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tv   Oral Histories  CSPAN  December 3, 2016 11:05pm-12:01am EST

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to come. grant was the last american president to hold those kind of views. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's q&a. >> on december 7, 1941, japanese planes attacked the u.s. pacific hawaii. pearl harbor, almost 2400 americans were 1200 wounded.ost the next day, president franklin before a appeared joint session of congress to a declaration of war against japan. this year marks the anniversary the u.s. pearl harbor attack. from pearl hear harbor survivors who were on board the u.s.s. arizona during the attack. serviceonal park histories.hese oral >> helen took me up, met the admiral, met the captain.
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i had the job, onerous job of inventorying all uniforms,ts, belts, the whole bit. we were doing that in the evening, down in the double, very not air conditioned in those today.r even and finally, after some hours of that, allen chaplin said, well, let's go to the club and have a beer. and i said, fine. and we did. and he ran into a bunch of his, who hemates of knew, but i didn't know any of a tennessee been marine. but anyway, they said, hey, it's, come on and join me, my birthday. and he did. and after he got into the spirit the party, the birthday party, he told me to go on home
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wife in waikiki and join sundaythe morning, morning, and we'd finish it then. i said fine. i thought it was a great idea. caught a cab and went home to my bride in waikiki. was not morning, there arizona to join him on. >> living next door to me was a commander, who was assigned to the fleet weather in pearl. and he got a call to get his to his -- you know, his battle station. and he knocked on my door. come on. i came out. i could see the flak over pearl harbor. and so i got in touch with some shipmates and we got a cab and went straight on to pearl. at the landing, we could see burning and there was actually a japanese torpedo that
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made a run and beached itself up on the land. there.was lying past the were coming would callhe captain out, i'll take you to any ship, any ship. the arizona. to i went to ford island. and i ended up in a bomb shelter, up in the north end of ford island, near -- quite near actually.a wasuse the second wave hitting the place. in the bomb shelter, chaply, the chap i had relieved. from theum ashore arizona and with him were about 14 other marines. ididn't know any of them, as say. i remember one was named
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nightingale. we hunkered down until all clear was sounded. hads convinced that someone me up there by the hand, because i had intended to be aboard that ship. my wife i was not coming and just because chaply wanted a beer, that did save my life. i think they were just carrying well.eir orders as they, from a military point of view, did a superb job. they were pros. and we were not prepared, unfortunately. they knew exactly what they were doing. it tennessee, i mentioned, got two hits. centerline hits. through the top, one number two.r gun of
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they were good. >> last week, we were out there, just before the attack, submarines, following us all the time. we knew they were subs. and they'd -- they wouldn't surface during the day, but at they'd surface. they'd pick them up and they would immediately submerge. to them send messages on the radio, on the international frequencies. answer.ld not so we knew they were jap subs. it worked this one battle force would be in, the other would be out. battle force, division one, was the one force. the other battleship, division four, were the other ones. and they would go out. we were coming in on friday, december 5. coming out. so we're flying in. when they -- in
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we'd fly in. somewhere. anyway, the other force wasn't coming out. and i asked, i said, hey, what's the matter with the other battle force? they're not coming out. he said, well, they've decided harbore them all in the and send out the faster cruiser, scouting for us. well, why? he said, well, if we go to war, he says things are touch and go, they figure the only isng that will happen here some hit-and-run raids at night, from submarines. and they can't hurt the wagons inside. we're not fastre, enough to outrun them. so that's the thinking, of inside.them well, that satisfied me. we put our airplanes over on them overd, beached there. and then went back aboard the
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ship. coming overe been to operate at ford island the next week. next week, asno far as the arizona went. we were parked where the right now. and everything was pretty except the vessel, the side ofhip, was along us, because we needed work. we were to let our fires die take our power from the vessel and start monday morning. supposed to be working on the ship. and then we went out on saturday. day...ll, the next we got hit. after breakfast. just before 8:00. bought some christmas cards the day before. we were gonna -- several of us go down and gonna
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write christmas cards, send christmas cards. get them ready to send. a -- i i gotta go get put a bath towel around my neck, had my toilet gear in my hand. going to get a bath. these explosions. what's going on? on ford're blasting island, somebody said. i said, huh-uh. they don't -- they were building a lot of construction. they don't work on sundays. i says, somebody -- there was a of bombs laying around, because they were putting pby's, a possible chance to go out and attack those subs. they had thesend charges that looked like the old off the destroyer, but they had them hooked up. idiot probably kicked one of them fuses over up, sond blew the hangar they didn't get our airplanes.
