tv American Artifacts CSPAN January 2, 2017 8:32am-9:33am EST
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captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2008 and so, that was the impetus of this flight. but what it represents in the history of aviation is part of the telling of the airplane and this transformation of the airplane from what the wright brothers created and how it transitions over the '20s and '30s to what we call the modern airplane. and so, lindbergh was an unknown airmail pilot in 1926 who, as flying from the st. louis to chicago air route, flying the mail, was thinking about is this possible? and building upon that idea, he gets financiers from st. louis, people, you know, he trained them to fly, you know, interacted with him in the
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aviation circles. and he gets the backing to either purchase a long-distance airplane or to build one. and what happens is he ends up in san diego with ryan airlines, and he meets donald hall, their chief engineer, and they design a purpose-built transatlantic airplane, the new york to paris. and lindbergh calls it "the spirit of st. louis" in honor of his backers in st. louis, but this is a product of his vision of what a long-distance airplane would be. so, it's not necessarily the most advanced airplane. it represents many of the known ideas about technologies that are reliable and durable with some gambles that he includes in the airplane as well. so, working with don hall through the spring of 1927, lindbergh creates this airplane. and so, we see this. it's a high-wing mono plane. it's a wood wing that's externally braced to the fuselage. and it has underneath its fabric in the fuselage tubular steel framework. that's an innovation that emerges in world war i,
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especially from the fulker company, and that is a diversion from this wood bracing that we've seen since the wright brothers. but it still uses wires and it's still a framework like you would see with the internal strut-and-wire brace construction, but you know it works. and so, and then it's also the basic design of this ryan airplane called the m-2 they base this airplane on. and so, this aircraft is designed for one thing, flying across the atlantic ocean with one pilot, which is a gamble. all the other airplanes had multiple crew members as well as multiple engines. but lindbergh makes that gamble because he says, the lighter the airplane, the more simpler, i can control it. and so, this is an airplane built for endurance, you know. 450 gallons of gasoline, which doubles the weight to almost 4,000, 5,000 pounds. and so, he has to learn how to handle this airplane. and so, when it's finished in april 1927, the first thing he does is he breaks a san
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diego-to-st. louis transcontinental speed record. he visits his backers and flies on to new york, which is the jumping off point to this flight to paris. and so, this is where lindbergh's choices really come into play in which you don't see a canopy on this airplane. you see a door in the side. he actually used a periscope that he would actually deploy so he could see forward when he's taxiing the airplane or he would swivel the tail to look out the window in the side, because what's in front of him are the oil and main fuel tanks and then the engine. and so, that's to get all that in front of him in case he crashes, he's got that all in front of him, rather than having a big gasoline tank coming behind him and crushing to death or catching him on fire and burning him alive. and so, he's making these choices. but look forward of the fuel tank area where it says "spirit of st. louis," and you see the radial engine. that's a wright j-5 whirlwind, which is a cornerstone technology of what's going to
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become the aeronautical revolution, the creation of modern airplanes, is that it is a radial engine that's cooled by the air traveling over the cylinders. and so, you see them sticking out there so that they can be cooled as the air flow goes over them. but it's a reliable engine. it stays, you know, it stays running for 33 hours. he knows that. it's a conscious choice. so, that's an advanced technology that he's embracing. so, tubular steel fuselage, wood wing, externally braced, those are known technologies that work, but the state-of-the-art is that engine. and right in front of that engine is an aluminum alloy fixed pitch propeller. and so, it's just like a wright brothers propeller, where it's just fixed pitch, creates thrust for one operating regime, but it has one innovation in it that the standard steel propeller company novartis and is ready by the time lindbergh, who in his memoir says i want a metal propeller for the "spirit of st.
