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tv   Americans In Space  CSPAN  July 3, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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eastern, we will get past conventions and the presidential candidates who went on to win their party's nomination. this saturday, we will focus on incumbent presidents who ran for reelection. the 1964 democratic convention, richard nixon at the 1972 republican convention in miami beach. the 1980 democratic convention with democrat -- jimmy carter from new york city. towards h w bush and the 1992 republican convention, bill clinton in chicago for the 19 96 democratic convention and the 2004 republican convention in new york city with george w. bush. at 8:00 eastern on c-span. >> apollo 11 astronaut and
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michael collins talked about the american presence in space from its earliest days to blue origin, a privately funded venture designed to make spaceflight more frequent and affordable. the hour-long conversation hosted by the smithsonian national air and space museum is moderated by david rubenstein, a billionaire philanthropist. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen. i'm the director of the smithsonian's national air and space museum. it is my pleasure to welcome you to the john glenn lecture. we inaugurated the lecture in 2004. they quickly became one of our most popular annual event. tonight is no exception. we will feature historic conversation between a legendary space pioneer and a visionary rocket entrepreneur. in addition to those lucky enough to have secured tickets, many more will be watching on a live webcast.
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which also will be in our archives. if you want to review it sometime in the future, senator glenn cannot be with us tonight. but he sent his best regards. his accompaniments are great inspiration for all of us. thank you to our speakers for being here. mr. david rubenstein. cofounder and co-ceo of the carlyle group. regent of the smithsonian, he will be tonight's moderator. mr. jeff bezos is founder of amazon and blue origins. he's here to discuss what will take to unlock spaceflight -- base flight for everyone, everywhere. coming home today, major general michael collins. who once held what some have called the best job in the world. director of the smithsonian museum. air and space welcome back.
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[applause] as the founding director, general collins was responsible for the design and construction of this building. which opened as a bicentennial gift for american people on july 1, 1976. more than 327 million visitors have walked through this building since it opened. which is why we are renovating it. [laughter] in confirming that the heat -- he built, like the ship he flew to the moon, is a priceless national treasure. in two weeks, we will celebrate four decades of unparalleled success and rededicate our main gallery. that gallery, were so many millions discovered the story of flight is one of the world's great public spaces. we have boeing to thank for helping us reinvented for the decades ahead. over many years, boeing has partnered with the smithsonian
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on countless important project. to sponsoring the john glenn lecture series. we would not be the museum we are today without their support. on behalf of the museum and our past, present, and future visitors, i would to think boeing for the steadfast support. we look forward to celebrating the company centennial anniversary along with our 40th anniversary along with our countries 240 anniversary on the first of july or we will have an all nighter. you are all invited. i disapproved that the first time, they came back and said you are not the target audience. [laughter] i will get it started and i hope you have a great time. it is now a great pleasure to
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introduce the chairman, president and chief executive officer of the boeing company, mr. dennis mollenberg. [applause] >> good evening. it is a pleasure to be here with all of you. jack, thank you for that kind introduction and the kind words about the boeing company. we are honored to support and partner with you and the national air and space museum. it is a really important mission. thank you for your leadership and service for our country. let's give jack a well-deserved hand. [applause] as general daily said, this is an exciting year for us. the 40 anniversary of the national air and space museum. boeing will be celebrating its centennial. 100 years old on july 15. we will have the early celebration on july 1.
