tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN November 16, 2016 9:11am-11:12am EST
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that seem very particularly deep in washington and maybe less deep in -- i don't mean the washington that mayor bowser is -- >> thank you. >> federal washington. and more reflect the ways in which our people kind of live together and come together in the areas we live in. i would just suggest that in addition to this, we really have to think as we're doing this about the impact of infrastructure investment on our communities, that we have a lot of people in this country that have been left out of economic growth in the last 30 years. and a lot of different ways. and people in our inner cities, people in our rural areas, people in the de-industrialized parts of this country. it's a critical question whether or not infrastructure investment will reach them because if not then these communities cannot participate in the global economy.
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and it is not going to happen by accident. it is also -- this is deeply and profoundly related to how we -- workforce policy relates to infrastructure. what kind of jobs will we create and who will they be available to and who will be trained? from the labor movement perspective and this is critical to building common ground, from the labor movement's per suspspe it is critical to have inclusiveness that will result in all the good things i just mentioned happening. right? it will not happen by accident and if there's the belief that somehow public goods will respond, that somehow we will create public goods as in the same way that we create software or chewing gum, right, what will happen is not that -- not that somehow -- what will happen is we don't r won't create public
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goods. we just won't. we've been doing that, that not creating public goods for 30 years and it is not a tenable thing to do. >> anybody else? >> yeah. could i just add so from the business perspective i travel a lot of state and local chambers and if you go to any community, transportation is one of the top three so when businesses decide, the mayors can probably tell you. when businesses come to them and talk about maybe locating their business in the community they want to know there's viable transportation options. they want a toolkit of options. not just highways and transit. it's a variety of options available. so when we talk about this divide, i think there's a lot of places around the country and if you get all the ballot initiatives, there was a union involved in the coalition to get it approved, there was businesses. so this isn't a partisan issue. and for communities to succeed they need to have transportation as one of their core tenements so i think we have an effort and heard the president-elect say he wants to rebuild the inner cities enwe know that his support was in rural areas. this is a place to bring
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everyone together and provide toolkit and options for those communities to have the ability to succeed that maybe didn't have the tools a few years ago. >> yeah. okay. unfortunately, we're now like ten minutes over so i think you can see there are a lot of questions about this. and we would be happy to do something like this again. i didn't even get to my favorite subject of high-speed rail in here. so we -- we -- we hope that you will give us your feedback. we hope that we can do this again. and i would like you to help me thank our panel for being here today. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> nice to see you, mayor. >> thank you. nice to see you. ♪ a few live events to tell you about. two house panels look at the cybersecurity of internet connected devices.
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we'll hear from cybersecurity officials at the hearing. it is live at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span2. in the afternoon on c-span3, the secretary of the chairman advisory board testifies about nuclear power. later, new jersey senator booker talks about civil and human rights during a speech at the university of the district of columbia. live coverage at 6:00 p.m. eastern also here on c-span3. up next, auto execs talk of automotive cybersecurity. we're hear of mary barra. this summit was held in detroit last july. >> so, before -- now it is my privilege and honor to introduce to you mary barra, the chairman and ceo of general motors. mary and her leadership team are
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transforming the automotive sector. consider that under her leadership in the last year alone gm launched the car sharing service maven, purchased cruise automation, invested $500 million in lyft, announced the upcoming launch of the heavy bolt in the hall today and of particular rev vance gm was the first major car manufacturer to form a coordinated disclosure program. that mary -- the ceo of a fortune 10 company would open today's conference reinforces our mission that cybersecurity is a top priority of the automotive sector and corporate america. mary is also the first woman ever to lead a global automotive company. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage the chairman and ceo of general motors, mary barra. [ applause ]
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>> well, thanks, tom. and good morning, everyone. at general motors we are very pleased to join you and others to sponsor the first aufl global cybersecurity summit and pleased it's in detroit. i want to thank congresswoman dingell, commissioner mcsweenny and all of the other government, business and academic leader who are here or will be. this event underscores the fundamental importance of bringing together thought leaders of all sectors to imagine the state of automotive cybersecurity and look for ways to strengthen the cyber defenses. even more important, it points to a unique responsibility that we have to develop proactive
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solutions to cybersecurity challenges facing society today. around the world, consumers increasingly expect to have constant and seamless connectivity. by 2020, it is estimated that there will be 50 billion smart devitss in use around the world. or about seven connected devices for every man, woman and child on the planet. growth in the so-called sharing economy is now a global phenomenon and everything from cars and bicycles to apartments, tools and even high-end clothing and jewelry. and the trend toward more sustainable living and environmental friendly policies are as important now as is the growth and urban population centers. by 2020, projections are that there will be 41 global mega cities with populations above 10 million. that's up from 28 today. each of these trends is reflected in today's global
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automotive industry. in fact, i fully expect that the auto industry will change more in the next five years than it has in the last 50. and at gm, we are very excited to be in the leadership role in much of this transformation. in the area of connectivity, gm's on-star service responded to 1.3 billion consumer requests since we launched the service 20 years ago. by the end of this year, we expect to have 12 million on-star connected vehicles around the world and by 2020 we expect to have about 75% of our global volume to be connected. and this is just the beginning of where connectivity will take us in the future as we work to expand and improve the customer experience, both inside and outside of the vehicle. around the world, car and ride sharing services are also expanding exponentially.
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globally, an estimated 15 million people use shared mobility services such as ride sharing or car sharing today. by 2020, this number is projected to be more than 50 million. and at gm, we combined a number of sharing programs earlier this year under a single brand maven. we now have half a dozen programs or programs in half a dozen cities as well as programs in germany, china and brazil. and we have more launches on the way. we are also very excited about our strategic alliance with lyft. we believe that the convergence of connectivity, ride sharing and autonomous vehicles will shape the future of personal mobility. the societial trend towards sustainable is mirrored in the industry's drive toward alternative propulsion, especially with electric vehicles and late they are year we'll start the production of the all-electric chevy bolt ev
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and you know is available for you to check out in the lobby. and this will be the first electric vehicle that cracks the code of affordability and a 200-mile plus range. and tradition and nontraditional automotive companies are making substantial investments right now in the autonomous driving and parts of the industry and this promises customers greater convenience, lower cost and improved safety. taken together, these interconnected trends and technologies are allowing gm and the auto industry to stretch the boundaries of what is possible for consumers. they're giving us unprecedented opportunities to develop vehicles that are more environmental friendly, smarter and safer for our customers. but while today's technology creates many new and exciting opportunities, it also creates challenges. and one of the challenges is the
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issue of cybersecurity. and make no mistake, cybersecurity is the foundation to each of the technologies i've discussed. in addition to the rapid growth of vehicle connectivity that i have already mentioned, there are two additional factors that are contributing to cybersecurity risk for today's auto industry. one is content. the fact that personal data is increasingly stored and or transmitted through our vehicle networks. the other is complexity which opens up opportunities for those who want to do harm through cyber attacks. consider that in 2000, cars on average had about 1 million lines of code. the first generation volt which was introduced in late 2010 had about 10 million lines of code. that's more than an f-35 fighter jet. today, the average car has more than 100 million lines of code and it won't be long before it surpasses 200 million.