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louis," and what he means is the standard steel ground-adjustable pitch propeller. and what i mean by that is that you can't change the angle of the blades in the air, but if you need to change the pitch on the ground, you can loosen two rings, change the pitch for whatever setting you want it to be, so they can get you off the ground with the heavyweight of the fuel but give you enough cruise efficiency to get across the atlantic. so, it's a compromise. in many ways, the airplane overall is a compromise to get lindbergh across the atlantic ocean. so, the flight itself. lindbergh didn't have advanced navigational tools like a gps. he did have a compass and a method called dead reckoning, where he would use the stars to plot his path. he's going to fly the circumpolar routes across instead of flying over the shipping lanes. he's flying a much shorter
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distance over the curvature of the earth, and he just gambles that he's going to fly this route, and as soon as he gets to europe, he's going to figure out where he's at, and he's going to make his way to paris. he does that over the course of a day and a half, and he lands at lebrege just north of paris and is met by over 100,000 adoring fans, people cheering him on. and at that moment, the unknown lindbergh, the flight technologist, the person who worked with don hall to create this airplane, enters into this legendary status as probably the supreme aviator of the world, especially the united states, in which he becomes a household name, in which the growth in the aviation industry is seen as a result of what he's done in this flight, even though it's an indication of things that are moving along, but he really exacerbates and improves and, you know, expands the idea of an aviation industry. people want to learn to fly as a result of him. by christmas you could get a
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copy of the book called "we," and we means lindbergh and the spirit together and their flight. and so, this pop culture phenomena that lindbergh becomes is a result of this flight, and it's this era-defining moment in which america really turns the page in terms of understanding the power of the airplane, the excitement for that. in the wake of this flight to paris, lindbergh returns with the "spirit," and he is going to do a national tour through 1927 in which hundreds of thousands of americans are going to see him flying, see the "spirit." they've read about the flight. now they get to see him come to their hometown. by the end of the year, lindbergh goes on a tour of latin america, in which he's, you know, extending friendly relations with latin america and doing his long-distance flying there as well. and when you look at the front of the "spirit," you see the flags of the nations that lindbergh visited during his
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latin american tour. but you also see some military insignia there, which are from the army and marine units that he interacted with over the course of that tour. upon return of that flight in february and then in the spring of 1928, lindbergh gives "the spirit of st. louis" to the smithsonian institution. and that artifact stays on display, arts and industries building, the old tin shed, throughout the history of the old national air museum and then is on display in 1976 with the opening of the national mall building of the national air and space museum, where it's been on display ever since. and so, the artifact that you see behind me is the original "spirit of st. louis." it's had some conservation work, but that's the original fabric, that's the original metal. so it is once again one of those one-of-a-kind original artifacts that makes the smithsonian aviation collection so important, and why you need to
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see it. lindbergh's flight from new york to paris is a very important moment in the history of aviation, but there are aviators and aircraft that follow that show how the airport evolves and this idea of reinventing the airplane and especially pushing the farther and the higher, faster, and farther equation that really builds to crescendo in the 1930s. just a few months after lindbergh's flight across the atlantic and "the spirit of st. louis" on july 4, 1927, the first bega takes to the air. the airplane like you see behind me. this airplane is the result of the lockheed airplane company with a self taught, intuitive designer named jack northrup. not being educated in engineering school, northrupp has a feel. you can see streamlined is the larger term would look like.
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there's no supporting braces or wires. you have a cantilever or an internally supported wing you see on this aircraft. you also see a plywood fuselage. taking the heritage of the curtis r3c racer that goes back before world war i, you have a plywood fuselage that doesn't need an internal bracing system, as well as external bracing. so his idea of the clean airplane is manifested in this. it also has a radial engine installed at the front of the airplane and a metal propeller. now, the problem with the radial engine becomes a cornerstone technology, you know, we see on the spirit of st. louis and seeing it here, the problem with the radial engine is that it's situated like a flower petal at the front of the fuselage and
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it's the equivalent of a model t radiator on a car, but the cylinders need the air to travel over them to cool the cylinders, and so designers are making the choice, do you just have an exposed radial engine like the spirit of st. louis, or do you cover the engine to get aerodynamic efficiency to clean up the disturbed air, the drag, to make the airplane more efficient? so this is a fundamental question being investigated by the national advisory commission for aeronautics in langley, virginia. fred white who has a 20 foot wind tunnel he starts praying with the idea of a yowling for a radial engine and it's design number 10 that results in flowing air through to cool the engine controlling the streamline of the air on the outside.
