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tv   The Civil War  CSPAN  December 20, 2016 9:38pm-10:41pm EST

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earlier or didn't have troops and didn't have artillery. if they had been there earlier that might have made a difference. that is very difficult to judge. they judge correctly the potential difficulties of shifting any sizable body of troops. any distance. several times during the war lee had resisted the idea of sending troops from his army to anywhere else saying by the time they get there the situation will be changed. they could be of greater value where they are to do something to try to change the course of the war. if the decision had been made a few days earlier, how might that
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have influenced bragg? that is very difficult to say. the arrival of reinforcements, mostly from mississippi and east tennessee is what is going to emotions bolden him to be taking the offensive anyway. so it's very difficult to judge if the decision was made two days or a week earlier because you have to look at what the union army was doing as well. >> it's hard to understand why there wasn't an established gift.
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at the hood and yeah, they don't yet have the established practice of a command but again long street this day commands 17 brigades. only five of them are his own brigades. or reinforcements from mississippi and east tennessee and they have a force he is trying to pull together and organized and that first map all the way back at the beginning of the powerpoint suggests to us this nice, neat, orderly formation but it was anything
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other than that. the brigades are only going into line there was fire coming through the woods toward them. it is a very kind of last minute situation with hood acting as a core commander and him acting as a division commander. some of those normal people that people would have thought oppenheim who to turn to just aren't present. >> question and answer, it's a little hard to hear. one last question. >> you say that on the 20th that longstreet doesn't move until about 9:00 and it's supposed to
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start at daybreak. >> he will not send his troops forward until about 11 or just after 11. >> that is correct. >> he did not start on time because of communications message delivery problems overnight and in the early morning hours of the 20th. from bragg down the chain of command and also down the chain of command and we can do a whole symposium on what went wrong that night. including staff officers that can't find the people that they are sent out to deliver the
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message to or guys supposed to be maintaining a fire to indicate where you turn off the road to go to headquaters and get tired and go in and go to sleep and the headquaters crew, messengers that return without delivering the message and don't tell anyone and i have only begun to enter into the situations that didn't happen. the man that is supposed to open the attack and the early morning hours of the 20th. guess what he didn't tell them he was expected to do the next morning at day dawn so there are communications problems and earlier he made remarks about coordination issues and when you have command dissension the first thing that goes is
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communications which then means you're not going to achieve coordination, cooperation. i appreciate you having me to participate in your symposium. and i'll be around the rest of the weekend so if you have additional questions i'll be happy to talk to you. >> wednesday american history tv in primetime continue with programs from the emerging civil war blog's conference on great attacks in the civil war. at 8:00 p.m. the assault at atlanta. at 8:45 p.m. the army of tennessee's assault at franklin. at 9:45 the breakthrough at petersburg and at 10:45 p.m. four influential civil war
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military wives. great attacks of the civil war, 8:00 p.m. eastern wednesday here on cspan 3. and to capabilities and look at that kind of world and obviously the policy that we need in order to be with that and then develop the defense policy to confront that work.
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>> harry reid, barbara boxer, and dan coats. this week in primetime on cspan. >> they're still running and both of the 1880s and 90s and the city of brooklyn which is 1
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million people. >> it's the music of people who are privileged to be white and i'll talk about that in a second but also people who are in terms of their economic opportunity. and definitions of whiteness in colonial american and how it impacted country music. on real america. >> our local administrator on the new year's horizon. or worse may level off. this was the climate, the land
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and faced lyndon johnson in 1966. it documents the year of president lyndon b. johnson. and celebrating the holidays and at 8, the author of madam president, edith wilson and he buffered access to the president as he recovered from a stroke in 1919. for our complete schedule go to now historian christopher white on james longstreet's counter attack during the may of 1864.
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he talks about impact of the battle on the landscape and confederate demand. the emerging civil war blog. >> we're going to talk about it as we get going here after lunch and the inside and outs of the battlefield. it's saying a lot. and chris is familiarity with this story and the fact that he has spent so much time on ground and as you see and you don't really understand the war. this knowledge of the war is all the time he has spent out there.
