tv [untitled] December 8, 2016 5:31pm-7:18pm EST
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>> everybody good this morning? >> i'm really good. so a couple weeks ago i had a call with the president-elect. i had a good discussion. he said when you're ever out east in new york, i want to have a meeting so i just had a meeting with the president-elect, his chief of staff and his senior adviser. one about white house operations, how to make that work. second, we also discussed immigration. i delivered to the president-elect and his senior
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chief of staff a letter signed by 14 mayors that we put together from across the country about our daka students, that they were working hard toward the american dream. and all of us fundamentally believe that those are students, those are also people who want to join the armed forces. they gave their name, their address, their phone number. where they are. they are trying to achieve the american dream. through no fault of their own, their parents came here. they are something we should hold up and embrace and i presented him with letters signed by all 14 mayors from across the country. different mayors from across the country. we are clear as mayors that these are dreamers seeking the american dream and we should embrace them rather than do a bait-and-switch. i also spoke out strongly about what it means to be a sanctuary city, where we support and secure the people that are here like my grandfather who came to this city of chicago as a 13-year-old, 100 years ago. chicago was his sanctuary city
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for my grandfather. his grandson today is the mayor of this city which is a testament to the strength of the values and ideals of being america. in addition to that, we talk about transportation investment in our infrastructure. the job investment opportunity and i talked about two specific ideas about how to make resources go farther, things that we are doing in the city of chicago. if it runs on roads, rails or runways, that investment creates an economic engine for the city. in addition to that, then we talked about our community college system and all our gains in education in the city of chicago. we now have been growing in our high school graduation at a pace about, a third increase. we've gone from 52% to 73%. our eighth graders lead in math games. our fourth graders are third in
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reading gains. and also, we're one of only three school districts in the entire united states whose fourth and eighth graders in math and reading went up. i talked to him about our community college system which the world bank rated as one of the best college and career programs. we are now making 14th the grade universal in the city of chicago. each school is liened withned w major industry. they are working on the curriculum. if you get a b average in our high schools, community college is free. in the 21st century where you earn what you learn, we have to make sure that more and more people have a chance, not at a job but a career. i talked about the chicago star scholarship as a driver of our economic engine in the city which is why chicago three years in a row has been the number one city for corporate relocations, and four years in a row the number one city in the united states of manager for direct
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foreign investment. through transportation, talent, and training you can driver economic growth. so we had a range of issues that we talked about. a very good meeting with the president-elect, his incoming chief of staff and his incoming senior adviser. i was clear on where i stood on immigrants. that we welcome them because they are achieving and striving for the american dream. but also how to make as a city and as a country, key investments in both the talent, the training, as well as the transportation to drive economic groet. thank you. >> we'll continue to write you updates from trump tower here tomorrow on c-span, online at and on our facebook page. >> follow transition of government on c-span as president-elect donald trump selects his cab zmet the republicans and democrats prepare for the next congress, we'll take you to key events as
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they happen without interruption. watch live on c-span. watch on demand at or listen on our free c-span radio app. israel's defense minister sat down recently at the brookings institution for a discussion with jake tapper of cnn. they talked about iran, russia and the possibility of a peace agreement with the palestinians. >> it's so nice to be here. thanks. i know so many people here i can't acknowledge everybody. i would be remiss if i didn't point out that he was my junior
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counsellor at camp. so he knows where the bodies are buried, so to speak. or literally. it is an honor to be here, martin. thank you so much for the invitation. thank you so much, minister lean. thank you so much. i assume you saw your brother, senator lean here as well. i'll just start with the questions and we'll see what he answers. >> first of all, i say you have too many questions. >> i do have many, many questions. let me start off with the fact that president-elect trump has named the man he wants to play your role, except in the united states, retired marine general james mattis. do you know him? what do you think of him? >> i didn't met him. and we don't have any real previous talks, but of course i know who the general and he was a commander of centcom and we
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know in israel a lot about him. about his stance and what we see in the press. from my point of view, very positive. >> obviously, there are many things president-elect has said with regard to the state of israel. one of the things he has said, i believe he said on day one he would want to move the capital to jerusalem. obviously, that is, i think it is fair to say, easier said than done. do you think that he should do that on day one? >> first of all, i think that, you know, we see before in every elections, the same promise to remove the embassy to jerusalem.