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let's take a look. one deckp, top side, up. island, big fires. and lots of smoke. an airplane or two flying around up there. bell,didn't ring a because airplanes -- we see airplanes all the time. but then we turned around, looked up the harbor. comes -- we saw a couple airplanes. and one of them, i said, oh, the today, on sunday. then i saw that it was a torpedo torpedo.rrying a i said -- two guys with me. i said, hey! the army ain't got no torpedo planes. that plane's got a fish under it. and just then they dropped the torpedo and i think it hit the oklahoma. us.ships ahead of but then they swung over, they come back over the arizona. weswest virginia.
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you could see the old guns winking at you. down! so we got down. about three feet, four or five shots. the air raid.ded they said all engaged personnel, go to the third deck. well, theoretically, i'm unengaged. have an actual air raid station. so i've got to go down to the third deck and wait for where to go? we headed for the third deck. we got -- we started to go down the ladder to the third deck. well, we do have a general station. then also fire at the i said to them, them two guys ahead of me, come back up here, we've got a battle station, general quarters. up.rn around, come back a marine lieutenant says, get
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back down there! i'm going to my battle station. there!, get back down there won't be any panic on this ship. i said, i'm not panicking, i'm going to my battle station. i just went to my battle station. him well, i guess i moved out of the way. but the other two guys were in front of me, going down the ladder. they didn't get back up. they're still out there. it, glanced hit off, went down through the quarterdeck. blowire was down the deck but it looked like a blowtorch, coming out of the hole that the went in. we were out there, trying to get apparatus yelling at the guy, get us some pressure! on the phone, trying to get it. nobody answers. few drops coming out the stupid hose. then we got hit four, five times. time we got hit, seemed it would knock us
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then we'd get back up again. get hit again. we got that big bomb down. and when the forward magazines feel the shipd just raise out of the water, like that, see, just like a bronco. and then that big fireball come rolling back. dropped my nozzle. and i remember this. i still have my towel up around neck, because i didn't want to lose my towel. it.d a knot in and i didn't have a hat on. i decked my head. i turned my back, as quick as i could, and that fireball hit, just like swoosh! i didn't feel anything until i water.the and i mean, i was down in the water, deep. and i fought to get to the surface. and i saw that i could still see
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looked back at the ship. i'm in the water, maybe 20, 30 feet off the ship. and i looked back up. couldn't see a living person on the ship. not one. course, the ship is up here, and you're down here. i couldn't see anybody. says, i'm not going back aboard, because there's no use. water.oil on the and they had fire on the water, up forward. are looking forward. you could see fire, like this. the wind was blowing the fire forward, which is good. idea didn't realize the of... it was fairly close. so i struck out for the nevada. and there were several guys swimming toward the nevada, she was tied up. and, well, two or three of them just gave up. nobody's in a position really to anybody, because you're out there in the water and you've
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you'rer shoes on, and just swimming for yourself. three of us actually got over to ores.e boat, with the and i was too weak to get in. it for,g on the side of oh, maybe a half minute or more. strength back and threw a leg over. pulled myself into the whale boat. almost a down, floating dry dock down there. and the second weave of japs hit. they hit hard. they concentrate on her pretty was -- she washe heading out. so they hit her bad. a bomb hit up got forward. and it knocked us all askew there. and i thought i was looking -- i air,ht i was in the looking down at the ship, because i could see these big stuff. nets and looking right up at me. then when i realized i'm on the deck, the deck just peeled up like this, when that bomb hit up
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there. was normally down here was up here like this, and i was looking at it like that, because fire, in a lot of places. well, they had a lot of wounded. good where i any was, so i went out, started helping getting the wounded guys life rafts to get them headed over to the hospital over there, toward the navy hospital, yard.vy and i got down there. then they passed the word for fighteed some men back to fires. went back there. we fought fires. mattress in the water, soak it, put it on your back, go up there on the boat deck where the fires were, throw that on it, thenn, stomp run back down, get another mattress. trips, two two ladders, i'm worn out, because see.had it, carrying stupid, heavy mattresses. i stepped over guys that were laying there. arms blown off, heads blown off, everything else.
