tv [untitled] September 26, 2016 7:01pm-8:00pm EDT
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provision of affordable care act and root for its failure. we should instead be using this time to build successes by improving quality, affordable care available to our constituents. cms diligent work to implement the law and i know your agency has taken steps to make administrative fixes. some of the fixes require legislative action. unfortunately my republican colleagues are only interested in undermining or repealing the law. what steps has the administration taken to help ensure long-term success of aca? but more importantly i'd like to ask if you know what steps taken for what statute for congress to do to make the affordable care act moving forward and to be more successful? again, i don't think in two or three minutes have you but i'd be glad if you could get back with us and cms, list what cms
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has done. but also say these are issues you have that congress needs to act on so we can fix it so we can cover more people. >> we would be glad to do that thank you. >> mr. chairman, i thank you and i yield back my time. >> the chair thanks the gentleman. that concludes the questions of the members present. we will have some follow-up questions in writing and other members who maybe were not able to attend may have questions in writing. we'll provide those to you, we ask that you please respond promptly. members should -- they have ten business days to submit questions for the record. so members should submit their questions by the close of business on wednesday september 28th. another very informative and productive hearing. thank you very much for your expertise.
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once more, we will have a government of, by and for the people. >> we are stronger together. and no matter what, remember this, love trump's hate. >> c-span's 2016 campaign continues on the road to the white house with the first presidential debate tonight, live from hofstra university in new york. beginning at 7:30 p.m. eastern with a preview of the debate. at 8:30 t pre-debate for the audience. 9:00 p.m., live coverage of the debate followed by viewer reaction. the 2016 debate on c-span. watch anytime on demand at tonight, on the communique
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tors, james, chief lobbyist for at&t talks about the issues he's worked on, the future of telecommunications and why he feels the fcc is more politicized. he's interviewed by the executive senior editor of communications daily. >> compromise is now a dirty word. you have groups at each extreme that seek to prevent it and view compromises betrayal and compromise is the art of government and necessary to solve problems. i think, frankly, that's leeched over into telecommunications. i think it leeched over to the fcc and a reason we are seeing the level of polarization inside the fcc as well. watch the communicator's on c-span 2. we have been telling you all morning about coverage of c-span, including what is available at on our
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website in light of the debate and the first presidential debate. joining us to give details, emmanuel toughey at c-span, the web editor. first and foremost, what happened when folks go to >> good morning to you. if you come to at 7:30, you will see all that c-span has to offer in terms of resources. click on the actual page there, this is our hub, if you like. you will be able to see all four debates on this page. there's a main player there just below. move down the page there a bit and you'll be able to watch on all your digital devices the c-span app. at 9:00, first of all, at 7:30, we have the preview program. at about 8:30, we will throw to the hall where the debate is taking place at hofstra
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university. the chairs of the commission will introduce the whole proceeding, explain what is going to happen, the role of the commission on debates and then they will introduce the moder e moderator, lester holt. he will introduce the spouses and go through housekeeping. at 9:00, the debate will be underway. a key thing about 9:00, just above the player you are looking at on the home screen, two other boxes, small screens will appear. it provides the coverage for the debates of all the networks. what we are doing at c-span is giving you two choices to watch the debate. the first is a split screen that focuses on the two candidates like you are looking at now. the second is like you are watching any television program going from shot-to-shot. we want you to have the choice of which to watch. people like to see the reaction of the candidates of the one
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being questioned and the one listening. you have that choice throughout the debate. what happens as the debate goes on? you have questions and answers. as the questions and the answers are asked and answered, you will be able to watch them back within a few minutes of them ending. we are going to clip each question and each answer and allow you to watch that back on demand. >> mr. toughey, as some of our other content availability, people can make clips and share them. will they be able to this time around? >> absolutely. itis a great source of material from the debate. it's important role for you to be able to play. people can share their favorite moments. we are basically providing everything without commentary or without interruption. you can watch it. after the debate is over, watch the spin room, how the journalists, commentators and people representing the
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candidates how they are weighing in on what happened as the debate transpired. one of the things i mentioned when talking about the two screens, when the debate is over, we will show you the spin room as well as the coverage going on on the networks. >> mr. toughey, people want to watch what's happening today in 2016. what if they want to go back in time and compare and contrast the debates? >> that's a great question. today is the anniversary of the very first presidential debate between richard nixon and john f. kennedy in new york in 1960. they had four debates, two in new york. we are showing the debates from 1960, a breakdown until 1976 when president ford and gerald -- when president ford and governor carter had a debate in '76, then we go to 2012. you can look at them there in the chronological order.