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now, we all want customers to take advantage of the technology that is changing the automobile and opening up new experiences that were frankly unimaginable when i started in this business. but we also want our customers and their data to be safe and secure while they're using all these new fee churls. cybersecurity protects not only for physical safety of the customer, but it also protects their privacy and their data. and i'm quick to add that at general motors we have used cybersecurity not as an area for competitive advantage but as a systemic concern in which the auto industry's collective customers and the society at large are best served with an industry-wide collaboration and sharing of best practices. at gm, we recognize that the threat landscape is continually evolving. and sophisticated attacks are specifically designed to
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circumvent even the most robust system designs. whether it's fbiing or spy ware, malware or ransomware, the attacks are getting more and more sophisticated every day. not only is it forpt that the industry design the products with cybersecurity in mind, but we also need to work together to develop the capabilities to detect cyber incidents, protect against these attacks and mitigate the consequences when and if they occur. a cyber incident is not just a problem for the automaker involved. it is a problem for every automaker around the world. it's a matter of public safety. and this is why general motors strongly supports the collaborative approach championed by secretary fox, administrator rosekind, the alliance of automobile manufacturers, the association of global auto makers and members of the auto isac. at gm, we have made
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cybersecurity a top priority. we have established a dedicated cyber organization. and we have a senior executive running our cybersecurity team who many of you know, jeff mass mi massimilla. we've taken a leadership position within the auto isac with jeff serving as vice chair and made a very deliberate decision to embrace the relationship with the white hat research community. earlier this year we launched a coordinated disclosure program that puts out a welcome mat to researchers and cybersecurity experts inviting them to identi identify vulnerabilities in our system. this is an approach that silicon valley practiced for years and very good at but with few companies have embraced beyond the software industry. our program at gm is new and we are still learning best practices. but we are committed to
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expanding and evolving it and working with the research community to improve our cybersecurity posture. but while all of these actions are important, the single-most important commitment we have to make to cybersecurity at gm is to commit to collaborate with everyone here and today to address our shared cybersecurity issues and concerns. yesterday, the auto isac released an executive summary of cybersecurity best practices for the auto industry based on the proactive safety principles issued by secretary fox in january. i want to applaud the these efforts of executive director jon allen and the members of the auto isac. all of whom put in a tremendous amount of work to get us where we are today. and i'm extremely pleased to say that general motors will support and endorse all recommendations in the executive summary and we commit to implementing the
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actions and best practices outlined in the document. above all, we strongly agree with the call for a commitment to expand our collaborative efforts and work together to mitigate cyber threats that present potential risks to our customers and society at large. let me also say at gm we are also committed to collaborating proactively with ntsa on one shared goal of enhancing the vehicle cybersecurity atmosphere for everyone. ntsa and the industry made an effort to work together through the development of best practices and at gm we are committed to continuing this valuable collaboration as we move forward. a very important point i want to stress is that unlike a number of other industries that have already been seriously affected by cybersecurity, the auto industry has the opportunity to address cyber concerns before we experience a serious incident.
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we can work together today within the auto industry and tomorrow to mitigate our risk and we can learn from companies and industries that have already addressed cyber threats on a large scale. in fact, i'm extremely pleased that we'll hear in afternoon from tom, vice president of special projects at general die nams about how one company started in the defense industry to approach cybersecurity and mitigate risks. i believe we can learn a lot from general dynamics experience to help the auto industry get out in front of cybersecurity before we face a fielded threat. so i believe we have a real opportunity to work together today and in the months to come to move the industry forward. the global industry is changing faster today than it has in 100 years. many facets of the traditional industry are being disrupted but this creates exciting new opportunities to rewrite the
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rules of vehicle use and ownership. for the benefit of our customers. i believe it is essential that lead earls from a wide cross-section of industries from automotive to defense to aerospace work together with government, law enforcement, academia, research earls and the cybersecurity community to develop proactive solutions to the cybersecurity challenges we all face. and i believe we have a real opportunity to do that here today for the safety and security of our customers and of society in general. cybersecurity is one of the most serious challenges we face and we need to make it an industry priority. this is -- this summit is an example of what we need more of, all of us working together to achieve what none of us can do on our own. i want to thank billington cybersecurity for their role in bringing us here today and thank each of you for your commitment of being a critical part of the
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solution. let's work together to leverage our collective strengths and knowledge to protect our customers, their privacy every time they get in a car. thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you very much, mary, for a terrific opening keynote and kickoff to this event. now i would like to introduce to you our next panel. moderated by jon allen, the principle at buts allen hamilton. if each of the panelists could please come up now i would appreciate it.
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while they're coming up, jon allen was the program manager for bowes allen for the first automotive industry cybersecurity information sharing consortium. as ms. barra mentioned you may have seen, again, that just yesterday the members of the auto isac released a very important overview of the comprehensive automotive cybersecurity best practices. on this panel as jon will introduce shortly are top executives of general motors, toyota and honda as well as josh corman, founder of i am the cavalry. i'll let the -- pass the podium or the microphone over to jon. thank you so much. >> thank you, tom. thank you so much. thank you all for joining us today. that is exciting time in the industry and i'm amazed at how far we have come in two years. having a ceo up here talking about vehicle cybersecurity and having the gentlemen on the
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stage we have right now it's really a testament to the leadership of many on this stage and many of you in the crowd that has gotten to where we're at right now and this is an exciting time. look. we are going to have a conversation. all i'm missing is my living room and a bottle of scotch up here. on cybersecurity. an update on the isac and talk about information sharing and how we can improve that, mature as an industry and where we are going next and a update on the best practices and yesterday with the automotive best practices and definitely an exciting time and i think hopefully you gel something out of this to not know what we've done but where we're going as an industry and not just about the isac but you all in the room and how we protect the ecosystem as one team. many of you know who's on the stage here. really, the experts in vehicle cybersecurity across the industry. bently au, the chief information officer for the enterprise program for toyota.
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le bently is instrument with the isac, real leader in this whole space and it's greet have you. thank you for flying in from california, bently, to be with us. josh corman, the friendly on the panel. the researcher. we could keep all automakers up here. many of you know josh as the founder of i am the cavalry and moved over to the atlanta council and come to d.c. to the dark side with us and will be in a think tank. we'll have great perspectives from josh here on how we can use the research community and other parts of the ecosystem. steve center, another isac board member down at the end. steve is the vice president for the environmental business development for honda. again, a plank owner of the isac on the board and has really helped us develop it. jeff massimilla who you heard mary talk about, chief information security officer for general motors and vice chairman of the auto isac and has been a
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huge advocate and leader out there. but to level set for just a minute, let's just level set. so everybody gets up to speed of where we're at. for those who don't know, the isac, auto isac is abbreviation, we love abbreviations in washington, d.c. is the information sharing and analysis center and there's a law or presidential directive passed in '98 allowing industries to collaborate around threats and vulnerabilities. about two years ago, alliance and global came together with the automotive industry and said you know what? many isacs came together after a cyber attack, after a major incident. let's get together before something catastrophic happens and let's start working together as an industry. and that took about a year to get everything lined up to build a perspective to start building that culture of trust and one year ago this week publicly announced to launch the isac and took a little while to get the organization up and running but
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we became fully operational capable in january of this year and sharing vulnerabilities and intelligence and what's happened out in the environment but the isac wasn't just happy about that. they wanted to take it one step further. every company is doing some amazing things within the cyber domain and came down to how do we share best practices about what we're doing? you heard mary say this is a competitive discipline. attack on one is an attack on all. we came together as an industry and yesterday released the executive summary of what the best practices will look like and what the main playbooks will be and 98% of the cars on the road today were part of that. soon thereafter we formed the isac we realized it wasn't about the supplier community is very critical to this entire endeavor and we expanded it out and invited the supplier community. you may have seen press releases on that. if i try to name them, i'll miss one and get in trouble so i will not do that and expanding out
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and now looking at how to use others like the josh cormans and our researchers in the community come in and help us in other areas. kind of use that whole sense -- a baseline where we're at right now across the entire industry. so, with that in mind, yesterday we did an exercise. we actually did an incident response exercise to share cybersecurity across oems. i don't want to go down the whole line, bently, how's it going? how have you seen the information transfer in the last year? >> i think what you were talking in organizing and coming together as an industry, the trust started there. right? just the fact that we could come together and understand what really the common goal was and then transitioning that into this is not a competitive space for the industry. right? this is a collaborative space and so then taking that on to
