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tv   American History TV  CSPAN  December 17, 2016 9:45pm-10:01pm EST

9:45 pm we continue now with our look at the city of scottsdale. heard has this incredible storytion of art, so our is about the people who made the artwork, some of the people who work for the fred harvey company, and how they help that business to become a success. the thing that the harvey company brought to this was the peoplesthat native could be encountered, and art could be purchased, and native peoples were really presented as the exotic other. their photos were used and their drawings of them were used on promotional literature, brochures, booklets, packets, as
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well as the artwork that they created. the exhibit is over the edge, fred harvey at the grand canyon and in the great southwest. the heard museum has a collection of more than 4000 objects that the fred harvey company collected, mostly between 1901 and the early 1940's. our exhibit focuses on the bigger story about the harvey company, but also about their work with native american art, their work with the santa fe railway, and particularly the work that they did in arizona at the grand canyon and in other parts of the state. to the u.s.came from england and the 1850's as a teenager, and he began working in restaurants as a dishwasher and a bus boy, and then continued in the restaurant business. he had some success.
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he had some failed businesses. he formed a870's, partnership with the santa fe railway to provide food service at the railroad stops. at that time, from all accounts, the food was pretty bad. a bit ofey brought elegance to dining along the santa fe. he had linens, china, and crystal, and fresh food, and this really change railroad travel. s health begin to fail and the late 1800s, and his son took over the business. family members credit many harvey huckle with the concept of using american indian art to promote train travel and for the establishment of the american indian art business. also she is credited with hiring
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mary jane to do the design at the first big native art display at the alvarado hotel in albuquerque. when we talk about arizona and the fred harvey and cities in the state of arizona, mary coulter is key to that story. of course she began working for the harvey company on a contract did the 1902 when she declaration for the alvarado --el, but she went on to do declaration for the alvarado hotel, but she went on to do the interior and exterior on a number of holdings, particularly at the grand canyon. she designedlding for the harvey company was at the grand canyon, and that opened in 1905. in 1914 she designed the lookout. she designed the watchtower in
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1933, although many of the hotels don't remain, one is still standing, and the heard museum has mary coulter's design la pasada.t posa it shows examples and gives insight to her design and technique. talented native american artists worked for the harvey company at different times. , who was ae fred capo talented painter that studied at the santa fe indian school. mary coulter hired him to paint a mural at the south rim of the canyon in the watchtower, and that was an opportunity to feature his great painting skill.
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she hired him again in the 1950's to paint murals at the five angels lodge, and they s'lives andve people the tourists who were traveling to the canyon. another way native people could work at the canyon was as greeters, dance performers. one individual was joe, who through family members we have learned, up with the idea to wear a plains headdress even hopi. he was ho he came up with this concept so that people could recognize him as a native american indian. he was at the grand canyon for a number of years as a greeter and
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perform dances on the south rim. in 1903 when president theodore roosevelt was visiting albuquerque, the harvey company planned to have a textile woven for him in recognition of his visit. ,he harvey company had a weaver textile in red, white, and blue, and had his name and the date and commemorated his visit. she would go on to work for the harvey company for about 20 , and with photography as it was at that time, we see her in front of the alvarado hotel when douglas fairbanks came to town, when mary pigford came to an ambassadoras of sorts for the fred harvey company.
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-- when wethings have a photograph like the one if we us, we like to see can find objects in the collection today that appear in those historic photographs, so the basket we are standing by, this when we see actually in this photograph, and we have seen it in a few other photographs. at this time, artists were pretty much anonymous, so we have tried to go back and connect artwork with the native artists who created them. was possible to work with two colleagues who were very familiar with basketry to look at the baskets, the size of the baskets, the design, and to make an attribution to mary
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benson. that maryk perhaps benson was working on this at the time she was at the alvarado hotel, and we think that because the basket is left unfinished. you can see the foundation fibers, and these would have then trimmed off, but the harvey company like museums like to show work in progress. they like to show the depth of things being made, and so they may have left this unfinished for that reason. things we like to reinforce is that native american art has continued throughout the century, and native arts are really thriving at we are standing in front of a speak actor painting of the grand canyon that was commissioned for this exhibit. although there were transformations in native
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american art, all of the art forms have really continue to thrive, and you see that in the shops in scottsdale, the heard museum, and other museums in the state of arizona. >> this weekend, we feature the history of scottsdale, arizona with our cox communications cable partners. learn more about scottsdale on r at you are watching american history tv all weekend every weekend on c-span3. ♪ am the c-span student c documentary contest is in full swing. this year where asking what is the most important question for
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congress to address in 2017. ashley, tell us about your student cam documentary. covered issues of homeless veterans on the streets of orange, california. we have decided these are the people who have fought for our country, and the fact they are now living on the streets, not having anyone care for them, was not ok, so we decided we are going to talk about this issue within our community and we decided to make a documentary about it. >> i encourage seniors and juniors in high school, even middle schoolers, to use this platform to raise your voice, to say that your generation deserves to be heard in the and there is a better
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place to speak these issues, and this is it. thedvice for students on fence of starting a documentary is to really look into your community and see what is affecting those who are around you, because they are the ones who you love, who you see the most, the most, who you are surrounded by almost every day. seehere is an issue you happen every day on the street, that is probably where you can start. be a part, because you want to be a voice for you community. >> thank you ashley for all your advice and tips. if you want more information on our documentary contest, go to our website. >> this weekend on american artifacts, we tour and exhibit called amending america, marking the anniversary of the
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ratification of the bill of rights. here is a preview. johnsonme is jennifer and i am a curator with the national archives museum. >> i am and education and public outreach specialist at the national archives and co-curator of amending america. >> we are about to take you through amending america. right next to me is a case showing the more than 11000 and men men's proposed to the constitution. one of our challenges was that the bill of rights was actually in the rotunda, a different area of the museum, so we decided to have a banner lead visitors from the bill of rights to the o'brien gallery, and on that banner of the more than 11,000 amendments. >> we decided to open up the gallery with those first 10 amendments.
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at the constitutional convention in philadelphia, when the delegates were talking about the bill of rights, they took a vote on whether or not they should include one in the constitution, and this document right here, which is the voting record from the constitutional convention, shows that when they took a vote , which is about two thirds of the way down the page, that the vote was actually 0-10 on including a bill of rights and , so thetitution delegates to the constitutional convention did not think it was needed with the constitution, but then after the convention was over, the constitution was sent to the states for ratification, and the states did not agree with the delegates of the convention that it was not needed. of my favoritee documents in the gallery, a draft version of what became the bill of rights, and we usually read her to this as the senate
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markup. the senate took the 17 amendments passed by the house and changed them into 12 and men men's that after a conference committee, 12 and amendments were sent to the states for ratification, and 10 of those 12 were ratified by the states. this document here is the ratification from the state of virginia, which was the 11th out of the den 14 states to ratify. that brought the amendments up to the constitutionally required are of three quarters of states to ratify, and that meant that when this document was signed that the bill of rights became part of our constitution. inthis document was designed 1791, and that is the date we now celebrate as the bill of rights day. the 225th anniversary of this document that we are celebrating this year at the national archives with the exhibit amending america. at 6:00 the entire tour
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and 10:00 sunday on american artifacts. this is american history tv, only on c-span3. each week, american history tv's reel america brings you archival films. "anarchy u.s.a." is an anti-communism film that uses narration and news footage to and arguesunists u.s. civil rights leaders are communist using the same methods. u.s.ilm condemns several presidents and the 1964 civil rights in 1965 voting rights act. the film contains language and graphic scenes of violence and death that may be disturbing to some viewers. >>


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