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now we have mitt romney and president obama from 2012. you can go through the years. it's an important part of our video library to watch the material through the presidential debates. >> emmanuel toughey, a web editor talking about what's available at thank you so much. >> you're welcome, thank you. c-span's campaign 2016 coverage continues with a debate between candidates for florida's 13th congressional district. republican incumbent david jolly and democrat charlie crist debated several topics including zika funding, campaign finance, national security and entitlement programs. held by 10 news wtsp tv and the tampa bay times, this is 50 minutes. >> good evening and welcome to the 10 news tampa bay times st.
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petersburg congressional debate. >> i'm adam smith, political director of the tampa bay times. we have a debate from two of the brightest stars in the most political part of the country. the debate rules are as follows. when asked a question, you have 60 seconds to answer. the opposing candidate has 30 seconds to respond. answers will be timed. at the end of the segment, we'll have a lightning round where they answer a series of questions with a few words or one sentence. >> let's get to it. charlie crist, we have a zika crisis in florida, south florida. we have a case in pinellas county now. congress has been unwilling to do anything so far. what would you do differently than david jolly to get relief from washington? >> well, it's a very important
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issue. thank you adam and the tampa bay times and thank channel 10 and st. petersburg college here. zika is a serious thing. we have cases here in pinellas county and we don't see action out of congress. that's very disturbing, i'm sure to the people. it's very disturbing to the people who have gotten zika. we need to work together in congress to get something passed to do something right. last week, my opponent took mosquitos on the floor of the house and later voted in a vote not to support the zika funding. i don't understand that. i think congress has to work together. we have to do what's right for the people of the state. we have to get a vaccine that, i believe, would be the true answer to cure this thing and move us forwards. >> congressman joly. >> i appreciate you being honest. it was a procedural vote. i have led the effort to try to build a consensus around a plan
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that developed out of the senate between senator rubio and senator nelson who laid politics aside. we should do the same tonight with zika. this is a public health crisis. the president proposed a plan. it is not our job to simply rubber stamp it. congress took a few weeks, a few months to review the plan. frankly, i asked hard questions of cdc. why are we assuming a two-year crisis. justify it. that's our responsibility. once that was met with my satisfaction, i started voting for the plan. i voted for the house plan. i will vote for whatever it takes to get it done. yes, i will take mosquitoes to the house floor to tell my -- >> thank you for not bringing the mosquitos here. >> yes, we appreciate that. congressman jolly, do you believe it's right for a woman who kinds out she has zika to abort? >> i think that is her choice.
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for the health of the mother or the health of the baby or the life of the mother, i think there should be exceptions permitted to terminate the pregnancy, yes, i do. >> governor? >> i do. it's a woman's choice to make. in fact, it's a woman's choice to make across the board as it relates to her health decisions. my opponent doesn't feel the same way. i respect that, he has that right. but, he has advocated over turning roe versus wade. he is a lawyer. that is the case that says a woman has the right to choose up to the third trimester. i support that decision. my opponent does not. the voters have a right to know where we stand on issues. >> may i? >> this is why we can't believe what you say. [ applause ] you were pro-choice, then pro-life, then pro-choice. as a republican, when you had a
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chance to serve, the last time you were in office, you told the a.p. in 2009 you would support an abortion ban in the state of florida. it was after you switched parties you switched your position. this is not a matter of conviction, this is political convenience. >> may i respond? >> yes. >> i'm not done. life begins at conception. we need to create a culture from the unborn to the elderly. i will fight hard to do that from abortions to partial birth abortions. this is a real matter. i appreciate you have had every position on this. that doesn't make you inclusive, it makes you an opportunist. >> you may respond. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> i am personally pro-life. i believe in a woman's right to choose. >> you cannot believe in life and allow it to be terminated. >> i didn't interrupt you.