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a state thatsuch it didn't seem to bother me. so tired that i just -- i had to get out of the too weak to i was carry a mattress up top side anymore. a prettyl you, i was sturdy young man. but it had been quite a day. blacksmith shop. and i went over in the corner and laid down. all i wanted to do was sleep. i was just worn out, completely. you ever really had fatigue, you know what i'm talking about. but -- and i went to sleep. and then a couple guys are shaking me. see they're -- they said, are you all right? i said i'm okay. alone.e let me sleep. i'm okay. one guy says, he's hurt, he's bleeding! a man said, how come you're all oil-soaked? said i'm off the arizona. he said we better get you to
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sick barracks. started moving me. i hurt bad when they started do you have morphine? they gave me a shot of morphine. putting a nice warm blast over you. i didn't hurt anymore. then they said, well, we've got no place in sick bay. so they put me on a motor launch headed for -- they hauled me to the hospital ship. down.went back they were over there. i was going down the battleships. here's the california sinking. and here's the oklahoma. capsized. here's the west virginia, burnt, sinking, sunk. behind her, the arizona is in a shambles. god, there's our battle fleet. the remember this much, on hospital ship, though. it must have been hours later, laying there, half asleep, asleep probably. up.body woke me
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and, here, drink this. shoved a tube thing in my mouth, soup, see. i looked at the guy. he's oriental. they'veought, oh, god, captured us, see? and i said, get the hell away me! i knocked the things out of his hands. so-and-sorom me, you jap! someone said, hey, hey, he's one okay, he's okay, see. so they brought me another. hungry.s awful and i sucked that soup completely down, through busted blistered lips. but i drank all the soup they had anyway. number ofn quite a days on the hospital ship. oof course, i didn't feel too see guys in the bunks next to me that were and i wasn't dying. >> i was asked if i wanted on a battleship. i thought that would be an ideal place, a nice, big ship in the
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pacific. so i took that assignment. the marined detachment, in long beach, december '41. 7 watch beforet breakfast. i was with the admiral. i got off and had breakfast. cleaned up. i was going to have liberty. i felt, athing that thumps on the -- it felt like it was on the ship. not real sharp but evidently, those were bombs or something going off on ford island, being transferred by water probably. but my thought was, it was a water barge bumping. they used to come every day and give us fresh water. i heard a message.
