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tv   American History TV  CSPAN  November 6, 2016 9:13am-9:31am EST

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with. i would like to say the soul of the presidio is in each of these bricks. they do contain dirt from the original presidio. the tower is really good. so, it's a real effective place. what's really wonderful about e fact it isis th built on the spot where the actual presidio stood. on the ground, we have an outline of where the wall was. due to modern construction standards, the new wall is offset. the whole perimeter of the presidio is marked. you can take a walk downtown and see where it was. the design goes back to roman times. the spanish do it a certain way and they follow that way all the way up. pile after pile of adobe bricks. they are not worried about the native peoples attacking them. they are worried about the british, the russians invading.
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everybody thinks of the west of ere therelace wh is a lot of fighting. there is a lot more cooperation among the different peoples that opposition. wheres the quarters, people would live. this is two exhibits. this is a family exhibit over here. anita's actually making chocolate for the afternoon drink. this is a fun exhibit. she's dressed exactly like a woman would've been at the time. we took it from a painting. we actually change out the vegetables and everything for seasonal. people did not have much at this time. if there is a chair, it is probably a stump to sit on. that is the father and saved for the priest. behind the you can see that she has white and blue pueblo --
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going to have much. something she is wearing, she is wearing -- they talk about women would have a wool shawl. shawlhave a cotton for summertime and spend whatever it takes to get a really good silk shawl. they dress similar to women back east in the colonies. it is not too different out here for that. we've got a few of the things on display. wheat hanging here, a loom, a spinning willheel, rather. in at least one of the places, a corner fireplace was found, so they do some insight cooking. must've been smoky inside here. the other side out here, we have so few single soldiers that they actually are in a small barracks
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situation, more like an apartment. i compared to the 1981 army. their clothing would be hung up there. there is not much of the head. they wear most of it. they would have cups. they eat on the floor on pillows. we know that. everything would be pretty primitive, wooden bowls. some see majolaca and glassware. religion plays a very important part in these people. the blessed mother over here. you would see a lot of this. they talk about women spend a lot of money on masses and the church gets a lot of money off of the women of the presidio. arrived first europeans in this part of'the world, and the 1690s, there was a native american village in the area of where downtown tucson is today.
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the name of the village was in the native language "base of the black hills." that is where tucson gets its name. vechaeologists ha investigated the area of tucson 's birthplace. and they have uncovered remains of the habitation and cultivation and irrigation going back thousands of years. he evidence of continuous habitation goes back more than 4000 years. and the evidence of cultivation goes back that far. and the evidence of canal irrigation goes back 3500 years. so, tucson is currently the lon continuously inhabited place in the united states that has been documented
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archaeologically. when the first europeans arrived in this area in the 1690's, they found native american villages strung along the river, the santa cruz river, and there was a village where downtown tucson is today, and they established a christian mission at the location of the native american village. and directly across the river on theyast side in 1775, established a presidio, a fort, to guard this northern frontier of new spain. in the 1950's, there was an beneath theal dig o parking lot and downtown tucson. and they found the remnant foundation of the presidio wall.
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and directly beneath that, they year the remains of a 1000 old native american penthouse. since the 1950's, we have known that the presidio and the native american occupation that preceded it were preserved here beneath the parking lots and streets of downtown tucson. it seems these days that we tend to forget our history. and america is a big vast place with lots of different aspects of history. and i think the tucson presidio represents the fact that, as americans, we are capable of sharing everybody's history and recognizing everybody's contributions. 'sthink the tucson iow presidio especially good at looking at all the different aspects that made tucson a wonderful place. >> this weekend we are featuring the history of tucson, arizona.
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together with our cox communication cable partners. learn more about tucson and other stops on her cities tour at tour. american history tv all weekend every weekend on c-span 3. think most of us when we think of winston churchill, we think of the older man sending young man into war. but no one knew better and few new as well the realities of the the terror and devastation party said to his mother, the raw comes through. he absolutely knew the disaster that war was. >> tonight on q&a, historian candace millar talks about the early military career of winston churchill in her book "hero of
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the empire," 'th making of winston churchille. >> he says, i want to go and i want to fight. he ends up going with a regiment to praetoria on the day it fell to the british. and he takes over the prison and he frees the men who then his fellow prisoners. he puts in the prison his former jailers and he watches as the boar flag is torn down and the union jack is foisted in its place. >> tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span's q&a. ♪ after i came up with this idea, i did research information because, and this is definitely the case with a lot of pieces that will be done for this competition, but mental illness especially. it is a complicated issue. it is not black and white. it is so multi-fast that i had to research to get a base knowledge of what i wanted to talk about in this piece.