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but i think that we will wait and we will see. and you know, a year ago, i was here. it was much easier. i was in your position. now as a minister, i try to be politically correct. it is very difficult. we will wait and we will see. i think it is worth something publicly, strong public commitment and we will wait. >> i won't do too many follow-ups on this one, but as a matter of whether or not the move itself would be perceived as incendiary and provocative, is it something that you think should happen, if it happens, immediately or something that you think should maybe be done with more deliberation? >> it is really crucial for us
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with the new administration regarding all our common policy. not only one point like american embassies. very important. but we have many other issues. it is iran and palestinian settlements and syria. we have enough challenges all around israel. and i think that it will be mistake, you know, to take the embassy as the focal point. i think that it is crucial to move forward with all agenda. and we have many items on our agenda. and i think that maybe the embassy will be one of the points. >> let's talk about the other items that you listed. starting with the iran deal.
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we're getting somewhat mixed messages about whether or not president-elect, when he becomes president trump, will literally rip up the iran deal or whether there will be recalibrations. one senator said that all the new administration would need to do is enforce the iran deal, which would set new sanctions into place, since international monitors have said tlfb violations. what would you, what would really like to see happen when it comes to the iran deal? >> first of all, i will speak only about my personal position. and it is not a secret, my position was very, very clear against the deal with iran. but it really doesn't matter. what is the real question, it is
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to understand what happened since 5 plus 1 signed in a deal. what we saw, we saw the ballistic missiles in the center of the tehran with inscription to wipe out the state of israel. we saw competition in tehran to deny the holocaust. we saw the last report state department, regarding the terror and the iranians, according to this report, the biggest sponsor of terror all around the world. and we see iranian penetration to yemen, to lebanon, to syria, the activity in iraq. and they are trying to undermine the stability in all the middle
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east. and i think it is very important to understand what happens with iran after the deal. and my conclusion, very, very clear. but it is my conclusion. and i think that negotiations, talks with the united states about our common position regarding tehran, it is only during the first meeting between prime minister and president-elect. at least my position will be very clear. i think it is crucial to move forward with more sanctions. because it was a clear violation of agreement. especially in the area of missiles, like not nuclear but ballistic missiles. and next it will be nuclear
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missiles. at least until now, it is only ballistic missiles and it is human rights in syria. responsible for the half million people and the atrocities we see every day. i think it is necessary to continue with sanctions and to be very, very tough on all issues. >> just to chalarify, if i'm understanding you wrong, tell me, please. you believe and you're not the only one that iran has violated the deal. so you think the united states just needs to go into the u.n. security council and get the triger to enforce more sanctions on iran because they have already violated the deal. not that the deal should just be torn up. is that a fair characterization?
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>> look, what happens in the world today, it is very, very problematic picture. because war torn iranians, crazy guys, they understand there is no payment for violation of commitments of violation of unacceptable norms. forget for a moment from middle east. look what happens with north korea? one crazy guy took his own population as hostages. clear violation of all resolutions, security council commitments, negotiations between 5 plus north korea,
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united states, north korea, nuclear bombs, missiles, et cetera, et cetera. and i don't see any ability or any readiness or political will to stop this crazy guy. the same with iranians. they must pay for every violation for their commitments. and what happens, at least with ballistic missiles, it is clear with their commitment supporting the agreement that they signed. >> let's turn to syria. you referred to bashar al assad and the atrocities to his own people. we learned faye 600 more were killed in aleppo. i'm wondering what you think the role of the united states in the trump administration should be
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when it comes to syria. my impression is that president-elect trump would like to basically wash his hands of syria and let putin and assad do whatever they think is necessary and just have the united states focus on isis. is that a position that you think would be the right one? is that a position you think would be good for the state of israel? >> again, it is not only israel. >> the region. >> we should know that today, we are living in the real small global village. and everything is connected and it is much better to see all the picture.
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and the picture in the broad middle east, that we have every day at least 500 people slaughtered, killed, hundreds of people injured, and we don't see it getting any readiness to stop this bloodshed. if i take middle east, libya, south sudan, libya, iraq, you have every day, at least 500 people killed and slaughtered. and what is the response? to speak about isis. all of them the same. al qaeda and isis. at the end of the day they are the same. and i think that our challenge to stop this radical people, it
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doesn't matter what is their name. this violence, this blood shed. 21st century, i think it is clear that it is completely unacceptable for all normal people. i don't see any difference between hamas, hezbollah, or islamic state. and only to speak about that, it is not right. the differences between hezbollah and hamas and the islamic state, it is the same. >> would you put assad -- >> if, you know, today, like an adviser. what is crucial from my point of view. i am not sure that it is possible. to pre conditions, out of syria and iranians out of syria.
