tv The Civil War CSPAN October 8, 2016 6:00pm-7:06pm EDT
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in virginia. he describes the aims of both armies at the start of the fighting and the impact of the battle on the landscape. he also argues that long street's injury affected command during the civil war. chris: starting things off, we talking at spotsylvania about the overland campaign and i am pleased to introduce a man who has shown me the ins and outs of the wilderness battle. familiarity is routed to the fact that he has spent so much time on the ground.
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until you are on the ground, you do not understand the war. his encyclopedic knowledge is grounded in all the time he has spent there. the wilderness is particularly tricky. .t is quite developed once upon a time, it was about as impenetrable as you can find. it is one of the most confusing battles you can imagine. to shed a little ironic, introduce my friend and colleague. kristopher: -- totally full of it. that is why i love him so much . , at thestart off today national park service, i was the guy who went around the boundary of the park which was 102 miles.
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i put up those signs that say national park service. i was talking to some folks prior to my speech today discussing how wild the wilderness is and i would be walking through the woods going nasty vines and bushes. that is probably the summer that my wife heard me complain the most. at the same time, i learned the most. i actually got to walk the grounds. things have changed but walking the ground is something we always talk about here. it is something that our mentors taught us how to do. battlefield, walk on
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them, and that is why our efforts here are so important. if you buy one of our books, all of those proceeds go to the friends of wilderness battlefield. [applause] chris and i are working on a magazine article to follow up. when i was putting together this lineup, i thought of that one of the greatest attacks and the war. get to talk about the second battle of fredericksburg. i also thought about the battle of the wilderness. i always thought there was a great attack here. that attack was not stonewall jackson's, it was james longstreet's. it is a very interesting story.
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if hollywood wanted to make a , you couldwar movie make a fantastic story about the battle of the wilderness. you can start it on the evening , with the villains not setting up their lines properly. you have the antihero long street showing up in saving the day. then, ulysses s. grant's first push into virginia. james longstreet, just like stonewall jackson, is wounded by his own men. the part we are focusing on tonight is the climactic part that we discussed on the field, when the texans come onto the
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along with another division -- a fantastic story. i started off today without a picture. going, you are going to learn that james longstreet is going to become the forgotten man. " that i chose is one of my quote that ithe chose is one of my favorites. talk a little bit about james longstreet. matt atkinson just spoke about
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in, but, james longstreet -- i have two photographs here. james longstreet, west point graduate, near the bottom of his class, goes off to war, basically misses most of the then becomes second in command after the peninsula campaign. commandes second in before the battle of fredericksburg on the defensive front where 30,000 soldiers attack his fortified lines are not one union soldier makes it into the sunken road. in my book, the union wins. it is a whole different story, though. for those of you going on the tour tomorrow, a usual have a chance to walk around the same grounds.
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long street goes on to gettysburg. i gettysburg, he does not get a nice memento but i did get one of those wristbands -- whenever he goes onto the field, he becomes controversial. sent outtysburg, he is west. good workg to do but the wheels start coming off during the winter. endingtime the winter is 's virginia, james longstreet troops are greatly reduced. longstreet is yearning to come back to the east.
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longstreet many times wanted to do battle in the west. johnston.ike he loved the longstreet men are finally going to get their wish to contact her virginia in april. -- to come back to virginia in april. one man is going to write, every day i and strengthened in the belief that when we leave the region we will coach of the virginia army and be back in front of our old enemy with whom we have so often and so frequently beaten. everybody is brilliant -- atyant at being at the field the army of the potomac. there is talk of our moving today. easten will travel back and everything is going to look
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a little bit different when we come back east. john bill livingood is -- john bell hood is wounded. going to macleod is have a falling out with longstreet that will carry over into the knoxville campaign and he is eventually going to lose his command. ps have two new division commanders. you also have charles field. he is also a west point graduate , who was wounded at battle but it is going to take a long time for him to recover. brigadetime frame, his is going to go on to some other man. corpse received a first
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division -- where is george pickett? after gettysburg, he was shipped down to petersburg. part of his division is shattered. while he is there, george decides to ask robert e. lee if he can get married. robert e. lee refuses. george doesn't care and he goes off to petersburg to get married . unfortunately for him, there is nothing going on in petersburg. robert e. lee reason a lot of newspaper so he reads about his insubordinate general. take it goes to north carolina -- pickett goes to north carolina, making his way to virginia, but he is going to miss this battle.
