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tv   Reel America  CSPAN  December 25, 2016 4:00pm-4:36pm EST

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the story. collects up next, on american america, fromeal 50 years ago, the president, december, 1966. this is on president johnson through the final months of 1966. award a medal of honor for action and bit him. proposed taxe a increase and celebrate holidays with family at his texas ranch. these films are now archived at the lbj presidential library.
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>> went to to the people of texas is mostly wind and dust. everything was brown and dormitory horizon and the streams and because our love. this time of year, particularly an election year has been a couple type or president zaslow. most particularly, when it follows a heavily kerry presidential election. i policy decisions must be labored out. this responsibility would be awesome enough. coupled with a vietnam conflict that must be continually explained to the american people, a troublesome economy and being overheated. and then up coming divided congress. attitude's burdens was the uncertain future of the great society rams, it is what the country during the sessions of
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the 89th congress. the summit had not been reached. a cautious congress, but cutbacks, a tangle of local state and administrative problems. it created evidence that this crusade against society's greatest enemies might be slow or level off and pay. this was the climate, the land and the unfinished task that based under johnson on 1966. they flew in regularly throughout the month of december. on trips like this to the lbj ranch, a briefcase was needed. they were summoned by the president to help in the shaping of the nation's economic social
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and political destiny. they comprised many. special assistance, consultant in specialized areas. cabinet members and department head. experts from both private and public walks of life. each will have his chance to suggest reports, goodbyes and recommend. ofh brings a collection facts and opinions. the sum totals on the scale. only then can the president make the final evaluation and ultimately, the final decision. one of the toughest problems was the question of the tax increase. it had brought some inflationary fires. as some conjecture headed, it could also promote a recession. hills, farangels
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from the pentagon corridors, the president would have to evaluate the force to structure. in light of current intelligence estimate, consider a $30 billion antimissile system would be justified. with the war in the vietnam cost more? budget cuts and welfare programs would be called for. as the president thought to squeeze the water out of the budget he could not neglect the needs of the cities, the education of the children and the reduction of poverty. the problems were not simple ones. each, whether related to the war, domestic spending, national security or the shipping of the country's future, each interface with the others. these had to be considered not alone but as only one part of a greater picture. an outsider can only guess when the edges would be heard. it wasn't clear when the answers came that they would reflect hours, days and weeks.
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on saturday, to some of the third, the president took a colorful break from his busy schedule at the ranch. in company with mrs. johnson, the secretary of state and the mexican ambassador he paid a good neighbor visit to some small river town across rio grande, texas. president and his wife greeted the american president. town but itsll hemispheric relations are they want. it is here that the united states and mexico are building the homicide for friendship dam. as a joint international project. when completedm, in 1960 nine the devastating floods that in the past have ravaged all sides of the border. basell serve as a broad
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for hydroelectric power and recreational lawyers to be shared by both. >> last april we met in your beautiful city. we wanted to pay homage to a year of the past. the work that we see going on around us tells us dramatic stories of what two people working together, accomplish. technicians and laborers working side-by-side and erecting the concrete structures. what we are fishing along this river such a pattern which i hope will be increasingly repeated by neighboring countries throughout the hemisphere. >> at every opportunity afforded to them, they try to strike them
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down. they wanted from answers on the tax increase question and its impact on the economy. if they received no answers, it was their fault. the chief executive had seen his remarks to the present blown out of proportion. it was clear that little or no definitive information would be released until the final figures were on the table. in spite of high interest rates and tight money, the economy was helping. if the press knew to be reminded of how far the country had come in economically in lyndon johnson's lifetime, he turned a trick. we might have problems now but not like the ones that based for railamerica in those yesteryears.
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>> some of the oldest words never seem to grow old. among them are these. gallantry, above and beyond the call of duty. robert m ago, sergeant it's all malley did more than fight for honor.
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in the face of danger, he ignored danger. he refused to consider his own safety. life, hesk of his own peeled other man's life. today, i given the highest medal this nation can offer. i can think of only one gift sufficient to honor men like this. we can assure this man and we can't assure everyman who wears our uniform. that their cause is a good cause. that the pour sound principles. that the battle that they are fighting preserves it. toas the nation pays homage
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the new wartime heroes, she works of visibly behind the scenes to limit the very conflicts that provide the stage for such terrorism. heroism. some of this work came on december 8. the president announced that an agreement had been reached on the outer space treaty. a resolution he himself had initiated and may of 1966. the successful completion of the gemini program further the evidence that moved landings may soon be a reality. when ratified by all member nations, a treaty what -- will represent a store call milestone.