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that technology maximizes its ability to fly 165 miles per hour cruise and the ability to fly passengers in what the original design of the airplane was for and so the naca wins the collier trophy rn, the highest award in achievement aviation, jock northrop takes it and puts it on the airplane and this is a cantileefr wing, you have fixed landing gear sticking out from the bottom of the aircraft and rubber tires and wheels that create drag and so his idea is well i'll put pants on the tires an the wheels. teardropped streamlined wheel pants are an idea of you have to have fixed landing gear. we'll make them as streamlined
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as possible. it increases the performance and efficiency of the vega so this becomes known as a high performance airplane and taken by several individuals like amelia earhart, who in the spring of 1932 flies this airplane across the atlantic ocean, the first woman to fly across the atlantic nonstop. in august of 1932 she flies nonstop across the united states, rapidly becoming this leading aviator in the united states flying a vega. after earhart flies nonstop across the united states, she sold her air plane to the franklin institute and in 1966 the airplane became available to the smithsonian institution and entered its collection. so the vega becomes the airplane of choice for record-breakers.
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in 1932 wely post, the oklahoma wildcater who loses an eye in an oil rig accident started flying. he chooses the vega so his characteristic white and blue winnie may, flies around the world with a navigator in 1931, and eight days and 1933, he flies around the world all by himself, in 7 1/2 days, and he starts learning these new phenomena that aviators are going to become to know after world war ii, the jet stream, so he gets an additional 120 miles per hour tailwind on his airplane, as he's flying from the jet stream. he learns it because he's flying so high, he's experimenting, he's also the first individual to experiment with the pressure suit, so the vega is the choice of aviators who want to push the limits of not only speed and
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distance, but altitude, in regards to what this airplane can do. so this is amelia earhart's characteristic red vega and shows her flying across the atlantic and it's in a lockheed electra that she disappears trying to flying fly around the world in 1937. lockheed becomescy none news with high performance and distance aircraft that aviators use these flights. this is a wood airplane and the performance being pushed which seems counter intuitive in regards to what this airplane is. it doesn't have a tubular steel fuselage like the spirit of st. louis but it's looking towards the future in terms of its shape and if we look at this dynamic 1926 to 1934 period of innovation that we're seeing a lot of these airplanes i've been talking about merge, the vega is one of the first to represent
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the future of what the airplane, how it's going to become modern over the course of the 1930s. so the vega ramped up the spectacle flight, the enthusiasm for these wonderful flights in terms of flying across oceans, continents, around the world, the next airplane the boeing 237d is an example of a commercial airliner that embodies these new innovations in this case carrying passengers for airlines in the 1930s. the 247d is one of the first modern airplanes overall introduced in 1933 so it reflects this her tanl of reinventing the airplane after world war i.
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it has all metal construction. the tubular steel fuselage for the spirit of st. louis and now you're looking at an all metal airplane. you make the aircraft bigger, put engine pods on them with gas turbine engines and jet airliners of the 1950s. we're look agent the beginning of that. the b9 bomber is an all metal mono plane and they want to develop that into a commercial airliner and the 127 is the result of that which embodies all metal construction as i said but also the idea of the streamlined design that the vega represents. i incorporated into an airplane made to make money these
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innovations to make it go faster. with the unveiling of the 247 you have 170-mile-per-hour airplane capable of carrying ten passengers a pretty stunning jump over a four trimotor that you can see up here goes about a cruise of 115 miles per hour. so it's carrying people longer distances and it compresses that 27 hours of transcontinental flight time across the united states into 19 1/2 hours and so another element is that the vast distances of the united states really pushed the development of commercial aircraft and by 1933, you have an airliner with two engines capable of flying faster than the most advanced army pursuit airplanes. and that kind of shapes the knowledge and the perception of what these airplanes can do. so the united aircraft and transport corporation is the parent company of boeing
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aircraft and also owns pratt and whitney engines, two pratt and whitney wasp engines, hamilton and standard propellers and several airlines including united airlines so boeing builds the airplanes and under the corporate umbrella they only can go to united aircraft and transport corporation family companies. other airline caps like twa and american airlines don't have this airplane available. twa under jack frye asked other aircraft manufacturers can you help us out? we want a replayment for the trimotor, what can you do? what results is a winning bid from a douglas company for the dc-2 airliner which becomes the dc-3 above the 247 and so as the 247 starts, it has some innovations that are built in, they're actually quite traditional t has fixed pitch propellers, it has just a
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cowling ring and a forward sloping wind screen and the result of the new to compete with the dc series of airlines from douglas you have the 247d model you see here, the slanting wind screen, full cowlings like a lockheed vega from the naca and variable pitch propellers. what i mean by that is hydraulic mechanisms that change the blade pitch as the propeller is rotating. it's an advanced irand pla increases the cruise to 188 miles per hour but the 247 can't compete and becomes the preimminent modern airplane of the 1930s and how that's celebrated but there's an interesting story in which the dc2 and 247 get into a race in the fall of 1934.