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the outbreak of the 1864 campaign is an army that is similar to what you would have seen a gettysburg. has longstreet, a veteran commander. he is also going to be that sounding board. very important, a sounding board for robert e. lee. they are going to work well together. when stonewall jackson was alive , robert e. lee cap his headquarters with longstreet. one of the reasons why is i think because jackson and his staff were sticks in the mud but longstreet -- those guys had personality. robert e. lee seemed to be entertained by the characters around him. he is going to give longstreet
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his nickname, my old war horse. the only other one will be jubal early, the one who was supposedly swear and smoke in front of robert e. lee. that is the high regard. -- that is the high regard that he had for longstreet and early. the second corps probably has the best division commanders. you have early and ed johnson. early is specifically one of robert e. lee's favorite. hill is probably the worst, who , who came inh last.
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then you have cadmus wilcox. he is a pretty good officer. his nickname is uncle billy fixin'. at theht very well battle of salem church, 50 miles north of where we are. then there is richard anderson, who eventually gets transferred when robert e. lee reorganizes. this is what the makeup looks like in 1864. the union army of the potomac looks different. corpsnow down to three that are going into war. corpso have a fourth under burnside.
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he is talking to a new unit commander, ulysses s. grant. when grant comes east and sees what is going on, he realizes one of the major issues is not the structure itself, but that it is so close to washington dc. she decides to be the buffer between washington and the army of the potomac. male that, the alpha he is, he is going to keep pushing forward. armies will be facing each other across a river line. the union army will be at the top of your map around that brandy station battlefield. have the confederate
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army of northern virginia which is spread out through mainly orange county. line is thel's first line of defense behind this large the myth. -- large behemoth. hill can go out to the valleys if he needs to or reinforce richard ewell. then we have james longstreet around gordonsville, virginia. it was one time known as the fried chicken capital of the world. they also have a pretty neat medicine museum. longstreet, depending on what grant comes up with, can army or head out to the shenandoah valley. calvary, heween the
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has about 66,000 effective soldiers versus the one at a 23,000 men at the potomac. 123,000 men at the potomac. longstreet will be reviewed on april 29. the campaign kicks off on may 3. lee ghost town to see longstreet. goes down tolee see longstreet good one man down -- robert e. lee goes to see longstreet. one man wrote, all of the ladies came out. one man complained, it had been
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many months since we have seen our beloved chieftain and we beheld him, such a shout went out as a never before have heard. this was a command that was relieved to be back in north virginia. they have seen how the rest of the world works. the grass was not greener on the other side of the confederacy. are going totes have to play to the tune of ulysses s. grant. his forces are looking at two different moves, want toward fredericksburg, one into the wilderness. knicked theoln had idea of going to fredericksburg, so they decide to go to the wilderness. the wilderness is a dense forest of 70 square miles in spotsylvania, orange county.
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this area was rich in iron and gold ore. 17.may have come down this area was very rich in iron and gold ore. settlers are going to take down the old forest to feel their furnaces with that forest to make charcoal. by the time the american civil war arrives, the wilderness region, which you can see on see very smallan subsistence farms. fielddow catherine's
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which is held by the lacey family, if you want to go out there. openings.a few small not a place to fight a napoleonic-style battle. fightdoes not intend to in the wilderness. this region only has a few roads. grant intends to do is move men through the forest, keep going until they get to open field. , theynge courthouse should be able to take out robert e. lee because robert e. lee is now the objective -- it is no longer on to richmond. they both realize what they need to do is take robert e. lee's
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army out of the war here in the east. ad'ss going to be me objective. if you can take at the principal army, it is easier to take the capital. that is the idea. coming through the wilderness is not an idea to battle. humphreys whon has absolutely no personality -- you just cannot joke with him. i like him. he is a really stoic guy. he would not get along with matt atkinson. he is going to come through this area and push the army through this area in one day. he has a plan to get over 3000 supply wagons with more ambulances and horses coming this area.