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>> on december the ninth, the press family returned to washington for a midmonth round of presidential tax. some that can only be carried out in the travesty of the capital room. ♪ "little drummer boy" ♪ >> the president and mrs. johnson open to the white house
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social season with all the members of the national council of the arts. the council, brought into being by president johnson has a broad mandate from congress to encourage the development of the arts throughout the country. the council's are filled with the most distinguished names to be found among the greater professionals. responsibility is are incredibly diverse. this never more in evidence than on the 15th of december. he unveiled a model of the united states exhibit to this year's welfare.
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the canadian expo 67. noting that they are here to stay. ambassador were on the way to build the details of the exhibit. and resent him with an honorary passport to the exposition. they will spare has traditionally symbolized the technological achievement of the industrial nations. with theseese -- advancements come a host of problems. the world is now entering the last third of the 20th century. would notthe problems get simpler but only more complex, the president called for the creation of an international center. a form where interested nations could examine and together, find some solutions to complexities, and to all. all.mmon to the ambassador to the united nations can. he welcomed ambassador henry
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cabot lodge. >> there was any doubt in my mind that history will record that president johnson's decision on july the eighth, 19 tuesday five, this was a historic decision. historic for southeast asia, historic for us his sword for everybody. they went to the edge of east asia and has been denied to the expansionism of peking. this would shall not have happened had we been driven out of them or had weight abandoned it on. abandoned vietnam. the president building bridges to the used. two weeks earlier, the united totes agreed to upgrade
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embassy level. and returned to receive the ambassadors from bulgaria and hungary. americane of you representatives to these eastern european countries, the united states may very well see the last of her ministers. and office held by ben franklin, thomas jefferson and john adams. in her early days, the united states was not permitted the privilege of sending ambassadors abroad. she was too small and relatively unimportant. this is out -- philosophy is not shared by america today. for all donations, they are considered important. their investors are received in the traditional, time-honored ceremony. >> joy to the world. the lord has come.
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let heaven and nature sing. let heaven and nature sing. let heaven and nature sing. >> the president concluded by ushering in the christmas season with washington's annual holiday ritual. >> and tonight, even as we speak, men are fighting in a strange land. they have a world away. at time of christmas, there are signs of hope. we havenited states, made progress in human rights. in the past six years, we have
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in the previous hundred years. throughout the world, all are being forgotten. a nation is joining nations. it is in a common effort to try to improve the lot. tonightus here dedicated this christmas trade with hope and great confidence. let's rededicate ourselves to the principles of our bill of rights. them, not sit in darkness. guide shadow of them, to our people.
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>> a month later, the first family returned to the white house to reside over another annual holiday ritual. the christmas party for the staff. the antics of the baja band may favor with the council of the arts but it sure worked for 1600 pennsylvania avenue. his midmonth task completed. he would board air force one. he continued work on the budget.
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at a christmas bake sale in johnson city park, the first ladies stocked up on holiday delicacies, texas style. dressing, thead rarest appetite teasers. johnson city is far removed from the pomp and circumstance of washington and get in his own way, the people and the town are
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more presented of un-american and the nation's capital. this is the reason why the president and mrs. johnson entertained international visitors at the ranch. the rest of the world can see what america is all about this way. as lyndon johnson frequently remarked, it was the sort of place where they love you while you owe -- were alive. they took care of you when you were sick and they missed you when you are dead. the johnsons are an integral part of the community and that presence is felt other than because of the national prominence.
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mrs. johnson plays an active part in local civic work. although it is sometimes difficult for either of them to completely step out of the spotlight and rural texas, moments like these offer a refreshing change of pace from the glittering formality of washington.
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it was largely partisan politics but the rome owings, weights over springs early in the month where loudly amplified by the press. as leader of the democratic party's and longtime advocate that the principal avenue frank and open discussions leading to a reading of the minds among reasonable men, president johnson invited the democratic governors to the ranch to speak their minds and clear the air. ,f the 18 man -- man who met nine accepted the invitation. president offered the opportunity to discuss any issue that came up. the communities was very open,
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frank and the problems that each governor felt that existed in his particular state was given the opportunity to present them. clearlythat the meeting and for all of us as governors and get the president the opportunity to express his fears to us and all of the areas of discussion. i think he has made it clear that some people are paid to provoke fights and some are paid to prevent them. our job is to prevent them. i think that we all have the same overall objective. greatest good for the greatest number. but the people at different levels of the city, state and federal government to have different approaches. we democrats had never been known for suppressing howard differences. we have always found willing partners to wear bright -- cooperate. fillmore's departed.