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one that has involved all aspects of air and space. we think about the first century of aviation, people went from walking on the earth to walking on the moon. we went from riding horses to flying airplanes and spaceships. it has been an incredible journey and boeing has been honored to be a part of that. tonight, it is my privilege to introduce the speaker's and moderator that will lead tonight's discussion of it i can type personally have a space enthusiast, how excited i am that this is the topic for tonight. first of all, i want to reckon as michael collins. it is a national hero with us tonight. when i told my 15-year-old son that i was going to meet him this evening, he said, no way! [laughter] he has done a lot to inspire the
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country and i think we can all remember back to the apollo 11 mission, whether we thought real time or have seen it since, the inspiration decorated and the long-term impact to the country and world is well recognized. it is great to have michael here with us tonight. the command module pilot for the apollo 11 mission. also, a great privilege for us to be with jeff bezos. one of the great entrepreneurs of our time. great business leader in another space enthusiast and among other things, we have the privilege of working with jeff and his blue origins team on a future rocket engine and space opportunities. more broadly than that, jeff and his team are breaking barriers and low cost reliable access and
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fundamentally changing the equation of how we will get to space. that is exciting to see. thank you for your leadership. lastly, i would like to recognize david rubenstein as well. he has been a great friend and business leader, community leader, philanthropist. well known here. a great historian, great and of -- great fan of the space business and also a great supporter of the national air and space museum. david will be our moderator at this evening. i like to welcome all three of you gentlemen to the stage and we look forward to the discussion. [applause] my last duty here was to try to make this podium descend. i'm an engineer by traits i -- by training, so i suspect
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this is the real reason i am here today. that is boeing technology. [applause] thank you very much. >> how many people here would like to go into space? how many people would like to go to the moon? you will hear a lot about that tonight. first, let me ask you each an individual question first. michael collins, you were the first director of this museum. getting it off the ground and the money, was doing that harder than getting to the moon? [laughter] >> i think it would have been if they were not for barry goldwater wanted badly to get this museum underway. what he told me was if you are ever here with a kin, please mention that.
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i would be delighted to mention i'm here with my daughter kate from chicago and from boston. i asked her, suppose she had been in neil armstrong's shoes, which he have said one small step for woman. she would have said, no, does this suit make me look fat? [laughter] maybe that is why she was not picked. >> jeff, you build one of the greatest technology companies in the world. in twentysomething years you've taken a company from nothing to amazon. was that harder to do than try to get a space company off the ground? which is more of a challenge to you? >> totally different challenges.
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one of the things i find, i think back on the last 20 years. 20 years ago, i was driving packages to the post office myself. in my 1987 chevy blazer, dreaming that one day might be able to afford a forklift. that is 1995. 21 years later, the internet is the gigantic thing, there are many successful companies. entrepreneurial dynamism is incredible. with this new challenge i'm taking on, what i want to do is put the heavy lifting infrastructure into place so that the next generation can have a dynamic, entrepreneurial explosion of ideas. and inventions in space, just like we've had with the internet. the reason you can't do that today is because there is too much heavy lifting involved.
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getting to space is so expensive and so hard. when we started amazon, i did not have to build a logistics infrastructure system to deliver parcels. there was ups. it already existed. the u.s. postal service already existed. i do not need to build a remote payment system. similarly, there were computers around. all of those things would have been hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure. the long-distance phone network became the backbone of the internet. but it already existed. dynamic,this entrepreneurial explosion because the heavy infrastructure was in place. for space, it is not like that. the price of admission is so high. that is the big difference. i'm excited about lowering the cost. i want to dramatically lower that cost so that 20 years from now, a new generation of people with startup money, real entrepreneurs can do amazing