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it is impossible to accept that a guy responsible for killing half a million people, 8 million people displaced. and first time maybe since the first world war, the head of state that used kept weapons against his own people, and he will continue to be acceptable player in international arena. and the same with iranians. their efforts to undermine the stability of every country, of all the region. we must put us in his place. [ applause ] >> and who leads the effort? >> no doubt, you know, from our point of view, the united states, the biggest power in the
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world. and it is their responsibility. the time for isolation. it was maybe 100 years ago. more than a century. but today, it is the united world. it is impossible to speak about it and i think it is clear. president-elect speaks with military power, the powerful united states, and i think the biggest challenge even here in the united states, it is isis also. with isis that are trying every day to issue some terrorist state to recruit more supporters here in the united states.
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and all the radical ill pair i have thes are coming from the middle east. if you really want to control this phenomenon, you must start from the middle east. >> i know you're a minister now so you have to be more diplomatic but do you realize the president-elect has talked about withdrawing more from the middle east than even whatever status you think the united states has right now. >> i don't know if he spoke withdrawing from saudi arabia or the gulf. but we hope regarding syria, he will be active and regarding the shoogss, and to speak frankly, it is impossible to achieve any solution with active
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participation in this process. we need strong america, we need america active in, at least in our region. and i hope that they will really achieve some, you know, we will agree about common vision of the governing future of the middle east. >> let's talk about the israeli-palestinian peace process going forward. >> no peace ask no process. >> the future this israeli-palestinian peace process. >> okay. >> president-elect trump has said that perhaps jered kushner, his son-in-law, can be put in charge of that peace process. have you met jered kushner? >> no. >> what do you think of the idea of jered kushner being put in
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charge of the peace process? >> what we know, he really smart, tough guy. and i hope that he will bring new energy to our region. but maybe, you forgot day before yesterday, the fatah convention in ramallah. and he lost his public speech. and what he said, it was very clear. he will never give up the idea of refugees, and of course, he will never recognize the right of israel as, to exist as a jewish state. with those two pre conditions, you know, we really don't have nothing to discuss with the
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palestinians. the right of return for the palestinian refugees, it is end of the zionist ideals, the zionist state. and he insisted that he will never recognize israel as a jewish nation state. what exactly will be the issue to discuss? i think it is clear, he doesn't have any authority to represent the palestinian people. he knows the elections, the presidential elections in palestinian authority were supposed to be held in january 2010. he doesn't have any control on gaza strip. and even the municipal elections. last october, postponed for many
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years, i understand. and i think to achieve real strategic breaks, to achieve comprehensive, reasonable solution between us and palestinians, we need somebody very strong that has support from his own people, very popular and somebody who is a real leader and ready to sacrifice something for peace. and i don't see. >> the real partner to achieve final status agreement. to speak frankly, what we need today is enter agreement for some years. to rebuild a trust between two sides, and to wait for a real opportunity.
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you know, israel proved, we proved our desire to achieve real peace many times. we signed peace agreement with egypt. and we gave up sinai territory six times more than all israel today. we signed a peace agreement with jordan. we with drew from gaza strip until the very last thing, cost 67 lives. we gave up half of judea and samaria and we evacuated 21 flourishing settlements from gaza strip and transferred 10,000 jews. i think we proved our desire to achieve real peaceful and reasonable solution. but for this kind of solution, you need, as i mentioned, a real
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strong partner. and i don't see today on palestinian side, this kind of leaders. >> one of the thing that's interesting about any potential peace process other. arab states would likely have to be involved and many don't even acknowledge, let alone your right to exist, they don't acknowledge that they've even had conversations with people like you. have you ever talked with any members of the saudi royal family about a peace process? >> i don't remember. but we have many contacts with our neighbors in the region. [ laughter ]
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this is normally when i would be very aggressive. i believe on monday, the knesset will have its first vote on whether or not settlements will be made legal. let me know if i am wrong. it would give any sort of peace process to move forward? how would you describe it? >> my proposal is to wait for the new administration and to create together with new administration a common policy. nothing with any surprise and not to create something effects, but to wait and to discuss with the next administration our
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policy. and i think it makes sense. because the reasons that we freeze de facto our construction activity in judea and samaria and jerusalem, i am not satisfied. it is not because we don't want to build new homes there. it is because we have to have disagreements with american administration. and i think it is clear for us, for me at least, that key to the future of the settlements, it is understanding with the united states.
