on the economy. sanders tapped into this and tapped into disaffection on the left even with president obama. gitmo's still open. black lives matter movement comes to fruition under the first african-american president. on the city street, in factory towns, there's a lot of anxiety and disaffection of the democratic party and it's bubbling up like on the republican side. she has not found a way yet to fully embrace it. i was going to say come to grips with it the way you come to terms with it, you embrace it and learn from it. >> may i, i've seen bernie sanders represent precisely what hillary clinton might be lacking. when you talk -- i'm working with a lot of millennials, and it is very clear the numbers are there. most young people feel more comfortable with bernie sanders than with hillary clinton. and it's also a matter of trust. they trust him more than hillary clinton. so those are two of the challenges that she's going to be facing this november. >> for both candidates, how important will the vice presidential selection be? >> i'm not sure.
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i mean, you vote for the presidential candidate and for the vice president candidate. now, when it comes to, for instance, i doubted that if donald trump chooses a latino as a running mate that that's going to make a big change. we were talking about the taco bowl just, and let me just say for the record, a taco bowl is not mexican food. and then he reminded me of the politicians 20 years ago, 30 years ago when they brought a mariachi band or put a sombrero and said they were going to get latino votes. it doesn't work that way. george w. bush was the first u.s. president who thought that he spoke spanish and it just doesn't work that way. latinos want more than that. i saw the latest poll, you were very expert on this, 87% of latinos have a negative opinion of donald trump, 87%. even if 13% of latinos were to vote for donald trump, it is
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simply not enough. to put in perspective, john mccain got 3 1% of the hispanic vote. he lost. romney got 27% of the hispanic vote and he lost. so the idea donald trump an win with 13% of the hispanic vote is absolutely wrong. that's the challenge. i think he cannot win with other hispanic votes and he's betting on the fact he might win with the white vote and i doubt it. >> he's betting on the fact he can turn four states across the rust belt, if you go to, don't have to believe jorge ramos or john king or susan, go to, america's face is changing by the second. literally our electorate is becoming her an more diverse. if you do pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, get win more out there, somehow get florida, jorge makes a key point about the latino vote. very hard, donald trump says it's my second state, hard to see donald trump getting florida under these circumstances. if he can change four states across the rust belt and nothing else changed from obama/romney,
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trump can win the presidency. does he in the vice presidential pick try to deal with that? i think jorge's exactly right. there's have very little data or evidence in our history that's why people vote for a president, by who they pick as a vice president. trump has demographic challenges he might use that more to give a statement about who he is and how he thinks. quickly, at the beginning of this campaign, some people around hillary clinton thought she would win the nomination in a walk and maybe pick a republican to send a signal to the country she wants to yubuni the country. she's now stuck in the democratic party. >> i want 15 more minutes. >> sure. >> and i have two. let me ask you as we close here, these folks are going to go home and say, i heard john king at intx, jorge at intx, he told me something back in may i remember about this election. what's it going to be? >> watch the state of michigan. if donald trump wants t bt next president of the united states, he has to do what ronald reagan did in 1980, mccomb county, michigan, auto factories, create
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a whole generation of so-called reagan democrats. if trump can create trump democrats and to do that it's not just working class people. he has to get into some these millennials, reach out to the bernie sanders people. if he is to win, it's possible he can win, it's a heavy lift, have to do it across there. if you want to study one laboratory, study mccomb county, michigan, that area of the country. >> jorge? >> think of your 2055. that year, the white population in this country, nonhispanic, will become another minority. that's a huge trend. with technology the other huge trend in this country, have to do with demography. so i think donald trump represents resistance to the change we're seeing right now in this country and the other thing i would like you to remember is when the presidential debates are announced and you remember this going to be the most diverse election in our history. more than 31% of the voters will be a part of a minority. i think we're going to need a latino or a minority to be part
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of both debates. i'm not sure if it's going to be me, but we need -- >> why not? >> -- a latino in these debates. we fought thought ththought fat >> well, we are just about out of time. i want to say thank you, watch john king and his magic wall. nobody is spending more time analyzing individual congressional districts this year than you and that's where the story is this year. >> fun to watch. >> he's the best professor of geography. knows every single county in the country. >> welcome to red sox nation. >> and thanks to jorge. find his new book "take a stand." thank you, gentlemen. >> thank you. >> ladies and gentlemen, once every two years, viewers around the world are riveted while the compelling competitions that are the olympics play out on our screens.