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things in space. think how cool that would be? >> people have day jobs now who are trying to get to space. you have a day job. why don't people have full-time jobs getting into space? why is it only people like you who have day jobs who are doing all these things? >> for one thing, it is expensive. you need a lucrative day job so you can afford your night job. [laughter] blue origin i think will be a profitable business one day. you want business to be itself sustaining so they can do amazing things. but it needs a lot of funding it needs a lot of funding for a long time. i am happy to do that. but i can only do it because i was lucky with amazon. >> this is something that is hard to believe, he landed on -- you and your team landed on the moon in july of 1969 and we will get into that in a moment,
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why do you think sony people in -- some people in the world still think it was fake and in a studio? was there studio you actually filmed this in? >> i would love to get them all together into one room. the wright brothers flew in kitty hawk north carolina and it was december in the evening before, the 16, every year they had the meeting of the man will never fly society, and one year i was the guest speaker. that was one of the finest speeches i ever made. i was forced to reveal that it did take place if you drive south out of kitty hawk. this gigantic sand dune. we filmed just on the other side of that. [laughter] if you look at the unretouched nasa photographs, you see a
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crushed pack of marlboro's. and a dr pepper can over there. so that is roof. what was your question again? [laughter] >> in the heyday of the mercury and apollo program, everyone's attention was captivated by it. everybody wanted to be an astronaut. why do you think the u.s. government has receded in its mission to go to the moon? where is the u.s. government? is it a case of been there, done that, and i don't want to do it anymore? for both of you. >> i think most things, especially in the world of economics are cyclical. we came to the crest of the wave in the latter days of the apollo
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program and that momentum was hard to keep going. i think we are in a time of hiatus. the focus should be on mars. i friend you armstrong was a far better engineer and i thought it was worthwhile to stop off and get a little more organized on the moon before heading on to mars. i disagree with that. i think we all to just go. i thought nasa should be renamed then national aeronautics and mars association. >> why do you think it is that the u.s. government has receded? is there some way to recapture the u.s. government interest? >> you think back to the heyday of the 1960's and the apollo
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program, all that excitement, my gut instinct on this is that we as a civilization, we has humanity pulled them in landing way forward, out of sequence to where it actually should have been. it was a gigantic effort with what is in many ways, should have been impossible. they pulled it off with barely any competition on power. slide rules. they cannot numerically model the computers. a lot of these important processes a combustion inside a rocket engine, so hard today, but we can do it a little bit. did not have competition on fluid dynamics. everything done in a wind tunnel. nothing done on a computer. i think the reason we have taken a hiatus may be in part because we pulled that forward to a time when it should have been impossible. once it was done,we had to wait
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to let technology catch up. the reason all these companies today, margins, virgin galactic, spacex, the only reason we can do this kind of endeavor is because we are standing on the shoulders of nasa who invented all of this technology. we are still using all the things they invented back in the 60's. we have refined versions, but even the computer codes that were used to validate our designs has been honed and fine-tuned by nasa over decades. i think we are finally, i believe, we are entering a new golden age of space and space exploration. the time has come for that to happen because we as a species have up level ourselves in terms of technology. we are ready to do it. it is amazing that we did it in 1969. >> let's suppose the next
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president of the united states, whoever is elected, cause you up and says i want to jumpstart the graham, give me some advice, what should i do? back to the moon, go to mars? should i build a space shuttle again? what should i do? michael, what would you say? >> i would probably be so nervous that i dropped the telephone. i never had the president of the united states asked me a question like that. as i said earlier, i happen to believe mars. one of the wonderful things about the apollo program was what john f. kennedy said, he was president and wanted a man on the man on the moon by the end of the decade. simple. you have questions about that? we all understood what we were supposed to do. we need something similar to that today. i don't know what that is.
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as i say, have every hope, i think mars is the focus. you need a lot of support from the president of the united states. you have to have the feeling that he is a man or woman that thinks about things, like the expiration of space, thinks it is a worthwhile investment for the government and puts it pretty high on the priority list. regardless of you like, we have not had a personal involvement since john f. kennedy. it was a wonderful help for us. there it is. you can write it on your thumbnail. off you go. >> what would you do? i want to jumpstart public interest in space.
