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tv   American History TV  CSPAN  December 18, 2016 9:42pm-10:01pm EST

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[indiscernible] >> you are watching american history tv. 48 hours of programming on american history every weekend on c-span3. follow us on twitter @c spanhistory for information on our schedule and to keep up with the latest history news. >> according to the national institute on drug abuse, heroin overdose staff in the u.s. increased six fold between 2001 and 2014, with more than 10,000 deaths reported in 2014. up next on american history tv's from 1966,ica," "seduction of the innocent," a 10 minute cautionary film on the
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dangers of pills, marijuana, and heroin. ♪ >> this is america in the second half of the 20th century. a slave -- the face of modern teenage society. the beat is frantic. the need to belong is ever present. associations are quickly and easily made. boy meets girl. it often takes experience and maturity to arrive at wise decisions. a friendly outstretched hand. an engaging smile and offer. it is second all referred to as a read. to the group, it is a means to an end. what can be the harm? after all, the 20th century is run on pills. pills to go to sleep, to wake up, why not to make you feel good? but that small red capsule is a dangerous drug to be administered by competent physician, not by a newly found boyfriend.
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but the pressure of the group, the need to belong, the desire to try something new is too great a temptation. but the effect is not long-lasting. when the drug wears off and the coming down takes place, you feel let down and tired. but more persuasion, a greater need to belong, and it is not long until you try again. and again. you try new things. the hypnotics as they are called. phenobarbital, stimulants, benzedrine, and you begin to lose track of your friends. you belong to a group, a group that must move in a veiled world of secrecy. because what you are doing is against the law. the constant fear of apprehension. now you meet like conspirators
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because the passing of pills is dangerous and must be secretive. nerves begin to wear then. -- thin. the fun of everyday living goes, you begin to wonder what your friends and parents think. the guilt grows, and as it does the need for something that will bring more relief, dispelled -- dispel the fears that you have created. you become more dependent on one another. but your pleasure in each other's company becomes less satisfying. and you depend more and more on the pills to help. finally the pills are not enough. you're ready for the second act of your three act tragedy. ♪ ♪ you have heard mike and the group talk of toking. you know it means smoking marijuana. mike is more experienced than you in the ways of narcotics, but until now, he has never suggested that you toke up together.
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but the pills don't give either of you the desired effect any longer. in the insecurity of your relationship, you feel any need -- a need to find some new experience to bind you together. a suggestion that a month ago would have been repulsive, now is considered. the smell and taste are anything but pleasing. it makes you cough and your throat becomes dry and hot. you feel like you are floating. you concentrate on one object, a tree in the distance. it's called fixing. as you concentrate, time slows done. you hallucinate. that is, you dream. this is called tripping. your depth perception is affected. if you had to step off the curb, or get out of a car, you would probably need help because the distance might be exaggerated. on the other hand distance might , seem to diminish. as with alcohol, the problems don't disappear, the only
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temporarily seem to vanish and return with jarring force when the effects of the drug wear off. when you get on narcotics, it is like starting a never ending downward tailspin from 30,000 feet. you become less sure of yourself, your surroundings, your friends. quarrels are more frequent with your parents and loved ones. you try to convince yourself you are right. but deep inside you know that you are not. you lose your sense of values. you think of little else than another blowup. your newfound language for smoking marijuana. you have completed the second act. and the third act curtain is just about to go up. you don't know it now, but when it does, it is the beginning of the end. the point of no return. it can start in many ways. at a party. in the secrecy of a dirty room. that's how your third act began. at the top of the crummy staircase on the second floor of a sleazy apartment building. now a new character enters your tragedy. his name is eric.
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you and mike had gone to his place to pick up your weeks supply of pills. you do not like him. mike had insisted. he'd welded you to his code of secrecy. he forced you to help push the pills so you would not copout on him. a user learns to trust no one, not even his best girl. you sat, toking up. it did not give you the kick i used to. he introduces you to heroin. a year ago you would have been repulsed at the thought of heroin. now it is an easy step from marijuana to heroin. uphill, a cigarette, -- a pill, a cigarette, a hypodermic needle. even now you are afraid. what will it be like? first you will get a burn, that is a feeling of warmth will slip over you. then you will become nauseated and get sick.
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finally, the retching will subside and you will have a sustained feeling of sensual excitement which will lapse into a state of euphoria or well-being, but it won't last. down, you willme be in a depth of depression, consumed by the cancer of guilt. for just one second, your conscious -- see thece pricks as you needle inserted, and the deathdealing liquid slipping in. you want to say no. the will to resist is gone. temptation is ever present. the desire to try something new, something more powerful is too great. heroin, being one of the most insidious drugs known to man, it only seems like days until you are hooked. you are not turned on any longer. the free ride is over. you are required to pay for your fix. as your tolerance increases, the need for more drugs increases.
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this requires more and more cash. now you are driven to things you never would have considered by your insatiable need for the drug. your moral fiber has collapsed. no crime is beyond your imagination. you are an addict. your total effort in life is to obtain money to feed your habit. now you are launched on a full-scale teenage crime wave of your very own. but with each passing day your tolerance increases. now a fix only helps to make you appear normal and dispel the symptoms of withdrawal. withdrawal -- the nightmare of the addict. you live in constant fear of not having enough heroin to keep your habit supplied. when that supply runs low and the first symptoms begin, the yarn, the sneeze, the runny nose, and you can't get another fix, you know you are about to begin a living hell. you are burning up. you are freezing.