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>> we are going to have a debate. >> we are. i am pro-life but it's a woman's right to make a decision about her own life. you have a different point of view. instead of attacking me, admit that. let them know you don't believe in a woman's right to choose. >> i think i laid that out. [ applause ] >> thank you, both. we want to bring in extra voices to the debate tonight. we have the st. petersburg college student that asked a question here. congressman jolly, you are going to answer this first. you have 60 seconds. first up, psychology student michael jones. >> so many politicians seem to be molded with corruption, what would you be able to do differently to break the mold of the typical view of a politician? >> congressman jolly? >> that's a great question. listen, i laid it out on the line with a bill. members of congress spend too
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much time raising money. candidates spend too much time raising money. we haven't solved our problems from veterans to tax reform to a balanced budget is because congress is a first rate fund raising machine, not a legislative body anymore. i laid it on the line. i introduced legislation that is not novel. it applies to candidates in this state as well. it simply says you can't raise money. i took that pledge personally nearly a year ago. [ applause ] >> governor crist, what would you do to break the mold of a politician? >> speak the truth to the people we want to represent. make sure we are straight forward with you. understand what's important to us. we get that, hopefully, from listening to you. i have had the opportunity to go around this district a lot in the past year. i have been in this race a lot longer than my opponent. i think it's important to listen to people, whether they are students, teachers, principals.
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we have serious issues. the way to break the mold is listen to people, understand their concerns. not behold to special interests. my opponent gets a lot of support, i don't know how he raised it if he's not getting it, i guess he paid somebody $10,000 a month to raise money in washington, d.c. i don't call that breaking the mold. he's gotten a lot of it from wall street and k street where he used to be a lobbyist. that's not breaking the mold, that's part of the problem. >> 30 seconds, is that right? >> yes, you may respond. 30 seconds, yes. >> charlie, just because you have been a member of both parties doesn't make you bipartisan. [ laughter ] >> you went and sat in the lobby of the ritz-carlton during the republican national convention. you called it the bank. you are a professional fund-raiser. it's what you do well. i abandoned fund raising to
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legislate and do my job. [ applause ] >> let's try to ease off on the applause so we have as much time as possible for questions. thank you. governor crist, this is drawn as basically a safe democratic district. that's how it was drawn. david joly said it was unwinnable for a republican. you have been a republican most of your life. what do you say to the democrats that question your principles? >> i don't think they need to question my principles. i'm joined here by my father, a man that raise zed me with my three sisters with honesty, trustworthiness, being decent to people. political parties change from time to time. i remember ronald reagan was a democrat and became republican. hillary clinton was once a republican and became a democrat. it's not a sin. if the values of the party at
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the time don't comport with how you were raised by your family, i think you have a duty to yourself and your god to do what you think is right and represent the principles and values you share, those of decency, doing unto others, doing what is right to the people you serve. that's why i'm a democrat today and proud of it. >> congressman jolly, same question but you are a republican. just as a largely democratic district, what do you say to the voters? >> i appreciate the articulation and values. i share them with charlie. here is the difference between mr. crist and myself. he got into the race because the lines changed. i got in the race despite the fact the lines changed. a year ago, mr. crist tweeted out i will not be a candidate in 2016. the court changed the lines. mr. crist, you told politico because the lines changed, you saw the opportunity. there's a difference between seeing the opportunity and being
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an opportunist. i got into this race despite the fact that the lines changed because we are changing politics right now as a republican and democratic leading district. >> may i respond to that? >> yes. >> i got into the race because before the lines schachanged, i didn't live in the district. >> you bought a house to be in the district that you later sold. >> no. >> you have two properties -- >> i didn't interrupt you. >> you are right. okay. >> my wife bought that house on the beach as an investment. we didn't buy it to be in a congressional district. >> i stand corrected. >> you are corrected. >> i am corrected. >> what i think is important is you decided to run for the u.s. senate after a year of asking these people for a vote to be a member of congress. i have run for a lot of offices, but i never left a year after i got there.
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that is stunning to me. >> you have never run for re-election. >> this is my home. st. petersburg is where i grew up. this is where i went to high school. this is where my father practiced medicine 55 years. i'm running for office because i love these people, because i want to serve them and make sure their values are reflected in washington, d.c. we don't give the bickering you are volunteering so we have somebody willing to work across the aisle, work with other people in washington. so the people here in pinellas county get their voice heard instead of the nothing you have done in washington in two and a half years. [ applause ] >> we have going to move on to the lightning round. remember to keep the answers to a few words or sentence. congressman joly, do you endorse a cuban -- >> i think it should be in st. pete. i think it's a great opportunity for this city, yes. >> governor crist?
