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tv   American Artifacts  CSPAN  October 16, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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it turns into contributing useful information. >> tell us what you are addressing in 2017. you can get $100,000 awarded in cash prizes. produce a documentary on the the $100,000ed and betweenprizes will be -- the prize will go to the student or team the best entry. calendars and help spread the word.
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toeach week, we take you and historic places. the uss wisconsin was launched throughand saw service the gulf forwar. we are seeing where the crew lived and worked. >> welcome aboard. we are going to go below to look at the navy life and how some cted duringand rea the gulf war. a will be joined by matt, veteran of the war.
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follow me. matt, a former crewmember. i served for 30 years. i was station overboard from 1990-1991. serving. privilege of my wife and i settled here in norfolk. now, i am a volunteer docent. this is the post office. messenger, allnt of those things we are accustomed to -- they did not exist. your lifeline came through the post office. it was exciting to have a mail
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call. a helicopter would drop off a cargo net. there would be a working party to pass the packages to the post office. our clerks would sort them out for the different divisions on the ship. representatives would pick up the mail. that person would get mobbed. everybody wanted the mail, finding out how the kids were doing, was the dog potty t rained? when we werefeline deployed. the battleship has three different times of service, world war ii, the korean war, storm.ert shield/desert
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it is amazing how the ship was repurposed. in post office was a hub world war ii and the korean war. the if you think about sleeping accommodations for a ip, it is not a cruise ship. is not a sailors sleep priority, compared to the survivability. is asy it is configured it was in 1990. i want to show you some of those racks. follow me, please. youou were a junior sailor, knew that it would be noisy.
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watch out for this anklebiter. racks installed. cks. are coffin ra they look like a coffin. you open it and this is where a sailor stores everything they need for deployment. this is your storage area. uniforms,ies, dress and you have to have a couple of uniforms. not a lot of room. sailors are inventive and they learn how to pack well. there would be a little bit of privacy in these racks. blue curtains.
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not noise reducing. it keeps it a little more quiet. you did not spend a lot of time in a rack. you had so made different things you had to go to and tend to. by the time you got to your rack, it didn't matter. you'd sleep for the well. tty well.pre in world war ii, it was cramped conditions. you had to decide if you were sleeping on your back or your stomach. you could not roll over. was when you were sharing.
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you would turn the mattress over. issued haly, they mmocks. this was luxury accommodations in the 1990s, compared to what korean soldiers had to go through. this was like a city. a ship had to have everything that a small city had. s. had a number of galley we had a bank. we had a newspaper. we had a chapel. we had a hospital. we had a dental clinic. i was a dental officer.
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was "toothhip nickname fairy." sliding coinsey take wisdom teeth. earing my original had. -- hat. in the navy, only large ships have dental officers. other ships do not normally have detntal officers. my team and i treated 4000 patients.
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when only the large ships have services like dental, you provide services for fellow sailors. in desert shield and desert storm, the coalition. here for the wes ii and korean there used to be a lot of extractions. changedre of dentistry with fluoride and things that we find interesting. a shifted towards preventative nature. fillings.0
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we did root canals. we did surgeries. i was a junior dental officer. my senior officer is a retired captain. he is a dear friend of mine. he worked hard and diligently. they help us with all of the procedures and they were great. they were very focused on al careg the highest dent for the world's most deserving patients. i think it is important to understand that the mission of a is important. when a ship has another major second.n, dental takes
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if we have to go to general quarters, general quarters goes first. when there is helicoptered supplies -- comesssion of the ship first and making sure that the sailors are ready to do their mission is a paramount focus. we had a routine hours and they were subject to events that were going on for the day. street. to main please come with me. gentlemen, welcome to the chap. -- chapel.
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this was originally a galley. 1980's, it was repurposed and made a chapel. who would leads services here. for special events and holidays, a crowd would be topo big. wouldonally, the band practice in here. some areas were permanently changed. i want to thank you all for visiting. i want to turn you over to clayton allen. >> welcome back. we want to talk about navy life and this is confused by the fact
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that we are a war-fighting machine. dowever, soldiers have to lea their lives, including legal affairs. wills,ffairs dealt with powers of attorney, captain offenses. sea.nsin is a city at you see several items, including hapel, legal affairs, public affairs, a newsroo. the, we find ourselves in dispersing office. it is our bank. money is important to sailors.
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we have ship stores. ood items that - can keep in the rack - although they are not supposed to. have tests for promotion. follow me. welcome to the educational services office. this is where the sailors would come in and rip quest to sign up for college courses, correspondence courses, and advancement tests, which can be proctored by other personnel.