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the wilderness is not so wild today. it's developed. and the dark close wood was ú just to start off today, talking about how i know thezv ground to well. had the interesting job of being the guy who went around the boundary of the park,br(r at the time was 102 miles. i got to put up those signs that say national park service. i was talking to folks prior to
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just how wild the wilderness still is and as we're walking through and going through some veryp nasty jagger bushes and te foreign bushes, like, i had to go through a mile through here and i popped my head out and there's 400 miles maybe, that's probably the summer that my wife heard me complain the most, but at the same time i learned lh most about the battlefield and wilderness, fredericksburg, chancellorville. now, mind you things have changed over the last 150 years, walking the ground is something we always talk about here and emerging civil war and something that our mentor always tau7h7 us how to do and something that we try to instill in our friends and colleagues and that's why preservation efforts here are so important. books, the battle of the wilderness, all of those royalties, they're going to go÷
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100% at the preservation book right there, one of our ÷úeffor. . we're working on an article that's follow up that's going to us. everything else is going to go out in the wilderness. it was nice and thought about the greatest hacks of the war fredericksbord she had a book, but i also thought --p >>v: and jackson and you have me true to life story about$vá(p'
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start on the evening of may the 5th where you have in your fill ins and are going to mess up and not set up their lines ÷úproper, you have the antihero long street that showed up to save the day the next day. right as the confederacy seems to be turningym back, ewe -- fit four a here, james bond street just like jackson, one year and three-and-a-half miles away, so it's a great story and the part that we're going to focus on chris and i were able to discuss on the field on the 145th anniversary that's when he came on to the field, but also joseph division which included his old south carolina data, fantastic to share with you for the next÷ 45 or so minutes. my slide today without a picture
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and capture the imagination, but when we get going, you're going even though he becomes the great victor for lee in the wilderness, he's also going to becomep the forgotten man, something we talked about earlier whenever he becomes a republican, he becomes a catholic and everything else you can throw at james longstreet. he was on the ground when he arrives. he thought about the grand and james' train, like a train on a wedding dress, sweeping in to save the day. just likeshe had done, coming out there and hitting hard. so talk a little bit about jamev longstreet, matt, james, two pictures here, the one you're looking at on your left. the picture on the right is later. j"us long street, west point
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graduate, graduates near the bottom of the class. basically misses most of the battle being in the rear and then as he comes leaves second in command at the peninsula campaign as well as the second campaign, he becomes an october lead second in command, performance very well on the defensive front foz 20,000 union soldiers attack his line, four to five lines, not one union soldier touches that stonewall, not one makes it into the same road. in the second battle, the union wins, if you want to learn about that, feel free, whole different story÷ú and time. for those of you going on tour tomorrow, you'll have a chance to walk around the same ground, the james long street÷ú defenda 1862. goes on to gettisburg, while he's there, he doesn't get one of those and i had to g! one of
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those wristbands wrapped in. and whatever he goes on to the field there, we obviously lose the battle of gettisburg÷ú and controversy swirls around it. after gettisburg, he's going to be sent out well, as we heard last night, fantastic fought by jim, he's going to do good work the wheels start coming off throughout the fall and winter of 1863 and 1864. by the time the winter is ending in spring is coming across virginia, james longstreet isu! greatly reduced by a number of battles, the siege of chattanooga and knoxville. longstreet is yearning are coming back to the east. longstreet many times want today go out west to try to do battle and serve under joe johnson. heym really respected, but it seemed like he loved johnston. long street's men are finally going to get their wish to come back to virginia.