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cover or, take something like that. and then three or four seconds later, i picked my speed up back there,t because we mustered just for a second or so before we go to quarters. i'm standing forward. just looking, more or less, with these headphones and when theo the guns, ship blew. thewhen the ship blew, force of that ship, it just like that. it was so great that your knees buckled. and forced you right to the floor. theall of us was forced to floor with that. you couldn't possibly stand up. it was that great. and then it started doing this. vibration from up there, and then the extra whip, because of
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then it would go faster, faster, faster. hoffman human ball, just eight or ten of us, hanging on to each other, on the deck, when it quit doing that. up, checked each other out. nobody was hurt. glasswasn't any of the broke, up there in that -- i don't know how thick that glass was. it wasn't broke. we look down and it's just a white furnace in front of us. just complete destruction. it was -- you just couldn't imagine that heat and the stuff i seen before my knees buckled. the sky.p in i don't know how high it went. and it seemed like, in just a few minutes, we just observed more. the oklahoma. i watched the oklahoma go over
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like a wounded whale, went over the side. and the men was coming off -- and thenlifeline walking on the side of the ship and walking near the bottom. evidently they massed bottom in the channel. didn't roll any farther. and there was men just all on the side of that oklahoma. these other men, from the fore part of the ship, i could edge of theough the fire and the smoke, trying to go that line that had been vessel.o them by the and i seen them go down like circus people, down that line. seen people trying to jump from up in there, either from someplace. and it seemed like they would andg and they would go out, then like they're gonna try to land in the water and then they this angle, out to the
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ofer edge of the curb jumping. the fire and the heat seemed to suck them right in. and they never did hit the water. they went right into the fire. the galley deck. here's some of the cooks down in there that i recognized. do you recognize the men by his physique or his voice? clothes on. charred, burnt black, standing there. they wouldn't live long. in one big cook, that used to cook our early breakfast for us, i was on the marine well boat team for the ship. to cook breakfast for us. when we'd go up to exercise, and stood, with one leg on, one leg off. bleeding. and he didn't live. burned people on that deck lived.
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quarterdeck, or on the quarterdeck. sat over to the edge and down. i was attempting to take my shoes off. to take mying shoes off. remember i'm in the water swimming. swamd high top shoes, so i ashore with issues on and my trousers and my teacher. -- t-shirt. instead of swimming, you didn't dare go that way. it was all fire. was, fire so we swam this way. out and then in. and we would go down and make more time underwater for a short while. and then the major
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would begin with commands, like how well -- and it was encouraging to hang in there. and we did. for years it was a guilt feeling. alive-- how did i stay and all of those good guys died? and that come up a lot. i was afraid to talk about it for a long time. for the last 25-30 years i have volunteered to give speeches at a lot of different places, clubs, and whenever i could. i just keep abreast at what happened here at pearl harbor. i tell them, this is going to be a hard story, for someone to tell you about defeat.
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mindll think to me in my there was a water tower on the island that they bombed and i saw it. donald: i knew it was no drill. when the planes came in and dropped torpedoes on the battleship. and they had the dive bombers. and they had horizontal bombers up there with the aircraft. you could see the gun bursts. i had seen the nevada get hit, the oklahoma capsized. all from up there. and a a big explosion fireball and everything it engulfed us up there. we were trying to get behind someplace, do something, we were burning alive. ,fter the initial explosion
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came down, but the decks were so hot you could not touch of them. you cannot lean up against the boat. you do not say anything when you are burned as bad as we were. you are trying to get place - -t- to a comfortable place. somehow we survived. trying to keep still surviving. herbert: my battle station was changed from the distribution room to the after repair party, which is what saved my life, because if i had to be on the distribution gang, i would still be there. the chief petty officer came running down and said, the japanese are attacking, close your battle ports and man your battle stations. for a minute, we froze. but the electricians were there and said, we might as well do it.