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several disciplines could be taught in just a few weeks. to know tolow them class for several weeks until they knocked out the credit course. library, we have key features, including the dewey decimal system. carousels, which can be used to study for a test and to prop for a test. it is not uncommon for the chaplain to be assigned to take care of the library. that they wereay impressed that we had a library on board. this is an undesignated area. to's say something happened
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the radio room, we could throw all of this overboard and turn which is a radio room, not uncommon when you have casualties, flooding, or combat. like every good city, you have to have a maintenance department. some of the equipment in this space is from world war ii. removedthis cannot be without drastic improvements. we leave it here. it could be used. that said, this is a small family in a large city and we are shipmates. you have lots of monuments that honors what has been a calm -- has been accomplished..
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i wish we had time to go and see all of the sailor arch. -- sailor art. of course, it is not authorized. it must be tastefully done. we are in another part of the machine shop. beam that threads hrough the ship. other ships do not have this and, if they have parts that need to be repaired, they can send them over by hi -line and have them repaired. it is like the dental office,
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where we could bring others over fixed.e their teeth every city has a hospital and a dental office. we have a machine shop. head of a serving line. this city has four restaurants. this serves the enlisted men. you notice that we were through or passageway. this allows men to stand in line for their food. in world war ii, you had 2900 men on board. ckere would be men on dewc waiting for food. we have the example of world war
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trays.the gulf war plastic.tal and one is note the food portion size. we want men to eat more. when i come into the service, they will need to eat less. by a leave, we will pass doughnut shop. shop,d to be a butcher processing beef and hog. with coffee, the fuel that runs the navy. follow me.
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here, we can see the entire galley. , there is side another serving line. depending on where you work, the lines would go act and forth. -- back and forth. a traditional meal includes starch, vegetable, meatloaf, chicken, things of that nature. on the other side, you may have the sliders. you would think that most go to that line. personal is your time. you are trying to get caught up on sleep or study. additionally, some sailors may have to get back to their watch likely. ickly.
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ip thatuld get a ch lets them get to the front of the line. there are not enough supplies for all of the meals in this space. and are stored in the third second floor aft. we do have a walk-in cooler. a.m., they will bring enough food for the next day up. turkey.cookers for we have ovens for both sides.
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there is a dichotomy of old versus new. these are stainless steel coppers. they allow large quantities of and theye, beef stew, cannot be burned. , in theory, a closed loop. we do lose some. it is reheated in the boilers. the steam is everywhere. these ships are no longer using steam. we can propel this ship at 33 knots. however, it is not very
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efficient. most ship are nuclear. diesel use th turbines. follow me as we go into the mess area. >> we are passing the salad bar r.s when we step into this mess you would get your silverware and a glass for your drinks. you may have things like orange
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juice, grapefruit juice, milk. bug juice or is kool-aid. plus, the all important tool that runs the navy, the coffee mess. follow me. have a large coffee urn. have four manwe areas with mcdonald's shares. chairs. between meals, these tables would go into the overhead and it would allow for this place to
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be spic and span. one of the things we have to do ainst vermin' and r odents. there was also a bar. deck.s one of two mess war, you onlylf partake. minutes to this is not a sit and get happy place. you need to go back to your job. follow me. now, we have come to the end of the food service line.
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where youe scullery, drop off your dishes and silverware. job.eturn to your the floor is a deck. ads.e walls are bulkhe the bathroom is not a bathroom. it is a head. it is hard to learn the language of the navy. theme,ing with our andig, a master at arms, laundry room. we have a barbershop. everybody needs a haircut. that is one of the ways we keep the ship clean.
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we have seen a lot of the title ship -- of the battleship. we have seen the post office. we have seen the dental office. public andn the legal affairs office. restaurants of the on the ship. essential. was all the ships have this today. this ship is a stalwart. these things have used -- been used in three wars. we are glad you came along and we thank you for being part of this tour. this and otherh programs on our website.
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>> the presidential candidates turn from politics to schumer at the al smith dinner. astoria the waldorf hotel. >> i have traveled the banquet circuit and i have never understood the logistics of dinners like this and how the absence of one individual causes three of us to not have seats. you want to give america back to the little guy. i am thatresident, man. >> it is an honor to share the defendant of al. he was my favorite kind of governor, the kind who ran for president and lost.
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a campaign requires a lot of wardrobe changes. blue jeans in the morning. fundraiser.unch a sport coat for dinner. it is nice to finally relax and and i wear ann around the house. listen withatch and the c-span app. >> i do not write a column from the left or right. i am the only one who does not have been ideological slant. discusses herd book. >> a thing i don't like about they get in is,
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trouble and they blame someone. when bill got in trouble with "thomasthey would say, jefferson --" >> each week until the 2016d election, we bring you archival footage of the presidential races. 1984, the second and final debate between incumbent president ronald reagan and his challenger walter mondale. they answered questions from a cow of journalists on defense and foreign-policy issues including involvement in cia in central america negotiations with the soviet union on stockpiles, and strategic weapons systems and fighting terrorism in lebanon and the broader middle east. the republican team


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