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and obviously there was a lot of -- it is so complicated that i cannot talk about it in 5-7 minutes. pharmaceuticals is a really broad topic. would be nice to have a focal point i wanted to focus on. interviewing my parents, before i got clips from the internet, before i started shooting, i researched this topic extensively. this is my dad's pharmacy. i talked to my mom and her colleagues and coworkers and a lot of internet research. i went to the library. ernetlot of intn research to find data and statistics about employment of those with developmental disabilities and to see really what was going on. most of the information that i got off of the internet came from government founded websites. so that is how i knew that most of the information i was getting was legitimate. >>'s year's theme -- your
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message to washington, d.c. tell us. what is the most urgent issue for the new president and congress to address? our competition is open to all middle school or high school students grades 6-12 with cash prizes.ded in students can work alone or in a group of three to produce a 5-7 minute documentary on the issue selected. include c-span programming and explore opposing opinions. the $100,000 in cash prizes will be shared between 150 students and 53 teachers. and the grand prize of $5,000 will go to the student or team with the best overall entry. this year's deadline is january 20, 2017. mark your calendars and help us spread the word to student film makers. for more information, go to our website on november 11, 1921, an estimated 100,000 people
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gathered at arlington cemetery for a ceremony honoring the unknown soldier of world war i. the u.s. army signal corps documented the journey of the soldiers remains from the france itshe capitol rotunda and procession to arlington to the streets of washington, d.c. wh conceptthis unknown soldier come about? lot in the civil war but people were struggling with the fact they could not many of these casualties were, so great britain and france. an unknown soldier in each of their countries. in great britain, it was in westminster abbey. in france, it was under the arc de triomphe. the u.s. decided to do something similar to that. it was started by hamilton fish.
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he submitted legislation to bury an unknown soldier from the u.s. >> i've walked through the streets before, and it's interesting to see, to me, how the people turned out. not just the army. we can see mostly in the scene. french civilians showing their honor and patriotism towards the americans. roleupporting the americans play. >> now we are seeing the caskets being carried on board an american ship. >> the uss olympic which was famous during the spanish-american war. it was admiral dewey's flagship. it has got a storied history. [vidoeo clip] we actually see th disembarkatione at the navy yard
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in washington. >> here they are in the capitol rotunda. it was a platform used to put president reagan's coffin. >> and that -- president lincoln's coffin. >> and that is president harding. >> and ultimately, not to jump ahead too much, but he will give the keynote speech. the casket is being carried down the steps of the united states capitol. the scene that modern americans will be familiar with with similar ceremonies in our time. and put on the four strong gear that willrawn gear
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make its way over to arlington cemetery. let's watch for just a minute. diverse is a really group of people that participated in the parade. there were military groups. they formed a prominent part of the participating. you also had a lot of veterans, female veterans as well, women who served or volunteers during the war. >> there is a reviewing stand in downtown washington, d.c. >> i believe those women are from the army nurse corps. it is hard to tell, it is blurry. we have the representation. >> you do or navy, or salvation army? >> they could be. some of the uniforms were very similar.
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>> monday night on "the communicators," craig aaron, president and ceo of free press -- director of the center for internet communications and technology policy talk about the technology issues that hillary clinton and donald trump have discussed on the campaign trail. also, the top tech issues for the next administration to address. they are interviewed by the technology reporter. key element that interest me most are the commitment to expand broadband access. and with a lot of talk about competition and bringing the benefits of broadband to all americans. and then i think there is another strong theme that is running through around the idea of inclusive innovation. in other words, how do we make sure that the entire country, everyone, actually shares in the benefits of the internet economy? policies are
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concerned, there is a lot of sharing of goals and objectives. i think we all want to see the internet, the benefit of the internet being made available to all. i think we want to see more rapid innovation. i think we want to see lower prices. i think what mr. trump is saying is that the way to that, the path to those objections is less regulation, lower taxation. >> watch "the communicators" monday night at eigh8:00 on cspn 2. >> for the first time in 50 years, the former waiting room in washington d.c.'s union station is free of construction work. the national trust for historic preservation and the union station redevelopment corporation commemorated the event this month. next, victor mendez, the national trust president stephanie meeks and several others talk about the history of the train station that opened in 1907 and the restoration process.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to welcome you here today for this wonderful event. my name is barry, executive vice president of acquisitions. tonight, we will hear from people who have been such an important part of this celebration and celebratory occasion. speaking tonight will be the deputy secretary of transportation, victor mendez, stephanie meeks, president and ceo of national trust for historic preservation, tim mclyman, president of the american express foundation, and beverly daley, president and ceo of the union station redevelopment corporation.


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