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>> no, i think it's the right thing to do, no question about it. i think st. petersburg would be a great place to have the kons late. i have taken the view of getting rid of the embargo on cuba is the right thing to do. we need to be more enlightened to deal with them in the south. having a consulate here would be magnificent. >> should assault weapons be banned? >> absolutely. [ applause ] >> there's no question in my mind that this is an issue that has touched us here in florida very closely. we are an hour and a half from orlando where the pulse massacre occurred. it strikes me two things ought to happen and happen quickly. number one, we ought to have more stringent background checks on people who are able to purchase guns. two, ban assault weapons. >> let's put the lightning back. >> thank you, governor. >> congressman, what are your two favorite restaurants in the district? >> so for breakfast, maggie mays
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and you'll find us at crabbies and any one of the bay star restaurants. you will find us there. >> all right, governor crist. >> park shore grill. harvey's and the fourth street shrimp store. >> governor crist, should medical marijuana be legal? >> i believe it should. again, i think this is a very important issue. i supported it the last time. i won't be too long. i have a sister who died of cancer, brain cancer. for her and others who may suffer as a result and need something like that for pain, it's the right thing to do. >> congressman? >> only if the fda approves it. i don't want my niece taking a cold medicine or marijuana because voters approved it, not doctors. this is a matter for researchers and medical professionals. >> what is one issue you differ with your party leadership on? >> there's many.
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i'm trying to force consensus on hard issues from climate science to marriage equality to how do we keep guns out of the hands of terrorists to stopping campaign finance. in three years, i have tried to change politics, a great political risk. i have demonstrated i continue to put pinellas over washington politics. >> governor crist, what do you differ on? >> i am concerned it doesn't protect the american workers as we move forward on trade agreements. another problem i have with it is how it treats corporations. let's them have more free reign as it relates to the environment. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> time for one more? >> absolutely. >> let's do one more. who should go first? governor crist -- >> is this lightning? >> this is normal. >> 60 seconds. >> what is going to be your
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number one priority? what are you going to carve out in washington. >> i'm concerned about social security, adam. today, in social security, we have a double tax, if you will. when you pay into social security, you have to pay on your income, your income taxes. later in life, when you become eligible, as a beneficiary, when you get the benefits, you have to pay a tax. i call it double tax. i don't think it's fair and i don't think it's right. i want to protect social security. unfortunately, my opponent talked about raising the age of eligibility for people who get social security later in life. i don't think that's right. he's always talked about and advocated as a lobbyist that social security should be privatized. i think that would ruin social security. it's a promise to our people. it is working as it's in place and i would fight for it every day. [ applause ] >> so, again, telling myths with a smile doesn't make it true.
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i have not advocated for privatizing social security. i voted against my own party. i did not lobby for it. >> you registered to. >> we will get to the facts in the next couple days. listen, i'm glad you endorsed my legislation. thank you very much. >> it's a good idea. >> we are going to baa back with more with charlie crist and david jolly after a short break. we want to thank our sponsors st. petersburg college and the tampa bay times. [ applause ] welcome back to the house district 13 congressional debate hosted by 10 news, the tampa bay times and st. petersburg college. thank you for being with us this evening. the two candidates have a chance to ask each other a question. you will both have 60 seconds to
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responds to that question. governor crist, we are going to start with you. >> thank you. i appreciate the opportunity for that mark, but, i feel like when segments like this come into a debate, it's usually posed as an opportunity to take shots at each other. i don't want to do that. i'm not going to do that tonight. in fact, i would rather take another question from a student from st. pete college. if i did have a question for you, it would be, i would hope you would join me in doing this and bringing about more civil issues facing pinellas county. [ applause ] congressman? >> i have a question for you. [ laughter ] >> one could only hope. >> it's a very hard one. when you were in the florida senate, you coined yourself chain gang charlie. you built a political career on it. when you were in the state
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senate, you traveled to alabama with harry singletary, the first african-american corrections secretary from the state of florida. to view the chain gang, you accepted a hat from the governor of alabama. it said alabama chain gang. you stood on the side of the road over three african-american prisoners in chains on their knees. harry said it made him sick to his stomach. you called to bring it to florida. the sarasota tribune called it modern day slavery. you called to bring it to florida. many called it barbaric. you stood there over three african-american prisoners saying it was a great sight. we needed to bring it to florida. you did this whether you know it or not, on the eve of juneteenth, the day the african-american community celebrates the end of slavery. my question for you, is did you
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ever give it a second thought? did you ever hesitate or just see political opportunity in that moment to be a republican tough on crime? >> well, you just saw what i was talking about. >> no, this is a question of conviction. >> excuse me, sir. i'm happy to answer your question. the reason we did those things in addition to an act i sponsored as well that brought about 85% of sentences had to be served in florida. in the mid-1990s in our state, we were number one in violent crime in america. for you to suggest it had anything to do with race is appalling. it's beneath you. and i'm embarrassed for you that you would say that about your fellow florida n. [ applause ] >> the only concern i had was