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we ran to our battle stations and mine was about four decks down, by the number three gun. and the radioshack. and the first man was supposed to get a headset on and make contact with the engine room. that was our control center. i did that, but i could not get anybody. i stood there with a headset on for a few minutes and whether it was a bomb or a torpedo, i do not know, but is not -- knocked the lights out. it was like a tornado had gone through the ship and it pushed me from the top of the latter to the bottom and i have no idea how i got down there. all i know is i was standing on the bottom of the ladder and so i took my hands and i rubbed my body all over and checked my arms and legs to see if i had broken bones or bleeding and i wasn't, so i went through the
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doorway into the passage and as i did that, there was several other men down there with me. by now, the explosion had consumed all the oxygen in the air and we were not able to breathe. i got down on my hands and knees on i opened up the four -- on the bottom. thank goodness somebody opened the four of them on the top. we are doing this without being able to breathe. we knew we had to do it. by that time, the water had come into the base of the number three gun. so we all knew that we had to leave. through the number three gun, through this hatch thatand there is a handle you can take old. and that is one time i thought i would be on the deck and here i
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was maybe 10 feet in the air. latter -- on the ladder on the side and crawled down and went on the other side. thinking, you know, that way if they were shooting at us but hopefully they would not be about to hit us. herbert: oil was covering our bodies, so we were getting tired. it is not possible to swim, anduse your skin breathes we were getting tired. and i swam over to the key, this large cement object out there that you can see today. on i climbed, but my hands it and unfortunately there were two men standing on the bumper -- fortunately they were two men
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standing on the bumper and pulled me to my waist and they said, you need to finish getting up yourself. we need to help other men in the water. i was so tired, i felt like going back in the water. but i knew i would drown, so you get an extra energy and i forced myself up on the bumper. as i did that, one of the other fellows had gone to the other launches tied 30 up and he got one of them and started it up and brought it around by us and told us to get in, he said, i am not stopping because japanese fighters are all over the place. i jumped in and i hit one of the benches and since i was so oily, i almost went out the other side. this is the third time i've been back. the first time was the hardest mode because it is like facing
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all of your friends you do not have any more. if anybody talked to me about the arizona, it was not that i did not try, i just had a hard time trying to talk. this time that was not the case. i have been able to go for that. and i've prayed for all the men on the ship. there was not a man i know of that would not have fought to the death to preserve our nation. gift thateedom is a has to be fought for sometimes and it has to be appreciated and understood. when we went up the punch bowl and had that service, just , itre the service was over rained. just a little bit. was likest, but it
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tears from heaven. that these men remembered as too. clinton: got transferred to texas and volunteered for the arizona. you, you, you type. i joined the arizona at long beach in late september 1940. sunday was liberty day, supposedly. and i would do the solo, i was taking flight lessons. when the first lane -- planes went over, they went this way. looks like the fly boys are out early. they used a pool surprise raids -- pull surprise raids on us. and overcomes another one and it banks. and i hollered, they are not ours, get the hell out of here. and i do not think we had time
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to think right away. adrenaline came out of no place and you instinctively reacted, because i know when i reached up and corked the scuttle edge, and actually flipped onto the deck. and i do not think i could have done it if i wanted to, thinking about it. back to thehe boat arizona which he blew up. and we started casualty work and they sent us to the island by the channel entrance, bringing the casualties over to the hospital wing. and we got trapped six times there and finally sank the 50 footer. that is where i got wounded. we tied up to a barge and we let her hang there and develop-with water.
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up with water. we went ashore and we found a truck had so -- turuck. so we drove the truck and we found a building. we went inside and it was full of armor and it -- armor meant and we put a machine gun in the back of the truck and we have rifles and 45s. and we went looking for japs, but we never found one. we blew a tire so we got out and left the truck. and then i saw more gold i have ever seen in my life. us admirals walking toward and the persuasion, -- first question, what is your ship? i pointed to his thinking and said, that is it. and they said, you are just what we need. you will be a bodyguard.
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i think it was 10:00 in the morning before i stopped and said, hey, we work at war -- were at war. then i got scared. at that point, i was running on adrenaline i guess. i went into the chiefs quarters of and death clyde: and if they had the privilege of having breakfast when they wanted. and they were sorting the laundry. one of the chiefs came down and said, there is a fire. ladder and the rising sun is up. i said uh oh. quarters ofchiefs by the anchor. 145 yards to go. i took off. i had no problem getting there.
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there was nobody there. or down below. and my battle station was in the upper part. why i went below, i do not know. almost made a mistake. we were knee-deep in water immediately. you cannot fire it with wet powder. and you are firing at planes with guns. so we waited. we were unconscious anyhow. we didn't know what to do. our explosion was not the big one. it was one that hit one of the terrorist -- turrets. we think the fourth deck was armored and exploded. and when the explosion came to the six deck i was there.
