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tv   Reel America  CSPAN  July 17, 2016 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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people need to understand that we might seriously hurt internet ourdom if we reneged on commitment to complete this transition now that the community is said to be ready for announcer: each week "american bringy tv" "reel america to archival films that provide context for today's public affair issues. the 2016 republican national convention is held in cleveland ohio. " a lookon "reel america back on cleveland in the film "the power to serve" produced for the cleveland electric company. it shows the importance of electricity in everyday life and argues that the cleveland area is the best location in the nation. fess, elmer l lynn
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president of the illuminating company. >> how do you do? seemotion you are about to is the story of northeast ohio and the part electricity plays in the lives of all of us that live here. i think you will find it a fascinating story. certainly it concerns a fascinating area. no geographical region of any size anywhere in the world is more abundantly blessed with the ingredients for prosperity and progress then is this 1700 square mile surface of land stretching along the south shore of lake erie to the west. ohioin northeast possibilities are unlimited. possibilities which we at the illuminating company have tried to emphasize to bring to the attention of all of america the fact that this is the best location in the nation.
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this activity is but one expression of the partnership that has existed between the area and the company for more than 75 years. this movie attempt to portray some of the other aspects of that partnership. northeast ohio's electric needs provide many items of equipment. generators,, turbo transmission lines, transformer bolts,substations, cable service trucks and a host of others. all of them are vital, but much more important than any of these things are the people who build and operate and maintain them. people, thestory of people of northeast ohio and the people at the illuminated themny, more than 4000 of that devote their skill and talent to provide an essential service for their neighbors.
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the advantages which all of us enjoy in this area are the result of the combined efforts of a great many men and women who work together through the years to make northeast ohio a fine place it is to live, work and raise a family. much more impressive than the accomplishments of the past is the outlook for the future. the most stirring in the morning chapters of this story lie ahead of us. you will find no note of servety in the "power to ," there will be a more exciting and abundant future for all of us to live in this, the best location in the nation. thank you. ♪
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>> sunrise and the miracle of a new day. not only in the peaceful surroundings of the country, but also in the 138 pounds and communities of this busy area. the 1700 square miles of northeast ohio along the south shore of lake erie. as people awaken to a new day of pulse of northeast ohio quickens his beat -- it's beat. almost 2 million people live and work here and recognize this area as the best location in the
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nation. who can count the number of alarms sounding off, or the number of yawns that wipe away the cobwebs of sleep? and who can count the number of lights switched on in the homes of people, people like bob anderson? bob came to northeast ohio after world war ii and he likes his job, one of the new jobs created by industrial growth in this area since that time. , how about an couple eggs this morning? >> ok. get a move on or you will be late. >> it is a great life. we take a lot for granted. why shouldn't we? i guess it is american custom, a
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part of our heritage. somebody has to look after the things we take most for granted. somebody has got to know, for example, how much electricity we will need every hour of the 24 in our homes into bright in the offices. powere the classrooms and the machines of industry. system that works as the illuminating company, northeast ohio's electric needs must be forecasted two hours ahead. why? because electricity is a product that cannot be stored. it must be made the instant it is needed and used the instant it is made. the system dispatcher uses this graph to keep track of power needs from day to day. through the years, the love expectancy graph reflects every change in the weather and every holiday. it shows when people get up and
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when they go to bed and when they are enjoying a night home. by charting your day to day, month to month and year living habits, the dispatcher is able to keep electricity always at your fingertips. for the dispatcher, every day is different. the electric business, like no other, truly reflects people's lives and habits. what goes on in these four illuminating company tower , as to lakeshore, avon , eastlake? it is a reflection of your life, bob and the lives of all of us
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who live in northeast ohio. electricity works day and night around the clock, doing all kinds of jobs nobody which used to be without. in northeast ohio, the generation of electricity begins with coal, one million tons of it, over $6 million worth is stored at the company's plant. ♪ there is enough cold in the single carload to keep your home -- heat your home for 18 years. ♪
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>> up it goes through the first crushing process and then up seven stories to the bins above the boilers at the top of the building. minute rideoal a this conveyor to the crushers. finally, pulverized to the consistency of talcum powder, the call is mixed with air and blown into the 16 burners, giving a whirling movement to
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the flames. over 4000 tons a day keep intense fires burning in each of the four huge furnaces at the eastlake plant. almost instantly the heat turns the purified water into steam. that is directed against the blaze of the turbans at tremendous pressure. -- turbulence at tremendous pressure. steam becomes mechanical energy, turning the shaft of this giant 3600 rotations a minute. the generator are whirling on the same shaft, but mechanical energy is converted into electric energy by the generator. out it goes through the transformers, where the voltage is stepped up from 18,000 volts to 132,000 volts for economical
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transmission. instantaneously, it is on its way to the takeoff structure. it is then routed to a step down transmission substation where the voltage is reused -- reduced to 11,000 or 33,000 volts. electricity is delivered to some industrial plants at this location. the rest of the power supply goes to the neighborhood distribution substations where it is reduced to 4600 volts. old transformers, the kind you may have noticed near your home automatically reduce the electric pressure to 120 or 240 volts it takes to operate home appliances. toaster and your
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coffee maker, too. yes, judy, your electricity for your breakfast came a long way in literally no time at all. it was generated just one 3000 of a second ago. there is more to providing electric service for 500,000 customers large and small than just power plants and transmission lines. it is beginning to rain. it looks like a bad one. >> surprised? a lot of people are going to be caught by this one. not the man in the system dispatcher's office. it is their business to know about quick changes in the weather. in fact, they have been tracking this storm for hours. they have been tracking it in the trouble section.