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this will happen in mid april of 1864. some of the men are going to write, one man is going to write every day i strengthened in the belief when we leave this region of tennessee riding us. we'll go to the support ofmy virginia army and soon be back in our old stamping ground in front of our old enemy, with and so beastened on the field. everyone is buoyant at the thought of leaving the field at the army. we would rather to see another on toym richmond campaign. there's talk of our moving today, quarter master train just now, longstreet's men will travel back into the east and everything is going to look a little bit different when we come back east. he's wounded -- eventually going to join the army, we'll hear a little bit about him later on
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today. he'll start having a falling out at gettisburg with longstreet that will carry over into the % knoxville campaign and everything that's going on out west and he's going to lose his command. whenever they come back to the eastern theater have two new division commanders, one is justice, he's a lawyer. he's not military trained. he has a good military mind. thenp he also has herl, he's 189 west point graduate. he was wounded and nearly lost a leg. it's going to take a long time for him to recover from the wounds and in that time frame his brigade is going to go on and he's forced around until the fall --÷ú until the spring of 14 when he received a division. then, of course, there's÷ú geor. but -- george after gettisburg
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was shipped out to petersburg. he goes down to֒division, part of his division is shattered, while he's down there, george decides to ask robert e. lee if he can take a leafzv and get married to his la salle, lee refuses to allow him to do this. george doesn't -- and goes off and gets married in september of 1863. unfortunately for george, there's nothing going on in peterburg at this time that was on the front page of the paper and robert e. lee and general going off and getting married. he goes off to north carolina, goes down to new burn and he's eventually going to make his way back to the army of northern virginia. he's going to miss this battle. now, the army of northern virginia, and it's an armyzv --
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and first field and second core of eric -- commander and he's also going to be that soundingboard that he always had, very important soundingboard. you don't alwayssagree, obviously, you heard earlier, but they are going to work well together for the most part. ì9=i511e jackson was alive, lee with james longstreet not with jonathan jackson. one of the reasons why i think this is so, jackson and his staff were sticks in the mud. longstreet, those guys kind of have personalities, if you knew robert e. lee, as stoic that can be putu! up on that marble man. lee kind of seemed to be entertained by some of the characters that were around him. he's going to givep long street the nickname. he's one of two officers to gain some recognition from lee like that. he -- and early is the one who supposedly would swear and smoke
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in front of robert e. lee, you never knew with robert e. lee. that is the high regard thaág h had for long street and early who were both characters in and of himself. his right and hisd8 official about -- these are the two nicknames surely stuck in lee's mind. the second core probably has the best division set up. probably have the best division commanders, the bmi graduate, he also had jubl early and ed johnson. early is specifically one of lee's favorite, as izv just pointed out. the third has ac hill, who i believe is the worst commander in the army of northern virginia. he has henry east, whod8 was th goat of west point class, you don't know what that is, he came in dead zvlast. then you will cox, lost in class in 1846 and he is a pretty good officer. he's a guy slowly coming up through the ranch.
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his nickname and he wore very short coat. he came down to his waste in a big straw hat when he went into battle. he fought very very well at the battle of salem church, which is about 15 miles north of where we are. there's richard zvanderson. he was a carry over from the first fore who gets transferred whenever lee reorganizes the army. this is what the make up of the like when we go off into war and 1864. in 1864 the patomic looks different. it's beenp reduced from gettisburg now down to three core, not including the calgary, that are going to go off into the war. wemy also have a fourth corps, e campaign steps off, burn sides independent commander, who was a new union commander, eu liss less s grant.
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whenym grant comes east, he realizes one of the major issues is not the army structure itself, which is a big issue, but it's so close toym washingt, d.c.÷úzv >> which dan davis is havinga book out ÷úabout.÷ú
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>> then you have ac hill who is down at orange court, hill can go out to the valley if he needs to, he can go outu! towards the fredericksburg area. then wi have james longstreet, newly arrived starting on april at one time was known as the v world. >> it has about 66,000 effective you can put into the field versus theym 123,000 men, unionn the patomic in the army corps. looking back one year, looks
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like we're back at chancellor field. the armies areu! in very simila positions with very similar numbers. down here it will be reviewed on april 29th, campaign will kick off late in the evn@ng, may the third into the warrior, may the fourth. they go down to see long street. he goes down to see his men. when he goes down, oneu! man ou military father refused the first corps on april 29th. this was the most similar posing pageant we ever witnessed. the men were frantic with emotion. but the best part about this meeting was not seeing robert e. lee again, it was seeing all of lee again, it was seeing all of (k >> the year before.zv and it had been many months since we had seen our old beloved. when we did behold him, such a shout of gladness and affection heard.