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actually forming the isac, formalizing it and then the next step of increased trust, of sharing information. and then yet another step of sharing best practices. right? so those best practices came from a lot of different places. came from outside the industry, came from within each member. and that ability to share i think increased the trust and i think that's really key to anything we do. and also, to start bringing in other folks in the fold. starting that trust and building that trust and respect within the companies is pretty important. >> great. so, steve, can we declare success? we are sharing information. can we spike the ball? we did it. >> i think almost. you know? you're never done and you don't know what you don't know and there's a paradox in all of this. we're all competitors, fierce competitors so to share is kind of a new thing. we are doing that, organized,
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communicating and working together. i think you used the line from nato, an attack on one is an attack on all of us. and that's the way we stand, united. >> that's great. so, jeff, as a vice chairman, i mean, how do you see the maturity levels? how do we work together as an industry to bring everybody up? you know, we have some large oems with a lot of resources and others that are dispersed geographically and complex supply systems producing cars. how do you really open up what you're doing at gm and share it across the industry with that culture? >> yeah. i think that's the best part of the isac, jon, is, you know, we talked about being fierce competitors and we are. we compete for everything in the automotive industry. it is not a competitive advantage and all the groups of people coming together and bringing the best to the table
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of what they have. you see it in the isac, right? the best practices development. best practices aren't becoming the least common denominator of what the auto industry can do. we're at the table different capabilities, stronger in some areas, weaker in other areas and challenging each other to figure out what's the best thing we can do for the safety and security of our customers. >> that's great. josh, what's the perception of this? we announced the isac a year ago. how do you see the researcher community playing with the isac in the future? as a voice in this environment, how do you see researchers playing this? >> so, there's historically been a contentious relationship of researchers and software industry and now that the automotive industry wakes up and finds themselves software providers in a complex system of software providers, it was our wleef and almost two years ago we launched a five-star auto safety framework and in that
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open letter to the auto ceos we said you're masters of your domain of safety for 100 years and now we'll be safer sooner if we work together. and we had those conversations and as a nice compliment you're seeing much more collaboration of the suppliers. but even if we capture all the best practices from the private sector, 100 of the fortune 100 companies have lost intellectual property and trade secrets. every merchant had a credit card stolen or several stolen. so, those industries adopting world class best practice cybersecurity fail every single day. the failure rate's about 100%. the reason it's okay is a 4% annual fraud rate is an acceptable loss but in your world that would not be an acceptable loss. right? when we're talking bits and bites meet flesh and blood we have to be even better than the best from the private sector and
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that's why building the trust and having high trust, high collaboration relationships between the best ambassadors of the research xhount and the best ambassadors of the automotive ecosystem is critical. if there's a crisis of confidence in the public to trust the autonomous vehicles, the promise of saving 100-plus souls we save every day due to human vehicles, connected vehicles, we want to see that happen soon. but if we shatter that confidence, we will postpone or delay that benefit. >> so, talking about information sharing, isac is one feed coming in to the oems right now about cyber. let's discuss cyber and how do you work with government, researchers, academic institutions? how do you see this environment growing who isn't necessarily also in this environment maybe you want to have in the discussion? jeff, why don't you explain a little bit of who you work with in the larger set? >> yeah.
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i think it's prolific, jon. we have said this publicly. i mean, general motors we collaborate with government institutions, with academia, with consumer electronics, the defense industry, the aerospace industry and even researchers so let's maybe talk about coordinated disclosure. right? i know we have a panel on that later but i mean, even, you know, josh and i and the cavalry, we reached out to people like josh to talk about what we're going to launch and whether or not it's well received by the researcher community and we are not experts. we are experts in the automotive industry so understanding what other people learned is really important to us. but, i mean, those feeds coming in, governmental agencies, consumer electronics, they have lessons learned to benefit from and i think that's the premise of today. right? bring everybody together from the different facets of industry
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and really learn from each other to do what wees best for our customer. >> josh? >> you know, we also have to think of the time horizon. we have the deployed fleet. you have the deploying fleet which we're doing a good job hardening and best practices and available supply chain of built-in and after market security and i.t. but we have the emerging better practices. right? i hate the term best practice at best we have good practices. we are looking for better and what i'm doing and with the asrb focused on future r&d for cybersecurity in vehicles is we're trying to pull together academic research, prototyping, reference architectures. we may not have the correct supply and trying to get maybe horizon three, three to five years out, where should we focus and looking and also with the five-star we basically said the systems will fail and fail often is while it's important to have information sharing at thesac
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those are failures on current fleet and with the five-star we said since all systems fail, tell customers how to avoid security. it is in the best practice. tell your researchers you won't sue them for helping you avoid failure. how do you capture, study and learn from failure? poorly instrumented for evidence on cyber tampering. how do you have a prompt and agile response of updates and secure updates and how do you contain and isolate failure to separate the critical systems from noncritical systems? we have -- you know, it takes to 2025 to get the foundational ready postures towards failure we outlined in the five-star and that won't be enough. right? those are foundational elements. i think what you are doing is amazing and keep another eye on what to do r&d, build and pull in to this ecosystem. >> i want to go to the future of best practices and looking at that in a minute to make sure we baseline but, i mean, steve, you are a japanese headquartered
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company. what's different about the organizations you -- same thing to you, bently in a minute. that you all work with that might be different. same people that you're working with? any different because you're headquartered in japan? >> it is and it isn't. all the automakers are global. you have supply bases all over the world. you have r&d all over the world and organizations all over the world. sometimes they're parallel organizations. sometimes you're groping for who's in charge of this area. you got places that develop engines. places that develop electronics. places that develop telemattics so i think that's really the biggest challenge you have at the moment and you mentioned earlier just the input of information. that's the other one. because you've got so many avenues to receive information and how do you sort through what you are getting? >> it's great. bently, i mean, academia, can you give us insights of who you
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deal with and talk with? >> typically it's academia in the u.s. right? for us. in terms of the kind of research that we're looking at, we want to -- we think we need to engage and are engaging. but that's just typically how it is now, right, because a lot of this has grown out of the u.s., the ingenuity of a researcher or a hacker is typically here and other areas, here. not so much for us in japan but it's a global problem and you start to see this coming from everywhere. so the challenge is to leverage all of that and to steve's point is how do you pull all of the information in and then sort through what is relevant or what is noise? >> that's a great point. i mean, how are you getting this intelligence? i mean, is it a cyber threat center? what do you do with it? >> that's the challenge. and it's also a challenge in the
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industry as a whole just step outside of the automotive industry and the industry of a security as a whole is a challenge because there's not a lot of people doing it and so much information, so many people who are doing this kind of research either coordinated, traditionally through a university or someone like that or independently. i think that's where you've seen a growth in coordinated programs because there's people out there who can do this research. they don't know where to go and so to coordinate that helps to bring it in and vet some of it. and then help filter out some of the noise and then get it to the right people. but it's a difficult problem that we're all trying to work on to say, there's researchers, there's coordinated scholar programs, there's independent folks. there's government. pulling all that in is probably the challenge, you know, things
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like the isac can help with that. as an isac matures i think to josh's point. where do we start to leverage some of these organizations to help do the research or at least commission the research down the road for those thing there is an are coming? for autonomous. security's going to enable autonomous. not prevent it. right in that's the key point. we have to enable all of the features that people want and that ultimately improve safety. >> right. josh, does it make sense where to go now? you're a researcher. two years you started? >> three years with the cavalry. two years for the five star. >> is it different now and know who to go to? >> we didn't have any relationships initially. i think we have high trust relationships with some oems. others are still reluctant or maybe tenuous and if you look at it like headlights in the car at night, someone had an accident and sharing the safety investigation, what happened and
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how do we maybe prevent future ones or a recall. if you work when you hear a researcher on stage you're still reacting after the fact maybe. so you have a little bit of headlight before something bad happened but a coordinated vulnerability disclosure and you put out the welcome mat you might get three months, six months, nine months, four years before it's a public thing so it really becomes if you really want to get ahead of it, you use this welcome mat whether it's through someone like hacker one, you stand it up on your. to get out there, you start inviting in researches under nda or private hack-a-thons on the prototypes and starting to avail ourselves of that. we went from adversaries to frenemies to i think high trust teammates now. >> jeff, and then you, steve. how do you disseminate the information? how do you avoid the noise to actually find that need until a haystack that means something that you get in and disseminate
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it out? >> there's a plethora of information that comes in. i think it was well described down there. i mean, it takes a well-funded, well-resourced organization to take in the information and you and you have to see what's going and then that's there to the sat and it's helping that. i believe that. what is happening in the isaac is that you have the various and then that's the suppliers and then different levels of the maty and what's happening. and then the people that do are getting that information and sharing it it's real about it and then in that meeting and then the information sharing and then the intelligence and then
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some people may not be important and for others it may not be important and that's on the level of ma atur which i and you determine what is wrong and this is the information and then it's wrong and then it takes it in an entirely different organization and this is just kind of a statement to the public and it would be foolish not to accept all of the free help out there. there are people that stay up all night and just energized by the problems. why not welcome them in.
