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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2017 1:28am-1:33am EDT

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good meeting. >> thank you. >> what about the need for infrastructure, funding infrastructure? >> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. >> coming up tonight on c-span 3, lawmakers on capitol hill look at the future of the military, a senate hearing focuses on logistics involved in expanding the fence on the u.s./mexico border and a conversation on u.s./egypt relations. >> in case you missed it on
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c-span, clint tan watts at the central intelligence hearing. >> through the end of 2015 and start of 2016, the russian influence system began pushing themes and messages seeking to influence the outcome of the u.s. presidential election. russia's overt and covert sought to sideline opponents on both sides of the political spectrum with adversarial views towards the kremlin. they were in full swing during the republican and democratic season. >> lieutenant general gina gross so he on the shortage of pilots in the military. >> the total force including our active guard and reserve comments to was short 1,555 pilots across all mission areas. of this amount, the total force was short 1,211 fighter pilots. it should be know noted that the cost to train a fifth generation fighter pilot to prepare him or her for their first squadron is approximately $11 million.
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>> nfl wide receiver rolleden at a congressional forum on policing minority communities. >> there are a lot of ploois police officers that aren't involved in the communities that they're serving in or supposed to be serving in. so i have this crazy theory that if i know you, i'm a lot more likely to treat you a lot better than if i don't. so if i have a relationship with you, with that relationship i'm not going to be so quick to lock you up. >> general joseph votel on security challenges in the middle east. >> while we consider and establish accountability over our actions in this incident, i think it is also important to clearly recognize that the enemy does use human shields, has little regard for human life, and does attempt to use sixian
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casualties operations as a tool. >> today the state of israel is a modern day david and ga lie yej is the sars nal of hundreds of thousands of rockets and missiles aimed at the jewish state by terror groups like hezbollah and hamas. but this time israel has a major upgrade in technology that will help it take down the next giant. amen. the david sling missile defense system, which wasco developed by israel's rav phi yell advance systems and the american defense contractor ray thee on. >> c-span programs are available at, on our home page and by searching the video library. >> c-span's washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you and coming up wednesday morning, florida republican congressman
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ted yoho will discuss potential u.s. response to the recent north korean missile tests. he'll also preview trump's meeting with the chinese president, and marci captaintor will talk about the u.s. trade agenda and the state of manufacturing here in the u.s. also washington examiner healthcare correspondent robert king will discuss a reported new effort on healthcare. be sure to watch c-span's washington journal beginning live 7 eastern wednesday morning. join the discussion. >> today on capitol hill, members of the house armed services committee were briefed on the state of the u.s. armed forces. they were joined by three former pentagon officials who focused on ways to improve the services. from capitol hill, this is about two hours and 15 minutes. >> tomorrow we'll hear from the service chiefs on repairing and rebuilding our military. today, however, we'll concentrate on the other


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