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the cramps and pains begin. each nerve is laid bare. all your senses are magnified. your whole being is like one giant nerve, raw and exposed to every outside stimulus. this period of withdrawal can go on for a week before the pain subsides and your senses come back to something approaching normal. and for this you steal and live a life of degradation and crime. in your thirst for money, you become careless and mike is caught. now you are on your own and you must support your habit in the best way you can. you live in a jungle of fear. you are forced to deal with eric alone. mike is no longer there to help. eric only laughs at your need and tells you to get money, money, and more money. you are not prepared to take a job. besides no job would pay the , kind of money you now need. you have yourself a $50 a day habit.
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you cannot support that slinging hash. so you turn to the only thing you can that will bring your kind of money. you become a call girl. you support that $50 a day habit, but not for long. because your looks begin to disintegrate. your clients will no longer pay your price. you go from call girl to streetwalker. then on your 20th birthday, you , are picked up for soliciting. age white caucasian drug addict. 20,a 20th century slave self-styled. she will suffer through withdrawal, be sentenced for prostitution, be released, and return to the habit again. lost to society, she will continue her hopeless, degrading existence until she escapes in death. today, tomorrow, maybe not for years. ♪
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>> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1970 nine, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable companies. it is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. >> c-span is in scottsdale, arizona, learning more about the city's rich history. up next, we learn about the scottsdale area's tie to world war ii. >> we are at the arizona heritage center. this exhibit is really the whole world war ii exhibit and how arizona played a role in it. it played a lot of roles during world war ii. we are in the prisoner of war section, one of the largest prisoner of war camps in world war ii is right here, right where we are today. there were several pow camps
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scattered around arizona. it was isolated. if you escaped, it was much more difficult to get away. this particular camp had about 4000 german prisoners when it became strictly a german prisoner of war camp. about 1944, they started moving in the german prisoners. they had about 4000 prisoners. many of them were hard-core german naval personnel. we always think -- and it's probably true -- that the government was trying to get them as far away from water as they could. these germans were trying to figure out how to get out of here and get back. they knew the mexican border was not too far south of here. they figured they could get to the mexican border. they saw a map. the map had bluelines where rivers were supposed to be. when you see a blue line in germany, it means there is a river there.
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when used in a blue line here, it means it might be a river used to be there, but there is no water in it now. by looking at their rivers, one of the ways was to follow the gila river down to the colorado river and from the colorado river, they could head south and it's just a few miles into mexico, and there they could hook up with german intelligence and eventually find their way back to germany. but they hadplan, to figure out how to get out of this place that was pretty secure. and the ground underneath was concrete.-- awas like i think the military thought, they can't dig a tunnel out of here. they did not realize the determination of these german prisoners to get out. .hey went to the camp commander they said they wanted to build a tunnel, a volleyball tunnel.
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the military authorities thought, that's a good idea. these guys are getting in mischief too much. maybe they will forget about thinking of escape. so, they gave them permission. they were building this volleyball court, but they had to have dirt for the volleyball court. that's where they were going to displace the dirt from the tunnel they were preparing. digging with coal shovels and spoons and anything they could, then they would put the dirt inside their shorts and things like that. they would come out and play volleyball and shake the dirt. that sounds tedious. you've got time on your hands. it took a little time. they dug down, believe it or .ot, 14 feet from there, they went out and doug 180 feet over to a canal. the leader of this camp, the 1984,n -- i met him in
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when they came over here for a reunion. if there was ever anybody who ofked like he came right out central casting in hollywood, it was the captain. he was an amazing looking guy in his 1980's. he was the senior commander of the prisoners. so, 25 of them were selected to go. on december 20 3, 1944, they threw a christmas party, a real loud, raucous christmas party, so there would not be any noise. down the tunnel they went, and they crawled over to the canal and got into the canal. three of the guys had carried a boat. it was to be preassembled at the river. the three germans with the boat -- it was in three parts. they all went out together. they started walking towards phoenix. it was just about christmas eve.
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they only knew a couple of words in english. everywhere they went, they would say "merry christmas!" nobody thought there was anything strange about three guys carrying what looked like a prepackaged boat. they just went on through, their wayistmassed" through the valley. it had been raining. it was wet and cold. the river was flowing, from out of the gila river. so, they thought, let's get a little sleep. we've been working hard. they went out into the middle of the river on an island out there. they put the boat together and then took a nap. they woke up the next morning ready to put the boat in the river and the river had dried up. that's how our rivers do. they had no choice but to start walking. it's only 200 miles to yuma. they were walking across the
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desert, following the river. they stopped for some reason to wash their underwear. they hung it up to dry in a tree. a cowboy came by and saw underwear hanging in the tree and, by this time, there was word that there had been a massive prisoners of war escape. everybody was on alert. they were saying these guys were killers, scary, watch out. these guys are really bad. these guys were just kids. they told me later, when i interviewed them, we were just kids and we were cold and we were wet and we were scared. we were more scared than they were. you have to look at it from both sides, something like this. but anyway, they were captured and brought back. i was a teacher for 40 i was a teacher for 40 years at high school and college level. those are the stories people remember. when you are teaching history, i
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always use these to grab them. these are things they can relate to. you can pull them into it with these stories of human folly, not faces youngs, see on dollar bills or something. people you have a hard time relating to. these are stories they could relate to. this weekend, we are featuring the history of scottsdale, arizona. together with our cable partners. learn more about scottsdale and other stops at citiestour. watching american history all weekend, every weekend on cspan3. >> each week, american history


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