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a long distance race was sponsored connecting great britain to australia, melbourne, and it's 11,300 miles and an international race and they want to see who can win. at the end, a douglas dc2 and a boeing 247 that you see here come in second and third. the first airplane is a purpose built air racer but the dc2 and 247 they show how american aeronautical technology has surpassed and jumped ahead of european aircraft technology and it's the ability of those airplanes and the dc2 flies and makes stops along the way, you're doing passengers mail, but it's the 247d that you see here flown by the famous flamboyant charismatic pilot roscoe turner and clyde pangborn come in third, it's a 92-hour
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flight. they get lost for three hours, have engine trouble but they make it and it's the airplane you see here that made that flight and part of the story in which the international press says the united states has jumped ahead in aeronautical technolo technology. how do we catch up? it's such a shock in terms of the performance of the airplanes. after the mcrobertson race, this aircraft goes back into the united airlines inventory and just an airliner. in the early 1970 lz it's gichb to the smithsonian from united airlines and restored and the view that you see on the right side the united airlines markings after the mcrobertson case. so you can see both histories of that airplane in 1934 and afterwards.
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with the creation of the air and space museum in 1976 and the opening this was put on display in the air transportugalry now america by air to show that story of that first very crucial moment of the modern airplane in this case an airliner appearing in the mid 1930s. the boeing 247d we were discussing was state-of-the-art for 1933 and it really epitomized the technology that would become the modern airplane and it gets bigger at different power plants but it is the aircraft we all know in terms of the structure and the shape especially in terms of jet airliners today. the north american x15 emerged in the late 1950s, it's a research plane. beginning with the bell x1, the airplane first designed to
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investigate supersonic flight, the mach 1. there's this new generation of aircraft created through the national advisory committee for aeronautics, the naca, building airplanes just for investigating aerodynamic phenomena for some sort of aeronautical challenge that could be overcome fundamentally, and so x1 was the supersonic regime, and you have a succession of aircraft that are going to look into mach 1, mach 2, mach 3, look at construction techniques, different types of wings but it's the x15 program that begins in 1959 that investigates the hypersonic regime, so speeds beyond mach 4. looking athe the partnership between industry, north america, the military, the u.s. air force, the primary benefactor of u.s. high speed aircraft and national advisory committee for aeronautics, quickly translation into nasa from 1959 to 1968 this
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program investigates the hypersonic reseem and it has to do that in testing the f15 as an aerospace plane. here is a vehicle designed to transition from the earth atmosphere into the edges of space so over the course of 199 flights there are three x15s built by north american. taking that formula and pushing the idea of especially higher and faster you look at a vehicle in its present form designed for the hypersonic regime so what that means is has to be a vehicle that can fly in the atmosphere and has traditional controls and allow it to maneuver in the atmosphere but also needs a new system and if you look at the nose of the aircraft you see those little two holes in front of the white rectangle those are reaction control jets as it's row dynamic ability to control the aircraft goes away it actually uses
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reaction controled jets to control the aircraft. this is a true aerospace plane designed as a research airplane to investigate this hypersonic regime and the idea is how do you do this and make the aircraft survive? the distinctive shape is more of the shape of the fuselage, you don't see a big fat wing or delta wing. it's a compact structure with stubby wings to get to that speed regime. that tail is to facilitate control in the hypersonic regime. the air traveling over the surface of the vehicle was estimated up to 1200 degrees fahrenheit so that warranted the creation of a new material to make the aircraft out of that would influence other high speed aircraft, it's a nickel alloy called inkinnel x, space age materials put into an aerospace