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these of the illuminating company's troubleshooters prepared to meet any emergency. strikes, men, machines and equipment are already on the move. the dayshift lineman are already on the job in our earlier than usual. at the eastlake plant electrical control room, another generator has been put on the line. it was ordered long before the storm was due to strike. it had to be. it takes at least two hours to get one of these giant machines revved up. ♪ >> as customer calls are
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trained, specialty girls on the service board record them for immediate attention in the trouble section. >> service department, mrs. cunningham speaking. may i have your address? may i have your telephone number, please? we will send a radio service car. >> experienced troubleshooters bracket effective areas and dispatch crews by radio to take care of them. >> 37. >> 37. joe, take all on 116. 246., 720, east adams, 720, east 246. >> right, joe. ♪
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>> the mechanized workforce goes into action. ♪ >> with crack lineman like these on the job, your electric service is in good hands. ♪ >> of course, there are plenty of other jobs to be done and problems to be solved, but none
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is so large that it cannot be fixed and none is so small as to escape attention. this is the chain of operations starting with coal and ending with the miracle of electricity. embracing the activities of the giant power plants, tied into the network of instruments measuring and recording the ad and flow of power --ebb and flow of power. all of these are linked by 4000 illuminating employees. civil, mechanical and electrical engineers, laboratory ,echnicians, skilled operators cold economists --coal economists and highly trained office personnel working in some 600 job specialties.
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these are the human resources of the company, skilled men and women attending classes on their own time, seeking to increase their ability to serve with compensation in terms of opportunity, recognition and security. generation just beginning to the one employee and every four that has been with the company every five years, all are united in a spirit of service in which the company takes great pride. just as the company feels a kinship with the community that it serves. the progress and prosperity of both go hand-in-hand. so, it is natural for the illuminating company to take an active part working for civic ,mprovement, parks, schools
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better roads and better street lighting. effort to create new jobs for the people of northeast ohio, company representatives have told the story of the area to industrials all over the country, inviting them to build a new plants in the best location in the nation. respondedndustry has by investing over $2.5 billion in industrial expansion in this area since world war ii. creating 250,000 new jobs. what about the future? the future in which the illuminating company and all of northeast ohio communities will share? ♪ engineers always
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looking to tomorrow planning to keep ahead of the electric needs of this prosperous and growing area. homes andenters, new new industry continue to spring , and planningyear engineers at the illuminating company have always stayed well ahead of community development with bigger, more efficient generating equipment. the company has expressed its faith in the future of the area a $5rves by creating million postwar expansion program calling for new generators, and new illuminating building on cleveland's public square. for the people of northeast ohio, the future holds 100,000
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new homes, refrigerator doors that open and close by pushbutton, kitchen cabinets electrically raised and lowered , and newve of a hand factories creating new jobs and a still higher standard of living. see more churches, more hospitals, and the kids, they will have plenty of classrooms in which to study and learn. already company engineers are working on the development of atomic reactors and when the time comes, the illuminating company will be ready to put the atom to work, developing electricity for its customers. the outlook for the future is as big as the city, as warm as the
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towns and as bright as the people. it is a great life, bob. and you too, judy. and tomorrow will be even better for you and for all people in this best location in the nation. ♪ announcer: interested in "american history tv/" ?"