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the idea is to push through the wilderness as fast as possible. tore are two descriptions this is a modern picture along the orange plank road. this gives you an idea of how thick the woods are. the trees are dense. one man said, at the brightest point of the day, you cannot see the forest floor because the foliage was so thick. unseasonably hot and dry. it is still tough to move through. one staff officer said, a large part of the region extending east and west into the south, nearly to spotsylvania, is called wilderness, a most appropriate term, a land of exhausted soil supporting dances
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-- dense growth. there are some spaces where our headquarters are marked. this is not a place to launch an offensive. visit be a perfect place to have a defensive battle, not an offense of battle. the infantry is going to describe this as, the wilderness is generally bear in, covered ,ith -- is generally barren covered with scrub growth. that is an idea of what the wilderness is going to look like. what grant intends to do is move
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into the wilderness to try and sweep down from brandy station, cross the river, turn west, and try to do battle somewhere near orange courthouse. while, at the same time, going around in old fortification . the optimal timetable is one day -- going around and old fortification line. the optimal timetable is one day. robert e. lee can see from clark's mountain all the way up to brandy station. , robert e.rt to move lee decides to notify their numbers -- nullify his numbers by moving some into the woods
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itself. marching along parallel routes 20, leadingy route general ewell onto the battlefield, and orange plank road will lead the other one out. word will be sent down to longstreet 27 miles away. his job is to get on the battlefield as quickly as possible and as soon as the army is together, possibly go on the offensive. great missi of his ves. picked a fight? hill and heth? they are going to do the same thing. they are going to start taking on some union calvary.
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then, a regimen of the pennsylvania reserves. at a roadght intersection in the wilderness. the idea is that whoever controls the intersection controls the inside track towards richmond. robert e. lee can try to bend the army of the potomac back against the river. that is the idea for grant. it is going to be a race. that is a race that will be one by the union forces. that will be won by the union forces. fighting will take place on that parallel route along the orange turnpike. is going to have
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one of the best fights of any confederate general you will see. he will put up a very stout defensive line and hold it for two days. men will be waiting for james longstreet. 27 miles in one day is a herculean task. now they need to march to a battlefield, and the battle itself did not kick off until the late morning. longstreet is going to be pressing to get onto the field but not as quickly as some of his detractors think. morning on may 5, the fighting had been taking place -- on may 6, grant is going to try to destroy the confederate third corps.
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he is learning that his best commander is winfield hancock. it is not that he is audacious or brave, he does one thing that seems to be eluding the other high commanders, and he can follow in order and attack. that is what we are going to see on the orange plank road. hancockorning of may 5, is going to have three corps under his command could these are some of the old men from the iron brigade. may 6, they are going to try to make up for a bad day. theock is going to use second corps and use that one getty.n from george
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there is supposed to be another name on this map, burnside. burnside, who was ordered onto the field to start marching at 2:00 in the morning, says, i will move. to:ays, ok, i will move it 30. act 2:30 --l move :30.i will move at 2 it is going to be bushwhacking on a grand scale third that is -- it ismen are going going to be bushwhacking on a grand scale. that is what the men are going to call it. he had been behind a tree, the confederate on the other side, he shot the man dead, and walked up to his body.