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40 simultaneous streams. more than 6,000 hours. every single event will be streamed live. every medal, every event. it's kind of breathtaking when you think about all that production in 17 days. we'll have more live coverage on day one in rio than the entire atlanta olympics. put another way, if you had 24 hours a day to watch with 7 days a week, it would take you 250 days to watch all this content. or if you went back to 2008 and watched every regular season nfl game, you'd have 6,000 hours. so since that's impossible, is this a problem or an opportunity? and, you know, some people just want to sit back, watch nbc, watch the primetime broadcast and enjoy themselves and there's going to be millions and millions of people to do that. but in order to build momentum for the event, in order to allow
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you to watch everything you want to watch, that's where we think x1 comes in and our wonderful comcast technology team has been working on this and here's what we've got. let me update you on x1. you can see it in our booth. about 35% of our customers today have x1 and we have 40,000 more per day being installed. we're also partnered with cox and they're doing their own installation. millions and millions of people have x1. we'll be close to 50%, nearing that number around the olympics. because it's cloud-based, we can update it easily and make it special purpose and that's for a big event and that's we're doing for the olympics. so it's a marriage of the comcast technology group trying to break new ground with the incredible storytelling of nbc to give you the ultimate
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olympics viewing experience and i believe a real glimpse into the future of television. so let's take a look at what we're working on. so you're watching a movie. you pull up the x1 guide. now, you'll notice we've added a new row and this new row is content purposed just for you. so we'll go and look at rio. by going into rio, we now have a complete takeover of the x1 platform. and here you'll see lots of different ways to search. start with "what's on now." you see, you're going to have, as i said, nine networks. as many as 11 networks at times. here's women's tennis. here's what golf channel's doing. here's telemundo. i can also search by sport. and you literally pick the sport you want. or you can search by athlete. or you can search by featured.
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since this is the most multicultural viewing experience ever, the entire will also be made available in spanish. let's go back to the home page and i want to watch something that isn't on a cable channel and for the first time we're seamlessly streaming all the other live feeds into one experience that you just click. so the nbc sports live extra will give you every olympic moment that's being streamed. if you want, you can go on the internet and see all this as well. but let's go back up and watch michael phelps. so you're watching live event, and what will come up is the xfinity sports app. now, one in three of our customers -- one in four of our customers -- use this app regularly now and we will have every event syn synced up realt
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content that is companion view this. time it's lane assignment. we drop down, we see michael phelps, we click on him. one of the options, getting information on his background, is to favorite him. so we'll do that. another thing you might want to do is look at other videos of michael phelps. so here you can see other heats. press conference. interviews with the family and the like. another thing you'll do is get a mini guide right here while you're watching, what else could i watch now? well, i'm interested in gymnastics. let's see what's going on. rotation two of four. we'll have realtime updates in the guide that will tell you where that event is at. okay. i'd like to watch. now in the past, you would have one bulked up gymnastics feed. but with live streaming, we're
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going to have every single apparatus. so here's the all-around but i just want to watch the floor routine, and of course, that's a stream, so i just click it. it tells me i'm going out on the internet and here we are are. we see gabby douglas. we know she won the gold four years ago. if you're not up to date on gabby douglas, i take out my remote. how old is gabby douglas? we will have special content for the voice remote all around the olympics, so it gives you all the information you want. gives you some options. that's just another way for me to personalize my experience by favori i favoriting gabby douglas. causes me to then say, show my olympic favorites. and, oops, i skipped past it so fast. you obviously can pick by person, by sport, by country.
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lots of different ways. go back to the homepage and you'll see rio where we went in, but there's also another opportunity that nbc has created with gold zone. gold zone is one of the streams that will just be every highlighted moment. every medal, every final. live replays. so let's take a look at gold zone. so usa wins the medley and it causes me to say, how is the usa doing? and an instant medal count. so it's just going to be a totally different immersed experience. i notice it's just after 8:00, i want to go watch the nbc primetime show. watch nbc.
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well, a little bit after 8:00, so one of the x1 features we offer is restart. just click it and now here you are at the top of the hour. so this is an exciting full-on experience. we'll have it up and running by august. summer games are going to be more comprehensive, more searchable, more personal than ever. a real look into the future of television. i have to tell you that x1, we've now on the voice remote, we've got 7 million of these voice remotes in our customers' hands. we were zero beginning less than a year ago. this time last year, we just began to talk about launching it commercially. we're doing 180 million voice commands every month. the numbers are pretty staggering and growing every day.