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>> yeah, that's great. to that point i will keep it with you. how should it be in the statement in the last two years the culture shift around this? why has that happened? you have been there in the beginning and remember the quiet meeting that we had where no one really talked, what has enabled the culture shift? is it the vehicles, leadership and the industry, what is it that made it happen? >> well, a lot of it is just the commonality. we all share the decade cans of experience. once you realize that you're not going to get in trouble, things change. >> you were there in the earlier days too. >> yeah, i think it's going
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down -- >> we're a block from it. it's changed in the mind set has changed because from all of the things that you said, but one of the core things we're shifrting to how do we know what's happening? what has done is some of the research and demonstrations that made it real and un fortunately it made it real prior to everything serious happening.
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>> given what we had this week if we want to get smarter faster, i think that if you watch the resent events we had the first fatality with the driving technology and one of the things that really peeked many my interest is the idea that they're doing the investigation and what triggered is that one of the five stars is do you have the evidence caption. we have a real gap to do the privacy preserving and supporting the set of menningful and that maybe after cash and the data so that we can see the tamp erring for months and then across the fleets and vehicles. if we really want to get in front of not the current information sharing, but the proactive information sharing,
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it's going to have to be a priority for us to figure out how to get past the historical reasons why we have not done that. i think that may be the next turn of the cranks. >> how do we make sure that we share the information and that it's going to the right people. are we at that point yet, jeff? we had this discussion over the past week, and how much do we share publicly? >> yeah, it's an interesting
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discussion, so you think of this one year ago and it started a year ago. we reached in the kwn in january of this year, really we sat down and said this cannot implode. it's been really ma thought cal how we did that. oem's first and then that's the suppliers and then the associations and then the research and then all of the things and if you talk to the department and so the summary was released yesterday and that's the intent by us is to show as an strirks how we're coming together and going to write the practice.
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to what breathe and depth are we going to write them? we're in the process of writing them. the executive summary is how deep and wide it's going to cover. there are some things that have to happen here. we need the help of o everybody to do that and then they announced that they're going to release it and we want to be informed by the document. it's just really important in just reinterate again the approach that it's taken is actually have been quick in my opinion how fast we're moving in the case but we're doing it intentionally and doing it careful how we're approaching this. >> josh, what is the par lichl?
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>> well, we're looking at it's amazing the parallels between this industry and health care and medical device between aviation and a little bit of over lapping the diagrams there and in some ways this group is ahead on the information share asking the things like the i sac. it's a really diverse set of categories that ended that. in some ways there are things to learn and they just put out the postmarket guidance and in it they're very. i'm really eager to see what they're pend asking the
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recommendations and in it they're almost requiring the programs & if you can do it in 30 days, you don't have go through the process. what they're try to go do is make sure that the collaboration happened and they don't really need to have the collaboration. we should create more opportunities to take some of the breast and brightest from the medical manufactures and fill ups and johnson and johnson and do the best from the community. i think that we can learn from each other. >> that's great.
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>> what is the perception and of what we have done here? >> well, it's changed 180 degrees in the last year i welcome the comment on b the release. they want the fire and the fire is taken off on it's own. >> that's a good thing. yeah, what do you think? >> it's been positive. maybe there's some doubt, but we have been successful. actually, a lot quicker than i thought. we had some good progress and especially in the industry that for something like this. >> okay. let's go to the best practice. how deep is it going to go.
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>> i mean we talked about it up here and we're all fierce competitors. what does that mean? we do things differently. it's important to do things differently. at the same time the best practice have to be adaptable to what we do and how we do things in the company. one thing to hit hard is something that's been very much energized me is the best practices and the idea of and
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they're something to obtain for and not something to meet. josh, you talked about data capturing and then the protection system and then the cyber security sense and maybe something in technology that does not exist today. it's to the partners out there to create the technology and solve the problems so that we can improve. >> so what i've hearing you say jeff and steve you can confirm this, we're not looking at vehicles on the road for ten years but the next 20 as well. >> yeah, they're in the the problem. it's going forward.
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>> yeah, if we wrote the principles, it would have failed. that's where they're more aspirational than achievable right now. this issue you should be commended for this because in other sectors and i'm on record saying about payment card industry. he focused on control and it moved so fast and was outdated before the ink dried.
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i think that you're going to need help and there's not available technology for some of these. the sad news is that we have the fleets that are very connected and millions of lines of code and it's going to take us five to ten years to to touch the practice. we have a window of exposure that we have to close very quickly. >> gain the important point of that is there are things that you can do today and in the field of products. i agree. it's great as a whole echo system and a whole transcends vehicles and on the road for ten years and. >> the best part of the practice
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is that it does not mean that you're secure. that's the mind set that we have gone in this. we should commend them and talked about a couple of times and that's the same approach. that's the best practice approach. >> so i think we're going to do questions from the crowd. i did not see any mics. >> if everyone can write the questions on the note cards, we will pick them up. >> great. i will continue with another question. there are many suppliers in the room here.
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what's a good way to get connected. what ways would you all. >> go to the companies that that you work with and vehicle manufactures and go up. we had 35 phone calls and then some of the things in the news were not built by them. we're having a fumble and a failed hand-off between as you get the leadership from the people like gm and then the ex
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closure i am working with providers to get it. this is an echo system and i don't want dropped balls between the counsel because we do not know ho how to do the hand shake. if you're a supplier, i would put in permission or work out permission with the oem's to participate in the program that is they're launching and to launch your own. i would be happy to help. >> well, your thoughts. >> i would be happy.
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>> i think it's going to be broader than that. that's a really good source and certainly not the only source. >> really. let's talk about the disclosure and i mean the best relationship that can can happen is between the researcher and the company that they're working with. the auto sack is a place that every company could learn what that supplier and whoever it is is seen based on the researcher and analyzing it and sharg it with the industry we like to take the company that's knowledgeable and analyze it and provide the action one to the oem's. as the isaac can play a role until everybody has a program, i think in the end the program at each individual company is
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important. >> yeah, it has to be the backstop and these companies are so different and having the program is not enough. you have to have the team that can feel it. >> it's not even a coordinated disclosure program, but a great way. back to the point, you're going to have relationships. you need to have them directly with the researchers as well. >> you need to do it soon because the connect makes it so that it's no longer a crime to research your own vehicles or medical devices as of october.
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>> great question that we did not hit on, what standards are we looking at and what was this done in a vook yum, or did we look at the standards and map them? i know the answer to that, but steve. >> well, they're in that and it will reference each areas and the details that are they're built upon. >> what standards do we look in. i remember you having a conversation. >> yeah, it was to look at things that were out there as an example in this frame work.