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we are not in a vacuum. and i think the last 18 years, it was a huge problem. it was one of the main points of disagreements between us and the current administration. >> the colonel administration, the outgoing administration, would often feel as though there would be settlements announced at inopportune times. right before vice president biden to arrive in israel. that it was almost done in their face. is that an unfair characterization by the obama administration? >> i think there are many prejudiced views regarding the settlements. and i would like to underline, the sellments, they are not obstacles to peace. as i mentioned, we signed two peace agreements despite the sellments. and even when israel evacuated after withdrawing from gaza
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strip, 21 settlements, the response from the palestinian side was missiles on south israel and even tel aviv. and i think it is a. the approach to say that settlementes are a problem. it is really the wrong approach. and all settlements together, 1.5% of whole territory of ju day and samaria. if i take total all the settlements together, including the towns, it is less than 1.5% of all territory. and maybe not the point, you know? i remember the meeting which,
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mahmoud abbas and condi rice and it is impossible to offer more than was offered there. when i saw in our press the proposals, i was shocked. and we will never have any other prime ministers that will offer more. and everything was ready for huge ceremony in the white house. at the last moment, mahmoud abbas refused to scene an agreement. it is also a fact. and they were toward evacuate all settlements and open the issue of return and swaps and everything. and maybe an illustration of what the real problem of a solution between us and
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palestinians. >> just to put a period on this topic, do you think the vote monday to legalize some of these settlements should be postponed until after the united states and israel get together? >> you know, i clarified my position in cabinet publicly, in press, and i think it is much better to postpone all of this legislation and steps until 22 of january. >> anti-semitism reared its head quite a bit during the presidential election. in a way that i think probably a lot of americans under a certain age had not seen. perhaps ever in their life
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times. how much notice did that get in israel? the rise of the so-called ite s unanimously supported the president-elect, not to say his supporters are that way, certainly the minority were. did that get attention in israel, did you hear about this, did you have any concerns? >> we have concerns regarding all kinds of -- it doesn't matter if it's -- if it comes from the left, from the right or from the radical islamic groups, because what we saw, especially on european soil, it's not only slavians, not only accusations,
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jewish, brussels, on the supermarket in paris and with victims with bloodshed and -- it is still very strong. it's not part of our history. it's part of everyday existence. we see as hypocrisy, especially in international community. if i take for example the last -- it may be hypocrisy, the jewish people, they don't have any links to the western world. it's something really crazy and it's clear anti-semitism. and another issue if we mentioned, one of the problem of international community, that
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international institution, in capable of resolve any problem, middle east and north korea, africa, bow ka hor ran, nothing. i didn't remember any example of some successful solution as it comes as initiative of security council, for example, or another very respectable, not from my point of view, institution like human rights counsel in geneva, not against iran, but against israel, 70%. and i think it's a weakness of all international community of the western world, we speak a
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lot about human values and democratic values, but when it comes to the profits, everybody prefers his profits not values. it's maybe biggest problem. >> there is a race going on right now for head of the democratic national committee, congressman keith ellison, democrat from minnesota is running for that position. they issued a statement saying that comments he made about israel and about a population of -- i'm paraphrasing here -- a small population controlling policy in that region compared to a much larger arab population didn't make much sense, again it's a sloppy paraphrase, but it was enough for the anti-defamation league to say the comments were disqualifying. are you aware of this? do you have any take on it? >> no, i'm not aware. but if it's true, i think it's
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really unnecessary statements and especially with united states and our expectations from our biggest friend, the united states, you know, for really friendly atmosphere and our relations and discussions on all levels, include of course senate, congress and i hope that you know, some kind of mistake. >> lastly, what do you think is the most serious problem, the most serious threat facing the state of israel, the one that should be on the top of the agenda, is it iran, without question? >> no question it's iran, because it's not only iran, it's iran -- you should know that any
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budget from iran to hez hez -- our technology, political support, also not able to exist. and iran is very -- against these. the jewish institutes, jewish people, not only in the middle east but in africa and south america, we see what happens even in the last month regarding iranian participation involvement in bean nose aries, and jewish community center and we have every day, you know,
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we're handling every day with provocations and aggressions against israel and jewish people. >> one last question i want to ask before i let you go and that has to do with the relationship between the american jewish community and the israeli community. i studied at university of tel aviv, that's about all i remember. and i had a roommate named baroo, he was a soviet immigrant, he was a tough guy, he fought with galani, and his attitude towards me, i thought kind of summed up some of the tepgss between the american jewish community and the israeli jewish community, which was he thought that all of us exchange students from the united states were soft, and he wasn't wrong.