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officers are going to fall at an alarming rate on both sides and what i attribute that to is the fact that during civil war battles, you are going to lead from the front and if you can only see 20 yards the first menu c is going to be that officer and that is going -- that is who is going to go down to so, the fighting will take place. as this fighting starts to erupt, the confederate third corps is going to rupture, break apart. it is going to be one of those dramatic scenes. robert e. lee is going to be back behind a line of about 14 canons. -- cannons. he is going to hear the irruption on the frontline -- the irruption on the front -- frontline.n on the
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the night before the action, these confederates were not permitted to make defensive lines. the generals on the field, who were supposed to be putting up earthworks, the measly earthworks along orange plank hill are henry heth and and wilcox. hill is sick. he -- heth and wilcox won't think out-of-the-box. lee wanted his men to think outside the box. hill,o men go back to asking, can we build defensive lines? besaid, no, longstreet will up here. they go back three separate times. he'll finally yells at heth to go away.
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he tells the story about writing around for two hours, looking for robert e. lee, when the truth is lee's headquarters is a you yards away from hill. headquarters. this is what ewell does along the orange turn pack -- turnpike. we have a man here behind him, a photographer, showing how formidable the earthwork is. works overlooking the field. he set the sign to dig in. poor planning of by engineers. the line holds once it is wrecked -- rectified. down along orange plank road, pimple,see the large showing scant earthworks, going on along here. wilcox and he -- and heth don't
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build it. heth believes robert e. lee never for dave wilcox or meade for the blunder -- never forgave wilcox and meade for the blunder. he said the division commander should have his division prepared to receive an attack. his response to robert e. lee asinine comment. "that is certainly so, but we must also obey the positive orders of his superiors. reply. lee made no this was his way of rebuking. he wouldn't speak to you for days if he got mad. for him to sit and stare at you silently meant he was really mad. he had a fantastic temper. on oneer will say occasion, the old man has a wicked mood today. he has a pretty good temper. general lee made the reply. he knew that a splendid
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lost, oney had been that had never occurred again. what he was talking about is the fact that since the third corps doesn't hold, longstreet needs to march and save the day. he can't make a counter attack and preplan the battle like gettysburg. now, longstreet, who is marching to the field, will start hearing sounds. longstreet has been marching cross-country to get to the widow tap field, the first area of action on the battlefield for longstreet corps. his men will arrive in this sector, the orange plank road. this is known as the widow tap field. it is rented by 59-year-old catherine cap. she lives in a very modest home along the orange plank road. mr. lacy,ting it from who owns the elwood plantation. she will eventually buy a small portion of the battlefield in
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october 1890 one, or her daughter will in 1891 for the grand total of $62. these people are what we would consider at the time the academy of poor white trash. tome of poor white trash. the tapps, this is their house. this is what the house would look like in 1865. it is modest. tapp. and this is an earlypel, historian. and he meet with phenie, has some fantastic stories about her that i cannot talk about on television. some of the things she said about what happened in this s.ea, it is like the clampett catch me later, i will tell you off camera. it is interesting. fourtt -- this is phenie,
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years old at the time. she remembered hearing about her mother, complaining that there were some bad men in blue, and they needed to be whipped. she thought the men were throwing pebbles into the well, because that is what she got whipped for. turns out they have no shoes. they run into orange plank road on may 5 and run down the road. she sees one of the fifth new york cavalry men out there, wounded. she said he went to take a drink from a canteen of the contents came out of his throat. she thought he had two mouths. he is walking, bloody and barefoot, a mark on her memory. this is what the line from the confederate artillery position battalion oflk's artillery was. as the third corps line starts to break, lee looks out into the woods and sees masses of men
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running towards him, breaking completely. he sees macgowan leaning -- leading the south carolina brigade. he says, the men are running like a flock of geese. macgowan says all that needs to be done is to find a place to rally, and they will fight as well as ever. chris will talk about them. this is an unlucky unit if you fought at fredericksburg. they got jumped by general meade in fredericksburg. they lost five commanders in 10 minutes. they came out here, get routed, and have to fight in spotsylvania. they didn't want to be part of the battlefield here. longstreet decides that he will into action as fastest possible. longstreet, on the morning of may 6, started his march around 2:00 a.m. he is crossing country, not taking roads, going as quickly as possible.