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>> i think big prizes would be an interesting thing to do. just like darpa has on the darpa grand challenge is which kicked off self driving cars, nasa for many years has done detailed mars return mission. an automated, robotic vehicle that goes to mars, collects mars samples and then lift back off and goes to earth and bring some martian samples back. very expensive mission. very complex. one thing that the government could do is offer a very large prize to have our first brings back some mars samples. it would be very interesting and that kind of horse race would create lots of attention. people would compete for it. who knows how it would end? if nobody brings the samples back, they cost taxpayers
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nothing. it is an effective way to get a lot of interest and teams competing and try to come up with creative ways to do that. i also would advise that nasa needs to go after gigantic hard technology goals. an example would be in and space qualified nuclear reactor. for deep space missions. very difficult and challenging. not something the president would undertake any time soon. another thing gigantic we hard, would be hypersonic point-point travel. nasa is not just about i think prizes and hard technology programs. >> either of you believe in ufos? roswell, new mexico? do you think we have ever had ?ny ufos in our earth
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>> one of the horrible things is that word, ufo. anyone who has flown the night sky, occasionally sees something. a flock so -- a flock of geese were think she is happy to be pointed correctly. have i seen something, yes. do i think it was inhabited by little green men from far away, no. some lighting condition that caused it. but i'm not answering the question. >> on the backside of the moon, you did not see the men or women? >> it was nice. i could not hear mission control. [laughter] >> do you believe there is life elsewhere in the galaxy? >> yes. but i don't think they have visited us and they are not abducting people.
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it's not a giant government conspiracy to hide it. i think when they come, if they ever do, they will make themselves quite visible. >> how did you first get involved in the space program? you are a graduate of west point and a fighter pilot. how did you get selected? >> you just explained it. i was eight years old and looked into the night sky and said the moon is for me. i used to make model airplanes. neil armstrong made model airplanes. >> that's how you got selected, making model airplanes? >> mine would confuse me a little bit. my solution was to wind the rubber band a little bit more. neil built a wind tunnel.
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did you know that? anyway, i got into it step-by-step. i went to west point. my father and my brother and uncle had all gone there. fundamentally, i went there because of the free education. then i had a choice of army or air force. my uncle was army chief of staff and i was like, nepotism. snuck off to the air force. the choice was fly or don't fly. fly. big ones or little ones? big ones are better. fly the same ones over and over or the new ones? i wanted to fly the new ones. next thing i knew, i was a test pilot and nasa was looking for test pilots. >> when you finally got selected, did you ask, how did i get there or how did they get there?
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>> back up a bit. before there was a space program, the bureaucrats or whatever, the scientists, they all got together and try to figure out who did they want to hire? what kind of people? some of the proposals were bizarre. mountain climbers who were not used to breathing. or a scuba diver. it is dangerous so we ought to get bullfighters. all these crazy ideas were compiled and put together in a paper to president eisenhower and he said, ok, has a graduate of an accredited test pilot school. today, nasa is looking for 12
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people in a year or so, they have over 18,000 applicants. if you say yet to be a graduate of a accredited test pilot school, the pool just shrinks. i was fortunate to be one of two people considered. i would never make it today. >> how did you get interested in space? >> i became inspired when i was five years old watching apollo 11. these guys go to the moon and it was, i could tell how excited everyone was around me. you don't choose your passions, your passions choose you. ever since i was five result, i -- five years old, i have been thinking about rockets and
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rocket engines and spacecraft pre-much every day of my life. >> everybody as a boy or girl are adjusted in space but they don't go ahead and do the things you did, what prompted you after you started amazon to start a separate company and how much of your time to devote to it? >> i had been hoping to build a space company since i was a little kid. reality came into play and i realized it would be really expensive and then i kind of moved on and fell in love with computers and then i won this lottery called and i realized i could do this dream. we are now up to about 700 people and we're building a suborbital tourism vehicle which competes with virgin galactic and our goal is to make it possible for anyone who wants to
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go to space to afford it. we will keep working epochal that on it patiently until we achieve it. then we are building an orbital vehicle and we will fly that at the end of the decade for the first time. my belief is that to dramatically lower the cost of space, it is about reusability. you have to make your vehicles reusable. you can't throw them in the bottom of the ocean every time you are using them. >> would you go on one of these space trips? >> absolutely. i fully expect to go to space someday. my family is on the front row. i'm telling them right now. they know. they know i can't be kept away. i will do it very safely. space travel can be both much lower cost and much more reliable. i think reusability will add to reliability. i would much rather fly any
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boeing 787 after it has defined -- after it has been flying a little while, not the first flight out of the factory. when you build these space sendles, you cannot just them on test runs. their first mission is also there are last mission and that hobbles you in terms of making things safe and reliable. >> when you are selected to go on apollo 11, was there any docking saying i would like to be the first man on the moon, i would like to be the second, i would like to run command module? how did they decide who would do what? >> there was some small fuss before the flight and a large one after about who went first, but it seemed to me that neil armstrong should have gone first. he was a commander and that seemed more appropriate to me in a more normal sequence of events.