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we do not know until we get out of it. you see. when the explosion came, no lights. guys went out for the big one. they couldn't see. you could smell a lot of stuff. you couldn't breathe. in other words, everything was unconscious. nobody was hurt. it was just the explosion part that we got hit at that point. we knew that we were thinking and -- sinking and we knew we were listening to the left port. other than that, we didn't know. the next question is, what did you do? what do you do? it was obvious we had to go and get out of the water running us out of there. we couldn't do anything with the
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battle over. still, we had no communication either. nobody was telling us what to do. we were stuck. afternally we went up some discussion. i think somebody said we shouldn't and somebody said we should. i did not make the big decisions. i had no input. we finally went up into what they call the gun room. and stayed there a while, took close off -- clothes off. whites,orm had cut off blacks shoes and black socks. we thought that possibly there involved ine japs this. see? that is where we took all of the clothes off and stuck the ports
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around thehe shorts gun barrels. we came out probably not saying much. --came out from over the under the overhang. the foursee that masked -- formast was gone and the deck was riddled with bullet holes. sink. course, it didn't we were not in the water. so the forward part of the middle of the ship, forward was nothing. russian -is, what do you- -- the next question is, what do you do? there was nobody to help at the time. i'm not sure the word got around.
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as a group, you needed to make your own decision on this. there was nobody on deck to tell you what to do. and so we jumped into the water. we took our shoes off and jumped into the water. it was about 10-15 feet down. you could go over on the key and go down, but i think we jumped in. that was a mistake too. burning oil. so we went back to the key. and we went back aboard. the three or four of us. guy walked out of our compartment, uh, looked like spris the bacon -- crip bacon. he walked up and said, help me. i helped him to the boat and he
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died on the way to the island. and i found out later he was, he was my best friend. themandoned ship, a lot of went over on the line. they went over to our ship. over to the vessel, that might have been a mistake too. they got hit bad. they were alone on the stern. the 300 foot ship long, and a 900 foot ship. and a protected us. probably what happened, they protected us. and we were, they were too safe places i think you could be. that is where we were. two or three seconds later and i would have been on the fourth deck blast, all the way down to the seventh deck.
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there may be an explanation of why i was still here. if you want to dig that deep. we always do. you get out and after the battle you say, what would i have -- if i had not load -- slowed down to 20 knots, we would have gotten it in the middle instead of the back. in the navy, the ship is your whole. the beach did not amount to that much for me. the way i describe it is, i lost my buddy. -- and,ke having a fire there is really no way to describe it. released me and the respect that i am going to join
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him. guilt no idea i have this complex. in other words, how did you survive? why? if you ask yourself why? or people ask me how? do you have that complex, you know? usually it is the guys doing all the work in the battle. he is the guy that didn't make it. you are standing around doing nothing and you survive. you know? working, they were before the explosion. john: i spent time as a cook because it paid extra money. and i think two weeks before the seventh i was transferred back to my division.
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and i had a duty station. and we were all up early that morning. we were setting up the benches and everything for the church service. and we had already had breakfast and completed that and had just come back into the department when it started. i went down to the lower passageways into the lower part, because that is where my battle station was. the big explosion, i suppose, the ship lifted and then sink really fast. i do not think we realized what had happened. but i knew enough about -- the magazines and what they had stored down there. it worked out everything. powder, i think they weigh about 105 pounds.
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four for each project. so they had a lot of it. of egg, heavy batteries in the lower part of the gun mount to keep the elevated in case we lost current. when the saltwater hit them, the chlorine gas started coming up. we had to raise the turn. and get on the quarter deck. chunks coming out. -- i think a bomb hit on the sloping side of the armor and went down the side. and we had come out and john anderson and i went out together. was upa twin brother who on the five inch gun and we tried to get him. we couldn't do it.
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they brought the barge to the stern of the ship and the lieutenant commander was doing damage control. he told us we might leave the ship. and on top of the dead and wounded, we went over to the island a short distance and there was a runway out there and there was an underground place and we took the wounded and the dead and i think they were picked up and taken to the hospital. i am not sure. up.we were messed and then we started picking up people with a boat. select on the beach -- slept on the beach at night and the next day i got on the uss mcdonald and i stayed on that until 1943. most of the boys i went in with were school dropouts. i was in school dropout.