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for the citizens of florida who were subjected to a violent crime every three minutes and 45 seconds. we were number one in violent crime in america at the time. some of the measures we took at that time, including the stop act requiring 85% of sentences served made florida a safer place. of that, i am very proud. [ applause ] >> you cannot be the candidate that today of racist, civil justice reform and did not have a second thought with tv cameras and news photographers taking photos that will live forever that most viewers have not seen until tonight of you standing over african-american prisoners -- >> you got that adam. >> very civil justice reform. >> congressman, we are going to go -- >> one thing. in all fairness, as the governor of the state of florida, i was asked right before the election in '06, charlie, if you are
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elected, would you support automatic restoration of rights for former felons of a non-violent act? [ applause ] >> david, just so you know where my heart is, i am compassionate to people subjected to crime and compassionate to people who deserve a second chance. i don't think the two are inconsistent what so ever. i think it is common sense to do what is right to protect people and keep them safe in their neighborhood and give people a second chance when they have paid their debt to society because i believe in forgiveness and we all should, too. [ applause ] >> let's move on. governor crist, your wish is our command. we have a question from st. pete college student justine, senior in public policy and administration. governor crist, you will answer first. >> since the no fly no buy
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legislation violates the due process right, does it violate the second amendment? >> i don't think it does violate your due process rights. no fly, no buy. for those who not follow everything happening in washington is what the president called for in trying to get guns out of the hands of those who have been listed on the national terrorist list. i support what the president is trying to do. my opponent has voted against that proposal about 12 or 13 times. he has a different proposal, which, of course he had a right to have. it seems to me, we ought to err on the side of safety and get the guns out of those on a terrorist list at a minimum. it makes common sense. >> thank you. >> congressman? >> shouldn't be able to purchase firearms. i did vote against the democratic proposal because there's no due process.
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to be denied, it has to be posted adjudication. the democratic proposal restricts the second amendment right with no due process. frankly, cnn said it makes too much sense. if you are on a terror watch list, you can't buy a gun. the government has to give you a due process hearing they can say why you should be denied a constitutional right. >> i want to slip in another one. we let you slide on the assault weapons ban lightning round question. what is your view? >> charlie, you were in office 18 years. when you had a chance to do something about it, you can't. the brady campaign gave florida an f plus when you were governor. i met with them. i support background checks and waiting periods, everything we can do to keep guns out of hands of criminals. for the class of weapon -- i'm not there yet. it is an issue i wrestle with.
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this is a human story. i protect the second amendment right. we have background checks in place. >> thank you. >> governor crist? should the 11 million undocumented immigrants in america get a pathway to citizenship or be deported first? >> i believe they should get a pathway to citizenship. it would be inhumane to take children away from parents and send them to different places. it's unreasonable to deport 11 million people in the first place. i'm a grandson of an immigrant. i believe in immigration. those who are here will pay tax, pay a fine, do what's right in making sure they are competent in english, the kind of things we would require in a reasonable comprehensive immigration reform package, which i would support, i think it's the right thing to do. >> congressman?
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>> so, there's probably room for agreement here. i support comprehensive border security reform to get operational control over the borders and remediation and penalties. here is where we differ. i don't support a pathway to citizenship if they are here illegally. here is why. in the times wrote a great story about this. a couple i know in pinellas park who came here legally to open a floral business at baker and indian rocks beach. they came here legally. they don't have a pathway to citizenship. it's unfair to those visa holders to grant it to those who came here illegally. we need to establish permanent residents. [ applause ] >> congressman jolly, what should we be doing in syria today? >> deploy the finest special
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operator force we have ever seen. destroy and eradicate terror. the obama administration continued to empower russia and iran that is backing the regime in syria. we have laid down american leadership. my wife laura and i took a trip throughout the middle east. we met with heads of states and kings and syrian refugees on the border. they are begging for american leadership. we cannot have a president that sets a bright line and when it's violated, walk it back. it is weakness of leadership in the white house right now. >> i believe that the president has us on a good path as it relates to syria. we have seen very good gains lately in taking over isis controlled lands. we are beating them back. we are doing it with air attacks, with drones, we are
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doing it with advisers, military advisers and not having boots on the ground. i believe the way we are doing it now is the right way. >> there are boots on the ground right now, if i may -- there are boots on the ground at the order of president obama, our comma commander and chief. you are disagreeing with the president's policy. you can call them advisers, they are soldiers, airmen and marines fighting a good fight. they are not military advisers. here in the audience, a special operator. >> military advisers. >> what will you do to help pinellas county and your district become bigger in the world of tourism today? >> i tell you one thing i would have done and i'm surprised the congressman hasn't done it yet. we have all been reading about and hearing about a horrific sewage problem and the water that's being dumped in tampa bay for weeks.