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i'm glad he did. neil was amazing. at that time, there were 30 of us in the astronaut office in houston. of the 30, there was one there and 29 there in terms of test piloting experience. that was what we considered the single most important yardstick. as a test pilot for nasa, he was almost in a class by himself. about personality wise, he didn't get out in front of himself and solve the program but i think from a personality point, he was a superb choice. i think if you considered the positions on the crew and hierarchy to sort of person he
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ones. -- the worth of the men come the personality, the sort of person he was, it was a wonderful choice. >> getting off the earth you , don't know if it's going to work. then getting into the moon's orbit, you don't know if that is going to work. then having the lunar module go down, which was the most dangerous? michael collins: going to the moon i always liken it to a daisy chain. it's a long, complex daisy chain. a lot of fragile links. you break one link. the rest of it doesn't matter.
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it was getting it out. i thought we would launch ok. we would get to the moon, we could navigate. neil had a nice, dry sense of humor. he says no you can see the think the whole way. [laughter] those things i was not worried about. i was worried about the ascent and the rendezvous. we were big on redundancy, we had one engine bell. that thing had to work or they were stuck there for ever. and then things got very complicated from my point of view. if they got off on time and
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precisely the right way, it was pretty simple. it gave me fits. sometime in my strategy, i would try to give down into a lower orbit. if they got past a certain point but once you go higher in slower, i had an extra book around my neck. i remember, there was 18 variations on this thing. the single-engine might've had a hiccup. obviously i could go down and land. short of that, i had a lot of
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ways of rescuing them but i am not sure new all 18 of them. host: you have written and said that the most dangerous job you had was having to come back by yourself. you lived in fear that people would blame you for some reason that you hadn't brought them back. can you talk about that? michael: we never discussed that. i would have been a marked person for the rest of my life. it would have been just god-awful. >> can you describe how difficult it is to get in on the rotation.
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>> it wasn't as bad as it sounds. the arithmetic says is you go a little steep, you burn out. we will see you six months after you have run out of oxygen. so those numbers are frightening. that was very primitive technology. we had a whole basement of ibm 5060's or whatever it was. cup off of ourit trajectory we had to make a correction. fortunately, we do not have to make many corrections but we had the capacity. we're right exactly on that
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past. >> there was a fear that you had moved germs with you and you had to be quarantined. what was that all about? >> it used to pray every night that the mice didn't die. [laughter] we were locked up with dozens of mice and we would to this day still be in quarantine. [laughter] host: you are circling them in any of come all the way back, you land in the water. why did you worry about dramamine. weren't you supposed to take it because it tilted so much? >> i lost a case of beer in the landing.
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i switched seats with buzz. i was the navigator coming back and he was the guy in charge of the parachute. the thing was as soon as you hit he was supposed to be pushing two circuit breakers. if he did not do that swiftly, we would be caught by the wind and flipped over. then would we be upside down for a couple of hours. i had a case of beer bet on whether we would or would not go over. he messed it up. we went upside down for a wild.
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-- for a while, and it was a mess. host: suppose someone wants to go in space, how much is the cost and how would they do it? jeff bezos: we don't know yet what we are going to charge. virgin galactic is charging somewhere between $250,000 and $300,000 per ticket. we are going to be in the same range to start with. and we will keep working overtime to make it cheaper. host: when will that be available? jeff bezos: 2018. if the test program continues to go. we are flying again this friday and web casting it. if the test program continues to go well, we should be ready to put people on board in 2017. and paying astronauts in 2018.