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-- a guide, who cannot to help him. i like to think about in terms of movies, whenever i read descriptions of this guide, he reminds me of buford t justice from smokey and the bandit, jackie gleason. it is like him and junior showing longstreet where to go. they are getting him lost for a short while. they finally get him on track. , setarrive at parker store up as a field hospital. it is right here at the intersection with orange plank road. longstreet, one of his men said in the text, breaking instantly into a double quick movement, we pressed on towards the plank road. half a mile away, and order came to report with the texas brigade as soon as possible to general lee. we found confusion, such as we had never witnessed before in lee's army.
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standing in moving wagons, horses and mules threading their way through the tangled mass. hundreds of men in the division were being driven from the line. battle,s after the looking at the sun coming up over the wilderness, the men coming back, he is inspired. he is coming up to save the day. looking back, he says, there is the son of austerland. he is already thinking big, coming up on the battlefield. as longstreet men come up, they chastise the men from the first, from the third corps. do you belong to general lee's army? -- are worse than bragg bragg's men. a big slight. he is a new commander. he was wounded at chickamauga. heading the texas brigade,
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coming onto the field with lee at the front. here is longstreet hanging out in the back. up comes the brigade. they see the confederates fleeing to the rear. lee is very excited. one man said he was very off this day. one man described, i have seen general lee, but never did i see him so excited, so disturbed. did anxiety manifested celso plainly upon his countenance. he was a most moved to tears. -- almost moved to tears. send men are trying to word back, where is longstreet? finally they look down the road at the mass of men going to the rear. the only thing between the army of northern virginia and 14 guns of the italian, they are firing into the masses of their own retreating men. ,hen they see a compact mass
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eight ranks across. that is going to be the entire first corps, both divisions, coming onto the field. longstreet, knowing the crisis, swung both divisions side-by-side, knowing he would have to go into action. this is for thought, thinking on the fly, something longstreet has never been given credit for. this is something you hear about from stonewall jackson, but longstreet is ready to go into action. greg, asks what brigade it is. they scream back, texas, and he knows that is the only unit in the first corps he has from texas. the razorbacks from arkansas. i am glad to see it, he yells. when you go in there, i wish she would give those men the cold steel. move unless you charge them. the texas brigade has always driven the enemy. i want you to do it now and tell
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general, they will fight under my eye. i will watch them and watch their conduct. i want every man to know that i am here and im with them. and on inspiring scene. you see these men pouring from the field, and you have robert e. lee riding with you into action. they realize, robert e. lee is writing into action with us. into action with us. this isn't a good idea. eller,en try to turn travl get him out of the way. a man grabs the rains. when it comes about, lee has to be pressed to the rear to say we won't go forward without you. texans, and the finally gets the idea. it takes to bank officers to do so. john greg shames him and says, if you want to leave them --
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lead to them, feel free. longstreet says, you can lead them into action because this is a warm spot. that was longstreet's way of saying, i've got this. i can take care of this. lee mentally steps aside and longstreet starts to launch counterattacks. this is what lee, to the rear, looks like. why doesn't say somebody -- was say, why didn't somebody get lee out of the way? the counter attack will be hammer like. longstreet will deploy one division to the north of plant growth, one to the south. charles field will take the north, joseph kershaw the south. greg, his texas brigade will go straightforward into tube -- two brigades. willegiments of 800 men sustain horrific casualties. 250 of them came out.
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to there the first ones lien, and they went by themselves. they were the sacrificial lamb first corps.t it is the last hurrah of them and the iron brigade. greg's men press forward. you see the name hennigan, this is joseph kershaw's old south carolina brigade. they started up lloyd. they are trying to force their way into the woods while their own men come fleeing back through them from wilcox. this has to be one of the toughest jobs, to try to get on the line. and say, go into action. charles venables of lee's staff says, it was superb. my heart beats quicker to think about the moment. even at this distant time, 15 years later, watching these men go into action.