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there was a lot of work that were put into that and vetted out a bit and irn corporating the other ones as well. we did not want to say here are the best practices of what the members do. what else is out there. any time that you're building a security platform, you're not just looking at what you got. you're looking at everything else because there's a lot of people that have done work that it's. >> some great questions here and
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that's posted there and so what is the what do you expect from the supply ers? sharing information. they have information on the threats and vulnerables what's the expectations if they're members or not? >> from a partner or the sack, i think we're working have closely with the partners to put requirements in place and to have a strong security posture for the connected skbh that's
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extremely important there. it's a required partnership to provide it and then really, you know, secure the life cycle development and through the development of the product and even when it's launched. it's out there for many years. that's important and i cannot begin to talk about that and the open kbhoun case is absolutely important. if you see things in the environment, you should mr. sharing that intelligence and it may not affect a manufacture today, but that does not mean that it should not be reported. it maybe tangible to us as well.
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>> you mentioned lifecycle everything that's one of the biggest challenges because most things in an automobile over the lifecycle, there's no intervention. uni-systems ben carson now, our last 20 years of these days. things are going to require a change and improvement are the development teams have had that kind of history and experience. template what happens is you the development team, they launch and before the would you get past four years it's hard to go through the organization to see get to go back and fix something. with these technologies it's probably more so. >> not trying to put anybody on the spot but it strikes me beyond the oems are potential sources of threat and risk and harm and the people you're inviting in comp one of the reasons we have critical systems or noncritical system is one of threat vectors isn't in your circle already, i lovingly call it a government mandated backdoor. a lot of these aftermarket devices whether
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it's, kickstarter size companies, most of these vehicles have unfettered access to everything else. that may also be a source of vulnerability threat and we might want to factor in -- >> a good point. we been working with suppliers for a long time and we do that through safety requirements, through quality requirements and performance requirements. now we bring that into security requirements. then how do we test that and ensure that? we are also bringing in a new nontraditional supply. folks are doing connectivity. this people got the pipe between the human, the customer and the vehicle. so those are folks who
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are not typically thought of as automotive suppliers. so bringing them into the fold is also important. >> grat question. will we ever have a truly secure and safeguard, 100% cybersecurity . >> no rngs but that's what the focus on failure, readiness. all systems fail. are you able to notice them, avoid them, work with others can respond to them. >> i was at any moment in time yes. seconds, milliseconds.
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beyond that, now. >> jeff? >> i agree with josh. no such thing as 100% secure. >> can't engineer your way out of this? >> with no discipline. >> one thing we didn't address on this was privacy. we have a privacy principle that was created a year and a half ago. how does privacy play? there's so much data on the vehicle about her... >> i was just going to say what we did with the best practice, protecting privacy but it is included on this is a component. it's information specific type of information that you're trying to protect.
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the right balance. it's entirely possible the privacy advocates and cyber safety advocates may delight in this is a architecture choices that we have. i don't think it has to be a fight if we are not really aggressive in pushing through the discomfort historically, we have to talk about what we want as an industry. >> i have a slogan for you. you can't embarrass a corpse. >> not a blessed discounts the importance of privacy. in fact, if you want a piece of congress on monday or tuesday, germany, probably the most privacy conscious country on earth is now putting out mandates for a black box for vehicles. it doesn't have to be identical to airplanes but it's the most privacy sensitive conscious country on earth realize the importance of this. we have had a conversation. i'm willing to start helping that conversation.
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>> i'll relay the privacy aspect back to the best practices and cybersecurity posture. josh, you talked about the privacy aspects i believe that the side but data privacy law about the production of the data. cybersecurity best practices provide controls, not just to provide safety for the customer but also to keep their data private. it's the same controls that keep you safe, and those are all encompassing and best practices. so again not easy to attain but absolutely covered in the best practices so that we can learn from each other on how to do better. if we design for both we might get it right spirit our previous speaker said many times we will see more disruption in the next five years that we've seen for the last 50 years. i see more disruption with you all in the last two years, so thank you for your leadership to thank you for a great conversation think part of it and continued to push industry for. i look forward to coming back into your see how far we've gotten. so thank you very much. everyone give them a round of applause. [applause]
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a look at the u.s. capital today. watch the house live on c-span. in the senate lawmakers will elect the new leader for the 115 congress. later they will work on the bill and the revenue sharing and states in energy production. watch it live on c-span 2. join us later today when the chairman of the secretary of the energy advisory board will testify before a senate committee before the nuclear power in the u.s. and later president and ceo of the leadership conference on civil and human rights. you can see that live 6:00 p.m.
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eastern and also here on c-span3. tonight it's hillary clinton and the first public appearance since losing last week's election. she is being honored by the children's defense fund and that gets under way on the companion network c-span. timely tonight at the national book awards are taking place in new york city. the cameras are there and we will show you that on sunday on c-span 2 book tv. this weekend on american history tv on c-span3 saturday night lectures on history. >> the only difference in hunting down jews and burning black men at the stake at mississippi is that one is in couraged by the national government and one is just toll rarted by the national government. >> college profess er and then a
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1968 film on the blank panther founded 50 years ago. >> it's only fair that the police in our unity have security for the security of the business owner and community and also to see that the state is kept in tack. >> what ordinary reason earth was a little old lady doing there. she was 5 feet tall and a battle casualty at saratoga. what is going on here? >> and on american artifacts. >> they put you in with the wings cut down and then the second training flight would give you a more wing and little
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bigger engine and you would hop up and down the field. when you're ready for a big darks you talk to the instructor that's on the ground and then he would pat you on the shoulder and then you get in the airplane and make the first real solo flight by yourself. >> pilot powell takes us to o the tour of the aviation museum and home to one of the largest private collections of world one and two. for the complete of the american history tv schedule, go to now a discussion on the republican party and the trump presidency from today's washington journal, this is about 40 minutes. mark meadows is at the desk and a republican from north carolina and we want to start with the yesterday house gop elections. should this be read as a signal that you, your fellow conservatives have some concerns
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before the election about house republican leadership? is this a sign that you're fully behind if new leadership group and the 100 15th congress? >> well, the vase majority of americans want something to get done in the city. they're tired of the grid lock and tired of the fighting. i know for me it's all about trying to make sure that we return washington dc to the rightful owner of the american people. so for me it's what is important to the american people whether it's jobs, national security, fighting isis, immigration and it's -- we're focused on trying to make sure that we not only add avance that agenda but that we're ready. as you know, we have a few weeks before we take a break at christmas time, but we have got to hit the ground running. >> you're a well known member of the freedom caucus. do they aalign completely with
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the priorities that are expressed to you and the leadership? >> i think that the priorities have not changed and that is given a voice to millions of americans that feel like they're elected o if i recafficials hav forgotten them. my district and western north carolina maybe very different than brenda lawrences district and that's hearing from shortly. >> we appreciate it. it should not stop us from being able to find the common ground and i served on the committee with brenda, and we have looked at the issues that are important to to her people that she reps and some that are important to mine, and those do not always align, and just like in a gop conference, the priority may not align with the leadership, but
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it's upon me to not only try to find that common ground, but influence the leadership to know what is significant so that we can work on these pieces of legislation. >> station on the freedom caucus just for a minute and does do they hold formal election and where do those take place? >> well, those are happening after thanksgiving. we actually have nominated new board members and we have four new board members that are elected in november and then from there a share man is going to to come out of that and we have created two new positions and we actually will know the votes of of the members and where they are on a particular item. so becoming a little bit more focused and o official. >> you i know that you expressed the interest in the past of running the freedom caucus and if jim jordan is going to step down, where does that stand?