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over 100 million gallons of it. that's not going to help us with tourism. what i don't understand is why our member of congress, our representative of pinellas county, the epicenter of this problem isn't advocating day after day after day for federal emergency help to get this cleaned up. our country has done it for flint. why can't we do it for pinellas county? i believe that's the kind of leadership you deserve. >> if i may? it is because the mayor who has endorsed you who oversaw this catastrophe has not asked for it. that's why. [ applause ] >> if you have to be asked for help when the people of your district are suffering, something is wrong. >> your mayor -- >> you have to be able to do what needs to be done. >> if i may, your mayor denied there was a problem. he's hidden the problem. the mayor that has endorsed you
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has not owned up to this nor asked for assistance. i would be happy to work, as i have with other communities from treasure island to clearwater. >> do you need an invitation to serve? >> let me ask a question, charlie, what would you do? you are in my shoes? >> i would be up there advocating. i would at least talk about it. i would bring focus to the issue. >> what would you accomplish. >> excuse me, i didn't interrupt you. the people from michigan, ask them how they got help and support. >> they haven't gotten it yet. >> we are moving on. thank you, gentlemen. >> let's stay on the issue of infrastructure. this is not comparable to flint. what is your role as a congressman, we have infrastructure problems, not just with sewage, transportation and roads. what do you see your role in doing something about this,
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congressman? >> i'm working with a democrat from maryland who has a great plan that would allow corporate america the on shore/offshore resources right now at a rate of 10%, which a business community would accept, put it in an infrastructure bank trust fund and fund projects here. congress has not had the ability to direct funding to any specific project including sewers in st. petersburg. fight for top line funding and allowing municipalities to compete for it. we can create an infrastructure bank here. >> we don't have earmarks anymore. what would you be doing? >> what we have is an election coming up in 50 days not only between mr. jolly and myself, but president. one of the two candidates talked about an infrastructure project. it would be an important part of her administration to make sure that we have comprehensive
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infrastructure projects all over the united states of america. it's one of the reasons i support her. i think she would be a good, steady president and address an issue that is important to the state of florida, in terms of roads, mass transit, in terms of what we are seeing as it relates to our sewage. we need infrastructure. we need a massive amount of it. this new administration, after the next 50 days, hopefully will be laser focused on it. i would be a strong advocate if i earn you vote to work with her to get it done. [ applause ] governor, what would you do to help solve the problem of income and wealth and equality as a congressman? >> there are several things. right now, there's an issue that's in this campaign and every campaign in america about minimum wage. it strikes me that it is the right thing to do to increase the minimum wage to $12 and
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eventually $15. everywhere that has been done in america, seattle being one of the prime examples, the economy in those states and those cities has risen and done better. sometimes you will hear some argue if you do that, maybe people won't be employed as much. the reality is, they have more disposable income. they can support other small businesses in their community. that is exactly what's been happening. that's what i would do to try to help the middle class. >> congressman? >> charlie, this is why working families can't believe you. i support indexing the minimum wage. when you had a chance to support it, you voiced opposition to it. as a member of the board of enterprise florida in 2004 when the state of florida was having a debate about raising the minimum wage and indexing it, there was a unanimous vote by the board at the meeting. you did not vote against it. i think the federal government should set a wage and trust
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states to set what is right for that state. index, get politicians out of it. it shouldn't depend on whether a republican or democrat is in office. reflect the economic needs. how do we empower workers. you want to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour? that would reduce it. how do you balance that? >> we are going to move on to lightning round again. we are going to start with you governor crist. let's keep these more in the lightning arena. governor crist, can you pledge not to seek a different office for at least four years? [ laughter ] >> yes. >> congressman jolly, same question? >> i haven't sought re-election since 1994. i don't know if i'm in it for two years or ten years. i'm in this to change things, not to build a political career. that's the difference between charlie and i. >> go ahead.
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>> as i stated earlier, god bless you david, but a year after you asked the voters of this district to give you their vote, you decided to leave and run for the united states senate. what kind of confidence can they have in you on this issue? >> opportunity to continue to represent pinellas county, this time in the u.s. county. i have always put pinellas first, not politics. that's the difference between you and i. >> okay. congressman jolly. congressman jolly. should congress work to repeal citizens united? >> i think we should change a lot of it. one, there's too much money in politics. members of politics spend too much time raising money. a candidate like myself is quickly becomie ining -- i will that as a yes. >> governor khris? >> yes. over turn citizens united.