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>> can someone sign up now? jeff bezos: we are not taking deposits or anything yet. host: should they be physically fit? or can they be out of shape? jeff bezos: you don't need to be physically fit. there may be a few criteria. that will come later. we will have more details on what you really need. if you can ride a roller coaster, you can do this. it doesn't require special physical fitness. host: will you be able to order something on amazon from up there? [laughter] jeff bezos: yes, but you won't be able to get it delivered. you will be able to go up and go back down. you are in zero gravity for approximately four minutes. we have the largest windows that will have ever been in space.
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people will have been to space, it does change you. it changes the way you think about the earth and humanity. you get to see it and the big blackness of space. i think people are going to be very excited about it. host: you have written that you wish all government leaders could go to outer space. bc the earth as without boundaries and birder borders. you can see how fragile earth is. can you comment on that? michael: it was kind of a surprise. in the command module, there were five windows. you look at window number one. everything is black.
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the raw five windows and it's not there. that is a very interesting starting point. it,ou stop and think about you spent all your life in this little globe, you're up away from it, you want to know about it, see it and get back to it, it's going, is isn't there. sooner or later, you know it will pull into view and when it does, it is very small but it's like a thumbnail. that is what you see. that is what it looks like from the moon. you have a normal thumbnail out in front of you. that is pretty small and we are in mostly ocean certain mostly see blue and clouds.
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you don't see land too much. the amount of sunlight that the earth reflects. somehow, this tiny sphere looks lovely and clean. it looks fragile, which it is. that was just my reaction. it's a beautiful little thing. in the meantime, it looks so beautiful and fragile. host: you and two other men -- men went to the moon. and came back safely. that was an incredible bonding experience. it didn't seem like you were that close to each other. what was the nature of the
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relationship between the three of you? michael: i love them both. i described the crew as amiable strangers. i didn't mean that in a bad way but unlike most crews, they work together as a team. due to a whole set of circumstances, we didn't have that bonding experience. it's that was a little different is where the spacecraft is manufactured. neil and buzz would be off in bethpage, and i would be in downey, california worrying about the command
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module. i would almost call it freakish circumstances. it kept us from being as close as some other crews. host: now you have been back on earth for a while. if you had stayed in the program, why did you choose to retire? host: it was more of a personal thing. my wife was from boston. houston was not her first choice of habitat. paul was perfectly happy to spend more time at home instead of motel 6. i guess i had the wrong attitude, in the sense that i
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thought apollo 11 was the apex of the program, to do what john kennedy said, to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade. , and helped to do that rather than put up what -- with what i thought it would be three years of simulators. i just felt for me, it was time to bail out. host: what is the most frequent question you have been asked? is it what is it like to go to the bathroom in space, or did you really like the food or did ang?drinkt michael: i would say that answer is carefully to how i went to the bathroom. but i have never been asked that. i used to rate the food.
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i would give it spoons. the cream of chicken soup is a good. ight days, who cares? now you want to stay on the space station for a year with scott. things like food and crew compatibility does matter. i can recall sending next to john young. at gemini proof why press conference, someone brought up how to feel about crew flight compatibilities and what was facing us? for four days, i would fly with a baboon. [laughter] he knew exactly what i was coming from.
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that is true. the thing is, when you talk about mars. then you have all kinds of compatibility and other medical problems. we rambling on, i'm sorry. had some kind of orange stuff, i don't know what it was. >> you're trying to get some people to go into space. you're trying to get sockets -- rockets relaunched. while the government use that? who would use those rockets? jeff bezos: the idea is to build the infrastructure. it can be used for just about anything. you can use it for different missions. the goal is to build an orbital
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vehicle where the price of the propellant actually matters. no rocket has ever cared about the cost of the fuel. it is about reusability. that is not even the peak. we launched about 80 missions the year globally all over the world. it has come down a little bit from the peak, maybe in the 80's. we have gotten better at it but not appreciating the better. we need to be flying every day. when we are flying every day, we will get better. host: you support the idea of sending men and women to mars. why not send robots?