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>> well, we met last night and discussed some things and if he decides to stayen o, he will have 110 percent of the support and backing. i will tell you that the decisions have not been made and it's not something that we have taken to the members at this point. those are made in november. there's a lot of speculation on will he stay on and will i step up? it's really about who can best serve as a voice for the rest of the caucus and bring us all toe together. i think that the strategy has shifted to a policy driven focus and what we have before and how we advance that and make sure that in this new administration that we work with them. >> i want to talk about the new administration and letting the viewers know that the phone lines are open. our guest until about 8:20 this
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morning. you can start to dial in now, and congress meadows you talk about the new administration and do the goals and policies of the freedom caucus align with those that you're hearing and week after the election and the trump administration? >> well, some of them do. obviously the job security and order security and national security and all of those things are important and helping the veterans and making sure that we have the robust veterans add aminute administration that actually fulfills the promises to o the men and woman and all of those align very closely. what about holding the line on debt and deficit. >> there's a lot that's been talked about that and really when we start to get an kbhi, some of them are easier to address. certainly deficit spending is
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not something that the members of the freedom caucus would support. it's like a mortgage that you have on the home. if we know that we have a plan to get to pay off that debt, we're willing to make some tough decisions in the short run to make sure that on the back end of that that we're fphysically sound and do what's right on our children and grandchildren. >> yeah raising the debt ceiling that was a fight so many times. >> yeah there's not an opposition to raising the dekt ceiling if there's a plan. one of the concerns is that we continue to raise a debt ceiling and getting back it's like having a 30 year mortgage and then saying now i have a 40 year mortgage and then a 50 year mortgage and you're never making the payments to pay it down. if we have a plan to pay it down, we have understand that the deficit and the dekt ceiling is going to increase in the
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short run to hopefully bring in better sound and physical property. >> getting you some calls and it's new port, florida. good morning. >> hi, good morning. how are you all this morning? >> good. >> caller: there's so much because there's so much going on lately and c-span is wonderful. i mean i just can't get over how wonderful you guys are. first of all i would like to say something in my opening remark about last year or this year rather before the election when caucus -- i'm forgetting which one shut down the house and had like the telephone and the private telephone with nancy pelosi. was it the black caucus that did that and shut it down and paul ryan addressed that? >> are you talk about the sit in on the floor of the house over the gun issues? >> caller: yes. yes. we saw that and watched it on
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c-span, and can you address something like that ever happening again? that whole scenario seems bazaar and since you're on the transportation, the situation regarding building the wall and all of that, i watched on c-span about the week long program that they did on immigration issues, can't we tax that huge incoming infrastructure done there a little bit more to pay for the wall when they come over through that area? i mean it's huge and the trucks daily that come through the area, and i will hang up and listen. >> she was referring to the segment that we did in laredo. >> well anne, thank you so much. as you mentioned there's an unbelievable amount of trade that comes across the southern border. people -- i vann addressing that from a visa and national
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security standpoint and was surprised to see 82 million in different transfers back and forth across the southern border on an annual basis. it's an amount and as we look at that, part of what he is talking about and in the negotiation is looking at whether the components are there. whether there's a tax on that, obviously those are many times the imported goods and coming to the united states and manufactured in mexico and so i don't want to pretend to speak on behalf of the administration coming in as they look at that, and i know that he is committed to negotiating. it's not just with the regards to the border security wall. as we start to look at some of the components, how do we pay for that? i know a number of us are willing to look at money right
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away to start to see the construction. i think the american people want to see something happen the second part was the sit in and as some say the lack of initiatives on gun control in light of of what the horrific events in orlando. i can tell you that it was a violation of the house rules as we start to to see that. there are some fundraising off of that and you will see the results of those that are fundraising off of that.
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even making phone calls i can't do that in my office even if campaign related because it violating the ethics as we start to look at that and so i think some of that is going to be addressed and we have the additional rules that we're passing here shortly, and i know that speaker ryan has worked with some of the colleagues on the other side of the aisle to strengthen some of those to make sure that the house is followed in the way that it should be. thanks for asking the question. >> before we do that, we're getting further i away from the sit in. when do you expect them to come down before the end? >> well, you would think if you're going address it and some of the people are leaving and so in this anything that would have to be addressed would need to be
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in the congress. any congress convinces would have to be addressed in the next 30 days. and that's the person of the vote and then the pribs were successful and winning the general election. the last two four elections have been zolen by the corruption and it's just going on and on within the elections. i don't feel -- i don't feel like, you know, my vote has been stolen twice in the last 16 years, and that's not right. it's not fair. >> what does that mean?
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are you talking about when you go to the polling place in selma? >> no, it's just the vote is rigged and the people don't feel -- that's where the people are protesting because people feel that the vote is stolen. the people is just -- the election was stolen by the republicans. >> i got the point and what do you say to that concerned, rigged and stolen? >> well, i think making sure that we have proper voting and to be able to do that is key obviously the integrity of our voting system is key and don't confuse having lost an election with fraud. i mean the fact that you were able to go and vote, i aplaued you for doing that. i was in selma north carolina and in your area that was about seven to eight hours that i
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live. there were 20,000 people and cars parked along the side of the road and in a place that i could not imagine there would have been that many people showing up. as we look at that, all of o us need to stand up whether we're democrat or republican against voter fraud and let at the same time what i have found is that many people do not exercise the privilege in north carolina for an example and 68 percent of the people were registered voters. so when you look at that, you still have a good 32 percent of people that could have shown up and made a difference that did not, and so it's more apathy than voter fraud. >> john, is democrat. good morning. >> caller: good morning. if you have a pencil or something that you can jot this down and i am hoping to get the respns to both of these and i would like to mention something about the last caller.
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my first question comment is about you just get the feelings on -- i read that trump was president-elect trump was going to put his business interest and he has more business interest than any president that we have had and put them in the hands of his children and he feels that's as good as a bland trust and that's bazaar. now it sounds like he is asking for security clearance for the two oldest sons. you have to wonder why number one and then number two is so the people that are responsible for the profits and the company and then they're also going to have access to the most secure information that we have about global and national information. that's the first thing. just wanted to get the feelings on that and the potential for the scandal. the second thing is that you frequently use the term this is
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what the americans want. americans clearly want this, and it's important to realize that many studies have looked at it and shown in congress that you're apart of, there's no statistical and what legislation passes. an easy example for instance is the current state of marijuana and you can list dozens and dozens and into the last caller i don't think that he was talking about fraud as efs -- people it this way. people in wyoming get three electoral votes and each one respects 165,000 people and in california each vote represents 700,000 people. people in wyoming each voter
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like that voter, their vote has three and a half times the purchasing power so to speak and it's that kind of thing that i was talking about rigged. you just need to understand and acknowledge that's the case. >> all right. >> so thank you for the comments. obviously those are insightful analysis. let me hit the second one first and then i will come back to the blind trust and then work on that. the college aspect of that and if indeed every year that we have an election and every four years, you know the people say that we need to get rid of it and we need to go straight with the poplar vote. if we did that and taken the same analogy, the campaigning would happen in three states and in california, new york and texas. the rest of the country perhaps
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would be left out of all of that. so as we look at it and there's a lot of campaigning and probably ten to 12 swing states as we saw the election come to a close and so even more problematic than that is even the campaign gets into some population centers around new york city and perhaps around chicago and illinois if you add that in and then around los angeles. you see the mega urban centers and so that's not really representative of the country as a whole. it's the best that we have to make sure that there's a voice and as we see that if you look at a map and you can see what states voted for what, you can see that this election from a poplar vote standpoint and