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with context and the latest stats, unprecedented choice in control. to get you really excited for the olympics, take a look at this final video. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> the 2016 olympic games. live this august from rio. on nbc. [ applause ] >> and now, joining brian roberts for our next conversation, please welcome senior media entertainment correspondent for cnbc, julia boorstin. >> hey, brian. what a very cool demo. so i got a chance to play around with the product a little bit last week and it seems like this is a real transformation of the way people will experience the olympics. and i'm wondering how you expect this to impact ratings. i mean, are people going to be watching less live because so much is available on demand? >> our experience has been that
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if you put more in the top of the funnel, what comes out in primetime will be greater than it would have been if you just had a single feed. this is an age-old question, but we made a decision, we bought the company, we told the international olympic committee -- everything we can to make the viewer feel like they have as many choices as possible, as if you were at the games. you would pick which events you want to go to, the technology is really finally here and so close. my prediction, if you go back to london, was the most watched event in television history. i will go out on a limb and say we have equal standard for rio and we are -- we've been waiting for this day for years. summer olympics are the big olympics, obviously. the bigger of the two. and we're going to throw everything at it and i think it will help the ratings. >> now, this interface, to me, is a true internet interface applied on top of live television and it's kind of the culmination of what you've been
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doing with x1 for years. how does this speak to your larger strategy of giving people more high-tech tools to navigate content? >> well, this has been the big advantage of cable. if you go back to people like bill gates who invested in comcast and others back when -- big advantage is two-way technology, with all due respect to satellite, it's a one-way technology. and it's taken years to find the right manifestation. on demand was the first. voice control being able to actually send that message back to a pewtut kpoout computer then make the command actually happen, and interspersing video, a big part of everybody's life in the next generation, we need to remain relevant and the best and that's why we had the best video in nine years and i think other companies are doing well. there's something about our
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two-way technology that i think we need to make it right for consumers. i don't care how we do it. they just want it to work easily and every device. by the way, everything you int and you want to just watch it, you will never have that option before and now you will. >> people's productivity in their offices will decline dramatically. >> only 17%. >> so big picture here, there is always talk about cord cutting and your video subscriber numbers grew much more than expected. how much of that is because of this type of technology? >> well, neal is doing a great job. and the team that he's put together and we've got kind of two changes. one is to be an in ovation company and the other is to take our service and make it the best product. and both of those strategies are, i think, feeding into the good results. we've improved year over year
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for the last ten or 12 quarters. some are negative because of seasonality but in the last 12 months we have more video customers than 12 months ago because it is showing up on time 99% and giving automatic credit if we don't and resolving things the first time and making it fun and better every year than last year. we have a new product release every month, every quarter. it is -- the pace of change is what makes it so fun and exciting. >> and as you continue to roll out x-1 into more people's homes, could you give us insight into how you see the cord-cutting numbering or the video subscriber growth numbers changing over the next year. >> well, first thing we see is people consume more on-demand, free and paid. and buying things like dvrs and other second outlets increase and our revenue goes up and there is a pay-back for it. as to another generation, the kids know how to use it faster than the parents do.
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so i believe we're seeing college campuses with our product where you don't need a set-top box. we're trying to touch every segment with the stream product, we're saying, can you do this without a box altogether. so we're seeing slow decline in the total video market place. if the product gets better, we can slow that down. we see a boomerang effect when kids get from 20 to 30 and start having kids of their own, suddenly the tv at 100 inches and really cool comes back into your life. so i'm optimistic, but change is upon us and you can't sit still and we're trying not to, and that is what this demo is. even the olympics, biggest event in television, in fact, was a rallying cry for the whole company to work together in a way we've never done. and literally every moment, every medal, on every device, pretty great. >> you mention comcast presence
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in college campuses and there is the idea of the cord nevers. tell me how you are using that college presence to try to get kids hooked so when they do move into houses later they are not cord nevers, but court-laters. >> one of the things we don't talk is how much investment we're making in broadband and wi-fi. but we put more money in that than maybe anything in the last several years. and that's -- wi-fi -- 70% or 75% of all of the bits that you people consume out of their home are happening on our wi-fi network. so that is a pretty powerful -- how people want that. so if you are in a college, we want to make sure you have broadband or wi-fi and then you can choose your content and many of the university cases we're giving them a package of content and they are seeing the value of the content. but for the broadband -- it is a competitive space and we need to