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jeff bezos: i think you can justify sending men to mars for science reasons. the reason you send people is it is because it is so cool, it is a glorious human adventure. we should do that. it does have to be done at a certain cost. we have a lot of other priorities. i am excited for someone going to mars. i do think it will be glorious. that is not the motivator for me. the motivator is having millions of people living and working in space. the planet is fragile. i hate that idea that we need a backup for earth. it is not motivating for me.
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for me, plan b is that plan a works. we know a lot about the solar system. and i can assure you, earth is the best planet. we've looked at them all and earth is the best wine, and we have to protect it. if you take baseline energy use on earth and just compounded at 3% a year. such is the power of compounding. in a few hundred years you will have to cover the entire surface of the earth in solar cells. we need to build and newcivilization. we are going to remove heavy industry off earth. google's own earth residential and light industrial. we will protect this glorious jewel of a planet because it is unique in our solar system and we are unlikely to get to new
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solar systems any times in. host: do think it makes a difference that china is taking the lead on this. why not do it together? jeff bezos: if you are going to mars and put boots on mars. i think you would want to do that as a consortium with many nations. if you're talking about space as a capability, we are incredibly dependent. our military is dependent on space assets. all of are gps guided.
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the product -- reconnaissance satellites. they give us great capabilities that they are also a full mobility. i think they should be done but when you're thinking about national security mission, we need to protect our mission in space. host: richard nixon greeted you but you were quarantined so he couldn't talk to you. he said at the time this is the most important week since creation which you said in your book was a little bit exaggerated. you are very famous. the other two were very famous. you chose not to cash in. you had beer commercial opportunities in all kinds of other things. why did you try and not to make a lot of money from your fame?
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michael: i'm not against making money. all my life, that has never been my objective. every time i changed jobs, i looked for interesting jobs. i would have to make speeches. it would be like a bowl and i don't know who's out there. you did a sort of triathlon recently. your motivation in life now, what is it that you would like to have as your legacy?
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for your children and grandchildren for what you have accomplished on earth. michael: i don't know about legacy. the triathlon the training , regimen is really tough. i have to swim one month of my pool, run around my backyard and bike in my garage. it's tough. [laughter] i am a good retiree, i live in florida and i have a lot of hobbies. i followed just on the stock market. i read a lot. i have a lot of things going. two fantastic daughters. my legacy is sitting right there and there. anyways, i can't answer the question. host: do you have any regrets about career you've had? michael: no, i'm very lucky to
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-- neil armstrong born in 1930. you don't call that lucky? we were there in the right time. and so on. i've been very lucky. host: jeff, your blue horizon. blue origin. where did that income from? -- where did that name come from? jeff bezos: earth is the blue planet. it is a great place to be from. host: is it for profit? jeff bezos: not yet. but it is for profit. that is an intention for the glorious future. it is what we would call investment mode right now. i think it can be a profitable company. it's going to take a long time. i do not make a big list of all the arenas and think what would have the highest investment in capital.
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i'm doing this because i think it is important that i do think it could be self sustaining business one day. plex could this be your greater legacy rather than amazon? jeff bezos: when you're talking about professional endeavors, yes. i want on my tombstone to say, world's oldest man. [laughter] if you're talking just about professional life, i think if you could enable the next generation. i would be so happy to look back on. host: both of you are extraordinary americans who have done great things for our country. i want to thank you for
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everything you have done. if you want to read about his trip, read this book. i think it is the best book ever written about space. you should buy it on amazon. [laughter] thank you very much for an extraordinary evening. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> i want to thank our speakers. i am a little concerned about michael's criticism of this theater. he designed and built it. he says imax messed it up. thank you boeing for making this
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possible. thank you for coming out and supporting all of our programs. we really appreciate it. it would not be possible but without your support, it would also not worth doing. thank you very much and please exit by the rear of the theater and have a great evening. [applause] >> you're watching american history tv. follow us on twitter. and to keep up with the latest history news. >> i'm a history buff. i do enjoy seeing the fabric of
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