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>> governor crist, what is the last book you have read. >> the bible. >> i'm sorry. >> the bible. >> i knew you were going to say that. other than the bible, what else? >> i read it every morning. >> anything else? >> that's what i have been focused on. >> how we manage fisheries. >> should obamacare be repealed? >> i think we need to change it. i would vote to repeal it, but if we don't have a replacement -- there are winners and losers. you can keep your plan. we saw prices spike for a lot of people. we can't embrace the winners and ignore those that lost. nobody should be worse off. replace what is the big government obamacare model that frankly, charlie said was wrong in 2009. bureaucrats standing between patients and their physicians. big government shoving it down our throughouts. >> you asked if he would vote to
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repeal it? >> yes, i have voted to repeal it. >> many times. >> yes. >> many times. what that would do and the impact that would have on 17 million of our fellow americans would be catastrophic. a million of our fellow floidians who have health care would not have it anymore. we would go back to the days we have discrimination in health care delivery. what do i mean by that? if you have a pre-existing condition, you cannot be refused health care. before the affordable care act, women had to pay higher premiums than men. that's not fair either. this is not perfect -- >> governor crist, what grade would you give -- what grade would you give president obama? >> an a. the reason -- >> congressman? >> the same grade he gave ronald reagan when he was a republican? >> your grade for president obama? >> i think a mixed bag, but he's
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ranking up there with jimmy carter? >> is that a b, c? >> i believe his foreign policy failed the security of the united states. we are less secure because of the president's foreign policy. >> congressman jolly, what policy for cuban immigrants, wet foot/dry foot policy. >> if somebody reaches our shores they should have the opportunity to stay. >> only for cuba? >> only for cuba, yes. >> governor? >> i agree. >> you agree? >> i do. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. we'll be back with more from congressional candidates david jolly and charlie crist after a short break. first, we want to thank our sponsors 10 news, st. petersburg college and the tampa bay times. we'll be back after a short break. welcome back to the congressional district 13 debate with congressman david jolly and
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charlie crist. >> congressman jolly, we have to cut social security unless something happens and more revenue is found. what would dwrou to strengthen social security and should income up to $1 million be in that range? >> yes. i voted against my party's budget because of this issue. this math is the math. if we extract the politics, the equation is right. the democrats had their plan, the republicans had their plan. they both come home and say, hey, we voted for the budget, but nothing got done. what's happened? we went from $5 trillion in debt to nearly $20 trillion in debt. my position is this. say you have worked ten years, what it takes to qualify tor social security and medicare, you should be vested in it. if you are yet to enter the work force, you will have a different
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program. it will still be the best in the world but it may look different. >> governor crist? >> yes, i think there's a simple solution to this problem. right now, the social security is sol through 2034. under the current system without doing a thing, but if we would lift the cap, and i think that's what you were referring to. right now you pay into social security if you make between zero and $118,000. it makes common sense to me that you should. why should those who make the most not participate in this important plan? if we did that, we would solve the social security security almost forever. and that's what i think is the responsible thing to do. that's what i would advocate. >> governor crist, let's move on because we're running out of time. what's the single biggest issue facing veterans in tampa bay and what would you do about it in congress? >> getting appropriate service.
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i have met with a lot of v veterans during the course of the campaign and before. when i was governor i appointed a secretary of affairs. but i think what they need is they need somebody who will fight for them and be an advocate for them. they need to get their apontmentes on time. they need not to be delayed in getting the appropriate health care they need. and they need a member of congress who will vote for an additional $15 million for the veterans administration instead of voting against additional $15 million as david jolly did as recently as 2015. >> go o to the va or go outside. on the benefits backlog, i have worked with the secretary to say what do you need. i need more employees. i said we'll do it. veteran suicide rates, i have worked with the veterans community to do it. but here's the problem with what you just said u.
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you recited a quote from nancy pelosi that was given three pinocchios by "the washington post." >> then you deny you didn't vote against the inkrecrease? i'm just asking a question. >> congressman, where is the ideal place to locate a new stadium? and would you oppose moving it? >> what i answered in the special election, yes, i would oppose moving it to hillsborough. anywhere that it keeps fans here, of course. >> governor crist? >> anywhere in pinellas county. e we agree on this issue. maybe it's the only thing, but it's nice to agree with you on something. >> i think we're going to a lightning round. >> yeah, let's hit it. >> starting with you congressman, do you intend to vote for your party's normminee? >> it took you 45 minutes to get there. listen, donald trump does not have my support today.