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and but he also thought that we should just shut up about our opinions about israeli policy, united states can give money or don't give money, but you are not living here, so be quiet. and there does seem to be a point in american and israeli relations right now, american jewish and israeli relations about whether or not the american jewish community, especially younger american jews, are concerned about the direction of the israeli politicians, whether the country is lurching too much to the right in american and english parlance. i'm wondering what you make of it and think about it, or does there need to be a greater effort of understanding between -- especially younger american jews and israelis? >> first of all, the state of
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israel was established as a state for all jewish people all around the world. and from my point of view of course, we're really responsible not only for our citizens but for -- i think we failed with, especially with jewish education in united states and in the russia and in france and all around the world because the problem, it's not right, left, the problem is that only 5% of jewish kids in united states, they're really half are jewish -- they're half jewish. it's the biggest problem. i think today is out there to
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allocate money for the jewish education, jewish -- first of all in united states, because what we have for people are really more and more disconnected to the jewish values, they don't know the jewish, they don't know jewish history, and it's a huge problem, but it's not their problem, it's our problem. we failed. and i completely agree that dialogue, especially, with young jewish generation, it's crucial, it's not important, it's crucial for our future. and at least me and my friends, we try to discuss with all jewish communities around the
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world and i have -- they must be part of this discussion of the future of jewish nation. >> we're going to open the floor to questions, is that right? is there a microphone? i think i recognize you. >> i already asked your question. >> i can shout. >> here it comes. >> thank you very much. i would just like to clarify something about keith ellison and him running for head of the dnc because that point wasn't clarified.
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simply to the defense minister was not aware of all the intricacies and details. i think it's important for this audience to know. first, the fact that keith ellison is a muslim is a non-issue at all. that is not an issue. with that out of the way, if you listen to keith ellison today and you see his statements, he's more of a zionist, i mean, really it's amazing. it's a beautiful thing. if you go back to his positions, his papers, his speeches, the way he has voted, he is clearly an anti-semit and anti-israel individual. words matter and actions matter more. keith he willy son would be a disaster for the relationship between the jewish community and the democratic party.
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now i said what i have to say. >> that wasn't really a question, but -- but it is a saban forum, so -- >> can we have another question? am i supposed to call on them? we'll call on that gentleman right there. i believe i recognize him. >> mr. minister, you mentioned that you see iran being the biggest problem in the region, and obviously not just towards israel but towards the rest of the suny arab world as well. you also maintained, i think over the years, a relationship with vladimir putin and yet today if you look at the russian position towards iran, really no one else is doing as much to abet iranian power, certainly in
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syria, and i would say that for the region, given your long-standing relationship with putin, do you see any potential to separate putin from the iranians and if so, how would you go about doing that? >> well, look, we have many issues with the russians and we have many, many disagreements, we have conference with china and have many disagreements with china. i don't think it's right approach to disregard russia or china. at the end of the day we're small country, we have the same priorities, relations, and of course, putin is still not a z. inist guy, he thinks about
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russia with russian interests, but we have to have a clear dialogue, we have some coordination, including syria, i think it's very, very helpful. both can be dialogue between united states and russia. putin looks not for some deal with israel. he looks for a deal with united states regarding the sanctions in ukraine and syria and many other issues. it's two world powers that they have interests all around the world. and i don't have any illusions with all due respect to israel and to myself, the way i understand that we're not able to resolve all problems of
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russia, not even the middle east. and final agreement, the final solution, it's possible to achieve only between the russia and united states, include -- on iran and syria and many other issues. >> we have a question here? thank you very much for joining us again this evening. one new development that i'm sure you are well aware of is the way in which israel's strategy i can interests these days tend to coincide with those of your arab neighbors, egypt, jordan, the emerits in particular, and i wonder, given your exposure to that in your
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position as defense minister, whether you think that they can play a useful role when it comes to trying to help you resolve the conflict, your conflict with the palestinians. they recently called them the arab quartet intervened in an effort to promote a process against the palestinians, which is something you've been talking about tonight. so i just wonder, what role do you see them playing, if any, in trying to help you resolve that conflict? >> thank you. you know, the arab world really regarding palestinian issue, they only pay a lip service. it's really not their concern and not in their priorities.