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hillary clinton right now is leading in the poplar vote if you look at the areas that she won across the state, it's very different and very ailluminating in the terms of where the votes came from. i think that it's important that every state and every citizen has it. your point is a valid one and making sure that's fair in terms of that representation. let me get back to to blind trust and business. i had the invest in my business and the interest that there was some potential conflict of interest and so putting assets and running a company in a blind trust is something that not only president-elect frump has
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committed to do, but it's difficult because he has such vase holdings in giving those to his children, but it's not just there. there's a whole lot of accountability in terms of the el ethics requirements and the quarter that we're filling out. i can tell you that there's a number of watchdog groups conservative and liberal that kind of weigh in on any potential conflicts as it relates to being insider trading and all of that. we have to make sure that we hold that and indeed a blind trust is tough because he has so much knowledge of what is going on. the longer that he is in office, the less that he will know about the actual internal runnings of of that as the children have that. >> well it is now. for examples i could turn it
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over to my children or my wife in term os of a business that i had. there's still some ethical and really strong walls that come up between that. if i'm making the decisions and it's just in my wife's name or children's name, for paper work, they fraudulent on that and it's not just a paper transaction as you mentioned on the blind trust. the it's truly that he is going to have to invest himself of the decision making. i tacked to president-elect trump before he was elected. he is committed. the interview the other night of not taking a salary speaks to the heart that who he is. that's going to serve the country in the best way that he can. >> let's go to silver spring,
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maryland. joseph is a republican. good morning. joseph, you with us? >> caller: yes. i was listening to the previous caller and the one that say that is it's fraud, i think that a lot of the public need to be educated on this voting process. if your candidate lost, you do not have to go and protest. first of all, i don't know why f they're protesting and also the electoral map is really good. it has to know what state by state and how they're feeling with the previous economy. my question is how the congress going to walk through --
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>> i thought you were done joseph? >> joseph, at what it's going to require is that we hit the ground running. i mentioned that earlier and then to take the four or five priorities and make sure that we're ready for that and then very passionate on both sides of the issues. we're working right now in this congress to do the work and committee so that in the first couple of weeks when we come back, we can play and put before the house not only a repealing vote, but certainly a replacement vote as well and then as we look at that, give it to the senate we're actually working on a budget now to provide a tool to allow a lower tles nold the senate and we do not run into a issue in the senate and then you're going see
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a whole lot of front end work to do that and i think the first 100 days are going to be the most productive 100 days that we have seen in the modern history. when we get beyond that, that's where the differences come and how you tackle that and strategically make that work. i do believe that there's a lot of interest in a real way for those that did not vote for trump in congress and to get the government going and i for one am committed to working in the halls of congress to make sure that we have a good plan in moving forward. thank you for the comments on the college and how that works as well. >> jill is democrat and good morning. >> caller: good morning. my question for the representative is how are you
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going to pay for it? you keep on talking about raising the depth ceiling, but no -- and all of these policies. how are we going to pay for wall and i'm so tired of well we're going to have to reach across the aisle. be specific in how we're going to pay for all of these policies? >> jill, thank you so much. a lot of people talk in general and let me be specific as we look at the transportation and infrastructure needs. i can speak to that before because that's on one of the subcommittees and as i have looked at that and it's been a conversation that actually i have had with john of maryland who is democrat and he and i have talked and it came in at the same time four years ago and we talked about an
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infrastructure bank and whether we do that or not and some of the payment there on infrastructure and can be looked at in terms of the that are abr. now again, i don't want to suggest that i'm setting national policy here on c-span this morning but you asked for a specific and here's one of the ideas that we can do is, we can look at the 2.4, 2.5 trillion, some suggest it's even more than that, $2.4 trillion that are abroad in foreign earnings that actually are being invested there an provide a vehicle for those to come back either at a much reduced or some suggested a zero tax just to get them pack here in the united states. offer that as a vehicle to provide a stimulus which boo be the largest stimulus that we've ever seen in terms of an economic boom and have that work
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where it's invested back in infrastructure. whether it's invested in infrastructure or other capital improvements is a decision that will be made by the president-elect and vice president-elect and their cabinet, and then confirmed by senate and congress, but as i say that, that's one of the specific areas that we have that. i know president-elect trump has talked about the wall, and doing that in terms of either a transportation tariff as it comes across that southern border that one of the previous callers talked about. all of that will have to be debated, but there are vehicles other than just increasing taxes to pay for all that, and the final thing is this. when we get back to a 4% gdp growth, which would be a healthy but robust economic growth, what we'll see is tax revenues go up. we've seen that throughout history that, as the economy
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gets rolling, we will see additional dollars that will come in just under the normal cost or rates that we have right now, and so as we look at that, it will provide a little bit of relief in some of those areas that have been very, very tough to try to stretch that dollar, but it's a great question and i think the devil is in the detail, and certainly i'm one that policy wonk i get in the weeds on how we do that, but we'll be debating that in the first 90 days for sure on how we pay for all that, but thanks for calling. >> as these policies get put into place, a lot of focus will be on the people that donald trump picks to surround himself with and implements these policies. i'm sure you saw harry reid yesterday on the senate floor, his comments about donald trump's newly named chief political adviser, steve bannon. here's the story in today's
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"washington post," decrying bannon's descent, hoping to keep a seat at the table with donald trump. do you know steve bannon personally? >> i do. i know him personally. we don't have a very long relationship which i find is interesting. one of the things, john, that i can say is, i serve on the foreign affairs committee. i serve on the middle east subcommittee. the reason that i asked for that is my love for israel, and the jewish people. i mean, so when you look at where i am in terms of my particular point of view, i'll be speaking in new york on anti-semitism and the rise of it in our world and how we need to not only condemn that, but how we need to fight that, and so some of the comments that have been made about steve bannon don't represent who he is as an individual, and i think that that's one of the travesties that any pick that you're going to get over the next 30 days is
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going to be met with resistance. steve bannon personally -- >> how did you get to know him? >> really more on the campaign trail than anything else. north carolina was a key state, so we had numerous visits to north carolina across the state. i mentioned we were there in selma with donald trump and his team, but here's an individual who is not only more soft-spoken and analytical in the way that he does that, but really brings out the best in those people around him, and so i think that that's been the fascinating thing for me is just to see that the way that they worked on the team, when you have reince priebus and steve bannon willing to work together and complement each other behind their back, you know, when the cameras weren't rolling and the reporters weren't there, i think it makes for a great team and what we sometimes do is look at the diversity of opinion and
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start to criticize that. racism, those kind of things that are being alleged in many of the headlines have no place in any administration. i know that steve bannon would agree with me on that. >> just a couple minutes left with congressman mark meadows of north carolina. glenn's been waiting in union, washington, a republican. glenn, good morning. >> good morning, and thanks for taking the call, thanks for c-span. i have a couple quick comments to make and then i have two quick questions for the representative. >> may not be able to get them all. can you pick one for us, glenn? >> first i just want to say basically i hope that the republican congress on my side of the aisle doesn't blow it as bad as during george w. bush's term pamsed on $8 trillion to the next president, went to war, grew government more than clinton, et cetera. the questions i have are, i looked up president-elect trump's voting, i mean tax plan and i voted for trump, and was supporting him early on, but i see from my tax bracket of $100,000 a year, i get a 3%
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reduction in taxes, 3% from 28 down to 25. i think that's terrible. i'd also like to ask the congressman about the paul ryan speakership. you know, if you go online and you go to, there's an article that says basically 76% of all democrats support paul ryan, only 34% of republicans support him, so i'd like to ask the representative, you know, put him on the hot seat, do you support speaker ryan? and -- >> glenn, thanks for putting me on the hot seat as this last question. obviously yesterday paul ryan was nominated by our republican conference, and i think that the key is, as long as paul ryan's agenda is that of the american people and really wanting to make sure that those agendas are first and foremost, which he has articulated and supported, then certainly i'm going to support our leadership in that.