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plane. the pilots wore pressurized suits like astronauts and this say condition turned program with the mermry and gemini and early apollo program. last element is the xlr99 rocket thrust engine, not designed to take off and land from the ground. it's designed to be carried by a b52 bomber converted into a mothership for nasa and carried up to 40,000 feet, it will be dropped and the pilot would engage the rocket engine and do whatever flight profile he needed to do. beginning in 1959 scott crossfield, the north american research engineering test pilot, makes the first flights with the x15 this particular one which is number one x15. seeing how it can fly, how it can fly and by the mid 1960s you
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have a flight program that has really influenced and encouraged how the space program developed its flight. there's the high range that edwards air force base these aircraft are operated and flown over and they're trapped, so just like tracking a satellite or tracking a capful, you're tracking this aircraft. by the mid to late 1960s, x15 flights are pushing that regime in terms of flying 67 miles high or 345,000 feet and flying at the high speed of mach 6 or 4500 miles per hour. the pilots of these vehicles are primarily nasa pilots or air force pilots. these are missions pushing
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people to believe and encouraging is this the way into space, is this what's going to be developed to make this transition? when this airplane first flies in 1959 that's only, charles lindbergh is alive. and these generations of flyers and the memory, they're seeing this so this idea of higher, faster and farther is really being symbolized by the flight of the x15 through the late 1960s. so this is x15 number one first flown by scott crossfield and also flown by a number of other nasa test pilots as well as air force pilots, neil armstrong who was employed as a nasa research test pilot, something he was very proud of in terms of flying. this was an alternate path that another vehicle was chosen for the atmosphere-to-space access in the form of the space shuttle
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primarily but also in terms of the mercury, gemini and apollo programs. the knowledge of the technology of designing a hypersonic vehicle in which the x15 holds the record as the fastest man-carrying vehicle even to this day, but the x15 is still a symbol of what might be the next plateau in terms of flying at hypersonic flight and many individuals especially nasa aeronautics who believe hypersonic travel is possible. there's researched in unmanned hypersonic flying engines and see these as a direct result of the work in aircraft like this research airplane the x15. i hope you've enjoyed this look at some of the one-of-a-kind pathbreaking aircraft to
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illustrate the theme of higher, faster and farther in the collections of the smithsonian national air and space museum. you can choose other examples but these are ones that i felt illustrated these ideas of pushing the envelope, reinvention as well as looking at the spectacle of why people get excited about seeing these and that touches upon these ways of experiencing flight. we have our pilots, we have our engineers that create the aircraft, we have passengers on airliners, but we also have people watching and reading and learning about these stories, these very important stories in aviation that have shaped and transformed our world and so in looking at these artifacts that's one of the primary roles of the smithsonian national air and space museum to preserve the artifacts and share them with the american public as well as the rest of the world. that's resonated with our visitors in terms of our success, but also in terms of us telling these stories and trying to present that in new ways to share that to show the different
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levels of experience as well as the importance of that technology so in many ways the museum has grown from a celebration of technology and these important milestones and moments to show how society and culture has been affected as well as how that in reverse has affected the technology itself. this is exciting to talk at least my take on that in terms of sharing that with visitors. >> you can watch this or other american artifacts programs as any time visiting our website we are back live outside the smithsonian national air and space museum located along the national mall in washington, d.c. on this date 40-year-old president gerald ford dedicated this museum, the most popular in the smith tone yap. america by air from our
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