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i didn't finish high school until i was 25. and they were hungry. most of their families were hungry. it was tough times after going through the great depression. go, no, no place to homes. we found a home in the navy. i think it is important that we do not forget those boys. botheredhose boys ever a child, had a family, had a home. that is what i had. that is really sad. most of them have been forgotten and that is sad, because if we forget what has happened in the past, we are in danger of losing the future also, i think. i brought the last three of my grandchildren out here this time. i have a grandson named for me and two granddaughters and i
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wanted them to know that the freedom they have is not free. some prepaid a hell of a price -- somebody paid a hell of a price for it. john: i thought, let me close out my career on a battleship. which one you want? i said, one of the big five. one of the ones in california. they said, how about the arizona? a battleship, that was it. it is just as tough to go out to the arizona memorial as it was then when i saw it burning. when i read those names -- isamerican history tv marking the 75th anniversary of the japanese attack on pearl harbor throughout the weekend and next. saturday, december 10, beginning at 11:00 we will be live to take
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calls and sweet -- tweets for the author of war at sea, 1941-1942. that will be next saturday on american history tv. tv, we aren book hosting a discussion on the december 1941 attack on pearl harbor on the eve of the 75th anniversary. ofthe program, the author countdown to pearl harbor. and the author of japan, 1941. and craig nelson with his book, pearl harbor, from anthony to greatness. including the co-author of all the gallant men, a firsthand account of pearl harbor. we will be taking your questions live from noon until 3:00 p.m. eastern.
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♪ yesterday, december 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy. to mark the 75th anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor, we visited the national archives in maryland to see a selection of five deck logs from that day. they are written records of activity and observations on naval ships, but they were anything but routine on this day. log, theing to this japanese planes commenced an attack on pearl harbor. at 7:52 a.m., the u.s. this -- uss maryland records that the oklahoma, the ship next to it, was hit by torpedoes.
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now the notable thing about the decalogue for the uss maryland appears thatme it a lot of the radio transmissions went to the uss maryland, meaning a lot of the radio transmissions were recorded in the deck log itself. what that means is a lot of the confusion that was happening at the time, literally having no idea where the japanese were at the time or what they are at -- were planning on doing, lends itself to the deck logs. for instance, at 12:01 a.m. troops reported learning -- landing and any takers were reported for miles away. as most people know, that was not the case, but at the time they were not sure if the attack was part of something bigger. if they were going to launch an
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invasion. we actually know that was not the case. another entry of note was at 11:43 a.m., the further continuation of confusion, the maryland writes that enemy --ops wearing blue coveralls not only did we think they were attacking -- it was firsthand accounts we received in front of the uss nevada, you can see at the time the chaos occurring. of whatof get an idea some people were thinking at the time, with the ships were doing, how we were responding to the attacks and other things of that nature. so for her story and it is -- so for historians, it is useful to see what is happening. arer folks, genealogists
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interested in it to see who was on the ship at the time, who passed away and things like that. >> the united states of america was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces from the empire of japan. ♪ [sounds of fire burning] >> december 7 marks the 70 fed anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor and this weekend on c-span3, we're featuring programs remembering that day. sunday afternoon at 4:00, the u.s. army film directed by frank capra portrays japan as a nation determined to rule the world through military conquest. >> when the factories of los
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angeles were producing for the japanese war machines, the rest of the world would fall at the right time. >> just after 5:00 on oral history, survivors from the uss arizona, where thousands of crew members were killed was commissioned in 1944 and saw action in the pacific. she is remembered for one evident, that is the surrender of japan at tokyo bay. tour pearl harbor attack sites, part of world war ii, valor in the pacific national monument. for our complete american history tv schedule, go to >> on lectures in history, professor patrick allitt teaches abth


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