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this was command that was relieved to be back in the army of northern virginia. they have seen how the rest of the world worked. the grass is not greener on the other side of the confederacy. it's really bad to go out there and set the horses. so themy confederate when the campaign opens, they'll have to play to the tune of kbrant. grant forces are eyeing two separate moveszv possibly, one move towards fredericksburg and one down into the g#wilderness. we'll discuss here in a body. the wilderness is a densep secod and third group for 74 miles in orange county. the area in this part of virginia was very rich in iron÷ and gold ymwaur.
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and to set up iron and -- they're going to turn down or take down the old forest, fuel the furnaces with thatu! forest and making charcoal out of it and they're going to clear that and let it grow up and keep doing the same thing over and over for a number of times. which you can see here, on this map that chris has gáa?%=uly let me use, you can see a lot of the tree, very small persistent farms for the most part are out here. átájjrj farm, the widow tax field katherine's field which is owned by the lacy family up here at el wood. which is opento the public if you want to go out there. the friends of the wilderness oversee that in conjunction with national park service.
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openings like some others. there's not a place to fight th8 battle. they don't tend to fight here in the wilderness. the region itself only have a roads going thrilling. of the so what grant intends to do is move his men through this forest, keep going, opensup in the open field near orange courthouse. in orange courthouse there the numerical advantage, the army of the patomic has should be able toht take out robert e. lee. robert e. lee now is the objective. it is no longer on to richmond. the lincoln and henry have both realized what they need to do is take lee's army out of the army here. where would -- wherever he goes, you shall go also. that's what grant is going to tell me. if you can take out the
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principle army, it's a lot of . the army. andrew atkinson humpries, who absolutely no personality, the guys -- you can't joke with them. i like him. he's good soldier, but humpries is a stoic guy. >> he's going to push the army through this area in one day. he's got a plan to go get over 3,000 supply wagons with more ambulances than all these horses, tens of thousands of that's the idea, to push through this wilderness as fast as possible. and describe this area, there are two descriptions one confederate and one union, i'll read to you. this is a modern picture across
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the orange plank zvroad. this gives you an idea just how they are. they're very dense at their base, one man said in 1863 at the brightest point of the day, you couldn't see the fourth floor because the foil aj was so thick on the can pi of the trees. 1864 it's unseasonably hot and dry. most of the trees are not bunted yet. when they go off, much of the foil aj is not out there ÷úyet. it's still tough to mean ym through. and most appropriate terms, a land of exhausted sandy soil supporting more or less dense of pine and there are some cleared spaces especially near the plank road where our headquarters arey marked, the very worst of it is parallel with the orange plank
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and upper part of the bronx road, exactly where i'm going to bring james zvlongstreet on to e battlefield. this is not a place to launch an offensive. to g back and last night, this will be a perfect place to have a defensive battle, not an offensive battle. the third north carolina infantry is going to describe this land as wilderness, covered with a madded growth, sweet gum, brush and dogwood. the service of the earthg# occasionally with low basin for which when rain fall comes, washes from the higher margins and cuts long gulliesd8 that ar often large deep and wide wash out. that's the idea what the wilderness is going to look like. so with grant intends to do is move into the wilderness, not quite here, but try to squeak down from the station, cross rapid ann river, turn out towards the west and÷ú try to d battle somewhere out towards the
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courthouse. get lee out into the open. while at the same time trying to go around it across the line known as my run, very impressive work. well, the optimal timetable is one day, unfortunately, grant maytinker with the timetable humpries and they say we can do it in two days. that's going to give robert e. lee time to react. lee is going to be onym top of what's called mountain, he can see from clarks mountain all the way up to the station. he can monitor this large black space that's going to come down at him. as they start to move. the systemic. move lee decides to nullify their numbers by moving two of its core into the÷ú wilderness itself. it will be tough to move this through the woods. that's how we're going to nullify thisb number. so the second course, and marching along parallel routes, modern route 20, the orange turnpike, the constitution highway will lead general
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hill -- i'm sorry, general yule on to the battlefield and route 621 the orange plank road will lead him out÷ú so they can suppt one another. running plank for t intersection, the orange plank road which will be up in the wilderness.
