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tv   American History TV  CSPAN  October 8, 2016 11:00am-11:16am EDT

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that they create schedules and decide which records have long-term value and will be transferred at the appropriate time to the national archives. selective, long-term historic or legal value, that is the criteria by which those decisions are made. presidential records act is very different, it is everything. much easier and simpler to deal with. all of the records that are created in the white house become records -- record of the country. that is what ends up at the presidential libraries. now, decision-making crosses lines. those federal agencies support house,k of the white that there is a separation in terms of the records themselves. thank you for your interesting presentation. he mentioned the shakedown of
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the reconnaissance aircraft. what was the pdb for the pueblo which occurred in a relative timeframe and also probably less thought of in that time, but mentioned in the 1990's the shootdowns of reconnaissance aircraft over siberia which were numerous. >> erin, do you want to speak to that? erin: initially the pdb gave reportage from the north korean government where it compared to the pueblo but the pdb was very cursory in its treatment in any kind of parallel or comparison. the --t want to punch the question entirely, but the doctor may be more familiar from the pdb from the johnson administration.
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he may be able to amplify the response. >> you mentioned an incident in the 1990's? [inaudible] >> i cannot speak to unreleased pdb's. we will have to wait until that time frame rolls around when they can be released, so i can't answer your question, i'm sorry. >> next question to your right. >> i want to know, was president ford the first president to have daily briefings with a cia analyst who had delivered a data briefings? >> yes, definitely. david peterson, as he describes in the article was tasked to , brief him when he was vice president at bill colby's permission and that he wanted that continued after he became
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president. prior to that you had no daily briefing by a cia officer. , in the kennedy administration delivery of the document frequently by a senior agency officer, but effectively he was an overpaid courier and not engaged in the daily briefing or anything of that sort. sometimes he would hang around in case a question came up after the document was delivered, principally of the national security adviser wanted clarification that he could pass on. beyond that you do not have anything until 1974 with peterson and floored. >> two administration's we are looking at are really striking contrast in intelligence policy relations. one distant and distrustful and the other close and integrated. what strikes me in the current circumstance by comparison to my last stint in government 20 years ago in the clinton administration is intelligence policy make -- decisions are so much closer and tighter,
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intelligence is so much more embedded in the process than it was 20 years ago, mostly because we have been fighting wars for the last 15 years and i sometimes quipped that unfortunately can make policy toward china without intelligence, but you cannot very well fight wars without intelligence. in any case the contrast in the two administrations is quite striking and instructive. >> third row from the back center section. >> thank you very much, excellent presentation. the current pdb's are put together and described by many groups. do you know or has anyone said how much it costs to put it together? >> i said something about that time i guess i am the only person who really sees the pdb and i get my ipad every morning and read it. i think of it as probably the , nowexpensively published it is no longer a book, when it
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was a book it was probably the most extensively published book since gutenberg. it is and a norm is and ever. we have seen times when it was one person, dave peterson, when it was a checklist, but now it is -- it's still really dominates the analytic side of the cia responsible for most of the basic drafting although it is very much an interagency process and because it is an interagency process which i think probably does have the advantages that jim clapper mentioned, i think often it will take six hours to write a pace -- a piece and days to get it coordinated across various agencies. the opportunity cost in its current form is really quite large again. the judgment is if consumer number 1 really likes it and that is what he wants or she wants one day that we will do it, but it is worth noting that from my perspective the opportunity cost in terms of
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things we do not do because there is such a focus on the pdb is really quite large. tomy question is addressed professor sergeant. it deals with the u.s.-canadian relationship. fails in that nixon the papers here to recognize the global implications of dealing -- trudeau was one thing -- in canada overall he is very dismissive and seen as an important. why doesn't he understand the global invocations? >> that is a challenging question. i would posit an response that next may not be exceptional in his disregard for canada among american presidents. [laughter] >> the u.s. canadian relationship is presently in a
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house he and phase because of the war the twin ahead of state and the head of government, but i would suggest the present situation is unusually warm. >> and reminds you of the line, the canadian line "the united states is our best friend whether we like it or not." maybe we have time for one more? perhaps the woman over here. >> one moreover here. >> is the vice president briefed? it sounded like ford took a tour of the cia and found out about the briefings. was he not being briefed during the nixon administration? >> no, he was not. initially the vice president was not receiving the pdb during the nixon administration. he was later added to the distribution list. ford was not receiving it at that time when he became -- when he was appointed vice president