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he also thought it was probably the toughest thing they had ever done, deploy in those woods as they had their men fleeing back through them. it was here, as hennigan's brigade starts to swing south, greg goes to the north, supported by denning. down the road. here they come. i had of the call, the cries were down among every side. longstreet, the old war horse up at last, it is all right now. he wrote, my favorite quote of the day, "like a fine lady at a party, longstreet was often late at arrival at the ball, but he always made a sensation, and got was a delight, when he in with the grand first corps sweeping behind him." his men go to the both -- go to both sides of the road. on the north side, the 15th alabama, who fought on little
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round top, they will have the same problem they ran into as they go into action here. the brigade broke up, went to devils den, went to little round top. the breakup, and do the same thing here in the wilderness. i hate this microphone. ok. as they go forward into the wilderness, they had to get broken up into two pieces, the 15th, the 47th, and the 48 alabama split off and had to go around what is left of the other brigades and strike into rice's brigade and a brigade under kitching. they are outnumbered and the kagan kitching's brigade. -- they take on kitching's date. it was nothing but heavy artillery. has you -- heavy artillery not spent time on the battlefield. it is like taking on a bandbox regiment.
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up,men charged counterattack. they drive them back. the south of the road, hennigan's brigade and humphreys ' brigade go forward. firefight. one man from the south carolina brigade claims he saw more dead and wounded in front of him than he had at fredericksburg. that is how close in this fighting will be. that says a lot about the severity. this is what the woods would look like. the men would be fighting to the north and south side of the road. this is a tough battlefield to be on for command and control to see your men. commanders will start falling left and right. some of the commanders will fall in the woods. this is where denning went forward through here, wounded in the short -- in the shoulder as he engages backstreet's or gate -- baxter's brigade. he is also wounded. a terriblea malay,
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battle. commanders followed dendrite. james nance, a 28-year-old commander of the third south carolina, goes down. he is one of the few monuments in the wilderness. this was placed in 1912. he went to the south carolina military academy, known today as the citadel. during thees fought war from the citadel, 209 to the confederacy. nance will be wounded, shot in the head, but it is so confusing , his second in command doesn't know for two hours that nance is down and he has command. see your line. it is breaking up. you can see small fragments. the command and control is breaking apart. the third south carolina, under , he graduated first in his class in 1849 from
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university of south carolina. he will have two kids prior to the war. unfortunately, because of the war, they become orphans. his wife dies prior to the war. wounded andmortally dies a few hundred yards behind his line. his son becomes a doctor and moves to texas. his daughter marries the son of preston brooks. the federal six corps is the to hold on.e longstreet counter punch presses forward, forward. the union army bungles a move by shifting a brigade. two or gates shifted into the road, and from here, kershaw goes forward. this is where he earned his general, his major general star. he was a lien on the battlefield. on the battlefield.
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longstreet and end stabilize the line, after two hours of head -- heavy fighting. three officers come together and find an unfinished railroad cut that ran along the orange plank road. parallel to it, roughly. there, they decide to launch an audacious lank attack. or bank brigades go into the ofion late in the afternoon may 6. they catch the union army in the flank, and smash them in the front, like stonewall jackson at chancellorsville. longstreet, her, officer,nd another right forward and they right in front of some of their own men. they ride forward -- forward end of virginia infantry wheels back to the brigade. they come face-to-face with their own brigade but can't tell
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that they are confederates. and they fire. they can't tell that they are their own men. into the middle rides longstreet. rightreet is hit in the of his throat. the ball exits through his right shoulder. he is wounded, a grievous looking wound. jenkins, the south carolina general officer, will be shot through the temple. he dies a few hours later, barely clinging to life. wilderness, his wounding is available to visit. it is still heavily wooded. this is the road that would lead ,ongstreet to his ultimate goal the brock road-plank road intersection. if they take that, the confederates can turn north, turn grant's flank and take the initiative away. to do. what lee tries unfortunately, longstreet is second in command, and is felled by friendly fire.