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the idea, if the÷ú orange plank road brock road intersection, is that whoever controls that, controls the inside track towards richmond. robert e. lee can turnym north d try to it back against the river. if brett holds it. he can move south towards the courthouse and force leezv out the wilderness and into the open like he wants to do. that's the idea for grant. it's going to be a race. andyháhat race will be won by te union forces, in the form of the union army corps. when the race intersection here, while it will take place onu! tt parallel route along the orange turnpike, that will be the union fifth corps, six corps parts ofm
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them. >> deploying to line of battle and the battle itself didn't start to kick off into late morning into the zvafternoon. it's going to be pressing, but hink. >> he's going to try to destroy the confederate third army corps. he's learning very quickly that his best core commander in the army of the patomic is wind field scott hancock. it's not because audacious. it's that he does one thing that seems to be alluding all of the
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other high commands with the army of the patomic and that is he can follow an order. and that he attacks when he's told to attack. that's what we're going to see down along the orange plank road. morning of may 5th. grand union offense, hancock is going to have elements of three federal corps under the command and they're going to trysto come in from thezv north. >> from george washington, it's the sixth core division. we're suppose to be anotherz &ae on this map that doesn't show up here and that's the burn side. . he was ordered them on to the
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field. . one man said, he won't be there. i know it. and guess what, his name is not on the map.zv he wasn't there. it's going to be intent throughout the morning. easily two to one and it's great it's going to be bush whacking on a grand scale. that's one one of the men are going to call it here.÷ú another man called it large scale indian fighting. another man said this is the first place he had nfr seen man he had killed.÷ú confederate on the other side. he dumped out and shot the man ! dead. >> and what i attribute that to is the fact that during civil war battle you eel lead from the front. if you're from the front, you'll
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see 20 yards dlthrough the wood. that's who is going to go down. that's going to be the first target you see. it will take place and start off around may 5th. it starts to erupt, use the con federal line that's÷ú going to rupture and start to break apart. it's going to be one of those grand seems. robert e. lee who made his÷ú headquarters, which i'll show you here in a moment. is going to be back gun line of about 14 kran nons. that kind of varies. you shs the command of william poag. he's going to hear eruption on the morning of may 5th, along the front. that or may 6th. that's going to bezv the union' second core, fifth core rolling down towards the men. . the night before the÷ú action, entire confederates were not permitted to go out and make it work, defensive line, like chris will show you later on here at
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dge, like they have. the two generals on the field who are suppose to be putting up the work, these are some of the works that are down along the orange plank road are÷ú cabinet will cox here, henry heath and ac hill. hill is sick and doesn't want to be bothered and heath and will cox won't think outside the box, which is very unusual for lee's army. he really wanted his men to think outside the box. they do thattime and time again. the two men go back to hill canning asking.÷ú . the truth of the matter is, yards away, and that shows, heath is actually truthful in
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that, that shows leading in the division anywhere. you ca
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he knows it. he's told by lee that divisions commander should always have his division prepared to receive an attack.ym -- that is certainly so, but he must also obey the positive orders. general lee made noym reply. stair at you÷ú silently, meant was really mad at you. he had a fantastic temper on him. alexander is going to say on one occasion, that the÷ú old man is wicked mood today. it is a pretty good tempo. general lee, he made nomy reply. he knew that splended opportunity had been lost. and what he was talking about was the fact that since itç doesn't hold, they need to march up to the battlefield to save