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and only when he went to the agency and got this tour from bill colby that he found out about it and began to be briefed. it is entirely up to the president who he chooses to go on the distribution list. the initial pickle went to three people, john f. kennedy, george bundy, and dci john mccall -- john mccone and that was it. it was entirely up to the president to expand the distribution list. it has sometimes been as many as two dozen. sometimes it has been very tightly held. >> [inaudible] >> nelson rockefeller when he became vice president under gerald ford received the pdb. the process was interesting to find time for the briefings. they decided to agree on a drive in briefing in which the briefer
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would sit in the back of a limo with the national intelligence daily, the pdb, and other things he thought the vice president was interested. with is a standard process busy washington seniors is you often go meet them at their houses and brief them on their way into the office. a number did not prefer it that way because they wanted to get it done during the time -- downtime in a commute and then they can show up at their -- the president has read himself and will read and that becomes increasingly dynamic in the process and you can see this definitely a living -- listening from policymakers in the reagan-clinton and beyond bush administrations is that they read it not because they are interested, that the president will read it and they want to use it as a baseline for knowledge throughout the policy workday. as mentioned earlier by dr. trevorton it is often the
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relationship between the principal and the briefer, the ability to provide clarification and feedback. that is a crucial element of it. as a fundamental point, the briefer has proven to be more important than the document itself i think. >> please join me in thanking the panel for their insightful comments. [applause] we have had a number of senior officers from across the government that joined us today and supported the event and i want to thank them. we had in particular they had of the director to digital innovation come our cheap data officer, our chief information officer and others from the white house national security council, nsa, and state, and others. thank you very much for your support of this event. this pretty much concludes the event. i have three tokens of the cia's appreciation to hand out. if i could ask mr. lb to come to the stage please.
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these are crystal awards that essentially thank the nixon presidential library for their extraordinary support for today's event. [applause] >> if i could invent the president and ceo of the nixon foundation build their boat to the stage -- nixon foundation bill to the state. -- to the stage. thank you for your help and for making this wonderful venue available. [applause] lastly, jim hughes from the association of former intelligence officers association, if you could come up please. [applause] he was a huge supporter of the
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events we do all over the country, thank you very much. [applause] >> this concludes our event today. thank you very much for attending and i hope he have safe travels home. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] this weekend on american history tv on c-span3, this evening just after 7:00 author alison kibler on the history of hate speech and answer ship in america examining language used in popular culture and the backlash of the book basis for the movie "the birth of a nation." africange group of
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americans gathered outside the walnut street theater when the klansman was scheduled to appear . one report estimated that 2000 african-americans came to protest and another thousand whites came to observe the protest. at the start of the play one african-american man through an egg at the stage from the gallery and someone shouted "we want no atlanta here." referring to the atlanta race riots. announcer: sunday morning at 10:00 the second 1988 presidential debate between george h. w. bush and massachusetts governor michael dukakis. >> i want to bring the white of shrink ande fiscal responsibility which will build a good, strong foundation under which or above which this country can move, grow, and best, and build the best america for its people and for our kids and grandkids. >> i wish he would joined me in
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the filling the american people for the budget -- i would like to have that line-item veto for the president because i think that would be extraordinarily helpful. announcer: at 6:00 we take a tour of the uss wisconsin, one of the largest battleships built by the u.s. navy launched in 1943 and saw service in world war ii through the gulf war. >> i want to talk a little bit about the citadel with the 17 inch armor. in front of us we have this door which is closed during combat, it weighs approximately five tons. announcer: just before 9:00 p.m. eastern matlock albright receipt -- madeleine all right -- medically -- madeleine albright. -- ae national journal woman walks into a cocktail party and is immediately surrounded by men, is it brooke shields, no, it is madeleine
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albright. >> for our complete schedule go to announcer: coming up next, author mark ozer talks about how washington changed during the gilded age focusing on the expansion of the railroad system and the building of the capital cities union station and the lincoln memorial. the u.s. capital historical society hosted this event. >> it is always good to be here with old friends. over the years as chuck said, this is one of a series of books i have written on the history of washington, d.c.. it has been a great opportunity to develop the concept of washington as a national capital and ultimately as an international capital.


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