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lee himself becomes a commander and goes for broke trying to take the intersection. he fails. he makes massive attacks, frontal attacks. they will break through the union lines, but they are unable to take it. this is what the intersection looks like today. to find a successor for longstreet. a few men were up for it. field showed he did not have the propensity for command. ironicarly is the choice, he and longstreet hate each other. staff pushed for anderson, a third corps division commander. longstreet is replaced as he is taken to the reader towards lynchburg, where he is taken to convalesce from his wound. longstreet is knocked out of action at the height of the moment. so is stonewall jackson. these two men had immediate
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impact on the battles, the impact on the war, i think longstreet is more impactful. looking at the wounding sites, we have the visitors center, where you can see a movie about the great battle, jackson's battle at chancellorsville. he used to be dedicated to him. the stonewall jackson wounding walking to her, you can go to longstreet's wounding spot but you can't park for more than 30 minutes. there are three signs, one of which is devoted to longstreet. jump forward, jackson and lee come all the time. look at the last battle he fought, jackson and lead together. together, we have artwork everywhere. we have lee and jackson describing and discussing how to go into action. we have the awful movie where they ride forth like a magnificent seven, going down the road.
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i love the fact that they put jackson's pistol in his hand. he couldn't draw his sword at cedar mountain, but he is going to ride down the road with a pistol in his hand? anyway, this is what it looks like. look at all these paintings. this is saying a lot about the way people perceive stonewall jackson. tapp field, widow there are no monuments to longstreet. we look at the three, the only longstreet is, not really in it. this is supposed to be longstreet, or it could be john gray. this is a bad rendition of lee. up have longstreet writing behind him. this is his second and command, who saved the army. towards they go forward spotsylvania courthouse, lee doesn't have a second in command. it will be a terrible blow to the confederacy. here is one sign where longstreet fell by friendly fire
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. i talked with chris about the we wrote an article about this. it was a bad time to be a confederate general in the army of north virginia. johnson goes down. but that is a good thing. jackson, and now we look here. i want you to think about the impact of jackson's wounding. jackson when he goes down to chancellorsville, the battle ends a few days later. where he caniod plan and reorganize. he marches north. down, instreet goes the midst of battle, they are taking on a different opponent. the opponent is keeping the throttle down. when longstreet goes down, lee has to make the decision to put anderson in charge, and that evening, they are already starting the march towards spotsylvania courthouse.
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reorganize,time to to find someone suitable and competent. anderson does a pretty good job, but he is no longstreet. when lee enters the wilderness, this is what his staff looks like. when he leaves the wilderness, think about this. longstreet is in georgia, wounded. ewell relieved of command. hill is sick. stewart is dead. is dead. liste end, he is on the b of generals. he sits on his caught screaming, they need to strike a blow. longstreet is not there. longstreet is not there to tell them not to do it. ewell is no longstreet. line says, we can hold the . twice, ewell is proven incorrect. to grant, there was no turning
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back. taking the intersection and holding it, and the fall of longstreet, has a huge impact on the confederate army. i will close with two quotes, one from a union perspective, one from a confederate. from the union perspective, holding that road, losing longstreet, this is the impact. it has of longstreet failure to take the intersection, if grant 's armies attained a grip on the throat of the confederacy, it is a grip that will not be relaxed death.reason, and edward parry has a different take. this is a confederate general. think about this when i finish. , longstreet,ackson and what both their wounding had meant. perry says, the evil genius of the south is still there, hovering over those desolate woods, where we almost seem to be struggling with destiny and self.
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i want to thank you folks for coming out today. if you have questions, chris will be around with a microphone. thank you for being part of the third annual emerging civil war symposium. by chris's book -- buy chris'book. [applause] >> questions for my colleague. yes. longstreet ised wounded. he originally was a command [indiscernible] what shift occurs where he is in a position down there with longstreet? >> jenkins is a personal favorite of longstreet. he wants jenkins to have a brigade command. he is brought out to chattanooga to try to fill a role, and at brown's ferry, he fails
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miserably. he and long get into arguments. long charges, and he is with the army here, but not commending a brigade. i'm trying to talk to you, but i can't. he he is going to be the pet is trying to get into division command. it got so bad in the winter of 1863 and 1864 between longstreet and his general that they had to a couplerges against people because it was becoming stonewall jackson-like in pettiness, talking about the jackson-hill fight they had, and lee had to step between. that is how jenkins gets put in there. mica jenkins, his brigade is marching up right behind, they will be the reserve. according to one officer, they were in brand-new uniforms. they were very dark, black. they'll most looked blue.