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increase speed and wi-fi capability. and what you see at our booth is the next generation of products. our technical team has a road map that is as exciting as any company on the planet, remote controls to a new small box to a wi-fi booster to the new interface to new capabilities with the remote. so a lot happening to give an experience that -- at whatever age you're at, you're going to find something from our company that you like and if you don't like any of it, we'll get you with nbc and cnbc and try to turn you on through the content side of the company and one way or another it puts us in a position to continue to innovate. >> and what about skinny bundles. and because you do have those packaged with broadband and where do you see that going. >> it is a conversation evolving with each of our programming partners. we all have a legacy business and we want to continue to grow that legacy business. and yet, some consumers want to
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get less than everything we offer and so far we've been able to find ways to offer enough. we grew our video revenue and video cash flow and video subs. i think things are pretty solid. >> and with all of this technology, the capability is changing for how you can distribute your content. where is this all moving toward? is it all about apps on boxes, are we moving away from the box entirely? >> well, one thing is we don't feel the government needs to get into the box business. but that won't speed us up. >> you are referring to the government amoking the set top box. >> we're mandating technology and regulating something that heretofore is evolving so fast. like every other computer you have to get a box from five years ago and might not like it. so what you see at the booth, you could go to a samsung tv and get a lot -- a whole lot and some better of that x-1 experience without a box. because of hdml-5, i think it
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will speed up because of apps. we think the architecture is now at a place that allows us to be more ubiquitous and this is the worst time to start regulating, at a time when between at&t buying direc tv and verizon and dish network and you tube and apple and google and just go down the list, hulu, it is an exciting space. and there is certainly not a lack of change happening. so why you would want to regulate bee fuddles me. >> so what would be immocking the set top box mean for you as a distributor and cable company as wells a programmer. >> it has great significance to the content companies of whether their property is just being -- they can't control the path that it is on. heretofore, we have thousand page agreements with content companies on all of these possible questions and suddenly there is a new mandate but for
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what benefit. >> and you talked about how comcast is a technology company now. you talk about a cable company, internet distribution company and you are a tech company at your core and at the products displayed at the both. what does that mean for the way people in the future will access content. could i sign up with comcast service without ever talking to a person? >> yes. absolutely. and maybe we just -- we just had a meeting friday, where we saw incredibly exciting road map -- this year road map, not five years, to where every transaction you do with our company, we want to make it digital. and you could take your smartphone and sign up, you could start kmuming -- consuming before you have a box. you could schedule an appointment or schedule a phone call. you don't have to call and wait online. you can buy on amazon. you can -- you can see that working really well, where you just completely fulfill the
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orders and schedule the installation and never talk to a human. so we're going to make a leap frog and have already begun to do so in the way we talk and communicate and transact with our chufts and i think that -- customers and i think that is a big positive as well. >> we are out of time but the final question to bring it back to the olympics, how do you think people's perception of comcast will change after seeing that kind of experience in terms of interaction with content? >> well, we're obviously so proud of the story-selling, the passion company in the "today" show to the tnt tonight show or the x-1 technology and it is our company. maybe you think of it in one way or in the rearview mirror or we made a mistake and didn't fess up properly but we are looking down the road and growing customers and innovating and
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attracting incredible talent. my main goal, your kid coming out of school and go work for google or facebook or comcast nbc universal and i want people to say there is nothing like your company and that is a great opportunity for me and my future and then we'll have great products in the future by having great people. >> perfect note to end on. brian roberts, thank you so much for joining us today. [ applause ] >> thank you, brian. that demonstration was very special. and it is great knowing where i'm going to spend my summer enjoying the olympics. >> and our thanks to julia who graced our stage today. tomorrow, she's going to be interviewing john steinke and pete moore from mashable. >> and thank you to our speakers
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for their views and insight and join me in giving them a round of applause. thank you for joining us this morning. have a great afternoon. >> thanks, everyone. [ applause ] . up next on c-span 3, a house panel investigates terrorism financing in south america. then a look at the future of private weather forecasting modeling firms. later a conversation on the challenges facing businesses and individuals who participate in providing shared services such as uber and air bnb. after that, the discussion on the iran nuclear agreement. c-span washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up thursday morning, bloomberg white house correspondent angela grieling keen previews the meeting taking police on thursday between
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president obama and senator bernie sanders. then missouri representative emanual cleburne tries to make change to the dodd-frank legislation regulating wall street and discuss proposed rules from the consumer financial protection bureau that would change the practice of pay day lending firms. and luke messer talks about his bill which would attempt to stop recent guidelines from the obama administration on transgender access to bathrooms and locker rooms. be sure to watch c-span's washington journal live at 7:00 a.m. eastern thursday morning. join the discussion.


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