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the day. they can't try to make a counter attack andu! can't preplan it. so now longstreet who is marching to the field is going to start hearing sounds. he's been mar"bñing cross county to get to the field, which is going to be the first area of action on the battlefield for the corps. his men will arrive in mid zv sector. this is the orange plank road today. this is known as the widow tapped zvfield. who owned the el wood plantation. she'll eventually buy this small portion of the battlefield in october of 1891. these folks are what we consider at times the epitome of poor
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white trash. they're really almost hill billys. this iszv their ymhouse. it's going to survive, four years old at the time of the battle. this year is ralph, he is one of the early parked historians and he's going to meet and he has some fantastic stories that i cannot tell you on televisionv: about ymher. . but it's pretty interesting. this is her in the 1930s. at the time is four years old. she remembers hearing about her mother complaining that there's some bad men in blue and they need it to be whipped. she thought that the men were
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throwing÷ú pebbles boo the well that's what she always dealt with before. that's what she thought these guys were up to. they run out into theroad on the morning and start running down the road. she sees one of the fifth new york calgary men out there wounded. she said he went to take a drink and the contents came out of hio throat. this is william, from the third corps, as the third core lines starts to break. starts to look out into the woods, see masses of amounts of men running towards him. breaking completely. he sees him leading a fineu! soh carolina bribrigade. these men are running like a
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flock of ymeast. then they come out here and then have to fight at the bloody ankle. i didn't think they wan,mto be part of the battlefield zvhere. . started his march around 2 clk in t :00 -- 22 the:00 in the morning. he has a guide, local sheriff who came out to help him. i always like to think about things inç terms of movies. whenever i read the description, he kind of reminds me of
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justice, you know the smokeyym d bandit, gleeson, that's who i like to zvthink. as the fuel hospital, one of his men said, breaking instantly into a double foot movementmy w pressed on towards the plank road. half a mile from it and order came from general to report with a texas brigade as as soon as possible to general lee, reaching the road, we found confusion, such as we had never witnessed before in lee's army. it was covered withstanding and moving wagons. spreading their way through the tangled mess, each with space to the rear where hundreds of the men at will cox in east division
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these men coming back. he's coming up to save the day, looking back on it, there is a son of al ster lit, referring to so he's thinking big as he's coming up on to the battlefield. he do you belong to general lee'szv ÷úarmy. it is shown herecoming up on to the field with lee in the front. notice here longstreet is hanging out in the back. they see all of thesetr(t&háhp % confederates fleeing towards the
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rear. lee is at a point where he's very excited, one man said he's very off this day. one man also described i have often see general lee, never did i see him so excited, so &háhp &hc% care manifest itself force plainly upon his continue innocence. if i'm mistaken. he was almost moved in tears as the men are trying the to start lee's men, his staff, are constantly trying to send it back. finally, they look down the road going to t. the only thing between the army of north virginia and destruction are 14 guns of kozvv
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battalion. >> stonewall jackson and others, james long street ready to go into action. "t$e sees him, has no idea who is, they stream back and he knows that's the only unit that's in the first core÷ú thate has texas, don't forget about the razorbacks from arkansas, feel bad for those guys. i'm glad to see it for the brigade. when you gopár' there, i wish yu to give those men the cold steel. they'll stand and fight all day and never move unless you charge them. the texas brigade is -- has always driven the enemy. i want you to do it now, and tell them general that they will fight under my eye. i will watch÷ú them and watch their condemn. i want every man to know that i am here and i am with them.
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awe you're finally coming v:bac. you see all of these men touring from the field. you have robert e. lee riding with you into action. then they realize, robert e. lee is riding intov: action with d8. it takes two officers to dov: s. he kind of shames them and says, you can go in action and wall street goes up and see you can lead them into action, this is 8 pretty warm spot that we're in and he would rather not be here. he said i got this.