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i understand millions of people, millions of people support him because they want to change washington. i want to change washington as well. i won't be voting for secretary clinton, but i'm not there with mr. trump today. >> you said today. >> i have also said i don't foresee getting there in november as well. there's not a trick here. i'm struggling like millions of americans looking for leadership in our candidates and not seeing it. i think i represent it. >> are you voiting for your party's nominee? >> i am. i am proud of hillary clinton. i think she's been a very good secretary of state, a very good senator for the state of new york. the thing i like most about her is i believe she's steady. she's strong. i believe that she is honest. and i look forward to voting for her. >> governor crist, what living political leader do you admire most today? >> probably the president.
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>> president obama? >> and i'll tell you why. >> same question to you, congressman. >> let me tell you, that's not going to happen. most people aren't going to know him. tom cole is a great legislator in the house. but. listen, i look to my time with mr. young for leadership. and i thank him every day for what he taught me in my 20 years with him. >> congressman, in hindsight, was it a mistake to invade iraq? >> i think hindsight know iing e intelligence we have now, yes. but here's what i will tell you. let's not get into this debate over hindsight and look past the fact that thousands upon thousands of men and women in uniform fought to make this world safer. and great sacrifice to themselves. losing their lives, being forever changed, both with mental health as well as with physical health. always in hindsight, we can look back through passages of history
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and every war we had and question decisions. but let's not disrespect or disparage the honor they serve with. >> can you answer the question as well? in mind sight was a mistake to invade iraq? >> in hindsight, i think anybody would say that it was. and i'm sympathetic to those who had to make the decision to go in based upon the information they were presented at the time. that should never happen. we have to be transparent. we have to be honest with each other. especially when you're talking about sending americans into battle and into harm's way. that should never happen again. >> governor, should rick scott expand medicaid? >> no question about it. >> congressman? >> i have neveren been involved in state budget. the state senate reached a compromise on how to expand care for individuals.
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so i think i would have followed the state senate lead on the compromised provision. >> what's your biggest regret in public service? >> i once yelled at adam smith and told me he asked me a stupid question. probably was a stupid question, but i shouldn't have yelled at him. >> governor crist? >> my biggest regret in public service, i u don't know that i have one. i have been honored and privileged to serve as a state senator from this area, to serve as your commissioner of e education, to serve as your attorney general and fight rate increases from insurance companies, lower property taxes as your governor, lower property insurance as your governor. all of these things have been a great privilege for me. to be able to appoint four members of the supreme court to extend voting rights to help people so they could vote early. >> thank you, governor. >> that sounded like a closing argument. >> we're going into it right now. >> no regrets.
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but each of you have one minute starting with you governor crist. >> first, i want to thank the tampa bay times. i want to thank st. petersburg college. this is an important election. this election this year not just between david and myself but the election this year may be one of the most important of our lives. i would encourage you all to exercise that precious right to vote. it is absolutely important. we have to start early voting soon. votes are going to be mailed out october 4th for mail-in voting. please exercise that right. we're privileged as americans to have it. it would be an honor to serve you in the united states congress. i will not let you down and not bicker with my friends or colleagues up there. i will represent you with a civil tone that you will be proud of. thank you. [ applause ] >> congressman?
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>> to folks of the home, the choice is clear. my opponent first ran for office 30 years ago. and has promoted his party's agenda, whatever that party was. i have tried to shatter the mold of modern politics. from issues of campaign finance reform to marriage equality, i have tried to lead a consensus between the parties and help families, restore benefits for veterans. help the disabled. i'm trying to change politics. not go back 30 years. if you believe in it regardless of party, regardless of your naubd, regardless of your ideology. i'm asking for the opportunity to keep doing my job. >> thank you. thank you. and thanks for joining us tonight in this house district 13 congressional debate. hope you learned something about these two candidates and what separates them. >> and again, we want to thank
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these candidates. thank you both so much for being here tonight. and thank you to the crowd and those watching at home. we appreciate it, too. [ applause ] we also want to thank our sponsors the tampa bay tooims, st. pete college and a special thanks to the theater as well. thank you for your hospitality tonight. and for all of us here, good night. tuesday homeland security secretary je johnson and james comey testify on national security threats and public safe tup. they are joined by the director of the national counterterrorism center. the hearings is held by the senate homeland security committee starting live
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