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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2017 10:00am-10:10am EDT

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>> it is worth remembering he clerked for justice kennedy a long time ago. i know that i'm sure that's a special thing for both of them if the judge is confirmed to sit on the same court together. as you know, as you can all tell or know, being someone's law clerk is an important relationship and i'm sure that's -- he's looking forward to that. >> i think we have time for one more question. if not, well, join me in thanking our panel. in case you missed it, here are some clips of c-span's
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programming this past week. nominee for deputy attorney general rod rosenstein before the senate judiciary committee. >> we need to refrain from disparaging people unless it is necessary and justified in a case. so if we charge somebody with a crime, and it is appropriate to introduce evidence against them in court, we do it. if we don't charge them with a crime, we have a responsibility not to disparage their character. >> from the senate floor, senate minority whip dick durbin on president trump's revised travel ban. >> this new executive order includes some cosmetic changes, but the changes don't alter the fact that president trump's travel ban is still unconstitutional and still inconsistent with the values of this nation. >> house speaker paul ryan on the gop health care plan. >> so we said in 2016 to our citizens, to the american people, to our constituents, if you give us this chance, this opportunity, this is what we will do. now is our chance and our opportunity to do it.
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>> senator chris murphy on the legislation to replace the affordable care act. >> well, trump care is here and you are going to hate it. this is a dumpster fire of a bill that was written on the back of a napkin behind closed doors because republicans know it is a disaster. >> and ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley on north korea's use of ballistic missiles. >> this is someone trying to get attention. this is someone who is trying to cause a reaction. but this is what bothers us. it hit less than 200 nautical miles of japan. they said that their goal is to be able to reach u.s. bases in japan. this is not something we can take lightly. the global community needs to understand every country is in danger from the actions of north korea. >> congressman eliot engel during the energy and commerce committee markup of the health care bill.
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>> this is one of the most important things that we're going to vote on this year and it is rushed through. and we're buying a pig in a poke because we don't have all the details. so that's why we're so disgruntled on the other side of the aisle. we don't like this being jammed down our throats and rushed down our throats and rushed down the american people's throats. >> c-span programs are available at, on our home page, and by searching the video library. this week is sunshine week. an annual campaign for greater public access to government. it is also c-span's anniversary week. 38 years ago on march 19th, 1979, the house of representatives opened its debates to tv cameras for the first time. and the cable television industry launched c-span to bring the congress into america's homes. >> gentleman from tennessee. >> mr. speaker, on this historic
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day, the house of representatives opens its proceedings for first time to televise coverage. i wish to congratulate you for your courage in making this possible. and the committee who worked so hard under the leadership of congressman charles rose to make this a reality. television will change this institution, mr. speaker, just as it has changed the executive branch. but the goodwill far outweigh the bad. from this day forward, every member of this body must ask himself or herself how many americans are listening to the debates which are made. when the house becomes comfortable with the changes brought by television coverage, the news media will be allowed to bring their own cameras into this chamber, and in the meantime there is no censorship, every word is available for broadcast coverage, and journalists will be able to use and edit as they see fit. the solution for the lack of
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confidence in government, mr. speaker, is more open government at all levels. i hope, for example, that the leadership of the united states senate will see this as a friendly challenge to begin to open their -- >> under the rules, the gentleman's time has expired. >> the marriage of this medium and our open debate has the potential, mr. speaker, to revitalize representative democracy. >> and in 1986, the cable industry launched c-span2, to carry the senate live. all of our congressional coverage is webcast live, archived and searchable for free at c-span tv, radio, and online are provided as a public service of our cable and satellite affiliates across the nation. and we're live on capitol hill now for a senate judiciary committee hearing on immigration fraud using k-1 visas, a type of visa that allows a foreign national to enter the country
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for 90 days to marry a u.s. citizen. the committee was set to get under way right about now. but there is a vote on the senate floor that is delaying this hearing from getting under way. but it should start shortly. we saw the chairman of the committee, chuck grassley, on the senate floor a short while ago, it should get under way shortly as well. by the way, this is the first of two hearings that the judiciary committee is holding today. later this afternoon, their focus will be on russia's interference in world democracies. that hearing will be at 2:30 this afternoon and that will be over on our companion network c-span. and meanwhile, also this afternoon, same time, here on c-span3, we'll bring you news conference with fed chair janet yellen, the fed is meeting today, expected to announce a bump up in the interest rate, we'll hear more about that from the chairman janet yellen at 2:30 this afternoon. so here on c-span3, waiting for this hearing to get under way, the votes under way in the senate, so things should start happening here in the judiciary
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committee in just a bit.
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you can see senator grassley in the room, the chairperson of the judiciary committee, and the first of two hearings we're covering today in that committee. this one this morning looking at immigration fraud using k-1 visas, the type of visa that allows a foreign national to enter the u.s. for 90 days to marry a u.s. citizen. and this afternoon, the judiciary committee hearing looking at russia's interference in elections and world democracies, that's at 2:30 eastern, over on c-span.


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