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check out her website where you can see the upcoming schedule or watch a recent episode. >> kind of rough upbringing and i got involved in the streets and i met some friends that were selling drugs and i started selling drugs, marijuana, cocaine and then crack cocaine came out and we started selling that. i lived in the streets from the age of 13 to 18 years old, five years. announcer: tonight on q&a, where the keys talks about his book, "once a cop." it talks about his former life as a drug dealer and police officer. ,> i criticized police a lot and the overwhelming majority of
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cops come to work but you do not hear about that. you hear about the tamir rice, the eric garner cases a year about the bad cops in the that , and every time you see one of these cases you look at the person fuzzy background, seven complaints, use of force, five substantiated. the guy was a mess. we do not find out about it until they kill someone. announcer: tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span's q&a. all weekend, "american history tv" is featuring cleveland, host of the republican national convention that begins on monday. the river is sometimes called the river that caught fire after the story of an oil fire made national news in 1969. posted by our charter communications cable partners, visitedities tour staff
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many sites showcasing the city's rich history. learn more about cleveland on "american history tv. " >> we are currently looking at a standard oil delivery wagon that would have been used to deliver products, various oil products for the standard oil company in cleveland ohio, and on the board we see various product packaging for other products that were made by or eventually made by standard oil out of the refining process of petroleum here in cleveland. standard oil, of course was formed by john d rockefeller in 1870 and quickly became one of the largest petroleum companies in the united states. john d rockefeller was a
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brilliant businessman that had moved to cleveland with his family as a young boy, grew up in the cleveland area in boarding school and eventually working in various companies in the petroleum industry until founding his own company, standard oil. from johnil comes rockefeller's idea and desire to standardize terracing. ne.terracing --kerose it was somewhat dangerous. there was no standardization of it. some of it would burn hotter and quicker than others and it would lead to fires and homes, so john d rockefeller was really interested in standardizing that in making a safe product for americans. that is really what he was able to achieve with standard oil and even went so far as to build
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their own safety lamps to burn standard oil in. this led to rockefeller quickly becoming one of the wealthiest man in america and also becoming one of the most hated man in america, as they called him. the way john d rockefeller ran his business, the way he took over other petroleum industries led to a very bad public image. his business practices were well-known as not the best in american business. it was at that point where his advisers told him he needed to appear even more charitable than he already was and he began his own campaign where when he was out on the streets walking around meeting people, talking to people, he would give out dimes and became a very large legend behind the rockefeller
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dimes. that was really to, to be handed a dime when rockefeller was doing this, he was giving away actually a large amount of money. if you think about a steel industry worker who might have been making a couple hundred was as a week, a dime significant amount of money, especially when handed to children. children are able to go out and buy things. it was all because of mr. rockefeller. he looked like a good guy rather than this bad businessman everyone had come to know him as. standard oil, the company that rockefeller founded in cleveland quickly became successful, obviously making rockefeller the wealthy man he was, but it also impacted cleveland economically. city,ught money into the but also the ability of rockefeller to be able to pay
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andemployees a decent wage allow them to live a good life here in cleveland. it was just another one of those industries in cleveland at the time that was doing so well, like the automobile industry, that the citizens of cleveland had a very, you know, quality of life in the city thanks to the major industries, the auto industry or the petroleum industry, standard oil, bringing that well into the city. wealth into the city. announcer: we recently traveled to cleveland to learn about its rich history. learn more about the city and other stops on our tour at tour. you are watching "american
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history tv all weekend, every weekend on c-span3. c-span makes it easy for you to keep up with all of the latest convention development with the c-span radio app available as a pre-download at the apple store or google play. get audio coverage of every minute of the conventions as well as schedule information about important speeches and events. get c-span on the go with the c-span radio app. monday night on the communicators -- >> all we are doing through these transitions is 11 the customers, the number of registries, the name registries and registrars to contract the record with the services they need. announcer: the administrator for the national telecommunications administration discusses plans for the u.s. to give oversight of internet governance to a international stakeholder group
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in late september. the plant has generated opposition from some senators. mr. strickland was interviewed. the folks that want to protect internet freedom, and all of us do, whether you are a democrat or republican or in congress, we all have that as our goal. people need to understand that we might actually seriously hurt the internet if we were to lag on our commitment to complete this transition. announcer: watch the communicators monday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span2. next, early members of the national organization for women celebrate the group has a 50th anniversary. they discussed the need for a network of feminist activities in the 1960's and 1970's and they remember leaders of the movement, including founder betty friedan.


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