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the minute that it goes a different direction, the minute that we're in a situation where it's not supporting those things that are important to you there in washington or anybody else, the moms and dads, aunts and uncles across the country, we need to make sure that we keep our focus there, so you're right, that we also need to make sure that, as we look at this, that we don't grow government and we don't fumble the football. i think it time that we bring it into the end zone and make sure that we hold the government accountable to the american people, and i'm not sure what the other question was focused on that. i've run out of time >> that's okay but nice of that caller to bring our conversation fullsirkle this morning. korngman mark meadows, north carolina, always appreciate your time on "washington journal." >> great to be with you. >> a look at the u.s. capitol where the house and senate are in session today. the house will start legislative work at noon eastern. among today's bills is one dealing with the export of
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commercial airplanes to iran. watch the house live on c-span. in the senate, lawmakers are electing their party leadership for the 115th congress. reports are mitch mcconnell has been reelected majority leader and chuck schumer will take over for retiring harry reid to lead the democrats. later today, the senate will work on a bill establishing revenue sharing for states involved in energy production. watch the senate live on c-spc-span. later today, john deutsche the chairman of the secretary of energy advisory board and other nuclear physicists will testify on the future of nuclear power in the u.s. live coverage of that starts at 2:30 p.m. eastern here on c-span3. and later, u.s. senator cory booker will be interviewed by wade henderson, president and ceo of the leadership conference on civil and human rights. you can see that live at 6:00 p.m. eastern also here on c-span3. tonight, it's hillary clinton in her first public appearance
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since losing last week's presidential election. she's being honored by the children's defense fund and that gets under way live at 8:00 eastern on our companion network, c-span2. finally tonight the national book awards are taking place in new york city. hosted by comedy central's larry wilmore. our cameras are there and we'll show you the event this sunday at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span2's book tv. see pant's "washington journal" live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up this morning, government reform subcommittee chair congressman mark meadows will be on to talk about the election of donald trump, what it means for the republican party, key issues in the lame duck session, and the republican house agenda. and then government reform subcommittee ranking member congresswoman brenda lawrence will talk about michigan's role in campaign 2016 and the prospects for more hillary clinton-related hearings. also, pacific standard contributor katherine miles will
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talk about food inspection and why food-borne illness is hard to control. be sure to watch c-span's "washington journal" live at 7:00 eastern this morning. join the discussion. now health care providers and government officials call for renewed recommendations into the quality and timeliness of health care services provided to veterans through the va system. the alliance for health reform hosted this briefing in washington, d.c. this is about an hour and 35 minutes. >> hello everyone, we're going to get started. i'm marilyn serafii with the
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alints for health reform. on behalf of our on area cochairman senators blunt and carden i'd like to welcome you to today's briefing on veterans health care. the veterans choice act became law in 2014 creating a pathway for some veterans to receive some of their health care through the private sector. there's been a debate how best to deliver health care to veterans for some time and the last two years have provided some experience to consider as policymakers here in washington stye how to proceed going forward. today our speakers are going to help us to understand the complex system through which veterans receive their care and how that is changing given the unique needs of veterans. i'd like to thank our sponsor for today's event ascension health and i'm requesting to turn over the mike for a few
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minutes to mark hayes. >> very brief, i want to thank you all for coming to this important briefing on a very important issue, attention is pleased to be a sponsor of this briefing because the care for our nation's veterans is so important and it's this issue that combines veterans issues and health care issues so it's a great issue for the offices to meet because sometimes we don't always interact. it is a great opportunity, we have a great panel this morning. ascension is the largest nonprofit health system in the united states and the largest catholic system in the world. we participate in the veterans choice program because we see caring for our nation's veterans, those who have served alongside the va as something that is very central to our mission.
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we are very pleased to participate in the program and are looking forward to what we'll learn this morning. thank you all for being here. >> thank you, mark. so if you are following at home on cspan, you are welcome also to follow and of course those here in the room, you're welcome to follow and participate in a twitter conversation. the hashtag is veterans health. you can also use twitter to post questions to the panelists after each of them speaks. after we go through the line of all of them speaking, we will turn to your questions. and you'll be able to ask questions in several different ways. you can pose your questions via twitter. again hab #veteranshealth. we have two microphones in the room. and you also in your packets
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have a green card and you are welcome to write your questions on the green card. and our staff will be around to pick those up and they'll bring them here to me and i'll present those questions to the panelists. also, if you are not with us here in the room today, you can find the speaker's presentations and also other resources at our website, i'm going to introduce our panelists today. we have sherman gillam jr. executive director of the paralyzed veterans of america. he served our country in the marines for over a decade. after 9/11, as he was preparing to deploy for afghanistan, sherman sustained a cervical spine injury that ended his military career. since then, he served his fellow veterans through his work at the paralyzed veterans of america. so thank you,er isman, for your service to our country. next we have dr. yahia, the deputy undersecretary for health
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for community care at the veterans health administration. before joining the va, he was a leading expert in hiv medicine at the university of pennsylvania. david mcintyre jr. is president and ceo of triwest healthcare alliance, which he founded in 1996. carrie farmer is an associate director for the behavioral and policy social -- excuse me, sciences department at the rand corporation. her areas of research include access to and quality of behavioral healthcare for military service members and veterans, as well as treatment and recovery from traumatic brain injuries. and finally, we have john kerndal, he is senior vice president and operations chief financial officer for lifepoint health. he oversees operation support and planning departments that provide direct assistance to
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lifepoint's hospitals and providers. so we're going to start off first with sherman gillams so i turn it over to you. >> thank you, marilyn. i'm playing with the clicker here. good afternoon, everyone. these pictures show me at the book ends of my military career. 17-year-old private first class that became the 29-year-old commission officer you see on the slide. at that time i didn't know much about being a veteran meant, nor did i really care. i never set foot in a va medical center, much less received care from a va provider. any opinion i'd had of the va healthcare system would have been based on secondhand knowledge, outright opinion at worst. our problem today is we have too many in government who share the same lack of informed insight. yet insist they know what's best for veterans in terms of delivering healthcare.
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hopefully we'll change that in this forum today. and here's why. because this happens. car accidents. training mishaps, combat injuries, illnesses and other afflictions inherent to the hazards of military service. this was my car after i was extricated from the vehicle 14 years ago. follow up was an emergency spine surgery, three days of intubation, 11 more daze of intensive care until i stabilized and my very first contact with the va medical center. where i started my rehabilitation journey. there was virtually no decision that was my own. my life was in the hands and judgment of others. the same is true of those
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service members who will suffer similar fates in the future as well as veterans today who have seen war and profound mental and physical hardship. so here are the questions. what will the va of the future look like for them? what will change? will it be better or worse. more importantly, who will decide? will that decision be wholly based on public outrage and reaction to isolated incidents? will political pundits and decision makers look beyond statistic and headlines and at least have set foot in several va hospitals and spoken with numerous veterans to inform their thinking? so this is me now. a by product of va healthcare. one of many who have filtered through the system, seen first-hand what needs to improve. there are things that need to improve. and know by experience what makes it unique, a veteran
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centric healthcare that cannot easily be replicated in the private sectors. the version of me has used tricare and urgent care centers when a va wasn't readily available. the providers were competent and compassionate and responsive to my needs. but there was a disconnect that was stark. for example, have to recall as much of my relevant medical history as i could while fighting a debilitating fever due to an infection because my records weren't available. i'd be left sitting in a waiting room as just another guy in a wheelchair who needed medical care. after the episode of care while still dealing with what ailed me i'd have to drive myself to the nearest drugstore hoping it carries my prescription. more than one instance i had to wait for the medication because it was out of stock. this is what non-veteran centric fragmented healthcare looks like when taken out of the abstract
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for the veterans who will be impacted. let's take a look who will be impacted today and in the future. as va health care evolves. for most, getting dental care eeye glasses, hearing aids, x-rays, urgent and emergency care in a more timely manner is a good thing. let's not underestimate what that means for the men and women in my circumstances or worse. you see the numbers on the slide. to me they're not just statistics. these are veterans whose quality of life is a matter of life and death in many cases for the rest of their lives. here's a problem for those who advocate for complete privatization, yet agree that va should retain the function of providing specialized services. i keep hearing them say that va can do what it does best and privatize the rest. that will not work. and here's why. having a spinal cord injury
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or poly trauma doesn't mean that i won't get cancer, have a heart attack, develop diabetes or suffer depression and need what's referred to as tertiary care. which augments and sustains those specialized services that va does well. within the va system veterans access those services oncology, surgery, neurology and are still closely followed by a specialized care team because of the interdisciplinary framework that's unique to va. that's why you cannot separate them. specialized services should demand tertiary services be driven completely to the private sector. so with this busy slide in front of you, we'll turn to the discussion on the attributes that make va health care unique based on my 14-year experience as a user of their health care, that's my focus here today. the e
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