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i can tax care of this. he stepsp aside and longstreet starts to launch counter p attacks. and they're going to go straightforward into two brigades from the second and fifth quarter. the four recommended 800 men are going the same horrific casualties. 800 m" go into action, 250 of them come out out later that afternoon. they were the first ones to go in and they went in by themselves. they÷ú sacrificial lamb. to me, this is the last for them
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and last hoorah as they're broken multiple times on the battlefield. . the men are back through them from will cox and heat. this has to be one of the toughest jobs to try to get on the line asd8 they go into acti, charles lead staff starts looking and he said it was -- my heartbeats quicker than to think about the moment, even at this distant time, which was 15 years later, watching these men go into action. he thought it wassprobably the toughest thing they had ever done in those woods as they had their men clean back through them. and it was here asym heading in
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brigade starts to swing to the south and he goes zvnorth. >> for down on every side. here is long street. the old war horses up. it's all right now. . who also wrote my favorite quote of the day and that's like a fine rival at the ball. but he was always madesa sensation -- sweeping behind him as training.ó0@r(t&háhp &hc% and on the north side and a ramp up. they are going to have theym sa problems they ran into as they go into action here.
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as these two go, they break up. they do the same thing here intú wilderness. and 48th alabama, have to go around. and 15th alabama, that number is taking on 2-1, everyone is like this is great and they findmy o later they are nothing heavy. it's spent the last two years and brothel at the washington and not on the÷ú battlefield. it was like taking on a band box. they didn't think it was that great. regardless, his men charge up. counter attack and drive them back. to the southp of the road headig into the brigade and humpries are going to go ÷úforward.
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that's how closed in this is going to be. it's a lot to me about the severity of the fighting. this is what the woods will look like, most of the÷ú men will be fighting on the north and south side of the road. this is a tough battlefield to be on and for command and control to see your men. commanders are going to startht following left and right. some of those commanders will fall up in these woods. this is where the brigade went in. henry went forward through here andwounded in the shoulder near where i took this picture from and he engaged henry baxter, which was pretty good, baxter is also wounded second wound of the war. so it's going to be here and it's going to be terrible battle. commanders start fallingg# left and ymright.
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. he went to the south carolina military academy, which is known today as synonym. 250 fought during the war. 209 went to the÷ú confederacy. . he has command of the unit. it's breaking up. you can only see small fragment of it. it's breakin/m apart. the third south carolina -- he is going to fall. he graduated first in his class in 1849 from the university of÷ south carolina.
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taken from the lines and dies a few hundreds yards behindko his line. his son becomesp a. ud uz -- it's÷ú going to start breaking through forward. they make move by kissing of the brigade. men said he had his general star, major general star. he was like a lion fighting out on that battlefield. finally stabilize. it took about two hours heavy fighting. now lee goes to takes the initiative. three officers come together an% find an unfinished railroad cut
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that ran along the road, parallel to it roughly, there they decide to launch the attack. they go into this here late in the afternoon or late in the morning. >> and a number of other officers riding down the plank road in the moment of victory, ride forward and then theyzv ri in front some of their own men shown here on this clip. as they arrive forward, men of the virginia victory swing÷ú around and get lost as they try to will back to their brigade and come face to face with their own, they can't tell with their confederate and they fire. into the middle rides long street and small group of officers. as he does so, wall street is going to be hit, hit in the right ofzv his throat and it ex
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through his right shoulder. he's going to be wounded and -- jenkins,v: south carolina gener officer -- barely clingingnb to life. . this is what it looks like today. this is the road that will lead the general down to his ultimate goal. the plank road intersection. they takehat intersection, the confederates can turn to the north, turn lee -- turns it to try to destroy them and take the initiative away. they're always trying to do, take the initiative. unfortunately second in command
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they're not able to take it. this is what the plank road interception looks÷ú like today. they show he did not havezv it r command, he and they hate each other. he's lee's bat r battle man and he loves him a lot. but pushed for richard anderson, and i on may 7th, longstreet is replaced as he's taken wherev: he's ultimately going to be taken down to georgia. we have visitor center, where you


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