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when they were marching through the woods, one of the virginians fired on longstreet column. they think it was because jenkins' men looked like yankees. what regiments was jenkins in? >> was he taking the south carolina group? -- ks >> we can check for you after the talk. other questions? carolina you can --? >> [inaudible] longstreet may not have been one of the better confederate commanders. >> longstreet is overall a pretty good commander. just as good as jackson.
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and longstreet time and again is going to prove himself valuable. the problem we run into is when he goes out after chickamauga and starts to fight. guy, andetty, jealous that carries over to the modern interpretations. essay,s an assay -- an that is probably not true. i think it is unfair. ate people, if you look manassas and chickamauga, he can deliver a hammer-like blow and whenever he delivers that, he can also put on the defensive in fredericksburg. i think he was the double threat . not a triple threat, he was not a good independent commander. that is where jackson outshines is aand i think jackson
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poor defensive commander and a good offensive commander. jackson could be let off the leash, longstreet could be held close by. >> a good reason why you should buy the book. jenkins' brigade, or south carolina, south carolina, the palmetto sharpshooters. all this and more in the order of battle. we have time for one more question. anybody? khris and gentlemen, mr. white. [applause] >> you are watching american history tv, all weekend, every weekend on c-span3. to join the conversation, like us on facebook at c-span history. the 2016eek until elections, road to the white house rewind brings you coverage
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of presidential races. this weekend, from 1988, the second debate between incumbent ice president george h.w. bush and michael dukakis. here is a preview. governor, if kitty dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor and irrevocable death penalty for the killer? >> no, i don't. i oppose the death penalty. i don't see any evidence that it is a deterrent. i think there are better ways to deal with violent crime. we did so in my state. it is one of the reasons why we had the biggest drop in crime of any industrial state in america, the lowest murder rate, as well as her. we have work to do in this nation. we have work to do to fight a real war, not a phony war against drugs, something we haven't had over the past many
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years, although the vice president has been allegedly in charge of the war. we have much to do to step up the war, to double the number of drug enforcement agents, to fight here and abroad to work with our neighbors in this hemisphere. i want to call a hemispheric summit after the 20th of january to fight the war. i want to deal with drug education prevention here at home. that is one of the things i hope i can lead personally as president. we have had great success in my own state. we reached out to young people and their families, and have been able to help them in the early elementary grades. we can fight this war, and we can win this war. we can do so in a way that marshals our forces, provides real support for state and local law enforcement who have not been getting support, do it in a way which will bring down violence in this nation. stayll help our youngsters
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away from drugs. it will stop the avalanche of drugs pouring into the country, and will make it possible for kids and families to grow up in a safe and secure neighborhood. >> watch the entire debate at 10:00 a.m. eastern sunday, on theweekly series, wrote to white house rewind. american history tv, only on c-span3. missed the vice presidential debate, go to using your phone or tablet. watch the entire debate, choosing between split screen or switched camera options. you can even go to specific questions and answers from the debate, finding the content you want quickly and easily. use our video clipping tool to create clips to share on social media. your desktop, on phone or tablet for the vice presidential debate.
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>> coming up next, author alison at images of irish americans and african americans used in popular culture, as well as the backlash to the book "the men," the basis for the movie "birth of a nation." >> hello. good evening. thank you so much for being here. i am the deputy director of affairs for the kansas city public library. you need to do these days is turn on the television, and you can quickly ler talkt alison kib about what we will talk about tonight, hate speech. reality television to the nightly news, we see examples in the headlines that show that hate speech is alive and well in our country.
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