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he took over the job in 1965, he had won the trust and respect of washington's press corps. worker, very dedicated to his president and the details of his job. here become one of the top policy advises in the white house. exec of all trades, he was not made a buffer between the chief executive at work directly upon legislative matters. he made foreign policy trips and tasks of his last tax -- would help to draft the state of the union message for the coming week. >> on the day before christmas, the president flew to kelly air force base. due to arrive within moments where combat wounded veterans of vietnam. headed for military hospitals in
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the san antonio area. the present want to wish everybody a merry christmas. -- the president wanted to wish everybody a merry christmas. man whon't assure every wears our uniform that their cause is a good cause. that the principles they stand for our sound principles. that the battle they are fighting deserves their bravery. it is a cause which deserves not only the bravery of our soldiers but the patients and the fortitude of all of our citizens.
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if far outweighs the reluctance of men who exercise so well, the right of dissent. let others fight to protect them from those whose very philosophy is to do away with the right of dissent. >> on christmas eve it was apparent that the dissenters would still dissent. would go on.etnam the tax increase would still be up in the air. momentarily, these problems would be put aside as the president and his family turned to celebrate this most joyous holidays.
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♪ >> it became a timeout of war.
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time when defining woodstock. this was one of the most energetic piece the dramatics and history. this year, there was reason for bringing him. a letter drafted by an and approved by the president was handcarried to secretary-general. that the united states was committed to seeking a lasting settlement to the war. it may have been old language but there was a new ring to the words. return to you with the hope and the request that you will take whatever steps necessary to bring about the necessary discussions which would lead to a cease-fire -- cease-fire. i show you that the government of the united states will cooperate fully with you in getting such discussions started promptly and bringing them to a successful conclusion. if this latest bid for peace talks works, it will not be
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known during the remaining days of 9066. when the 48 hours expire, they will seek other targets. on saturday, the first of december, the president held this conference. close, itr came to a was clear that america was entering a time of transition. both in foreign affairs and on the domestic front. in europe, jurors were being made between countries. yet, at the same time, communication was improving between america and the soviet union. on the domestic scene, there was no announcement and years and of the possibility of a tax increase. duringas no doubt that 1967, the president would continue to devote all of his
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energies to the strengthening of his people. the great society had enjoyed a magnificent beginning. but it was a long road ahead. programs might have to undergo change. but in this time of transit, the aheady would try to move and upwards. >> you are watching american history tv. 48 hours of programming on american history. follow us on twitter at c-span history for information on our schedule and to keep up with the latest history news. >> this weekend, on the presidency, author william hazel after president
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woodrow wilson suffered a stroke. here is a preview. >> i like to draw the analogy of a family overwhelmed. you have a lot of kids, the dog is barking, the house is a mess. such is the best that you can. the white house has closed down. the kids were locked, the curtain had pulled. traffic was diverted away. edith is taking correspondence. remember, we are in the age when there was no internet, no fax, people wrote letters back and forth between departments. all of this correspondence come in and nobody is doing with it. what started to happen was the pile of nonessential letters grew.
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there were tons of letters never opened. saying i will deal with this. i will do with this. the with this but not this. it was really access. she would go to the president and ask him what you think of this. if he could respond, he would respond and give an opinion. but she did start. she would meet with the cabinet members. she would conduct business there. upon the type to be made. bills had to be acted on or not. in the book, it is a hodgepodge of things that she was trying to do as best she could. >> you can watch the entire program on sunday on midnight eastern on the presidency. american history tv, only on c-span3. >> military force is one of the things i think the american public very often gets impatient about.
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they really believed they had this great military that can defeat anyone. it is not true. it is an extraordinary military but it can only win in certain situations. it can only really destroy things. it can't build a new order in its place. >> tonight on q&a, the journalist and professor mark danner talks about his career. >> what we don't want to do is respond in such a way that will produce more of these militants, more of these militant organizations. they want us to overreact. they want us to occupy muslim countries so they can build their recruitment. they want us to torture people. they want us to do things that is going to allow them to make their case against us. tonight on c-span's q&a.
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>> next week visit the national world war ii museum in new orleans. for a program from a conference titled 9046 year zero. in his a session, historians house and are richey and comic print discuss the origins of the cold war. it is a ritchie was at joseph stalin and the reasons behind soviet expansion. while professor crane examines the western response to a reader had been an ally during the war. >> welcome to the 925 session entitled the iron curtain. the bent and western response. up until now, we had been for grounding detailed behavior of berries individuals and groups. and itneed to do i think is a good time to do this at our conference now is to talk about the deep background, the big issues that were at stake. the context in which actors and decision-makers are carrying out their activi


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