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because if arab world, you know, huge, huge territory, hundreds of millions of people, if they really are ready to resolve palestinian issue, it's something that it's possible for many, many years. and again, it's you know, what happened between 48 and 67, during 19 years out of world controlled all territory of somalia under -- i didn't remember that somebody tried to resolve palestinian issue during 19 years. today we speak about '67, et
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cetera, et cetera. but problem it's not history. problems are reality of today. and to resolve palestinian issue, from my point of view, it's possible only as a part of larger, reasonable region regional comprehensive solution. the palestinian issue only one point. because today it's clear for arab world, it's the biggest threat for them, it's not zionism, not israel, not jews, but -- i think that they understand, but still they don't have political will, they don't have enough power to move forward with this approach.
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and from my point of view, it doesn't make sense to sign an agreement with palestinians without agreement with arab world. it must be something simultaneously, one final -- not only with palestinians. we're not able to impose on palestinians some kind of solution, and by little efforts, i don't think that they bring some better future and even united states, what we saw, you don't have enough power and ability to impose on
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palestinians. but if all moderate arab world, if all of them come together, egypt and saudi arabia and jordan and gulf countries, they able to bring them to the table and to a solution. but the problems, there is huge gaps of disparity between understanding among the leadership in what happens amongst people, amongst the crowds. and it's clear that it's a timing, even for the arab world, for their leadership to start with, you know, with public opinion, to explain their positions to move forward, not
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only in the closed meetings, not only in washington, but in arab world, to explain what the real threats and what the real opportunities. because cooperation between us and the moderate arab world, it's real huge, huge break threw for entire world. together, i believe that we able to resolve all problems with all problems in the middle east, even with iranians, is a combination of our technology, and their financial culpabilities, it's something new. but you know, i -- my position, it's enough with -- it's timing,
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opportunity for open talks, not only in the classrooms and i would like to see our embassy in the -- saudi arabia, kuwait and embassies in tel aviv, and for me, it's a real piece, not only an agreement. the problem between israel and arab world, when -- it's all israel, a state of israel, and from there -- it's only the leadership, it's not the state, not with the people, it's only with their leadership and it's not enough. >> i see a woman back there. if we could get the microphone to her. >> thank you, so much.
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i would like to ask about -- >> could you talk louder. >> i would like to ask about the arab initiative for peace that was submitted by saudi arabia in 2002. is it a good time to revisit this initiative? i would like also to ask about the relation with egypt? is there any cooperation between israeli and egypt regarding fighting all islamic groups and terrorists, and last question regarding -- there was some discussion between saudi arabia and egypt, and tehran island. can you elaborate a little bit about this discussion, because it was not only between egypt
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and saudi arabia, but u.s. and israel was involved in this discussion. what the logistics about these two island, is it secured or what's the -- what's -- >> thank you, i understand. >> thank you. >> i will start with the first issue. saudi arabia initiative. there are some points that are very positive and we can discuss and it's possible to thank them for the negotiation. there are some other points like right of return, it's completely impossible. but when we talk, we will result any preconditions, and my
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expectations, if we will start negotiations, they will come without preconditions. regarding relations with egypt, we have normal relations. we have embassy in cairo, we have embassy in tel aviv and we have talks, and i think it's lot more relations as between the two normal states. regarding their relations with saudi arabia, it's not our business of course, we are monitoring everything, what happens in our region, but it's bilateral talks, between saudi arabia and egypt and i don't think that our opinion or our
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public statements will be so necessary regarding this issue. >> i think i speak for everyone when i say i'm sorry that's all the time i have. i think i speak for everyone when i say thank you so much for your time [ applause ] >> appreciate it. >> egypt's foreign minister also spoke at the institution's forum on middle east issues. he talked about his nation's strategic partnership with the u.s. dealing with islamic extremism and peace and stability in the region. he was introduced by the former
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ambassador to israel. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen. i'm delighted to have the opportunity to join bruce johnson in welcoming you all to this the 13th forum. it's also my special privilege and honor to introduce you to a very special guest. our keynote speaker this evening. his ex len see the foreign minister of the arab -- he is well known in washington as is his wife. we're glad to have her join him this evening. he is one of the architects of the current u.s. egyptian relationship, having served as ambassador to the united states between 2008
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